Monday, August 19, 2024

City reducing speed limits

CBS 8:

And it's not just happening on main roads like Encinitas Boulevard, Coast Highway, and Leucadia Boulevard, it's also happening on smaller side streets that are within a quarter mile of a school. Those limits will drop from 25 to 20.

“That is slow,” Bankston said, “but we want to make sure that we're safe for out vulnerable citizens - our cyclists, our pedestrians, our school kids, our seniors.”

The City says it will cost around $120,000 to complete the project, but if it saves one life, residents say its money well spent.


  1. Awake (not woke) Encinitas City worker dude spotted after being notified abt vACx mandate

    2024 Voters Guide

    US President
    Donald J Trump

    US House of Representatives
    Matt Gunderson

    San Diego County Supervisor
    Kevin Faulconer

    Encinitas Mayor
    Bruce Ehlers

    Encinitas City Council District 1
    Luke Shaffer

    Encinitas City Council District 2
    James O'Hara

    1. Encinitas MAGA POS:

      It’s so unfair that they are saying these candidates are MAGA!!!!

      Also MAGA POS:

      ^^ This

    2. Starvin like deflection crap

    3. How much is Walsh making on his confusion campaign? He's MAGA so thinks it's extra clever playing like he's the other side. Don't we all wish we had his giant brain?? How much? is the burning question.

    4. 🎡"Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?"

    5. 332 kinda weird how you analyze. Just weird

    6. 3:32 You perfectly summarized the fake independent movement in Encinitas.

  3. Not that anyone has slowed down, but most of these speed limit reductions are unnecessary and just plain pointless. It pisses me off when they outright lied that it would cost $60K , which was obviously too low, when the cost was double that. Waste of taxpayers money and more virtue signaling from the inept council instead of real problem solving.

    Can't wait till Bruce is elected. Guaranteed we will not be stressing over stupid decisions. He'll get more meaningful issues taken care of.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΌπŸ’―. The signs will do nothing except for add to sign pollution. Is there going to be any enforcement? because today there are no sheriffs on the road.

      They’re all on the beach, cruising their beach buggies, and playing in their beach bikini watching station

    2. Not much enforcement. The Sheriffs are too busy cleaning up homeless complaints.

      Can't remember which road, but it has both a 30 mph and a 35 mph sign within a block of each other!

  4. Destiny is definitely council candidate light. Her Swami's post on EN sounds like a vacation promo. Doesn't appear her handlers are smart enough to have her post on real issues. They really hope to get away with it too. And the Wokes on this blog claim Luke & Jim don't know issues? You could probably fill a thimble full of her local knowledge compared to theirs.

    She really needs to be vetted and by the public.

    1. Airbnbush will be vetted by the public.

      It is just one will be a long and humorous vetting if she happens to win the election.

      Not likely….. but both outcomes make me smile.

    2. Democrats will blindly vote for her.

    3. 6:43 My friends, family and I sure will. Maybe someday a real independent will step up and that could change. This latest bunch of fakes isn't it.

    4. And what do you think Destiny is? The real thing? Knowledgeable about Encinitas? Our issues? What’s her motivation to run, especially since she just got here? If she wasn’t a Democrat you’d have the same questions.

      I personally hate that Julie, Leah and their ilk have their hands in opposition elections, but their involvement doesn’t mean these are bad candidates. It just means no one else has stepped up to supplant them and they are overly pushy and aggressive, to the detriment of everything else.

      But the same can be said of Mali, Marco and the mouths on the left.

      As far as I’m concerned, the Marcos and Julie’s don’t speak for me or anyone I know. Besides, they all exist in a bubble. Most people here don’t know who any of them are.

      Bruce knows better than to play in their sandbox, especially after Julie’s traitorous actions in 2022, but these guys are relative newbies, especially Luke who is a really good guy.

      They have no idea how Julie fucked us over pitching for Morris while supporting Kranz.

      This city desperately deserves a change in management. Don’t care if they are a D or an R, but I do care that they are fiscally responsible, don’t dictate their ideologies and keep residents safe.

      Right now I’m ready for some new blood because the old is hemorrhaging.

    5. 7:38- πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    6. 6:43 is correct. Why can't the republicans/libertarians in this town stop lying about their political beliefs and propose more moderate positions?

      All of us may not be in favor of hunting down the unhoused, throwing them somewhere and forgetting about it, but we might have open ears to development issues. They are dumb for taking the extreme path every time.

    7. Destiny has training in the same types of positions that Marco and developers support. I am shocked that she isn't trying to get a job at the city in planning. We need council members who are invested in the Encinitas community like Jim O'Hara, who is a volunteer coach and organizes community sporting events. Jim's focus is a much better representation of local Encinitas than the groups that Destiny panders to. The fact that Carlsbad resident Lisa Shaffer backs her speaks volumes.

  5. Thank you 6:43pm and 7:15pm. You are prime examples of choosing to blinded by a lifelong career criminal family enterprise for a cult of personality.

    How long have you been working to end our democracy? Did it take such a low life to bring you around to working to make our country into an autocratic style of government?

    No worries. Quote "you won't have to vote in four years" unquote. This is you. What an easy mark for exploitation you right wingers are.

    It is called spineless.

  6. Reports have Kadumba as a raging alcoholic and her aids are struggling with keeping her sober … hence no interviews! It’s apparently the best kept non secret in DC, after Mr Potato Head was a dementia patient for 3.5 years

  7. Airbnbush has a legitimate local business and gives quality massages that are amazing! The business TOTALLY exists for real. Get one if you can, but you may have to wait in line coz it's super popular and coz the business is so local and legitimate!
    - The Confusion Committee (aka Starvy-pants)

    1. It’s only real if there is a red light out in front.

      Thx Starvy- pants.

  8. 8:41 She is sooo into Kamunism! It’s hard to believe there are people so dumb that they fall for Kadumba!

    1. Could you speak English for a change? No one follows your freak show code.

    2. Unfortunately, we have to skim through porn and partisanship to get to the more meaningful comments.

    3. True. Between the watchdog refugees and MarcoAmandas the real discussion is hard to find.

    4. Starvin comments about Stan dogs has been old for about 6 months now.

      The Encinitas City Council, all Commissioners, and all of the city staff tune into the site daily because we all know:

      EU =

      ***Encinitas Real Times News***

      More valuable and factual news than the San Diego Union Tribune.

  9. thank you for reducing the speeds. a needed issue
    people drive like jerks

    1. 6:33- thank you for proving your an idiot.

      The city is putting up more sign pollution and is distracting drivers with more and more signs. Oh honey look the speed limit sign says 35 and I just hit an old fart because I was looking at all the sign.

      The City did nothing to slow drivers speeds.

      Nothing. Kranz actually approves hazardous designs on Encinitas roads.

      Smart people see this information -

    2. 6:33- One thing you said was right about people derive like jerks.

      I sure wish the city would start addressing the issue and designing roadways the right way, And quit wasting money on these massive sign pollution programs that do nothing.

      Typical Encinitas Shit Show comes from failed leadership.

    3. 5:33. They still do.

    4. I'm curious....what is sign pollution again? Is that the same repetitive nonsense like reparations for sub-humans?

  10. Kranzinitas Alert-

    Let’s thank Tony Kranz for planning tall buildings and inviting the Fenty Zombies to Encinitas. He loves the results they’ve had in Oside and invited all there homeless tweekers to Kranzinitas. All the Oside and Cbad Police send the Zombies to Encinitas beause they know Kranz has invited everyone for free beach livin’.

    Police are investigating after four people were randomly attacked near Oceanside Harbor by baseball bat-wielding assailants wearing bandanas over the weekend, investigators said.

    The first incident was reported around 8:50 p.m. Saturday

    Open the Second Senior Center at PV Homeless Parking Lot. Peeps need a place to sleep while waiting for their free supplies from CRC and harassing and assaulting local school children.

  11. Good morning all,

    Will someone sign up and be my partner for the Kama Sutra “art of passion” classes being offered at our new Second Senior Center?

    - DEI Garden Gnome

  12. Hey everybody! Let's keep posting the same repetitive shit all day every day! It never gets old! What a great way to live your life!

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎStarvy-like deflection post

  13. I'm gonna post information about Destiny in my group so all the harpies can tear her to shreds. Of course they do as expected. I even join in talking shit about Destiny blocking people even though blocking people for no reason is one of the things I'm known for. Now I complain about why Destiny won't join our discussion attacking her. Oops I better delete the comment I made and hope she's never heard of me or my echo chamber group because if she has she's gonna know exactly what we're about.

    Who am I? 🀣🀣🀣

    1. A perpetual loser of Encinitas who lacks the self awareness to realize she is the kiss of death?

    2. No, that's 🐽

    3. I have some serious questions for Destiny. She apparently has an undergraduate degree from Berkeley and alludes to experience in graduate school. If she completed these degrees, why is she working as a massage therapist and not in a city or county job as an analyst? Marco boasts of her outstanding experience, but she wants the chance to determine what our city will be like when she seems unable to maintain jobs in the fields that she says she has trained at great expense. As many have pointed out, she has not lived in Encinitas long enough to understand the specific concerns and interest of residents nor the history and development of our communities. Her story about her experience and her expertise does not ring true when she works in massage and serves as a volunteer (when she is able to attend meetings) on various committees.

    4. Julie's lived here for decades. Not only does she have no idea what Encinitas wants, the voters have shown dozens of times they want the exact opposite of what she wants. In the time it took you to write your paragraph you could've read one of several places that shows Destiny's also employed by the state as a Senior Transportation Planner. Are you also one of those people who also doesn't understand how someone could both be Indian and Black?

    5. Many share your concerns and those who don't, should. She claims she works full time as a masseuse and as a planner for an agency. She has also stated that she considers the council job part time. With her complete lack of Encinitas knowledge other than "I visited it, I liked it," she'll surely be taking her marching orders from Blakespear, Kranz, Gonzalez. Hardly a representative of her district.

    6. 10:17- If you haven't figured out by now that Lorri is too far gone to understand her own mental state and behavior, you haven't been paying attention.

    7. 11:35- it’s called being American. Remember where a mixing pot you don’t need to highlight and focus on skin color or ethnic background.

      All humans are created equal. Remember start with we are American. No need to get into all of the victim mentality crap.

    8. -πŸ‘πŸ’―Excellent

    9. 11:57, unless you are Irish, or Italian, or Scottish, or Norwegian, or any other flavor of white.

      Then by all means celebrate your heritage and culture, right?

    10. If she works for the state as a planner, that is a huge red flag. I would not vote for anyone with that background to be an Encinitas council member. Long time Encinitas residents want to fight Sacramento. She should stick with massage and stay out of our business.

    11. You can bet that if elected, her only contribution is to say that our hands are tied and to vote to further degrade what is left of Encinitas.

    12. With Destiny's transportation planning background, this will mean narrower roads, less parking, more bike lanes and bike racks. We already have that in excess. No thank you! She also shares Marco's definition of environmentalism that includes the transportation model mentioned above as well as stack and pack, heat islands on the coast.

  14. 11:35 who cares about Julie? She chose the wrong associates, can't stay in her lane, and has made herself irrelevant and untrustworthy and is now the poster child for who not to have supporting a candidate. She either hasn't figured that out yet, has an enormous ego, or is part of the Kranz confusion campaign.

    Her support for candidates should not be confused with the many former Kranz voters now getting behind O'Hara, Ehlers, Shaffer.

    Her opposition to Preston is not to be confused with the growing number of Dems who have serious doubts about Destiny's fitness for Encinitas public office.

  15. How is it that even in professional head shots O'hara looks like a goblin. 😟 That CN picture is 🀣

  16. 11:38am. You are one sick as f pos lowlife. Don't you have something better to do from your seat at the Office? Apparently not. It is your history around here.

  17. Thunder and Bissonette are poison for our local elections. They know it and in their quest to be relevant, DON’T GIVE A SHIT.

    1. Thunder is all over Encinitas Votes promoting the opposition candidates. She knows exactly what she is doing and so does her sidekick, Walsh. What they are getting from working for Kranz is the big question.

    2. Unfortunately, for them. She and Jim are friends, no surprise. I can't remember if Jim was a moron voter or not. Now she's got Luke mixed up with Bissonette who is also another has been, never was to Encinitas politics. Luke is a solid candidate too. I hope he doesn't get burned.

    3. They are not friends. Jim knew early on to be polite yet keep his distance. Julie doesn't have Luke mixed up with anyone as he is also acutely aware of her and Leah and their stank. That is your (Walsh) confusion campaign talking. And someone who knows the truth will be here to out you every time. Carry on.

    4. 3:34 Jim and Julie are absolutely friends. Luke's holding events at Leah's house. You're talkin out your ass.

    5. What's wrong with fund raising? Only the approved people are allowed to host an event? We all know who is "hated". Which people are on the Democrat approved "loved" side?

    6. Hi Julie who never comes here.

  18. I demand to know what is Airbnbush real name. She states it's Vazquez ( formerly Preston ) in her Arcata, and Encinitas massage business, then uses Preston on the city council candidate Forms? she just got into town, renting an AirB&B, initially in D-3, then in D-2, (because she did not know the difference ) to fake her residency in Encinitas! She reeks of a plant by the usual suspects.

  19. It’s a no win with her, whether she’s sincere or screwing the residents again. She’s bad mojo.

    She needs to stay the hell out of D1 and D2

  20. The thunder ego know no bounds. One can suggest to her to stfu because every time she voices support for candidates they lose votes. If she really wanted her candidate of choice to be successful she would stfu. We all know who she supports and have known for months. Why isn't that enough for her?

    Same goes for the not golden golden. Both of need to Stfu and do this community a favor for a change.

  21. Airbnbush’s business is in D4 yet she volunteered for the L101 board a few months ago even through it’s only within D1&D3.

    I smell a carpetbagger rat. Why isn’t Steve or any other Journalist following up with these major questions.

    I sure hope she does a debate, because voters have a right to know the truth.

    1. L101 is D1 and D2, not 3. "L" for "Leucadia."

    2. 3:30- your right. D1&D2.

      My typo. Thx

  22. I think it's awesome that once O'Hara realized he's going to lose he started showing himself to be the toxic d0uche everyone suspected he was. He's following in the footsteps of the same perpetual losers that put him up to run in the first place. Some of us already knew what Jimbo is about but until recently not everyone believed it.

    1. You’re so incredibly delusional it’s comical.

      Meanwhile Destiny didn’t want to debate Jim and wants her participation, trophy, “meet and greet” instead.

    2. 🀣🀣🀣 Julie is the least of LukeJim's problems. They hooked their wagon to Natalie, Christie and Rachel. If Julie is cancer those three are Ebola. Luke may survive it but Jim's campaign was over as soon as it became clear who was pulling his strings.

    3. 3:44 you're full of shit.

    4. Julie is at the root of the problem. Natalie, Christie and Rachel are just her running dogs. Julie is the Queen Bee - not a team player, more of a ruler. Has to be relevant in every election but never ever learns from her stupid mistakes, poor choices in friends and flawed decision making.

      Jim just isn't as likeable or charismatic as Luke and he's up against Destiny's backers. He wouldn't be my first choice, but I still hope he can pull it off. Destiny would be a vote against Leucadians.

  23. Y'all need to remember. Ms. Preston was the very first candidate to bail out of a debate.

    1. What is she hiding? Is she smart enough to know that if she starts to quote state planning to Encinitas residents that she will be doomed?

    2. That wasn't a debate 4:31, it was a joke. So much so the organizers had to cancel it.

  24. I'd like to see candidate statements that they are not beholden to parties, contributors or special interests. If the D1/D2 candidates won, they should shed their handlers and concentrate on doing the people's business. Bruce is a much better leader than Julie Thunder or any of her ilk could ever dream to be. It's why he's in office and they're not.

  25. EV is such a steaming pile of disinformation, lies by omission, and plain ol lying liars by trade. Where do they get the evidence OHara & Shaffer agreed to the most recent conditions of the CoC debate? Where do they get any info other than idle gossip and complete bs.

    1. I read that post. Those are valid concerns. I’m a D2 resident and extremely worried about one of the candidates and her platform. Like Jim or not, he’s pretty forthcoming. Destiny, on the other hand, is smoke and mirrors.

      I propose that D2 residents bombard her, the council and chamber to make sure that residents have at least one solid forum for candidate comparisons.

      It really does seem like they are going to slide an unvetted candidate into office by the strength of her endorsements and the letter D. It’s everything that’s currently wrong with this town.

    2. This was a forum for all candidates. If the issue was a single candidate only, why couldn't Ehlers vs Kranz and Blackwell vs Shaffer proceed?

      Some people posting here are losers that can't handle the truth.

    3. And let Jim take questions from the audience. I’m not have destiny. Decide whether or not he faces the public. She will be found wanting whether she shows up or not.

    4. And not have destiny decide whether OHara faces the public

    5. 6:10, O'Hara had his chance with the St. Andrews debate. He and Shaffer made a run for it with no explanation ever, like a couple of fill in the blanks.

    6. That was foolish on their behalf. I’m not sure who their handlers are but they need to man up and own their candidacy.

    7. That's what EV is and has always been. For the last few elections I always send people over there and let them take it all in. After the shock wears off I sometimes answer a few simple questions about the cast of characters. The experience has never failed to convince someone to vote against the EV candidates. The most common response is usually some variation of "I can't believe these people live here!". I don't bother telling them that many of them don't. Thanks EV! 🀣

    8. AIrbnbush will be continually shredded on CC and will crack immediately. Her carpetbagging BS make Marco seem like the pole and Kranz, smart like Elon Musk

      She will not be vacationing in Encinitas long.

      - 🌎 peace

    9. O’Hara & Shaffer put it in writing (as did Blackwell). Preston won’t respond

  26. I remember all the hoopla made over debates the last election. I think every candidate except Ehlers and the nobody’s who were running in his district were able to debate. Olivenhain got shut down because of Jeff Morris’s awful drunken behavior at Oktoberfest.

    This new BS by any candidates to avoid legitimate forums debates held by the Chamber or LWV or any town council is BS and downright avoidance of their civic duty if they want to get elected.

    Sorry candidates, but it’s rare to find any non partisan venues. Get prepared. Go prepared and let the people decide!

    1. Yup. Put on your big boy pants O'Hara & Shaffer.

    2. And Airbnbush and the DEI Garden Gnome.

    3. 6:24, word on the street is that O'Hara & Shaffer are the roadblocks.

    4. Chamber people have been quietly complaining for weeks that O'Hara and Shaffer are the problem. They even mentioned specific people in their camps as being the cause. I wonder who that could be. πŸ€” Definitely not the same people trying to put the blame on Destiny and Allison! 🀣🀣🀣

    5. Didn’t O’Hara just claim he and Shaffer were on board? As did Allison?

      Nice try. πŸ‘

    6. Chamber people are silent about the 13% sales tax increase which will drive all business to Carlsbad and bankrupt Encinitas businesses.

      The Chamber is useless and supported by a broken City Hall led by Anthill.

  27. 6:27pm Word on the street? I am sure we can take that to the bank, considering the source. What else ya got?

  28. 🐽 and Admiral Starvin are working hard to get Kranz and her clown council of choice including Airbnbush and a DEI Garden Gnome.

    Encinitas is doomed. πŸ₯²

  29. Chamber people have been quietly complaining for weeks that O'Hara and Shaffer are the problem. They even mentioned specific people in their camps as being the cause. I wonder who that could be. πŸ€” Definitely not the same people trying to put the blame on Destiny and Allison! 🀣🀣🀣
    - This message is sponsored by the Confusion Committee

    1. How many times are you going to copy and paste the same lie?
      The only one NOT on board was Destiny.

    2. If she was the only one not on board why aren't candidates in the other elections debating?

    3. 5:09 Ask the Chamber. O'Hara asked if he could still answer questions, but it was a no-go. Destiny ruined it for everyone.

    4. I've heard the same grumblings from people involved with the CoC. Even if I hadn't, anyone can see the problem was O'Hara again. He and the idiots running his campaign are so painfully obvious in everything they do. Their explosive reaction in the last day is textbook diversion and blame shifting tactics.

    5. I agree 11:18. Negotiations were going on over a long period of time. This wasn't as simple as O'Hara and Shaffer bloodthirsty supporters wish it was.

    6. O'Hara has proven himself to be another bridge burner not a bridge builder. He's a hostile nutjob unfit for office.

    7. He's scared of women voters for sure. Especially a league of them that don't bend to his and his handler's invented rules.


  30. Jim Benedetti
    The Chamber will be holding a meet and greet, on September 23 at Mira Costa College, instead of a forum. All candidates should have been invited by now.

    1. - This message is sponsored by the Confusion Committee

  31. Has Airbnbush ever been to an Encinitas City Council meeting and spoke on an issue?

    Has she ever been to the Encinitas City Hall?

    All I’ve ever seen for her in her brief visits here are vacation photos and reminiscing about her vacations to her Aunt’s in Carlsbad and she visited the SRF gardens once in her past.

    Sounds like any other LA VRBOer……

    How much time does she spend at her massage parlor in D4 verses in Nor Ca and Sacramento on business and trips.

    She sure seems to spend tons of time commuting and causing GHG emissions which is very bad for all of our health.

    - Mother 🌎

    1. I should hope not.

      Public comments never achieved a single thing.

      Standing at a podium flapping your arms in performative outrage at nothing for 10 people watching on TV is terribly sad.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎTony we already know your feeling about public comments.

      Pipe down, Dunce.

    3. Just got off the phone with the chamber, they canceled the debate because they're expecting power-outages that day.
      - The Confusion Committee

    4. Just got off the phone with the chamber board, they canceled the debate because they're betting on the 13% sales tax increase, shorting Encinitas businesses, and investing heavily in Carlsbad Businesses.
      - The Confusion Committee

  32. Jim and Luke distance from 🐽.

    🐽 stench is hard to wash off and is bad for your health.

  33. Why does Airbnbush use so many different aliases? I've come across 4 different facebook pages all with different fake names. Just seems like the person BIAspear hand-picked for this election would be a bit more buttoned up. With an unmade bed of an individual this we will probably never hear from her ever (unless you're a member of Encinitas Progress Unity or attend the Saturday night freak shows with the two ass hats).

    1. Airbnbush is a gypsy Freakshow member…

      She is used to traveling from one town to the next and same goes with her social media, She’s literally like a circus freak show member.

      Always changing always evolving always never staying put.. likes new bedfellas and changing often getting the eye of our current huge princess, and getting her girlfriend all jelly with that natural wild free flowing hair down there.

      That’s what the Freaks wants for Encinitas to change, change change and become more like LA, Santa Ana and Oceanside with high buildings massive crime, tweeker Zombies, and fifth.

      There is a large group of us lifelong Democrats, of the ilk of Maggie Houlihan, that just despise what the current freakshow has done to the City of Encinitas.

      Join the Democrats and the non-political parties and others to vote in a non-partisan city council of smart common sense leaders, including:

      Bruce Ehlers,
      Jim O’Hara
      Luke Shaffer

      With these three, we have a winning team. Encinitas will put the dents out the pasture, And the appointed AZ zonie will have no voice which will be a huge blessing.

    2. *With these three, we have a winning team. Encinitas will put the Dunce out to pasture, and the appointed AZ zonie will have no voice which will be a huge blessing.


  34. Thank Blakespear, Kranz and Gonzales - traffic will soon be at a standstill due to the intensely congested streets, due to mass density housing championed by these self-serving hypocrites.

  35. 6:39 Kranz forgets he was once an arm flapper at the podium. Fast forward to today and could he have imagined he’d be sharing a comrade in arms with $tock$? Even he could not have predicted that.

  36. Many of us have to tried to PM her as she has asked, but no response. My question isn't why she won't debate, but why is she here at all. Who brought her in, and why is she keeping her distance from anyone who isn't a council member or a Board of Supes member. Has anyone been invited to a meet and greet for her? If so, did she say anything to convince you she is the right fit for Encinitas City Council? I love mysteries and this is one of the biggest mysteries in any election I have seen in Encinitas.

    1. No mystery. She's a guaranteed Yes vote for Kranz.

  37. I've had no issues getting answers from Destiny. Maybe it's because I'm not a loser who spends all day on social media trying to convince people not to vote for her.

    1. Maybe it's because you ask her softball questions and you're a member of the Lisa Shaffer Catherine Blakepsear approved list. Did you ask her if she supports the 1% sales tax? I'll take a wild guess not.

    2. Lisa Shaffer? What year do you think it is?

      No I didn't ask about the sales tax. It's a dumb question and an even dumber platform. The sales tax increase is on the ballot for voters to decide just like the clownfolk claim they like it.

    3. She's not a voter with an opinion? Opinions are like buttholes, everybody has one.

    4. 11:14- So what did you ask and what was her response?

    5. I just asked Destiny if Jim & Julie are full of shit and I got a response.

  38. 12:09. Lisa Shaffer is quite relevant since she posts repeatedly about her candidate choices in a city she no longer lives in but helped ruin.

    1. There's a long list of people that don't live here and feel they have a say in what voters decide. They're usually all republicans.

    2. Yup, but it’s the local Democrats who really tanked Encinitas this past five years. Shit on all of us but good.

    3. don't know that. I'm an independent and kamala harris is without question the dumbest woman on the planet. She makes biden look smart.

    4. Minion. Moved to a Facebook for that two party system waste of time.

  39. Posts repeatedly about candidate choices in a city they don't live in? We must be talking about Rachel, Pam, Larry, Diane, Bob, Serge, Noel, Craig, and the dozens more like them including whoever runs this blog.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎso dont track this blog and get Encinitas real time news.

    2. Throw Marco’s friend Jim Jaffee into the mix

    3. Don’t forget Lisa Shaffer and her wacky husband, or Daryl Dupre, Kevin Sabellico or Erik Es. All losers!

  40. 1:08pm and 1:09pm is one and the same ignorant poster. Independent? Not a chance of you being considered independent, except in your own made up dreamworld. Kamala would wipe the floor with you, which considering your low level would not be a challenge for any of us too. All of her hard earned positions from District Attorney to congress to the White House, makes you the dumb one. Independent? haha. You made a funny. You really shouldn't compare intelligence levels to anyone at your more than obvious low IQ level.

    1. Written like a true America hating leftist. Harris is dumb, she can't put together a complete sentence. She isn't called word salad sally for nothing.
      She isn't black but had sex with blacks. I suspect it makes her feel black. Does she have flat feet with protruding heels?
      The America hating left has ruined the U.S.
      But keep voting for them and the over 10 million illegals they let into the country. You fool

    2. Minion. WEF owns you.

  41. You will keep digging yourself down ever deeper.

    It is what your kind does when they have only their true racist selves to project. Your inhumane side shows with every post. your anti-American cult submits to you.

    Independent? That is funny in a very not funny way.

    1. So....the truth is buffoon

  42. Your alternate truth? Fact check time.

  43. Ever wonder why the left, once the democratic party is like children with ADD. There is zero logic as in, what ever pops into their brains is the truth. It's very odd.
    These supporters when asked questions, just ramble on about nothing. The chinese worked it and now moron americans live it. Add cell phones and you have ADD children hooked on crack. Unable to reason, think clearly and welcome 10 million
    illegals. This is something out of a science fiction novel.

  44. You conveniently left out your fellow right wing pos domestic terrorists seeking to end our democratic republic for a lifelong criminal. It must be the dems fault. Everything wrong is the dems fault. You choose to be blind to the biggest threat to our nation's form of government. The republicans.

    How long have you been working to overthrow our democracy? Why did it such a disreputable lifelong criminal to come along to convince you that our nation needs a dictator?

    1. Trump is so awful the country was running great when he was in office. Now? The A.D.D crowd. Ruinning the u.s
      3:51......are you sure your parents aren't brother and sister? Somethin' ain't right with you.

    2. Minion. The two party system is your freind. πŸ‘

      - WEF

  45. What or who is WEF?

    1. My Lord, with that kind of comment you sound as dumb as Tony.

    2. That explains why you’re part of the 2-party system, and a minion for WEF.

      But all that waste of time is for Facebook. So go rant on FB.

      This site is for ***Encinitas’s real time news***

  46. Who or what is WEF?

    1. World Economic Forum. They control it all.

    2. 3:40...........yep. Notice how prices on gas as an example is lower. It is to make the idiot harris look like she has done something besides let in 10 million turd world ghetto inhabitants in the U.S Lock and load

  47. Mini rambo, please do act on your words. You would do this community a favor if stood behind you words and acted on them.

    Of course, we all know you will not do anything but sit in your reserved seat at the Office and pound them down while spreading your imagined tough guy personna.

    Ooooh look at me. I will break out my guns and save us all from the brown skinned border invasion and all from my barstool. What a man you must imagine yourself to be.

    In fact, such imagined grandiosity is only a figment of your imagination. We have all seen the quality, make that, lack of, your character for decades.

  48. The safety upgrades on Quail Gardens Dr. should end all the nonsense of speeders speeding on that country road. The two stop signs make the message clear enough. So does the 25mph reduction. While I never saw the excessive speeds the locals claimed in the past, it must have been my timing or there was some exaggeration being expressed.

    Anyway, congrats to you locals for now having a safer roadway thanks to the city finally getting off their lazy butts and doing what had been asked of them for years.

    It this encourages some drivers to use other roads, even better.
