Friday, August 16, 2024

Kranz reacts to online videos showing Encinitas homeless situation


Those "Kooks on IG":


  1. Wow, just wow! This is how a mayor responds to legitimate resident concerns. Wow!

    1. LOL legitimate concerns. Watchdorks 2.0.

    2. 2:07 You have no idea how close to the truth that is. Soon....

    3. There's nothing legitimate about Amy Reichert.

    4. Reichert was obliterated in her run for supe last year by 25 points. Yet she doesn't get the hint that residents aren't interested in her antivax and Trumper bullshit. Remind you of any Encinitas losers?

    5. 2:07 do you characterize the images in the post as "move along, nothing to see here?" The original poster may be a wd refugee but that does not take away from the reality of what your eyes should be telling you.

    6. Don't need to like her. Except your City is being run by freaks and I am happy that she posted the truth. Grow up

    7. How many weeks apart were the photos? These scenes aren't all that common here.

    8. 3:42 "Your city"? We're full up of cancerous outsiders. Go back to where ur from kook. Take some clowns with you.

  2. Just nothing to see here, Tony.

    1. Just me riding on the sidewalks without a helmet going to get my free beer. Oooh, I love being mayor.

      - Phony

  3. I'm out and about in Encinitas every day and hardly ever see homeless people. Some kooks are just looking for them.

    1. Every city has them, and Encinitas has few compared to other areas.

    2. 2:21 Our numbers are way up and they continue to rise. Tony announced at the debate that Encinitas will need to have the conversation about having a unhoused shelter in Encinitas. While Vista cracks down, Tony Kranz and freaks appear to want Encinitas taxpayers to foot the bill for housing.

    3. 2:19 may be Tony. Tony you have an unhoused issue and all the love in the world will not help.

    4. Tony and his "conversations."

    5. Tony’s responses are all Starvin - Tony’s self admitted email responder and political advisor. Anything starving can do for money he will. His kids disowned and sued him.

    6. I am out and about everyday as well and live close to downtown and yes everyday i see homeless people. This morning I saw two people sleeping on the sidewalk in the parking lot behind the old whole foods building. I also saw Diane lounging on the curb by 7-11. I also saw another guy with all of his crap in the bushes next to the train station. Its hard not to see them, you don't need to look very far.

    7. I witnessed two homeless people or maybe just transients peeing in the bushes on Devonshire yesterday. At least I hope that was what they were doing... i just saw the women coming out of the bushes pulling up her pants.

  4. It’s like they learned nothing from the implosion of their harass the homeless candidate. How’d that work out with the electorate?

    My favorite is where someone suggests they make some constructive proposals for what to do other than hide the problem. The response? Crickets. They have no solutions. Just bitching and moving the problem around. Oh, and fighting the CRC from actually helping people get off the streets.

    1. 100% 3:51. Its bitch and moan, act outraged and tell your stupid stories that supposedly made you feel "unsafe" in Encinitas. Nothing more. No solutions to their imagined problems, nada.

      Dumb shitheads.

    2. 4:05 you mean like Mali Woods Drake claiming that her Black friends are “afraid to exit highway 5 into Encinitas?” That kind of stupid story?

    3. Don't really give a shit what they do with them. The state spent $24B and lots of people, not homeless, benefitted. The money went somewhere and still remains unaccounted for.

      It's the county and state's problem now. Obey the law and kick them out for camping, like our smarter NC neighbors are. It's pretty obvious that compassion doesn't' work.

    4. Kranz invited all the Fenty Zombies and now it’s up to us to house them at Pacific view second senior center and homeless parking lot and feed them and give them all their supplies at the CRC.

      40% of you voted for Kranz last election and you’re pushing a 13% sales tax increase so it’s time to step up and open Pacific view as a homeless shelter.

      We can get more than 15 people doing fingerprinting at that place.

      - Kkkkrranzinitas sucks!

  5. Starvin’s fingers are bleeding, he’s typing so fast trying to dig his girl out of trouble again.

    I hope you have some digits left for your gopher hunting tomorrow night.

    The freak show is out in force on this one. They know that their big fat girl is way out of line and it’s gonna lose her ass and this upcoming election.

    - Kranzinitas Sucks!!

    What time is Tony Kranz resigning today?

  6. Pacific View has specific limitations on what activities can happen there on site. Housing the homeless is not one of them and would be illegal. Give it up moron. You left out finger painting you troll.

    It always appears this needs to be stated each time.

    I am not the pompous one. He makes my skin crawl. I have never voted for tony and won't be.

    Not that it will make a difference to this moronic poster. Wait and see. That is a bet I would take any day.

    1. If you were the pompous one you'd be making kranz's excuses.

    2. That is 100% bullshit that you can’t change uses on Pacific view. The city Council can do that and any point just like they did on senior center one.

      Pull your head out of your ass, mate.

  7. still waiting 4:05. You mean like your buddy Mali who claims Blacks won't enter Encinitas? That kind of BS?

    1. You know the bullshit I'm talking about 5:37. It's the same thing constantly from the same people. Before it was watchdorks, now it's ex-watchdorks. Same pattern, minus the misogyny, stalking and physical threats to residents with a place to sleep.

      I do count running around photographing poor and mentally ill people to post on social media for likes as a form of stalking though.

    2. No. Seriously. And what Morris did for twisted entertainment is not what many are seeing and object to now. Fact: stepping over someone lying in the gutter or ignoring them freaking out in the street without calling someone including - gasp - the police - is not compassionate and it's not even woke. It's not being interested in fixing the problem.

    3. I'm sure everyone is thanking your for your "help" in this area 6:23. I'm guessing you're part of the attack CRC crew as well. Fuck off.

    4. 6:14- it’s because your an idiot.

    5. The feeling is mutual 6:36.

    6. Amanda, get a hobbie.

  8. 5:45pm It is your head that is firmly planted up your rear end.

    Our council cannot do whatever they want on the PV site. It was purchased with accepted restrictions on activities that are allowed and not allowed there.

    Are you new around here?

    1. So you’re stupid and not funny.

      I feel sorry for your family. The rest of us now that city Council can change the use permit at any city facility. They can also change zoning dumbass.

      You sound about as stupid as Starvin. She’s not pompous she’s just freaking unintelligent.

    2. Not to mention it would take a Prop A vote contrary to what Kranz hopes.

    3. The City continually violates its own codes and state laws daily.

      Homeless can and should be at City second senior center just like Senior Center no 1.

      You didn’t see the homeless at senior center one go for a vote did you?

      Homeless doing finger painting with all those Karens is coming. Even the Gnome that spoke at the City Council meeting knows it. She could gained credibility by just saying the arts group failed in its agreement and the winey Karens got a dunce to carry their touch.

    4. I'm so proud of my manz for sticking up to those pesky residents! I'm going to reward him with a wonderful "docking" session in tomorrow's freak show!

  9. 6:35 aka likely Amanda, whoever you are you’re “guessing” wrong. I’ve got no problem with the CRC redo and even expansion. U Jane a problem with faux compassion. Think Blakespear, Kranz, Hinze. Oh and your bff Mali.

    1. lol Siri and me not checking. I have a problem with faux compassion. The virtue signaling is disgisting.

    2. 8:06. You don't know wtf you're talking about and probably never will.

  10. If you don't have the privilege of pegging me in tomorrow nights freak show, you're a kook!
    - Phony

  11. If there’s someone obviously in trouble and a danger to themself or others, I have no problem with anyone calling the police.

    But what exactly do you expect the police to do? Find the person a safe shelter bed? Yup. Better build some local shelter beds. Connect the person with mental health or addiction services? Yup. We should probably support both public and private entities like CRC who can make those connections.

    If someone isn’t being a threat, and you don’t support investing in shelter beds and services, and you take pictures and video for social media and/or call the cops, then (a) you are just an overprivledged prick, (b) don’t be that person, (c) what do you expect the cops to do?

    The solution is for every town to invest in the shelter space, services and resources to recognize the value of human life and give them a second, third, fourth—chance at redeeming a dignified life.

    Other countries invest. It works. You won’t find this problem in places without so many entitled selfish assholes like Germany, Norway, Ireland.

    Make America Civilized Again.

    1. 👆🏾brain dead idiot.

    2. 9:09, wise move not to get specific.

      Don’t want to end up in another one of those “can you show us where your idea has worked?” “Moron!” traps.

      That was so bad I was embarrassed for your whole family.

    3. 9:02. $24 billion spent. Where are the shelters, homes, rehab facilities?

      CRC is helping? Feeding and handing out supplies but they don’t house people.

      They’ve got a great racket and a perpetual business model. I’d like to see real accountability with all of the non profits who benefit off the poor and homeless.

    4. 10:27,

      I’m a big believer in data analytics and accountability, particularly in government spending. It’s not being done with respect to homeless solutions and outcomes, and I agree it should be, but I also understand why it’s not being done.

      It’s related to the reasons no hospital will ever track or reveal publicly which doctors have the highest rate of patient deaths, and why drug addiction services never track or report the relapse rate of their clients.

      The reason for not reporting patient deaths by doctor is that the hospital logically wants to put the best doctors on the hardest cases. That means the best doctors often end up with the most patient deaths. If that stat was ever made public, those top docs would stop accepting those hard cases, and there would be intense competition among doctors for simple cases. What seems like a straightforward data metric to make public would actually distort the system and make healthcare outcomes generally worse for all.

      Homelessness is similar to addiction, in that the single biggest predictor of success is how many times the client has failed before. It’s thought that each failure teaches lessons, and that the client often needs to fail their way to success.

      I know for addiction it takes on average five attempts before sobriety sticks. That means an average program is going to have an 80% failure rate. If they made that information public, it would be weaponized to call all services failures, and for defunding. It would also, like the doctors, no one would want to take the hard cases. Every addiction services provider would game the system to screen for and accept only the clients most likely to boost their “success” numbers. And as they learn more about their client, some will get kicked out if their risk profile is found to be higher than expected.

      And so it is with homeless services. Failing and trying again is a fact of life, so the general success rate would reflect that, and the data would be abused to call for defunding services, and the market response would be to cherry pick only easier cases to artificially boost success metrics.

      Personally, I think there should be a public-private board that does collect the data, generates and shares information on best practices, and seeks to provide feedback on what methods are most effective for which desired outcomes. If there are providers that are outliers in a bad way without taking on the hardest cases, they should be held accountable.

  12. ̶2̶0̶2̶0̶ ̶ ̶2̶0̶2̶2̶ 2024 Encinitas Republicant Election Strategy
    Maniac homeless are everywhere.
    Crime is the highest ever.
    They're going to build a skyscraper on your house.
    Blakespear and cronies are the worst.
    Disgusting personal attacks.

    1. 👆🏿We already know how you feel Starvin.

      Enjoy getting pegged while Phony stares at Airbnbush at tomorrow’s Freakshow.

    2. 9:10,

      Me 2020: sips a beer while watching the sun set over the pacific after another glassy little longboard session at the reef.

      Me 2022: same.

      Me 2024: same.

    3. 👆🏾 You’re lying fat ass, Is more like it.

  13. A funny thing happened on EV earlier today. Luke Shaffer responded to a comment from Julie Thunder. He must've realized his mistake in casually responding to his handler in public because he quickly deleted his comment. This was the first time I'd seen him on Facebook so I peeped his profile.

    He has 11 friends.

    3 friends are fake bot accounts.

    Of the remaining 8 friends:
    ALL were Watchdorks.
    One is the wife of a Watchdork group admin.
    Several donated to Jeff Morris for Mayor.
    One runs his social media.
    One owns the newspaper Coast News.
    One is Jim O'Hara.

    They aren't even trying to hide that he's a Watchdork plant.

    You can also start the timer on them working to "fix" the slip up soon as they read this.

    1. Good news since Jeff was right about everything. This city would've been fixed by now if Jeff and Julie had won with Bruce.

    2. Wifebeatersayzwhat?

    3. 9:50- Thank you. Continue living your life caring about Facebook. 🤣🤣🤣

      We, the real people, know better. 🤙

  14. Dear Density,

    I'm very impressed with your yard sign line-up so far. You've got all the exceptional individuals displayed: Marlynne Failure, Terrible Lawsuit Ramrod, Phony and of course your own sign (love that)! That said, I really feel like you have some work to do. There isn't a Ukraine flag in sight nor is there any representation of yours truly. Very disappointing. C'mon gerrrl, you got this!
    - Bernie

    1. “SoCal Native” 🙄

    2. Dear Density,

      Please remove all your signs on our front lawn immediately. You are violating Airbnb's policies and they fine heavily.

      If you do not remove the signs by noon, you will lose this weekends deposit and we will loser your tenant profile rating accordingly. Text me to confirm you received this message. This is your second warning.


    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  15. Tony looks at the homeless in Encinitas and says, "I have found my tribe."

  16. 12:47- absolutely. All of these homeless people just simply could not get the right time to show up for the army National Guard just like Kranz. The result, homeless.

    What I’m really excited about is that all of the fentanyl junkies from Oceanside and San Diego have found Encinitas and are now hovering around Moonlight Beach and the new second senior center at Pacific view. Tony Kranz and his worldwide invite has worked and now we get to enjoy all of their screaming, theft and pooping all over..

    Thank you, Tony Kranz, And the 40% of dumbass Encinitas’s residents that voted for you last election.

    I wonder if 60% of residents with common sense will vote for the good Mayor and City Council including Bruce, Jim and Luke. ?

    1. There it is, folks.

      The dumb Republican solution to the homeless problem.

      Take a bunch of people with mental health and addiction issues, hand them all loaded firearms and then tell the military that these are your new recruits.

      What could possibly go wrong.

      Never vote to become a shithole full of losers.

      Never vote Republican.

    2. Agreed. It quite simple for us life long democrats. Just ask yourself, what would Maggie Houlihan do?

      She campaigned with Bruce Ehlers back when she was running and would support him today. Just ask Ian. He will tell you.

      All sensible Democrats, None Political Party and other voters should be supporting Bruce, Jim and Luke this Nov.

      Get the word out to 10 of your neighbors who you know vote in elections.

    3. “Us lifelong Democrats” should support Watchdogs.

      Yeah. That’ll fool em.

    4. 8:13- not all of us smart Democrats are freak shows members like you losers. 😡

    5. 10:29, pro tip: if you have to give yourself the “smart” label . . .

      Let’s just say the readers will know how to interpret that.

  17. My Admiral,

    ###Urgent! ###

    Change of Plans. Sound the alarm.

    Tonight’s Freakshow will be all-time.

    I am tickled pink that my Amazon package arrived last night in time for our Freakshow tonight. Tonight’s theme is now- Trumpets Please:

    The Paris Olympics

    Our core group will open with a 10-minute rendition of the wonderful opening ceremony of the Last Super. I tried on my halo and have my heart signing down for my part as the star fat princess Jesus, and I look forward to rubbing the paint all over you so you can be the main dish (I hope your beard is more filled in or we may need to snip and borrow some of Harry Bush’s jungle to help fill in your beard). I got 🐽, the best pig head out there, and the rest of the freaks can fill in the support roles.

    We will hold a dress rehearsal at 4 pm in my compounds back area away from the street.

    This is going to be soooo special… make sure everyone’s phone is fully charged because I really want everyone to be video taping me the whole time. I am much prettier than that fat cow they had playing Jesus.

    Hugs, and get there early please to help me with my halo!


    1. Can we pretend docking is an Olympic Sport? Tee Hee
      - Starvin

    2. I thought it was, my gold medalist.

      - Phony

  18. Amy is a hero.

    Krankz is a zero. A fat metabolic far left progressive zero.

    1. Kranz = - 10

      Everyday 100 negative. All the time.

  19. I do a great job and have the best boner pills in town. Gimme my raise peasants!
    - Anthill

  20. Another issue Kranz is tone deaf about. Whenever he is caught or doesn’t have a solution, his sarcasm and temper take over.

  21. Kranz really is a fat, little man.

    1. Man?

      I don’t think she would appreciate that and I think Starvin would argue that point.

    2. I stand corrected!

  22. Nice to see our Fire Department proudly endorsed O’Hara!

    1. 👏🏾💪🏾 Shows they have common sense. The sheriffs should follow suit.

    2. Plus, they realize it’s good to support a local resident and not an Aibnbush Carpet bagger.

    3. Both the sheriffs and the fire department should also support Bruce and Luke.

    4. They should but you know Kranz is falling in BlakeSpear’s steps and maybe even got some help with from her threatening them with their contract, same as always. Peel off your favorite local firefighter and they will tell you the real story of the arm twisting behind the scenes.

  23. Oh Phony, you looked so hot in that size small peach colored button up at the ban plastics rally this morning! The buttons looked as though they were fighting for their life! I can't wait to sink my teeth into that big juicy peach at tonight's freak show!
    - Starvin

    1. 👏🏾👏🏾🤣🤣🤣🤣

      It’s gonna be some crazy freak show tonight with the Olympics and all.

      I wish they put it on YouTube. I like to make myself vomit a bit. 🤢

      See how much I can take🤧🤮

  24. Vote for the crazies (Destiny) this is what you're gonna get

  25. Guess all that “agency experience” did not snow the firefighters. They went with O'Hara. What a blow to the “winning“ team that thinks they can strong arm everything behind the scenes while claiming the high ground. Cue Marco with an ad hominem attack.

    1. They backed Thunder too.

      How’d that go?

    2. The firefighters? Nope, DSA. Gosh but you get excited.

    3. Nope. They backed Thunder.

  26. I don’t think the fire department or Sheriff professionals appreciated the woke group that includes Kranz and the DEI garden gnome, And the Airbnb vacationer are coming from the Bay Area dropping down on the city council after being here a week and telling all of the fire department Professionals they need to get jabs in order to protect everyone from Covid, which we all know now was a complete crock of shit.

    Besides tanking the economy, hurting our children’s mental health, and increasing suicides, it also has long-term negative impacts for everyone that got multiple jobs.

    That’s why the fire department is not supporting these freak show jackasses.

    Look at all the lawsuits on the last closed session agenda.

    Also, they probably hate picking up the bloody messes on the roadways from all these hazardous designs. No one likes unnecessary fatalities. Especially our fire department professionals that have to pick them up off the road. 🚒👨‍🚒❤️💪🏾👏🏾🤙🏾🙏🏾

    1. Except the fire department supports Kranz and Blackwell

    2. Yes 2:29. Also, it probably has more to do with who has friends where with the sheriffs & firefighters than anything else.

    3. Nope, not friends, it’s who controls the contract purse strings. Go do your own research. Talk to a firefighter.

    4. 2:29- oh, that sucks. WTF??!

      What’s up with their bullshit supporting Kranz? That dude has caused some serious public health damage and approved designs that have killed people.

    5. Fucking princesses don’t give a shit about the public or what’s right for public health, they just care about getting paid more for doing less work.

  27. 2:11pm Darwin award winner graces us with his infinite wisdom along with medical advice. What could go wrong?

    You may have lucked out for the time being, but time is not on your side. One of these versions of Covid constantly doing what viruses do, changing every year, may get you.

    Thankfully we have a vaccine that can lessen the effects if one contracts it. Thankfully this vaccine can be adjusted in short order for the new variations to inevitably come our and your way.

    No worries, you will continue to be who you are as you have shown us all too often. Do keep it up. While you won't be changing anyones mind you do show us who you are.

    1. 2:34- I think your long Covid made you ramble way too much.

      You better go get another job and keep your mask on in your house in your car by yourself.

      See you can’t read science data like John Hopkins University. At least there’s Social Security to take care of tards like you.

    2. 2:51 tell us again who the antivax candidates are please.

    3. I definitely can’t read a whole University. You got me there.

      And who is this John Hopkins?

    4. 3:14- you’re definitely a dumbass and you need to clarify, which anti-Vax?

      VAX for smallpox or measles- Yeah, that’s been proven.

      This so-called shot for profit by the three big Pharma companies for Covid- Very, very harmful for public health all it did was make a ton of profit for the farm companies and destroy American economy and public health.

      You tell me which councilmember besides Kranz are pro killing Americans by all those ridiculous jabs?

  28. Omed, you are a joke. If you think the firefighters aside from the husband have any love from Mali you are even more delusional than you at first appear.

  29. 314 no anti-VAX candidates, but Marco and his high road crowd will certainly tell you they are. And if it’s not him, it’s the dynamic duo working hard for Kranz for the win. By the way they are anti-VAX themselves but will say anything for a payday

    1. Yeah, um, actually, it was an O’Hara Shaffer supporter right here on EU just a few days ago that let the cat out of the bag. He told us that those were the antivax candidates.

    2. See above. You’re so stupid you can’t even describe the issue.

    3. 4:02 all posters here are anonymous with the occasional exception of Marco. So who was the "he" who made the antivax claim that anyway is false? Put up or shut up. Anonymous quoting anonymouse = zero.

  30. “Voters younger than 30 break in Trump’s favor in Georgia, 51% Trump to 44% Harris, while breaking more decisively toward Harris in the other three states, 52% Harris to 36% Trump in Arizona, 53% Harris to 39% Trump in Nevada, and 56% Harris to 39% Trump in North Carolina.”

    Trump is getting murdered by younger voters.

    Millions of Boomers have been replaced by GenZ since 2020. GenZ broke the apathy trend, turning out big even in the 2022 midterms. They killed the “red wave.”

    Not looking good for the fat orange jumpsuit.

    1. 👆🏾 Please keep your minion comments to Facebook.

      This blog is exclusively for:

      *** Encinitas’s real time news***

  31. So apparently Harry Bush is renting a room on a month to month basis here in the village. Does that mean that there's a chance that she'll leave town when she loses?

  32. 4pm. That orange jumpsuit has all the time to wait for the fat man's dues to be paid, as it surely will.
    With his diminishing mental faculties, the funny farm may not too far off either.

    With that extra weight he is a prime tragic for a heart attack, if his mental state somehow stabilizes. Yea, not gonna a happen. He is pretty much burned up toast at this point. There is justice after all that he cannot run away from. The fat man running!!! What a sight that would make. Puke worthy.

    1. Stupid minion comment. Like starvin.

  33. 4:02 is the pompous one creating confusion as directed by kranz aka Kranz Konfusion Kampaign aka KKK. Inquiring minds want to know how the PO is compensated for carrying out the KKK?

  34. Correction, prime target. Such wouldn't be much of a tragedy after all his despicable behaviors.

  35. Since there is no 4:02, you must have meant 5:02. Not garvin you dimwit.

    At least I approve of your using the appropriate term that I came up with years ago about the pompous one after a council meeting. Nice to see it has stuck. It sure fits him so well.

    1. 5:10- That’s so much bullshit. She’s no pompous one. She talks like an idiot and has a stinky vagina according to everyone, but Tony

      That sounds like something carbon would do would be to name himself, pompous one. More like stinky pussy from New Jersey, whose kids hate him and sue him/her.

    2. can't keep up with your weird name calling. the pompous one everyone recognizes tho. inquiring minds want to know the compensation plan.

    3. Ummmthere is a 4:02 pompous one.

    4. 5:41,

      4:02 here. Glad you asked. Here’s how the compensation plan works:

      We got the County Assessor to change reduce Tony’s tax bill on paper by 90%. Tony continues to pay the county at the old rate, but now only 10% goes to the county. 90% goes to me for making comments here that hurty your feelers.

      You see, it’s a conspiracy, and you are the victim.

      Hope this explanation helps.

  36. Anyone know who the Sheriff's really support?

    1. They definitely should not support Kranz. He created a committee to downgrade sheriff services and have DEI social patrols.

      Fucking pathetic.

    2. DEI caused a dude to perform fellatio on me in a truck stop bathroom in 1987 outside Reno, even though we were both straight.


  37. Elections are like erections....when Phony is involved I'll always be there!
    - Starvin

  38. For the anti vax screechers take a gander and ticker MRNA. IN 2019 it was single digits. Itva few years it will not beca going concern.

    There will be hellfire short squeezes to be sure before the ultimately bankruptcy.

    Blame the anti vaxxers lol

    1. This is great, because most of what what science has established about the universe can be understood through the lens of stock ticker symbols.

    2. Which stick ticker symbol can I use to learn about the Higgs Boson?

  39. Phony - I'm pleased to announce that Operation Confusion Campaign is officially underway! I got you my sweet prince, everything is going perfectly to plan! PS, I look forward to playing Dock Dock Goose with you tonight!
    - Hugs n kisses, your Admiral Starvy

  40. * ( needed corrections considering my weak pompous state this morning)

    OMG, Phony, I am soooo hung over. I have to start by apologizing for my pre-show actions when you were rubbing the blue paint all over my body and glueing Harry’s hair to my face for my beard. I had no idea that would be so erotic. My apologies again, for making us so late.

    You were a shining princess last night. Your halo shined above that wonderful blue dress and you killed it. You were much more beautiful than the old hag in the Paris Olympics. I hope you didn’t mind how quickly I jumped off of the platter and started macking you in front of everyone. I didn’t want Airbnbush to start moving in on you again.

    You are my queen, Ms Mayor, and it was the best Freakshow to date.

    To help your sex slave with my pain, can you tell Anthill to include some extra fentanyl pills with this morning delivery? I need mommy’s little helper to get going today and shake this wicked hangover.

    - Kisses, Starvin

  41. Heavy censoring free speech from Google this morning.

    1. +0.5 victim points.

    2. 8:37- OK, Commie.

      Thanks for showing your true colors.

  42. What really needs to be studied is the extremely low ridership of rail along the coast and it’s huge detrimental impacts to the surrounding communities and increase pollution from the massive amounts of diesel being burned and the mega congestion and death it’s causing.

  43. Here’s a fun game to play with your MAGA friends.

    We all know that one of the fundamental tenets of MAGAism is that admitting when you made a mistake is always seen as weakness, right? The orange faithful just double down on everything.

    So here’s what you do:

    Ask them if Mike Pence did the right thing. Ask follow-up questions about what his constitutional powers are and what he should have done. Really wind em up. After you really have them going strong, ask them if the current VP has the same powers.

  44. Of all the nothing burgers now we've got "Omed" inching close to calling O'Hara "MAGA" simply because he liked a comment that called Mali Woods Drake a name. No date on the comment so who knows what Drake said to solicit the response, because we know she said something nasty.

    Epic Omed pearl clutching, as Marco would say. But go over the edge and do it, Omed. Make it nice and public. I double dog dare you. Then this town will really see what wicked fauxgressives the lot of you really are.

    1. He’s pretty connected to Watchdogs.

      He should step up and publicly condemn the fat convicted felon / rapist / fraudster / lying shitbag / insurrectionist if that’s how he feels.

      Has he done that?

    2. Shut up starvin, he’s really running unopposed and he’s only competition is a Airbnb out of the bay area who grew up in LA and once visited Carlsbad, which is close to Encinitas.

    3. So that’s a “no.”

      I guess he is a Trumper then.

    4. The issue with O'Hara is he has a history of supporting some sketchy POVs online. It doesn't help that he may supposedly be independent when most of his supporters are Republicans with crazy opinions.

    5. No that’s not “the issue” there is t one but you sure are pushing your story hard. Gotta get rubber stamp Preston on council no matter what you have to cook up against the opposition. Taking the Dem high road again right Omed? SOP with you hypocrites.

    6. 10:16 False! Dems ❤️ O’Hara, that’s what’s so great, he isn’t owned by a political party and can unite Encinitas. Thank God we have true Independent candidates this election. Jeremy can scream MAGA as loud as he wants, but facts are facts.

    7. What 10:16 wrote is undeniably the truth. If you prefer lying to get your candidate elected, that's your choice. He isn't gonna unite anyone, especially since his supporters are dedicated to attacks and division.

    8. 10:27,


      Cuz you seem pretty upset about the word MAGA being used.

    9. 10:33 What lies?

    10. 10:43, the lie is that he's an independent candidate. The positions of he and his supporters follow Republican talking points almost exactly and they attack Democratic elected officials and community members constantly. If there truly are any informed Democrats strongly supporting his campaign they're keeping it a secret.

      No, "I used to be a democrat but I don't recognize the party anymore" doesn't count as an independent. If you're voting and attacking along party lines you're an advocate for that party. Voters should be aware of this, and that basic dishonesty is the only way O'Hara has a chance.

    11. 11:39 did you throw your back out reaching with that comment?

    12. We're never going to agree on this, so I'm not going to try presenting the plentiful evidence and arguing. Anyone paying attention knows what I wrote is true, even if they're never going to publicly admit it. Give up the false outrage.

  45. Jeezus.

    She really does make everything about herself.

  46. Phony, I have to start by apologizing for my pre-show actions when you were rubbing the blue paint all over my body and glueing Harry’s hair to my face for my beard. I had no idea that would be so well, you know. My apologies again, for making us so late.


    1. I could've helped with all this body painting (which would've facilitated a timely kick-off for the FreakOlympics) but NOOOOOOOO you won't let me in the club! I sent an email last week with my bush dimensions and was told I was being vetted for freak show membership and then crickets! Not cool to be ghosted like this you guys.
      - DEI Garden Gnome

    2. Speaking of DEI.

      DEI keeps causing me to have dreams about being in prison with Brad Pitt.

  47. I am doing ballot harvesting for all enc elections. If you're an illegal alien please contact me:

    We furnish $500 gift cards if you get the mpox jab and register to vote. No identification necessary. Free budweiser to the 1st 40,000 applicants

  48. Oops:

  49. MAGA is indeed triggering because it is the most disgusting shortcut that checked out Dems will eat right up. Marco knows this well. He used it in The last few elections for the win, and again now. Kind of feels like McCarthy‘s back in town doesn’t it? “communist!“ Marco, Amanda, Theresa all employ that tactic in common with one of the most disgusting of Republicans in our history.

    1. All a candidate has to do to neutralize the issue is say that Trump is an abhorrent narcissistic felon and that they want no support or votes from that filthy cesspool of racism and lies.

      Problem solved.

      The problem comes when their primary base of support is the ignorant, lying, anti-science cultists, but that crowd is too small to win an election. So they start trying to wink and nod and flirt and use code words and say different things to different groups in hopes of confusing and tricking enough normal people into joining the cesspool dwellers to create a winning coalition.

      It’s all the fakery and bullshit and being willing to say anything for power that voters can smell a mile away.

      There is no “both sides.”

      As a candidate, you are either MAGA, or not MAGA. Anyone trying to fake a middle ground is a MAGA who knows they can’t win here without tricking some people.

    2. Starvin like minion comment.

    3. Or they are true Independents with supporters from every political party, who don’t get caught up in the nation level trigger words and focus on what’s best for Encinitas, listening to ALL sides. Inclusivity!

    4. No the problem comes when you pretend local politics and issues are the same as national. It’s a strategy aimed at dividing people that was never experienced in Encinitas until. Blakespear and her trusty sidekick Gonzalez started employing it. It has worked quite well which is why Theresa, Amanda, and Marco are back shrieking their dog whistle “MAGA.” Now throw in Garvin’s Kranz Konfusuon Kampaign and your on your way to the win!

    5. 11:42, 11:42, and 11:43 are all perfect examples of:

      “So they start trying to wink and nod and flirt and use code words and say different things to different groups in hopes of confusing and tricking enough normal people into joining the cesspool dwellers”

      Thanks for reinforcing the point.

    6. Untrue 11:42. They don't have the support of any Democrats that I'm aware of. Inclusivity is the last thing they should be associated with, unless you have some specific examples. Exclusivity is basically the definition of their POVs, and plenty of their supporters have no trouble admitting this is the case.

    7. It’s the Thunder losing playbook.

      Can’t win as a MAGA. The numbers aren’t there. So be a phony independent instead.

      • Go to all the MAGA photo-op everts.
      • Exclusively attack Dem politicians and policies.
      • Advocate exclusively MAGA policies and candidates.
      • Make loud squawking noises about being independent.
      • Act like a victim when people line up the dots and call you what you are.

      It’s simple-minded. It’s been tried. It doesn’t work.

      A MAGA in disguise is still a MAGA.

  50. Dem strategy is to use sexism when they can't respond with a fact as simple as: What is Destiny's local business, what has she accomplished in public policy and how do her policies help the people in Encinitas? I have read a few of her threads and sadly all I see is anger, frustration, and false soft accusations of discrimination? Think about it? Do the taxpayers have the stomach to hear these constant diversion techniques? I think we have issue that are far worst than cuddling MDWS, Amanda and now DP.

    1. All those answers are on her website.

    2. If you harass, attack and hold female candidates to higher standards while giving male candidates a free pass it's gonna appear sexist. That's a consequence of bad behavior that some people need to be willing to accept.

    3. 2:24: I have yet to see anyone treat her any different than a male. You are only showing the voters that this chick can't protect herself. Her web site does not clearly articulate her prior accomplishments in Encinitas and I found the data to be somewhat simple. Why is she upset when person asks her questions? Back to Tony, why is he calling concerned ciresidents, " Kooks"? Is it because

    4. Let me finish. Did Tony forget who he works for? Now, I see lots of attacks on Tony? Why can Tony get trashed but not DP? Go back and read how you all treat Julie, LG, PSP, and the many other females who have a hand in political activities? No need to respond because I am ending this rant. You all look pretty desperate.

    5. Why can’t she just answer the questions? Provide a direct link? Anything? The answer could be less typing than being defensive and directing people to her website. So WEIRD!

    6. He wrote "instagram kooks" and some people seemed to feel he was referring to them. That anonymous instagram account is looking for attention and nothing more.

    7. Why should she be be held to different standards than any other candidate? There isn't a single candidate defending themselves online in any of the three races. I'd love for O'Hara and Shaffer to answer to any of the criticism they're facing, but we don't always get exactly what we want.

    8. 1244. Her campaign parents believe that females are weak. Sex discrimination seriously hurts. DP, take your victim hat off, please. This is politics and I suspect your positions are not that popular. Expect pushback or maybe consider returning back to CalTrans were nothing gets done because so much time is wasted on EEO complaints. Signed, Sick of this Shit

    9. 1:11, it would be great if the silent candidates, O'Hara and Shaffer, would debate. That way we could learn all about their positions vs. Destiny's instead of silly lies found here and elsewhere.

      They aren't debating for a reason; they don't want the general public to see their obvious weaknesses or have to answer any questions that could expose their unpopular viewpoints. Remember, Encinitas voters typically don't support the positions that these two do.

    10. Nice try…… Jim announced the debate weeks ago. The Chamber of Commerce’s forum is on September 24th.

      Also, why would Jim and Luke waste time engaging with a fake FB profile, on a page that conveniently shuts off commenting as soon as their preferred candidates get put in a hot seat?

  51. Lotsa the same MAGA attacks on behalf of Kranz because his lazy ass NEVER campaigns. His minions do the next best thing and tear down the opposition.

    Schaffer, Morris, now the liar and the lawyer doing his dirty work for him.

    He’s too good to mingle with the kook citizens. He’d rather insult them.

    Cannot wait to see Ehlers spank his fat ass.

  52. Phony, you were so much more beautiful than that ridiculous Jesus wannabe in the Paris Olympics. Your halo shined above your beautiful blue dress and I was just so enamored by you. I had to start macking with you quickly and jumped up off my platter quickly because I saw Harry Bush eyeing you and approaching .

    You are my wo-manz and you played the part spectacularl. I was so proud of you..

    Kisses, Starvin

  53. Who’s the lawyer lying for kranz?

  54. An emptier bunch of buzzwords cannot be found outside Destiny’s website. WTF is “PARTICIPATORY BUDGETING?” as she has in all caps? She’s whacked if she thinks we’re going to buy her fake interest in citizen input. Kranz would never allow it and she knows it.

    Nowhere on her site is the answer to the simplest of questions “do you support the 1% sales tax?” Why is this so hard for her to answer? She’s looking mighty weird.

    Where can we find this, 11:33? It’s all on her website, right? Link, please.

    1. I can answer that one.

      If she’s elected, as a council person, she will not be voting for a 1% sales tax increase.

      How’s that?

    2. And, she will push for an unhoused shelter, more funds to NP, more bike lanes, more DEI, increased density and supporting the removal of power from the Coastal Commission. These are not her ideas. She is a political 🪴.

  55. I hope the residents harass that carpet bagger enough for her to pull out. Could happen. She really has no loyalty to Encinitas. I’m sure Blakespear told her she was a shoe in!

    Does she even campaign?

    1. If she gets on council, it’s gonna be endless questions for her bullshit about claiming she’s a resident.

      She’s gotta answer some questions like has she ever been here before BIA call her?

      What’s her small business that she has been running in Encinitas?

      How long has she been at Lake Acadia 101 board member and I’d like to see her application.

      Airbnbush should know that resident don’t forget in Encinitas and she’s going to be asked these questions and many many more.

    2. * How long has she been at Leucadia 101 board member and I’d like to see her application. I never heard of her until this last spring, When all of a sudden she is running for city Council out of the blue.

      Because she visited her aunt who lives in Carlsbad years ago and thought that Encinitas might be a nice city to visit.

      Absolutely pathetic

    3. I’m so mad about DEI.

      It keeps making me rewind the Top Gun volleyball scene.

    4. 12:30- stupid starvin minion deflection comment. Seems Like his BIA masters are paying him to deflect for Airbnbush too.

    5. No loyalty. Maybe she will be rewarded with one of the low income units?

    6. 👆🏾similar offer made to Mali right?

    7. Most likely. As we know, Mali announced to the world that she has a council seat in the bag? Why are they offering seats to people who outright attack private citizens online? Who else is getting rewarded for the kindergarten bully tactics? Disgusting

  56. The mouth that continues to roar is an anathema to a better future for this once so special community.

    Add the not so golden, golden to this toxic mix.

    If there is one result I contain to hope for in the coming election, it is that some of the players are relegated to the waste bin where they have earned the ignominous label that will stick to them for all their days.

    1. 👆🏾 Word, soup rambling.

    2. By mouth do you mean Thunder? She’s certainly toxic. Some of us were well aware during her first campaign run and not just because she’s really a Republican. Many believe she lost her second campaign because she was so focused on helping Tony win, she was ok betraying every single person who supported her. She’s still toxic and hopefully won’t run again.

      Golden is hopeless and harmless, unlike Thunder, who wanted to be validated so bad she became a Benedict Arnold.

  57. If you are offended, you are part of the problem and not the solution. Thanks for making that all the more clear where you stand, or rather where you bend over for.

  58. Just saw a Luke Shaffer for City Council bumper sticker and it looks so awesome. ❤️❤️❤️💯❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  59. 12:24 how’s what? We’re asking her where she stands on the 1%. Not Mali, not Amanda, not your anonymous self. The answer is not on her website. She’s still refusing to answer. Weird.

    And now she’s bailed on the Chamber debate so we won’t hear from her probably between now and the election. They can’t afford to let her out in public.
