Sunday, August 11, 2024

Mayoral debate last night

Being discussed on Encinitas Votes.

What did you think?


  1. Congratulations to Destiny Preston! Larri is posting creeper style photos of Destiny just like Morris and his cultists used to do with their enemies.

    1. We have a handful of loud bully weirdos in Encinitas and they all seem to be MAGA aligned.

    2. I'm glad the photo was shared of this candidate. Her behavior speaks volumes--typing away in the front row is inappropriate and inconsiderate. This picture alone tells me everything I need to know about this candidate. I am no longer going to vote for her.

    3. @8:18 You forgot to also claim that you're a lifetime Dem.

      When you're SO MUCH BETTER qualified than your opponent they attack you for .... taking notes 🤣. Honestly though I'm really glad to see EV returning to it's old form. For a while it was looking like they'd recognized their bitter and toxic ways are counter productive. Luckily I was wrong and they'll resume being irrelevant.

    4. Weird. Google won’t let you call the freakshow MAGA.

    5. Freakhow keeps getting freakier.

    6. 7:25 and 9:02 is guess who working the confusion angle for his man Kranz.

    7. She-was-typing-gate.

    8. Whatever Marco gate.

    9. @She has never lived here gate

    10. Margo at 9:04- airbnb has No real experience.only DEI paperweight.

      Jim has a strong resume with a real business and community involvement for years, not just the last 3 months

      She claims a local business. What is it, hair care products?

    11. We need people over party.

    12. 725: what was creepy about the pic? What was creepy was that this transplant felt above the rest of us while she typed, away. Why was she even at the event? She never worked the room or introduced herself to the voters.

    13. Having watched the video it's now obvious the creepy photographer was Crazy Rachel. No surprises there. I'm sure there are lots of pictures like that on the crazy wall in Rachel's house.

  2. She does come off as a rude, can’t take criticism, over sensitive biatch on FB.

    Makes sense. She’s definitely a coddled and bubble wrapped candidate who knows nada about Encinitas. She was probably told running and winning would be a piece of cake (except for those bothersome residents).

    1. DEI San Francisco, Brat with a jungle bush

      Entitled and victim mentality forever


    2. I think people should actually live in a city for a while before they try to manage it and change it to be like San Francisco and LA.

      So, where is her home?

      Oh yeah, she works in Sacramento and she grew up in the LA annd Bay area.

  3. Back to the debate, TONY was smoked last week. It’s like watching Biden try and say something logical.

    It can’t happen. We all know Kranz is an idiot and that will never change

    The debates are fun, but they really won’t change anything anything. Bruce is an Engineer and actually earned a living and raised a family in Encinitas. Kranz will always be a dependent with a huge victim mentality.

    The DEI woke Freakshow well solicit as much money as I can out of the BIA and other special interests to get elected.

    Spread the word to 10 of your close voting relatives and friends that you love what they’ve done to LA vote for Kranz Anitas.

    If you like our former- mello beach towns vote for Bruce, Jim, and Luke.

  4. Tony openly admitted that he is not as smart as Bruce. He gave a great reason to the audience as to why we need to vote for Bruce.

    1. First truth out of Kranz’s mouth ever.

    2. Kranz is like another inept Dalager - been in office too long. Time to go.

  5. Encinitas is getting smoked in courtroom and lawsuit payout due to their horrible road designs and much much much much much more coming.

    This sounds low and I wish Encinitas only had this kind of payout.,

    Since 2019, taxpayers have paid more than $193 million to people who filed claims or lawsuits after allegedly suffering damages at the hands of city employees or property.

    Last thing we wanna do is give the existing City Hall and open book since they’ve proven their focus on hiring many many staff and not completing projects, which is Tony legacy.

    Tony has never paid taxes, so it’s easy for him to say everybody else should a 26% increase in sales tax.

    No on :

    1)new taxes which make MORE of our long term non-Fenty elders homeless.

    2) No on Kranzinitas

    1. $193M is an impressive number to pull out of your ass.

  6. From CalMatters:
    The GOP picked up nearly 95,000 registered voters between Feb. 20 and July 5, while the Democratic Party lost nearly 44,000 over the same period, according to a report issued Friday by the Secretary of State’s office. The number of Californians registered as no party preference increased by 28,000.

    No doubt they’ll be some surprises this coming November. Our city, county and state desperately needs some balance.

    1. In Encinitas, the freak show is gaining new members with Airbnbers out of towners like Density and other LA transplants moving in.

  7. After the debate, Kranz made a beeline for Destiny then I tailed it out. In contrast, Ehlers spoke with remaining attendees and stood outside for quite a while, answering questions and engaging with folks.

    Destiny similarly vanished. Seems to be her MO that she cannot speak for herself. It’s noteworthy that every time someone directs questions to her online (specifically on Encinitas Now), Mali or Amanda step in to respond - never the candidate herself. The best response to that nonsense is “I wasn’t asking you.“

    1. Why don't you go to her campaign page and ask the same questions over and over? That's what it's for.

    2. So whoever is answering for her now, I will respond to you that crickets is not my favorite sound. Been there, tried that. Much more telling to see how she lets others like yourself step in for her while she stands by in apparently tacit approval.

    3. At least she participates in an online conversation. O'Hara is nowhere to be found.

    4. Online is the last place good candidates should be. These forums are populated by the same partisans year after year.

    5. 9:17 if by "participate" you mean her likes of Theresa Beauchamp's snarks I guess it counts.... And btw your whataboutism ain't working here. We're talking Destiny and her need for mouthpieces.

    6. O'Hara has mouthpieces as well, let's be honest. My point is that she isn't an exception; neither candidate has a huge online presence.

      Try reading the various posts on EN carefully though. She's made quite a few comments and more than any other candidate running.

    7. Your point is whataboutism. And anyway why can't she answer the most basic question asked of her repeatedly "do you support the 1% sales tax?" Instead of stating her position she lets Mali go in attack dog style with "Do YOU?" I mean really, wtf is wrong with Destiny?

    8. You think that Julie, Rachel, Christie, Natalie, Susan etc aren't mouthpieces for LukeJim? 🤣🤣🤣

    9. Exactly 11:05. O'Hara has a team of loudmouthed, rude, aggressive people harassing Destiny on a daily basis. 10:58 wants once set of rules for their favorite candidate and a separate set for the candidate they want to attack.

    10. 1117: Destiny is attempting to enter into politics in a City that is not interested in what she has to offer. Her team is protecting her like she is a child in need of parenting. Set her free freaks, and allow her to grow her own wings.

    11. 1:48 That will happen as soon as unqualified O'Hara gets his shit together and makes himself equally available. This is a race, not a one-sided abuse fest ya idiot. Let Jim out of wherever you're hiding him.

    12. O’Hara has been out in the community, actually engaging with locals as well as businesses. He’s not arguing with the bitter Betties on EN and EU. It’s incredibly refreshing.

    13. 1:52: Wow, you really are so super strange. Grow some balls. Yes, Jim has been out and it appears as if he can speak without having to have his hand held by another adult.. 🤔

    14. As has Destiny 2:03. Like you said, everything doesn't have to be documented on EV or EN for it to be occurring.

  8. Hightailed it out…fastest I’ve seen Kranz move in a long time.

  9. Rachel - please stop being Julie's new 🐧. Yes it's really obvious. You know what happened to her last BFF, right? JERSEY!!!!😱😱

    1. Agree! Radioactive.

    2. Rachel, loves Encinitas unlike the transplants that want to make Encinitas similar to Venus. The rich can purchase the caviar and organic carrot pudding from FoxPointe farms? Mail and team helped support the gentrification of Encinitas. I do not see an increase in diversity at FoxPointe Farms. Equity team failed.

    3. I ❤️Rachel. Thank you for all the good work and rebuffing the BS, DEI, woke, BIA agenda

    4. Rachel doesn't even live in Encinitas

    5. She loves Encinitas unlike the freaks.

    6. "Thanks" Rachel.

    7. Rachel is a native Encinitan and owns a home in Encinitas. You do know military families travel…. Thank God she loves her hometown.

    8. We love Rachel in Olivenhain where she owns a home as do her parents. They are good people!

    9. Olivenhain is the worst part of Encinitas.

    10. Life in Olivenhain is amazing. It's much different than the rest of Encinitas. The biggest problem is so damn many Trumpers.

  10. Kranz said we must follow the state law, there is no place for dissent. "Carlsbad does a good job of enforcing it's speeds"

  11. "Encinitas" Votes is a joke. The nastiest blowhards on that site are Pam, Diane and Rachel. NONE OF THEM LIVE IN ENCINITAS!

    1. I love them all and I know they have properties in Encinitas which carries more weight than Airbnbush.

    2. EV is a cesspool filled with trash commentors. There is a reason why the candidates they support always lose.

    3. Stay on FB.

      This website is for

      ***Encinitas’s real time news***

    4. RICH WHITE REPUBLICAN LANDLORDS WHO DON'T LIVE IN ENCINITAS TELL ENCINITAS RESIDENTS HOW TO VOTE is more accurate. It doesn't have the same ring to it though.

  12. 11:12 is Margo always with the loser comments.

    1. 11:22 - you get 111 complainer points

  13. The good news for you all is that Encinitas Votes will be pausing after the elections. I was sent the Destiny picture and asked to post it. I wasn't even at the debate, but a picture sometimes speaks a 1000 words. I truly wish this blog would focus, just once on Encinitas Now, but I guess too many of you like it, so you want to take down EV. Fine, you've done it. I will vote for Bruce and that's the only person I can vote for, as my district rep. in Cardiff has 2 more years on her term. In case you are interested in Destiny, she does have 4 FB pages, one in which she calls herself Destiny Marie. If you didn't know her middle name, you would never find it.So carry on and continue to trash EV and me. Since I have a good idea who the people trashing me are, I am amused. One person in particular may want to watch what he posts, as some of it is confidential. You know who you are. So have a nice day, and don't worry, EV will be gone shortly.

    1. 👆🏾please keep this on FB.

      Again, this site is for ***Encinitas’s real time news***

    2. Good news. Glad to see EV go!

    3. 11:32- You can blame whoever runs this blog for this one. Yes, FB belongs on FB, but for some reason the moderator of this group decided to put EV up for grabs. And yes, I will be happy to pause EV. It has become too toxic , even for me, and I started it 8 or 9 years ago (don't remember). So now, I get to share what I really think and feel. And one of those things is helping Bruce Ehlers get elected. Someone said how much money I have given to candidates. The only money I have given locally is too Bruce. I haven't given a dime to Luke or Jim. So get your facts straight unless you are just making things up. You like Destiny, fine. Vote for her, I don't care. I happen to think when someone has 4 FB accounts plus whatever she has on Instagram and X , it might be wise to see who this person is. When the same person violates the League of Women Voters rules and the League person says "Oh, that's just Destiny" you might want to wonder how they even know her. After the election I have every intention of coming on here and telling what I know about many of the so called "leaders" in our community. I've been involved in Encinitas politics for about 40 years. I've served on 2 Commissions and I could go on. It's truly sad how this beautiful small town, who incorporated in 1986, could have turned out to be so polarized.

    4. LG, you are too close to EV.

    5. My God Lorri. Are you really this blind? Are you so lacking in perspective and self awareness that you don't see it? Your comments perfectly exemplify why EV is so toxic. IT'S YOU!

    6. 1:08 Whatever you say. Yes, it must be Lori. Although when I looked at Encinitas Votes, I saw a lot of toxic people and a pretty tightly moderated group. Try Encinitas Now and see if you can post anything besides the Party line. I did and my comment was immediately removed. I know Lorri and I also like her. This blog has been a feeding frenzy

    7. 1:08: She's too far gone to ever see it or understand it.

    8. cont. to make her out to be some horrible creature. At the same time some of you seem to want to trash Kranz as well. Makes no sense, but then again, many of you don't. We have Stocks, who many see past The Office drinking until he is drunk. He doesn't like Lori for reasons she can tell you. And of course Garvin and Julie, who would love to get their hands on EV. Add to that Mali, Theresa, who is even allowed to post on EV, Marco, who at least puts his name sometimes on his posts, and a few others. I can tell you Lori is very happy to pause EV and then weed out most of the people. After that, when it may go private, this blog is screwed can go to hell. Not one of you will be able to see any of what they talk about. And if Lori sounds snarky, you might be too if you had to get messages all day from people who tell her how to run things, what she is doing wrong, and even nasty notes from so called leaders. I should let her speak for herself, but I am her friend, and very few of her friends have the nerve to support her on this blog. As for the blogmaster, blame him or her for even bring up a FB group. He or she could have discussed what is being said on Encinitas Now, but they know there would be more traction if they used EV. NO worries. You can dance the happy dance when EV shuts down.

    9. You're dreaming 1:25. Look what EV is up to right's a pile of shit talking garbage and speculation. The only moderating they do is ganging up on and kicking out people that dare to disagree with them.

      As someone mentioned above, the star EV commenters are mostly made up of wealthy non-residents. Out of town commentors that seem to enjoy attacking residents, and get full protection from Ms. Greene. Good riddance.

      Out of curiosity, what was your comment that was removed?

    10. 1:36 aka Jeremy. My mistake was disagreeing with someone who made a comment. I will leave it at that. I don't want to be kicked off En like Lori was.

    11. 1:25&1:34 is Lorri using her alter ego where she refers to herself as Lori. Even though she doesn't remember she's done it so many times before. The lady is nuts.

    12. I, I, I.

      me, me, me.

    13. 2:19- She may do that but you use Omed Demari instead of Jeremy Spearman aka Blakespear. You're both cuckoo.

    14. Why wait until after the election? Just pause EV now.

      Omed is not Jeremy.

      Lorri was not blocked by EN for "simply asking who the admins were" She was blocked because she created a post in EV encouraging people to hack EN to see who the admins were. But she never mentions that part.

    15. Oh, and if anyone had ever posted asking people to hack EV and even offered money to pay them, Lorrie would have blocked them from EV too. It's weird she doesn't get that. There are screen shots from her 2020 post "Who in this group has good computer skills and can dig in to find out who the admins of the new group Encinitas Now are? I will pay you. Yes I am that serious."---Lorri's exact words. So they blocked her...and instead of taking responsibility for her actions and actually understanding that she went too far by encouraging that, Lorri plays "Poor me"

    16. Lorri has a weird code of ethics. She thinks screenshots are egregious...screenshots will get you blocked, but encouraging illegal hacking in order to dox the admins of a group is totally ok...but then she also has a shoplifting conviction, so what else do you expect

    17. 2:42: Yes, OMED is Jeremy.. Someone asked him online if he was Jeremy.. He quickly removed that person from EN and took down the post.

    18. Encinitas Now is not Jeremy Blakespear's group, it is Lou Cadia's and he was outed a long time ago which is why he no longer posts on EV.

  14. There is the right side of Encinitas which is the cool beach town, and then there’s the freak show which is Kranzinitas.

  15. 12:28pm Life is so simple for you. Black or white, no shades of gray. Glad being such a simpleton works for you.

  16. Lorri isn't a bad person. Much of her behavior is understandable for anyone familiar with dementia related paranoia and delusions. Drug abuse and an underlying personality disorder explains the rest. Sadly most of the people she thinks of as friends are actually enablers. 😟

    1. Case in Point: Pam Slater Price doesn't even have enough respect for Lorri to follow the EV rules, yet Lorri either doesn't notice or is too passive to call her out on it

    2. Minion Facebook chatter

    3. 3:34 authored by someone nightly occupying a chair at The Office. May be known to some as he who hopes no one remembers his council shenanigans and wants to once again hope to be relevant.

  17. Boy, she just have pissed some of you off really bad. I have never seen such hatred towards an old woman on this site. Mali doesn't even get this much hatred. Some of you should really get a life. You know the old saying from PT Barnum? Look it up. The more you talk about someone, the more you give them power over you. If she is reading any of this I'm pretty sure she is laughing at you. There are some truly nasty people on here. But don't worry, you will be rewarded I'm sure by your puppet masters that you seem to hate but actually love.

    1. Minion. 🥱 Facebook chatter.,

  18. No one is forced to read the posts on EV, or report them here either. Grow the f up. It appears some just love to get in the muck and trash Lorri at every chance. Grow the f up. She allows more of these disgusting citizens comment of her site than I would have. Lorri thank you for trying. You deserve much more respect than what these low life's posters obviously have for themselves. Dear Lorri, may you be well and carryon without all the daily weight of dealing with these malcontents on your own site and others like us on Encinitas Undercover are left to deal with.

  19. Encinitas voters need to behave like Density is up 10 points. In a sane world she woulod have no chance. In Marco's hacking/lying/DNC funded life and world she could win and not honestly.

    Remember - the only reason THE ONLY REASON Blakespear won a CA Senate seat is due to the fact her and her Marco propagandists lied their asses off in non-stop ads. I do believe the constituency is much more informed and aware of the bullshit today. Still, you must act like this horribly unqualified woman is up by 10.

    When this shakes out Marco's comment on being involved in Encinitas politics for the next decade will be a joke.

    The guys supports a School Board candidate who wants your girls to compete against males. He supports a school board candidate who believes your 11-18 year old girls should share school bathrooms with 18 year old men getting naked in front of them and claiming they are girls.

    This is 100% true and cannot be denied for anyone who is paying attention.

    Pro tip - have bullet proof cyber security because Marco and his minions are attempting to hack me at this very moment.

    Marco is a mole filled with hatred of all of you.

    1. Don't know about all the Marco BS, though he is a scumbag of the first order, but agree. Act like Density is up by 10, no 20 points!

      She's got the benefit of the whole rotted council (except Ehlers), behind her, as well as the Democrat party and all the stupid D2 Democrats who a) aren't paying attention, b) thought Hinze was great when she sold them all out or c) would never vote anything other than D.

      Not a big O'Hara fan, but he will be far better than Hinze and Preston lobbed together.

      Preston knows nothing about the city or D2 and this is why she's defensive and rude. Avoiding answering questions is her main focus right now. She won't go anywhere unless she's propped up by Tony, Hinze or Blakespear.

      D2 residents should be alarmed by what's happening in their community once again. Wasn't Hinze bad enough?

    2. Not a big OHara fan because why? Have you met with him or just taking Marco’s lying word that he’s MAGA? Because you know Marco will be back with the same bogeyman propaganda he spread last time. Don’t fall for it.

    3. The issue with Jim is not necessarily Jim. It's his supporters, who will likely turn into his puppet masters if he wins. He doesn't have an impressive resume or experience and will be taking direction from people that are certainly Republican-leaning if not full on MAGA conspiracy theorists. Voting for him is basically the same as voting someone like Thunder or Hill into office.

    4. You might be surprised at how many Democrats are horrified at what their former choices are due to the city. They’re vowing not to make that mistake again and O’Hara is their choice.

      Kranz and right winger Walsh communicate regularly. PRAs from citizens have turned up emails from Kranz to Walsh on variety of Encinitas issues, including the Goodson project. Walsh supported Kranz in 2022 and again now. Do you apply the same logic to why Kranz should not be elected? You should, I do. Serious question.

    5. 6:26 Many of Jim's supporters are Democrats.. Keep your fake programda on FB.

    6. 8:32. Curious where that leaves Walsh’s good buddy, Julie Thunder?

      She helped get Kranz elected last time. How about this election?

    7. 9:24, Learn the difference between propaganda and genuine concern. I don't agree with a lot of what his vocal supporters actively promote and don't see any distinction between his agenda and theirs. Same with Shaffer.

    8. EV Democrats aren't really Democrats and don't represent the voters. Every recent election has proven this to be true.

  20. If a good moderator doesn’t make it about themself, keeps a low profile, sets clear and objective boundaries and enforces rules based on the rules without regard for whether the moderator agrees with others opinions. . .

    Who is the better moderator, Glenn or Lorrie?

    I’ll start.

    It’s Glenn.

    1. Nah. Glenn just today let in a troll who refused to answer the ground rules questions. So yeah, nah. Here’s looking at you, Jessica Leone.

    2. No one cares. It’s Facebook.

    3. Glenn who is one of the kindest people you could ever hope to meet. The only person that could've known someone was admitted to EV without answering the questions is Lorri. So 9:47 is Lorri throwing Glenn under the bus to try and make herself look better. Disgusting!

  21. League of Women Voters

  22. Lorrie gets called out anonymously for bad behavior. Naturally she responds by publicly attacking random people on her enemies list. Acting like a child will absolutely prove her critics wrong. 🤣 Knowing that she was a licensed mental health professional is horrifying. 😲

  23. Most believe Omed is Jeremy. He followed a band in Utah called Omid Demiri the first name he used and that’s the name that he uses on Encinitas now hardly a coincidence that that state is where he met the wife. All the denying is just protesting way too much!

    1. Nope, but there is this isn’t Jeremy a physical assistant?

    2. 👆🏾💯

      Classic. BINGO!

      The Cardiff Gimp!

    3. You're overthinking it.

      Just rearrange the letters of Omed Demo Demiri and you get Jeremy Blakespear!

  24. DEI Garden Gnome vs. The Cardiff Gimp in a steel cage wrestling match. Make it happen.

    1. 👆🏾👆🏾💯

      Have Starvin be the girl in her skimpiest outfit. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😂

    2. *Have Starvin be the ring girl in her skimpiest outfit. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾😂

  25. *what’s Encinitas share and the multi multi million dollar payout of Dr. Worley who has rundown due to hazardous road conditions after Roberta Walker being rundown in a Sharrow lane?

    what’s the cities current status of the lost lives on South Cardiff after a man hit one of those cycle traps and died, what’s the status of the four C’s lawsuit?

    Then we have many more law suits to come right in front of SDA where some kids gonna die on that bullshit design.

  26. Who someone’s deleting factual information.

    The crappy city manager is trying to slide this through is no one watching with Tony Kranz saying it’s fine by me


    1. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION; AUTHORITY: Government Code 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: Davis, et al v. City of Encinitas, et al; Case No. 37- 2020-00030315-CU-NP-NC

    2. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION; AUTHORITY: Government Code 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: Claves, et al v. City of Encinitas, et al; Case No. 37- 2020-00030315-CU-NP-NC

    3. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION; AUTHORITY: Government Code 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: Obayashi v. City of Encinitas; Case No. 37- 2024- 00001287-CU-NP-NC

    4. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION; AUTHORITY: Government Code 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: Vurbeff v. City of Encinitas; Case No. 37- 2023-00044030-CU-WT-NC

    5. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION; AUTHORITY: Government Code 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: Chereskin, et al v. City of Encinitas; Case No. 24CU002161N

    6. CLOSED SESSION: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL, EXISTING LITIGATION; AUTHORITY: Government Code 54956.9; NAME OF CASE: Miller v. City of Encinitas; Case No. 37-2024-00017944-CU-OR-NC



  27. Watched the debate. Yes, it's two old white guys and not very exciting, but it was a good look at who might be our next mayor.

    Tony Kranz has really perfected the style of saying a lot without saying much at all. His blandness is broken up by his occasional defensive strikes, especially about PV and Streetscape. He comes across as a guy who's happy to talk at the residents about what they want to hear and make excuses for what doesn't get done. Outright lie? Well, it's more like obfuscation. He's also perfected the glazed over stare, which serves him well during humiliating council meetings.

    Ehlers is certainly more engaging, but still a wonk. He relies on data, which is good. His pushback on state housing will not win him over with progressives, who are OK with what this and the previous mayor have done to the community. The one piece of advice I would give him is not to be so, I, I, I. He is one vote on the council. He spoke a few times about his having the majority on the council. It was very Blakspearesqe. We are not a strong mayor city (wink, wink), so try not to be the smartest person in the room and have a little humility.

    If Bruce wishes a majority on council he needs to do more to support the other candidates who are most likely aligned with his agenda.

    Destiny will NEVER BE, Allison is too HR/DEI so may never be, but Joy might be an ally occasionally. If Bruce wins and the other guys don't, his best choice for an ally will be an appointment from his old district. THAT will not give him the majority.

    Bruce, start helping/promoting one or both of the guys running for D1 and D2. If you're going to go for it, then kill it, so we can move on from this awful hell Blakespear has had us in for the last 8 plus years.

    p.s. I'd vote for Bruce just to get our parking back on the 101 and be rid of those awful plastic and concrete barriers.

    1. 👆🏾 That is a ton of ramble.

      Bruce has common sense.

      Tony Krantz is a dumb fuck who doesn’t know his head from his ass.

      Vote for Bruce, Jim, and Luke If you want a good city council with good common sense.

    2. * Kranz

      Kranzinitas 🤮

    3. "Relying on data." The horror!

      Try fact checking Kranz, he's a liar to boot.

    4. Bruce's too busy meeting with Del Mar Republican groups. He was elected to represent D4. Less than halfway into his first term he's trying to quit for higher office. Obviously Mayor would be just another stepping stone as he's targeting something like County Supervisor or higher.

    5. 75% of the Del Mar meeting were Encinitas residents. And Ehlers is meeting with Democrats, too. Sorry not sorry to break it to you 12:00, but the number of disenfranchised Democrats is growing daily.

      Putting up the "extensive agency experience" empty suit Preston was so transparently done to guarantee another rubber stamp council vote for Kranz that she alone has pushed Dem voters into the arms of Ehlers.

    6. 12:21- you got that right. I am one of the lifelong Democrats you’re talking about and now I’m gladly supporting Bruce Ehlers who is No political party.

      The Freakshow Dems have gone to far and I’m switching to No Political Party.

      The 2-party system only serves the WEF.

    7. I'm not gonna vote for Ehlers because I don't support he and two unqualified, compromised men running the city. No way three people with an agenda run by republicans are taking the majority.

    8. Good for you 1:46! You just keep voting for those great "qualified" Dems, like Destiny, Joy and Allison. They're doing a great job. Traffic, crime and homelessness are now non existent. Everyone can't wait to vote for the tax increase and lane trimming on ECR, along with 100% affordable in our last open spaces. It's kumbaya night and day and all thanks to Tony and his outstanding fiscal leadership.

    9. I don't have the ability to vote for any of those people or their competition 2:15. Ehlers/Kranz is the only race I have a say about, so that's how I'll be voting. I was undecided, but a pack of conservative men talking about the dumb shit their supporters do constantly isn't appealing. One (Ehlers) could be okay, but not three of them at the same time.

    10. You and others will make a fuss about what boils down to 4-5 "supporters" whose motives are suspect regarding the supposed support: Thunder, Walsh, Stocks, Conkey. All came from the cesspool that was watchdogs. Am I missing anyone?

    11. Why it anyone who doesn’t believe in the DEI, density, homeless, etc considered, OMG, a Republican?

      Why is it that liberals are so narrow minded?

      Diversity of color is OK but not of thought.

    12. You're missing the point or don't know what you're talking about 4:22. Treating everyone's POV as a joke except for your own is a mistake. Do you know anyone that you consider a "liberal" and taken the time to listen to them? My guess is no, because you don't sound too smart or informed or thoughtful.

      3:26 there are more than those four but I'm not here to name names. Let's just say I'd never support anything those whiny dummies are promoting, especially their picks for city council.

    13. Those four are the worst. Others dropped out after he who used to surf swamis moved away and no longer surface. thank gawd.

    14. Julie is the perfect bellwether for Encinitas politics. Anyone and anything Julie supports is the opposite of what most voters should and will support.

    15. She’s more like a poison pill.

  28. 11:19 You are smart. Bruce really needs create an alliance with the two others who have similar messages. It will freak the freaks out.

  29. Gotta laugh at Tony's 'we' comment. He's been successful at getting his agenda approved because his 'we' consists of three council members who were initially appointed. They've all benefited from their incumbency too. Let's change that outcome and vote in Luke over Allison!

    1. 👆🏾💯 + Bruce and Jim.

    2. Jim will need to do/be something extraordinary to beat the Dem machine backing Destiny.

      Destiny sucks but her masters will pump her up and the Dem fools in D2 will swallow it whole.

  30. The predator family has no ethics or morals.

    Yet, Hayward added that while the spending might be legal, it might not be ethical in the eyes of voters and contributors who supported Fletcher’s campaign for office.

    “It seems a little bait-and-switchy to me, and I think it does to a lot of people,” she said.

    Poor kids. RUN!


    1. Voting for Kranz is voting for the predator family. Marco said it himself when he announced is PAC is for Tony, Allison and Destroyer oops meant Destiny. Hell the D lives in a room in the district she wants to represent. But I thought she had a kid. Weird.

    2. Ok, stalker. Why are republicans in this town so fucking creepy? Do they realize the other side is not nearly as shitty as them and take full advantage by lying and exaggerating to the maximum? After years of observation, that's my conclusion.

    3. 👆🏾no concern of mine.

    4. Mine neither. I'll vote for Kranz and let everyone I know why all three of them aren't worthy of their vote.

    5. 👆🏾 there’s no stopping freakshow members.

      Those of us with morals and good common sense will win the day and will get Bruce, Jim, and Luke in the office to shape up this City of Encinitas.

  31. I'm sorta confused by LukeJim. They both oppose the sales tax and are rightly critical of city spending. Yet they're begging people EVERY SINGLE DAY for donations. Is it to buy more hats with their name on it and parties at Hamburger Hut? This is not how you show voters you'll be fiscally responsible.

    1. 👆🏽 that is a stupid comment.

      Jim, Luke, and Bruce all use their good common sense.

    2. An imagined "common sense", and nothing more. When you have absolutely no other justification or qualifications for running for office, maybe that will get you where you want to be.

    3. Airbnbush brings unicorns and fairy dust. And no, I’m not talking about Starvin this time.

    4. 6:54- Speaking of Airbnbush, did you know she lives in one room, with her child ( although there is debate on whether she has a child), on a street in her district. So how long haas she lived here?

    5. 6;28 “agency experience” is Prestons concocted catchphrase for who knows what. Meant to impress, it sounds more like “I’m here from the IRS and I’m here to help.”

    6. Her very relevant experience and education is what she's running on. You can minimize as much as you want, but her competition is a guy that runs a few racing events and has never shown much of an interest in what a city council position involves, unless arguing online counts.

  32. 5:23- Maybe they don't get it bed with PACS. So they have to ask individual donors. Last election between Margo and the Verdus, PACS for all of the candidates they liked got about $80,000 dollars or more.

    1. Labeling all comers “MAGA.”

    2. They are in bed with PACs tho.

    3. 7:20: Could you name the PACs. I'd like to check them out.

    4. I'd start with the PAC that attempted the silly La Paloma debate. They support O'Hara, Shaffer and Ehlers.

    5. Unlike Marco’s, it’s not very well funded. Last I looked it only had a couple of grand.

    6. Marco's PAC currently has no money. You must be the same out of touch person who thinks Verdu was involved in the last election.

      In addition to Scott's PAC there's also a lot of unreported dark money being spent on the Shaffer and O'Hara campaigns. Some from the same people who've done this for the last couple elections. Those lurking in the shadows spending money or running anonymous accounts will start to be exposed now that the nomination deadline has passed.

    7. Conserve North County didn't spend any money in the last election, dipshits.

    8. "Dark money" 9:59? Examples, please. Lurking in the shadows is Verdu to a T.

  33. Is Marco Gonzalez an angry white man?

    Sure seems so.


    1. A more educated version of The Guy That Used To Surf Swamis?

    2. In contrast to your pal Mali who "self identifies as 1/4 Latina" but doesn't speak Spanish?

    3. Not as angry as some of those Latinas from Peru that get prayed upon by white men and power at public agencies like the county and MTS.

    4. * that get preyed upon by a white man in power at public agencies like the county and MTS.

    5. Like you give a shit about immigrant women (or men) from Peru or any other country 3:50. Where is the lock and load guy/gal? Are you one and the same?

  34. First I'll take over EV, next up...THE WORLD!
    - Anonymous (Hint: I'm never on here)

  35. Kranz’s morphy got all excited when she heard about San Diego’s tent city. She almost didn’t need to pop four Boner pills at last Saturday’s Freakshow.

    When can we start taking reservations for spots in our second senior center by the beach?

    My friends brother, and a bunch of his Fenty friends, came down from Oside and I know they’re calling up a bunch of people from San Diego to come on up for Tony Kranz is invite.

    Encinitas is the homeless center for North County. At least that’s what all the sheriffs tell me and the PD from Oceanside and Carlsbad.

    Kranz announced it and the CRC supports it.

    Thanks, Tony Kranz for creating such a shit hole from formally nice beach towns.

    1. Tony Kranz’s wet dream-

      “Adding 142 tents to PV Lot would cost about $3.3 million, while placing 50 more at the nearby moonlight beach location should require around $900,000”

      Prepare. In the debate Tony said a homeless center in Encinitas is in the future.

      Look around. Kranz welcomed the Fenty Zombies, they came, and the City sponsored CRC is supporting them with free supply’s, food, and water.

      It’s already here and growing thanks to Kranz.

  36. I am no Kranz fan.
    The Mayor's street is in bad need of fixing. I drive on it.
    Beacon's parking lot changes was decided months ago, get with the program.

  37. Joey Bag of Donuts would like to know if Marco Gonzalez supports Kevin Sabellico for School Board?

    If you support Kevin Sabellico for School Board please tell us why you support him and what are the qualities and qualifications that you believe make him worthy of that position.

    Thanks Marco!

    1. If you're an Encinitas resident obsessed with Marco or Sabellico, you're part of the problem.

    2. No. They’re part of the freak show.

      They are the problem.

  38. There are tons of streets that are in worse shape than the Mayors. Of course, he makes sure his street first.

    The public is not even aware of the proposed crappy Beacon’s waste of money.

    I hope they show up to City Hall with pitchforks and torches.

    Fuck Kranz!!!

  39. Marco defending Democrats on their homelessness policies - surely it has nothing to do with the fact that there's money to be made by his developer clientele - right?

    Sorry MG, the Dems own it, lock stock and barrel. Newsome took his SF policies to the rest of the state and homelessness has become a blight. $24B unaccounted for and the problem is worse.

    You can bitch about the Republicans, who are not in power, as if you didn't know, but a fucking baby could do a better job at helping the less fortunate than the robbers who have been running this show and ruining our state.

    There's something so wrong with people (left and right) that are so partisan, they can't see or accept the difference between right and wrong.

    1. Gonzalez likes to play the role of victim while he is actually the perpetrator of abuse. His way is to to label all people who questioned the wisdom of rolling out the welcome mat to the homeless in Encinitas as Trumpers. Many people on all sides of the political spectrum are upset about the 24 billion that was used for the homeless industrial complex. After all the money was gone, the problem is bigger and not smaller, and Newsome vetoed bills to account for these funds. It is like most developer scams that the people who are held as examples who are in need get very little in return. It is the special interests that grow rich off their backs. Very disappointing!!

    2. 👆🏿💯. Marco only cares about $$$. A complete POS….

      Poor kids. 🥲

    3. Gonzales is the double standard hypocrite. He sold out his soul to the BIA and then pretends to represent the down trodden. Double talking cho-low, ONLY interested in lining his own pockets.

  40. Density praising Marlynne on Progressive Unity...Classic. Boy it didn't take Harry Bush long to completely surround herself with the mE4mE members.

    1. You know, wd're just a little too clever with your weird references no one understands. Try English sometime.

    2. 👆🏾1:08- sorry you’re slow. Maybe you’re not cut out for this real-time news. Maybe you need to spend your time on Facebook.

      This site is for intelligent common sense residents who appreciate ***Encinitas real time news***

    3. 👆🏾 The person responsible for 90% of the comments on this "blog".

    4. wd refugee to boot gets agitated when called out. can smell 'em a mile away p-ewww.

    5. 1:22- if 2:05 is right, Thank You!

    6. Jeff is still obsessed with Encinitas 🤣🤣🤣

    7. 👆🏼Jeff who?

      Plenty of homeowners are interested in Encinitas, Tard….

      Kranzinitas Sucks!

  41. If only we could say who the f was that pos that some put their faith in? The overriding question to them is why?

    Also, how the f could they be so partisan to imagine this disreputable character was suitable to hold any public office?

    We all know who the players were in this created debacle and what we as a community are left with having to deal with.

    It takes quite an ego to imagine these few voices have any current relevance beyond their own self inflated ego's.
