Sunday, January 2, 2011

Panic at Trader Joe's

You'd think people were stocking up for a hurricane. It's so thick with shopping carts it's hard to move.

I'm not sure the new Whole Foods will relieve this much. Kind of a different crowd.


  1. Back to school, back to work. Every holiday looks like this. The Whole Foods will probably help ease the madness at all the similar alternatives: Henry's/TJ's in new Encinitas, Jimbo's at the Carlsbad Forum, and Seaside Market in Cardiff, as well as increase patronage of downtown business since folks who live in the area will have one less reason to leave.

  2. Trader Joe's has a bad layout in their store. It is small, crowded and there is no room to accomodate the lines that develop at registers. It is generally mass confusion in that place.

  3. I've been over to the new TJ in Carlsbad once, and it's incredibly spacious. Still, I'll stick with the TJ in Encinitas and do my shopping in the morning when it's not crowded at all.

  4. My poor wife got stuck in that mob. She sent me a text that read almost verbatim to your headline, lol.

  5. This does not look like the Encinitas TJ's... ???

  6. Can't you see the Stone Steps sign on the wall? This is taken from the far wall by the bread.

  7. Plus a lot of their food is Chinese poison!

  8. @W.C. Varones - sorry, not in the habit of enlarging the photos so wasn't able to see the 'Stone Steps' sign from the fuzzy pic above.
