In response to the proposed Encinitas bar moratorium and midnight closing time, bar owners are circulating petitions, both in bars and
online, to stop the ban.
Enthusiastic late-night drunks have come out in force, already collecting 2600 online signatures and spreading the word via
Where is the petition to stop serving booze in Establishments at midnight?
ReplyDeleteI will sign that one. I think what you'll see is more locals support addressing the problem while other what Encinitas to turn into Manhattan Beach. Yuck.
They may be enthusiastic, but do they live here?
ReplyDeleteCran you call me crab? Sheems Ive had true mooch ta dwink. Peteetion? Shoore I'll shine yur Petition....
ReplyDeleteI bet the people of Olivenhain will sign it. Put the drunks AND the poor west of the 5!
ReplyDeleteYou really have a wild hair for Olivenhain! Look, we don't need bars in Olivenhain because every house already has one! Further, we don't need any public roads because we do all our bar hopping on horseback. In fact, we don't even call it bar hopping - it's called "hanging with the neighbors".
Delete- The Sculpin
I am an Olivenhain resident and I am deeply concerned for the health and safefy of those who live downtown or who may find themselves driving through the area on the weekend.
DeleteI disagree that Encinitas should become the new party destination for San Diego County.
Thank you Encinitas Councils, planning, city manager, and city attorney for creating this problem.
ReplyDeleteThis proposal to close the bars at midnight while everyone is sober is nothing but an attempt by the cc to drive the taxi cabs out of encinitas.
ReplyDeleteWe have been a Footloose town for a long time, name one place where you can dance.
ReplyDeleteRemember, when D St Bar & Grill first opened they had a DJ and a small dance floor.
Mayor Guerin shut that down as quick as possible.
I'm told the Elks Lodge has live music and dancing every Friday night.
DeleteI danced with Kristen Gaspar at the Rotary Club.
DeleteIn the 1940's, rotund and Leucadian Ruby (who smoked cigars) had to go to court for dancing in her own bar. When she came before the judge, she said "I wasn't dancin'. An old friend came in and as I was huggin him one of those trains went by and it just looked we was dancin'."
DeleteIs there anyone under the age of 60 dancing at the Elk's Lodge?
DeleteSome twenty-something girls were complaining at the coffee shop last week that there is no nowhere to dance locally. They didn't seem like the Elk's or Rotary Club type.
I've been thinking of opening a dance club and having a dress code- something to cater to the new people moving into Encinitas seeking upscale drinking and dancing. Would it fly here?- JP, what do you think.
DeleteYou used to be able to dance at Yogi's on 101, it was like Frat party, smelly and stinky.
The smell of stale beer, cigarettes, and pine sol when the bars open at 6 in the morning.
DeleteNot much of a Kevin Baconbits fan, but this guy sure is.
Does anyone remember a woman whose last name is Broady who ran for Council. She said in the Cardiff forum that since she didn't drink she would just try to shut them all down. Glad she didn't make it. Why all the government control? Do we really need to be monitored like kids? Does this happen in the winter or only the summer when everyone is out of school? Seems a bit excessive to close at midnight, especially when the law says they can stay open until2AM. I wonder if this would even pass legal muster?
ReplyDeleteIf the patrons acted responsible this would not be an issue. Kids? Kids don't assailt, destroy, stagger around screaming obscenities at 3 am. Most people just don't know how bad it is.
ReplyDeleteIf they are on your property at 3 am, they are criminals. Do what you need to do to protect your self and property.
DeleteIt's illegal to discharge a firearm in city limits. Even BB guns.
WC - a good compromise is to leave the bars open and allow firearm discharge in Encinitas. The problems would be fixed pretty quickly. Olivenhain has a standing resolution to handle neighborly disputes with a 10 pace duel (usually held around 9am on weekday mornings).
DeleteThis moratorium will require CCC approval. That will take a year or two.
ReplyDeleteIs it the same problem in Rancho Santa Fe?
ReplyDeleteI'm fine with this as long as it doesn't apply to the Kraken!
ReplyDelete- The Sculpin
I'm a beer fan. You might call me a beer afishionado. But then you might not. Ha-ha. I just moved to Encinita's. I like it cause there's lot's of places to drink beer. So I dont like the idea of shuting down the beer palces early. 2AM it is and 2AM it should stay. Beer fans have right's too!
ReplyDeleteI find it depressing that a very small, but extremely vocal minority continues in their attempt to dominate Encinitas politics in the futile hope to shape the town solely to their benefit. Encinitas is a wonderful place to live, and there is a high demand to live here. That demand, not developers or anyone else's agenda is the reason for the change. Everyone deserves a voice in the future, yet this group seems to think that theirs is the only one in the right.
ReplyDeleteThe proposed ban is simply draconian in nature, and likely hurts more people than it helps. If behavior is the issue, then work to better police the situation. I'm well beyond staying out past midnight, but if banning alcohol sales affects the attractiveness of Encinitas for potential new bars/restaurants, then this proposal will only diminish everyone's enjoyment.
All kidding aside, yes you've hit the nail on the head. As a poster commented on JP's blog, it's Stocks, Prop A, downtown alcohol and Vina. 2 down, 2 to go. What's scares me is what's next. That zeal doesn't just go away. While there has been much discussion about the draconian effects of social engineering in the housing market, will the same philosophy hold true with this discussion? I fear not. I see the potential for hypocritical arguments being made here, and will enjoy seeing the strained attempts at reconciling the two. The most likely outcome will probably be a shift in resources in the Sherrifs office to better patrol this activity, which may require additional funding, which in turn will drive the fiscal conservatives bonkers. The seasonal hours sounds interesting, but I would switch it. Let them run later in the summer when the demand is here, and shorter in the winter when demand is low. The summer months are crucial to these businesses. But if the aim is to run them out of town and create a dry encinitas, then say so. Don't hide behind a domino argument.
Delete- The Sculpin
DeleteWhat is wrong with a community trying to prevent itself from becoming Pacific Beach? The drinking and abuse has led to crimes and destruction of community property. Please share with me why you think it is that a community should be able to ask it's leaders to represent their interests?
Aha- 9:29 you reveal that either you are a troll or you are uninformed. You claim a small vocal minority 'continues' to dominate but the truth is those seeking to protect property values and community character by seeking council representation ARE NOT THE SAME people who worked hard to pass Prop A.
DeleteYou attempt to paint all who seek council representation as a minority when the truth is they are a majority, but are unaligned with each other. Desert Rose was one issue with a group, Prop A another issue, Bar Moratorium another issue.
Everyone does have a voice, what you are unhappy with is that now these many different voices seeking to protect today's community character are beginning to speak as one.
10:53 - There is absolutely nothing wrong with a community trying to prevent itself from becoming Pacific Beach. I also feel that it is within every citizens right to have their leaders represent their interests. If the drinking and abuse has led to crimes and destruction of community property I would expect the appropriate authorities to devote resources in addressing this issue and curtailing such activity. My initial attempt at addressing this issue would not be to close the bars at midnight if it has been standard practice to close at 2am. That's more of a last resort solution. If the bars know this they will more likely be be part of the solution than the problem.
Delete- The Sculpin
DeleteBars and restaurants stay open later if the customer base is there. Not enough customers to justify the addition salaries-bars close earlier. Bars are allowed to stay open till 2 am if there is no restriction in their ABC license.
DeleteIf they are not the same people, they must meet on a regular basis to practice the same tired rhetoric that dominates the local blogs.
Whine, complain, rinse, repeat...
4:34 I encourage you to check out a council meeting. One week it is Olivenhain residents asking for the city deliver timely services, the next wekk it is PTA and Little league asking for a measly 5K, the next week it's desert rose, the following week it's downtown bars, after that it is the ruse of the GPU, they are all different residents who only want representation
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIt is out past midnight when the real problems begin. Thus the need to close at midnight, curtail party buses etc. Do we really want Encinitas ruined? It is not an issue if you live in village park, come check it out this sat night, like a scene from a bad B movie.
ReplyDeleteThe ABC's plain liquor license doesn't allow dancing.
ReplyDeleteEnc always has some weenie issue that they make into a major issue. This is the way of the small minded, little thinkers. This is why enc is called Mayberry by the sea.
ReplyDeleteSimplistic people with simplistic ideas.
And zero crime - except for Otis.
DeleteMayberry by the sea and Mayor Dan Dalager the good old boy?
ReplyDeleteWe can't afford salvager. He along w stocks approved the 35% pension increase in 2005.
DeleteBond was the only smart one to vote no.
Aunt Bea for Mayor.
ReplyDeleteI saw dancing at moonlight beach on Sunday. Dancing and booze problems are to desperate issues.
ReplyDeleteDancing and booze are desperate and Separate Issues. Love auto-spell
DeleteSo what has the "Encinitas Hospitality Committee" offered to do besides create that petition? Whatever it may have been, it doesn't look like its working...
ReplyDeleteIs the Encinitas Hospitality Committee headed by Dodie Crawford and Bar Czar Norby?
DeleteThe idea that Encinitas might one day become Pacific Beach is laughable.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. Because we are not stupid Enough to let it.
DeleteInteresting businesses banding together under the Encinitas Hospitality Committee name. Some of the businesses - Bier Garden, 1st Street, 3rd corner, 7-11, Blue Ribbon Pizza, Office, Peabody's, Rimels Rotisserie, Shanty, Union.
The bar owners, like other business's main focus is to maximize profits. They need to be forced to be good neighbors. If it was up to them, they would triple the size of their bars and get everyone in drinking 24/7. More drinks= more profit. Its that simple.
DeleteWhy not make the bars that want to stay open to 2 fund extra police presence during that time?
ReplyDeletegreat suggestion. Why didn't DEMA bring that suggestion?
DeleteWhat suggestions did DEMA present?
Good idea; and while they're at it, why not have the police actually issue tickets that have some bite to them instead of just warnings?
ReplyDeleteanother great idea. Boy you guys should present your ideas to the lame brains at DEMA. They must be hungover or stoned from last night.
DeleteThe answers are obvious, but the Vina/Norby machine will call them "business-hostile" and continue down the path of supposed neighborhood-business communication....
ReplyDeleteNORBY no doubt organized this new group, just like Norby organized the preservation groupvthat opposed A, along with DEMA that opposed A. Norby also has a financial interest in a brewery. It is time for the council to cut ties with Norby
DeleteYour way off base. Senseless lies.
Delete6:05 - Mr. Norby did tell the council he has a financial interest in a brewery- that is a fact, though he did not say where- perhaps it is elsewhere. Mr. Norby also was part of the Organization that was listed as opposing Prop A on mailers- again a fact.
DeleteI don't know if Mr. Norby organized this newly created political group or not, he certainly has a lot of power in the town. It is a fact he was/is the 101 czar and has relationships with DEMA. It is also a fact that DEMA also opposed Prop A. It is also a fact that DEMA got taxpayer money from the council and then spent thousands to oppose A.
I also think it is time for the council to end the contract with Mr. Norby.
Do you have any facts to contradict the facts I have outlined? Or will you only make accusations of lies when you offer nothing in return?
Thank you
Andrew Audet
DeleteAs an aficionado of breweries, I am quite certain that Encinitas does not have any breweries, so Norby's investment is irrelevant other than perhaps showing a personal inclination toward breweries.
All surrounding cities, Carlsbad, Solana Beach, and San Marcos have multiple breweries, but Encinitas has chosen to promote PB-style bars serving other beers rather than developing quality local craft brews.
I know of people who wanted to put a brewery here but couldn't get through the city's red tape, while more loud-crowd drunk bars keep getting approved on 101.
Andrew - the facts you mention are in all likelyhood, facts. However, the manner in which you connect these facts is conjecture. So when you ask "Do you have any facts to contradict the facts I have outlined? Or will you only make accusations of lies when you offer nothing in return?" you are being disingenuous. It's not your facts that need to be challenged, but your conjectures. Personally, I see no need to challenge them since they really have no basis in reality, and they are cetainly not valid reasons to go after his job.
Delete- The Sculpin
Me Norby raise grapes at his home to make wine. I do not know if he is a part or full owner of a winery. I have never heard him say he owns a bar. A brewery and a bar are two different things. The fact that he raised grapes to make wine is not relevant to me. He is not a friend merely an acquaintance.
DeleteSounds like mr. Audet should investigate more and point fingers less.
I heard at one time a brewery was planned for the potato shack.
Delete10:23 just an FYI- it was Mr. Norby who told the council at the council meeting he had an interest in a brewery/drinking place somewhere-
DeleteHello Sculpin- It seems to me your problem isn't with the facts but with the opinion the poster reached. With all due respect you first acknowledge that the facts are likely accurate, but then state you won't address them because you think they are baseless. If they are accurate how can they be baseless? The poster opines there is too much power in the hands of the contractor -that seems a reasonable to conclude. You might disagree which is equally reasonable, but you either disagree with the facts or the opinion -
DeleteIt seems to me that because you disagree with the opinion you want us to think there is conjecture going on, and you try to paint the opinion as conjecture. Why ? To discredit the opinion of course -Why not offer a few facts to support a different opinion you might have?
You also try and paint the poster as 'disingenuous' because the poster asked the previous post of 6:05 to share with the group what that person thought were 'baseless lies' - that seems reasonable, again it asks for specifics.
Along the lines of genuineness I have seen you complain that people post anonymously -of course you do as well under the made up name of Sculpin. It seems genuine to me that the 8:00 am poster left a name in sharing his opinion yet you want us to believe the poster is disingenuous. Will you leave your real name for us at this time, or continue to troll under the fictious name of Sculpin? Just saying.
4:03 - I am not disputing the facts. I'm taking them at face value. I'm disputing the conjecture. The only opinion that Mr. Audet offers is that Mr. Norby needs to be fired based on the facts presented. The only "fact" I would have to offer (but I have to say it's only conjecture) is that Mr. Norby must be doing exactly what his employer wants him to do, else his employer would fire him. As such, Mr. Audet's "facts" that support Mr. Norby's firing are really the very "facts" that continue to keep him employed! This is why I am of the opinon that Mr. Audet's conjecture is not within the realm of reality. Yes, I'm discrediting the opinion.
DeleteI should have added "intellectually" to "disingenuious". I'm not sure how you can lay out a non-sequitor and then ask for a rebuttle!
If I give you my real name, would you believe me? I'm plenty accountable as is.
I'm beginning to suspect that all the Anon's know who each other are.
- The Sculpin
Hey scuplin, i too have seen you complain on this blog about people posting anonymously, yet you never leave your real name, when someone does you have the temerity to question their 'genuiness' while you hide behind an online persona............own it. Also, it is you being intellectually dishones by claiming it is 'conjecture' when you admit that you actually have a different think Norby is doing a great job based on the facts that he is the dema czar, the general plan czar, that he opposed A (as did you, let's be clear) that he has been involved with the change of downtown that many local neighbors now complain ofand that he recommended 5 story buildings to the ERAC committee. Many others also think it is time for the council to cut ties with Norby, the developers, out of town special interests, pro development council and you think he is doing a good job. So, what's your name, you cast mud at the genuiness of those putting their name behind opinions, how genuine are you:..troll?
DeleteScuplin as you seek to discredit the opinion that Mr. Norby should be fired, what do you offer as reasons for keeping him? He was paid 105K to run GPU and he failed, he was paid to represent residents he failed, he was paid to remain neutral duricommittees yet he recommended 5 story buildings. It is ok for some to have the opinion the city should save the money they pay him and give it back to residents, you want to waste 105K a year paying him, back it up, tell us how this is a good use of taxpayer money.
Delete8:51 - The only reason I have for keeping him, and I have stated this already, is that his employer is satisfied with what he's doing. Now, is there a better use for the money than this position? Perhaps, but that has nothing to do with Mr. Norby. He's doing what he's told to do. I guess my problem is that you have a beef with Norby when you should have a beef with the council. Leave the personal attacks on Norby out of it. Go after the council.
Delete7:14 - Care to take some of your own medecine? Who are you? Or am I the only one who doesn't know who you are?
10:53 it is not an attack to say a city contractors contract should be terminated for failing to represent residents at the GPU, recommending 5 story buildings, being overpaid, having too much power, or being aligned with out of town special interests or developers.
DeleteAs for 7:14, they asked who ever is Sculpin to reveal themselves. I don't have a problem with anonymous posts, I think they are good. However whoever is Sculpin has lamented on this board about anonymous posts yet the entity called Sculpin remains anonymous.
The 10:53 post was mine. Sorry.
Delete11:32 - you and others (unless you're all the same people) have completely missed my point on annonimity. Clearly I have no problem with posters posting annonomously since this is how I have decided to post. All I ask, or as you put it, lament, is that EVERYONE is posting under the same moniker, Anon! How can you have a serious discussion if you don't know who you're talking to? Great for Fred, Lynn and Andrew, but I think it's irrelevant what name one uses as long as the ideas one represents and espouses can be attributable. Otherwise, you're exchnaging ideas with schizophrenics - and maybe that's closer to the truth in this blog! I have put forth ideas, opinions, thoughts and observations under my moniker, and have not posted Anon other than inadvertantly. Now that I have a body of thought on this blog, some want to know who I am. Why? It's ideas we're discussing - not identities.
- The Sculpin
do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound Sculpin? Anonymous is anonymous, a person could use multiple moniker's, even you, perhaps you have.... but a name is a name.
DeleteI agree with Sculpin. Attaching any name to your posts lets us follow your thoughts and logic and is very helpful.
DeleteWhen you just post anonymously, it's impossible to get a picture of your larger worldview by connecting comments.
Encinitas Hostility committee, here to commit to a more drunken Encinitas .... cheers!
ReplyDeleteI'll drink to that!
DeleteI am going to do horrendous things on your front lawn tonight, right after I down 3 shots at each of the down town hospitality locations.
ReplyDeleteAnd you can not touch this!
The Encinitas Hostility committee is living up to its name.
ReplyDeleteWhy is it that at the council nobody form that group came up and addressed the city council about this?. Were they too boozed up and missed the agenda? Some 20 + people spoke up for more control. No representative from the Yes on booze campaign spoke up and yet they have the audacity to claim on their website :"However, because of a lack of communication to local Restaurants & Bars, the Encinitas Hospitality Committee was not given a fair chance at providing solutions to the Community’s concerns". This is a not a new problem. What have they done so far to provide solutions?
ReplyDeleteThe bar/restaurant owners should show Brando's The Wild Ones to get their customers in the mood.
ReplyDeleteWhen our customers are passed out in the street swimming in a pool of their own vomit we drag them to the gutter so they won't get run over. We have even hailed cabs for them if they regain consciousness before 2am. Please respect our positive contribution to the community!
ReplyDeleteIt would not be a bad idea to have a dance plan, sans alcohol. My teens are always complaining there is nothing to do in Encinitas except going to the beach.
ReplyDeleteYour teens should try studying.. Have you seen their grades ??
DeleteHaven't teens always complained about the same thing. They have to ocean which is much more than other teens. Ocean, studying, sports, books, movies, and build projects, get a job, and volunteer with an organization that interests them. There are way too many opportunities to claim being bored. I love when people claim that. What I say to my kids is boring people get bored.
ReplyDeleteI support establishing a midnight ban on alcohol sales in establishments. Let Encinitas be known for responsible fun, tourism, property values, and sales tax, property tax, and TOT tax will sky rocket. There are already other party hotspots like PB and Oceanslime.
Teens require lots and lots of stimulation. They require large expanses of the outdoors to feed their athleticism, voluminous amounts of raw data to nourish their intellectual curiousity, extreme forms of light, sound and energy to assault their senses, and a place to put it all together to come up with something new. At best, Encinitas offers only 2 - an award winning school system that consistently places students in top universities, and outdoors that are second only to the rockies. They're just not going to find the other 2 in Encinitas. That's why they're bored. You, like me, are older, a little more set in your ways, and have already decided what interests us and what doesn't. We're not bored.
DeleteI support a stronger enforcement effort and to allow the bars to operate within their legal boundaries. After all, they're not doing anything wrong.
- The Sculpin
How did entertaining teens cross into the bar scene?
DeleteThey knew the bouncer.
DeleteConsidering Sad Sac is not doing anything positive for our town, I'd say our City Council's greatest failure to date is not firing Sad Sack.
ReplyDeleteAll he has done is get us in huge DEBT, Created 4 new employee positions to suck out tax dollars away from needed projects at over $800,000 per year, and has no plan for getting Encinitas on stable financial footing.
Sad Sack's plan is to maximize stack-n-pack development and increase booze sales tax revenues to get Encinitas out of its mess to be able to pay for its huge pension and regional sports park obligations. I say no to the Pacific Beach model of development.
I suggest Council fire Sad Sack and bring in a City Manager that has a grasp on focusing on quality of life for Encinitas and maintaining and enhancing the character of our beach community, not selling it out to stack-n-pack developers.
What do you think is the highest priority for City Council to act on in the next 3 months?
Interesting points, Anon 6:02. It seems like our quality of life, property values and community character are all being liquidated and converted to funds that go to the City coffers. It is happening in all 5 communities, all in the name of 'sustainability.'
DeleteI have listened to many presentations and council meetings where staff and consultants bring up ideas for so-called ‘sustainability’ or ‘revitalization.’ I have yet to hear any of them bring up the COST of their policies to the residents who live here.
Can’t they come up with other options than to pimp out our City to outsiders for short term cash infusions to keep up this fantasy of strong financial health at the expense of Encinitas residents? How about just leaving Encinitas as a family friendly, wonderful place to live? We would not have to degrade Encinitas if cut back on staff and city services. We need to get back to the basic reasons that people want to live here in the first place—which have nothing to do with bars, high density housing, hiring consultants, nor most of the other City-funded events that taxpayers have to cover.
Don't forget that the devlopers all get their cut too, so that projects can 'pencil out.'
DeleteIt must be nice for the developers to work with the City and jointly decide how much they can squeeze out of a neighborhood and how much damage they can inflict on others, just to maximize their profits!
9:59 - While you have legitimate beefs with the "developers", keep in mind that they're the ones who bear the brunt of the risk. Yes, they have the ability to make handsome profits, but only after everyone else is paid - contractors, banks, suppliers, employees, etc. Also, I have never, ever seen a developers investment package that states as it's overall investment goal to "work with the City and jointly decide how much we can squeeze out of a neighborhood and how much damage we can inflict on others". Believe it or not, I have seen projects abandoned at the formative stage because they clearly did not fit within the community. Please, drop the hyperbole and stick with what you know.
Delete- The Sculpin
Hi Sculpin. The abandoned projects must have been somewhere besides Encinitas. There ARE places that have standards. In each case, the Planning Deparmtment favors builders, and there is nothing "written" since it is all done in backroom meetings that the public can't attend!
DeleteThe list of restaurants as members of the Encinitas Hospitality Committee is perplexing. Most of them close before 12. Are they planning to keep their bars open to 2 in the morning? Is this the "morphing" from restaurants to bars?
ReplyDeleteHow many people take part in the Santa Claus pub crawl in Encinitas? Or the buy a beer and a dollar will go to a charity?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure that many people see things like a pub crawl as a worthy cause, However, this seems like a case of diminishing returns for Encinitas residents, to raise a few thousand dollars a year for charity, at the expense of the safety, privacy, peace, and well being of an entire community.
DeleteThis but one example of bogus 'public good' arguments that the city is fond of bringing up to justify their jobs. Other special interests have their favorite platitudes and pet projects that they like to promote to justify the degradation of neighborhoods or entire communities with pack and stack development and other unwanted schemes.
In every case, they compliment themselves and their projects without taking into consideration that most Encinitas residents don’t like the direction that Gus Vina is taking our City. The majority of people I know want to keep Encinitas a safe, quiet place to live and raise a family.
What do you think SMORG?
ReplyDeleteLets understand whats going on and be realistic.
ReplyDelete1. The problem isn't kinda bad, when it shows up, primarily on the weekends, it is OUT-OF-CONTROL! The Sheriffs are incapable of doing much of anything, their response time is dismal.
2. Residents have a right to sleep peacefully and feel safe in their neighborhood. Two years ago this wasn't an issue.
3. The Union is the main problem and everyone knows it. A few other bars are also catering to unruly patrons.
The restaurants listed in the Encinitas Hospitality Committee are in with the wrong crowd. If those restaurants want to support the irresponsible behavior of the bars go for it. But don't expect residents of Encinitas to support the restaurants.
ReplyDeleteBoycotting the restaurants is being discussed.
DeleteI'm in.... anyone restaurant opposing the moratorium is off my list for restaurant choices. 3rd corner, Zenbu, and Union... no more until you get behind the citizens.
DeleteI hope others will join me.
DeleteI'm in.
DeleteEscondido city manager to get 12.5% pay raise. Since Gus's salary is tied to the salary of the highest paid city manager in SD county.... Quess who gets a pay raise soon??
ReplyDeleteWas today the evaluation day for Gus and Sabine? Council meeting next week comes the big raises. Drinks all around for the bobbleheads!
ReplyDeleteI was shocked to find out that Vina and Sabine are doing self
ReplyDeleteevaluations on top of having Gus' cronies evaluate them. Who gets to do that? Where do council members weigh in on this? This lack of oversight is another thing that has made people talk about a recall.
This is shocking. I hope that the reporters grab onto this one!
Did I hear council say they would keep Sabine? Say it isn't so!