Wednesday, October 28, 2015

10/28/15 City Council meeting open thread

The current city council has continued prior councils' practice of not providing written summary minutes of council discussion, but only "action minutes" which state the outcomes. Encinitas Undercover will provide a forum for observers to record what occurs at each council meeting.

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Oral communications - Jim Gilliam, city art administrator, more than 3 minutes to advertise day of dead with folklore dancing in front of the council and cameras. Thanks, Jim. We get it. It's art.

    1. 6 figure income for this - amazing !

  2. Any one know how long it takes the video to DL?

  3. 32 MILLION UNFUNDED PENSION LIABILITY! 50 MILLION in road repairs needed. Oh we are rich! Lets buy pacific view...... oh we did, with money we don't have!

  4. Tony, we don't need another goddamn roundabout on Leucadia Blvd.

    Three in a row is three too many!

    1. Why Leucadia Blvd.?

      Why three roundabouts between Orpheus and Vulcan?

      Why so selective?

    2. Why? Because the stupid 4-way stop at Hygeia and Leucadia Blvd. forces every vehicle to stop every time, regardless of traffic levels. If you lived near there you would understand how bad it is when large diesel trucks have to stop going uphill, and then gun their engines to get going again. This roundabout was part of the mitigation for connecting Leucadia Blvd to El Camino Real, but the money to build it went elsewhere.

    3. What about every other hill intersection in Encinitas where there are stop signs or traffic signals?

      Why select Leucadia Blvd?

      How often do big diesel trucks drive Leucadia Blvd. and negotiate tiny roundabouts made for cars on a two-lane road?

      I saw an 18-wheeler backing uphill from the Hymettus roundabout cause it couldn't make it around without going over the top.

    4. But they lead up to Tony's street.

    5. 7:47 PM

      "I saw an 18-wheeler backing uphill from the Hymettus roundabout cause it couldn't make it around without going over the top."

      If you're referring to the apron they are designed to be driven over but not at the roundabout's stated speed of 15 mph. They have to slow down even more as the apron has a low curb.

      Maybe the driver didn't know that. I have seen trucks drive over the apron.

    6. 7:47 PM
      You keep asking why Leucadia Blvd. It's because this relatively quiet residential access street was converted to a major arterial by the connection to El Camino Real. It is now the preferred route for all the folks in SE Carlsbad and San Marcos to get to the coast. Traffic levels are now way too high for 4-way stops, and signal lights just create their own form of gridlock.

    7. thats right. and speeds were deadly prior to the roundabout installation. Finish the project to mitigate Leucadia Blvd. from I5 to Beacon's Beach. Its part of the project cost for developing the Encinitas Ranch and opening up Olivenhain Road to the coast.

      Plus we like people who can not yield to drive on Encinitas Blvd. not Leucadia Blvd.

  5. Ok tell everyone how to shoplift. Hush! People are getting ideas already! Go back to studying your rocket science.

  6. All those special events use up the deputies overtime. More marathons, more street fairs, more beach concerts. We like it, we deserve it. More traffic, more crowding.

    1. How many marathons are needed? Limit them to a couple a year.

  7. Oh, oh. Unprofessional conduct of someone in the sheriff's department.

  8. Hey Tony sell Pacific view and fund the sheriff downtown. Given the homeless hang out around Pacific View, you kill two birds with one stone.

    1. The annual debt service for purchasing Pacific View Elementary is roughly $800K; for that amount you could hire 4 more deputies and almost double the amount of coverage in the City. This is a politically fatal mistake by Tony and Catherine as to next year's election cycle.

      Its something that can bring all 5 communities together, united.

    2. 5:55 AM

      That was the discussion that was never had during the PV acquisition. The council never discussed the trade-offs but they sure need to have their hand held to decide whether another deputy is justified. After saying that public safety is their number one priority, they act like it really isn't.

      You can't sustain an activity on overtime alone. At some point there is burn-out. What the council could do is committing to add a deputy for a year or two and then revisit it. But some council members just can't pull the trigger. Pun intended.

    3. The sheriff's yearly contract can be increased or reduced each year. Want another deputy? Increase the amount of the contract.

  9. City residents have been screwed. Manjeet Ranu received an Oct. 22 letter from HCD approving the draft housing element. This is a document that was never presented in a finished form at a public hearing in a council meeting. There was a first draft, a second draft, a third amendment, a fourth amendment that was never put on a council agenda to see if we agreed with Jeff Murphy and Manjeet Ranu in how they wrote the document. They actually pilfered the MIG ugly baby draft housing element rejected by the council in 2011 and Ranu submitted it to HCD.
    HCD letter -

    1. I see you're singing the same old, tired song. What should be good news is somehow distressing. As the letter states, the city has received preliminary approval for the housing element but a lot has to occur, including public participation, before HCD will grant official certification. Preliminary approval doesn't mean the city can't make changes to the HE draft. Lord knows what the Coastal Commission will want changed.

      But as stated in the past, you don't really want public participation. You want to derail the whole effort as any HE that meets certification requirements you will certainly oppose.

    2. 11:40 AM
      You are singing the same old song to hide the duplicitous actions of the planning staff and council. There was no public participation on the draft housing element that was submitted to HCD. You should know that. When did the public get to discuss each one of the new programs in the draft housing element submitted to HCD? Did you mention that the draft housing element has a paragraph that states that the voters will be giving up their right to the council on other changes to the housing element. Why don't you quote that taking of the community's right to vote.
      There is no official certification from HCD. If you have documentation that states from HCD that they certify the document, please post. Otherwise, stop with the lies.

    3. 12:05 PM

      "Why don't you quote that taking of the community's right to vote." I assume you are referring to this (HE Sept Draft page 11):

      "Any changes necessary as a result of Department of Housing and Community Development and California Coastal Commission review and certification following the November 2016 vote shall not require a subsequent ballot measure, even if the change would otherwise trigger a ballot measure per Proposition A. The November 2016 ballot measure will expressly delegate the authority to enact changes to ensure a certified Housing Element and Local Coastal Program certification to the City Council. Delegation of authority specific to accomplishing required state certifications is consistent with Proposition A because the voters are asked to authorize it in the comprehensive November 2016 ballot measure."

      That will be part of the ballot measure. Voters will have to agree with it.

      "There is no official certification from HCD" You are correct which is why I said preliminary. HCD can't certify a HE until it is formally adopted by the council in a public hearing. HCD will then do a formal review on the adopted HE. The HE update has a long way to go with many chances for the public, including you, to weigh in.

      Just stop pretending your ranting is about public participation. That is your lie. Your real goal is to stop the HE update altogether.

    4. 5:31 PM
      Your real goal is to lie to the residents. Your goal is the destruction of Encinitas with smart growth and increasing density.
      Back to your lie of HCD certification. HCD doesn't certify housing elements even those adopted. Put up or shut and provide the HCD document that states that they certify city housing elements and that their letter will state they will certify the city housing element.

    5. 6:01 PM

      I just hope your ignorance doesn't affect others.

      HCD reviews the HE to verify that it "substantially complies" with the requirements of Gov Code Article 10.6 Housing Element, Sections 65580 - 65589.8. This is what is referred to as certification. While a city or county can ignore HCD's recommendations, they risk lawsuits as HCD certification is considered the gold standard that the HE has met statute requirements.

      The Oct 22 letter from HCD only states that as currently constituted the draft HE substantially complies with the state statute requirements provided the city follows through on the land use changes and any other provisions. A council approved completed HE will then be submitted for a final review from HCD. Any changes to the HE between the current Sept draft and the final version will be reevaluated by HCD for compliance.

      "Your goal is the destruction of Encinitas with smart growth and increasing density." Yes, I guess if you can't come up with cogent arguments then hyperbole is the next best thing.

      Finally, "Your real goal is to lie to the residents." No. I've never said anything about the content of the current HE draft except to quote the above. It will be up to every voter to decide whether it is a good document that the city can live with.

      Your real goal is to poison the process. As far as I can tell, you're not succeeding thank god.

    6. Howdy.

      I'm not 5:31, but I found this and I thought it might be helpful:

      "All California localities are required by Article 10.6 of the Government Code (Sections 65580-65590) to adopt housing elements as part of their general plans, and submit draft and adopted elements to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review with compliance with State law. HCD is required to review housing elements and report its written findings within 60 days for a draft-housing element (Government Code Section 65585(b)) and within 90 days for an adopted element (Government Code Section 65585(h))"

      Also this:



      • attest or confirm in a formal statement.
      "the profits for the year had been certified by the auditors"

      • officially recognize (someone or something) as possessing certain qualifications or meeting certain standards."

      Whether or not the word is used officially, it's pretty clear the role of HCD is one of aribiter of conformance with state law. I don't think it's inaccurate to say HCD certifies the housing element.

      If you disagree, then perhaps the last definition of "certify" applies to you:

      "• officially declare insane."

    7. 7:27 PM
      Again with the lie that HCD certifies. Ask HCD if they certify then post the answer. Certification is very specific in what it means. HCD doesn't certify. Stop with the certification bs.
      What! No argument about smart growth or increasing apartment/condo density and traffic on already overburdened streets. What! No argument on the elimination of our commercial areas that will have residential apartments above the stores. How many bars will be needed to increase sales tax to support the addition burden on fire and sheriff units with the increased residential density. Ask the downtown residents how those bars are working out for them. There is a duplicitous process in the planning department which was started by Jeff Murphy and carried on by Manjeet Ranu and Mike Strong. .

    8. 7:53 PM

      It's like I'm talking to a tree stump. No wait, I've had better conversations with tree stumps.

      '... then perhaps the last definition of "certify" applies to you:

      "• officially declare insane."' I'll have to agree with 7:40 PM

    9. 7:40 PM
      HCD doesn't use the word certify or certification for a reason. You figure that out.

    10. 8:15 PM

      65585 (d) In its written findings, the department [HCD} shall determine whether the draft element or draft amendment substantially complies with the requirements of this article

      While the statute's text uses "substantially complies" everyone refers to it as certification as a short hand. No matter what you call it the results are the same.

    11. 8:32 PM
      Now certification is shorthand. That is a new definition. Give it up.
      HCD doesn't certify housing elements.

    12. 8:32 PM

      Pray tell us what the practical difference is whether we say that HCD determines that the HE "substantially complies" with the housing element statute requirements or HCD "certifies" that the HE substantially complies with the housing element statute requirements. And don't just say that HCD doesn't use the word "certify". Explain the difference. Why does it matter?

    13. Maybe I haven't got an answer to my question at 11:49 AM (10/30) because I put the wrong time for the entry I was asking to respond. At 11:49 AM I was asking 8:59 PM to respond to my question as 8:32 PM was my own response to 8:15 PM.

      So I'll repeat.

      8:59 PM

      What is the practical difference whether we say that HCD determines that the HE "substantially complies" with the housing element statute requirements or HCD "certifies" that the HE substantially complies with the housing element statute requirements. And don't just say that HCD doesn't use the word "certify". Explain the difference. Why does it matter?

  10. So Kranz, Shaffer, Blakespear will just vote against something because Gaspar and Muir want it, and vice versa. How about growing up and just governing? All these downtown folks want safety and you are off to "think about it". Petty and disgusting.

    1. no more cops, period. Gaspar and Muir are trying to placate their money supporters.

      We need more cops, Shaffer, Kranz, Fakespear and Barth spent all our money are a rathole of a building to benefit their friends and supporters.

      See how it works? Both sides are disgusting and lack common sense.

      That's why there is no difference between Paul Ryan , John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Ried, JOhn McCshame, Hillary, Rubio, Jeb, and all the others.

      There is only one candidate running for President who is not owned by puppet masters- one candidate who has balls, courage and american testosterone. You may not like him, and he doesn't care if you do, his name is Trump.

    2. 8:28- I don't like Trump but you are correct on the Republican side. On the Democratic side the only one not taking Super PAC money is Sanders.

  11. Kranz, Shaffer, and Blakespear need that extra money to pay for Pacific View and the new Marine safety facility.

  12. Now making a big deal again about a ped at-grade crossing at Montgomery in Cardiff. There is an at-grade ped crossing in the Encinitas Coaster station. No gates, only lights. Amtrak trains blast through there at 80 mph.

  13. Encinitas lifeguards patrol a very small area yet the city employs the second highest paid lifeguard in the state. Huntington patrols 10 times the area and owns the highest paid. lifeguard. Overspending is rampant and publishing discussions would spotlight a hundred more examples such as this I imagine. Why does everyone comment anonymous? Show yourself!

    1. Dustin-Those of us who have been posting a while realized that if you post anonymously there are less personal attacks against the person. Dr. Lori is a good example. She used to always post her name and her message was picked apart by people who didn't like Her and so they basically crucified her. She is the only one who repeatedly tried to expose Sabine for the sham he is. Yet not one Council member has done anything about him in all of these years. Now, watch what I mean. Very soon there will be a snarky post about Dr. Lori, and you will understand. They are usually from Jerome Stocks, Mike Andreen or David Meyer. IP addresses can be checked, so I do know this to be true. Let's see.

    2. 12:11

      If you know IP addresses for Stocks, Andreen and Meyer, post them.

    3. IP addresses are assigned randomly by the ISP, and they expire after a set amount of time (e.g. 30 days). When the time expires, your cable modem requests a renewal. At that time, the ISP can either reassign the same IP, or give a new one.

      In other words, IP addresses are not permanent. Also, privacy is a big issue for ISPs. If you go to ask them the name of the client who is currently using a certain IP address, they won't give you an answer unless you are a law enforcement agency with a warrant.

      The reassignment of IP addresses is called "dynamic" addressing, and it allows the ISP to better manage their pool of available addresses. You can order a "static" IP address, which will not change. Some business system integrations require a static IP. But that costs extra. Almost no one using a residential internet connection is using a static IP.

      In summary, 12:11 is making stuff up to frighten or intimidate people 12:11 imagines are posting here.

    4. 5:26

      You are exactly correct. 1:19 challenged 12:11 because he/she knew 12:11 was bullshitting.

    5. Over $30 million in unfunded pension obligations and rising. And this is a city that only has 100K residents and has been incorporated for a scant 25 years. Why do these mini-bureaucrats deserve 6 figure retirements? - outlandish and extravagant!

    6. 7:23 PM
      Correction on city population - approx 60,000 residents.

    7. Actually the population is more than 60,000 and do include the workers 10 to a room some places. And the small hidden "city" right under code enforcements nose. What a joke her job is.

  14. Dustin Campbell - I rest my case. And, let me also state that I know Dr. Lori and I saw the documents she presented for 9 minutes at a Council Meeting. Now 5:26 says Dr. Lori was bullshitting So here is the question- Why did Dr. Lori spend about $150.00 on Public Records and if it was all bullshit, how is it possible for her to get up in front of the City Council, get 2 time donations, as she was not the only one looking into Sabine, but 2 other people saw the documentation and decided she ad the real facts, no rumors. Perhaps you now know why people post anonymously...

    1. Are you suggesting Dr. Lori refers to herself in the third person in anonymous posts like 12:11?

      Actually, you are probably right, and that is so sad.

  15. Ha classic I know Jerome and Mike. Maybe they'll reach out to me non-anonymously. Jerome was involved when we mapped a family piece of property on quail gardens and Mike was a customer at my retail across the street. Can't wait to hear from them!
