Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9/11/24 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Kerfuffle over candidates' party registration

 From the Inbox:

Kranz/Blackwell/Preston's more rabid supporters are trying to make hay against D1 challenger Luke Shaffer for his mistake in thinking he had chosen NPP but instead registered as AIP (the word "independent" hooked him).  As it happens, according to a 2016 NPR news article, 73% of California voters registered AIP actually think they are registered NPP: Voters Often Confuse 'American Independent' With 'Independent' Party : NPR.

Here is Allison Blackwell, not new to politics - she is, after all, Deputy Mayor - "was surprised" that for 21 years, she was not a registered Democrat.  When she finally did register, it was just this past December.  How's that for the epitome of an opportunistic switch to get all the goodies the Democrat party has to offer in supporting her candidacy?

Scratch her being "actually surprised" she was not registered Dem all this time.  From January 2023, she advertises herself as NPP when she was going for the D1 council appointment: