Saturday, September 27, 2014

Alex goes local

One of the criticism's of political newcomer Alex Fidel's mayoral campaign is that he focuses too much on national issues like the Federal Reserve and not enough on local issues.

Fidel has gotten the message. In the recent candidate forum, Fidel brought his left-libertarian principles to local issues.

Seaside Courier:
Fidel said if elected he would get to the bottom of why the city is “$50 million behind on road repairs.”

“Silence is compliance...I will not be silenced by any injustices,” Fidel said.


To the question about what plans they had to keep Encinitas from "becoming another Pacific Beach," [...] Fidel said the city’s code enforcement should be directed more toward the downtown area instead of being “bogged down” by other minor residential matters.


As to what should become of the Pacific View Elementary site—purchased by the city for $10 million from the Encinitas Union School District—Fidel, the youngest of the candidates, said since his “generation is picking up the tab for it” he would like to see it used as a place to grow food locally.


Asked whether they would support an amnesty program for noncompliant housing units as part of updating the city’s housing element in time for the public to vote on it in 2016, all candidates said yes.


Fidel said: “We need to stop building houses, that is the reasons the banks crashed. How many more houses do we need?”
Please consider this an open thread to discuss any other goings on at the candidate forum or elsewhere around town.


  1. Alex offers those Berkeley of the 60s' thoughts of global involvement with anarchy as a form of government. He seems like a nice guy but way too far to one side of the road in how to govern.

    1. 9:47- Berkeley in the 60's did not want anarchy. Far from it. We wanted to get our country out of Vietnam, where we had no place being in the first place. We wanted people to not go hungry, to have a roof over their heads. People's Park, where many of us got maced and clubbed was a demonstration of police brutality, and we are just now getting around to addressing. it. I was personally maced, pepper sprayed, kicked, hit by a cop, all for standing peacefully with nothing to fight back with, except my words, which unfortunately they could have cared less. The hype about Berkeley in the 60's is laughable for those of us were there. But, hey, I got a degree from one of the most prestigious universities in the country, and back then, a person could do it without going into debt. I feel sorry for the young people these days, who leave college with so much debt they may never be able to repay it. But, this is Encinitas, where parents have no problem giving their kids anything they want, including a $95,000 truck that one of my neighbors gave their kid on their 16th birthday. Perhaps it is time I move on to another community. Money has spoiled what used to be an amazing area. But, your wonderful City Council will fix it for you.

  2. When Alex gets out into the real world then maybe, just maybe, he might be a viable candidate for council. Otherwise, he's just comic relief.

    1. I think people who are living fat off the status quo need to go out into the real world, study economics and see the dollar collapse on the horizon. Real world is 70%+ of people my age range unemployed even with Masters degrees. If they get a dishwashing job, that'll go poof when the dollar collapses. People who benefit off the fractional reserve banking pyramid system do not want to see it dissolved or receive competition from an honest currency system.

      I see a future of rationing, martial law, and worse on the horizon if we don't rise up peacefully and take the power back. I think people who are too comfortable to want anything to change should start thinking about their children & grandchildren's future. To do so is a real sign of maturity. I'm scared to have a family in the future because of what the older generations have done, and it is not their fault, they've been misled by this society. Best to be positive, forgive, and move forward. If we don't move forward, we are ALL going to be in the same boat of total economic collapse, not just 70%+ of young people. Talk about real world.

    2. Alex: I respect you and your position, even if I don't agree with all of what you say. There is a lot of truth in much of it. One thing I would like to say, in defense of us that came from the 60's and 70's is that not all of us copped out. Some of us have done some remarkable things. I can understand that your generation may to see it that way, as many of my generation were never interested in anything but money. That is what is missing from the dialog about the "baby boomers" Most of them were not as political as the media as hyped us to be, even in Berkeley. So, with that said, I saw an article today in the LA Times about the Climate Change march. Many young people said they were grateful that many of us "boomers" were there as well. I, being one of them. As with any generational labeling, it comes with a price for that entire generation. I moved here in 1983, and loved what I saw. Old hippies, if you will, artists, musicians, real values of helping others help themselves, offering a helping hand etc. Much of that has been replaced with the new money that came in. So, please keep the message out there. Some of us support you, as do I. I will not post my name, as I don't want to sound like the appointed messenger of my generation. But I think most people who read this blog already know who I am and what I stand for. If you don't know me yet, then I will introduce myself at the that forum.

    3. 4:11, Yes, we all know who you are. And we love you anyway.

    4. "I think people who are living fat off the status quo need to go out into the real world, study economics and see the dollar collapse on the horizon."

      Yes Alex, get out into the actual real world.

    5. Alex has a plan to avert the dollar collapse: Grow hemp, remove fat from diets, close banks, fire cops and save Palestine. Silence is compliance, but Abraham Lincoln coined Proverbs 17:28 nicely.

  3. How much in the tank is the Coast News for Julie Graboi? Maybe they don't get much correspondence but it feels like there is a letter or opinion piece from her each week. This week's edition has a letter and Julie's picture at the Oktoberfest on page B1. I think that's Shelia's picture in the upper right but no Gaspar.

    Good thing we have an evenhanded local paper.

    1. Jim Kydd and Pam Slater Price, the love that dare not speak its name.

  4. Going back to low income housing. There are probably many "granny flats" in this community that would help reduced our alleged need for more low income housing. However, I wouldn't trust the city's amnesty program, if offered. I don't believe for one moment that the CIty would find a way to figure out how to fine that citizen, and go so far as to put a lien on their home. Unfortunately, we have seen way too many times that a Council person says one thing to get elected, and then turns around and changes their mind. Think of Tony Kranz and Prop. A as a good example.

    1. Thanks for your plant. The amnesty program is written to protect both the city and resident.

  5. As usual- the UT covers the mayor debate, no word about ballistic bully Topny violating debate rules, and they play to Gaspar's only platform opposing pacific view

    Also, the housing is not illegal, it is simply undocumented. They are prt of a shadow underground economy and need to brought into the light of day. It is hardly compassionate or kind to call them 'illegal units' , they are simply undocumented

    1. Agree, 11:09. The so-called current "amnesty" is NOT an amnesty at all. There was no mention of "in perpetuity" affordable unit covenants before City Manager Gus Vina and Planning Director Jeff Murphy came on board.

      That new shadow policy is an abuse of process in that it is discriminatory and puts individual homeowners at an economic disadvantage. Density bonus developers are only required to record thirty year covenants. Affordable housing zoning restrictions are not allowed to be any more restrictive than non-affordable unit restrictions.

      According to state law, Government Code, affordable accessory dwelling unit applications, when ADUs are allowed by right, as they are in Encinitas, are NOT discretionary. That is, Planning cannot arbitrarily deny "documentation" of pre-existing units to one individual, while granting documentation, or what the City calls "legalization," to another.

      Because the City and County did not maintain a record of permits granted before the City's incorporation in 1986, and because no permit was required for small structures (500 sq. ft. or less) under the county, or for garage conversions, under the county, then pre-existing accessory dwelling units are legal. They could be considered legal non-conforming, if they don't have the required set back requirements, but parking requirements, according to EMC are not retroactive. The 2003 parking law specifically states that structures pre-existing the ordinance are NOT non-conforming due to lack of parking not previously legally required.

    2. Don't worry, people with illegal units go merrily along collecting rent while you debate the history of non-conforming units.

  6. 10:23 I was wondering if the city is sincere here, there is such low trust that it wouldn't surprise me if few come forward. Then the council will claim there weren't so many. They need to offer this up without repercussion.

    1. Exactly. Documentation of pre-existing affordable units should be encouraged, not discouraged through the implied threat of code enforcement action, the requirement for a $900 application fee, and the bogus "in perpetuity" recording requirement for the affordable housing covenant.

      That "in perpetuity" requirement is illegal because it is discriminatory and is being used to coerce individual homeowners through bullying Code Enforcement/City Attorney tactics.

  7. How much in the tank is the Seaside Courier for Gaspar and Blakespear?

    1. It is telling the they are in the tank for Blakespear- it shows waht Blakespear isr eally all about- upzoning Rossini Canyon , it is quid pro quo, she will upzone some other sight, the she will get pay back

    2. Does anybody read the Seaside Courier?

    3. 11:55, I heard they put articles in it to keep the ads from clashing.

    4. Alice Jacobson is the publisher of the Seaside Courier. Any questions?

  8. Alex stays loco is more like it.

  9. Alex makes a lot of sense. He puts it in a different way that most people aren't used to, but I think he is extremely smart and articulate. He has more knowledge about issues than this present council and isn't afraid to offend anyone. I admire his spunk.

    1. Great, 12:49, but he's a totally impractical choice for mayor. He can't do the job.

    2. He is articulate, but he's barking up the wrong tree on how to get in office and run the city. It's apples and oranges. He's better off doing what he's doing now. Come on, it's time to drop the Alex discussion, he won't be in the mix come November. He's the Seth Cowan of this cycle...

  10. 11:09,
    They're illegal and undocumented units that would cost tons of money to bring into compliance. Especially the way permitting is done here today. That's what needs to change. Also, those owning or buying their homes should be counted within the affordable housing equation - since they're part of the alleged "63,000" total sum of residents that SANDAG neatly bunches and the state counts as a whole.
    As far as "bully" Tony goes, I'm glad he cleared up that the cops weren't the bad guys in the situation with the disturbed heroin user (who's mother called the cops in fear of her life). Alex neglected to give those details.
    And yes, Tony ran into a guy in SD carrying a sign on the street saying "FUCK AMERICA" and flipped him off. Thanks Tony!

    1. Undocumented units are not necessarily illegal. Most of them are at most "legal non-conforming." That is EMC (code-speak) for their being grandfathered. Why do you think they are called granny flats?

      Regardless of what that sign said, or didn't say, Tony Kranz has a temper problem. But 12:54, you are correct about one thing, the way permitting is done here today needs to change.

      SANDAG's figure of 63,000 population is also off according to the most recent Census. Encinitas' rate of increase in population does not equal SANDAG's projections. That should be revised before we attempt to officially update our housing element.

      Also, a covenant does not have to be recorded to count affordable housing, according to Jeff Murphy. So why are these "in perpetuity" covenants suddenly being demanded to "legalize?" Is it because Planning and the City Manager, and Council, actually are promoting greater densities to gain more property taxes, more development fees, and are not really promoting counting existing affordable housing? The appearance of having an amnesty, or "publicizing" a false amnesty is a disservice to everyone, including potential lower income residents whom the affordable units are meant to accommodate.

      Going through the motions, as was done last Wednesday night, just postponing everything until after the election, doesn't count.

    2. 1:34- blah, blah, blah- no it's not ok for Tony the bully to go off

      interesting that Tony the coward has balls the size of peas when it comes to standing up to Vina, Marco or Murphy- he's a chicken little

      what's up with teh 6K trip to Israel- Kranz bought and paid for

    3. Tony's anger got the better of him when Alex attacked the guys Tony sides with. If Tony wanted to defend his guys, he should have waited for his next turn at answering a question and used part of his time to defend the deputies. Instead, he hijacked the mic and everybody else's time while ignoring the rules of the forum.

    4. 3:21- I was there as well and you are correct. Tony could not follow the simple rules laid out by the League of Women Voters, who had to step in and shut Tony up, as it was not his turn to speak. It happens way too often in the community for me to give him a pass any more. Enough is enough. His anger is what will do him in.

    5. No, Sheila Cameron running and Siphoning votes away will do him in, and you're going to end up with Gaspar as the mayor. Any questions?

  11. Yeah like being hostile and flipping someone off shows maturity. Anger management will need to be a requirement if you serve the city.

  12. 12:49: Alex is articulate but you don't catch flies with vinegar. The last person Encinitas would want mayor is Vanessa Redgrave.

    1. Vanessa doesn't live in Encinitas in case you didn't know.

    2. 1:36, Thank God.

  13. 1:00, I fart in your general direction.

    1. 1:06 That is probably about all you have to offer.

    2. 1:37 Sometimes that's all I need to offer.

  14. How about this. You can voluntarily declare your non-conforming accessory unit, make it available for inspection. The unit doesn't have to meet all current codes, but those related to health and safety (e.g. Electrical) have to pass or be upgraded. Your square footage, bedrooms and bathrooms would be updated with the County, so your taxes may have to go up, but so too does your home value and home equity, as you can now legally rent or sell the property as a permitted structure. If you are being paid cash under the table (cheating on your taxes by not declaring rental income), that may have to stop, as the process may require more transparency for counting units that rent.

    All if this could also be made mandatory when the property sells. At the time of sale, the buyer would have the option of removing the non-conforming use, or getting it to pass inspection to be legal and permitted.

    1. Taxes are set by one's purchase price, compounded at an increase of 2% per year. Everyone is paying taxes as determined by the purchase price, in California.

      If one purchases one's home with pre-existing improvements, those are part of the assessed value. The City does not have records of actual permits prior to its incorporation; neither does the County.

      A low income owner occupant does not have to declare "rental income," if that person or those persons "rents" the affordable unit. These affordable granny units could and should still be counted for the state mandates so less density bonus projects are forced on us, adding to traffic, and failing infrastructure demands, which the City can't afford to meet.

  15. Didn't the language of this amnesty include that these units had to be low income in perpetuity? So, let's say someone does all of the above? When they sell, the next owner would have to honor that same deal. Not everyone thinks low income housing should even be in this community, so I cannot imagine if I were to sell, that the next person would want a low income unit on the property that has to stay that way.

    1. Change the language. Much simpler than selling the town off to construct fake low-income units when we have more than likely all we need to qualify right now. Simpler, that is, unless you have a financial stake in upzoning.

    2. Changing the language is good. Also, taking away some of the other restrictions would be good. We became a city so we could control our destiny a bit more. It would seem as if our City officials are worse than the County in some respects. I am all for counting "granny flats" as low income housing, and I think that would be wonderful to have diversity in our community. However, as a property owner, I don't trust the City any further than I an throw a huge rock. I don't have an "illegal" unit to rent, but if I did, Im not sure I would go for this deal. And, I am a left wing liberal!

    3. That "in perpetuity" language is a concoction of City Attorney Glenn Sabine, City Manager Gus Vina and Planning Director Jeff Murphy. Never before was that documented as a requirement for anyone to qualify for the affordable housing policy guidelines.

      More smoke and mirrors by the powers that be, who really are trying to DISCOURAGE a true amnesty, and to force more upzoning on unwilling residents.

  16. What an F'n Dumbass. Use a 10 million property to grow food? We have enough houses already? DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Not on the taxpayers' dime. In context, I said I was opposed to state ownership of property due to the failure of communism, but also to corporate privatization due to the failure of capitalism. The property should go to the people where they GENERATE economic value with food and industrial hemp. That is production vs. consumption.

      I think Kranz is the only one who supports debt based financing, but so does Gaspar, just not as big of an amount.

      Ad hominem name calling is no way to have respectful open dialogue.

    2. With all due respect, Alex, I appreciate you piping in here. None of your friends at the table dare to yet. But unfortunately, Encinitas is less and less viable as agriculture property - least of all when that land is located next to the ocean. PV has plenty of potential to once again become a center of learning; create jobs for people and become a financial plus for the city / taxpayers (instead of a negative cash flow like most of "our" other purchases). How that's done with PV remains to be finalized but I'm glad the process has begun. (Not to mention keep more of Encinitas from becomming stack and pack housing). You may have some good input for the property, but I don't think a children's hemp garden would be wise.

    3. I'm personally not interested in adding more debt to our city by taking out a taxable bond. We could have had PV any number of other and less expensive ways had we had a council that was even halfway intelligent, or a staff that was halfway intelligent. As it stands, we can still back out of the deal. Would Baird then put it up again for auction. Possibly. But, it is still zoned public-semi-public and is NOT zoned residential. How many developers are going to take the risk? Well, with this Council they just might, as this Council is trying to do an end run around Prop. A as I am typing this. Tony, who supported Prop A to get elected certainly wouldn't blink twice to help out his new found developer friends; Barth is allegedly out; Shaffer would not consider it unethical to say to hell with the citizens, I'm smarter than they are, and we already know about Muir and Gaspar. Personally, if I were a Council member, and I am not, I would bail now and see what Baird would do. It's a poker game and I would love to play poker with Kranz. If he had any money. I could become a wealthy man.

    4. Unfortunately, this very dumb council will not back out on PV. They think (at least 3 of them) that they have preformed some kind of miracle. They still have no clue how much it is going to cost and where the money will come. I think, we the taxpayers, have been had big time.

      Gaspar and Muir have been ineffective in their role on council. The two of them can not accomplish anything. I consider them a waste of time and wish they would both go away. In fact, all five should be replaced.

  17. I would argue that all the other issues I talk about I have related down to the local level, people just don't understand the U.S. Constitution. The 10th Amendment allows for state & local nullification of laws. Every seemingly national issue I talk about I address in 10th amendment terms as far as the actual policy remedy is concerned.

    People say 'shut up about these other issues.' I really think just don't want me to discuss these other issues period, that they're perfectly okay with the Federal Reserve, the rise of the police state, Monsanto pesticides, federal policy mandates, etc. It reminds me of the same catch-22 nonsensical logic that I heard in 2012: "A vote for Gary Johnson is a vote for Obama." As if Romney would have made any difference, except killing more brown children overseas. If I were to run for State Assembly, I'd hear "Monsanto is good for California and we should not legalize cannabis." If I were to run for Congress, I'd hear "The Federal Reserve keeps our currency stable and we must always defend Israel with our tax money."

    So the 'stick to local issues' mantra is really an attempt to get me to shut up about those issues in general, which I refuse to, because silence is compliance. Some people just do not want me to expose the emperor with no clothes that is the corporate state.

    Many cities & states have done what I am referring to in regards to the 10th Amendment. Albany, NY was the first municipality to use the 10th amendment to nullify the NDAA (indefinite detention). There are local drone bans, bans on nuclear, bans on fracking, bans on GMOs. Medical cannabis laws on a state & local level are an example of 10 amendment nullification. I introduced legislation to the City Council for an NDAA ban and a drone ban.

    Google the Tenth Amendment Center, that org has model legislation for various issues from the Federal Reserve/legal tender laws, to Common Core, to 2nd amendment rights, etc. We just have to learn the Constitution in order to restore our liberty. Change is bottom up. If not here, where? If not now, when?

    1. Yes Alex - thanks for the comic relief.

    2. Umm, I understand the constitution. The problem with people's "alleged" understanding of the constitution is that like anything, it's subject to interpretation. The context that a lot of those laws were written in is different than what we currently experience, so you're going to have some dissonance there.

      Funny you bring up the Gary Johnson thing, because what people don't understand is how we vote. It's an Electoral college system with each state being winner take all. California will always go Democrat, so you can vote for whoever you want and it doesn't matter. If we had the direct vote, it would be different.

      BTW, I'm with you on the drone ban. You have some good ideas dude, but you have to speak in the language of the natives. You have to couch it and tie it in to hot button issues. That's just reality. Otherwise you get to see your name at the bottom of the tally...


  18. Ah, your lowness, we hardly had a chance to miss you. You spelling is always a dead giveaway. Thanks for the entertainment value, as far as that goes. Must be hitting the bottle again, as usual.

  19. 3:35, You spelling needs help.

  20. People can barely comprehend local issues, let alone national/international issues. Talking about concepts above the local level is fine, but further nullifies any chance of being taken seriously for a local office. Look at Gaspar - vague, inconcise, sand/rocks pablum - and she is Mayor! People freak with too much conspiratorial intrigue - it threatens their world. Play the local mentality - dumb it down!

    1. I guess that's what separates me from the establishment of the political class... I don't view the people as children. I have respect for the intelligence of the audience I speak to. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, by dumbing it down we create a dumb world. It's cart before the horse. Establishment politicians, the corporate media, and chemicals in our food, create living zombies. The unfortunate cost of treating politics like a game is human lives get lost, such as the child with epilepsy who died while the parents were fighting to get medical cannabis in NJ, or how more Americans have been killed by police officers than have died in Iraq. We seriously need to wake up before it is too late here.

      The currency is going to collapse no matter what, but what we do to mitigate the crises is whether or not we start challenging peoples' worldviews now rather than later. Waking people up to going off grid and growing organic food will mitigate the crises when grocery stores shut their doors, it won't feed everyone but more than if they weren't there, and it will help build a sense of community and civility if we all work on tending and preserving each others' gardens. Unfortunately, armored vehicles are now being used against home growers for a few heads of lettuce. Very sad.

  21. That is the sign of a dumb-ass with nothing to say when they pull the spelling card. Big deal, someone spends the extra time to spellcheck a Blog. BFD- its a blog- not a published book.

    Get a life and a brain.

    1. 8:06 My sentiments exactly. Getting tired of that punctuation/grammar kind or queen who makes mistakes when they write and can't find what they have done wrong. That makes for a good laugh.

    2. "king or queen" (caught it before they did)

  22. Hey right Krisitin Gaspar the fiscal conservative HAHAHAHAHA what an F 'N joke.

  23. 3:35 please let me know just what I misspelled. I keep going over it and fail to see what you are referring to. Thanks for the correction if there is indeed one that needs to made. Thanks for your valued input.

    1. 8:23 Keep looking. It's as plain as the big pimple on your nose.

  24. I am not sure about voting for Alex yet, but I know who I am not voting for.... came home today and my front gate was left open despite my sign that says "Beware of Dogs- No Solicitors." and my dog was wandering around the neighbors yard. Got her back in the yard and there were three political door hangers on my door, one for Gaspar for Mayor, one for "Lerch" Lerchbacker for city council, and one for Mo Muir for San Dieguito school board.. Looks like they are funded together. Thanks for letting my dog out and trespassing on my property for your campaigns.

  25. 3:35 and 8:23-

    Your a spellcheck idiot. Use your brain. Moron.

    Free think. It will do you good.

    1. 8:57 The irony of someone as dumb and crude as you telling other people to use their brains and to think is not lost on readers of the EU blog comments.

    2. 8:57, No, its: "You're" a spellcheck idiot.

  26. Its official. Encinitas has the shittiest City Council Candidates in the USA.

    Shame but true.

    Looks like napoleon complex Vina will survive a few more years.

    1. You haven't been to Oceanside and Met Gary Fellier or Jerry Kern.

  27. 8:25. Mo is not running for two more years, so how could you have received such a notice? I have to think there is more going on here if you are posting such nonsense. Please clarify if you can.

  28. 9:19 I think Mo Muir is running for a board seat in another district other than EUSD. Could be San Dieguito School District? Not sure.

  29. Mo is running for San Dieguito School District. She is, however, the only person that did not go on Baird's junket, nor did she vote yes on the PV sale.

    1. Why does Mo Muir run for a school board seat when looking at her background she has none to little education experience? She doesn't have any classroom teaching experience or credential. Looks like she is hopping from one board to the next. I would rather have someone on the board with hands on experience rather than someone who has been a sub on a play ground.

    2. Does Strich have classroom teaching experience or credential?

    3. Mo's son is leaving EUSD and going to the San Dieguito School district. So, she wants to participate in her son's education I think.

    4. 11:21 Not that I know of and why would we elect someone to serve on a Board that knows nothing about classroom teaching?

      That's like asking a medical receptionist to perform your operation.

    5. 1:45 Maybe Mo Muir will keep her son from falling down on the play ground? Wouldn't want my mother following me around.

    6. The trustees are supposed to give oversight: insure integrity and honesty with the taxpayer's money: Emily Andrade is a perfect example: retires as a principle and comes back as a do nothing trustee to facilitate other administrators (her chums) in fattening their pensions while the kid's grades fall further and further below the state average: if it wasn't for the ebony and ivory hairstyle differences, Stritch and Skiljan could be tweedle dum and tweedle dee. Neither one could score well on a 6th grade Grammar exercise, or pass a lie detector test about WHY they hired Tim Baird, it's all about the money and their tummies.. gotta love it that Andrade couldn't remember where the memory capsule was, or how big it was, seeing that she oversaw the burying of the big box.

      If Andrade were Pinoccio, the whole district could hang their jackets on her nose.

    7. 2:11 Exactly. Get Strich out. Vote Jennifer Hamler for EUSD.

    8. 12:54 Mo Muir was conveniently out of town, otherwise, she may have gone to the elegant retreat. She had to vote on PV because her husband on council voted No. They need to keep harmony in their big home.

    9. 3:28 Mo was out of town taking care of an injured family member. That's hardly "convenient". If you think she "may" have gone to the elegant retreat, just ask her or look at her voting record. Baird and Board felt the need to seek harmony and retreat from their big homes courtesy of the taxpayers.

    10. 7:16 Right, her loyalties were so wonderful now she is switching districts. Nice gig.

  30. Vote all the other incumbents out of EUSD. For being in such an affluent area. That is one jacked up school. Why is Cardiff soooo much better?

  31. EUSD tell your friends to only vote for Jen Hamler. She is the only challenger to the EUSD Board

  32. I wonder if this requires a Special Use Permit:

    Female Farmers Make Nude Calendar To Raise Money For New Land

  33. 9:40, depends if city staff gets to take the pictures.

  34. One thing we all can do on Monday afternoon is to show up at Orpheus Park at 5pm to 6pm where Strich, Andrade, and Songen are having a public meeting to support their reelection efforts.

    It is about time that they hear from us about their dismissive and detestable attitude toward us, their public over the screwing of this town over PV and their Palm Springs getaway on our tax dollars.

    Come on down and 'Occupy' the park and send them a clear message that one of those three will be sent packing come election time thanks to Jen Hamler stepping up.

    I only wish we could direct this effort toward Marla since she exhibited the vilest behavior toward the public and Mo during school board public meetings. Not funny is how they now schedule their monthly public meetings at the most inopportune times for anyone to be able to attend.

    Last month it was at 2pm. Tomorrow it is at 2:30pm! Now isn't that just so convenient for them to discourage public participation?

    Last early spring when the PV deal was on the agenda the meeting was at 6pm and the crowd overflowed to the outside of the meeting hall. I surmise they did not want any more of that kind of participation and since have scheduled their meetings at the most difficult time for most to take part.

    We are owed so much better than what these dinosaurs are giving us.

  35. 3:28pm you are dead wrong about Mo. Before you publicly and wrongly accuse her, you should ask her yourself about her going with the others if she had been in town.

    I did and this is what her reply was "No, I would not have gone if I had been in town". Verbatim. Please ask her yourself next time.

    Anyone that has witnessed EUSD school board meetings can easily see the tone of that board and the exclusivity of four of the five members.

    1. 5:35 She tells people different things. Maybe you should investigate further.

  36. I talked to Mo today at a meet and greet. She told me that she doesn't support these retreats and in her last 6 years in office has NEVER participated in them.

    If you don't believe me or her, you should investigate for yourself and get back to us.

    1. That's because she has nothing to offer, similar to the way her husband works on council - sits there and stares up to the heavens when he talks. Something not right.

  37. Alright Tim, nice deflect. Tim attacks Mo to throw the dogs off the retreat. Can't change the facts- you went on a tax payer funded retreat. Next month, tim you are going to Turkey, Istanbul..Mo voted no. The only no vote.

    1. Her husband votes no all the time, but always gets out voted. Ineffective as hell.

  38. Mo said she would not stay at EUSD if she didn' have a child in the district. Her child is now at San Dieguito. It is called term limits.

    1. Her term wasn't up yet. She bailed.

  39. I just looked at the EUSD agenda for Tuesday. They are hiring a farmer for 70k- yes contract is at 35k for 1/2 the year. Healthy Day partners - Mim Michelove is making 85k. Both of these expenses take money away from the classroom. We could hire 3 new teachers and lower class sizes. Children are struggling with the core curriculum math. Where are those board members priorities?

  40. Is Mim really making 85K a year? Where do I find this information? Mim is one of Kranz's huge supporters, and is also friends with Peder Norby, as is Marlena Medford, our communications person for the City of Encinitas. What the hell going on? I didn't realize that farmers and people working on a farm were part of the educational budget. Maybe their 10 million dollar sale of PV to us gives them more discretionary income? Inquiring minds wan to know. Too many secrets from the City and EUSD.

    1. Fact check: Mim makes less than half of that amount and donates the majority of her expertise and time.

  41. Mo bailed? Her kid is out. Maybe the other 3 running should bail. It has been decades since their children were at EUSD.

    1. They can't because they need to vote on their kids contact, who work for the school district - can you say conflict of interest? I don't know which ones, but three of them have kids that teach for EUSD.

    2. What's wrong with the Muir boy? He can't do anything without his mommy? If she wants to be on the board for her child only, that smacks of selfishness.

  42. No wonder Mim Michelove is so tight with the school board, she getting 85,000 a year to do nothing! How is this position justified when the classroom size is so large. She needs to be replaced with a teacher or teacher's assistant.

    1. What's her gig she gets paid nothing for? And define "nothing". Just because you may not like the position, doesn't mean she doesn't do anything. Mim is really sharp.

  43. We want our kids to be Engineers, Doctors, Entrepreneurs - NOT, farmers! Come on school board, get real and quit teaching our kids to plant and pick vegetables.

    1. 11:37 not true - Barth Shaffer Kranz and Blakespear want our children riding bikes like old third world peasants, living in small dingy micro-units, under the control of the elected elites-

      Barth Shaffer Kranz and Blakespear know whats best for us and we should all just shut up and go along

      While they spread propaganda about urban agriculture they rezone 45 acres of strawberry fields

      When you speak up to protect your quality of life they label you unkind and lack compassion

      Barth wants to reduce the quality of life of Encinitas residents and american's. SHe would rather have our kids unmarried, alone, lving in small units, riding bikes and unable to think for themselves

    2. Barth's out dude, relax.

  44. I agree - Teach Math, Science, Reading and Writing primarily. Most parents don't want their kids going to school with the focus of becoming landscapers…… Geeze.

    Never vote for the old incumbents.

  45. Healthy Day Partners/Cardiff MainStreet?

    1. ...have nothing to do w each other.

  46. Alex can't win, more interesting to talk about whether Sheila running takes votes from Tony and puts Gaspar in office. Answer yes. Ask Dennis Holz about Bob Nanninga

  47. The end run around Prop A is being pursued by planning. Big surprise to no one.

    Now all those nice limitations our council finally put on Density Bonus this summer is being squandered by Murphy and co. with projects of 9 and under not having to abide by those very same new limitations.

    Just when we thought council was finally listening to us, they let Murphy get away with this. There goes the Fulvia development if this is allowed to stand.

    The A and B choices offered ignore a third choice of none of the above.

    We must insist that these new limitations include all projects that seek Density Bonus.

    This is such a giveaway to developers,it cannot be allowed to happen. Occupy, occupy, occupy.

  48. Alex is an interesting, thoughtful guy, who is a breath of fresh air to this campaign. However, I can't quite figure out if he is for smaller government or bigger government, has many of his ideas are fundamentally at conflict with each other. He wants government out of our lives in some areas (drugs, land use, etc.), but wants to increase its presence in other areas (environment, GMO regulation, etc.). Unfortunately, you can't have it both ways. A small government is less intrusive in all aspects of our lives, and a big government is more intrusive in all aspects of our lives. The kind of government you need to heavily regulate industry in order to protect the environment is also going to heavily regulate land use decisions. No way around it.

    1. He still can't win, so a month from now we won't be talking about him or his ideas...

  49. Alex is 100 percent impractical. He can't do the job. He'll get the nutcase vote and finish far back in the field. He's wasting everybody's time. The contest is among Sheila, Tony and Kristin. I'm for Sheila.

  50. Crazy Cameron has proven herself to be a nutcase and a KLCC member. Why would I vote for someone that promotes an unsafe and ugly Leucadia that lowers our Quality of Life and property values.

    Face it, all the candidates are weak. This election is a choice of losers. I think Kristen has been voting the most in line with fiscal responsibility and will likely get my vote. I do not like that she is tied to $tock$ and Assdrine.

    1. Don't vote for any one that is tied to $tock$ and Andreen. You are the company you keep.

    2. 5:57 KLCC is a figment of your moronic imagination.

    3. A vote for Kristin is a vote for the same, ie stack and pack Hermes and Daphne style developments utilitzing density bonus.

    4. A vote for Crazy Cameron is a vote for promoting cut through Carlsbad traffic over quality of life and property values for Enicinitas. Cameron along with 3 other folks are the leaders of the KLCC- Keep Leucadia Crappy Club. They hate anything positive in Leucadia, but if you love people getting killed buy speeding cars, drugs, weeds, speeding trains, dust, thorns in bike tires, kids and teachers not able to walk to school, and lower property values, then you should vote the for the KLCC candidates.

      Cameron is totally backward looking with no positive vision looking forward. A complete has been with flawed ideas.

  51. I have ruled out voting for Alex.

    Does that make me an "in-Fidel?"

  52. 5:30am Marvy Making Leucadia Crappier, MMLC, is the crazy one around here for his inane ramblings and idiotic obsessions with his own creation of some imaginary club of caring citizens who won't be railroaded into accepting his vision of what OUR 101 should become.

    It is he who needs to get and and breath a little fresh air and clear his addled mind.

    Bullies end up devouring themselves like the circling snake eating his won tail.

  53. Well look who woke up before noon. Congrats. Well at least we know your still kicking. Hang tough and get out and enjoy the fresh air a bit.

  54. Kranz totally lost votes tonight in Olivenhain. He looked like he already lost...slammed by other candidates for his big "accomplishment," overpaying for PV, he never cracked a smile and spent much of his time hunched over, staring at the floor.

    He's losing ground fast and he knows it. Trying to take credit for "good decisions made by Council" fooled no one.

  55. Dalakranz has a good heart just not a savvy business mind. Oh well. At least he tried.
