Saturday, September 6, 2014

Bunny Alliance Kook

Read more about the Bunny Alliance, the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act, Green is the New Red, and jailed activists Kevin Olliff and Tyler Lang.


  1. P.S., I live in Encinitas, as do many of my fellow researchers.

  2. I agree with the above posts.
    It is not appropriate to deface public art for this message.
    Bad juju.

  3. To be fair to the Bunny Alliance, they seem to be focused on changing commercial practices, not research. And they don't appear to be advocating violence from a brief review of their sites.

  4. Brief is the key word there.Try looking here:

    and here:

    and here:

    and here:

    That took me less than five minutes. I could go on for a while....

  5. Defacing public art and making taxpayers pay to remove it is not the appropriate means for this debate.
    It gives bunnys a bad name.

    1. What about birthdays?

    2. Too late the Kook is everyone's bitch. I'm going to dress him up to announce that I had a sandwich for lunch.

  6. Threatening violence to prevent something you and other may deem wrong is not the solution. Check out any of the speeches and writings of Dr. King....

  7. I'm o.k. with what they did with the kook, it doesn't look like any permanent damage was done, I'm also o.k. with their expression of free speech. I disagree strongly with their message, but I suspect that like EU, the kookateurs are probably ill-informed idealists lured in by carefully orchestrated PR campaigns these groups run. People get lulled into a sense of "hey, they're peaceful, and bunnies are cute. Maybe they're on to something..."

    What people don't realize is that these groups are usually at least loosely aligned with one another, and they ultimately use terror and intimidation to try and end animal research. Kevin and Tyler are associated with ALF, a hard core terrorist group. One of the two bunny boys was convicted of stalking and harassing a UCLA researcher I know. Her kids have PTSD from the experience.

    This is why it is important to engage in debate whenever possible. Thanks for publishing this on your blog, EU.

  8. I hope all those animal rights folks are vegans.

  9. When does Black Fish Kook appear?
