Friday, September 29, 2017

9/28/17 City Council meeting open thread

What did we miss?


  1. My prediction to allow cultivation of pot in Encinitas: YES: Blakespear, Kranz, Horvath. NO: Muir, Mosca.

    People should get on Horvath to change her mind. Kranz and Blakespear won't budge in my opinion.

    Losers: People of Encinitas.
    Winners: One grower.

    1. How do the people of Encinitas "lose"? Sounds like you're implying moralistic overtones.

    2. 9:08, why do you care and what business is it of yours what is grown in someone else’s greenhouse?

      This upcoming vote is about cultivation only, not distribution, food products, or retail sales, so limit your answer to just the growing, please.

    3. Does council vote on growing specific flowers or vegetables? If it is legal to grow marijuana, why should this one crop be any different? I can see where selling/consuming the product is different, just as alcohol is, but why the growing?

  2. If it involves booze or weed it's always a packed house, stay classy Encinitas.

  3. The losers are those clueless people who continue to spread falsehoods about what is, and what is not being considered by council. A little reality is needed with these people who continue to deny the truth.

    They are hopeless, and living in a world of their own wildly misguided imaginations.

    The lack of respect one man in particular showed toward the dais, did not do his side any good.

    Just where were all these people when our downtown was being turned into a party town drinking destination attracting bus loads of out of town imbibers? Hypocritical much?

    There is no support for retail sales.

    There will be no runoff from the operation planned.

    There will be no smell evident coming from the planned operation.

    Pesticides use with cannabis ? That is a lie. Maybe in some Monsanto type run operation, but not here.

    Security measures had all been addressed before the grower ever brought this before the city.

    We have 5 greenhouse growing businesses left. None of the other four have any intention of growing cannabis.

    The facts do not matter to the ecap folks. The truth does not matter to the ecap folks. Torches and pitchforks were everywhere in the room that night, metaphorically speaking.

  4. Ignorant people that think the grower will not be selling his weed. How else is he going to make money? Think before you rant.

    1. I thought that was a "given". Why else grow it?

  5. Those that support weed and but complain about alcohol in our city, I have one word for you: HYPOCRITE!

  6. 11:57am. Are you aware of the difference between retail and wholesale? None will be sold in our city. That was made clear early on.

    2:09pm. Hypocrite indeed. The example set by our current downtown bar central area, presents a much worse pattern for the youth that you claim to be defending, than from a single grower being allowed the freedom to devote a fraction of his operation for cannabis.

    Forty years ago Harry Nilson put out an album and a short animated film called The Point. There was a verse that went " you hear what you want to hear, you see what you want to see". It appears to still be relevant with a certain group that espouses mistruths over permitting this one and one only permit to be granted.

    1. Don't be an idiot! This is not about a single grower. It's about multiple growers. We have 5 large Agricultural areas in our city.

  7. Whether it’s grown here or not has zero bearing on the availability of pot.

    Most of the stuff you buy was made in China.

    There are these things called boats, trains, airplanes, and trucks. They move goods.

    If your argument against a local grower is that it will reduce availability, then I suggest you walk into Walmart and look at all the stuff that’s available that wasn’t made in Encinitas.

    It’s a really dumb argument.

  8. Of course the grower is going to sell it. What did you think he was going to do with it - grow it, look at it, and say my how pretty is that? There will be tons of trucks coming to get the stash from the grower which does affect the neighborhood. I feel for the neighbors nearby, but the grower is more concerned about lining his own pockets and keeping his 50 Spanish employees in a job. Someone needs to check their immigration status.

    1. It’s already a greenhouse, dummy.

      If he’s not growing pot, he’s growing flowers.

      Trucks roll either way.

  9. The subcommittee should be questioning why there is such an abundance of outside people (those that do not live in Encinitas) pushing for cultivation of marijuana.

    Why are they not pushing in their own city? Why are they trying to influence our council when they do not live here? Do they stand to gain something that we are not aware of?

    I hope the committee will wrestle with these questions. I would think the residents here would have more of a say what we want for our city.

    Our city needs to partner with the other neighboring cities that have already banned cultivation. They need to partner with the schools for an outright ban. The County has banned cultivation. Come on council, do your job for the citizens that pay your salary.

    1. Disagree, 8:55, that it's the City's job to conspire to deprive economic freedom, providing no harm is done through commercial cultivation.

      Most people who answered TBH's survey, favored commercial cultivation, with regulations to protect the public.

      Prohibition will eventually end, just as it did for alcoholic beverages.

    2. 10:36. It is not yet determined what the unintended consequences would be. Marijuana is an illegal drug under Federal law.

  10. Would this even be an issue had no one come forward to request permission to cultivate pot? This one grower has brought out the ugliness in people and it is dividing out beautiful city.

    I, personally, would like to throw this grower out of our city and tell him to go peddle his weed somewhere else.

    It is obvious to me that this grower cares nothing about the hard working people of this city that have strived and struggled to keep Encinitas a beautiful place to live.

    Thanks, Mr. grower. I hope you fall flat on your sorry face.

    1. Emotional arguments, including hyperbole and rhetoric targeting this grower do not defeat logic, and the simple truth. Commercial cultivation on a small scale could be a win-win, and would cause no harm.

    2. 9:12 save the drama for your momma. Probably the most ignorant post on the subject.

    3. No need to insult the grower who came forward requesting permission to grow marijuana. It's now legal in California and passed by a large majority in Encinitas.

      Federal law is not being enforced. For 8 years under the Obama administration nothing was done. So far under the Trump administration nothing has been done.

      It seems increasingly unlikely that anything will be done. Public opinion has shifted too much and very fast, similarly to the attitudes about gay marriage. It wasn't very long ago that under the Clinton administration we had "Don't ask, don't tell"

      Talking about ugliness and division in the city denies the reality of the pervasiveness of marijuana use here. It's why 65% of voters approved the pot proposition. It's not because the voters misunderstood what the measure said. They understood it all too well. Banning cultivation in Encinitas only means that marijuana will come in from the outside.

  11. The ring of fundamentalism with certain people over this issue in our community is discouraging and a great disappointment.

    My way or the highway!

    Anyone supporting the legally voted for freedom by 2/3 of the electorate should be run out of town on a rail!

    I suppose it has been there all along, but with the current daily disgracer in chiefs actions, some of these knuckle draggers feel emboldened.

    So much for the specialness that my beloved Encinitas had always been imagined, in an apparently Pollyanna misconception. The division has always been there all along, bubbling below the surface until we have reached where we are now.

    Torches and pitchforks are now a part of every council meeting. Fundamentalism
    is, or should be, in any form, an affront to what our nation should stand for, and is not with the current daily disgracer in chief.

  12. Alcohol is regulated and taxed. Beer and wine are made and sold in Encinitas. Cannabis should be treated equally.

    1. Alcohol, beer and wine are not illegal drugs. Cannabis is an illegal drug under Federal law. They should NOT be treated on the same level.

    2. Cannabis is also illegal under federal law in Colorado and several other states. On Jan 1, 2018, California law will be like those other states' laws.

      Yes, cannabis and alcohol should be treated equally under Encinitas' ordinances.

    3. 3:16, sounds like a decent argument if we were having a vote about legalization.

      Oh, wait.

      We already did that.

      I think you lost.

    4. Maybe you should read the stats on how many people are imprisoned because of this illegal drug. It is staggering and grows on a daily basis.

    5. 3:16 PM Hey, welcome to the elf Jeff Sessions, resident of the Kebler cookie tree, to the blog. He is reminding us of the hillbilly ethic that the devil weed is dun a moral abyss, whereas moonshine is liquid gold. Yeeeehaww! Federal law is a joke and behind the times. Local jurisdictions and the States rights "trump" Federal law in my book; hell, the Federal government is falling apart at the seams anyway - they can't even control the lunatic fake president that is dragging us towards nuclear war. Maybe California needs to secede from a crumbling union.

    6. 8:19, your "book" isn't worth the paper it's printed on. Google "marijuana busts california 2017" and the first three hits are: 27,000 pot plants seized in raid, $50M worth of pot seized in City of Industry, and on and on.

      I don't care what people smoke, but legal? Not quite there yet, pal.

    7. I micro-brew beer in my garage. Come January 1, 2018, I'll grow weed in my yard.

      Same things.

    8. 4:57 AM Goose stepping to the 4th Reich, are we? Did you get assigned your brown shirt yet? Think for yourself, if that is still possible. Some "laws" are made for the robot class.

  13. The great majority wrongly imprisoned.

    1. "Home of the brave, land of the free." In your dreams...

  14. I missed the council meeting, so am speaking from an uninformed position as are most others here I suspect.

    The concern I have with commercial cultivation in our town is the fact that, due to the product being illegal from a Federal standpoint, marijuana businesses are "cash enterprises", since putting their money in banks like normal businesses subjects them to having the funds seized by the Feds. And while that's a risk that some marijuana businesses take, most as I understand do not. Consequently, they tend to transact in cash, and carry large cash balances. I'm surprised to have not seen this aspect of the operation addressed on the blog before, which is either strange or I've missed it.

    The security associated with a business carrying that amount of cash is what I'm concerned with, and the type of folks who wish to steal that cash are not ones I want near our neighborhoods.

    Now, I can already hear folks saying "what about banks, they carry cash too!". Of course they do. But they're typically heavily secured, and not in or immediately adjacent to residential neighborhoods.

    I've got no moral/ethical objection to pot growing commercially/wholesale in Encinitas greenhouses, once the Feds promise to allow these same businesses to run their finances through the banking system like every other normal business.

    1. It hasn’t happened in Colorado. They leagalized four years ago.

    2. The banking issues have been solved and the grower will be using armored trucks and a system like pay pal.

  15. I just read an interesting article which stated that without pot cultivation and sales, our economy will sink where cities will go bankrupt, etc.

    When did we allow an illegal, mind altering drug determine our future? What sad times we live in.

    More arrests are made for possession of pot than any other crime, including murder.

    To say that our city will not be impacted if permission is granted to cultivate this horrible product would be an understatement. The police are desperately trying to keep on top of the drinking problems in this city. Add pot to the mix and they will have a hard time keeping us all safe.

    All of this, for the LOVE of money.

    1. They vastly overestimate the tax revenue from marijuana. It's a weed anyone can grow at home. How much are people going to pay for highly taxed pot when they can grow it at home for free?

    2. And if they don’t grow it here, no one will ever be able to find any.

      [dusty hands gesture]

      Problem solved.

  16. 1:38pm You missed it, but there is a financial institution that has been formed to cover this very thing. There will be no need for cash on hand at the greenhouse. All transactions will be done as would any other business, just not with the FDIC.

    3:08pm you are blinded by a rigid and unbending selfishness and imagined self importance that implores you to think your position is the only way.

    2/3 of the electorate had their say. Your fear mongering is as hollow as your facts. This is about the freedom granted legally that has been a long time coming. This is about a medicinal plant that has been vilified unjustly for too long. You can rely upon Big Pharma and its profit motivated opioid crises that is ravaging the nation. Cannabinoids are an alternative and their side affects are nil. Your sound like you could benefit from them yourself.

    1. 5:07 You, little feeble mind, have obviously not read the ill affects caused by this mind altering drug. Perhaps you have been smoking it for too many years to know the difference.

      Seems to me that you are the selfish one. If you want to smoke it, do it, but don't involve our entire city. We thank you.

      Warn us all when you are behind the wheel so we can avoid you.

    2. 5:07 Half of all prescribed medications come from plants. Look it up and educate yourself.

      I doubt you will get any medical professional or scientific researcher to verify your claim that pot has nil side affects.

  17. A medical benefit. Herbal Lobotomy.

  18. The folks who are railing against cannabis are barking up the wrong tree.

    If you want to oppose something that really needs opposition, go after opioids.

  19. 10:56PM you have that right. I'd say at least 25% of my friends with aged parents are dealing with their addiction issues...the most common one being morphine. Oh that's right, since it's prescribed by a doctor it's "medicine".
