Wednesday, October 4, 2017

10/4/17 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Why were 8 sheriff's deputies at the Barnes and Noble parking lot last night at 10 pm?? What were they discussing??

    1. Not unusual. They're always there late in the evening.

  2. Are you kidding me Dave Roberts:

  3. As long as beer and wine are made in Encinitas, and as long as they and liquor are sold here, it's contradictory and hypocritical to prohibit cultivation and sale of cannabis here.

    1. Yes, and poppies are another agricultural product so we must then allow Opium...

    2. Encinitas voters haven’t voted 2-1 in favor of legal Opium.

    3. This is just still the tip of the iceberg for the marijuana industry in Encinitas.
      First they say: We just want to legalize medical marijuana,

      Second: We need to legalize recreational marijuana because prisons are too full,

      Third: We need to grow marijuana in your back yard and we aren't going to sell it. It won't hurt your property value, or increase crime, or smell... RIGHT!

      Next up: We need to be able to sell it in Encinitas because every surrounding city's council members voted down all commercial activity in their city.

      And the once great City of Encinitas suffers because we have a couple greedy council members that want to get the marijuana industry campaign contributions in the future.

    4. are extremenly dumb. If someone was teaching a logic class, your post would be a great example of many logical fallacies. I am now dumber for reading your post. You should leave, this city is not great.

  4. Weed growing is a gateway to poppy growing. Said only one idiot, ever. Ever notice how logic has escaped so many people? This DF probably blames Obama and Hillary for all their problems. Like my ex plumber who said his phone stopped ringing right when Obama got elected. When he handed me a fridge magnet, told him to keep it. If you are not smart enough to keep politics out of your business and make stupid comments, you are not smart enough to clean the crap from my pipes.

    If you think weed growing and poppy growing are comparable, you should probably not vote or comment on blogs.

    1. It won't be worth the pig shit its grown in.

      California has too much pot, and growers won't be able to export the surplus

    2. The good stuff will still be expensive. Not everyone wants to smell like kid rock.

  5. Your ignorance shows every time you post your ridiculous nonsense. Pig stuff?

    Anyone with a rational mind can see you have chosen to remain uninformed and blinded by your own reefer madness syndrome.

    Fear monger all you want and obviously you will continue. It only reflects back upon you all the more, and means nothing to others who see your foolish tirades here and at the council for what they are.

    1. Another ganja boy showing off his herbal lobotomy.

    2. 7:17 is clearly an idiot. Look at me Mom I can contribute nothing too!. The anti weed folks seem to have a low IQ problem judging by the lack of logic.

    3. Weed smoking lowers the IQ of the user. Proven fact. You only need to read the posts of 10:22 to know this is true.

    4. 9:01

      Proven fact uh? But you can’t even but up a link to a fake story let alone some actually science. That puts your IQ at room temp, about that of a drunk or pill popper.

      Proven fact. 9:01 licks windows and wears a helmet.

    5. That's the thing about dopers. They're so irritable.

  6. 1:39, when we passed medical marijuana, people like you said the sky would fall, and it didn't. When we voted to legalize recreational cannabis, you said the sky would fall and it hasn't. Now we are considering regulation of local greenhouse production and you are back with the same claims that the sky will fall, even though it hasn't in Washington and Oregon.

    Question: Why should anyone believe you?

  7. Poor, poor farmer Bob Echter, his business is slow and he can only afford that NEW 3 million dollar home. Give me a break!

  8. 9:21pm Give us a break, you ignorant, arrogant and deluded blind, selfish piece of uninformed dumb downed person.

    You have bought into a mindset that has been easily coopted for the last eighty years, and is a joke, and not a funny one.

    Sad, is more appropriate for where you are at, and for all of your dinosaur, small minded compatriots. This is 2017, not 1934.

    The sky will not be falling, as your group claims. Property values will not decline over this legally state sanctioned single allowance. There will be no runoff or odor. There will be no pesticide involved in growing cannabis. There will be no significant amounts of cash on site now that there is a financial institution that takes credit. The lies that have been spread will be called for what they really are. Lies.

    A little truth could serve you better, but only if you open your mind to 2017 and not 1934.

    Anyone who disagrees with you should be run out of town on a rail, your wording. The strong majority may have a different opinion. To you they should all be run out of town. How nice. Not.

    You and your group have a bit of growing up to do. It will serve your lack of parenting well, if you do. I hold little hope for you and the others, but would never consider the thought that you should be run out of town for your small minded thinking.

    I would rather hope that given time, you would see that the madness was misplaced. Hope springs eternal for you and your fellow misguided alarmists, that the sky will not fall if Bob is allowed to grow a little on his property. The truth is, nothing will change for anyone here. There will be no rush from the other remaining four growers to join in.

    Appealing to you and your fellow deniers for some rational thinking is a waste of time, but nevertheless, I try and will continue to hope that you will realize your position is based upon the lies that you repeat every week before the council.

    Threatening our council members to bend over to your wishes will not work. Fundamentalists like you show no quarter. Our precious community is special because we do not buy into such dribble. Gawd help us if we all were like you. Sharia comes to mind for such singular thinking. Not here, Not ever.

    1. Commercial cultivation will hopefully discourage the illegal growing in the national forests. These illegal operations destroy the ecosystem by poisoning the animals, contaminating the water and leaving scars on the landscape that persist for years. This is a positive spin-off of legal cultivation. There is no proof that legal cultivation has any deletirous impact on a community.

    2. Amen to that. It’s a huge security and pollution problem up in the Sierras, even in the national parks. People who stumble into an illegal grow site risk getting shot, and the growers dump literally tons of chemicals, fertilizers, insecticides—not to mention their own garbage and feces. After a few short weeks, they cut the plants, pack the buds, and leave a wasteland behind in what should be our national treasures.

      Responsible regulated growers produce a higher quality product at lower cost, undermining the economic model that drives the destruction of our prized public park lands.

  9. Legalized cultivation of marijuana = more violence, decrease in property values, and damaged reputation to our great city.

    Also, if this passes, more to come from the Marijuana industry. They will go after retail sales next. Before you know if, we won't be able to walk down the sidewalk without smelling someone smoke a joint.

    1. What? First, put down opioids and wait for your head to clear. Now, go do some research. Just when you thought the comments could get even dumber, this crackpot shows up spouting off made up crap.

  10. That is the thinking of the ECAP folks all over. Fear mongering is their stock in trade. No matter what evidence is produced to the contrary, these fundamentalists are deaf and blind the truth. They are so dumb downed that they can't see the facts when they are shown them.

    It is sad that we have such in our community. Let the voice of reason prevail.

    Mosca has shown his colors and should be a one and done council member. If there was a vote by the public, he would be gone. His shortsighted take is not beneficial to anyone except the ECAP people. As a politician, Mosca shows a lack of understanding of his constituents and has been listening to a vocal minority. The wisdom that should be there, is not.
