Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dalager: it's OK to build an illegal rock wall on public property as long as you give me $1400 worth of kitchen appliances for $150

The Union-Trib has the goods on Dan Dalager and his sweetheart kitchen deal from Aztec Appliance, whose owners Matthew and Robin Gordon were contesting a violation before the city council.

Maggie says she was offered a free refrigerator but turned it down. Even Stocks had enough sense to recuse himself.

I'd like to see a prosecution.

State law prohibits elected officials from accepting any gift or combination of gifts from the same source worth more than $420 in any one year. Dalager reported accepting no appliance gifts in 2009, on state-required disclosure forms.

The scary thing is the only way this came to light is that Dalager went blabbing about his free kitchen to a reporter. How many good old boys are on the take but not so loose-lipped?

Dalager doesn't even have a campaign web site up. Is he phoning in the election because he thinks he can't lose, or can't win?

HT: Leucadia Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Dalager should resign or be thrown out of office. Stocks and Bonds will support their stooge, as they need his vote in selling out the city to developers.
