Thursday, December 22, 2011

Encinitas protest song

Wow. We've got some talented -- and justifiably pissed-off -- people here in Encinitas. HT: Leucadia Blog.


  1. Brilliant - simply brilliant!

  2. I look forward to hearing the song sung by everyone throughout Encinitas.

  3. We have a new fire chief, Henry Scott. A 31 year veteran of the EFD. HMMMM, considering we as a city are only 25 years old, interesting that we have a 31 year veteran of the FD. Plenty of funny accounting going on down at city hall. Perhaps he bought into the system that allows workers to "BUY" more time on the clock than they really have earned.
    I smell a RAT!!!! And it lives at city hall....

  4. Stocks must be running scared now...a bunch of out of work wanna be hippies have written a protest song. Sheez, he musta shit his pants...from laughter after he heard about this song.

    Hey people listen up, you want to take control of city hall?? Then break open your wallets and give $$$ to either the powers that be or to your candidate in next years election.

    "Money is the mother's milk of politics." Calif assembly speaker 1961-1968.

  5. 9:12 when in doubt, use a perjorative...that's what you bullies are good at. And using a potty mouth.
