Wednesday, November 20, 2024

11/20/24 City Council meeting open thread

By request

Special closed sessions starting at 3PM, regular meeting at 6PM.

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Also, housing task force meeting at 4 today.

  2. Ding dong Antil’s out.

  3. Going out classy as ever kranz cut speaker time to one minute each.

  4. The good news keeps on coming! Who's next?🤔

  5. Most of the senior planners need to be relieved of any responsibility for the future of our town. They have been clear on where their loyalties lie, lie lie, for decades.

  6. Where does Allison's blood-splattered mailer (accusing Encinitans of right-winged attacks) fall on Beauchamp's Dignity Scale? OUT THE FRICKING ROOF.

    1. You mean the mailer that Allison didn't send yet right-winged crazies like Rhonda are claiming she did? How ironic.

  7. Of course Grover wasn’t at any of the meetings regarding the decision on his project. He knew it was in the bag. Right Tony and Kellie? Y’all have a mutual admiration society after all.

  8. Goodbye Anthill. Finally, after 12 years, Kranz listened to the residents and did something right!

    Thank you for once Tony.

    1. Tony doesn't deserve thanks for ANYTHING. Lyin' sack o' shit.

  9. Antill preferred resigning to being fired, as she surely would have been.

    Wow. This the first time she and I have been on the same page. See ya Pam with hopes I never do.

    1. No one except Julie Thunder use the word “resigned.”

    2. Yep that is not what the attorney disclosed. Sigh.

    3. Can we get a break from the JT obsession please. Stop shooting the messenger.

    4. But she keeps getting the message wrong

    5. We all know what 🐽did.

      🐽 and Starvin gave us 2 devastating years of Kranz.

  10. Can someone please give the woman speaking some water.

  11. Not thunder. Ouch!

    I was not aware thunder was known for using that term. I do now.

  12. Tim Bratton is right. Let the state run their beaches. The City should step back and save a ton of money that could be used for other things.

    We do not get any revenue from it. And paying for lifeguard services has no value. Only big cost and the state should be paying for it anyway.

    1. Governor Catherine Blakespear GOAT State Beach.


      Sounds okay.

    2. Free the Cardiff Gimp from the mommy White that white Rubenstein Drive compound

  13. Kranz tonight did two good things:

    1. Terminated Anthill

    2. Continue hearing

  14. A rapist, another rapist and a third rapist walk into a bar.

    The first rapist says to the other two rapists: “Let this cabinet meeting begin.”

    Congratulations shithole losers!

    1. 👆🏾clearly focused on the Freakshow predator Nathan Fletcher and Margo family in San Diego.

      Let’s focus on a positive behaviors of our new epic city council in the wonderful Beach community of Encinitas.


  15. It is with great sadness, I'm announcing my resignation. My real job is selling boner pills and because all of the freak show members are being ousted I've lost all of my clients. This has been devastating to my business. Density said I could try moving some pills on the facebook page she moderates, so I guess there's still hope.

    1. 👆🏾👏👏👏👏👏💯🤣

  16. Why did Joy have to recuse herself from the Quail Meadows discussion? Does anybody know?

    1. The question everyone's been asking, no one seems to know and she offered no explanation. Usually they do.

    2. Will Joy quit now that she’s a hopeless minority? Or will she start voting along to get along?

    3. Not exactly a Toastmaster, is she?

    4. Joy mentioned something about Encinitas City Policy ... dictated the decision

  17. Dennis Kaden did a super job letting people know what is really going on with the RHNA low income units. He mentioned "Our Neighborhood Voices" as a group to stop the developer plants in Sacramento that are forcing massive number of units, 85% Market Rate, to only 15% Low Income, that have no place in the suburbs. Also, Livable California has numerous studies that show that using a dense metropolitan area to determine the number of low income units needed does not apply to many of the small suburban communities throughout California. They have determined that the RHNA numbers for the 6th cycle are too high by 50% or more. That would lower the 850 LI currently required RHNA units by 50% or more! Hopefully, the new Council, with the help from the folks in the community, will get on this issue and stop-the-steal.

    1. I would love to see someone run an AI video simulation to highlight what Encinitas would look like if we were to meet the numbers?

  18. One of the legislative solutions that Preston supported was "allowing flexibility so that municipalities can develop context-specific solutions to the housing crisis, recognizing that our state is diverse and solutions that make sense in major cities may not work in suburban and rural communities."

    1. Covering the bases isn't decision making.

    2. 9:57 English, please.

    3. Her spoken promises mean nothing. It is the way that people make policy or vote that matters.

    4. That's newspeak for "our hands are tied"

    5. Correct, 10:56.

  19. 9:57 I tried to interpret Prestons answer on her Voice of SD interview, as her possibly acknowledging that an incorrect numbers of RHNA units were assigned by HCD to California cities, b/c those numbers do not apply to the many cities that are suburbs, or rural areas. If that is what she was indirectly referring to, I doubt that she would have fought for Encinitas RHNA numbers to be reduced, because of her debt to the Developers/ BIA. Livable California researchers results have determined that the RHNA numbers assigned to CA are 50% higher than they should be. Which would mean a 50% decrease in the RHNA numbers for cities that are suburbs or in rural areas.

  20. 10:56 If she had gotten in office, she would have used all the fear mongering excuses that developers/BIA and the CC doing their bidding have used on us. Our hands are tied, builders remedy, we will waste 10's of millions on frivolous lawsuits, we'll get into the no-net-loss and only have 180 days to fix it, so lets keep L-7 open as an option for 100% affordable units!

    1. She was already repeating the "millions in lawsuits" lies Kranz and others fed to her. No investigation on her own or she would have known they were lies. That's what we would have gotten. No apologies to everyone claiming she would have been a "gift" to our council. Not attacking, stating fact.

    2. Sadly, they were all repeating the same political land use lies. Many of us tried to present facts but we were then the target. This game was about a landgrab and not equity. If this was about equity, FoxPoint farms would not be running an advertisement with a bunch of young fit upper middle class white women. The advertisement has one black model. So do we think that Mali and three land use lawyers she called BFFs were aware of the scam?

  21. And Newsom, the king of controlling our cities futures is now posturing to keep Trump from controlling our state. The hypocrisy goes deep.

    1. Political posturing. Cal leaders will move closer to the center.

  22. Hard to blame him when Dumbfuckistan is in the majority, although a very very close majority. That house of cards can crumble in an instant.

    1. Trump is in office because of identity politics. A higher % of Latinos and blacks voted for him. 1% lesser whites did. Average Americans, the working class and minorities can no longer relate to elitist politics.

      Identity politics killed the Democrat party. Dump the woke and come back more moderate and you will win back what you’ve lost.

    2. Dump Trump and dump Woke and we'll be on a page again or at least able to talk to one another minus the minority screaming meemies on both sides.

    3. Too many shithole losers.

      “We love the poorly educated!”

      The Republican run states are the worst economically, health, wealth, safety, crime, racism, education, investment, growth, longevity, addiction, teen pregnancy, infrastructure, gun deaths—it goes on and on.

      The shithole losers are in charge. Four years of banjo music.

      Time to travel the world for a few years with Canadian Flag luggage tags.

    4. Drop the identity politics 2:47 then we'll talk.

    5. Don't look now but Europeans think the far left minority screwed over the Dems' chances. Look outside your bubble.

    6. Double down MarcoMali. You'll end up losing this lefty state eventually too.

    7. Blame the left for identify politics when the right is more worried about .000001% of people using the "wrong" bathroom than putting sexual predators in high levels of government.

    8. Lookit, in the same breath I can't get excited about paying for prisoners' sex change operations. I'm blaming both, can you really not see where we (the left) went too far and yes, alienated the middle? The middle we needed to win, btw? You've given us a madman for president. Wake up to the fact that many Democrats are not on a page with you and the election proves it. Making things like the prisoners and yes, drag queens in the classroom front and center was a recipe for disaster. If you can't grasp that then our party is done, thanks a lot.

    9. Support the drag queens but as a campaign issue? Ugh. You blew it.

    10. it was the republicans that put them front and center because they can't win on policy, they only have hate

  23. 🤣🤣🤣 The clownfolk believe they're all election experts after finally winning a round.

    1. Stop acting like a 6th grader and maybe I will talk to you. You really need to learn to discuss issues. I won't ✋️ for that to happen.

    2. Again, try outside your bubble. Worldwide there's agreement on where we Dems went horribly wrong.

    3. Let them continue doubling down… they will reap what they sow.

    4. That's what us normal dems fear.

  24. Congrats to Michael Allman for the win.

    Sabellico should join the organization Gays Against Groomers if he wants to ever get anywhere in politics from here forward. Supporting people like Scott Weiner and Gavin Newsom is suicide with the culture shift

  25. Natalie Settoon has to step up and replace blabber mouth Az Joy in 2 years.

    Natalie is freaking awesome called out Kranz, the city manager and city attorney for their complete bullshit.

    Calls out facts as she sees them and is good for the community unlike 🐽.

    Please, please, please!!!!


  26. The freaks show scumbag predators lost big time this election.

    They should take this Saturday as an opportunity to lick each other’s wounds and get the fuck out of Encinitas!

    Kranz, Boner AntHill, chicken lips garden gnome, Kevin-guzzle, and Harry Bush all gone. They now join the disgusting list of former political pervert Predators, including Nathan Fletcher….

    When you lie with scum, you are scum. Be gone scumbags.

    So so, so happy for the future of Encinitas!

  27. This is great news, now we have market advantage and shoppers from all over North County will choose to shop and dine in Encinitas’s because it’s more cost-effective and we have a beautiful communicator Shop in…. Keeping a lower sales tax actually increases sales tax revenues sometimes.

    No smart person likes paying more taxes for wasteful services.

    Encinitas becomes a higher quality of life better run city in the future. San Marcos and Escondido join Vista and become much lower quality of life and scummy communities. It shows the voters in Encinitas are smarter than the voters in San Marcos or Escondido.

    Maybe because of their intelligence, that’s the reason why they’re able to save $$$, have a good financial , and afford to live in Encinitas and not in San Marcos or Escondido?

    Over 60,000 residents do.

    1. * have a good financial plan

    2. * This is great news, now we have market advantage and shoppers from all over North County will choose to shop and dine in Encinitas’s because it’s more cost-effective and we have a beautiful community to shop and dine in…. Keeping a lower sales tax actually increases sales tax revenues sometimes.

  28. In his final acts, in a frenzy of meetings, Mayor Kranz punted the ball deep. If this results in stopping the developers, he could go down as the best mayor ever. That's the only way...

    1. Watch the last few meeting’s public comments. Donna Westbrook tells it like it is.

      We are all are judged by our actions daily.

      one final punt will not correct 12 years of destruction on our community.

      Sorry, Tony, that’s not the way it works. 😵‍💫👎🏾

    2. But he's not stopping developers. After 45 minutes of public testimony he was all to ready to go into closed session and give Grover the Piraeus farm. And no, his hands were not "tied," this is an icing on the cake deal.

    3. True to form to the last.

    4. Let’s not forget Clark and Melba from the week before. Tony is one of the reasons we have 15 upzoned properties.

    5. The last few meetings he's been stonier faced than usual, same for Blackwell and Hinze who look like they want to fall through the floor. Door can't hit them all in the rears fast enough, no grace and no representation. They fool themselves that they're doing right but together with Blakespear they've run things in an echo chamber. Observe "staff" looking happier like a burden's been lifted. No doubt considering the story of Kranz's heavy thumb on their work.

    6. I hope the focus of staff becomes more resident oriented. The staff currently roadblocks citizens while ushering in developers and giving them preferences over the tax payers paying their salaries.

  29. Resident oriented? Our planning dept.? Never gonna happen. My hopes are that many senior planners will be put where they deserve. Out to pasture.

  30. This election is a disaster for Bruce.

    Bruce is a smart guy. He understands the law. It’s easy to tell people what they want to hear when you are in the minority because you can just blame the majority.

    But now he’s fucked with nowhere to hide. His only choice now is between flipping and pissing off his base, and enduring massive, expensive and embarrassing court spankings.

    1. Still telling the same lies that didn't get your folks elected. Bruce made no promises other than he would try, as opposed to sit on his tied-hands Kranz. Give it up. Your BIA slaves lost.

    2. 11:04 you mean it's a disaster to staffers used to the country club hours they've enjoyed under Kranz? Mountain bike gifts? A disaster for Gonzalez, used to staff "interpretations?" Don't worry about Ehlers, he'll be fine.

    3. Ehlers and his yes men will find themselves in the exact same position as every other city council frustrated with state law mandates - powerless. The question is how long will it take for the public to realize it was duped into thinking anything would be different.

    4. 4 years. 2 years of blaming the previous councils and 2 years to realize.

    5. Love how the far left has adopted fear mongering, taken right of the maga playbook. Sorry kook, your fear mongering BS only works on low iq, low education magatards.

    6. No his supporters get it. You don't get it.

    7. City staff, developers, MaliMarco are all scared. It’s so freaking awesome. 👏

    8. I love how the potty mouths DP, MG and M feel free to send out insults. dam reason if you push back on them, TB will 🏃‍♂️ to the CC to tell on you.

  31. These planners will not leave empty-handed. Some will have retirements close to what they are already paid in salaries--which is way too much! We need to cut many positions at the city.

  32. How long would a post on EV last if someone called one of the many loser candidates who live there "cancer"? How quickly would the poster be blocked? What sort of explosive response would there be if the spouse of an elected liked that post like Lee Ann Allman did? These are rhetorical questions of course but pointing out the hypocrisy never gets old.

    1. Dunno, Glen's steering the ship now. Ask him.

    2. Grow some hair on your chest. Next issue?

    3. Bullshit you're still the admin Lorri. If the post was about Susan, Julie or any of the others you would've removed it and banned the poster immediately. Then you would've made a lengthy post attacking the poster. The clowns would've all piled on as if it was the most horrific thing anyone had ever said.

    4. Nope, that was not Lorri. What you have shown is how you will throw an " adult tantrum ", when you can't control the words of others. Chest hair plugs are on order.

  33. Natalie Settoon has to step up and replace blabber mouth Az Joy in 2 years.

    Natalie is freaking awesome calling out Kranz, the ex-city manager, and city attorney for their complete bullshit

    1. Natalie running would guarantee another 4 years of Joy. Watch for Natalie changing to NPP to signal a run.

    2. I think you have the wrong Natalie.

    3. Sorry 🐽, I don’t agree.

      Natalie always calls out factual good information for the community.

      She will be awesome!!

    4. Natalie has no desire to run, but 🐽certainly does. Now that she’s got little to alarm us about, she’ll spend the next two years, licking ass, sucking up and putting on her best phony pants.

    5. 🐽 gave us starvin and phony for two years.


    6. watch who Natalie consorts with.

    7. My last comment about Natalie was taken down. So I'll try it another way. Just make sure you know who the real Natalie is. If I say anymore, I will get shut down again. Although I find it interesting that people can "trash" a lot of people on this blog, but don't touch Natalie. What's up with that?

  34. 🐽 has been tied to Kranz and $tock$ for decades.


  35. Public anger around the Santa Fe Construction project may be the reason the City Manager has departed.

    1. I think she knew Bruce would be gunning for her too. They had too much conflict during public meetings. Carlsbad's City Manager who ran his city like she did just left. Maybe she'll get that opening. Carlsbad hasn't learned yet.

    2. Ask around, they all had their issues with her.

    3. She kept her job is because she did what Blakespear wanted. Kranz too. There's a reason she was never promoted from Asst City Manager before this...

      Now, there's a new Sheriff in town and the rats are fleeing the ship. Hope Big Rat Abe is next.

    4. This backing into parking spots is soooo dumb. Every car will have to wait for one car to back in, clogging an already congested street. Just pull straight in and wait for a break in the traffic to back out. Im all for spending money to beautify and upgrade our streets but the execution is horrendous. Signs, paint and then more signs to explain the paint. You shouldn't be able to be considered progressive unless you have an IQ above room temp, otherwise, just stick to the tried and true.

  36. I'm curious. Has anyone ever seen Marlon at a council meeting? Why is he such a hater? He's definitely angry now. Mali has figured out that identity politics is dead, hope Marlon does soon too.

    1. Once when the "equity" committee showed how little it had accomplished in how many months?

  37. After years of nonstop bitching about appointments those same people are now supporting Ehlers' plan to appoint his replacement. What a surprise, it was never really about appointments.

    1. The difference will be his appointment won’t run.

    2. And it's not Ehlers' call. The council will vote on that. After all these years some folks still don't understand how things work. Can't really blame 'em, Blakespear and Kranz acted like strong mayors.

    3. Bullshit it isn't Ehlers' call. Luke and Jim will vote exactly as he does on everything and they're the majority.

      D4 should have an elected representative.

    4. Get involved and say so. No one listens to you here.

  38. Now that Capt.Kenos is history, does anyone have a good alternative for a pick up and take home full Thanksgiving dinner, or two?

    Not a bit sorry to go off topic. We all could use more of that.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all.

    1. Seaside Market and Jimbo’s. We did Jimbo’s last year. It wasn’t as expensive as Seaside and it was good.

      Happy 🦃!

    2. 6:00- For the last few years we have used Seaside Market and it's been great. They have individual plates, so you can have just 2 full of all things you might like.

  39. In regard to the Affordable Housing Taskforce efforts, Beauloser just gave the DEI Garden Gnome a "big gold star"!

    Margo seconds the motion!

  40. Scott Peters is a hypocritical piece of shit.

    Right up there with our own BIA.

    Freaking trust fund bleeding hearts get me sick.

    Why don’t they do something good for the Earth and promote zero population growth.

    Number one cause of pollution in the world is humans.


    1. Scott Peters joins the Freaks show.

      Loving BIA’s Utah bread Gimp never sounded so gross.

    2. All the YIMBYs especially BIA and Scott Peters should have 5 to 8 story identity affordable housing built right next to their house.

      BIA on Rubenstein Drive in Cardiff and Scott Peters in La Jolla.

      Yeah, that’s going to happen. More like they will mandate the stack and pack in your neighborhood by state law, not their own.

      Hypocrites! 😡

  41. MarcoMali, Beauchamp, Amanda, et al all contributed to the threefer home run grand slam that got three NON Democrats elected as the next majority council.

    Sending you a big thank you 💋

    1. And they’ll never understand where they went wrong. Egos R them.

    2. That is the way, " freaks roll". 😜

  42. Destiny acting like she’s got inside intel on why the city manager is leaving. That little
    pipeline of leaks is soon going to be turned off. Enjoy your 15 seconds Destiny.

    1. There's nothing wrong with Pam telling her friend Destiny why she left her job. Not so much what Bruce shared with Susan and others. Bruce disclosing employment details and city business conducted during closed session is an ethical and legal violation.

  43. When is the doctor Worely family settlement going to come out?

    We all know that’s gonna be a huge number.

    I feel so sorry for his family in that wrongful death.

    And how about the four Cs?

  44. I'm really upset about everything that went down with Anthill. Luckily I have Density onboard to bring me up to speed with all the intel! She's the best. Is she into scissoring?
    - Kristeen Same-Old-Cat

    1. Lucky Kristeen. Super long, black, and soft pillow….

      We miss her.

      - Freakshow

  45. The Worley settlement should be huge. Blood on Blakespear’s hands. Insurance may pay, but premiums paid by taxpayers go through the roof. Finance 101, Tony.

    1. The insurance JPA probably is reviewing dropping Encinitas in which case Encinitas would have to self insure. Premiums must be the highest in the nation with a the cases along Coast hey 101 and in front of SDA dropping.


      Get ready Encinitas.

      Hence what happens when you have the Cardiff Gimp, BIA, and Town Dunce design a road along a popular coastal bike route.

      😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑 🤑🤑🤑🤑😭😭

    2. * with all the cases along Coast hwy 101 and in front of SDA high school about to drop 💀💣

  46. So so sad: 😞

    The pain and suffering caused by BIA, her Cardiff Gimp, and The Town Dunce:

    Just before sunrise on December 8, 2018, Walker, a longtime cycling advocate, was riding her bicycle in a “sharrow” lane on North Coast Highway 101 when she was hit from behind by a truck headed southbound near Phoebe Street intersection in front of the Leucadia Post Office.

    ENCINITAS — Three years after cyclist Jennings Worley was fatally struck by a large commercial truck while riding his bike along Leucadia Boulevard, the parties in his family’s wrongful death lawsuit have entered settlement negotiations, recent court filings show.

    ENCINITAS — A 15-year-old boy died last week after he was struck by a van while riding an e-bike on a thoroughfare in Encinitas, authorities said Monday.

    The crash occurred about 6 p.m. Thursday on El Camino Real south of Encinitas Boulevard. The teen was headed north on the road when he changed lanes into the path of a cargo van, according to the county Sheriff’s Department.

    After the crash, the teen was rushed to a hospital, where he died late Friday morning, according to the Sheriff’s Department and county Medical Examiner’s Office.

    The office identified the teen as Brodee Braxton Champlain-Kingman.

    ENCINITAS — Ryan Currie, a 48-year-old Encinitas father of four — who lost his wife to cancer five years ago — was killed a week ago when he crashed his bicycle in Cardiff.

    Sheriff’s investigators say Currie was not wearing a helmet as he rode north along South Coast Highway 101 shortly after midnight. He crashed near the entry point of a “protected” bike path that uses barriers — green plastic pylons and white-striped asphalt curbs topped with green reflectors — to separate riders from vehicular traffic.

    Currie was found on the ground in the bike lane by a passerby. He died before he could be taken to a hospital.

    During a September 2022 council meeting where the project was approved, then-Mayor Catherine Blakespear said protected bike lanes are a necessary safety measure, especially for the high volume of students biking to and from San Dieguito Academy.

    Blakespear said that while protected bike lanes are more expensive, they create a safer environment and align with the city’s goals of reducing traffic through mode shifts.

    “It’s definitely a little bit more expensive to do protected bike lanes, but there’s just no question that it’s safer,” Blakespear said

    The project was approved unanimously after it was briefly taken off the consent calendar to accommodate a public comment from one resident who expressed concerns about the project’s design, arguing that costly protected bike lanes could trap cyclists near driveways in the high-density, high-traffic area.

    1. You mean Blakespear’s husband said protected lanes are safer, she just repeated after him.

  47. 6:33am. Your take is convenient and misleading.

    First, Roberta had no lights or reflective clothing or awareness as she cut diagonally across the empty post office parking lot and merged into the traffic lanes before sunrise. Do not discount the headphones adding to the mix.

    Second, Ryan Currie had no lights, was riding his bike while under the influence and crashed without outside causes other than his own. Sad for all, but the blame was his own.

    None of these accidents that involved a vehicle cited the drivers. None. Law enforcement could tell who was at fault.

    Those unfortunate and innocent drivers will have to live with this as long as they live, even though it was clearly not their fault, as determined by law enforcement.

    Why do some persist in bringing alternative opinions and that is what they are, into a tragedy?

  48. The city still has not reduced the speed limit while traveling North from Manchester Ave to Santa Fe Drive. They reduced the speed limit "after" SFD, which does nothing to protect the kids, from the speeding cars, traveling North on ECR to SFD, so they can safely turn left at that intersection to get to school. The high speed limit on ECR, before reaching the SFD intersection is one of the reasons that caused Brodee Braxton Champlain-Kingman death. The other was the city's negligence to build the badly needed infrastructure, that was on the books for years, to protect the kids at that intersection. How much will the city have to pay out in the wrongful death lawsuit of this young boy? 50 Million, more?

    1. Well, the Gimp and friends tied up the hands of the last team and took over. You can thank the heartless group of freaks..

  49. Fault? Whew. I will rely upon law enforcements physical evidence over any imagined fault.

    9:34am What are your intentions? We all feel for those who have lost their loved ones, but how about trying a little truth for a change on the facts of these tragedies? They are all tragic.

    1. Bad policy's can backfire. Think about it this way. Had encinitas of not created the paths, these people would not have died the way they did.

    2. 💯Had encinitas not put the cart before the horse, these people would not have died. Had some people in encinitas not advertised to innocent children, and inexperienced parents, to get the kids on a bike, with out first taken every precautionary step to ensure the roads were safe, a sweet child would not have been killed, by a motorist unable to stop because he was going too fast, so he hit Brodee and threw him 50 feet to an unspeakable, horrible death.

  50. Well well, it looks like Amanda Zenick was caught stealing campaign signs during this past election. The video of her looking around while grabbing an O'hara sign should tell you everything about her.

    1. 10:26- Didn't someone get into trouble in the last election for stealing campaign signs? Trying to remember who did it.

    2. 10:26 A few people did, including Amanda.

    3. The only person caught stealing signs last election is an almost felon Ehlers supporter. I'm not lame enough to name their name.

  51. Amanda Zenick is the Co-Founder, Sales & Experiences Manager @ Ayni Peru Expedition | MA, Latin American Studies.

    Here's Amanda's website:

    I think reviews of her travel company are in order.

  52. Here's Amanda Zenick's phone number - 858-568-4887 feel free to add her to any spam calling lists for humor.

  53. Can someone please post the video stat?

    1. Brings me back to the days of Jerome stocks and Mark Muir stealing signs with his big old wide ass caught on video. 🤣

    2. Reminds me of when Amanda was caught stealing signs in Cardiff. Can't wait to write some ugly reviews about this woman on Google 😂 'Let the good times roll'.

    3. No reason to be vindictive. Amanda is a people, too.

    4. 12:44 Amanda isn’t a person, she’s a reptile 🐍, like Blakespear. Both are the reasons in a microcosm as to why Democrats lost big time. No common sense.

    5. You're a fucking retard 8:05

  54. Encinitas - capital of bike deaths, Tony’s Fentanyl zombies, and political sign thieves.

    Does that beat flower capital of the world?

  55. Encinitas- Capital of Tony’s fentanyl zombies, bike deaths, and Political sign thieves.

    Does that beat flower capital of the world?

  56. Amanda Zenick, Marco's cock gobbler.

  57. You mean Blakespear's biggest twat licker and starfish sniffer.

  58. Watch how quickly Amanda and Mali stop throwing temper tantrums. Going after people’s livelihoods usually shuts them up.

  59. Word on the street is Destiny told a few folks the reason the City Manager left (or got fired) is because she didn't win. Not because Tony didn't win or Allison didn't win, but she, Destiny Marie didn't win. How narcissistic to you have to be?

    1. Seriously? WOW. Dodged a missile there. Hilarious.

  60. I heard it was because with Tony out and the garden gnome out, Boner pill sales were going to go way down and she needed to find a new market because boner pill sales are much more profitable than the $350k she gets from being City manager.

  61. People = Policy

    Make no mistake that people are policy

  62. Block wall and blame. Great article Thomas Larson.!

    Highlights another very recent failure for the City of Encinitas that will not end well.

    Let’s start with the good- City of Encinitas pulled back the parking away from the Blufftop at Beacon Beach. They should go a step further and just convert the new parking lot into a bike and pedestrian only area. That beach access is better served with no cars parking along the unstable bluff top.

    What is very bad and the city needs to address immediately is - On the northern side of the parking lot the city added a bunch of fill material, which adds tons and tons of new weight to an already very unstable bluff area that has experienced settlement. You can see the settlement in the Airbnb property just north of Beacon Beach parking lot with the cracked wall and the settling bluff face.

    That added fill weight is going to accelerate the collapse in that area. I hope no one is killed when it happens. That three story home will be toast.

    Again, because of neglect and bad decisions from the current failed city council, The taxpayers are going to pay big big big big big settlement claims for this next failure.

    This is my gift to the taxpayers Encinitas as a local ambulance chaser and an Encinitas resident. Let’s say you have been warned.

    Next time, I will be doing my job and collecting big big settlement payouts for the victims.

    Thank you and have a nice day,


  63. Blakespear will lose the next election as California will find itself struggling for Fed money. Her district funds will get very tight, she’ll have to continue backing tax hikes to appease Newscum, in the end she’ll piss off voters while her opponent gets all the votes.

    You could see the writing on the wall with the Presidential election, our local council election, and now you’ll see it happen to Blakespear. She’s a gonner!

    1. Let’s hope she doubles down, then she absolutely will be.

    2. Accidents and deaths should probably happen in front of SDA by then. plus Bodie lawsuit won’t go well.

      All will not look good for blakespear.

  64. Blakespear will lose next election, Beacons Bluff on the north side will fail because of city actions, and the city will get sued and the tax payers will pay millions for incompetence.

    All very easy to see.

    - Truth

  65. Another example of why this joke of a blog is really just semi anonymous EV. Talking about crazies like Rachel or Natalie gets your comments removed. Actually doxing someone like Amanda is permitted. This is also typical Watchdork behavior when they're too stupid to win arguments, they try to destroy lives as revenge. Welcome to the new Encinitas council led by Watchdorks behind the scenes.

    1. 100% 10:03 Watchdorks never change.

    2. 10:03- and that’s why you, all the council members and all of the people who want to stay informed in Encinitas watched this blog daily.

      Actions speak louder than words.

      It easy to understand truth.


    3. 10:13 Watchdorks. All of them. Dumb as all get out Watchdorks.

    4. 10:17- I guess you still don’t believe the election results.

      Smart Democrats, and non-political parties and a few Republicans carried this election in unity.

      Maggie and other Democrats that voted for JFK are dancing in the Encinitas street and graves. RIP. 🙏🏼

    5. 10:52 many voters don't realize how many fucking loser watchdorks are involved in politics. I don't blame them because watchdorks are liars who attempt to trick voters.

    6. 10:58- as long as you’re a victim, and you don’t open your eyes and start listening, things will continue to not go well in your life.

      Listen, listen, listen, and open your eyes to truth.

      Take ownership of your actions and things will get brighter and you’ll have a life that you can appreciate.


      Encinitas’s real time news (ERTN)

  66. ❤️*** Encinitas Real Time News***

    and that’s why you, all the council members and all of the people who want to stay informed in Encinitas watched this blog daily.

    Actions speak louder than words.

    It easy to understand truth.

    1. The truth is we have a group of assholes behind two dumb as fuck council members, and one who's an asshole all by himself. We don't need a blog to tell us that.

    2. 10:31- you young woman or man, are a misogynistic loser.

      Control yourself and if you don’t like or appreciate this blog, Please do not participate.

      Respect yourself and respect all of us.

      And remember above all else, God loves you.



    3. Real time Encinitas news, gotta love it 10:49.

  67. Watchdoggers have moved over to FB Encinitas Insider. Find 'em there.

  68. Nothing more enjoyable than watching all the loser Progressive Dems continue to have meltdowns. The more wacky you keep getting the better our odds of continued success.

    The more wacky Eleanor Musick, Amanda, Mali, Marlon, Ronette, John Gyjata, Darius, Lisa Shaffer, Tony, Catherine Blakespear act the better our chances of taking back CA.

    The more woke you guys get, the better off we are.

    1. The list will keep growing. Tell Pam to STFU.

    2. 11:45 oh Amanda, you’re so easy to identify with your signature “STFU” acronym. I’ll award you 15 victim points.

  69. 11:40 you sound just like Hitler looking for the jews.

  70. Amanda Zenick asks Theresa Beauchamp how "Encinitas got so divided along specific lines and who got us here." Answer: your very own Mali Woods-Drake, who is never not in attack mode. That was the turning point that btw in large part got us to your candidates all losing.

    1. Answer over there in your big girl/boy voice. Keep it on Facebook!

    2. 11:47 I’m awarding you 112 victim points.

    3. Sorry not interested in accommodating you two losers. Talk about victims.

    4. LoL. Of course not. Its easy to talk big with no name and no facebook friends attached.

    5. You'll get over it eventually.

    6. 12:01 says, "it's easy to talk big with no name and no Facebook friends attached." Two things to mention here. 1. You're posting anonymously as you always have done. 2. It's blatantly obvious you're a Progressive Dem because you're always the victim and it's always everyone else's fault.

  71. Don’t forget that loser Scott Chatfield. The definition of a Beta Male in the dictionary is a picture of Scott Chatfield and his estrogen man boobs.

  72. Chatfield's man boobs have now turned into flat pancake boobs from the 200+lbs he’s lost from his speed and boner pill prescriptions. That guy is walking heart attack.

    He should definitely be awarded some victim points.

  73. All the Progressive Democant's are losers. They lost the house, the senate and nearly every state that was blue turned Red, because Progressive Dems are losers.

  74. it's so entertaining to watch the Progressive Dems get triggered. Hey I got an idea, why not throw a parade, maybe sprinkle in some rioting in there and destroy hard working people's property and livelihoods like you BLM riots.

    Tell everyone how embarrassed and ashamed you are to be white and wealthy all while driving you $100K Tesla that says "COEXIST". This is one of the reasons you Progressives lost, the majority of the country wasn't buying into your bullshit.

    Help the poor people, but ban all combustion cars, Ban Prop 13, raise gas taxes, income taxes, increase sales taxes, attempt to penalize people for driving on the freeway, etc etc. Progressives are all bunch of hypocritical spoiled trust fund babies who grew up as coastal elites. But so long as you tell people how ashamed you are of being white and wealthy, even though you love it, you're not one of them (the coastal elites).

    This is why you lost the election, because people see through you bull shit.
