The San Diego County Sheriffs Department is America hating leftists. They hate their own country. Protecting illegals while they use your tax money doing it. The America hating sheriffs department....the enemy within. Fire martinez
Breaking @SDSheriff releases statement blasting the county board’s vote to make San Diego a “Super Sanctuary”:
“The Sheriff's Office will not change its practices based on the Board resolution and policy that was passed at today's meeting. The Board of Supervisors does not set policy for the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff, as an independently elected official, sets the policy for the Sheriff's Office.”
The sheriff has also stated they will work for and on what the state of commiefornia requires.... The idiot newsom and bonta give tax payers money to illegals via heath care and other avenues. WAKE UP !!!!!!! Try and not be the fool....all of you. You are BEING PLAYED
There you go again with the standard for you which is about as low on the humanity scale as it comes. Can you really be so ignorant? Absolutely. A true pos domestic terrorist is what you show us all with comments like these.
feels like all the anxiety is out of the room now that the bullying Kranz, out to lunch hostile stare Hinze, and footsoldier for BlakeSpear, Blackwell are absent. Good manners versus evil doers.
In a mayor, who doesn’t talk back to the public speakers! Doesn’t tell them that they don’t know what they’re talking about, doesn’t cut them off from speaking abruptly.
MASShole boy Jim showing that a shoe salesman has no business pretending he knows wtf he’s talking about over a landscape architect. Masters in landscape arch vs exercise science degree (aka career for becoming a glorified coach) from U of Hawaii (a pretty shitty school). 🤭 total doofus
The confused look on Luke’s face all night long is priceless. He looks like a middle school student auditing a college class but he can’t understand all the big words.
Just because his lips aren’t flapping nonstop like Marco or joy or Kranz or Hinze doesn’t mean no one‘s home. Maybe he’s listening and learning - what a concept!
Luke is solid. You're sorely mistaken and Luke's boni fides absolutely crush people like you and compared to the pile of lying sack of hypocrite shit Marco Gonzalez- Luke is a GOAT King.
That was refreshing! Somehow the new council reached the same conclusion the last council probably would've and denied the appeal. Clearly Bruce and the boys are already working for the BIA, taking money from developers and following orders from Blakespear.
Sorry you’re so disappointed. We know you were hoping and praying they would break the law.
Unlike Kranz, Bruce actually discusses in detail all the aspects of a project, rather than deciding ahead of time and showing up at the council meeting just to vote for a project he and the rest of his goon squad don’t understand.
Wanting these new representatives to fail means you want Encinitas to fail. We’ve already been down that road with the Great Kranz Giveaway.
It’s super refreshing to see a mayor who explains things, is welcoming rather than defensive and though knowledgeable, ask the questions to get clarity on laws and issues.
Jim seems pretty astute. I can’t blame them overall for not being too participative. Their first meeting has some big and wide issues to address. Land use is a complicated ever moving target.
It’s cause crowds never understood anything except for how to accept things from developers like Trips to Israel and to give away free public land to help developers maximize profit.
Kranz was a fool and Bruce is a jewel!
Dark dark days of Encinitas are behind us and the future is looking bright! ❤️
It’s because Kranz never understood anything except for how to accept things from developers like Trips to Israel and to give away free public land to help developers maximize profit.
When the supposed appeal team showed up instead as a fractured group minus their attorney, they sealed their own fate. Apparently, a bunch of them had already made a deal on the side with the developer and they had no actual facts to present other than “I don’t like it.“ Bruce and his team did the right thing. Plus, kind of hard to feel sorry for people who have to live next-door to half acre lots and are calling it dense and whine about it.
Marlene already claiming the guys are failures after one night. How would he have voted? He’d be on a first name basis with the developer just like joy, Kranz, and the rest we showed the door.
Encinitas has not posted the video from last night’s meeting, But the little I saw was 1000 times better than the complete developer giveaways that Kranz ran during his time on city council.
It’s amazing what the city council will look and sound like when they’re not giving away their town to developers profits.
To get truthful information out to the public, we will be highlighting statements made at the concluding meeting with Tony Kranz to set the record straight.
When you spew bullshit, you should be prepared for people to refute and provide factual information for the public to understand.
The freak show comments made by Mali, fat version of Mr. Burns, and Diane Nunez were completely off base. Along with some others.
Truthful posts will be responding to their bullshit allegations. What’s very apparent is they’re all blind to reality and Margo ( fat version of Mr. Burns) has definitely a focus on maximizing developer profits.
Enjoy your day! Encinitas is in such a better place today!! ❤️❤️
Regarding filling the vacant D4 seat, - Make the appointment contingent on agreeing not to seek re-election when appointed to the vacant seat .
This is exactly how the City Council needs to address future appointments, so we do not end up with Failures like AZ Joy, KK, Flyboy (remember him/her), and the Gnome.
"Shin succeeds District 2 Councilmember Carolyn Luna, who agreed not to seek re-election when she was appointed to the vacant seat a little less than two years ago."
- Make the appointment contingent on agreeing not to seek re-election when appointed to the vacant seat .
Its that simple but that didn't support BIA's mission, hence, Encinitas suffered under BIA and Kranz.
The best part of last night's meeting were the comments provided by Local Hero, Mark Mavill.
100% Truth!
Thank you Sir for speaking the truth so clearly and concisely. Your huge fan base including myself love you. Keep up the great work. As you know, The truth sets you free.
God Bless Mr. Mavill! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Start at 45:39 of video here-
- Make the appointment contingent on agreeing not to seek re-election when appointed to the vacant seat .
If you want to watch another good public speaker Rachel Graves and Natalie Sattoon did great as well.
Lol Rachel talking out of her ass as usual. She forgets ECRP spent thousands of the dollars to support MASShole Jim, Big Daddy Bruce, Baby Daddy Luke, and the EUSD candidates. They benefitted from PACs too.
Yep their big outside money donor. As usual these babies cry wolf and point the fingers at others while doing the same things themselves. They need a big group therapy session.
Another Local Hero who knows, the truth sets you free.
God Bless you and your family. You are good people and that is why the freakshow comes after you so hard. F'ck them. You are doing great things for Encinitas. They are working for the dark, dark, dark, developer profits where anything gos including supporting predators like Fathan Letcher and other dark family actions like using $2 million in public funding to live a lush life style while continueing to prey on UCSD students.
Me and Mallee had really nice and professional speeches prepared for Tuesday night BUT after we heard some of the people's public comments we got so triggered we tossed em and went with our super aggressive douche speeches instead! That'll teach you pesky residents! - Margo
Marco and Mali always find a way to blame the audience for their insulting and inappropriate remarks that highlight the poor mental health that they suffer from on a daily basis. Somehow, it is the fault of the listeners when they make insane statements. It is a societal bias that people are afraid of the mentally ill, but in some cases, it is justified.
They both came with practiced speeches. Mali acting Ike she should 🏆 win an academy award for starting E4E. MARCO, was like WTF was that? E4E failed by the way
Interesting list of personality traits that completely describes these two:
She sniped at Bruce last night. Maybe she was tired. She’s used to Hinze at 9 PM yawning in front of everyone saying she has to get home to her kid and having the meeting and abruptly. Bruce took it to the mat and by the end, Marco was visibly deflated. Either Ehlers agreed with his arguments or he shut them down.
What’s most refreshing is that it looked like a real meeting, not a slog with a pre ordained outcome.
They discussed, disagreed, agreed, questioned and decided. Bruce bought a sense of humor and camaraderie to the meeting. The new guys have a lot to learn but it’s easy to see they are quick to grasp issues.
Joy alternative played victim (she’s the new minority) and authority. She, an appointed candidate, was the protest vote for an appointment!
I also think she’s got some learning curve because Bruce is a more thoughtful decision maker. He likes to outline all the facts before making a conclusion.
Joy is used to quick motions with little discussion or even understanding of the issue.
This is a huge improvement from the last six or so years. It was great to see Kevin Doyle. I really wish it was he who ran instead of, what’s her name, for D2.
Joy and Bruce seemed to be enjoying themselves laughing at the drug addict not understanding warrants. Jim and Luke weren't laughing because they didn't understand either.
You’ve got that right. It will be when she doesn’t anticipate how the discussion goes that she will return to her unhappy confusion and endless chatter to try to figure out how to vote. The guys were at their first meeting and Luke in particular did a phenomenal job explaining his rationale for an appointment not an election. What is Joy’s excuse for not having a clue after how many years up there?
Marlon Marco, whoever you are your too early attacks are stupid and will get no traction.
Well, we got five new affordable housing high-rise locations with minimum five story units.
BIA neighborhood on Rubinstein Drive, Tony Kranz next to his house, If Arizona Joy owns a house by her house, Kindergarten kelly family units, and Marco. We knew Mali ain’t got no game.
Liar Marco it is not next to you. Come on. You live on one of those protected streets and where is God forbid anyone doesn’t live in your little protected area walks past your stupid little gate there you are out like a junkyard dog screaming
LOL. I once asked Julie Thunder to stop soliciting and trespassing in my neighborhood (there were signs), but other than that, can't recall ever coming close to screaming at someone...
Hopefully Bruce implements some kinda ethics code being proposed by Natalie and Scott. Such a good idea. Then the city can investigate years of illegal business practices by Ohara. It's minor so will probably be nothing more than a censure but transparency is critical. It also doesn't matter that the investigation into Luke's voter fraud will be over by the time a new ethics code is implemented. The rules will still apply to his replacement when Luke resigns or gets removed.
We can’t forget MASShole Jim’s suspended nonprofit. But Crazy Rachel doesn’t care when her handlers break the rules. She just likes to make things up about everyone else to support her irrational and idiotic arguments 🤣 She’s such an embarrassment. I really don’t know why she yammers about our city when she doesn’t even live here. She needs a real hobby. She keeps suing her business partners and employers - if you don’t agree with Crazy Rachel 100% of the time or bow down to her, she’ll go after you like the psycho bitch that she is. Toxic AF. The fact that Baby Daddy Luke made her his campaign manager speaks volumes.
For someone that's been caught lying hundreds of times as Crazy Rachel has, she seems really upset when she thinks she's being lied to. Sooooo weird she keeps saying "our code" like she lives here.
Rachel's crying about things that have been resolved for more than a decade as though she discovered something new. And why was she arguing that Bruce and the others were prejudiced by her lack of knowledge? They won, for pete's sake...
Let me know when "my side" is jumping up and down about spotting O'Hara crossing the railroad tracks where it isn't permitted (for example). Go for it if that happens.
Or maybe Ehlers on a horsey without a helmet? I'm not sure what the Olivenhain equivalent of that controversy would be.
Julie sure knows how to pick 'em. She's got a 🐽 for broken, crazy, obsessive people who she can prey upon. She's a lot like Blakespear. Poor Rachel. She got sucked in by the folksy exterior. Hope she learns before it's too late.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 RACHEL WAS LUKE'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER??? All the times Rachel LIED to voters about Luke being an independent she was his Campaign Manager? All the times Rachel LIED to voters about Luke's voter fraud being because he was military she was his campaign manager? All the times Rachel attacked ACTUAL residents she was working for Luke? AND NOT A FUCKING WORD OF IT ANYWHERE. Couldn't make this shit up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
You're gonna love when me or someone decides to spill the beans on who else was working for Bruce, Luke and Jim. Specifically those anonymously spreading lies and attacking candidates and residents. All while bragging about running a clean campaign.
So weird! Nothing but 🦗 from the EV clownfolk who were apoplectic when Sabelico parted his hair the wrong way. Imagine if Sabelico was a raging lunatic on FB constantly spreading lies about residents and wasting council time with bullshit while pretending to live here. 🤔
It gets better. Rachel even mouthed Luke’s closing statement to him at an event. She must’ve wrote it for him and held his hand by helping him memorize it. 🤣🤣
Say whatever you want…… but Rachel’s candidates all WON! Not backed by any political party or special interests. No crazy endorsements. True grassroots campaigning with the help of local members of the community. 🏆 🙌🏼 Thank you, Rachel!
So what’s with all the fear mongering about trans people?
Glad you asked.
It started in the 80’s as a backlash to women achieving careers and higher education. Dan Quayle attacked a fictional character Murphy Brown for having a career and a child without being married.
Republicans lost that argument. Legally and constitutionally, courts again and again ruled that women can’t be denied equal opportunities in housing or jobs based on some dude’s feelings. They also lost culturally and generationally. They lost so hard we don’t even discuss it anymore.
But the Republican Party had a decision to make. The fact is, the anti-woman culture war issue raised emotions and made a segment of their base more likely to turn out for elections. The choice was: do they just give up on that energy and voter turnout, or do they transfer it to something else?
So they moved on to the anti-gay culture war of the 90s and 00s. They ran the same playbook of othering and degrading and fighting for limiting rights—most notably marriage rights. They got base energy and turnout they were seeking, but again they lost. They lost legally and constitutionally. They lost again culturally and generationally. They lost so hard we don’t even talk about whether gays should have equal rights much anymore. It’s over.
But once again the GOP had a choice. Let that energy and turnout go, or focus it on something else.
And that, friends is how we got to the anti-trans culture war. And again, they are going to lose, and lose hard. And they should, because all these backward shithole losers grew up idolizing gender bending people like David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Boy George, Lou Reed, and the Kinks (Lola walks like a woman and talks like a man).
And when they lose again, where do they go from here? Women were 50% of the population; Gays are 5-10% ; trans folks are 1%. The target is shrinking. And as it shrinks, it gets harder and harder to make the case that some small slice represents a big threat to the country.
While an interesting and worthy topic of discussion, this blog is interested in straight white men west of the 5. Oh, and a few strong women that peddle to their interests.
Marco claimed that he sued the city in 1999 over the lack of a storm drain, and Sheila Cameron got up and reminded Marco that he "threatened" to sue but did not do so because she was the mayor at the time. Marco is so busy calling citizens liars that he opens himself up to scrutiny over the veracity of what he claims in every comment he makes. This isn't the only time HE gas been caught in lies and corrected in public. Many have talked about how much his family suffers and have prayed that they seek family therapy or that they do an intervention to get Marco the help he needs for the sake of those close to him as well as the rest of this community.
I am confused. A few weeks ago, Marco testified that he has never sued the City of Encinitas. He contradicts his own stories constantly. Has he sued the city or not?
So why would he lie about this and claim that he hasn't sued the city on one night and then say that he has on another night. The great man who talks about the importance of facts for other people seems to apply opposite claims depending on how a story benefits him at the moment.
You can tell the losers don’t have much practice dissing council members. They sound really lame. Guess they’re to used to sucking up to their hand picked council members.
Don't be fooled by the attempts at theater. The appointee planning started months ago and was agreed upon weeks ago. Before Luke and Jim were sworn in they could legally meet with Bruce to discuss city business without restrictions. They did exactly that, meeting at length with their backers to develop a multi year plan based on those many planning discussions.
If they did have such discussions, at least they did it while it was legal. Compare that to the Blakes spear Kranz Legacy, where they illegally held such discussions on a regular basis. Their consistently pre-rehearsed kangaroo court decisions are proof not to mention kranz admitted publicly that they violated the brown act.
Our new council members did a superb job in their first meeting. They made thoughtful comments and listened closely to what others had to say. I am proud to have our new members represent us.
Well, the City of Encinitas fire union sure showed their colors supporting a total flunky Kranz…. Throwing $10,000 bigs one to get the Dunce re-elected really tell us a story.
There’s no way taxpayers should fund five star future fire station upgrades. They already have a cake job. no need to get them fat ass recliners, and top level kitchen equipment. That’s how you end up with big old fat ass fireman like Mark Muir.
The City of Encinitas Fire Princess Union and Department are not the tax payer’s friends. .
Very wasteful for a glorified EMT program.
Look at their cost ratio of Dept cots vs population served and you will see the Princesses are raping the tax payers.
Say No - to anything over a lower cost basics only fire station.
No more wasteful super expensive underutilized public facilities like Tony’s favorite Bikkini watching Dept and Sheriff’s bikini watching station on the sand , or the absolutely ridiculous second senior center.
The first senior center is always vacant and there’s absolutely no reason to build that second senior center on the coastline that is just sitting there deteriorating with no use.
Thank God, we have a smart financially wise city council to address decades of debauchery.
Screw the greedy Fire Princesses. In your face Princesses. The princesses are not the residents and tax payers friends. They just parade through a ton of chiefs to max out their pension and screw the public to the max. The EMT program 95% of the “fire Princesses” duties needs a major overhaul focused on cost effective more efficient services. The current system is a complete waste of public tax dollars.
Cemented: Top worst mayors in the history of Encinitas. 1. Kranz 2. Blakespear 3. $tock$
Bruce and the city council are off to a great start.
1. First order of business was to get rid of that horrible anthill. ✅
2. Next order of business, they efficiently discussed the short term appointment for the next two years and then go to a vote for the district 4 member. no appointments, rolling over into a voted position. ✅
3. Hire an interim city manager to come up and Right size City Hall, clean out the bad deadwood (high risk and liability staff -Jace and death traps staff) and get a good financial plan in place.
4. fire incompetent city attorney and hire good city attorney.
5. Once the staff size is reduced by 30 to 50%, hire a great long-term city manager and start implementing the plan to address core needs.
Bruce and his puppets have approved 100% of the new development projects appearing before them. Their excuse was something about their hands being tied.
Yeps, 6+ acres into 17 lots. That's some mucho high density there. Mr. Marco stated he would love to put 300 units there if he could. All we need is a few more bio-basins.
THANK YOU to the new council for saving Bella Vista from 283 more units Coast Law's Marco Gonzalez wanted for the property. A big win for the City, 17 luxury homes vs. 300 Gonzo Units. Good job voters!
New council will be downzoning L-7 to the original parkland it was zoned to be. Go and support!
It would be fun and extremely wonderful if they downzoned Quail Apartments back to the approximately 29 single family homes it was designated to be. Absolutely irresponsible to build 5 5 story buildings in a wetlands sensitive habitat.
No more Marco Bagodonuts screwing over the citizens of encinitas !
Refreshing to have council members who fulfill their promises to be a voice of the people. Love our new council and hopeful Joy jumps on board and prioritizes her constituents as well.
Flex Air Flight School out of Montgomery Field 18 miles away. Flying in circles and back and forth over Encintias 25 times. Placing the population in danger. Tail number N9914L today the 13th. at 1:30P.M Their motto SAFETY LAST. Screw everyone on the ground
Encinitas Now pearl clutching over the council majority decision to appoint. Even Barth's hubby emerges to slam Bruce. Enjoy your 3-way circle you know what convo Teresa, Don, Marco!
Joy has to stay she's their only link to the inside although whether she'll be willing for forward emails like Kranz did is a question. D4 is up for grabs watch TeresaDonMarco to put up Dan Vaughn or Marlon. Both have mega skeletons but that won't stop them. Doubt public sentiment is suddenly going to flip to trusting MaliAmandaMarco anytime soon. Kind of like $tock$ will never get another shot at it likewise Kranz.
Marlon screwed himself in ever being appointed to D4.. He bullied residents while he was in office and it is all on record. Dan, is too far out and not realistic 😕
Lorri also suggested she could delete members who name call or cannot be civil, yet Pam Slater Price has been doing that on EV for years and Lorri has never moderated her.
@9:06 That's one of the guys I was triggered by and the reason I had to "adjust" my speech accordingly. Special shout out to Mallee for having my back and adjusting hers too. We're relevant peons! - Margo
Mali is so good, I’m thinking of having her join my development team to help place homeless camps in conjunction with our new amusement parks we are building in the desert.
We Will embrace a theme for hang out and doing Fenty with all the drug addict homeless. That will make the surfers forget about their wave count, and just kinda sit there and stare at their feet.
And will have them pee in pots and repeat after me, “yellow is mellow, but brown flush it down.” That way, we can save water for our really expensive and high water use Surf park In deserts.
I sure hope people never watch that movie “Cadillac Desert” about the whole Overdevelopment of the Southwest, especially the Colorado watershed. that doesn’t fit my narratives of supporting development in the southwest desert for profit and fucking over all of those God’s creatures.
My motto is - developer and stooges profits over any of gods creatures beside me.
Let’s ignore for a moment the official FB group description of EV which proclaims that it is a place for all points of view, and there is no viewpoint discrimination in how it’s moderated.
Dr. Nutbird has publicly revealed here on on EU and elsewhere that it’s a lie. Now she says EV is and always has been moderated to favor and promote the voices of those out of power politically in Encinitas.
Serious questions:
Will EV now be moderated to take down and quietly block the voices of Pam, Julie, Jim, Nutbird herself, et al.? Will Lorri pretend there has been a technical glitch that deleted Jim Brown from the group? Will it now favor and promote the voices out of power like Blakespear, Sodomka, and Mike and Paula Verdu?
Or was this just one more in a long list of lies by Dr. Nutbird?
Lorri and EV were exposed for what they are years ago. Lorri having now publicly admitted what was so obvious just shows how deluded her defenders were. That there's STILL people defending her is a case study in mental illness.
No! He’s my free trial attorney when things aren’t as rosy. Plus, he knows some Chicas supposedly, Although from what I’ve seen, he likes to bang white chicks. Especially old ones with gimps in the closet.
you people are clinically insane if you think anyone is considering Marlon for anything. The dude has become a full on race hustling grifter that fully supports Hawk Newsome (no not the governor). Hawk Newsome has been calling for violence against any human being that supported Daniel Penny saving the lives of old ladies in NYC. Look him up and realize that Marlon is a full on Hawk Newsome supporter. Dude should be in prison.
The San Diego County Sheriffs Department is America hating leftists. They hate their own country. Protecting illegals while they use your tax money doing it. The America hating
ReplyDeletesheriffs department....the enemy within.
Fire martinez
Martinez said she’d defy the County Board of Supervisors and do her job. Maybe you should read before you post.
Deletemartinez works for the County of San Diego. Trust me, these people lie with impunity
DeleteBreaking @SDSheriff
releases statement blasting the county board’s vote to make San Diego a “Super Sanctuary”:
“The Sheriff's Office will not change its practices based on the Board resolution and policy that was passed at today's meeting. The Board of Supervisors does not set policy for the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff, as an independently elected official, sets the policy for the Sheriff's Office.”
The sheriff has also stated they will work for and on what the state of commiefornia requires....
DeleteThe idiot newsom and bonta give tax payers money to illegals via heath care and other avenues.
WAKE UP !!!!!!! Try and not be the fool....all of you.
Then why did you run a clown against the only fans porn queen Lawson -ReamHer?
DeleteThere you go again with the standard for you which is about as low on the humanity scale as it comes. Can you really be so ignorant? Absolutely. A true pos domestic terrorist is what you show us all with comments like these.
ReplyDeletefeels like all the anxiety is out of the room now that the bullying Kranz, out to lunch hostile stare Hinze, and footsoldier for BlakeSpear, Blackwell are absent. Good manners versus evil doers.
ReplyDeleteIn a mayor, who doesn’t talk back to the public speakers! Doesn’t tell them that they don’t know what they’re talking about, doesn’t cut them off from speaking abruptly.
ReplyDeleteStaff with their usual “nothing to see here deny the appeal” script.
ReplyDeleteApparently Burce Almighty agreed.
DeleteDoyle would have made a good councilman. His party dumped him for Destiny. Go figure.
ReplyDeleteThat was Doyle’s problem. Party.
ReplyDeleteEncinitas = NPP
Joy full of shit. She and the Kranz contingent never tried to make any of the density projects better.
ReplyDeleteShe’s preaching as a minority. Lecturing exactly.
AZ Joy is an idiot and needs to be voted out next election.
DeleteMASShole boy Jim showing that a shoe salesman has no business pretending he knows wtf he’s talking about over a landscape architect. Masters in landscape arch vs exercise science degree (aka career for becoming a glorified coach) from U of Hawaii (a pretty shitty school). 🤭 total doofus
DeleteThe confused look on Luke’s face all night long is priceless. He looks like a middle school student auditing a college class but he can’t understand all the big words.
ReplyDelete9:13- your interpretation shows you’re the idiot.
DeleteCatch a clue dumbass. Such a stupid comment sounds like Marco
Just because his lips aren’t flapping nonstop like Marco or joy or Kranz or Hinze doesn’t mean no one‘s home. Maybe he’s listening and learning - what a concept!
DeleteLoved Lukes comments tonight. Thoughtful and concise. Joy kept repeating him and saying, those are my thoughts.
Deleteshe would be smart to learn the word "Ditto what Luke said"
Deleteand save Encinitas residents hours of their life for more productive living.
Luke is solid. You're sorely mistaken and Luke's boni fides absolutely crush people like you and compared to the pile of lying sack of hypocrite shit Marco Gonzalez- Luke is a GOAT King.
DeleteWhat a refreshing council meeting
ReplyDeleteThat's because you're warped. Luke and especially Jim were a total shitshow but it's their first time.
DeleteThat was refreshing! Somehow the new council reached the same conclusion the last council probably would've and denied the appeal. Clearly Bruce and the boys are already working for the BIA, taking money from developers and following orders from Blakespear.
DeleteSorry you’re so disappointed. We know you were hoping and praying they would break the law.
DeleteUnlike Kranz, Bruce actually discusses in detail all the aspects of a project, rather than deciding ahead of time and showing up at the council meeting just to vote for a project he and the rest of his goon squad don’t understand.
Wanting these new representatives to fail means you want Encinitas to fail. We’ve already been down that road with the Great Kranz Giveaway.
This is what a council does. Watch and learn.
Looks like the boys have already failed on their campaign promise on day 1. Didn’t their mailers say they were going to stop overdevelopment ?
DeleteLuke: Our hands are tied.
DeleteJim: Our hands are tied.
Joy: Our hands are tied.
Bruce: Our hands are tied.
So refreshing.
That’s for sure. It sure refreshing and awesome for Encinitas future to have a Mayor with an actual brain.
ReplyDeleteAnd council that can actually use their brains with common sense.
Dark dark days behind us.
So thankful
I thought Bruce would've done a better job tutoring his puppets. Has Jim ever seen a council meeting before?
ReplyDelete9:29 Jim's showing why he's known city wide to be insufferable when he gets his clammy hands on microphone.
DeleteJim, Bruce and Luke did wonderful. Keep your freakshow BS to yourself or go make comments to CC.
DeleteOtherwise you are a loser, like Mali and Marco. In the pockets of developers and hoping to get freebees from pushing their profit cart.
Daddy Bruce failed his puppets and they failed their handler. Maybe he can hold their hands more next time given they have no idea wtf their doing.
DeleteAnyone else see Jim get testy with Bruce and Joy about the buttons on his screen? Toddler behavior.
DeleteIt’s super refreshing to see a mayor who explains things, is welcoming rather than defensive and though knowledgeable, ask the questions to get clarity on laws and issues.
ReplyDeleteJim seems pretty astute. I can’t blame them overall for not being too participative. Their first meeting has some big and wide issues to address. Land use is a complicated ever moving target.
It’s cause crowds never understood anything except for how to accept things from developers like Trips to Israel and to give away free public land to help developers maximize profit.
DeleteKranz was a fool and Bruce is a jewel!
Dark dark days of Encinitas are behind us and the future is looking bright! ❤️
* Siri so ✅-
DeleteIt’s because Kranz never understood anything except for how to accept things from developers like Trips to Israel and to give away free public land to help developers maximize profit.
Kranz is the Town Dunce.
You’re mistaking astuteness for severe narcissism. Why else would a guy who sells shoes and races think he has any business working on land use 🤣
DeleteCool to see the new council voting unanimously for a change.
ReplyDeleteWhen the supposed appeal team showed up instead as a fractured group minus their attorney, they sealed their own fate. Apparently, a bunch of them had already made a deal on the side with the developer and they had no actual facts to present other than “I don’t like it.“ Bruce and his team did the right thing. Plus, kind of hard to feel sorry for people who have to live next-door to half acre lots and are calling it dense and whine about it.
DeleteMarlene already claiming the guys are failures after one night. How would he have voted? He’d be on a first name basis with the developer just like joy, Kranz, and the rest we showed the door.
DeleteBIA loving the new hacks, just like the old hacks.
DeleteOur hands are tied but not like the last council's hands were tied
DeleteMarlene is a complete failure and is fucking up Kids futures.
ReplyDeleteVote that fool out next election.
Encinitas has not posted the video from last night’s meeting, But the little I saw was 1000 times better than the complete developer giveaways that Kranz ran during his time on city council.
ReplyDeleteIt’s amazing what the city council will look and sound like when they’re not giving away their town to developers profits.
To get truthful information out to the public, we will be highlighting statements made at the concluding meeting with Tony Kranz to set the record straight.
When you spew bullshit, you should be prepared for people to refute and provide factual information for the public to understand.
The freak show comments made by Mali, fat version of Mr. Burns, and Diane Nunez were completely off base. Along with some others.
Truthful posts will be responding to their bullshit allegations. What’s very apparent is they’re all blind to reality and Margo ( fat version of Mr. Burns) has definitely a focus on maximizing developer profits.
Enjoy your day! Encinitas is in such a better place today!! ❤️❤️
Regarding filling the vacant D4 seat, - Make the appointment contingent on agreeing not to seek re-election when appointed to the vacant seat .
ReplyDeleteThis is exactly how the City Council needs to address future appointments, so we do not end up with Failures like AZ Joy, KK, Flyboy (remember him/her), and the Gnome.
"Shin succeeds District 2 Councilmember Carolyn Luna, who agreed not to seek re-election when she was appointed to the vacant seat a little less than two years ago."
- Make the appointment contingent on agreeing not to seek re-election when appointed to the vacant seat .
Its that simple but that didn't support BIA's mission, hence, Encinitas suffered under BIA and Kranz.
Yeah. But it should be the law, not just a promise that the candidate can later say “just kidding.”
DeleteAppointments are power, and it’s human nature that no council will ever vote to reduce their power.
If it’s going to happen, it would have to be a citizen’s initiative, and put it on the ballot. I believe it would pass in a landslide.
*** Encinitas Real Time News***
ReplyDeleteMark Mavill- Local Hero!!!!!
The best part of last night's meeting were the comments provided by Local Hero, Mark Mavill.
100% Truth!
Thank you Sir for speaking the truth so clearly and concisely. Your huge fan base including myself love you. Keep up the great work. As you know, The truth sets you free.
God Bless Mr. Mavill! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Start at 45:39 of video here-
- Make the appointment contingent on agreeing not to seek re-election when appointed to the vacant seat .
If you want to watch another good public speaker Rachel Graves and Natalie Sattoon did great as well.
DeleteLol Rachel talking out of her ass as usual. She forgets ECRP spent thousands of the dollars to support MASShole Jim, Big Daddy Bruce, Baby Daddy Luke, and the EUSD candidates. They benefitted from PACs too.
DeleteYou mean the Oregon guy Andrew Burton giving $9900 to Scott's PAC to stay under mandatory reporting?
DeleteYep their big outside money donor. As usual these babies cry wolf and point the fingers at others while doing the same things themselves. They need a big group therapy session.
Delete*** Encinitas Real Time News***
ReplyDeleteRACHEL GRAVES! thank you!!!!
Legend Status- Local Hero!
Another Local Hero who knows, the truth sets you free.
God Bless you and your family. You are good people and that is why the freakshow comes after you so hard. F'ck them. You are doing great things for Encinitas. They are working for the dark, dark, dark, developer profits where anything gos including supporting predators like Fathan Letcher and other dark family actions like using $2 million in public funding to live a lush life style while continueing to prey on UCSD students.
Thank you Rachel!!!!!!! Xoxo. ❤️
Start at 52:23 video here -
Rachel, great investigative work and reporting. Thank you. I knew something was off with TB.
DeleteMe and Mallee had really nice and professional speeches prepared for Tuesday night BUT after we heard some of the people's public comments we got so triggered we tossed em and went with our super aggressive douche speeches instead! That'll teach you pesky residents!
ReplyDelete- Margo
Those two are residents as well dummy.
DeleteI learned that from my super effective predator brother-in-law.
Delete- Margo
6:24 what was Rachel talking about?
DeleteMarco and Mali always find a way to blame the audience for their insulting and inappropriate remarks that highlight the poor mental health that they suffer from on a daily basis. Somehow, it is the fault of the listeners when they make insane statements. It is a societal bias that people are afraid of the mentally ill, but in some cases, it is justified.
DeleteThey both came with practiced speeches. Mali acting Ike she should 🏆 win an academy award for starting E4E. MARCO, was like WTF was that? E4E failed by the way
DeleteInteresting list of personality traits that completely describes these two:
DeleteAnyone notice how angry Joy is?
ReplyDeleteShe sniped at Bruce last night. Maybe she was tired. She’s used to Hinze at 9 PM yawning in front of everyone saying she has to get home to her kid and having the meeting and abruptly. Bruce took it to the mat and by the end, Marco was visibly deflated. Either Ehlers agreed with his arguments or he shut them down.
DeleteWhat’s most refreshing is that it looked like a real meeting, not a slog with a pre ordained outcome.
DeleteThey discussed, disagreed, agreed, questioned and decided. Bruce bought a sense of humor and camaraderie to the meeting. The new guys have a lot to learn but it’s easy to see they are quick to grasp issues.
Joy alternative played victim (she’s the new minority) and authority. She, an appointed candidate, was the protest vote for an appointment!
I also think she’s got some learning curve because Bruce is a more thoughtful decision maker. He likes to outline all the facts before making a conclusion.
Joy is used to quick motions with little discussion or even understanding of the issue.
This is a huge improvement from the last six or so years. It was great to see Kevin Doyle. I really wish it was he who ran instead of, what’s her name, for D2.
Joy has been vaccinated to facts likely by living her life being told by the former council members what to say 110% of the time.
ReplyDeleteThe most annoying part of her historical responses is that she speaks much too long often saying either nothing or worse unintelligible gobbleygook.
She could put crystal meth users to sleep and can cause damage to the human auditory meatus.
Meth Mark?
DeleteJoy is no longer Joyful
ReplyDeleteNope and her attempts at playing the seasoned voice of experience is very obvious that she is playing at it.
DeleteJoy and Bruce seemed to be enjoying themselves laughing at the drug addict not understanding warrants. Jim and Luke weren't laughing because they didn't understand either.
DeleteShe will still report to Blakespear to find out how to vote before meetings. Once a proxy, always a proxy.
DeleteYou’ve got that right. It will be when she doesn’t anticipate how the discussion goes that she will return to her unhappy confusion and endless chatter to try to figure out how to vote. The guys were at their first meeting and Luke in particular did a phenomenal job explaining his rationale for an appointment not an election. What is Joy’s excuse for not having a clue after how many years up there?
DeleteMarlon Marco, whoever you are your too early attacks are stupid and will get no traction.
Lol Baby Daddy Luke looked like a middle school kid that accidentally signed up for a college class. Total clueless bro.
DeleteWell, we got five new affordable housing high-rise locations with minimum five story units.
ReplyDeleteBIA neighborhood on Rubinstein Drive, Tony Kranz next to his house, If Arizona Joy owns a house by her house, Kindergarten kelly family units, and Marco. We knew Mali ain’t got no game.
I already have a 4-story senior apartment building next to me. Not a problem at all. Bring it.
DeleteOk… they will build them on the other three sides.👌
DeleteLiar Marco it is not next to you. Come on. You live on one of those protected streets and where is God forbid anyone doesn’t live in your little protected area walks past your stupid little gate there you are out like a junkyard dog screaming
DeleteLOL. I once asked Julie Thunder to stop soliciting and trespassing in my neighborhood (there were signs), but other than that, can't recall ever coming close to screaming at someone...
DeleteHopefully Bruce implements some kinda ethics code being proposed by Natalie and Scott. Such a good idea. Then the city can investigate years of illegal business practices by Ohara. It's minor so will probably be nothing more than a censure but transparency is critical. It also doesn't matter that the investigation into Luke's voter fraud will be over by the time a new ethics code is implemented. The rules will still apply to his replacement when Luke resigns or gets removed.
ReplyDeleteMarco and his investigations...wotevah.
DeleteWe can’t forget MASShole Jim’s suspended nonprofit. But Crazy Rachel doesn’t care when her handlers break the rules. She just likes to make things up about everyone else to support her irrational and idiotic arguments 🤣 She’s such an embarrassment. I really don’t know why she yammers about our city when she doesn’t even live here. She needs a real hobby. She keeps suing her business partners and employers - if you don’t agree with Crazy Rachel 100% of the time or bow down to her, she’ll go after you like the psycho bitch that she is. Toxic AF. The fact that Baby Daddy Luke made her his campaign manager speaks volumes.
DeleteYou don't support strong women?
DeleteRachel is our hero. Period.
DeleteFor someone that's been caught lying hundreds of times as Crazy Rachel has, she seems really upset when she thinks she's being lied to. Sooooo weird she keeps saying "our code" like she lives here.
ReplyDeleteTB busted. Encinitas Freakshow Campaign Finance Gate
DeleteRachel's crying about things that have been resolved for more than a decade as though she discovered something new. And why was she arguing that Bruce and the others were prejudiced by her lack of knowledge? They won, for pete's sake...
DeleteSo no freakshow finance gate? Bummer
DeleteNo. Only freak show predator gate..
Delete*sight to see..
DeleteRachel gate. You’ve got her now!
DeleteThere is no need to "get" her. She's her horrible self consistently, no matter the subject or situation. She's Rachel.
DeleteRachel = Epic Legendary Local Hero!!
DeleteMarco = Jelly Fat Mr Burns.
2:07 just throwing your camp's "gate you've got 'em now" bs back in your faces. And will continue to do so.
DeleteI’m pretty sure it was untrimmed-tree-gate that carried the election.
DeleteLet me know when "my side" is jumping up and down about spotting O'Hara crossing the railroad tracks where it isn't permitted (for example). Go for it if that happens.
DeleteOr maybe Ehlers on a horsey without a helmet? I'm not sure what the Olivenhain equivalent of that controversy would be.
He would be an idiot if he didn’t cross the ridiculous tracks.
DeleteThere’s way more people crossing the tracks than ride that freaking empty death train.
I hate Kranz’s injury fence as much as I hate that empty coaster Death train.
- I cross it four times a day to work and back
No one is arguing with you except the EV regulars that photographed Blakespere doing it and created crossing-the-tracks-gate
DeleteYes, they're that petty.
DeleteJulie sure knows how to pick 'em. She's got a 🐽 for broken, crazy, obsessive people who she can prey upon. She's a lot like Blakespear. Poor Rachel. She got sucked in by the folksy exterior. Hope she learns before it's too late.
ReplyDeleteExcept Thunder coordinated with MASShole Jim too. Birds of a feather flock together.
DeleteJulie’s candidates all won as did measure K. LFG!
Delete*No on measure K
Delete🤣🤣🤣🤣 RACHEL WAS LUKE'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER??? All the times Rachel LIED to voters about Luke being an independent she was his Campaign Manager? All the times Rachel LIED to voters about Luke's voter fraud being because he was military she was his campaign manager? All the times Rachel attacked ACTUAL residents she was working for Luke? AND NOT A FUCKING WORD OF IT ANYWHERE. Couldn't make this shit up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
ReplyDeleteYou're gonna love when me or someone decides to spill the beans on who else was working for Bruce, Luke and Jim. Specifically those anonymously spreading lies and attacking candidates and residents. All while bragging about running a clean campaign.
DeleteClean campaign was laughable at all points during all of their campaigns. They only people they successfully duped were the poor voters.
DeleteSo weird! Nothing but 🦗 from the EV clownfolk who were apoplectic when Sabelico parted his hair the wrong way. Imagine if Sabelico was a raging lunatic on FB constantly spreading lies about residents and wasting council time with bullshit while pretending to live here. 🤔
DeleteIt gets better. Rachel even mouthed Luke’s closing statement to him at an event. She must’ve wrote it for him and held his hand by helping him memorize it. 🤣🤣
DeleteMust've "written," not "wrote." Don't look now, but your failed GED attempt is showing - again.
Delete2:52 has anyone ever suggested a straitjacket for your condition?
DeleteSay whatever you want…… but Rachel’s candidates all WON! Not backed by any political party or special interests. No crazy endorsements. True grassroots campaigning with the help of local members of the community. 🏆
Delete🙌🏼 Thank you, Rachel!
So what’s with all the fear mongering about trans people?
ReplyDeleteGlad you asked.
It started in the 80’s as a backlash to women achieving careers and higher education. Dan Quayle attacked a fictional character Murphy Brown for having a career and a child without being married.
Republicans lost that argument. Legally and constitutionally, courts again and again ruled that women can’t be denied equal opportunities in housing or jobs based on some dude’s feelings. They also lost culturally and generationally. They lost so hard we don’t even discuss it anymore.
But the Republican Party had a decision to make. The fact is, the anti-woman culture war issue raised emotions and made a segment of their base more likely to turn out for elections. The choice was: do they just give up on that energy and voter turnout, or do they transfer it to something else?
So they moved on to the anti-gay culture war of the 90s and 00s. They ran the same playbook of othering and degrading and fighting for limiting rights—most notably marriage rights. They got base energy and turnout they were seeking, but again they lost. They lost legally and constitutionally. They lost again culturally and generationally. They lost so hard we don’t even talk about whether gays should have equal rights much anymore. It’s over.
But once again the GOP had a choice. Let that energy and turnout go, or focus it on something else.
And that, friends is how we got to the anti-trans culture war. And again, they are going to lose, and lose hard. And they should, because all these backward shithole losers grew up idolizing gender bending people like David Bowie, Annie Lennox, Boy George, Lou Reed, and the Kinks (Lola walks like a woman and talks like a man).
And when they lose again, where do they go from here? Women were 50% of the population; Gays are 5-10% ; trans folks are 1%. The target is shrinking. And as it shrinks, it gets harder and harder to make the case that some small slice represents a big threat to the country.
While an interesting and worthy topic of discussion, this blog is interested in straight white men west of the 5. Oh, and a few strong women that peddle to their interests.
DeleteMarco claimed that he sued the city in 1999 over the lack of a storm drain, and Sheila Cameron got up and reminded Marco that he "threatened" to sue but did not do so because she was the mayor at the time. Marco is so busy calling citizens liars that he opens himself up to scrutiny over the veracity of what he claims in every comment he makes. This isn't the only time HE gas been caught in lies and corrected in public. Many have talked about how much his family suffers and have prayed that they seek family therapy or that they do an intervention to get Marco the help he needs for the sake of those close to him as well as the rest of this community.
ReplyDeleteMarco: you seriously have Lead Singer Syndrome.
ReplyDeleteInteresting concept. I had to look it up:
DeleteDidn’t he just post a picture of the lawsuit over on EV? So Sheila’s the one that’s lying through her old ass
DeleteSheila calling Hinze “Hines” and mispronouncing other names was curmudgeon old lady comedy gold.
DeleteSheila is a batshit crazy old hack.
DeleteJust pat her on the head when she speaks and give her a glass of warm milk.
I am confused. A few weeks ago, Marco testified that he has never sued the City of Encinitas. He contradicts his own stories constantly. Has he sued the city or not?
DeleteSo why would he lie about this and claim that he hasn't sued the city on one night and then say that he has on another night. The great man who talks about the importance of facts for other people seems to apply opposite claims depending on how a story benefits him at the moment.
DeleteI've never sued the City over housing policy or a specific project, only storm water. I've never said I hadn't sued the City before.
Delete2:06 Yes but Ohara fellating the mic all night was more disturbing. I couldn't listen any longer. Did he ever figure out how to pronounce Lyndes?
ReplyDeleteYou can tell the losers don’t have much practice dissing council members. They sound really lame. Guess they’re to used to sucking up to their hand picked council members.
ReplyDeleteHow do you think you sounded all that long time?
DeleteWe had a lot more practice complaining about the dumb fucks in office.
DeleteDon't be fooled by the attempts at theater. The appointee planning started months ago and was agreed upon weeks ago. Before Luke and Jim were sworn in they could legally meet with Bruce to discuss city business without restrictions. They did exactly that, meeting at length with their backers to develop a multi year plan based on those many planning discussions.
ReplyDeleteSome people get chatty when they drink. 😉
Doesn't mean voters were on board with their scheming.
Delete7:06 We must know the same people. 😂 Did your source also mention their selection was coached on their application?
DeleteJulie G?
DeleteIf they did have such discussions, at least they did it while it was legal. Compare that to the Blakes spear Kranz Legacy, where they illegally held such discussions on a regular basis. Their consistently pre-rehearsed kangaroo court decisions are proof not to mention kranz admitted publicly that they violated the brown act.
DeleteThink Jimbo practiced his fake ass histrionics ahead of time?
DeleteAccording to Ohara's wife, he spends hours a day practicing in front of the mirror. He's been doing that since long before he was elected though.
Delete8:52- 🥱… please step it up or don’t comment. Your comments are lame.
DeleteOur new council members did a superb job in their first meeting. They made thoughtful comments and listened closely to what others had to say. I am proud to have our new members represent us.
DeleteFlat out lie
DeleteWell, the City of Encinitas fire union sure showed their colors supporting a total flunky Kranz…. Throwing $10,000 bigs one to get the Dunce re-elected really tell us a story.
ReplyDeleteThere’s no way taxpayers should fund five star future fire station upgrades. They already have a cake job. no need to get them fat ass recliners, and top level kitchen equipment. That’s how you end up with big old fat ass fireman like Mark Muir.
The City of Encinitas Fire Princess Union and Department are not the tax payer’s friends. .
ReplyDeleteVery wasteful for a glorified EMT program.
Look at their cost ratio of Dept cots vs population served and you will see the Princesses are raping the tax payers.
Say No - to anything over a lower cost basics only fire station.
No more wasteful super expensive underutilized public facilities like Tony’s favorite Bikkini watching Dept and Sheriff’s bikini watching station on the sand , or the absolutely ridiculous second senior center.
The first senior center is always vacant and there’s absolutely no reason to build that second senior center on the coastline that is just sitting there deteriorating with no use.
Thank God, we have a smart financially wise city council to address decades of debauchery.
Screw the greedy Fire Princesses. In your face Princesses. The princesses are not the residents and tax payers friends. They just parade through a ton of chiefs to max out their pension and screw the public to the max. The EMT program 95% of the “fire Princesses” duties needs a major overhaul focused on cost effective more efficient services. The current system is a complete waste of public tax dollars.
Cemented: Top worst mayors in the history of Encinitas.
1. Kranz
2. Blakespear
3. $tock$
Bruce and the city council are off to a great start.
ReplyDelete1. First order of business was to get rid of that horrible anthill. ✅
2. Next order of business, they efficiently discussed the short term appointment for the next two years and then go to a vote for the district 4 member. no appointments, rolling over into a voted position. ✅
3. Hire an interim city manager to come up and Right size City Hall, clean out the bad deadwood (high risk and liability staff -Jace and death traps staff) and get a good financial plan in place.
4. fire incompetent city attorney and hire good city attorney.
5. Once the staff size is reduced by 30 to 50%, hire a great long-term city manager and start implementing the plan to address core needs.
You forgot the rubber stamp on new development!
ReplyDeleteBruce and his puppets have approved 100% of the new development projects appearing before them. Their excuse was something about their hands being tied.
ReplyDeleteSometimes they are. Would you rather he bring lawsuits to Encinitas for denying something illegally? You would love that wouldn’t you.
Delete8:50- stupid comment
DeleteFreaks created a false alarm when they claimed the new guys will bring us to court. Freaks, you love housing so why are you crying.
DeletePuppet approval-gate. You've got 'em now.
DeleteYeps, 6+ acres into 17 lots. That's some mucho high density there. Mr. Marco stated he would love to put 300 units there if he could. All we need is a few more bio-basins.
DeleteNot Marco Bagodonuts again .
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't know when to go away.
Go away Joey B !
Marco loves all of you. He would be lost without EU.and EV
DeleteTHANK YOU to the new council for saving Bella Vista from 283 more units Coast Law's Marco Gonzalez wanted for the property. A big win for the City, 17 luxury homes vs. 300 Gonzo Units. Good job voters!
ReplyDeleteNew council will be downzoning L-7 to the original parkland it was zoned to be. Go and support!
It would be fun and extremely wonderful if they downzoned Quail Apartments back to the approximately 29 single family homes it was designated to be. Absolutely irresponsible to build 5 5 story buildings in a wetlands sensitive habitat.
No more Marco Bagodonuts screwing over the citizens of encinitas !
Love ❤️
DeleteRefreshing to have council members who fulfill their promises to be a voice of the people. Love our new council and hopeful Joy jumps on board and prioritizes her constituents as well.
DeleteLocal bookmakers are saying 10:1 Larri's not gonna paus EV. Get your bets in before the survey closes!
ReplyDeleteHi Jerome.
DeleteFlex Air Flight School out of Montgomery Field 18 miles away.
ReplyDeleteFlying in circles and back and forth over Encintias 25 times.
Placing the population in danger. Tail number N9914L
today the 13th. at 1:30P.M
Their motto SAFETY LAST. Screw everyone on the ground
Were they looking at little boys again...or was it little girls.
DeleteWhoever it was last month that predicted Lorri would use a vote to weasel out of her promise. Nailed it!
ReplyDeleteshe cares too much about the opinions of others
DeleteEncinitas Now pearl clutching over the council majority decision to appoint. Even Barth's hubby emerges to slam Bruce. Enjoy your 3-way circle you know what convo Teresa, Don, Marco!
ReplyDeleteOwn the hypocrisy.
ReplyDeleteHypocrisy-gate. Now you've got 'em Teresa, Marco, Don. 2026 is a shoe in for your next "local" import.
DeleteCurrently recruiting for our next MASShole wannabe local.
DeleteJoy has to stay she's their only link to the inside although whether she'll be willing for forward emails like Kranz did is a question. D4 is up for grabs watch TeresaDonMarco to put up Dan Vaughn or Marlon. Both have mega skeletons but that won't stop them. Doubt public sentiment is suddenly going to flip to trusting MaliAmandaMarco anytime soon. Kind of like $tock$ will never get another shot at it likewise Kranz.
DeleteMarlon and Vaughn (2022 D4 spoiler) would never be chosen. Too much controversy, baggage, negativity and both talk and opine WAAAAAAY too much!
DeleteMarlon screwed himself in ever being appointed to D4.. He bullied residents while he was in office and it is all on record. Dan, is too far out and not realistic 😕
DeleteMarlon and his POS comments and the way he treats women is a NO
DeleteHarpies aren't women.
DeleteFreakshow (BIA, Kranz, and Margo) = Hypocrisy
Delete"delete members who are creating chaos for their own agendas, delete people who name call or cannot be civil."
ReplyDelete🤣🤣🤣 Congratulations Lorri. You just described 98 % of EV including yourself.
* only applies when the target is someone Nutbird likes.
DeletePREACH 🫰
ReplyDeleteLorri also suggested she could delete members who name call or cannot be civil, yet Pam Slater Price has been doing that on EV for years and Lorri has never moderated her.
ReplyDeleteLet me help you out. Both sides are hypocrites. You have no argument. Move on now
Delete🐽 Is not only tied to stocks, but she helped put Kranz in the Mayor seat for two years.
ReplyDeleteYou could put a fork in that bacon. She’s never electable.
Alchy Matt get fired or something? He's spending most workdays being angry on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteWhen I can say is, Maggie (RIP) is very pleased with this current council.
ReplyDeleteShe, like smart Democrats and NPPs, knew how important it is to run a financially well run City so that we can protect our environment.
It’s important to give space to the world’s critters and not overpopulate a beautiful coastline.
St. Maggie was a very good "actor". Milked her cancer for all it was worth.
Delete🐽 could not even beat newbie Az Joy. That’s pretty pathetic
ReplyDeleteBunch of hypocrites on the current council. If only my master would let me out of my cage. I could let the whole world know!
ReplyDelete- The Cardiff Gimp
Delete***Encinitas Real Time News***
ReplyDeleteA++ Legend Local Status for telling the truth
Legacy of BIA and Kranz reign 👇
@9:06 That's one of the guys I was triggered by and the reason I had to "adjust" my speech accordingly. Special shout out to Mallee for having my back and adjusting hers too. We're relevant peons!
Delete- Margo
Mali is so good, I’m thinking of having her join my development team to help place homeless camps in conjunction with our new amusement parks we are building in the desert.
ReplyDeleteWe Will embrace a theme for hang out and doing Fenty with all the drug addict homeless. That will make the surfers forget about their wave count, and just kinda sit there and stare at their feet.
And will have them pee in pots and repeat after me, “yellow is mellow, but brown flush it down.” That way, we can save water for our really expensive and high water use Surf park In deserts.
I sure hope people never watch that movie “Cadillac Desert” about the whole Overdevelopment of the Southwest, especially the Colorado watershed. that doesn’t fit my narratives of supporting development in the southwest desert for profit and fucking over all of those God’s creatures.
My motto is - developer and stooges profits over any of gods creatures beside me.
For I am,
- Margo
OOOOh- do not watch this if you like Margo's hypocrisy.
Let’s ignore for a moment the official FB group description of EV which proclaims that it is a place for all points of view, and there is no viewpoint discrimination in how it’s moderated.
ReplyDeleteDr. Nutbird has publicly revealed here on on EU and elsewhere that it’s a lie. Now she says EV is and always has been moderated to favor and promote the voices of those out of power politically in Encinitas.
Serious questions:
Will EV now be moderated to take down and quietly block the voices of Pam, Julie, Jim, Nutbird herself, et al.? Will Lorri pretend there has been a technical glitch that deleted Jim Brown from the group? Will it now favor and promote the voices out of power like Blakespear, Sodomka, and Mike and Paula Verdu?
Or was this just one more in a long list of lies by Dr. Nutbird?
Starvin - keep it on FB.
DeleteThis site is for Encinitas real time news.
Thank you.
6:26- Facebook users get what they deserve. ✌🏾
DeleteLorri and EV were exposed for what they are years ago. Lorri having now publicly admitted what was so obvious just shows how deluded her defenders were. That there's STILL people defending her is a case study in mental illness.
Delete“Exposed?” Do tell!!
DeleteMarlon is a pretty straightforward and reasonable dude. Now does he want literally the worst most underpaid job in the world? Probably not.
ReplyDeleteNo one cares about Marlene on this site.
DeleteAgain, this site is about Encinitas real time news.
Please move your Facebook chatter to Facebook.
Marlene rules!
Delete- Kevin
Except Kranz is going around saying he wants the job, 7:56. Sounds like you’ve got a disconnect in your intel.
DeleteMarlene did a post and delete announcing his plans on running for D4
DeleteDeport Speedy!
ReplyDeleteNo! He’s my free trial attorney when things aren’t as rosy. Plus, he knows some Chicas supposedly, Although from what I’ve seen, he likes to bang white chicks. Especially old ones with gimps in the closet.
Delete-Fathan Letcher
you people are clinically insane if you think anyone is considering Marlon for anything. The dude has become a full on race hustling grifter that fully supports Hawk Newsome (no not the governor). Hawk Newsome has been calling for violence against any human being that supported Daniel Penny saving the lives of old ladies in NYC. Look him up and realize that Marlon is a full on Hawk Newsome supporter. Dude should be in prison.
ReplyDeleteIf only that were true.
ReplyDeleteMarlon was just reelected to the school board.
Your kids are 100% fucked if that piece of shit had any influence.
ReplyDeleteBut go on please
Vote for clowns, get a circus. I love it. 🤹🎪