Most Encinitans aren't even aware of the "General Plan" or the update thereof. The Powers that Be hope to keep it that way.
The General Plan is the document that defines whether or not you will have a four-story (or higher) apartment building built in your neighborhood. The "update" that the city is trying to sneak through is a developer's wet dream, removing height and density restrictions left and right and saying "To Hell with gridlock on El Camino Real and Encinitas Boulevard, we're building to the sky!"
The city staff, trying to pull the wool over residents' eyes, hasn't released a concise report of proposed changes to the General Plan. Instead, they've been sending out bullshit marketing pieces long on fluff and short on specifics.
The usual Greens and NIMBYs are obviously opposed to turning Encinitas into Irvine South. But this abomination of a General Plan Update is even drawing opposition from the New Encinitas Network, long thought to be pro-developer. NEN's Mike Andreen via
The City of Encinitas believes that the residents and business owners of NEW ENCINITAS have 'signed-off' and approve of this new general Plan 2035. We believe 99% of you never heard of this plan and certainly would not approve...
Should you choose to read the elements of the ‘draft’ General Plan 2035 for yourself? Here is a Link:
Should you choose to express your opinion on any or part of the ‘draft’ General Plan 2035, feel free to contact your elected official.
Mayor: James Bond .......................633-2623
Deputy Mayor: Jerome Stocks ....633-2622
Council Members: Teresa Barth .....633-2620
Kristin Gaspar........................633-2624
Feel free to call us with any questions; 760 683-4290
If the Leucadia Blog and Mike Andreen agree on this, there's something rotten at City Hall. Please call your elected officials, or better yet, speak up at the meeting.