Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Slacker Kook

Come on, guys. You can do better than this.

In other news, Mayor Barth has responded to citizen inquiries and flatly denied the rumor that she and Marlena Medford and Lisa Shaffer are working on Catherine Blakespear's campaign.


  1. Well if Blakespear is as smart as she wants us to believe she won't be seen in the same room with Barth and Shaffer, let alone allow them to run her campaign .....jeez, talk about poisoning the well of voters.

  2. These "artists" were smoking ganga reefer - lacks creative motivation!

    Barth and Shaffer - the dunce twins.

  3. What the hell is Medford doing? Does anyone know? If she contributes enough to justify her salary I'm OK with that, but so far, besides Peak Democracy, I haven't seen or heard anything, not even on the City website. What is her function?

    1. To suck at the govt teat, that is her function.

    2. Nothing… like 1/2 the other staff.

  4. Yes, Taylor could have been a calendar girl.

  5. This is like playing 'post office', the fact is that they were AT Lisa's house several weekends, working Teresa's campaign before she dropped out and Mim and Elizabeth Taylor was with them.

    Is that what Barth confirmed?

    Because if it isn't, her nose is growing. Ask Mim.

  6. Barth confirmed that 1) Medford was not at Lisa or Teresa's home helping on Catherine's campaign on city time 2) she confirmed that Medford was not working at Lisa or Teresa's home on Catherine's campaign, not on City time, and 3) Medford was not working on Barth's campaign ever. That is what I asked and what Teresa answered. If others want more information, just email Teresa, as she got back to me immediately, and I shared the information directly with Wc. He or she has the forwarded copy of the email I sent him or her, unless he or she deleted it.

    1. I also asked Mim and she did not share anything different that what is posted above.

    2. "than what is posted above". Sorry for the typo.

    3. So what is Medford working on besides blogging every once in awhile?
