Sunday, March 13, 2016

Rudloff reportedly ousted as Parks and Rec Director

A source tells Encinitas Undercover that Parks and Recreation Director Lisa Rudloff has resigned in lieu of being involuntarily terminated.

Rudloff, a 2011 hire by former City Manager Gus Vina, faced criticism on several fronts.  As Parks and Recreation Director, Rudloff would have had authority over the 2013 backroom deal to give away a 10-year lease option on the Ecke YMCA Little League fields, a decision the public learned of only a year later.  To this day, no one has ever been publicly held accountable in the scandal.

Rudloff was also criticized for hiring controversial consulting firm Green Play, who produced an handful of poorly-attended public information meetings and an underwhelming report suggesting the city raise park use fees.

Additionally, Rudloff has been criticized for cutting the Parks and Recreation Commission out of the decision-making process for parks and recreation issues, and for attempting to ban the responsible consumption of beer and wine in all Encinitas parks.

More recently, the Parks and Rec department has come under fire for its botched handling of grant requests for the Leo Mullen soccer fields.


  1. Good riddance. One down, hopefully a few more to go.

  2. No kidding... The best thing the City Manager could do for our City is clean house!!!

  3. She was responsible for some people retiring early, as her militaristic style did not set well. As for the Parks ad Rec. Commission she literally kept them from doing anything. Next should be the recreation director as she too is as bad.

  4. Karen, now please move onto the Planning Dept and 'suggest' Manjeet, Masih the destroyer, Mike, ah heck, there are so many there that need the 'suggestion' to move on. We need planners that do more than collect their overpaid salaries and actually care about the future of our community.

    Here is a novel thought Karen. Find some planners that do more than farm out their work to expensive consultants that don't give a wit about out community and can do the work they are hired for. You have a bunch of slackers skating by and this comes from the top down. There can't be significant changes without getting rid of the bosses that have allowed this substandard performance to be accepted. Enough of the thanking the Planning staff by council, month after month for just what? Appearance sake?

    Those on the dais have no idea how infuriating it is for those paying attention to hear them thanking staff while our mouths drop to the floor in astonishment.

    This being the political year that it is, if we don't see more much needed changes, a little civic and civil disobedience will be drawing the interest of local TV stations which will serve to bring unwanted attention and embarrassment to our city government.

    Cleaning your house will gather mass support for your public. Keep it coming. Rudloff is a good start, but only a beginning.

  5. Good riddance! And a good start - kudos to the City Manager if this was her decision.

  6. I imagine it was the City Manager's responsibility, as the Directors report to her. She may have asked the Council since she is relatively new. It is easier to let Directors go than regular staff. Staff is union, directors are not. Let's start with a few directors and move our way down.

  7. Wonderful employees with many years of dedication to this city have left by taking an early retirement or simply because they were pressured into leaving. A once friendly staff has turned into a group fearful loosing their jobs. Vina set up a dictatorial cabinet with faithful watchers to report every move other employees made. Many were pressured into leaving. Employees now must take care to have guarded interactions with the citizens and indeed with each other.
    The former cabinet capos are still ruling and until they all are discharged Gus' fear campaign will continue to wreak havoc on city employee morale. Fire all of the Vina appointees and the new hires.. Employees still exhibit such a lifeless interaction with the public in fear of being observed and reported for not following the dictates of their bosses. It will take a long time to heal the morale of our valued city employees. Included with the above group are members of our commissions who were and are silenced and expected to voice the city's views but not their own independent reasoning. The remainder of the Vina hires must be "invited" to leave. It is not pretty, but it is reality. Includes with the above group are members of our commissions who were and are silenced and expected to voice the city's views but not their own independent reasoning.
    Karen, you are making a great start. Please keep on cleaning house. Morale is low for reason. Bring back the happy staff we had before that dictatorship took over 4-5 years ago.

    1. You have got to be kidding Happy employees from 5 years ago..... BS

      Fire more of the mid level managers as well. They are the problem along with the directors. One thing for certain, cleaning house is good for our City!!!

  8. 1:16- Excellent comments. I was one of those Commissioners you are speaking of. We were lied to about the Hall property and toxic waste going in to Rossini and we were not allowed to give any input into the Encinitas Community Park. I left because we really had nothing to do, as Rudloff took us over. At that time, the City Council did nothing either. I asked, but received no support. If the new city manager has figured all of this out, good for her. Hopefully, she will continue to get rid of the employees that do not want to be bothered doing much work (hence all of the consultants) and keep the morale up for the dedicated employees, of which there are many.

  9. Imagine for a moment a new Council with Catherine as the new Mayor, Tony Kranz reelected as the Deputy Mayor, Tasha B.H. replacing Shaffer and Julie taking Catherine's 2 year seat that she has left to finish her term as a Mayor for her final 2 years. Then, Gaspar, now a Supervisor, uses the same clout that Slater-Price used to usurp State laws by way of the Coastal Commission and with the Housing Element failed for passage leading the BIA to sue over the Housing Element; a Judge approving whatever the Council approves this June for the HEU, Prop A overturned in much the same manner it was forced into law by Slater-price and North County Advocates, 5 Republicans as Supervisors for S.D. County, Prop A overturned and all the 3 story properties along Hwy 101 freed up to allow building up to 38 feet and Lynn Marr recovered from her illness an once again attending Council Meetings every Wednesday evening.

    Surely Ms. Brust dreams of this peaceful and heavenly vision for the last 6 months of 2016. We must join her and pray to the 5 chakras...

    1. No one is elected Deputy Mayor.

    2. 5:24- Surely you are kidding? There are 4 Republican County Supervisors now, and we don't have 3 story buildings. Were you around for our Prop. A? That's one of the reasons we passed it. Were you around in 1986 when we incorporated? Again, to keep the County from getting their hands on property in Encintas. Good grief my friend, read a little history of our small community before you make such a comment.

    3. I think (hope really) that 5:24 PM has their tongue firmly in their cheek.

    4. Mr. Andreen (5:24) is in full Karl Rove/ Lee Atwater mode now. Please excuse his idiotic, sexist screeds as standard, low level, election year politics. Thanks for enlightening us as to how prop A became law. Geez, I thought I voted on it. My bad. I did not realize that Pam and other evil females forced it on us. I hope the affordable housing scam goes well, who knows, perhaps you'll be able to move back here.

  10. I hope Karen keep cleaning house. Plenty of dead and rotting wood to remove.

  11. Rudloff now qualifies for City Council!
