Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Cardiff development appeal tomorrow night

From the Inbox:

Dear Encinitas Undercover: 

Tomorrow night (1/20/21) at 6 p.m., the City Council will determine whether Cardiff will remain small and beachy.

Click the Link to access the City Council Agenda for tomorrow night's 6 pm meeting via Zoom showing Item 10 (Newcastle Place project appeal).

The proposed Newcastle Place project is significantly taller than the Town Center (West), the adjacent New Balance building (North), the existing 1-story old post office (to be demolished), the existing 2-story Dental building (to be demolished) and the Library (South).

Please click on the link below (or in the Agenda) to see Appellant's Opening Brief detailing why the Newcastle Place project is inconsistent with numerous provisions of the Cardiff Specific Plan provisions enacted to keep Cardiff beachy and small.

Please click on the link below (or in the Agenda) to see that ALL written comments to the City Council so far have been against the giant Newcastle Place project.

Please click on the link below (or in the Agenda) to see the draft City Council Resolution to deny the appeal (and approve the giant Newcastle Project) before any argument or further public comment at the City Council's hearing tomorrow.

Per the Agenda, not later than Wednesday 1/20/ at 2 p.m. residents can sign up to speak via Zoom regarding the Newcastle Place project. The Agenda provides:

PUBLIC COMMENT DURING THE MEETING (including oral communications, and comments related to consent calendar items and action items): To provide public comment during the meeting, you must register by 2:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting to join the Council Meeting webinar. You do not need to register to watch but must register if you wish to speak. Members of the public will not be shown on video; they will be able to watch and listen, and to speak when called upon. Each speaker is allowed three (3) minutes to address the City Council. Please be aware that the Mayor has the authority to reduce equally each speaker's time to accommodate a larger number of speakers. All comments are subject to the same rules as would otherwise govern speaker comments at the meeting. Speakers are asked to be respectful and courteous. Please address your comments to the Council as a whole and avoid personal attacks against members of the public, elected officials, and city staff. To register to speak at this meeting, go to: https://encinitas.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ZovBBDvAQqSWPdze1CINcQ

Per the Agenda, not later than Wednesday 1/21/ at 3 p.m. residents can send an email with Subject line "Item 10A Newcastle Place" to cityclerk@encinitasca.gov regarding the Newcastle Place project.   

PUBLIC COMMENT PRIOR TO THE MEETING: To submit a comment in writing, email cityclerk@encinitasca.gov and include the agenda item number and/or title of the item in the subject line. If the comment is not related to an agenda item, indicate Oral Communication in the subject line. All e-mail comments received by 3:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting will be emailed to the City Council members and made a part of the official record. Please note, e-mail comments received prior to the meeting will no longer be read at the meeting. If you would like to share your comments during the meeting, please follow the instructions below.  

Darren Quinn



    On topic, this will be another 5-0 rubber stamp "look how we agreeeee!" lovefest on the dais. As with other parts of the city, Cardiff long thought they were untouchable and already too dense to be molested by this council.

    Cardiffians who voted for Blakespear, the message to you is: you're getting what you wanted. You trust the mayor to do right by you and that's what she thinks she's doing so what's the problem? Sincere question.

  2. But infill is helping with addressing climate change, so says YOUR mayor, not my mayor of choice. Funny, not funny.

  3. The bigger the better, bring in the pack n stack apartments because everyone deserves to live near the beach not just rich elitists. Also add many more public restrooms so that the homeless have a respectable place to boost a growler (take a mean dump).

    1. I'm trying to figure out how old you are 3:31. I'll just stick with a buffoonish child and forget the age.
      Would love to meet your parents...by the way, just because they are divorced it doesn't mean they aren't brother and sister.

  4. What's with all the assholes roaming the streets these days? So many dicks on e-vehicles. My favorite from last weekend was three guys in their 60's, in North Face puffy coats cruising back and forth on Neptune on e-scooters with grim, serious faces. It is a wonderful big world, why do we have so many tools arriving here?

  5. Brought to you by your stack and pack Mayor! For those who voted for her, I hope the next project is next to you.

  6. Another example of the America hating left. "Everything they do, they destroy".
    If you are on the left, you hate your own country.

    1. How ironic.

      This from the party of armed insurrection, of literal treason, of conspiracy against the United States.

      Of fake patriots.

      This as 400K Americans are dead as your government predicted the virus would just go away like a miracle—that was your plan. As thousands continue to die daily because there was no plan to distribute the vaccines nationally.

      That as the economy stands in ruin, as millions are losing their homes, as millions don’t know where their next meal is coming from. As millions struggle without healthcare during a pandemic.

      That as your party lost the House, Senate, White House, and locally lost the County Board of Sups, lost three city council races.

      That on the morning where your Fat Orange Turd god departs with the lowest approval rating in modern history. And his tart soft porn third wife departs with the lowest approval rating of all time for her position.

      Four years ago today we heard about American Carnage. And now we know exactly what was meant. The right owns it—all of it.

      You own it. And we won’t let you forget it.

      Today is a good day. Today the repair begins.

      The Fat Orange Turd is gone.

      Science is back.
      Truth is back.
      Honor is back.
      Service is back.
      Law is back.
      Global respect is back.
      Competency is back.
      Equality is back.
      Shame is back.
      Pride is back.

      America is back.

    2. 6:36am- You are a complete idiot and obviously on the government tit. You could not survive in the real world.

    3. Trump attempted to destroy democracy, like he has destroyed everything he has ever touched. Trump is a malignant cancer that must be permanently excised from America and the world. His followers are scabs that will fall off of the wound .

    4. 6:36...moohamad is that you again? Still cleaning toilets for the muuuula'. Still on a diet of ham sandwiches?
      No one is judging you for wanting 72 virgins that you thought were women but were in fact crossdressers. But oddly you didn't seem concerned. I reckon any port in a storm, right moohamid

    5. 6:09, 6:36, trying and failing to tell the difference between how Trump and Blakespear behave.

      Not talking ideologies, strictly behavior.

      We'll wait.

  7. Look at what these leftists want to do to Olivenhain. Ruin it.
    These clowns need to be recalled. Just like we are going to do to that nut case newsom.

    1. Why don't you RECALL Joe Mosca! Don't just sign a petition, start a peace and productive movement! Otherwise, you're just like everyone else, complain and don't do anything.

  8. I am so thrilled we get to replace our orange turd with a grey turd to day.

    This is so exciting. Its awesome how we put a 78 year old rapist Alheimers patient as our president, who in his younger 50 years, help create the swamp in congress we all love.

    I hope he is as great as our own BIAspear!!!

    I hope he can remember today for at least until Saturday. Go Joe! Good times ahead!

    1. And you'd have preferred the fascist moron instead? Stupidity reigns supreme in the Trump brown shirt Nazis!

    2. 7:44 is from Barstow.

    3. And her favorite colors are concrete and hate.

  9. It'll pass - this council has sold out.

  10. If you are concerned about not being able by able to be entertained by GOP losing for a while, let your heart not be troubled.

    The Civil War within the party between the Amnesia Caucus and the Sedition Caucus. I’ll explain.

    The Amnesia Caucus is led by Moscow Mitch, and they want to throw President Whatsizname under the bus while pretending the last four years of American Carnage never happened, or should be forgotten in the name of “coming together” and “moving forward.”

    The Sedition Caucus meanwhile will be competing in a reality TV show to determine the next leader of Whitetrashistan by creating a new party mostly focused on fighting and undermining the GOP.

    It’s going to be brutal, ugly, mean, and probably violent given the participants.

    It’s also [chef kiss] delicious.

  11. You voted for communism and you're going to get it good and hard.

    1. You keep using that word. I do not think you understand what it means.

    2. 12:32 is member #16 in the Fake Patriot Party.

    3. Here's the thing, 1:10. You think you're correcting someone's understanding of a word. What you're going to get from BIAspear is actually frighteningly identical to what you think you're correcting.

      May the lot next door to you be the first to receive fake affordable housing infill. You are a tool and sadly, don't know it. May the parking area 50' from your house become a homeless parking lot as Kranz would have it citywide.

      Blakespear love is a powerful, but judgment-clouding force. May you learn your lesson the hard way. This is my sincere wish for you.

    4. I'm going to get it good and hard? Are you going to give it to me good and hard? Should we meet in the bushes by the rail trail at midnight, so you can give it to me good and hard, and then I'll give it to you good and hard?

    5. Aw silly 4:14 it'll be Blakespear and Gonzalez giving it to you. Enjoy!

  12. The only thing that could possibly make today better is learning that Rush Limbaugh survived to see it.

    What a day.


  13. For all my democrat criminal cohorts I would like to congratulate you on your victory these past few months.

    I would also like to make sure you understand that if you come to my house and/or attempt to cancel my family or I in any way shape or form you best be armed.

    Love and respect to all!

    1. Haha. You're so dumb. You fell for fox news propaganda. No one cares about what you do, and no one is coming to your house except on Halloween. Hilarious.

    2. 4:57... me to. The issue is, the left has no clue about some of us. Oh', did I write "some of us". My mistake, a bunch of us.

    3. Did you forget that the Clintons and Obama took all of our guns?

    4. Presidents often forget to do things on their way out - for example, Obama forgot to take our guns. Trump forgot to release his healthcare plan.

    5. "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

      Sounds a bit like 4:57 and 4:43. Awkward.

    6. The left, they hate their own country. The lying of the Russian hoax for four years, the crooked FBI agents, the pathetic AG Barr, the lie after lie of a guy that work for free as in took no paycheck. The left is, the enemy within.

    7. Ha! Get a load of these america-hating, north korea-loving righty keyboard warriors! Attempting to intimidate from their mom's basement. Too good. How's your little civil war coming? I loved the clips of you fellas crying at the airport on youtube! So much for the "party of law and order", but it's a small price to pay for freedumb, and everyone knew that was a sham anyway

    8. with the passing of every day, it becomes more clear just how stupid the Trump supporters were and how corrupt the grifting dirtball Trumps were. For those hanging on to your Trumpy notions - suggest that get out while you can. While you still may have friends and family that will forgive you for being so dumb.

    9. Notice how these leftist don't address the lying of the Russian hoax, like it never happened. The America hating left constant lying and fraud. They want to control everything you do. And yet, everything they do, they destroy. just look at Encintias and the building of ghetto apartments. When these losers are out of office, the ghetto apartments will be there forever. Forever helping to ruin a once good place to live.

    10. I see the leftist biden recently signed the canceling of the oil pipeline from our friends in Canada to the U.S
      The leftist biden just put 1000 people out of work.
      Why is it, everything the left does they destroy?

    11. Just got off the phone with a pipeline buddy in America. Because or the cancelation of Alzheimers biden. Thousands of workers depending on the pipeline for their employment is off the table. Thanks a lot you America hating leftists for voting in the dementia riddled old man...could you get any dumber? Morons

    12. Tell your buddy to go make an honest living.

    13. If people wanted the pipeline, they should have voted for Trump. But more people voted for Biden, so this sounds like a whiny minority to me.

    14. Trump is an oligarch ass kissing fascist wannabe dictator. He was out to serve himself and the fascist billionaires. A senile Biden is like a minor cut, compared to a the Trump hemorrhaging amputation!

  14. So who did BIAspear pick as the new Councilperson?

    I can't get myself to watch the meetings. It's too painful.

  15. BIAspear decided predictably on an appointment. Kranz wants it to be someone who promises not to run in 2022. He'll catch fire from the mayor for that one.

    The usual unanimous decision the council and BIAspear lovers can't get enough of.

    1. Maybe they’ll appoint Jeff Morris!

    2. Why don't you write your mayor and ask, you've got such a thing for Morris.

  16. I nominate the homeless person that threatened my kids while they were playing in my driveway and ran away screeching fun and wonderful epitaphs after I went after them with a baseball bat (drop 3 of course).

  17. I nominate the homeless person that keeps taking massive shits up on the beacons parking lot and trail with all the TP partially blowing around with poo and viruses all over it.

    Now thats a person that really cares about the community.

    1. Perhaps one of our compassionate council members will help?

      We'll wait.

    2. Indeeeeeuuuud~!

    3. 10:06 - thanks for your made-up stories... it is clear that you are less than compassionate regarding the homeless. If not ranting about the strictly monitored parking lot, you're working to generate hate with lies.

    4. City monitored?? That you, tony? You mean city looks the other way and gives a pass.

      You're slipping, you didn't work the word "vitriol" into your sad attempt at deflection.

  18. 4:56 / 4:14 see Jan 20, 5:29.

    1. It's been obvious for the past few years there are a lot of closeted guys posing as conservatives who frequent this blog looking for a hook up.

  19. 840PM Cuckerberg:

    10:06 - thanks for your made-up stories... it is clear that you are less than compassionate regarding the homeless. If not ranting about the strictly monitored parking lot, you're working to generate hate with lies.

    When deranged homeless people with zero street intelligence or worldly intelligence are hunting you down and I am running down the street with my weight trained and fit body with firearm in tow I will remember what you said. I t will then be my choice to allow them to scalp you to possible death or I will make that split decision to defend you. It will undoubtedly be a fun and wonderful moment for me. Before I let them finish you off I may allow my children to hold up a sign with the definition of compassion.

    But hey- that's just me.

    Snowden -OUT

    1. 5:54 -- haha - you're a real peach. You know that you should take your cartoon print PJs off if you venture outside, pretending to be a tough guy. As if you'd do anything but run away when it got hot.

  20. You folks hear that?

    No insane tweets.
    No criminal scandals.
    No taxpayer-funded golf.
    Just boring Presidenting.

    How positively delightful.

  21. I would like to thank the America hating left for voting in plugs biden. Will be letting thousands of illegals/criminals out of jails currently held by ice. Stopped a pipeline construction placing thousands out of work. Removed the bust of Winston Churchill, a gift from our allies in the U.K from the oval office. You people did it.
    You are best. So thoughtful and intelligent.

    1. You sound scared. Go for a walk. It helps.

    2. Scared? Hardly. But, I will head over to the range and fire off 50 re-loads to calm me down.

    3. 11:01 - you know when you talk like that, it makes you seem like a scared little boy. It's like the guys with jacked up trucks acting so macho - everyone knows they have tiny cocks, but they still try to act so tough.

    4. 11:01 Perhaps if you're a good boy your mother will raise your allowance so you don't have to make reloads.

    5. I would like to thank the America hating left for their contribution for voting in dementia joe and the faux black woman.
      I would ask what could go wrong but it would be to late. It's already gone wrong.

    6. I would like to thank the america-hating right for humiliating themselves repeatedly. It's a source of constant entertainment for their superiors. You the real MVPs.

  22. Now the America hating socialist media is using pictures of dementia joe from ten years ago. So, we couple that with the lie about stuttering to cover up the fact he has Alzheimers and the Ukraine/chinese biden crime group...we are at a trifecta
    of fraud, lies and coverups.
    Nice going leftists.

    1. You've uncovered the scandal of the decade. Way to go Bernstein.

  23. We are living through one of the stupidest time periods in world history

    Books will be written about the unbelievable amounts of stupidity created & promoted by the vast majority of those in power & a staggeringly high percentage of the general public.

    Nathan Fletcher should resign immediately.

    If he does not abide and resign Recall Fletcher.

    It is imperative these science deniers and dangerous leeches be banished from polite society forever:

    Please have all your friends AND enemies sign the recall


    1. Why do you insist on spending more money on special elections? His term is over next year. You can't wait a year? Republicans just love deficit spending.

    2. Fletcher is a nut case. I read the issues he opens his moronic trap on and it is astounding what a nut case he is.
      Then the voters in San Diego voted to gloria...another whack job like fletcher. What a cluster.

  24. The San Diego UT is a piece of shit rag of gargantuan proportions. The amount of disinformation and clowncar driving partisan hacks that work for that rag is now 110%.

    Best case scenario = bankruptcy

  25. 8:23 am confirms that we are living thru one of the stupidest periods in human history.

    Let's impeach a person who is not even in office yet wait to Vote Newscum and Fletcher out.

    Staggering dissonance.


    1. 8:40 wants to bankrupt America with nonsense recall efforts and special elections. Very good comrade.

  26. If you intentionally destroyed lives so your party could win a presidential election, or any other election for that matter you are evil. Not wrong. Evil. You should be thrown in a dark hole for the rest of your life.

    9:41 is this person

  27. Don't worry 1015am -

    DC will stay under military occupation while the opposition leader is put on trial.

    Nothing to see here!

  28. One of the hardest facts to accept is that some people are pathetic and they always will be.

    11:25am is pathetic^^

    Notice I used two ^^ which is the leftist sign for I am twice and good as you. Ask Marco he knows.

  29. Anyone notice on television that white couples adopt black kids but you never see blacks adopting white kids? Why is that?
    Ohhhh' never mind, I think I have it figured out.

  30. Biden Senior Director for Environmental Justice Blames “Systemic Racism” for Climate Change

    1. That makes perfect sense. Reminds me of the nut case nathan fletcher making racism a health crisis.
      These clowns are insane and if anyone thinks them to be sane well what does that say. Everything the left does, they destroy.

    2. Thanks for staying on topic everybody! Please do not engage with the live with mom, no job, radio parrot. He will eventually leave if you ignore it.

    3. The reason for adding the America hating left to the topic is the mayor and the rest of the leftist are exactly the same. Don't you see how it all ties together? There is a method for us pointing out the failures of the left.
      Now you don't need to read between the lines.
      The left ruins everything they do. They are the enemy within.

    4. 5:38 start your own blog called "Broken Record" and amuse yourself. You're not changing minds, you're boring.

  31. 5:38 & over and over again: Everybody who reads here knows how you feel about "the America hating left" because you've said the same thing about 100 times. You're reinforcing your own ignorant belief and not convincing anybody else, so please STFU because we're sick of reading your stupid shit.

    1. He helped convince me that the left are Cultural Marxists who are all influenced by their Cultural Marxist handlers. Senator Joe McCarthy called out every single one of these Cultural Marxists correctly and was vilified for doing so because he turned a light on all of these juice parasites and these juden rats scattered but they're back with a vengence trying to destroy any cultural institution that defends and support traditional values. Beware of of the juice and their Christian-hatred bolstered by their Tikkun Olam (heal the world my ass, it means destroy the Christian and Muslim ones). Juice are behind every single 'hate speech' edict. They represent less than 1.9% of US population yet want to control what you and I say-no way. Call out these juden rats everywhere you see them: ADL, SPLC, Leichtag, ACLU, etc. JC said it best, "the synagogue of Satan"

  32. Trump = stupid
    This has been crystal clear for years but we apparently have some slow learners here.

  33. The first requirement to be a right-winger is ignorance. Ignorance is the one thing they all have in common.

  34. You see folks? The left at work.

    Remember, if you are a Republican, you are dumb, stupid, ignorant and full of hate.
    Now, if you are on the left, you are smart, you care and you are fighting evil.

    1. Well, if the shoe fits, and all.

    2. Look at this guy! And who said dumb people can't still learn a few things?

  35. I wonder why if the America hating left thinks the U.S.A is terrible, why don't they leave? They never seen to leave. Why.
    Instead, they want to ruin it. The enemy within is run by the enemy without.

    1. You misspelled "America-hating right". Oh wait, they don't want to leave, they think they're starting a civil war from their mom's basements. Probably because moving to a foreign country is way above their pay grade. Not to mention, that'd be beyond terrifying for them.
      lol, a combined total of 20 brain cells figuring out how to start a war is at least fun to watch.

  36. Still ignorant, still stupid. Hey, here's an idea: Why don't you and your dumbshit friends violently invade the federal Capitol?

  37. As has been said, you can't fix stupid. The mutant, reject, stupid people - including former and present armed service personnel are traitors. They should have been shot as they shuffled their stupid asses up the steps of the Capitol. You Trump dipshits are traitors! Fly your white, blue, and red you Ruskie stooges - just don't claim to be patriots - you suck and should be shamed.

  38. The left, the enemy within. Please explain why most companies like facebook, twitter and amazon are blocking free speech? Hmmm?
    Children in adult bodies.

    1. The right, the enemy within. Please explain why you never learned the definition of free speech, and why you think any dipshit should be able to enter other people's property, and write whatever treasonous garbage their mentally challenged brains feel like writing? It's not confusing, and yet you'll never learn these basic concepts, guaranteed.
      Sheep toddlers in old expired bodies.

    2. 8:31 More proof the first prerequisite for being a right-winger is ignorance. Find out when free speech applies and when it doesn't.

    3. 8:31 - you believe that you are entitled to lie?
      There are no protections provided by the Constitution to corrupt, stupid, murderous traitors. Go directly to jail.

    4. Apparently free speech doesn't apply to the internet.
      The America hating left...the enemy within

    5. Apparently dumb people think free speech applies to other people's property because they're too old and close to expiration to understand the internet.
      The America hating right... the enemy within

  39. Ooooooooooooh, GOT EEEM!!

  40. Another day and you Trump supporters are more stupid than ever!
    Which way are you going to go? White power or Q-anon? Fucking lunatics... you're a joke. go back to painting houses or eating paint or whatever you were doing before you found "meaning", you dipsticks.
