Monday, September 26, 2022

Gun Owners endorse Morris; Mosca not a fan

 From the Inbox:


  1. The same gun owners PAC that donated thousands to support Thunder for Mayor last election. No surprise they are now endorsing Julie's boy Jeff as they are the same.

  2. Just what we need: A mentally unstable mayor who owns guns.

  3. I’m against any connection between firearms and nut jobs who have been the subject of a Sheriffs department threat assessment.

    No to guns for the mentally ill.

    No to Morris.

    1. Are you saying Jeff is mentally ill? He’s not the subject of a threat investigation. Aside from Jeff, it’s our right to own a firearm and with the state of the world right now- we should be encouraging gun safety and allowing people to protect themselves. Ridiculous comment.

  4. “Does not appear to be mentally stable” Joe Mosca
    Joe better be ready for the Jeff/Kim attacks!

    1. Sounds like he's already been on the receiving end....

    2. I’ll stick with the fear comment. Was referring to private citizens who feel they need A-15’s. Those cucks. Pew! Pew! Pew!

  5. How tone deaf they are endorsing school board races since their beloved guns are killing children all over this country. And yeah if they have done anything remotely like a background check on Jeff they would balk. I mean even reading his blog is a halftime show of RED FLAGS.

    BUT THATS MOST GUN LOVERS for ya. Stupid people who live in fear.

    1. The truth is, gun owners don't live in fear.
      They have guns. So, by your comment,
      you just called every law Enforcement Officer
      stupid. Real nice...

    2. And some live in gated neighborhoods, like the subject of this post.

    3. Imagine all the school shootings, mass murders and serial killers that would have been stopped if we all had firearms LOL

  6. Julie Thunder

    is a Trumper


    1. False. Julie Thunder is not a Trumper.

    2. Yeah Julie isn’t a trumper! She’s just an angry boomer who doesn’t want other people moving to Encinitas and take up the roads on their bikes or parking spots at her favorite stores.

      Which in a way is sadder than being a trumper! I mean at least they are guided by their ill informed ideology and beliefs. Or what Q tells them to do! That is cultish conviction!

      Julie is just old and cranky.


  7. The supposed need for guns is a compensation for some other lacking body parts. I have never understood this mentality for guns. The few I have held in my hands came with a sense of darkness and evil. I am worlds apart from ever wanting to own or shoot a gun, even if it was at a target on a shooting range. That some find that fun is beyond me.

    As for any person owning an assault rifle that is designed to kill and do so much damage to a human body. These were meant for soldiers fighting a war, not for the public to ever own.

    You gun owners have other problems that could use some serious therapy. The second amendment has been completely bastardized from its original intentions over two hundred years ago. Our nation will continue to suffer because of this disaffected mentality. There you go. Just wait for the predictable responses from the usual suspects. The world is appalled that we as a nation does not control the ownership firearms, especially assault weapons, like others do. I wish we did. New Zealand had a mass shooting and banned assault weapons within a week and put strict regulations on gun ownership. Bravo, New Zealand.

    The need for a well regulated militia has not existed for two hundred years.

    1. We have the National Guard. That's our "well-regulated militia."

    2. Do you also hate V8 muscle cars?

    3. I do…. Huge waste for pollution machines. Just like the coaster.

    4. I guess you have never had an africant hold a knife to your throat or a gun to your head. People can be evil and need to be taken out.
      By the way, what is an assault rifle? Please explain to all of us what an assault rifle is. I'm sure your vast knowledge of everything will come into play.

  8. Why are Ukraine flag flying lefties so kooky dumb?

  9. What 2:02 said: “Just what we need: A mentally unstable mayor who owns guns.”

    1. You do recognize sarcasm when you read it, right?

    2. You people have ZERO concept how many guns are in houses all over San Diego County. ZERO
      Mentally unstable? Like letting ghetto apartments in to increase crime in Encinitas? You'll wish you had a gun. Continue voting for the left. Markets down again today and I am beside myself with joy. I haven't felt this good in a while as my savings dwindle, I will soon be light as a feather....ohhhhh' the leftist gods are helping me become poor.

    3. Why are outspoken people considered “mentally unstable”? Absolutely ridiculous. Stop drinking the liberal kool-aid

  10. I agree 2:02, total Blasshole statement.

  11. Unstable like filling our town with homeless during Covid Joe? Look at what you did to our town. You destroy and Jeff protects.

    1. Protects? Dude couldn’t even protect himself up against Kranz.


  12. “Red Flag” Morris is everything wrong with the city council rolled into one dysfunctional candidate.

    He will say anything and try to make secret pacts behind the voter’s backs to get elected just like Blakespear.

    Extremely stupid with an explosive violent temper like Kranz.

    Unemployed and living a child-like existence ala Hinze

    Clueless about the issues like Lyndes

    About to hit a political dead end in Encinitas like Mosca.

    1. Love the new photoshop of Blakespear, Kranz and crew touting Moron for Mayor signs. Ties write in with Jeff’s love letter to Blakespear in March. What he wouldn’t do to get council support like Joy… Jeff Moron for Mayor will do anything to try to get elected. Lying and cheating come easily to both him and his delusional wife.

      You wanted attention Moron? You got the Guerilla’s, WC’s, the Coast News AND the Sheriff’s department. There’s a reason your tent was pitched so close to theirs on Sunday. Can you say unstable? #moronformayor

    2. You call people morons but don't know the difference between "write" and "right"?

    3. He’s retired not unemployed

    4. Unemployed for twenty years while his wife brings home the bacon. Actually Unemployable.

  13. Ask Blobe about the deal Morris tried to make with him..

  14. It looks like Cindy’s group has joined the dregs of Encinitas and now joining forces with Joe, Mali, Blakespear, Kranz, Amanda, Surya, Haist, and the rest of the sewer dwellers. Great job Cindy!

    1. “It looks like” you are up early Stan.
      Any good YouTube rants on the schedule tonight?

    2. 8:58- Hey, Jeff or Kim, you forgot Putin. Oh, wait ,yeah, you guys like Putin. Jeff, maybe you can volunteer for the Russian Army. But Putin says there are nazis in Ukraine. Tough decision Jeff, go with your hero Putin, or go with your heart and join your nazi soulmates. { Pssst, don't tell Jeff, the President of Ukraine is Jewish}.

  15. Susan Turney and Vivienne Vail for indictments, along with several others. You two have intimidated candidates and voters and you’re getting a warning right now. You two will go down and it won’t be good. Go ahead, threaten another candidate or voter. Do you think I’m fucking with you?

    1. I think you’re a fucking moron.

    2. 12:58- How , exactly did these two 60 something year old women, " intimidate candidates and voters"? Be specific.

    3. Blah blah blah, same old shit from the Keff camp. Make up shit and spin the hell out of it, rinse/repeat. Everybody is on to you two idiots and the 4 votes you get in the upcoming election (one for yourself, Tamera Daul, Blass-hat and the first lady) will reflect this.

    4. Hilarious, this holds about as much weight as the "FBI" threats.

  16. How is it that our wonderful formally cool family beach town has to complete fucking morons for candidates for mayor?

    maybe it shouldn’t shock me considering we elected a known Alzheimer’s creator of the cesspool monster Who is continually feeding inflation.

    We got 5150 stand and then the biggest fricking town idiot in the history of the US w Dalakranz. How did we get here?

    I think we need to start paying our mayor about $150,000 a year to get a decent candidate? What we have for city council members and mayors are fucking retards.

  17. Julie Thunder was a registered Trump Republican until she decided to run for office.

    She realized that her Trumper views were out of step with progressive beach town Encinitas, so there was only one thing to do: change party affiliation to NPP and lie, lie, lie.

    Julie pretends to be an independent center it’s, but her family history of political donations goes exclusively to anti-democracy Trumper ultra-MAGA causes.

    One recipient was Kristin “I just cast my vote for Donald Trump” Gaspar. (coming soon)

  18. Cindy Cremona is a life long Republican that just changed to NPP when she decided to run. She voted for trump.

    1. Look up her name in the San Diego county records. Looks like Cindy Cremona has a case you can read about. I heard she screwed her last partner in a business that she was involved in and got sued.

    2. 7:31 But you keep saying Cindy is a Biden supporter. Pick one and at least lie consistently.

  19. 7:33- Please do. Case # and plaintiff. We will wait for your non-existent answer. Or you can fabricate it, as usual.

    1. Another Morris Campaign red herring. Cindy was the Plaintiff in Breach of Contract Civil suit. Nothing to see here.

  20. Blakespear's agenda is ghost guns and abortion? Maybe she should take her cronies out and discuss a more pertinent agenda - and use her SANDAG credit card again for the $200 breakfast.

  21. If only Garvin had a SANDAG credit card.....just imagine all of the coffees that would be charged to that thing. Maybe then he would stop sticking all of his invitees with the bill.

  22. Cremona switches to safety is her top priority in her latest email. What about Clark project Cindy, oh that’s right you made sure your street wasn’t opened for construction now you don’t care about Clark being your top priority anymore. Could you be anymore like blakespear. Your a trader to our residents on union.

    1. I hope when Cindy doesn’t get elected they open up her street. Hopefully she moves out of Encinitas when she looses.

    2. Hi Kim! Thanks for your real estate business card you forced on me at your husband's booth on Sunday. Glad you're pushing to bring home the bacon. Question though, why is your man-child husband unemployable?

    3. You don’t live on Union, Kim. There’s nothing you won’t try to twist to your advantage, is there. You showed no interest until recently when in typical late to the party fashion you pretend to care.

    4. Kim, you have plenty of time to post on here or on ND but still can not take two minutes to show any proof of the disgusting accusations you have made about others. Or provide proof of your husbands degree. Why not let your Team help you out, put one of them on the assignments.

    5. Keep trying Kim. You and your unemployable husband did nothing for your community for the year and half Cindy and her neighbors raised money and awareness about what was coming.

      The entire community fought to keep the barrier up, just like they fought to have it put in place. The real truth is that NOW you're worried since the city decided to send all the traffic on Saxony. Jeffy won't be able to get out of his driveway in time for his next surf session and you might not be able to get out for your next real estate deal quick enough.

      You're both SELLOUTS. I hope whatever you were promised is HUGE, because if Cindy loses, YOU will be the reason.

    6. The only sell out to the union people is Cindy and by the way I’m not Kim. I’m a resident on union that now tells everyone to vote for Jeff. He’s not in this for himself unlike Cindy.

    7. And you're full of shit. NO ONE on Union is interested in Morris (if they even know who he is). It's why Cremona has signs EVERYWHERE! He's a dangerous hothead, a do nothing loser and a phony. As you are Kim. Both selfish losers who play dirty and cheat.

    8. Take a ride down union. Only one Cindy sign and it’s the property next to the project. Trust me we don’t like Cindy on union. We think she deceived us. We are extremely close over here and we have been on watchdog since it started. Jeff has been out there in our community long before Cindy.

    9. Yeah right. Go back to putting up your illegal signs all over town. Gotta put 'em somewhere, cause our community ain't having any! #moron4mayor

    10. Like Cindy’s Illegal sign on the corner of Encinitas Blvd and Vulcan. Good news Cindy it blends into the Encinitas sign so no one can see it. Your signs suck

    11. Jealous are we?

  23. LOL on Garvin credit card those cheapskate stories do make the rounds guy.

  24. 8:06pm Your standard predictable response about assault weapons in the hands of the public is predictably disingenuous. Every time. What is an assault weapon? You know better than everyone else, don't you?

    You always respond with the same question that you already know the answer to. Ban assault weapons forever. Weapons of war do not belong in the publics hands. They are good for nothing but killing others. Hunting? no. Target practice? Seriously? They should all be confiscated and disposed of.

    1. And there it is again. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT YOU WRITE. And why is that? It's made up!!!
      You jump up and down about "assault weapons" and yet you know ZERO about it.
      Want to know what an assault weapon can be?
      A rock, that right a friggin' rock. You pompous

    2. Julie,

      You are a Trumper.


  25. Jeff is normal. Jeff is a great leader. Jeff is not delusional. Jeff doesn't need anger management. Jeff's booth was amazing and everyone else's had no traffic. Jeff doesn't take high powered medicinal gummies every night and go off the deep end. All I see are Jeff signs in town. Jeff has a huge cock way bigger than Kim's.

    -Tamara Daul

    1. hey 1:01 Tamara Daul stop talking about how big Jeff's cock is. We all know his mouthy attitude makes up for what Jeff lacks in the d*ck department. I should know better than anyone because I just finished teabagging him.

      - James Robertson

  26. Cindy is a full Trumper. She is a life long Republican that only changed to NPP when she knew she was going to run. She already a lying hypocrite

  27. Kim is a Trumper and Jeff is a moron. According to Kim “you get the best of both worlds”

    1. 2 #morons4mayor with 1 vote!

    2. I had my arms crossed the entire day looking like a tough guy in front of Keff's booth on Sunday...I was secretly auditioning for the open Morris4securityguard position and think it went really well.


  28. Low income ghetto apartments coming to you soon.
    Isn't the left the best? Let's face it. Where else can you go after working your arse off most of your life, buy a nice home and the left makes cities built low income ghetto apartments next door to you. It's totally fair. Isn't the left a wonderful group of people. They are soooo caring. I just love them

    1. Ignorance is the first qualification to be a right-winger.

  29. Yo Moron - what happened to that great post where Blakespear, Kranz and company are holding your signs and promoting YOU? I only see the one where Catherine is pointing to you as her favorite #asshole4mayor on your rabid dogs site. Why aren’t the other 2695 followers commenting anymore? Inquiring voters want to know?

    1. Let's face it, the Rabid Dogs website has 7 active participants, 10 if you include all of Jeff's alias and "Willow". The other 2,685 just tune in occasionally to see how bad the train wreck is.

    2. I'm one of the 'rabid dogs' and I'm embarrassed to admit it. I'm also too afraid of the wrath of Jeff and his not so nice wife to make any comments. The page morphed from homeless awareness to the Jeff and Kim show 24/7.

    3. Exactly Jeff’s engagement absolutely sucks! If he is paying for social media engagement, he can write it off as an absolute loss.

    4. No one cares about Stan.

    5. Jeff's photoshopped signs were both a copyright infringement and a misappropriation of likeness. He had to take the photos down or be sued.

  30. I wish this were over. This election cycle is an embarrassment to the whole city. Some of you candidates should be ashamed.

  31. Who the hell would ride that slow empty Polluting loud piece of shit coaster?

    And that’s why it’s empty.

    End the coaster

  32. Looks like Morris made a deal with sign stealer and former Blakespear stooge, Jeremy Kron.

    From Rabid Dogs, “ I might have brokered another agreement with "another" one of Blakespear's peeps.
    I have a knack at finding the good in bad groups.

    I think I connected with a person who may have taken signs in the past, we know a mutual homeless person. I was honestly shocked that "anybody" on Blakespear/Kranz's team has a heart. I've taken all of the stuff down, please don't bother him, and let's focus on the bigger picture.”

    Someone better tell Cremona to order new signs because hers are about to disappear all over town.

    1. Jeff Trump. In his world the bad guys become good guys because he struck a deal with them. And like Trump his lemmings blindly follow him over the cliff.

    2. Cremona’s signs need to first “appear” in order to stolen. She has about 3 and one over on Vulcan and Encinitas by the train station. Mother fuckers are just being nice because they feel sorry for her stupid ass

  33. Think about it, without social media , Jeff would just be another crazy , loud mouth, Swami's parking lot mental case, indistinguishable from the rest of the unemployed bums who call the place home.

  34. Looks like Morris recruited the infamous Jeremy Kron to help him steal signs. Just like Blakespear did a couple of years ago. Same guy in both cases.

    1. On Encinitas Votes Rabid Dog defenders are gnashing their teeth and foaming at the mouth in their attempt to protect Jesus Morris and convince the sane that Morris isn’t buddying up to Kron.

      Same folks who dismiss the traitorous letter to Blakespear and the hard fact that Jeff sought the Democratic endorsement.

      Morris koolaid drinkers have yet to learn their leader is just another false profit.

    2. Kim Morris on Rabid Dogs. ‘Let’s not get it twisted as lorri on votes is trying to do, Jeff just made sure all yard signs were protected this election including his opponent. They should be thanking him instead they will try to twist it.’

      Yeah, right Kim. Now you’re helping your arch enemy Cremona? Expect sign stealing to accelerate because of the now admitted Kron/Morris alignment.

      Matt Wheeler needs to take Jeff’s foot out of his ass. Dollie aka Kim should chill on the hero worship posts.

    3. Maybe someone should read his entire post on EV. He also is going to go after all of the criminals in the city. He has dossiers. It just keeps getting more idiotic. A vote for Morris is a vote for stupidity.

    4. Kron in In not in San Diego you fat steamy piles, just like none of you rejects showed dare say a word to Morrises at their tent. Liars won’t face the people they accuse, because they are liars… just like all of you fugly cows who only attract the dog shit of Encinitas

  35. Continue to vote for the left. After all, what other band of brains could ruin a country in 22 short months. It's astonishing their amities. And now slick back newson will provide California I.D cards to illegals. It doesn't get any better than this. Oh' wait, it does get better. The illegals will soon be living next you in the ghetto apartments forced on Encinitas by the America Hating Lett. I knew there was gawd

    1. Not to worry. We just paid $6.97 for a gallon of gas this morning. So everything is just wonderful.

    2. The right fails at everything, lets not make CA a shithole red state.

    3. 11:11 ask Morris to intercede. He thinks Encinitas has a say in gas pricing!

    4. The left did not attempt a violent overthrow of the US government on Jan 6, 2021. The left did not murder schoolchildren en masse. The left did not unleash millions of wackos to disrupt the legitimate election process across the country. The left does not have Nazi candidates running for public office.

    5. That is correct. The right is Nazi's, all of them.
      They hate America and to prove it. The left won the vote and now look at the State of the Nation. And now, the right is blamed for killing children...? Why not, after all, the right is Nazi's. Those same Nazi's, millions of "them there wacko's" disrupted the legitimate election. Also, try to forget when Trump won in '16, the left was screaming it was an illegal vote and the Russians were behind it. Oh' those pesky Russians. Always up to somethin'

    6. I’m old enough to remember when all of the is intelligence agencies, which are mostly staffed by former military, and the GOP led senate all unanimously concluded that Russia interferes in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump.

    7. 3:19 Figure out what the plurals of Nazi and wacko are.

  36. Trump's win in 2016 was like a steaming dog dump on a shag carpet . . The stink and stain only got worse with time.

    1. Of course is was awful. We had low interest rates, low gas prices, people could afford a new car, food was reasonably priced, very little mass shootings. blacks weren't burning down cities. Damn that Trump. What a horrible person.

    2. Obama did do an awesome job, in both of his terms. Then here comes another republicant that does the only thing they know, tank a good economy. Increase taxes on the middle class, lower taxes for the uber wealthy all while increasing the deficit. Then, in between golf rounds and tweeting, he manages to print trillions of dollars while killing off his base of horse medication believers. Maybe if he handled the pandemic better he would have only lost by like 5 million votes. But what did you expect, the dude couldn’t even profit from a casino. The house always wins, unless your a loser trust fund idiot.

    3. Trump is a looser…

      0 % interest for 20 years plus digitizing ( they skipped the printing press) $10 trillion of Biden bucks passed out for free and electronically transferred to non working peoples bank accounts sure doesn’t help inflation and is the cause of the coming collapse of the US dollar.

  37. Obama did the work, Trump took the credit, destroyed it all in four years and left Biden holding the bag. Sounds like everything Trump touches.

    1. ho'bama lies about gullible warming for 8 years. Then the liar buys a mansion 400 feet from the Atlantic Ocean.
      The same ocean that was going to raise and cover the east coast. Anyone that believes they can change the earths climate needs to be on medication

  38. You're arguing over who's worse? The left or the right? They both SUCK!

    1. Agreed… that’s their plan …. Keep a two party system… competing… so they keep control and don not let a free thinking 3rd or 4 th party into the race. It all part of their plan

  39. Nooo, I'm writing in support of the leftists. Heck, just look what they have done for America in the last two years.
    And just today, the President was making a speech and asked for a person to standup. That person had died a month ago.

  40. Are you sure that wasn’t cesspool joe that died a month ago?

  41. Yes, the right and the left both suck, vote independent, vote for Cindy Cremona!

  42. Vote independent for sure. Both Republican and Democrats suck big time!!! Old losers!!

  43. 1:10- Another late night love letter from "Democrat" Jeff Morris. Why do you hate women so much, Jeff? By the way, your buddy Julie Thunder is from Barstow. Is she a "nasty fucking trailer trash psycho skank" too?

  44. you talk like that to your mother?

    1. mother isn"t from Barstow, and shouldn't your question be addressed to Jeff at 1:10?

    2. @6:15 he talks about his own mother even worse. Says she's a POS with mental problems. Look at his public comments at the meetings.

  45. Can we get a 5150 pickup at Stan’s again?


  46. Stan continually wasting precious law enforcement time w his demons…. That God we have the services and pharmacy meds or I fear the ol’ dog Stan would have been put down along time ago.

  47. 5:17 needs some caffeine. 😂

  48. I know the worst thing would be to put the stupidest person in Encinitas in as mayor.

    No not John Gjata. There’s one even stupider.

    That’s right. Dalakranz!

    Recall Dalakranz today!!

    1. 7:18 WTF do you know? You’re so stupid you can’t even spell your own name

  49. Where's Blakspear??? Hiding - that's where. Too many scandals to handle, so hide....

  50. Hiding in her whiter than white compound in the whitest part of Cardiff.

    Creating walls and barriers to live within makes you very fearful of other types of people with different histories, characteristics and thoughts….

    Come out come out wherever you are BIAspear.

    1. Julie Thunder lives in the same "white" neighborhood of Cardiff as Blakespear.

    2. True that, but she’s in bed with Kranz. Has been from the start. That’s why she doesn’t support Cremona and plots with Morris. Ask Garvin.

    3. @9:50 am - except that Julie's not plotting with Morris. Just wait until this is revealed and Kim and Jeff lose it on her. WW3

  51. Jeff’s hatred and disrespect of women is terrifying. All this against Christie because Dollie Field, aka Kim Morris, dared to challenge Jeff’s platform on Encinitas Votes. Kim and a Jeff are like a cancer. Everything they touch rots.

  52. Note to Catherine Blakespear - -

    You may think your channeling of Jacinda Ardern is a worthy goal but make no mistake - that woman is going to be recorded in history as 1 of the most communist piece of garbage of our time - take a look at her face - she was once reasonably attractive . Now? She's become visually disgusting.

    Pro tip - It's happening to you

  53. 7:07... Wait, are you telling me Jeff is ON meds.!?

  54. Someone needs to hit that mutt with a tranq dart.

  55. Awe, lucky me, I have a new nickname from my two biggest fans, Jeff & Kim! I have never been to Barstow, and you all know right where to find me. Isn't that right Tamara? ;)

  56. At least the New Zealand prime minister found a way to to make her nation safer from assault rifles in the hands of the public. We should aspire to such an action. The world is appalled at our lack of gun control. We all should. But there you go as you always do. You are one sicko obsessed with guns. Is your member that tiny or is it just your small minded thinking? Thinking small is all you know.

    1. Please tell us all what an assault weapon is.

    2. Fair point.

      There should be mandatory firearm liability insurance for each firearm, just as there are on cars.

      Rather than try to define an assault weapon, let insurance companies price the risk based on actual claims data.

      My guess is that it would be cheaper to insure a bolt action 22 than a semi auto AR15–but I could be wrong.

    3. In the United States, the term assault weapon is used to legally define firearms with specified characteristics. The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions, but usually includes semi-automatic firearms with a detachable magazine, a pistol grip, and sometimes other features, such as a vertical forward grip, flash suppressor, or barrel shroud. Certain firearms are specified by name in some laws that restrict assault weapons. When the now-defunct Federal Assault Weapons Ban was passed in 1994, the U.S. Department of Justice said, "In general, assault weapons are semiautomatic firearms with a large magazine of ammunition that were designed and configured for rapid fire and combat use." The commonly used definitions of assault weapons are under frequent debate, and have changed over time.

    4. So...the answer is, there is no answer. Now people of thought. What criminal is going to insure a hot pistol, revolver, AR or M16? NONE...that's who. You think you can scare them with the threat of insurance.
      I think not. THEY ARE CIMINALS !!!!
      Currently in the State of California as of this morning there are over 800...yes 800 accepted handguns per the State of California. That doesn't include rifles and shot guns. And by the way, a rock can be an assault weapon. Or one of the huge crosses people hang from a chain around their necks that can be plunged into the heart of a victim. If any of you think you can control weapons, you have no clue, no thought, no nothin'.
      They pour across the open border, in pangas by sea and in cars coming back from Mexico.
      NO CLUE...NONE

    5. May I add. Ever been to Arizona, Texas, Nevada?
      You think you need a license to carry a handgun?
      Dreamers. Where do you think the term
      "Wild West" came from? You all live a pablum dream world. It's not your fault, just like it's not my fault I see the world as it is, not as wish it was.
      And when all those low income ghetto apartments are built in Encinitas, you'll wish you were armed

    6. We have laws against murder, and criminals break them.

      We have laws against rape, and criminals break them.

      We have laws against tax evasion, and criminals break them.

      In fact, criminals break every law ever made.

      The argument that we shouldn’t make a law because criminals will break it is among the dumbest ever made.

    7. I might add, 3:20 is the Barstow Thunderhole. Trumper.

    8. 1107am you should refrain from posting anything for the rest of your natural life.

      The amount of bullshit and ignorance you spew is only second to the dementia ridden bag of flesh called the president.

      Shameful your kind

  57. jeffy boy, he is not a man in so many ways, was up to his usual schizoid antics last night at the council meeting. As a campaign strategy, it should be more than clear by now that he is unsuited for any public office.

    1. The fact that he posted the video clip shows how unhinged he truly is

    2. Mayoral, isn't it?

  58. Just what we need, a mayor with mommy issues. Jeez!

  59. Now lorri Greene those in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Lorri Greene was arrested for shoplifting and plead guilty.

    1. She also got picked up for 5150 and lost her license. Amazing how she says Jeff is unstable yet she’s the one with the sketchy past.

    2. Keep lying, Kim. Don’t let the facts interfere with your smear against someone calling out your husband for the madman he is. Everyone gets it but you.

  60. Thanks for the definition of assault weapons that this one gunsick lowlife keeps asking for. Not that it will placate his paranoia over imagining someone will attack him and he needs a high-powered military style semiautomatic rifle to save himself.

    No one needs such a weapon unless they are a soldier on the battlefield. That is what they were designed for. Max bodily damage on a battlefield. The need for anything like that kind of power in our suburban area? Really. How small is your member? I really don't want to know. The bigger the gun, the smaller a mind is more like it. This gun nut character is showing his tiny mind every time he posts the same what is an assault weapon. Thanks for answering him, not that it will make any difference with his small, exceedingly small brain.

    1. 3:47 Since you know nothing about weapons, you might not want to continue to embarrass yourself. Study up and get back to us. Many laws are in place in California. Continue to yammer on about a subject you know nothing about proves you to be the fool

  61. And proves you to be another sicko gun owner who thinks all firearms belong in the public market. The embarrassment is all yours. Your type makes us all more threatened by your very existence in our community.

    The only good gun regulation to you is none at all. You are to be pitied for living a life in which feel endangered every day so you have to arm yourself with the highest powered war weapon you can. I cannot imagine such a life as yours.

    1. This has to be a joke. Who writes like this?
      Someone that has never done anything meaningful.
      Word after word of nothingness. You fool

    2. There are over 7,400 licensed concealed carry persons in San Diego County. These are law abiding people that have gone thru the Sheriffs Dept background checks to follow the law. That same person may just save your life someday from a criminal. Think about it.

  62. "Paranoia strikes deep, Into you life it will creep. It starts when you are always afraid. Step out of line and the man comes to take you away."

  63. How embarrassing, Jeff admits he is searching porn sites 🙈
    Maybe this is the root of why Jeff hates women so much, he’s got a dead 🐠 in bed….. #frustrated

    1. Ouch…. Hitting in a soft spot. Soft moist steamy spot.

      No no for Stan. Sorry Tweaker back to your angry self.

  64. Encinitas has the largest homeless parking lot in North County. Natalie has the largest hot dog parking lot in North County. Stay the fuck away from both disgusting 🤮 filthy parking lots. Who knows what you’re going to catch 🤢

    1. 9:38 thank god you’re unelectable. You’re not only stupid. You’re a pig. No wonder Kim doesn’t let you out of her sight.

    2. Jeff’s obsession with other women is frightening!!

  65. Stan is a Tweaker and is frightening.

  66. On Wednesday night red flag Stan claimed he’s owned guns longer than Mosca has been alive. That must have been back when Morris was running and gunning on the mean streets of Compton back as a toddler. 🙄

    So is Stan a compulsive liar, living in his own fantasy world, off his meds?

    One thing is for certain, he isn’t is qualified to be the mayor of Encinitas. Maybe “guest of the month” at Atascadero psychiatric prison.

  67. More compulsive lying: claiming in his latest “newsletter” that Cremona just moved here. Why lie about something that easy to dispel? Does he even know when he’s lying?

    1. He’s just there to take votes. Knows he’ll never win. Cremona is squeaky clean so they gotta make shit up. Real mayoral quality guy. He’d actually be a downgrade from Blakespear.

      Jeff is an unemployed mentally challenged loser who can’t win on his own merits. And Tony quietly let’s him do his dirty work because he’s too lazy to campaign.

      Two losers.

    2. You guy have lost your minds to think Cindy has a chance in hell winning in November.

  68. Just we don't need. A gun loving nut as our mayor.

    1. In 2021 over 38,000 people died in auto accidents across the nation. I bet you drive a car so does that make you car loving nut? People like you remind me of that nut case Lauren Thompson thinking the goodson ghetto project is good idea.

    2. 5:50, here’s a chart showing how proper regulation of a dangerous metal object can work.

    3. Since your link cannot be opened. It's useless

    4. If only there was a feature called copy-paste.

    5. Cars kill people every day. Should we not vote for someone that likes cars??? Hmmmm???

  69. On Morris4Mayor was busy today saving rats in the Oggis drainage culvert which is under jurisdiction of Caltrans. Doesn’t’ say if he contacted Caltrans or if he contacted the city Clean Water Division. Just keeps pointing fingers and does nothing.

    1. Didn’t say if he contracted rabies either.

  70. More mad cow disease, me thinks.

  71. I’m new to Encinitas and looking for the homeless wiener parking lot?

  72. 9:03- that would be Tony Kranz‘s house or out in front of his house.

  73. The wiener and/or winer is in da house, not out front.

  74. What happened to the gun debate. Never mind, people that hate guns will simply hit the criminal with their purse when they brake in.

    1. What happened to the debate? Maybe the limp wristed leftists finally understood the legal law-abiding gun owner isn't to be feared. IT'S THE CRIMINALS AND THEY DON'T REGISTER THEIR STOLEN WEAPONS !!!! Why are leftists always hovering in a cloud of stupidity?

  75. Why are gun owners so paranoid that they think some criminal is about to attack them and they have to arm themselves against an imaginary foe? If anything, guns attract like minded paranoids.

    1. And, like minded leftist buffoons attract to one another
      in the world of nothing ever happens "to me".
      Tell us all about all the murders that don't happen.
      Please, inform us all the safety of the world.


  76. Four kidnapped and murdered within a week in Northern California, two dead and three seriously hurt in stabbing in Las Vegas this morning. Ya'...better not have a gun to protect your family.
    Better yet, have a purse. That will scare the killers.

  77. More paranoia. Get some professional help. Or better yet, move to a place where you will need guns. It ain't here.

    Once again for the oh so deaf and dumb one, high powered weapons of war should not be in the publics hands. Other guns is not the issue that you keep deflecting to.

    There once was an assault weapons ban. The legislators at the time appeared to know what the assault term meant. Why don't you? Of course you know. Any dummy knows, yet you still fall back every time to asking what is an assault weapon.

    Oh that right, it can be a rock. Brilliant, just brilliant. Oh, to be you.

    1. There is zero definition of an assault weapon. You need to educate yourself. Since you have not been in the military I'll use the line of,
      "you don't know shit from Shinola, that's why your shoes look like shit"

  78. They must have turned your mind to sheet. No, you did that to yourself. As one who supposedly served our nation, how can you now be such a traitor? I really don't want to know any more about you and your lack of honor to our nation that your life has become.

  79. Do you feel that the family members of servicemen and women also serve in their own way?

  80. "mosca not a fan"? Who cares what moscow thinks. This is the same clown that hates leaf blowers? Ya' we care what he thinks.
