Wednesday, February 8, 2023

2/8/23 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Sand replenishment discussion lots of numbers. Kellie’s face is priceless. Appears her head hurts.

    1. Wouldn’t your head hurt if you had to listen to a Dunce for two hours?

  2. I feel bad for Kellie. I watched five minutes of that meeting and it’s painful.💤

    1. Then step down it’s the job.

    2. Fuck off loser. You elected me.

    3. Yep that’s the face!

  3. Or maybe it was looking at Kranz his face was painful, actually I think it was both. 😩

  4. Joy needs to stop talking to us like we are idiots. Why the hell does she constantly have to explain everything.

    1. The trains got to her.

    2. She taking over where Mosca left off.

    3. LOL...

      Lack of sleep. Like 7:55pm said,
      Joy has has train brain 😵‍💫

  5. WTF is Shaffer doing here? Slumming from her gated community in Carlsbad?

  6. Now Kellie is making my head hurt.

  7. What’s a Coastal Scientist, is that a thing?

    1. Ask Kellie the dude is a personal friend.

  8. Hinze doesn’t understand what it means to have a living document. Now staff has to cut up her food and explain. This is what no life experience looks like. Changing channels she’s making my head hurt.

  9. YES! Scott Campbell is BACK.

    He addressed the Dunce and Clown Clown suggesting logical recommendations regarding land use and their ridiculous vaccinate mandate (Commie style control).

    28.10 min. of 5:05 here:

    Thank you Scott for the common sense and looking out for our liberty. I hope our clown council was listening. God bless you!!!


    1. Your liberty is right next to your Pinto....

    2. 9:22- I don’t get the joke. Please explain.

  10. Give it up for Dennis Cadin everyone!!!

    Min 31:04 -

    Calls out to City Hall how the roads in Encinitas have gone to shit but yet the City is pouring tens of millions $$$$$ into the Art Club at the beach for a few of the Dunces ol finger-painting buddies who hate going to the Community Center rooms for Recreation art and they want their own special beach club.

    Well how special for the few finger-painting friends and how stupid can the clown council be for mismanaging the City's budget and not address the whole community's real needs.

    Well spoken Dennis! Thanks!👏🏽


  11. Meeting ended at 11:30, marathon. Whatever you think, the council definitely doesn't have it easy.

    Quick Summary:

    Donna Westbrook set the Encinitas record for number of times speaking at one meeting. She seemed to gain momentum with each appearance.

    Incumbents won across the board in commission appointments.

    The Mayor made it clear that he envisions permanent streetside dining.

    Staff looked a bit flustered at having so much of the work product sent back for repairs.

    The transportation/parking/modality issue is now pitting business owners versus anti-vehicle groups. The Barbershop owner was quite unhappy. The mayor reprimanded him for speaking during open discussion on an agenda item.

    Time donations are back at council meetings.

    1. LOL, I think the L word still holds the record for most times speaking at one meeting.

    2. Pro Tip: you can’t be an expert on everything. If you want people to listen and take your thoughts seriously, don’t speak on every agenda item.

    3. 9:23- you’re probably right. And I bet that whole time she did not make one logical point.

  12. Council meetings are so long, because they arr organized and city council rambles too much.

    I think it’s the Dunce’s strategy to keep logical residence like yourself away, Scott. Their approach is make them so boring and long that people’s head span and can’t stand it.

    Thank you Scott, Donna and Dennis for your service to your city. Not many of us follow city politics, but those of us that do greatly appreciate your service to your community. 👍🏾👏🏾


  13. * Council meetings are so long, because they are disorganized and city council rambles too much

  14. These meetings have been long well before the current me...

  15. As was mentioned, when the public is inflamed, the topic that should be first on the list, gets put at the end of the meeting. It does work to a degree. Thanks to the stalwarts like Donna, Dolores, Scott, and the Kadens, they were not about to give in and give up. Just imagine a council with these kind of members up on the dais.

    1. The names you mentioned, what are their accomplishments?

    2. If staying up past 11 is an insurmountable hardship for you, then you really weren’t that worked up.

    3. Donna, aka Jim Brown, really added a lot to the meeting with her comments.

    4. There is no need for mtgs to go that long…. A complete mismanagement of time.

  16. 11:39 three of the people mentioned worked on incorporation. Don't look now, but your proud ignorance is showing.

    1. “worked on” isn’t an accomplishment.

    2. What did they do besides flap their gums?

    3. stop interrupting

  17. Congratulations to our favorite Oregon resident.

    Turns out Bob’s timing was impeccable. After stirring up his buddies and luring them into a lawsuit, Bob pulled a Bob and quit just in time to duck the ruling that will stick Bob’s mates with paying Blakespear’s legal bills.

    Congratulations, and nice timing Bob!

    P.S. the judge found everything you claimed to be bullshit.

  18. 3:09pm. Donna aka Jim Brown? You could not be more clueless, or more likely another tool for staff.

    You surely are not anyone who has tirelessly defended our community for decades like Donna has. Jim Brown has dedicated personal time to holding our city accountable for their lack of spine in standing up for us and kowtowing to every project that comes forward.

  19. 9:50am. Donna has always done her homework and been prepared, no matter the issue, or multiple issues. She can chew gum and walk at the same time, unlike you. She made that quite clear last tonight on every topic she stood up and spoke against and for this community's betterment.

    1. [eye roll]

      [look at watch]


      —Everyone, at 10:30pm when Donna takes the mic for the 17th time.

  20. 9:23am. slimy mikey, will you ever grow up? Will you ever be a man.......never mind. You made that clear decades ago and never have changed a lick by picking on the fairer sex. It is a reprehensible signature you can be identified by.

    1. Then why are you asking?

    2. Who you calling Mikey? I’m Marvy Charles.

    3. Who is slimy mikey? A real person or a made-up villain?

    4. 8:09- I think they are referring to Mike Andreen.

  21. Has this blog gone parody?

    Serious question

  22. Who but mike andreen would use a known moniker for his friend Charlie Marvin that passed on a couple of years ago?

    Real classy there mikey, but so typical coming from you.

    Why do you continue to bring up Lynn after all these years?

    Real classy there slimy mikey, but so typical coming from you.

    1. Who in the world is mike andreen?

    2. Used on the 7-Eleven by the street. Was an activist and kind of slimy.. I think he was involved in the Chamber of Commerce and had some shenanigans. Not really a major player he used to do shenanigans for $tock$.

      Don’t know for certain, but I sure wouldn’t be surprised if he was behind that whole clown with $tock$, of course, thing with Maggie Houlahan.

      He said he thought they got a winner win stocks was voted out and we got bars. Honestly, I think Barth is OK but then it evolve to BIAspear and the wheels fell off the wagon.

      BIA turned out to be 10 times worse than $tock$ and now Da Dunce is just as bad as BIA but 10 times dumber.

      This town has turned into a total shit show! It’s absolutely freaking hilarious 🤣,

      except for the taxpayer💰are taking it in the rear. 💩

    3. * he used to own the 7-11….

    4. Sorry- let me take grandpa’s advice and proofread this once.

      He used to own the 7-Eleven by D-street. He was kind of slimy.. I think he was involved in the Chamber of Commerce and had some shenanigans. Not really a major player he used to do shenanigans for $tock$.

      Don’t know for certain, but I sure wouldn’t be surprised if he was behind that whole clown, with $tock$, of course, thing with Maggie Houlahan.

      The voters thought they got a winner when stocks was voted out and we got Barth. Honestly, I think Barth was OK but then it evolve to BIAspear and the wheels fell off the wagon.

      BIA turned out to be 10 times worse than $tock$ and now Da Dunce is just as bad as BIA but 10 times dumber.

      This town has turned into a total shit show! It’s absolutely freaking hilarious 🤣,

      except for the taxpayer💰are taking it in the rear. 💩

    5. Oh yeah, he got thrown out of Chamber of Commerce and then started a new Encinitas Chamber of Commerce for the El Camino Real Corridor. He was bad buddies with Jerome. Like Encinitas really needs two chambers of commerce. 🤣

      He didn’t seem very healthy back then, so he’s probably dead.

    6. Andreen lives in Oceanside...


    8. So what does andreen have to do with Encinitas and this blog?

  23. This is the first time since joining the blog 4 yrs ago, that I have no idea who these characters you’re referring to are. Care to fill the rest of us in?

    1. It’s really not worth filling in. There’s some old time characters that were just filling the blog with ramblings.

      We were trying to be nice, so we did not call one of them out. her name does have four letters and we didn’t want to call her a four letter word so we just say the L-word. We all got the point.

    2. And then there’s crazy eyes…. Y’all know her if you ever talk to you and she looks in the eye. 😵‍💫

      There’s some crazy stories about when she was at City Hall. But again we’re nice, so we won’t go there.

      She did do a good deed by being part of prop A

    3. The Dunce was an easy one. When you think of Dalager or you think of Kranz, what do you think of? Of course, they seem like one and the same. The Town Dunces.

      For a long time it was a Dalakranz, but we got lazy, so now we just call it like it is - Da Dunce.

    4. L-word & crazy eyes used to badger Charlie Marvin (RIP) because Charlie supported streetscape. Those two would ramble on forever and called charley Marvin - Marvy Charles.

      The best ever was the roadside park bum- I think he got smart and realize social media does not make you feel very good. He used to be funnier than hell. I miss that old bum. I miss the old EG too…..

      The only thing for certain is change.

    5. Something we can all agree on, the genius of Roadside Park Bum....

  24. The whole Lynn thing is interesting. I don't know the history like some here. I liked Lynn's post's in the past.

    I just clicked on a random post in undercover from 04/12/2012

    Great trip down memory lane.

    Mayoral censorship by Jerome in opposition to Maggie.
    City council shaking his head
    Art Alive banners
    Cyber bullies
    Affair rumours
    Brown act allegations
    Council overriding staff
    Surfing Madonna in original location
    State owned land for new Madonna location
    98% of the population don't care

    Anonymous April 15, 2012 at 8:34 PM
    Pay it's bills in 5 years?? Hell, I don't care about the banners now, let alone in 5 years. Jeez, I'm just trying to keep my head above water and a roof over my families head. This is nothing but a bunch of bozos worried about their friends face on a banner. Must be nice to have that much free time on your hands...bunch of 1%'ers.

    Wow! Yes parody has been strong for undercover for a decade.
    I bet there's similar stuff from 2002 also.

    I've found old comments of mine. LOL I stand by most of them.

  25. Jerome called the surfing Madonna “graffiti” and wanted it removed. Instead, he was. Now trying to rejoin Encinitas politics he’s a washed up sumbitch who needs to stay gone.

    1. If anyone wants to meet Stocks, just go to "The Office" the bar in Cardiff. He used to yell at people in the audience, pout like a 2 year old if he didn't get his way, and much more. In fact, if people remember, there was a "DUMP STOCKS" bumper sticker in each Coast News for a while.

  26. Imagine being such a dried up crone that you take offense at a mothers desire to spend time with their newborn baby.

    1. I’m guessing you’re referring to Kellie…. We’re going to let that one slide, considering we are a kind community.

    2. I agree. I can understand Kellie wanting to spend time bonding and cuddling with her baby instead of wasting 5 hours listening to Da Dunce rabble about his none-sense. You would think baby bonding time is important, right?

      His reading of a tribute to Black history month was a complete disservice. Look at all the Newsomites up on stage.... We are the white privilege that talk up a storm but than would never consider actually mix cultural relationships in our families.... oh no.....

      In BIA's case, she went to Puritan white country of Utah to select her subservient mate and raise her offspring. Check out the others families..... white, white, white,,,, white. Then she raises them in her whiter than white mommie's compound. On white composer street of course.

      Actions always speak louder than words.

      I agree with the above. I am glad we support Kellie in her efforts to bond with her child and lessen the time listening to the ramblings of Da' Dunce. We are a kind community and its takes a kind village to raise a kid now-a-days.😊

    3. Sad ramblings of an irrelevant, angry, 72 year old white man who can feel death getting closer.

    4. Really, who? Do tell 8:10.

    5. Is kranz 72?

      I guessed him around 82.


  28. FWIW- It was none other than David Meyer who had the clown chase Maggie Houlihan around. When asked later if he felt he had done the right thing, he said "I can do what I want and I really don't want Maggie on the Council". For those who know know, David Meyer is a developer and one of the many reasons the Council defers to him.

    1. All councilmembers except Ehlers are on a first name basis with Meyer. Listen to how they address him and talk about him in meetings. First-name basis. The $tock$ fix continues to be in.

    2. David Meyer also had help from several Encinitas citizens who rationalized their role in this. How do you think they found a seamstress to sew the clown outfit?

    3. Who was the seamstress?

    4. There was no seamstress. It was basically a Halloween costume. Walsh wasn't around at the time. The others involved were Jerome Stocks, Mark Muir and a couple more I can't remember. The clown got paid of this or her services. At that time, Bruce Ehlers was Maggie's campaign manager and he was not happy. In fact, most people thought it was cruel, stupid, and she won anyway.

    5. 3:48PM I know the woman who sewed the costume, and she admitted it to me. She shall remain nameless. The other players shall remain nameless as well, but my point is, Meyer didn't act alone.

  29. Walsh, yet again, is a loser. Lost the blakespear suit after he jumped into the fray. It is like everything Walsh touches turns into a L. Lost against blakespear, all his picks lost in the election, lost clients money, lost his family. Do the opposite of Walsh, just another failed republicant.

    1. Where are the reactions from fire guy Steve Meiche and perpetual douchebag Matt Wheeler? Those guys sure had a lot to say about Blakespear during the campaign.

    2. Let's not lose sight of the fact that she did admit guilt in the first place. Who's the douchebag now?

    3. Walsh is a loser and brought us loser Kranz….

      I wish he would have lost that one…. Now we have Da’ Dunce.

    4. 3:18- No, Walsh did not bring on Kranz. Gotta know your history of Encinitas a bit better. Let me help you out, since EU is turning nice. The first time Kranz ran, he lost. A deal was actually offered to Lorri, from the developers. They would pay for all the things needed to run, which is expensive. All she would have to do is show up for meet and greets, city functions, etc to get elected. When she asked what the catch was, this was told to her. If it is a development project that we want, you would vote our way. If it had nothing to do with the BIA, you could vote for whoever you wanted. She turned them down. Shortly after that Kranz, ran again and won. Not saying he took the deal, as I don't know. I just know what was offered to Lorri. After he got elected, he stared dressing better, had a new haircut, etc. Lorri had lunch with him after he won and asked how he liked being on the Council. He said basically he loved hanging with people who would never speak to him before, referring to Ecke, Meyer and other "big wigs".

    5. Right. And Lorri checked the blocked list and there’s nobody blocked.

      Sure lady. Sure.

    6. Get over yourself Garvin. Find a new town to operate in. Find a new fb page that will take you in. You showed your hand with Kranz. Toast.

    7. Not Garvin. There are probably hundreds of us. Blocked by a Nutbird for imaginary rules while she doesn’t follow her own legit ones.

      And she lies a lot.

    8. 3:54- Developers always focus Dunces because they have zero integrity. A perfect match.

    9. 8:48- You comment would be more respected if you used correct grammar. And 100's pf folks blocked? That is just funny.

  30. 3:11 - Blakespear issued an apology and paid a settlement to Bob Nichols's attorney. That should have been the end of it. But Nichols and his genius attorney Curran weren't happy that no one seemed to agree this was such a big deal, so they fabricated a reason to file the lawsuit in an attempt to keep the issue relevant for their MAGA boy Gunderson's campaign. And sure enough, they screwed the pooch. Curran even had the gall to send me an email claiming he was an expert in anti-SLAPP! Lol.

    Bob bailed on the litigation after Blakespear's election win, just in time to saddle the rest of his buddies with the loss and potential attorneys' fees liability, and proving he only brought the case for political purposes in the first place. Anyone need an attorney to sue Curran and DiMare for malpractice? Give me a ring...

    Between these idiot plaintiffs and all of the EV gadflies running around trying to make a big deal out of the litigation, there's some serious crow to be eaten. Kind of like when the same group was running around claiming the now-dismissed federal housing lawsuit was going to expose all kinds of corruption at the City.

    Y'all need some better lawyers!

    1. My favorite part of the ruling was where the plaintiffs argued that Blakespear violated the contract by not sending a copy of her apology to their lawyer as required in the contract. Unfortunately, they forgot to put that in their claim. Oops. Denied.

      Also, when the judge pointed out the tortured language they used in saying there was no apology, and at the same time arguing why the apology she posted was inadequate. If there was no apology, then how could there be an apology that was inadequate?

      That’s some funny shit right there.

    2. Don't sue them for mal-practice, they are an idiot tax.

      Saw a nice Range Rover parked at the affordable unit today on my walk. Maybe legal to give those affordable homes away to friends and family but it ain't right and contradicts the spirit of the law. I don't want my government giving developers special privileges just so they can stoke out some bros. That is exactly what happened and seems to still be happening. There is no moral defense of that good ol boy bullshit. Zero equity, equality and very exclusionary and comes at the expense of the people we are suppose to be lifting up.

    3. Yep. Developer is playing us in the politicians every minute of every day to stack and pack their crap all up and down the coast line.

      It’s what developers do

    4. Speedy - was that enormous balloon recently shot down your ego swollen head?

    5. Well when you consider Blakespear can never block or delete comments again, I’d say the residents and Plaintiffs were the real winners.

      Have you seen Blakespear’s page lately? People are continuing to call her out on her bullshit including her support of jazz hands and no time donations, which city council changed back as soon as Blakespear left. 😂 Another form of Blakespear censorship.

      Let’s not forget Blakespear had to drop her cross complaint against the Plaintiffs 😂🤣 because it was frivolous, another win, exposing just how dishonest Blakespear was.

      Blakespear was publicly exposed for breaking the law, now she’ll have to relive this each time she campaigns. 😂🤣😂 the Plaintiffs didn’t spend any money on attorneys, DiMare and Curran did it for free. Who cares what the final results will be, the negative public exposure and truth about Blakespear’s disregard for her oath of office tarnished her reputation and will continue to follow her each time she runs. This is priceless! 😂

    6. Hey Marco…..

      Another moronic authoritarian tactic used by Blakespear in Encinitas is banned….😂

    7. Lotta butt-hurt people on here who’ve been beaten like a rented mule in both elections and court cases by the GOAT.

    8. I don't think you can take a victory lap for beating some garbage lawyers and crap candidates, but feel free.....

  31. How does Lorri expect to gain peoples trust when she still hasn’t fulfilled her promise of unblocking myself and countless other EV peeps?

    1. She doesn’t want trust. She wants CONTROL.

    2. Nobody cares about your trust. It is a facebook page, such a drama snowflake.

    3. Why would anyone want to join a FB page when they can’t stand the moderator? Go over to Willow’s FB group, Encinitas Uncensored. You can say anything and she won’t take it down. Problem solved.

    4. Who said we want to join with a terrible power tripping moderator?

      Can’t speak for others, but I don’t.

      She’s awful.

      Just need to make sure her self centered ego trip behavior doesn’t influence any elections.

      She’s admitted her bias here on EU, and that she’s failed in her efforts to influence elections. My interest in in making sure that failure continues.

    5. 3:37- If you are not a member of EVB, how do you know what being said? Are you one of the over 100 people being blocked? If so, you would not even be able to see the site.

    6. Quit making excuses for losing the election.

  32. Good point 8:50! Yes, Lorri fiercely craves CONTROL. And let’s not forget, her insatiable need and desire for ATTENTION! Lorri is the “Drama Snowflake” 8:53 describes. And 8:53 is the perfect accomplice and enabler for Lorri!
    Lorri creates endless “Drama,” so she can whine and say “Poor Me!” We have seen her endless ‘Shit Show’ Theatrics unfold. And Lorri’s storm rages on, in her desperate miserable attempt to try and be relevant. She might want to try a new strategy b/c her sink hole is getting bigger and bigger by the day!

    1. Her current mantra is, don’t pick on me I’m dying.

      Not sure about that one.

      Everybody’s dying after the day that they are born. It’s a matter of what you do with your time that you’re here on earth..

    2. It’s not possible to know if she’s dying because she has told many lies, like ‘no one is blocked,’ and ‘I don’t know what happened—maybe you can come to me on bended knee and request to rejoin,’ and ‘EV is going private’ and ‘I want someone else to take over,’ and ‘I know but I can’t say,’ and ‘I could get my professional license back if I wanted,’ and ‘I could have been on council if I joined the developer secret conspiracy.’

    3. I was one of the original Charlie’s Angels invites, but I declined.

    4. The problem you’re all having here about The Deal is there is proof.

  33. I want to get 100 push-ups in a row

  34. * I once did 100 pull-ups in a row.

  35. So much for the nicer kinder EU.

  36. Don’t pity him, look what he did.

  37. I would love to know why Lorri bothers some of you? Have you ever met her? Why do you care so much about a stupid FB page? Whether she’s dying or not doesn’t seem to bother you. I am truly puzzled at your excessive nastiness toward a person who probably don’t even personally know. Look up Projection and look into a mirror. That’s your answer. Most people don’t give a shit one way or the other about EV. Why not pick on Willow’s page. Oh right, you like the shit she posts. I do know Lorri and know she’s very sick.if she wants to tell us what she has it’s not going to be be on EV. In fact at this time she only knows she doesn’t have cancer. I have been doing small things for she and her husband who is struggling as well. I don’t think she reads this group anymore, But I do. I think some of you are pieces of shit and if you’re locked out of EV I’m personally happy, as I can only imagine what you would say there. Lorri is a liberal Democrat but allows a lot of right wingers to share and comment. Now you can really trash her knowing this piece of information.

    1. Double 💤. If you post an EV, no wonder it’s got low viewership. Sleeperville.

    2. 2:19- WIth over 1800 members, and lots of commenting I would have to say EV is successful. What other controversial FB is there in Encinitas that will allow right wingers and left wingers to join. Tell me a better site and I will retract my words.

    3. it's not just about allowing right wingers and left wingers to join. What good is it to allow everyone if you're not going to moderate in a way that allows everyone to feel safe and be treated fairly.

      Part of a moderators job is to set the group's tone. And Lorri allowed the tone to be a toxic free for all.

      Joan Dodge was removed for posting a supportive comment after Blakespear won in 2020. She literally only said "Well, it looks like Encinitas did vote" how is that worse than any of the toxic things we've seen Fred Lara and Pam Slater Price say in EV yet Dodge was removed?

      Lorri's moderation is uneven and lighthanded. She plays favorites and allows people to be personally attacked. She makes rules, like no national politics, yet Pam Slater Price posted a pic of a Trump balloon last week and it's still there, unmoderated. In fact, everything PSP posts that has to do with national politics stays up.

      Pam also repeatedly posted Susan Turney's newsletters during the 2020 campaign. Everyone of them had a donation link. Those were allowed to stay up by Lorri. Yet when Blakespear's were posted, they were taken down right away because EV "doesn't allow linking to anything with a donation link" See? NO CONSISTENCY.

      I honestly think Lorri is blissfully unaware of how inconsistent she is. She's created a toxic group and is ignorantly proud of it.

    4. 3:33- She is not even moderating the site at this time. She posts and once in a while comments. The rules are posted at the top of the EF's page and right now, Glen Johnson is doing the heavy lifting. Why don't you ask him to join. Lorri has given him Carte Blanche to do what he thinks is right.

    5. The Nutbird also recently posted a screen grab from another FB group, which she has a rule against.

      When someone spoke up that Nutbird was violating her own rules, the response was ‘every rule has an exception, and besides, the rules are being relaxed because we are going private soon.’


      First of all, EV was never going private—it was all about getting attention. Second, what does following group rules have to do with whether the group is public or private? It’s total nonsense.

      It’s just all about CONTROL.

    6. 3:00- it’s Facebook. Enough said. Irrelevant dead people are tied to Facebook.

    7. Notice how nasty EU gets when Jeff can post again. HIs hearing once again got postponed. The trashy things he says about Lorri that are not on EU are very disturbing. When he was not posting, there were some good conversions.

  38. D. Gordon Aviation, circled 17 times over and over Encinitas today. Tail number 4922D. Think you are safe in your homes? NOPE. How about your kids. 17 Times and guess where they fly out of...that's right Montgomery Field, 17 miles away.
    They fly up here to place us at risk. That's D Gordon Aviation.

    1. OK. 💤💤💤💤

    2. 1.) Be afraid.

      2.) Build a bunker under your house to protect you from airplanes.

      3.) Stay there.

    3. 2:53...Hey stupid. Per the FAA 1000 private planes go down every year. Wake up you fool.

    4. 1600 died of fentanyl just in SD within the last year.

      46,000 die from auto accidents.

      Only 205 fatalities from private plane crashes per year in the US. No big deal.

      Sorry, Bubs more people die from Alzheimer’s due to the train noise than 205.

    5. It’s no big deal that is, unless you’re one of the 205.

    6. Number of aircraft deaths in Encinitas throughout history:


      If you live in Encinitas, statistically speaking you are more likely to become the lead singer of Pearl Jam than you are to die as the result of a private plane accident in town.

    7. Two weeks ago genius, a private plane crash landed in Carlsbad (Sluka). Last year 8 private planes crashed in San Diego County. is obvious you fly planes.
      But what these hobbyists that fly planes don't write is the flight schools are making money flying circles over Encinitas and Solana Beach, putting 10s of thousands at risk and the people receive? leaded exhaust over the areas. They fly 17 miles to this area to screw you over folks. And what do you get? Nothing but excuses.
      They try and use stats to justify bad behavior.
      By the way, we won't stop.

    8. Why are they flying in circles?

      Good question.

      They are practicing ground reference maneuvers. Student pilots must demonstrate mastery of certain maneuvers on their check ride (test) to get their license. More advanced certs like instrument rating or commercial or multi engine have their own maneuvers that will also be tested. So pilots must practice the maneuvers.

      One is Eights on Pylons.

    9. Here we go yet again. Flying circles over 10's of thousands of people, schools and people's homes. You think by explaining WHY they fly in circles it will make everything better. Just stop...It's dangerous, period.
      The schools make money, the citizens of Encinitas and Solana Beach get the shaft. It's going to stop.
      And if you don't think so, just wait. Our group doesn't care if private planes fly over out and back one time, we just don't care. But back and forth and in circles?
      Nope. And I've recently found out it is against FAA Policy to fly in circles, back and forth over and over SCHOOLS.

    10. Good luck dummy.

      It’s legal. It’s safe. It’s federally regulated. And no-bo-dy gives a half a fuck what you think.

      But I encourage you to keep making threats. You are being watched Mr. MB.

      Put a hole punch in your Tough Shit Card. Earn ten punches, and you win a brand new card!

  39. Does anyone know why Jeff Morris got another pass until March? Who does he know?

    1. Initial court dates almost always get pushed. The defendant has a right to a speedy trial, but they almost never demand it. Lawyers ask for more time to prep, interview witnesses, study police reports, etc. It’s always granted.

      There’s a civil fraud case against a former El Cajon councilman that’s been pending since 2017.

    2. 3:54- Forgive my ignorance, as I am not an attorney. But I thought he was charged with a at least one Felony violation. Doesn't that change how fast this process goes? My guess is he will keep postponing, all, Trump, and then create more havoc than before. Also my guess is he is again posting on EU, which would explain the long train of bullshit on Lori. He hates her with a passion. In fact, even Lopez he was more concerned about Lori getting hurt from Jeff than anyone else.

    3. 4:05 if lorri was so afraid of Jeff she wouldn’t have posted so many negative things about him on EV.

    4. 4:05 AKA Jeff- A lot of us posted a lot of negative things about Jeff. And he deserved every one of them.

  40. Some one said Joan Dodge was kicked off of EV. Here is something she posted on EV-Joan Dodge
    August 29, 2020 ·
    I attended Tony Kranz's re-election campaign kick off yesterday via Zoom. Typical of Tony, it was all about the people in our community and how they add to the character of where we are so grateful to live. It's never about him. Tony always thinks about the whole of Encinitas because of his deep roots here. He's a vital asset to our City Council and should be overwhelmingly re-elected!

    1. I’m sure that violates the rule of Nutbird was a donor to the losing candidate again.

  41. Are you trying to get me sick?

    Quit posting Tony Kranz’s name so much.


  42. I cannot recall a single time both of the Dodges were not supporting everything the council was trying to sell.

    I call that being tools. Maybe not paid tools, but tools just the same to be used to sell whatever crap the council wanted at the time.

    Lorri always, always, let certain people know to please stop violating the stated rules of her site. Her site. Get it? When that was ignored time and time again, they got the heave ho. If it had been me, these cretins would have been long gone much earlier.

    Use some other source why don't you, you pos? Go elsewhere, why don't you? Because Lorri has been tolerant to a point, and that point was ignored repeatedly. You pos have other blogs to spew on, don't you? Go there. You don't have any other popular sites, do you? Your life is so unfair. Sorry, not sorry. Let it freaking go. You all make me want to puke picking on a woman of a certain age who has had good intentions to bring this community together in some small way. The many small minds are more of an indication of your life than hers. Most of these whiners have no place to go other than some disingenuous take off of what Lorri created.

    1. Again the defense seems to be ‘she’s old.’

      It’s never—‘she’s an excellent moderator who doesn’t make things about herself or make decisions based on her own emotions and biases.’

  43. Ron Dodge is one of two resident plants on the El Camino Real specific plan task force, may as will have a developer sitting in his seat but the council is going to proudly point to him as proof that residents have a representative there. Very funny.

  44. MF better not be seen around ol school Encinitians.....

    Pulling BS to put Kranz in office is about as low as you can go.

    Garvin.... we are watching you and we will not forget.


  45. Lorri Greene has left a path of destruction in her wake. Even a failed Psychologist like her, who’s license was revoked due to inappropriate relationships with clients, should know that actions have consequences. And, “you reap what you sew.” I mean, “common man,” that’s Psychology 101! Don’t act like such a victim Lorri! Psychologists are supposed to teach people not to be a victim, and take responsibility for their actions. Practice what you preach! Especially on your, “rules for me, not for thee.”

    1. Someone is taking things and themself way too seriously. This single focus of yours became officially weird many posts ago. Take a step back and see facebook in the larger scheme. Not the end of the world if you got kicked off someone’s page. You sound ridiculous and obsessive.

    2. That a pretty logical post. I give it a 9/10… to get a 10 from me you need to add a touch of humor.


  46. 9:11- pretty good too… 8.5/10…. You didn’t acknowledge the prior post was right, but you did try to put it in perspective… it is only FB and one women, so who really cares?

    1. I’d worry more about the obsessor than the obsessed.

    2. You are a caring person. I’m not worried about other.

  47. Lorri is Larri…. And she’s a character, and she clearly isn’t perfect. But who is?

    She puts herself out there for the target practice.

    Who really bothers me is that F’cking Garvin guy ( I think guy)…. East Coaster from Lehman brothers strolls in playing every side and help put in Da’Dunce as Mayor…. WTF did Encinitas do to him to deserve that?

    I never met him and I do not support Joy, however, the way that he presented regarding that native landscaping issue, attacking Joy, and used a pizza analogy showed his complete arrogance and just he is a shitty human being.

    What a fricken tool….

    Lorri is a trippy character like many in this town. Garvin is a damaging asshole.

    Garvin- you will never be welcome here. Get out!!

    1. Garvin and Jeff are two of the dumbest people in Encinitas,maybe their followers are dumber, both are failures through and through. When they try to talk about politics or science it becomes clear why they have a long record of losing. Stuck on stupid and their obnoxious ramblings continue to turn voters the other way. The stuck on stupid crew are the left’s most useful idiots, winning elections without even trying. Kranz and Biden own those fools.

    2. 11:26- 10!!!


    3. In case anyone cares Lorri, Larri actually has one more name. Guess you all haven't figured that out yet. Why don't you look into that Jeff, as long as you got a reprieve for now.

    4. 1:22- I got this one. 😀

      On EU, she is referred to as Nutbird.

    5. 2:15- I was talking about names she uses in life not on EU. In fact only a few of her closest friends, plus certain licensing boards, know it. Try to find that one Jeff.

  48. While you folks are going back and forth about who the dumbest is when it comes to running Encinitas. Take some time to view the Encinitas website section of climate change.
    Want a good laugh? These people live in Oz.
    They think they can change the earths atmosphere.
    One of my favorites is using less water. Yet they o.k new ghetto apartment projects around the city...that will use more water. Let us not forget the lie of raising seas for the last
    40 years. And to think these people collect a paycheck.
    How's that ban on gas power leaf blowers working out?
    That's right, it didn't because it was a stupid idea.

    1. I like the ban because it greatly reduces the freaking noise. There’s no reason for 2- stroke weed whackers, or blowers. In fact, blowers are stupid because they just blow the dust from one point to the other, and a bunch goes in the air and makes more air pollution. People should use rakes and brooms. No sense in blowing all that dust all up and all over everything again.

      I am so sick of this city just discounting noise pollution issues. They’re focused on wasting all of our tax dollars on fingerpainting facilities at cost millions to operate maintain.

      Da’ Dunce wants his name on a plaque.

    2. Man made global warming has been a scam for decades. It gives people something to believe in.
      Am I to understand the city of encinitas banned natural gas services to new construction? If so, do these clowns know that 40 percent of electricity generated in the U.S is via natural gas????
      Do all the people that work in city hall use electric only stoves???? Gawd what cluster ----

    3. What happens if there is an electrical power outage and no one has natural gas? Can get electricity and nothing else is a dangerous, because if the power is out for a few days you won’t be able to charge your electric vehicle: your food in the refrigerator is ruined because unless you have a camp stove, you won’t be able to cook it. Lots of unintended consequences for electric only. Mining for lithium is also very hard on the environment and the people who work to get it out of the ground. Young children working in lithium sites, much like the old coal mines. There are a lot of consequences going totally electric. I’ll keep my gas stove thank you.

    4. Oh, in less you still have a land line at some point your phone will be worthless.

    5. Tell us oh unlearned one—what other peer reviewed science published in reputable science journals can you correct with your aw, shucks intuition?

      Perhaps plate tectonics is actually gods fighting as the ancients believed, and not the flow of magma in the upper mantle moving solid crustal plates.

      Perhaps the Earth is at the center of the solar system as Ptolemy said and Copernicus was wrong.

      Perhaps plagues and disease are a sign of moral failings and anger of the gods and not bacteria, viruses, cancer, and DNA.

      And maybe you can explain why Einstein, Heisenberg, and Feinman we’re all wrong.

      It must feel good to know how everything works from the microscopic to the vastness of space—and all while being completely unbound by reading or referencing the work of others.

    6. And all without detailed observations or measurements.

      It’s truly astounding.

      I will never understand why the world continues to ignore you.

    7. RRG Software LLC, Alpine Ca. 10 times over Encinitas at 10:45 am. Notice it is difficult to find a phone number for an LLC. Why is that? Tail Number N81916

    8. 11:58 10!!!!


    9. The circling planes are getting ridiculous. 2 have been circling my house for a while now. Thought we had restricted air-space because the hospital life-flights


    11. At 12:47 today, a jerk flying under the 1200 Squawk was flying in circles over San Dieguito High School "under 1000 feet." The kids were out there playing soccer.
      Not only does this break FAA rules but whomever was piloting the plane should be arrested.
      And by the way 12:54, this entire area is un-restricted.
      How do I know? The FAA rep told me this last week.

    12. I'm in communications now with the FAA in DC.
      These schools and others are soon in for a surprise
      The folks at Montgomery Field Ops. have been very nice and they are not to blame as they have tried to communicate with the schools but cannot tell them where to fly.

    13. 11:15- that’s a sample one I don’t need gas. Solar with a big solar battery. F’ck SDGE and their continual price gauging taxpayer for profit.

  49. 12:02- obsessed! Go boy go! 🤣

    1. Yes, obsessed for keeping my family safe. It's like having .357 to protect the home.

    2. Lord, keep me safe from you 2:18.

    3. 357 or A.R. 15 or short shotgun will all work. Good job. I hope your family is not one of the 205 annual deaths in a nation per year.

      You might want to make sure your families staying away from all that fat Noll that’s flooded in the San Diego area.

      If you don’t have any nieces or nephews or grandkids, you’re pretty darn lucky because there’s kids dropping dead left and right.

    4. 3:05 you break into my house you'll need every lord in the universe. : ))))

    5. A Russian acting tough. LOL.

  50. Mankind has indeed changed the atmosphere. Beyond denying.

    Chloroflorohydrocarbons sp? were causing the southern hemisphere to lose the protected layer and the world came together to ban these livable planet destroyers and it worked. The recovery since then has proven we can help preserve life on this world. This is a short version for those with limited attention spans, but there you go. We can save what we were given for future generations to come.

    1. How about raising seas, Polar bears dying off, Icebergs melting and the East coast flooding (they forgot to add the West coast)...ALL A LIE.
      It's been lies for 40 years. But the gullible require something to believe in. Remember the lies from ho'bama about raising seas. He then buys a mansion 300 feet from the Atlantic Ocean. Fraud.

    2. 2:06 I've lived at one beach or another for decades.
      The tides are the same. Use your eyes as that is what the gods intended them for...USE. Try it.

  51. 2:15 is Garvin Walsh who spends all his free time making up juvenile names for people who have not fallen at his feet in recognition of his genius. He calls Dr. Lorri a certain N word and pats himself on the back all day. He belongs on the fringe "Willow" site where he enjoys the likeminded company of $tock$. Finally found his level.

  52. Nope. 2:15 was me and I'm not Garvin and can not stand Garvin.

    1. Well you sound like him. You might try another way of expressing yourself or you'll be mistaken for him every time.

  53. How many Facebook profile photos of yourself do you have on your account?

    How many would be a sign of narcissism?

    Is 357 too many?

    Asking for a friend.

    1. zero... I do not do FB. I think its a waste of life.

    2. 4:04- 0, yes, and yes.

      Have a good day.

  54. Typical diversion coming from your ignorance. You will carry on. It is all you have to work with. Deniability is your stock in trade.

    1. 7:25- Do you realize your rambling makes no sense?

  55. To the ignorant climate change and science denier, you are not alone. In fact, you are part of a long line of science deniers that actually tells us a lot about how our brains work.

    When Galileo was put on trial for heresy, his crime was promoting the correct view that the sun is at the center of our solar system, and that the Earth is one of a handful of known planets orbiting it.

    The aristotelian view dominated at the time, which held that the Earth stood still at the center of the known universe, and the Sun and planets moved around it. Over time, this view became intertwined with church dogma. It became evidence that we are special, that God put us at the center of His creation—that everything we see revolves around us. So the Copernican-Galilian model was emotionally fraught. If it was correct, it would mean that we have to accept that Earth is just a regular planet—nothing special from a physics perspective. And if Earth is not in a special and central location, the special and unique place for humanity in the eyes of God may also be open to question.

    So the argument about the model of the solar system became less about an objective quest for the truth, and more about the subjective and emotional need for us to feel special.

    At Galileo’s trial, he implored the panel of elders deciding his fate to look through his telescope to see the moons of Jupiter, which showed how smaller objects move in relation to larger ones. The elders refused. So sting was their emotional attachment to a particular conclusion, that they insisted that the Devil himself could tinker inside the telescope to make it display false representations of the heavens.

    Galileo was convicted and never walked free for the rest of his life. But he was right, and his correct model of the solar system could not be suppressed. Scientific truth will always win. In 1992, 350 years after his trial, the Vatican issued an apology for Galileo’s wrong conviction and admitted he was right.

    Your denial of anthropogenic climate change is basically the same. Your refusal to read and understand the mountain of scientific evidence is willful ignorance just like those who refused to look through Galileo’s telescope. And your motive for the willful ignorance is similar as well. You realize that if anthropogenic climate change is true, then we all have an obligation to affect changes and make sacrifices. And some of those sacrifices are painful to accept—just as painful as accepting that humanity’s place in the universe may not be as central and special as we thought. Just like the elders judging Galileo, you have such an emotional attachment to a specific conclusion that your brain will not allow you to consider objective reality.

    And you won’t. I’m sure of it. You’ll die convinced you are right, just as the elders who condemned Galileo likely did.

    But as in the case of Galileo, scientific truth will always win, and your thoughts, beliefs and actions ultimately won’t matter. And that’s what gives the rest of us comfort.
