Thursday, March 16, 2023

Council might bring back red light cameras

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, a divided Encinitas City Council voted to cancel the city’s red-light camera contract, saying the tickets that motorists received were far too high and the program didn’t work as intended.

All three of the people who voted to remove the cameras — Catherine Blakespear, Jody Hubbard and Joe Mosca — are no longer on the council, and the issue of whether to use cameras to catch red-light runners is resurfacing.

At a city Mobility and Traffic Safety Commission meeting Monday, Commissioner James Gross said the council acted too hastily in 2020 and should reconsider the issue now.


  1. To bad a red light on spending money on the "stupidity" of the finger painting school can't be enacted.
    That's right, put up cameras, that will stop the stupidly.

    1. Case in point...yikes.

    2. And now moscow is gone (buffoon) along with the leftist blakespear (in state government...ohhh' god) and the other one. What a cluster ----

  2. The Red-light Cams were an approved criminal enterprise and good damn riddance to them. Tony was always a fan of them. $?
    I personally witnessed several times when the yellow lights timing was adjusted to purposefully catch people. Luckily I was not one of them, but I saw a number of others that were.

    This same company had a history of manipulating the lights timing in other states and towns and had been thrown out.

    Tony, you have been bamboozled and either paid off to support this company or are just fine with their business model of screwing over your own residents.

    I even came across a sheriff one time at the next stoplight and told him the timing of that previous intersections lights had been adjusted to catch people. He said thanks and would check it out. Yea right. Never happened.

    Another time, I was the third car in line to pass through and the yellow light changed to red before I made it through the intersection. The road sensors indicating more traffic in line waiting and no effect on the yellow lights timing as these were the fourth and fifth and sixth car directly behind me more than likely got ticketed.

    This was a scam before and would be again if allowed. Don't do it Tony. I won't take that bet considering Tony's past history with approving of this criminal enterprise.

    1. Kranz is a lazy sellout. Expect him to take the path of least resistance with the best outcome. For him.

  3. These people are worse than the worst ignorant life losers.

    They neglect to repair a city made sinkhole due to believing in far left hoax narratives... it's never going to rain again global droughting!

    Now talking about red light cameras.

    Let's get something very straight here the people that vote for those types of things are not serious human brings. In fact need to be executed by public hanging preferably in front of the Cardiff kook.

    Midwit fuktards

  4. DO NOT take your eyes off of the finger painting school.
    DO NOT allow yourselves to be sidetracked on to another issue
    SELL that damn school, make some money and try and stop the ghetto apartment buildings the communist insist you let happen. Take on the state of Commiefornia and fight all the ghetto apartments. If you don't, you allow Encinitas to be yet another failure of the America hating left.
    This of course includes some people on the right as well.

  5. That "school" will be the new city hall, I predict.

    1. 3:21- That could be true. Hadn't thought of that. It is zoned for that. How is the City Hall we use now zoned? The reason the purchase was so ridiculous was the price tag. Kranz wanted his own legacy I guess. 10 million for a 3.2 million dollar property at the time, is a bit much. It was purchased with a Lease Revenue Bond, which means the public didn't get to vote. BUT with those kinds of Bonds you are supposed to get money back from whatever you purchase. So far the CIty has received $163.00. And the neighbors around the site are about to sue again. EV is actually targeting Kranz about this, as he is a member. So far he has kept his mouth shut, but Muir, and others are talking. Turns out Kranz blurted out the 10 million and the school district was thrilled.

    2. I know most of you hate EV but one thing I will say about Lori is it seems she keeps everything. She's been active in Encinitas politics for 35 years, so according to a source she has 2 full binders of stuff the city has done that isn't cool. I kind of miss Jim Bond to be honest. There is a ton of information on EV already and I guess she has a lot more. So maybe get over your hatred of EV and check it out. You don't have to deal with Lori just read what has been presented and it is factual information taken from CIty Council meetings; CPRA requests; and a lot more to come. Just a thought. If you hate Lori that much so be it. And it really would be funny if you were on her blog right now!

    3. "Turns out Kranz blurted out $10M?" Yeah, some of us were actually there.

    4. Lorri pretending to not be Lorri. Like we don't know. It's such a difficult choice between exposing Dr. Nutbird as the lying fraud she is or leaving the crazy old bat alone in her misery.

    5. It wasn’t 3.2 Mil with residential zoning, which the school district could have forced under state law.

    6. Nope, the school district could not have "forced under state law" rezoning to residential. Typical disinformation campaign by the usual suspects.

    7. I’m sure Dr. Nutbird has binders full of stuff she doesn’t like. But the world doesn’t revolve around her narcissistic whims.

      She has zero understanding of the law.

    8. 4:59, read and weep.

      “ Section 65852.9 - Development of unused school sites
      (a) The Legislature recognizes that unused schoolsites represent a potentially major source of revenue for school districts and that current law reserves a percentage of unused schoolsites for park and recreational purposes. It is therefore the intent of the Legislature to ensure that unused schoolsites not leased or purchased for park or recreational purposes pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 17485) of Chapter 4 of Part 10.5 of the Education Code can be developed to the same extent as is permitted on adjacent property. It is further the intent of the Legislature to expedite the process of zoning the property to avoid unnecessary costs and delays to the school district. However, school districts shall be charged for the administrative costs of this rezoning.
      (b) If all of the public entities enumerated in Section 17489 of the Education Code decline a school district's offer to sell or lease school property pursuant to Article 5 (commencing with Section 17485 of Chapter 4 of Part 10.5 of the Education Code, the city or county having zoning jurisdiction over the property shall, upon request of the school district, zone the schoolsite as defined in Section 39392 of the Education Code, consistent with the provisions of the applicable general and specific plans and compatible with the uses of property surrounding the schoolsite. The schoolsite shall be given the same land use control treatment as if it were privately owned.”

    9. So you play a lawyer on tv?

    10. 8:07 is now going to tell us how local code trumps state law—in spite of the supremacy clause.

    11. So the answer is no, you are not a lawyer?

    12. I can read the law quoted above.

  6. I drove through them everyday and never got a ticket, because I don’t drive like the world revolves around me.

    Saw them flash all the time though, and it was well deserved every single time. I cheered.

    Taxes should be disproportionately paid by arrogant a-holes who think their time is more valuable than the safety of the rest of us.

    Not only should the cams be brought back, but the fines should be tripled.

  7. Have you all noticed that there is no longer an email on the site like there used to be in the upper left hand corner? Maybe Lorri really did take this over:)

  8. No, we have not noticed that because "Contact Us" is still on the left-hand side of the page between "Search This Blog" and "Blog Archive." Try again.

  9. 5:02- You're right. I was looking at the very top of the left side and didn't scroll down. My bad. Thanks for the correction.

  10. I would pay top dollar for a red light camera snapshot of Stan going through the intersection in the turd-mobile with the megaphone in hand. What an iconic moment.

  11. When is the right time for the city to declare bankruptcy? Before Worley $20 mil + payout or after?

    That my taxpayer is the question.

    1. 8:46- Didn't Marco say on this blog that there was no Worley case? Could of sworn I saw it.

    2. So when was Marco ever right?


    3. Marco’s is about the developer payoff.

      Like all developer attorneys.

    4. I've never commented on the Worley case. I have pointed out, however, that there has been zero city/taxpayer liability for supposed design issues with the south Cardiff cycle track. The only comment I've made about the Worley matter (before a case was filed) was that I've biked that stretch of Leucadia Blvd a bunch and the accident happened in a location in which the cyclist should have had a lot of visibility and time to brake unless the truck made a truly idiotic right turn. My take on it is that it's not a design issue, but rather extreme negligence by the truck driver.

    5. "Supposed design issues" = in excess of 30 accidents on a previously-safe stretch of road. The only thing that changed was the road design created by Blakespear's husband. Promoted by her and protected by you. Too bad your arguments are so weak. Do join her in blaming the victims, it's a look we've become used to from your crew.

    6. Except immediately after Worley, anh experienced cyclist was killed, the city came out and removed bollards and adjusted the bike lane and the turn lane where he was hit and killed by a truck. I'd say that sounds a lot like the city was trying to defer any liability coming its way. BTW, lots of folks took before and after pictures, so yes, sadly it's true.

    7. Removed the bollards after the death. Admission of guilt, anyone? Blood on Bollard Blakespear’s hands.

  12. Oh good! All the homeless Tony’s been asking to come to Encinitas will be here soon. Get your $20 and $50 out team Encinitas. Your Smart mayor says now is the time to give the drug addicts on the corners a lot of cash and hand outs.

    We are with you Dunce!

    1. "Like New York, we are a welcoming community. They have their statue of liberty, we have our statue of the kook..... They have their tall dense buildings, we are building our tall dense buildings,... they have their drug addict sketchy subways, we have our drug addict sketchy coaster... come CA, US, and world sketchy drug addicts, Encinitas awaits you!"

      -Da' Dunce (remember, you voted for me. Well at least over 40%)


  14. Kranz is a fossilized bureaucrat like Mitch McConnell whereas neither one of them could see a train that blows loud annoying horns coming

    1. 💯 or hear them. They don’t hear any public comment and have zero common sense.

  15. Would that not make Encinitas...a red light district?
    Coupled with ghetto apartments demanded by the America left per threat of lawsuits, Encinitas would become a "heaven on earth."

  16. Everyone should know that next Wed. Tony and the council, will be bringing forward a proposition to build a homeless center in our town. Pack the hall and be heard while you/we still can.

    As if we are not already overrun with homeless in cars and without cars all over our community.

    Do we get to vote on this latest degradation of our town being sold a pile of 'stuff'? Of course not.

    1. Consider it a done deal. This is what happens when meddlers create an easy path for a lazy loser like Kranz to become mayor.

    2. Don't forget to home all the illegals roaming the streets. Today I saw dozens standing on sidewalks with travel back packs.

      The illegals that the Alzheimer's riddled biden has allowed in. He, has broken Federal Law and should be arrested for treason.

  17. 6:23 Yes!👏 Take back our Town & our Country!🇺🇸

    1. I suggest arming yourselves. Our neighborhood is and loaded with ex-Army and Marines.

  18. 7:18 True dat! And start growing your own produce, etc! The Biden’s have been so chummy w/China that they’ve been allowing them to buy up all our Farm land! All part of Sorros, Gates, and other sheisters One World Global Communist Take over of blond Sheeples.

    1. Spot on my friend. And, if you want more proof about ruination of the u.s.....head on over to Encintitas Blvd and Manchester on a weekday morning about 9 ish'
      On Friday one of our group counted 25 illegals at the Rite Aid. Last month one day I counted 40.
      And, the southern border remains wide open.
      All the people that fought and died for the country are turning over in the grave. Everything the left does,
      "they destroy"

  19. And keep being good little Sheeples and taking your poisonous death boosters!

    1. Anyone getting more shots has lost it. Keep pumping the crap into your bodies....see how the works out.
      And everything you buy made in china further helps our country into ruination. People are stunningly stupid. Just like the ones that believe they can change earths climate. Ya'...give that a try.

  20. The Darwin Awards were created for you. Congrats. You win!
