Friday, March 17, 2023

Woman gets probation for stealing Encinitas family's dog

Encinitas Advocate:
A former Amazon delivery driver who stole an Encinitas woman’s dog while delivering packages was placed on probation Thursday, March 16, for a term of one year.

Dena Vindiola, 37, was arrested last October, about three weeks after a golden retriever named Finn went missing from his owner’s Hollyridge Drive home. Vindiola pleaded guilty earlier this year in Vista Superior Court to a count of grand theft of personal property.
Earlier story here.


  1. So this "blog" is now just another dumb news aggregator. How many years has it been since there was anything original here?

    1. An example of you can't make everyone happy all the time. Do you want 400+ comments, mostly about trains, planes, and the fence in Leucadia, or fresh content.

    2. So original you come back daily. Love you. Hugs.

    3. I love this blog. Best local news for the last 40 years. All the City Council member and city staff read it many times per day.

      Its real time. Thanks EU ❤️

    4. Drops soap..."I'll be your Stanimal"

    5. 11:34 that’s an embarrassing thing to admit💩

    6. 11:39- 🤣🤣

  2. Will Stan be placed on probation?

    1. Lets all pray he can walk after his friends give him proper love. I sent him some care cream so he can remain fresh for his new visitors.

    2. Do you think he'll wear his Rabid Dogs flat bill to turn his cell mate on? Not sure if it's allowed. I can't help but think he will pillow talk the cell mate with stories of how he used to have access to the police radio channels...aaaaand climax.

  3. I absolutely love the new EU. ❤️

    don't mind the grumps.... they exist throughout the universe.

  4. did someone hear a 🐧

  5. 10:48 “Negative Natalie” is beyond Negative. She’s downright ‘Nasty.’

    1. I find her pleasant. Why do you say?

  6. 11:11 is Trailer Trash porno Christie

    1. Hey, Hey, Hey, ... come name is not christie...

      I'm big John... I'm just trying to reduce friction and improve pleasure.

      If someone can send more douches that would sure help with the freshness and reduce the smell. an extra 32 oz of Vaseline would help too. Thanks.

      and send some towels. there lots of blood from the back end... and I hearing confession to Jesus a lot. We do love our lord who bleed for us sinners.

      We will work this out. Don't mind the screams to our lord.

      Our lord works in mysterious ways.


    2. Umm Umm Umm. nottin' like fresh meat. Thank you lord. 🙏🏾

  7. Can one surf with a 3 inch hole where his sphincter used to be...?

  8. The cleft surfer...Stan's legacy!

  9. I can feel the high tide in my back end…

  10. Stan sounds like he’s having a hell of a weekend. 🙏🏾

    Hope the morning missiles took off OK?


  11. Is Stan in a program to avoid jail right now?

    1. If he is in a program, he will flunk out like he has done with the rest of his life. Stan is Stan.

    2. Saying Stan is able to complete a program is liking saying he tied Cindy in the mayoral race.

  12. So was the dog outside? running around? unsupervised?

    1. Nope. Google what happened .

    2. The dog was off leash saving Encinitas. Not all heroes wear capes. 🤣🤣

    3. The dog thief then attempted to gift her friend with the dog….

    4. The dog was left outside, not on a rope, a leash...
      aaaa nothing. The dog was running around in front.
      The owners are idiots. And, the women that put the dog in her car should lose an arm. Take my dog, I cut your throat. See how simple life can be?

  13. Stealing someones dog from their driveway is like abducting a family member, and of course, he is a family member and much loved. He was not running around the neighborhood as suggested. He remained on private property like any good dog would do. That is, until this despicable person chose to steal him away from his loved ones. The trauma for the family and their loving dog cannot be measured.

    I hope they all can recover from this dastard deed by a heartless delivery driver. I know dogs are as forgiving a creature as there is and their love has no capacity to hold onto past experiences like we humans do. For these creatures, love does conquer all.

    1. The moron owners left the dog outside. The article states that. Ponchita didn't do the right thing. Instead, Ponchita did the stupid thing and took the dog.
      This, is why I hate people

  14. "He got a real purty mouth aint he"
    -Stan's cell mate

  15. Stan’s evening visitor, “ I bet you can squeal like a pig. Weeeeeee!”

  16. The moron dog owners? Aren't you something special? Thanks for your valuable input on something you obviously know little about.

    Many dog owners with well trained dogs can live them outside and they do not roam the neighborhood. They know the boundaries and stay within them when trained.

    Did this sweet pup roam away from his home's property? He did not. The moron is you, not the owners.

    Someone like you should never own a dog if you cannot train them properly. Training them will serve one well for as long as they are around in their too short lifespans. This bonding time spent on training when they are young will pay rewards for their whole lives.

    1. I rescue dogs, dimwit. And leaving a dog outside in the front of a property is a fools errand. I ask what planet you came from but what is the point. The dog was left outside in the front yard. NO ONE in their right mind would do that. NO ONE. Well, maybe a fool

  17. Stan’s neighboring cell mate, “can some one please put a damn pillow over that piggies mouth or plug it with something PLEASE!”

    1. Stan will definitely be holding a lot of men's pockets in jail

  18. Question: Do fellow inmates look kindly on those they find to have domestic assault charges?

    1. Especially when they lube them up

    2. Pretty sure wife beaters are about as popular as pedophiles in the joint.

    3. I guessing pedophiles get it the worst. At least I hope.

    4. Maybe 736, but if you factor in Stan's abrasive personality I think the KY will be flowing.

  19. Did you know this Friday, Da' Dunce is voting to give his Commie buddy who tells you all you should ride the empty coaster instead of driving a whopping bonus?

    The plan he came up with is to gridlock all of San Diego so people either walk ride a bike, or take a really slow polluting train. So what do you think?

    SANDAG's CEO, Hasan Ikhrata background includes being the head of SCAG, replacing Mark Pisano. Check out this from his bio: "Hasan also worked abroad for the Government of USSR, Mosco Metro Corporation, where he conducted subway ridership forecasting, engineering design and analysis of TDM programs for the Moscow Subway system. Hasan holds a bachelor's degree from Moscow University in the former Soviet Union and master's degree in Civil Engineering from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban Planning from the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles."

    At least now it will be easier to refer to the "Soviet Planner" in charge of Southern California's premiere planning agency!

    You might remember Mr. Ikhrata as the rather imperious gentleman who showed up at our City Council meeting a couple weeks back to argue in favor of Sierra Madre remaining a member of SCAG. And in the process got his south end handed to him by the three Councilmembers there who actually represent the interests of the people who elected them.

    Our Dunce supports this plan dn supports SANDAG’s “performance bonus” for Hasan Ikhrata-the Dunce guzzles all Ikhrata's crap.

    You voted for him...😷 (well at least 40% of you 🤢🤮)

    So leave your car at home today and take the Coaster. 🤣. Thats going to be such a fun experience. Right?

  20. But it's going to be a quiet Coaster (we can hope)

    On the consent calendar this week:
    8G MOU for Quiet Zone NCTD Encinitas

    1. Authorize the City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, to finalize and execute an
    MOU with NCTD, in substantial form as provided in Attachment 1, and any necessary
    amendments and time extensions for the design of the Quiet Zone Improvements.
    2. Direct staff to pay $600,000 to NCTD to fund the Design of Quiet Zone Improvements within
    30 days of execution of the MOU.
    3. As design circumstances necessitate, direct staff to pay NCTD additional required Quiet Zone
    design or design support costs, up to the current balance in Project No. CS23B of
    approximately $750,000.

    Can we still mess this up somehow?

    Like Streetscape? Also on the consent calendar, to reject bids, because the Federal Grant money didn't come through in time.

    I will break it down for you, as I understand things
    The city wants to do big projects, but doesn't want to pay it's own way.
    The city relies on grants and other funding awarded in the future that may or may not come through.
    The city makes grand gestures of our great future.
    Projects are more expensive, difficult and less funded than we thought causing years long delays.

    Get ready for lot's more flooding next year Leucadia 101.

    1. Why is Encinitas paying this and not NCTD/SANDAG?

      It’s their empty diesel train program that’s causing all this noise and pollution.

      Raise of hands, how many people actually get on the coaster in Encinitas in any given weekday?

      How much is the coaster program costing the tax payers?

      What is the subsidy per ride for that empty program?

      If it’s not working, why do they even have it?

    2. Nailed it Scot. Unfunded mandates, empty promises, smoke and mirrors. Ultimately, it’s the old bait and switch. They have no vision (other than Blakespear’s campaign leftovers) and the city has no money.

      Streetscape, which many supported, and many more did not, is a scam of the highest order. Take a good look at Leucadia. It looks pretty shabby. The parking pods are already rotting and falling apart. The green striping overwhelms the eye and the bike lanes are filthy. Where exactly did the $60M go? And you’re right, the city plans on grant money it may or may not get. Heck, we don’t have money for the new giant sinkhole and the city has its collected fingers crossed a grant will pay for it.

      City leadership is so focused on road diets, green striping and new cycle traps that it has completely neglected basic infrastructure. Does anyone think that the 15 Measure U sites will see infrastructure upgrades?

      And of course, the RHNA cat is not only out of the box, it’s tail is on fire. So Tony, who’s whined he wouldn’t, is going down the path of Blakespear and we are now in a low income housing deficit. What do you all think is going to happen with that?

      That’s right. El Camino Real. The shit show has only just begun. Throw in a new regional homeless shelter and watch the further denigration of our community.

      You get what you vote for.

    3. Scott, you nailed it. This is only for a study, they still need to design, fun and construct it.

      Da Dunce has a higher $20,000,000.00 and growing other pet project called “Finger-painting at PV” to which he gave $8,000,000.00 to last year.

      All while he fences off coastal access build shit fence no parking area housing, and then put up a parking lot on Vulcan Ave where there is supposed to be a Rail Trail similar to the nice one build in Cardiff.

      You know Cardiff right? The one with a quietzone and nice rail trail for years.

      Believe me. Tony will fuck it up. That’s what Dunces are known for and he is our Town Dunce.

  21. On the nose Scott and 8:14. How will the culpables squirm out of it the brewing storm? Hinze and Lyndes just follow orders so could not begin to comprehend 8:14. Look for their trademark faces of non comprehension at this week's housing meeting. Hinze likes to borrow money for "flexible" spending, no accountability there and as a manufactured candidate formerly MIA at city hall, Blackwell won't be able to follow at all.

    1. Bingo! Accountability is the lost word, same as it is in Sacramento. Like Newsom, they deny responsibility for the crisis they create and then throw money, OUR money, at it and just perpetuate the problems. Encinitas is the poster child for progressive politics gone awry.

    2. Like anyone we've had in the past how many years? Look no further than your own party's Stocks....

    3. Who's party? Just calling it like it is. And right now the progressive's have the floor. ALL of it. They own it. Most moderate Dems agree. It's a shitshow. Unless you're benefiting from it.

    4. That it is. Just sayin'...y'all own it.

  22. Can you say, putting the cart before the horse somehow feels familiar. Is it one of our towns founding principles? I thought not, but it sure rears its ugly head on a regular basis.

    1. That it do and every time by the loudest proudest self promoters. See 10:07 for someone trying to claw back relevancy.

    2. Just per plan, the minion are occupied as Rome burns. 🥵🔥

  23. Just per plan, the minion are occupied as Rome burns. 🥵🔥

  24. Thanks Tony. Encinitas future looks so bright. 😥

    Downtown Encinitas condo owners grow weary as homeless incidents escalate. ‘You name it, I’ve seen it.’

  25. Yes Tony! Welcome All! We are a Welcoming City!!

    Two registered sex offenders have been jailed, and police are seeking to identify underage girls with whom the two men are suspected of having sexual contact, department officials said Monday.

    Police identified the men as Lawrence “Larry” Cantrell, 34, and Michael Inman, 70, and said they met each other while staying at a hotel in downtown San Diego. Cantrell got kicked out for causing a disturbance, police said, and moved to Motel 6 in mid-March.

    According to police, the older man brought a young girl to Cantrell’s motel room. Cantrell reportedly questioned her age, but she said she was an adult — a claim Cantrell admitted he doubted. The two men engaged in sex acts with the girl.

    Da' Dunce love grunge town. Bring it!

    1. So this happened in SD or Encinitas?

    2. 5:24- bill Walton pushed him out of San Diego and Tony Kranz is welcome them to Encinitas.

      Some uninformed residents voted for Da’ Dunce

  26. More evidence that "Ruben Rodriguez" is $tock$, can't even spell "sleight." Undereducated buffoon.

  27. When is Stan's next court date?

    1. Stan goes by Stancy now. She realized she likes her back end ground up like hamburger meat. 🙄

  28. I can’t speak for Stocks, as I don’t know much about him. All I know is our quality of Mayors have gone completely downhill since Kristen Gaspar. Can’t believe she was actually replaced by Blakespear! 🙄

    1. Since? She was a scoundrel with a friendly smile. Put Stocks in the EU search window and read up on him. Then you will get a clue.

    2. agreed. BIA 🤢

      Kranz 🤮

  29. Wha does BIA stand for? If it’s Blakespear,
    wouldn’t that be BLA,….not BIA?

    1. Use the Google don’t be so lazy.

  30. If Stan goes to jail will he have email access so he can continue to try to broker deals with Blakespear?

    1. You mean Stancy.


  31. 5:41 nothing too exciting on the net to see about Stocks. But, wait,….isn’t he the one who once made a pass at Lorri Greene? Or is it Larri? I suppose drama like that holds interest for some. But I’m thinking he probably did her a favor. It’s undoubtedly the only time anyone’s made a pass at her in at least 100 years. The poor woman probably needed that!

    1. Hi Jerome, bye Jerome.

    2. $tock$ was horrible- a rude version of BIA. He hates the public and used to despise public communication.

      The only reason why BIA is worse than Stocks is because she completely rolled over to BIA…. She is in line with a theory that we should be building 10 to 50 story building so we don’t have urban sprawl out in the mountains.

      Stocks, at least realized that the residence wouldn’t go for that he ranks number three as far as the worst mayor in Encinitas. Current ranking of worst mayor :

      1. Da’ Dunce

      2. BIAspear

      3. $tock$

      Thinking of stocks, I think back of the great bumper sticker - Dump Stock.

      Now, We need a bumper sticker that says, “Regain our Town” with a big picture of Tony in a dunce cap.

      Or “Should a Town Dunce be Mayor leading a city?”

      It’s really a rhetorical question because we know the answer, about 60% of the voters and Encinitas did not vote for Da Dunce.

      Where can I sign the recall petition to get us out of this mess?

  32. Yes! San Diego home prices: annual gains wiped out.

    We are doing it. Keep inviting the drug addicts and bring in the more homeless drug addicts, let our roads fail, loss all money to massive lawsuits like Walker $11,000,000.00 and Worley estimated around $20,000,000.00, and many more coming resulting from BIA bad designs, spend $20,000,000.00 and growing on operating a regional finger-painting coastal playhouse, and build ghetto multistory boxes that put the pain on the surrounding neighbors.

    Whalla - lower home prices and lower rent.

    We are going it, Affordable Housing! All of Encinitas will get the life sucked out of it from developers, but rents will be as low as El Cajon. Yeahhhhhh!!!!!!

    Great Job Da Dunce!


  33. I can’t say for sure that Kristen Gaspar is one of those toys where the bird in a top hat keeps dipping its beak into a glass of water, but I can say I’ve never seen both of them in the same room, at the same time.

    1. Gaspar as well as Stocks both friends of 🐖 👧, supported Stan. That's all you need to know.

    2. Gaspar is 🔥. someone is jealous.


  34. First off, let us be truthful. The current clown act in D.C has ruined the economy and much of the country.
    Then the california clown act of the same thought process has ruined california. Never forget, they sent threatening letters of lawsuits if Encinitas and many cities throughout california if they didn't allow low income apartments. the truth. These are the America hating leftists that took over the democratic party. I was a party member but no longer. They are mentally ill and couldn't care less about people that have worked hard all their lives to get to where they are. Chiming in again on what the others write on here.
    "everything the leftists do...they destroy"

    1. 10:37 Extremely well said!👏

    2. 10:37 - you are dumb as a rock, so, first off - we have that. You reveal what a pathetic, empty life you have with your signature burp; "everything the leftists do,, they destroy". Who is this "leftist" bogeyman? You, with your sky-is-falling view of government are a pee-panted, tiny man.

    3. Please 10:09 pm, explain to all of us where 10:37 am did not tell the truth. JUST one example will do.
      Come on...even you cane make up something.

  35. For those of you who need to be caught up on just what a peach Kristin Gaspar was, read through the below. Easy to see why the likes of $tock$, Walsh, Thunder wilt under the blog's scrutiny. Long live Encinitas Undercover.

  36. No more Leucadia farmers market. 😢

    1. Not true, no more manager of the farmers market.

    2. So a coup then.

    3. Yep. From on high. City Hall to Leucadia 101. "Make it so." Wonder what LaChance did to piss off a council member or "staff."

  37. Apparently the Encinitas City Council, and not the Fed, raises interest rates cooling the housing market nationally.

  38. Yeah Kranz is all worried about property values on a house he doesn’t own.

  39. I noticed Tony is trying to look a bit more polished lately. I've noticed he's covering up the gravy stains for once and tucking in his shirt...he's even combing his hair on occasion. The phrase "can't polish a turd" comes to mind. Don't think it will last long.

    1. 7:52- Maybe but he sure is getting fatter.

    2. He’s a waddling heart attack 💔 waiting to happen.

  40. Blakespear is the goat.


    Able to recruit and mentor an overwhelming progressive majority that ousted the Trumpers for years to come.

    Got promoted to state gov.

    Probably future Governor, Senator, or both.

    I hear her office in Sacto has the hides of Stocks, Muir, Mrs. Gaspar, Fake Dr Gaspar, Bond, and The kitchen appliance guy on her walls.

    She is loved by her supporters and feared and respected by her foes.

    All hail the goat.

  41. Breaking!!!
    Global warming time bomb ticking reports UN! 8 more years until civilization burns reports UN!
    Global Sea Levels will inundate your Neptune Avenue home inb8 years reports Karen screamingKarenspear!

    These are the same brilliant humans telling you there are 73 genders and biological males can get pregnant.

    Yet the Ukraine tricycle guy wants your children to fight his war so he can drink cat piss tea at Starbucks.

    F off

    1. 9:00 PM - loves war criminals has tiny organs

    2. If you don't eat your meat you can;t have any pudding! Arrrgghhh!

  42. Comments about Tony are hysterical🤪🤣
    But Blakespear is no prize either.🤢🤮

    Given the two, I’d rather have gravy stained Tony. But really why do we have to have either?
    And the clown trail goes all the way to the top!

    Kranz, to Blakespear, to Gruesome Newsom, to Biden the Buffoon. “Everything the Left touches they Destroy.” 🤡🤡🤡🤡 🤯🤯🤯🤯

    1. You just listed all your daddies, they own you and the loser you pick to represent you.

    2. What are you even talking about? I didn’t “pick these losers to represent me!” But supposedly a little over 1/2 of our population did. So they, and evidently YOU are the losers. None of my friends voted for these clowns! Maybe you should be careful of the company you keep. They don’t appear to be a good influence on you! Try hanging out with smarter people and perhaps you will make better choices for “your Daddies” next time.

  43. Our Local Home Town Hero, Mark Miville, spoke regarding safety issues in the City at the City Council again last night. Still no action from the City Council to place an item on the agenda to address the drugging, raping and death that is happening in downtown and calling for an action plan to address the shady bar owners who are promoting fentanyl use, underage usage/poisoning, death and sex trafficking.

    Lord help us Jesus, when will this City Council wake up?

    Watch the best 3 minutes of the meeting at this City-Web address of the video of Mr. Miville's comments at min. 13:02/ 1:43:33:

    Apparently our City Council are not woke. Our Clown Council needs to WAKE the F UP!

    I am so thankful Encinitas has a few honest brave individuals who speak the truth on what is happening in Encinitas.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Mr. Miville!

    The TRUTH sets us free.

    Peace and God bless you Mr. Miville,


  44. Why is it that the economic engine of growth in the US economy is the Blue States? Microsoft, SpaceX, Google, Facebook, Chase, Citi, Wells Fargo, Apple, Tesla, Stanford, Caltech, MIT, Harvard, Yale—literally every innovative and globally dominant company or educational institution was founded and grew in a blue state.

    Why can’t red states invest or invent anything other than depression, drug addiction, diabetes, obesity, and broken trucks as yard art? And why do we as a nation keep allowing the proven losers to keep voting and running anything? If republicans ran the US, it’d be like Alabama and West Virginia in no time. And without the success of the blue states, the moocher red states wouldn’t have the federal funds to mooch off of anymore.

    If republicans want the US to be successful, they should take a decade or two off from elections and spend the time studying why they failed, and why blue states are doing so much better.

    Maybe come up with an ethos and worldview that doesn’t celebrate ignorance—that embraces the word “elite” (the best), that doesn’t look backward with nostalgia at a history filled with racism, ignorance, and misogyny. Maybe create a new worldview that embraces and celebrates truth, excellence, and looks to the future not with fear and timidity, but with hope, solutions, and optimism.

    You know, like the Democrats.

    This message brought to you by the party of success, strength, humor, and wisdom.

    Make “elite” excellence again.

    1. Start your own federal as she is blog Homie.

      This blogs about Encinitas. And there’s too much for us to focus on in Encinitas alone.

    2. * Start your own federal issues blog Homie

    3. We’ve seen plenty of evidence that the celebration of ignorance and loser victim culture of the national level trickles down to the local level.

      To pretend that Encinitas is an island of enlightenment and progress in the “We love the poorly educated” GOP ocean is silly.

    4. This is sarcasm to the max 7:39, thank you for the laughs
      I could have not done better. You are good

  45. Fun watching Kranz on a hair trigger every time Ehlers displays just basic knowledge on a topic. Fun hearing him say "Uh, oh, uh...yeah I said the same thing. I did. Uh."

    1. Poor Tony! What a doofus! He’s completely out of his league w/Bruce there! And poor Bruce being outnumbered by a completely clueless criminal CIty Council. How Bruce supposed to make a positive impact when the rest of the CC are all are on the side of corruption and crapping down our town?!

    2. Hinze suddenly has opinions who’s feeding her her lines??

  46. Don’t think for a second that Encinitas is an “Island” insulated from what goes on in Sacramento, or Washington D.C.

    With the many pics circulated of Blakespear and Newsom side by side, while she was still Mayor, it was evident that Sacramento was grooming her for State Senate. And don’t think for a second that Washington D.C. doesn’t know about Encinitas. In fact it’s apparent we have a target on our backs, and are being used as a testing ground for Marxism, and other ‘woke b.s.’ They’re coming after our kids. This latest SDUHSD School Board meeting was a complete shit show!

    1. While you’re worrying about Marxists, the rest of us are worried about the deals between developers and our local politicians. There’s no right or left involved. Just plain old greed and avarice.

    2. 4:29 That’s where you’re wrong. We’re worried about ALL of it!!

  47. Marxism? Riiiiight. Communism? Riiiight. You are so woke, aren't you? Riiiight. What a heavy burden for you to have to deal with all these Marxists and communists in our community, our state, and our country.

    You should try pulling your head out of your ..... for a breath of fresh air once in a while.

  48. Marx said “from each Blue State, according to its ability, to each Red State, according to its need.”

    If Red States had a decent education, they’d have half a chance of recognizing the irony.

    1. Out of curiosity, in a war, who would you like to be on patrol with...someone from a red state or a nancy boy from a blue state. Never mind, you know nothing.

    2. 5pm, couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately ze meenkeys are in charge.

    3. Considering how many John Wayne wannabes shoot off their own assorted parts while gittin’ their tough on….no thanks to the yahoos. Clowns.

    4. 5:00, I’d rather go to war with the California tech nerds who created swarming loitering suicide drones and precision guided ATACMS that turn tough guys into a red cloud.

    5. 9:03 p.m Kinda tough to launch anything after someone has "taken out" your nest with hand helds and autos.
      Go Army

  49. So sad but funny how people stick their heads in the sand about the real deadly issues facing our city.

    Our Local Home Town Hero, Mark Miville, addresses these issues.

    Thank you Mark. I wish we had a City Council that cared about dieing kids, kid sex slaves and human trafficking. But no. We don't ......

    We have Da' Dunce.

    1. 8:18, I wish those things too. How Fakespear, Da Dunce, and company thought it was okay to put a transient lot in against residences objections at the Sr Ctr, and Parks & Rec Parking lot is beyond me. They had absolutely no concern that it’s adjacent to the Boys & Girls club, along w/a neighboring jr high, and many other schools. CC didn’t even care about our own Encinitas kids being exposed to druggy transients pushing Fentanyl on them. So how did we expect CC to care about any of the other groups you mention. They cared only about themselves!

  50. Bring on the real men!! Encinitas doesn’t need more “Nancy boys” or Margo’s. We’ll take “John Wayne,” Clint Eastwood, etc., any day of the week. Just like the hero’s Clint plays in his movies, Clint is a hero in real life too. He saved the charm of his home town of Carmel, CA from a big builder, that planned to pave over the quaint town with track house subdivisions.

    1. And we have Da Fat Dunce! Yee Ha!

    2. You do realize those are actors who play tough guys right? Not real?

    3. 9:14 💯 🤣🤠🤪🥴

    4. 9:36 Did you not read 8:49’s description of Clint being a “tough guy hero in real life.” You can verify this on the net. I did. He also ran for Mayor of Carmel, CA. He won, and cleaned things up. That’s about as “REAL” as it gets! We love “REAL”Heroes!

    5. Clint Eastwood rambled nonsense at an empty chair.

    6. "Cleaned things up?" Why does that sound so awfully familiar? Just when we were enjoying the peace and quiet.

  51. So Hinze wants L7 for low income! Kranz says he agrees with Ehlers and doesn’t want to sell it. Anyone wanna take bets on how long it will take the city to sell that piece of property? I don’t care what Kranz says, 3-2 can get it sold.

    Bet you my mother’s china Kranz plays the same game he did for ten years. Vote as a minority so he can look like he’s doing the right thing by residents. Sleight of hand comes naturally to that fat lazy slob. Encinitas is so screwed.

    1. The City should partner with L7 to build super low income. Encinitas Ranch was glad to poop the development in Leucadia. Why aren't Cardiff and Olivenhain in the mix.... oh yea. Olivenhain has goodson. Cardiff nothing.

    2. The whiter than white BIA racist saw to that.

    3. Yep, nailed it 8:56 Mr Gravy is a shitbag indeed

  52. San Diego Botanical Gardens(Quail Botanical Gardens) changed their entrance. They’re now using the beginning of the entrance that goes into Leichtag. I sure hope the Gardens aren’t involved w/the Leichtag sheisters. The Heritage Museum is also using this entrance, and is across the drive from the Botanical Gardens.

  53. Gonzaga goes to the Elite Eight. But Republicans refuse to watch coastal elites. Instead, they’ll watch Cousin Cletus with the diabetes and 300lbs Earl with no teeth from Mississippi play one on one on a dirt half court.

    Because elite is a bad thing.

  54. When Stan goes to jail, which safe word with cell mate is more likely:
    1) Blakespear is the best
    2) Thank you sir may I have another

  55. 3)ooo Big Tony go tender on the vittels.

  56. 9:55 The image someone gave us of Tony’s “gravy stained shirts” makes me think of a ‘Gravy Train.’ Tony must have a motive like gravy $ since he knew the residents didn’t want a fence. There’ve always been occasional suicides, and a fence won’t stop that. So that’s an extremely lame excuse.

  57. Kranz’s “wonderful person” and Garvin gal pal Mali w-d was there grinning ear to ear. Slithered in and out for some reason.

  58. When Stan goes to jail which group will he identify with for protection? Last time I checked there wasn't a Point Break gang.

    1. Good question… whoever claims takes him as a sex slave, he’s going to be one lubed up Biatch.


  59. 11:08 you must be talking about the school board meeting? With how heated things got, I’m expecting it might be on the local news tonight...

  60. 7:31 Mali and her side kick Rainbow Robyn as well as other trouble makers were there. Board member Allison kept giving angry stink eye looks, and was disruptive. The usual ‘wokees’ were having temper tantrums. The only sane people on the board are Michael Allman & Phan Anderson. The rest are owned by the Union.

    1. Allman the douche who said students don’t matter?

    2. Are you talking about “stink guy Allison“ at the Temecula CRT workshop or the secretive, superintendent search group at SDUHSD’s board meeting on the 22nd and 23rd?

    3. BTW, It’s “Malifa“ (a combo of Mali and Antifa) and “RRR“ (Radical Rainbow, Robyne).
      They hate Mike Alman because he’s better look’ng than them and their mumblecrusts.

      He and Anderson are the only two on SDUHSD’s board that don’t bow down and brown nose to the union’s whims.
      They actually vote in favor of the kids and parents.
      Katrina Young is the worst, Rimga Viskanta has more guts than sense and Smith quietly goes along with the other two union lap dogs.

  61. 11:49 Mike Allman never said that! You are a liar Mali Woods Drake, and you know it! Mike is even a regular contributor to the website called ‘SDUHS Families and Students First!’ How refreshing to have someone like Mike Allman advocating for kids and going up against the bullies. So stop with the lies! And stop trying to poison our kids with your Marxist rhetoric and evil agenda! Go back to L.A. or wherever you came from. You’re not welcome in Encinitas!

    1. You missed an exclamation point at the end of the sentence that begins with “How refreshing.”

    2. “Malifa“ (Mali DW) doesn’t know how to do anything but look and act like a trainwreck (Ohio’s toxic waste comes to mind)

  62. 6:14 👍 Yes, here it is ‼️👏👏

  63. Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez, husband of trashy Lorena Gonzalez, sister of Marco Gonzalez, decided to publicly announce he's checking himself into rehab alcoholism. He either….

    a. Fucked up royally and had to agree to counseling.

    b. Will be running again shortly, using this as a plea to gathering sympathy votes, like his wife Lorena Gonzalez did, when she fooled everyone into believing she had breast cancer, which we later found out was bullshit.

    c. He was caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing while under the influence and one of the terms was checking himself in to rehab.

    d. He knew he was going to lose the senate race and his alcoholism was a great excuse for sympathy to save face from losing the election.

    e. All of the above....

    Love how the media attempts to makes him sound like a war hero.

    As someone who served in Bagdad #2, Iraq and Afghanistan I know as do others that the medals he received are standard issue for just about anyone serving over seas. Nathan Fletcher Gonzalez was a staff sergeant doing logistics. Basically someone counting supplies. The media labeled him as an intelligence officer, here’s a clue that’s bullshit, officer’s aren't Enlisted Staff Sergeants. Just more Gonzalez family bullshit! Just like when Lorena was caught fudging the AB 5 revenue numbers.

    One thing's for certain, a quick search on Facebook and the comment section of the articles and people seem to be thrilled that Nathan Fletcher is absent.

    Maybe the Gonzalez’s were drunk when there house suddenly caught fire a few years ago. We all know Lorena’ been known to be a raging drunk at times.


  64. Marco Gonzalez's sister: Here's the definition of trash!

    SAN DIEGO COUNTY, Calif. — California Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzales of San Diego is under fire after video captured the moment she shouted a profanity at AB5 protesters who were demonstrating against her controversial gig economy law.

  65. Surprise surprise, Lorena Gonzalez, Marco Gonzalez's sister was caught fudging her AB 5 numbers, stating that 7 Billion dollars is lost annually in California from contractors not paying payroll taxes. That was found to be false.

    Turns out Lorena was deceptively using the number of dollars that the nation was losing annually, while telling people that California was losing that. No wonder she's now ahead of the labor union.

    "We did a lot of sleuthing and detective work to try to find out where this $7 billion figure comes from,” said Lewin, a former Columbia University professor and currently the Neil H Jacoby Professor Emeritus of Management, Human Resources, and Organizational Behavior at the UCLA Anderson School of Management.

    We talked with all of the agencies in California at every level. We went through a ton of documents. We couldn’t find anything.

    Eventually, we did find what we were looking for. It turns out that in 2012, a report issued by an Obama Administration commission headed by Joe Biden stated that the nation, not California alone, loses $7 billion because contractors don’t pay payroll taxes—not annually, but rather over a 10-year period. Their report covered all people who provide contracting services, not just those in rideshare and high-tech.”

    Lewin and his team then analyzed numbers to determine the actual potential loss to the state of California annually due to independent contracting.

    The loss is closer to zero, he said. In fact, in the rideshare and delivery sector alone, the state would actually gain about $111 million annually from the independent contractor arrangement relative to the employment arrangement, they found."

    So anyone that believes a word from Marco Gonzalez or his law firm Coast Law Group, should do a little sleuthing first.

    1. She's a liar who got caught just like her bro who seizes up every once in awhile. Runs in the fam.
