Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Who knew the city council was about to ban abortion?

HT: Encinitas Votes


  1. That’s all they got. Pathetic, the two of them.

  2. Embarrassing - and paid for by the city employees union? WTH!?

  3. Fools don’t even know what city governs.

    1. They do but this is all they’ve got. On the wrong side of every issue this is where they go.

  4. Freakshow Scum!!!!!! πŸ‘ŽπŸ½

  5. They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

  6. They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!
    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

    They need the 13% tax increase for their big fat 25% raise and increased pension!!!!

  7. ***Encinitas Real Time News***

    Encinitas Mayor Tony Kranz is running for re-election, voters are weighing a sales tax increase for city services, and two council district seats are on the ballot too.

    Why it matters: 

    Encinitas' fights with the state over attempts to increase housing development have framed the county's coastal politics for a decade.

    Catch up quick: Kranz is facing Bruce Ehlers, a City Council member who wrote Proposition A, which Encinitas voters approved in 2013.
    * That initiative required voter approval for any increase in housing density and kicked off years of fights between the city and state housing officials, who wanted the city to accommodate more growth.
    * In 2022, Kranz helped expel Ehlers as chair of the city's planning commission over his opposition to city attempts to comply with state requirements making way for more housing. Seven months later, Ehlers won a council seat.

    What they're saying: Kranz, a council member during the city's battle over housing mandates, told Voice of San Diego he now sees fighting the state to prevent development as "a waste of time and money."
    * Ehlers said he has no intention of stopping the fight.
    * "The state is not the primary legal entity to control local zoning laws," he told Voice.

    By the numbers: Of Encinitas' nearly 45,000 registered voters,

    - nearly 20,000 are registered Democrats.. There are about 10,000 independents and about 11,000 registered Republicans.

    State of play: Kranz is endorsed by the county's Democratic Party, while Ehlers is an independent.

    In the city's District 1 council contest, Allison Blackwell is up for re-election after being appointed to fill Kranz's seat when he was elected mayor in 2022. She is endorsed by the Democratic Party.
    * She's facing Luke Shaffer, a La Costa Canyon High School lacrosse coach who told Coast News that fighting state housing mandates can show others how to defeat "big bureaucratic requirements."
    District 2 has an open seat, with local business owner Jim O'Hara facing Destiny Preston, transportation planner for the state, who has the Democratic Party's endorsement.

    Follow the money: City staff pursued Measure K, a one-cent sales tax increase, to tackle the city's $257 million infrastructure backlog.

    * If approved, the new revenue would go to the city's general fund and would not be earmarked for infrastructure spending.
    * That means the measure could be approved with a simple majority of voter support.

    thank you

    1. Allison is not up for reelection. She is up for election.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―. The Gnome is Freakshow Scum.

    3. reelect
      re·​elect ˌrΔ“-Ι™-ˈlekt
      reelected; reelecting; reelects
      transitive verb
      : to elect for another term in office

    4. not buying it marco

    5. When will you go back to work and stop posting on your client’s dime?

    6. All of them Marco.

  8. *** Encinitas Real Time News***

    Wow - So many local heroes at last night's City Council meeting speaking on the items. More on that later but at minimum watch the public comments here:

    A few key points. Jim O'Hara was present representing resident's interests. But where was Airbnbush? No Density anywhere to be seen. WTH?

    Is she in Sacramento at her low level Job as a State beuarocrat pushing higher density along the coast, or back in Maimi or some other community campaigning for a local office as the first step in launching her political swamp carreer which is her true goal in life?

    Tony, Tony, Tony- Where to start ? 1) Disrespecting woman every chance you get, or 2) harming the community with your Kranz fence biforcating the community under your leadership at NCTD. You caused the fence and the slow down in addressing the rail issues.

    Tony - you are the problem, along with the homelessness you promote, and the state stealing our local control of our City matters which you embrace. Your City Hall building 13% increase in sales tax will make more of us seniors homeless.

    Bruce, Jim and Luke are the heroes and the oral communication speakers are local heroes! ❤️

    Local true Democrats, I estimate 20% of the voters, see you for the problem you are and while we supported good candidates like Maggie Houlihan ( RIP), we know you a cancer on Encinitas and need to be cut out.

    True Democrats like myself are leading the effort to remove you for the good of Encinitas. So that means, say 30% of the informed smart, good Democrats like myself vote for Bruce, Jim and Luke.

    You get the stupid low integrity clowns like John Gjata, and Commie Kathleen Lees who speak out of both sides of their mouth and lie, lie, lie. I'm guessing you get 70% of the Dem percentage because we know there are a lot of stupid uninformed voters and they might be swayed by your campaign pieces that say Vote For Me, I have a VJ!

    So than we have 30% smart Dems who will vote for the real people who care for Encnitas, Plus the independent voter + and other party votes because everyone, and I mean everyone knows you are the Town Dunce. I'm estimating it's going to be a land slide election result and everyone has already mailed in their vote. You lose 35% (Town Dunce) to 65% (Bruce Ehlers)

    There is hope for Encinitas, but Kranz left a big stain that will take years to mitigate and learn to live with his damage done.

    The other races will have a smaller margin, but the good informed residents will prevail and we will have the best City Council ever with

    Bruce Ehlers, Jim O'Hara, and Luke Shaffer truly serving the residents of Encinitas.


    -Life long voting Encinitas informed Democrat. 🌎

  9. These people are so out of touch with reality it's stunning.

    Nobody but Marco and Blakespear et al think abortion is a real issue on anyone's plate other than the kooks.

    The only real issue about abortion is the horrible tragedy that these people were not aborted at birth.

    What a bunch of absolute morons

  10. Kranz with his advisors the "usual suspects" working furiously to cook up virtue signaling crap that hopefully the voters can see through instead of actually doing his job.

    Meanwhile 8 months later he still can't remember to return messages from a guy he promised a resolution to. Note to Tony: it's too late, don't bother. The guy is done with you and the voters get yet one more data point about how full of hot air you are.

  11. If the lazy bastid didn’t have people hosting him or a PAC, he wouldn’t lift a fat finger to campaign for himself.

    1. They are counting of course on the down the line blue voters who take their voting advice from the Dem guide. Policy and performance count for nothing with those voters. Lots of unhappy Dems this time so that may not be the slam dunk they have enjoyed in past years.

    2. He only won in 2022 because Jeff the spoiler did all of his work for him. Didn’t even need Marco, Mali or a PAC. Jeff was a one maniac wrecking machine.

      Don’t think he even got 15,000 votes.

  12. I voted for success, happiness, science, truth, economic growth, healthcare, women’s rights, diversity, lower crime, lower gun deaths, longer lifespan, and less shithole loser policies.

    1. Me, too: Ehlers & O'Hara.

    2. 10:49, I’m not going to stop you from playing dumb, as it kind of reinforces my point.

    3. Just interpreting your words to my liking ;)

  13. Donald Trump blamed Russia’s war on Ukraine on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy — an escalation of a pattern of sympathetic rhetoric toward the war’s aggressor, Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    “He should never have let that war start. The war’s a loser,” Trump said.

    Later in the interview, he said that E. Jean Carroll should never have let Trump rape her.

  14. I filed an FPPC complaint against LukeJim, Christie Dean and Lorri Greene this morning. Christie Dean who works for the LukeJim campaign posted an illegal ad on YouTube under her fake name Christina Luckiest. Lorri then posted that ad on Encinitas Votes knowing who it was from. Let's see what happens!

    1. They let you out already on good behavior?

    2. 11:08- I went over to EV and found nothing the FPPC could be upset by. I don't even see the illegal ad. What's your problem. If FB thought it was not good they would have taken it down.

    3. OMG, report City Hall, too. They posted the public comment! lol

    4. It’s just the usual posturing from our regularly bloviating environmental attorney. Or Garvin, still butt hurt over being banned from EV.

  15. 11:08 your mother told us she should have aborted you.





  18. O'Hara and Shaffer both have a Machado supporting them. Don't get more true roots than that family. Now ask Destiny or Allison if they've ever heard of them. We already know the answer.

  19. It would be funny to slap them with a fine but really who cares. EV and Lorri are a bigger joke than ever and their audience is tiny. She has zero impact on elections as has been proven over and over and the few people that read it all decided and voted already.

    1. Translation: FPC would not take your call. So predictable.

    2. Poor 1:47- Who are you going to pick on when EV pauses? I would bet you're not a FB friend of Lorri's, and she is not on Instagram, so who is your next target. You remind me of a 2 year old who can't wait to tattle on someone, whether it's factual or not.

    3. 3:48 exactly! That’s a mic drop.

    4. 1:47 here. I wasn't the one that reported it to the FPPC. I am a FB friend of yours Lorri and I used to consider you a friend. I'm disgusted by what you've become. I'll keep pretending though so I don't end up on your naughty list and get doxed.

    5. 6:20- Way in the world would anyone want to be a friend of mine that felt the way you do. I don't even post politics on my own FB account, or I didn't until recently and it's national politics. So why don't you just delete me from your life and you will feel better. Me, I'm OK with who I am, but you sound just plain strange.. Being FB friends with someone you despise seems rather stupid to me. But then again, if the shoe fits. Can't dox you if I don't know who you are, and obviously you are too much of a coward to put your name on this, or on my own page. But since you feel this way about me, how about at least having the courage to put your name on your post, or message me if you are a FB friend.

  20. Council decided to remove seating in downtown. The benches are opaque so the police can't see through them. And the poop is too hard to clean up. This is a money saving move. LOL

    1. Please tell me you're being sarcastic and that is not the how they are justifying removing them?

    2. Council did not decide, the Kranz majority did. Ehlers voted against ripping out perfectly good benches we paid good money for in the first place.

      Instead, they are putting in more bike racks, have not noticed that the ones we have now are at capacity.

      Anyone still thinking they need to vote for the one percent sales tax just know this is where your money is going, not for potholes.

    3. Wow. Were they honest about the reasons?

      I’m not voting for the tax increase but others will. They still haven’t learned not to give government an open checkbook. Like SANDAG, they are not to be trusted with everyone else’s money.

  21. Can't ban nothin'..........period. I'll do it anyway

  22. 4:29 no they were not honest what’s new? Honest would’ve been we refuse to engage in any enforcement whatsoever. They would rather rip out expensive improvements taxpayers paid for than deal with that problem. That way they get to pay themselves on the back and say they are compassionate. Throw in “resilient” if you’re Hinze.

    More virtue signaling from the “hands are tied” crowd.

  23. So what was their reasoning? And they’re wasting more of our money with bike racks? Notice that everything they do downtown negatively impacts older people too.

    Of course the homeless don’t need benches, they’ll just pass out on the sidewalk!

    I hope Ehlers has a plan. If he wins, expectations will be high around our worsening homeless problem

    1. 5:37- The reasoning was that the homeless would not be able to lie on them, which, as you said, they will sleep on the sidewalks. As far as older people, they don't give a shit. The city took away 3 handicapped parking places on 101 so restaurants could have more of the sidewalk, and that is just one example.

    2. Why don’t you meet with him or go to the debate on Monday? You don’t have to hope he has a plan, you can hear what he would do.

  24. Who? 6:52. Ehlers?

    Regardless of any debates he will get my vote. Tony has been a bad mayor. So many issues out of control and too many falsehoods. He has squandered his majority control to please developers and Sacramento. He has absolutely no regard for residents who don’t agree with his agenda. He’s tone deaf. He’s lazy. He’s untrustworthy.

    No politician is perfect and I often disagree with Ehlers but I think he’ll be a good steward of the city, financially and strategically. And he’s NOT lazy!

  25. Encinitas ...Open for Abortions...
