Saturday, February 8, 2025

City faces millions in lawsuits over Leucadia flooding mismanagement

Coast News:
The city of Encinitas now faces three lawsuits from Leucadia homeowners after two more households filed claims last week, alleging the city’s mismanagement of its drainage system has caused repeated flooding of their properties.

Thaddeus Gardner and Timothy and Kerrilynn Calver, who own properties on Europa Street, filed lawsuits on Jan. 21, claiming that the city’s failure to properly maintain stormwater drainage systems has resulted in extensive property damage, loss of rental income and ongoing safety hazards.

Last January, heavy rainfall and flash floods wrought havoc in Leucadia, transforming the Europa Street alleyway into a knee-deep river of stormwater and damaging businesses and several homes, including residences owned by the Calvers and Gardner.


  1. If you bought a home in a swale that’s been on topo maps for a hundred years, then the problem is you.

    1. 8:25- you clearly don’t understand the situation and our complete ignorant ass.

    2. * and are a complete ignorant ass

      The city changed the historical drainage patterns and caused the flooding of numerous people and massive damage.

      They will be paying big time for this mistake.

      The lawsuits have just started to drop.

      The 60- inch storm drain line needs a discharge. Listen to Gary, the current design is all fucked up.

    3. 825. th weather patterns have changed fool. MANY years ago a canyon house was not really am issue in Encinitas

    4. 10:46- your freak show is missing you. Get back to your party and bend over. That is your position in the freak show.

      You clearly know nothing about changing drainage patterns, and liability.

    5. Listen to Gary Murphy? Have you ever seen him and Gary Busey in the room at the same time? Equally fried brains.

  2. If the city had ever listened to Gary Murphy instead of relying upon their own highly overpaid and unqualified staff, this one prone to flood spot coulda, shoulda, woulda been addressed as it should have been decades ago. There are many more prone to flood areas in Leucadia that have suffered the same mismanagement from the city's chosen incompetence.

    1. Swale + big storm = duh.

    2. Agreed. Gary nailed it. It’s very common sense and Gary’s got a complete handle on this one.

      Kranz and the City Hallers fuck this one up big time.

      Of course, citizens pay. This will not be the last loss he tied to this issue..

      When is Bruce going to implement the four- step process?

      The sooner we write, the City of Encinitas, the better off the residence and all tax pairs will be.

      Let’s Go Bruce!

      Step one- Bring in an NM city manager to understand your objectives and to clean out all of the deadwood at City Hall..

      Step two- Hire a good long-term city manager.

      Step three and four I don’t have to repeat myself. You should already have those down..

      Thank you, Bruce , and other city council members!!


    3. * Step one- Bring in an contract interim city manager to understand your objectives and to clean out all of the deadwood at City Hall..

      Step two- Hire a good long-term city manager.

      Step three and four I don’t have to repeat myself. You should already have those down..

      Thank you, Bruce , and other city council members!!


    4. *The sooner we right the City of Encinitas City Hall, the better off the residents and all tax payers will be.

      Let’s Go Bruce!

    5. 2012:

    6. Shit never ends.

    7. Luke for Mayor 2026

  3. The County Grand Jury wrote us up for this stuff in 2012. They recommended a 9 foot diameter drain then.

  4. Step 1: If you are considering buying a house, stand next to the house and slowly turn 360°. If it’s uphill in all directions, then don’t buy it.

    Step 2: there is no step 2.

    1. Even better yet when the city plumbs in an entirely different watershed to drain into your sump, oh that’s a whole new condition that causes a lot of flooding, damage, and liability.

      Stocks is pretty damn stupid.,

      Blakespear is even more stupid than Stocks.

      Kranz is on a whole different level of stupid and no one makes his level. The Town Dunce.

      Encinitas has been screwed for years.

      Finally, we have a good city council minus Newbie , Arizona Joy.

  5. This goes back to "no thanks, we're good" Jerome Stocks who disagreed with the grand jury's findings:

    Blakespear and Kranz continued the Stocks legacy of neglect and unparalleled arrogance.

  6. The city has been trying to get someone else to pay for this for decades, but to get funding they'd have to admit they ignored the problem and admit we have plenty of money to fix this correctly but they used the dough for folly, such as Pacific View school.

    1. They spent their wad on trophy projects - Pacific View, North County Regional Sport Park (all paided by Encinitas for construction and maintenance), Ritz fire stations for our princesses, and Four Seasons Homeless Internet Hub and Napping Site (& and some Library books), and overbuilt Sheriffs Bikini Watching Station.

      Bruce has it right, get back to the basics. Maintain the existing Infrastructure. The unfortunate fact is the Dunce burned up all the debt capacity and the city is broke with an endless list of law suits.

      What was the final City pay out for the Dr. Worley wrongful death?

      Can we please be transparent and provide some facts!

  7. When people in charge no nothing, this is the result.
    And if you know nothing, surround yourself with people that know stuff....the right stuff. isn't brain surgery.
    As an example, lets use biden and harris surrounding themselves with people that hate America and look at the result. They were very successful

  8. This is like the bluff collapse.

    Sometimes shit happens.

    Not everything is someone’s fault.

    1. True not everything is everybody’s fault. But the City of Encinitas has a recent history of fucking up everything and the only way people can get any relief is to sue for the damages.. Hence-

      Voters got smart and finally elected A good city council. The last two decades have sucked shit pinnacle with with Tony Kranz who doesn’t have two brain cells in his skull..

      The Bluff at Beacon will collapse and the city of Encinitas made it a lot worse by adding a ton of load on the northern side by adding 6 feet of fill. They will get seated by the property owner to the north with a three-story Airbnb and they will lose millions.

      The City of Encinitas changed historical water patterns and dumped a shit ton of additional water volume on this neighborhood and flooded the crap out of them.

      They are going to pay for their ridiculous negligent behavior.

      The taxpayers will pay for electing idiots like stocks, Blakespear and to keep it off the town dunce, Kranz.

      Elections have consequences. Unfortunately, Encinitas voters picked a bunch of shitty City Council Member’s the last 20 years.

      We finally have a good group of council members to pull us out of this cesspool. Minus the newbie from Arizona Joy.

    2. It’s a conspiracy and you are a victim.

      Sounds familiar.

    3. are 100 percent correct. Stuff happens and it's no ones fault. Lesson...don't sit or lay at the base of a bluff..............THINK !!!!!
      In the brain dead world of victim hood, every one is a victim and no one is responsible for their actions.
      In other words.......a Twilight Zone episode.

  9. Poor thing needs an editor.

  10. And a brain transplant.

    1. super freak of the week: Grover the poor little rich boy.

    2. 💪👆

      Love it. Super freak of the week.👏👏🤣

  11. Stocks on a first name basis along with Kranz, Hinze, BlakeSpear with this prince of a developer David Meyer, brother in law of Paul Ecke. Meyer weirdly hired a clown to follow Maggie Houlihan around town to harass and stalk her. Something seriously wrong with your freak show that spans both sides of the aisle who all embrace this creep. Yep am “triggered” by Ian Thompson’s death.

    1. Even weirder were how many people who knew about Meyer's plan and who indirectly were part of the cabal, including the person who contacted the seamstress who made the clown outfit.

    2. You got to imagine $tock$ was enjoying the hell out of it given his alliances.

      Who contacted the seamstress?? Name names, Maggie deserves that much and so do the rest of us. Who was the seamstress? And what a mentally deranged idea to come up with in the first place was it Meyer alone or who else helped him with his brainstorm?

    3. No good can come from ratting out whomever was involved with this. The point was to illustrate how easily people can be swayed or conned, much like what's going on today.

    4. Meyer next helped the city to screw the Clark and Union Street neighborhoods. The city is still going ahead with Saxony upgrades designed by Abe under the Kranz council. More paint, sharrows and a pointless roundabout. More traffic and road rage coming right up!

  12. The brain dead gavin newsom just signed a bill helping illegals using our tax money to the tune of 50 million.
    Proving me right yet again.........leftists "hate the United States"
    gavin newson and rob bonta should be hung as traitors to our country

    1. Who are you quoting?

    2. Himself. He posts the same drivel on facebook. Believe he’s an attorney.

    3. Aren’t the rest of the words also his?

      That’s not how quotes work.

    4. minion stay on facebook. This site is for Encinitas Real Time News

    5. Gawd what does it take. gavin newsom screwed over Encinitas with all these ghetto apartments being built....
      Wake Up !!!!!!!

  13. Best be prepared for Wed- Saturday. Very strong atmospheric river will move across southern California with torrential rain and flooding at times. La Nina base state often waits until late in the season to bust down the base state relentless high pressure. The moisture amounts keep trending higher for the period which tends to confirm the event. Prepare well and let us hope it's not destructive.

    1. You could’ve just said get ready. It’s gonna rain on Thursday.. Geez, you’re kind of wordy.

    2. 8:58- It’s called deflection. I don’t want people to read the excellent posts that were made before mine about the ridiculous public transit debacle and the huge debts. The City of Encinitas are in because of past actions and lawsuits..

      My purpose is to get the heat off of Tony Kranz.

    3. super easy to see the way freak's dance: topic changes often followed by posts from fuckin useless want- to- be developer shills.

    4. 8:58am is still living in the goober state of climate ccccccchange drought is going to last the next 200 yeaars and has no idea how patterns like his is his demise

    5. We decided to euthanize our 8 children because climate change. You should do same so we can cryofreeze ourselves and live forever without your kids taking all the resources arrrgggh

    6. Yes euthanize all children due to calamity change.
      Next, kill yourselves because of volcanos, high surf,
      erectile disfunction and falling bluffs.
      Do it........put a nine to your head and pull the trigger.
      Oh' wait.......that will trigger un-happyness.
      You then will be a leftist. Children...with A.D.D in adult bodies observing humanity with a tilted head

  14. I'm throwing a super bowl party today where I'll be cooking my famous solar hot dogs. Starvin is coming over, so there will plenty of hide the sausage games played at half-time.
    - Phony

    1. Mali said, " everyone is welcome"? What time is the party?

    2. Don't forget to put marbles in your mouth so you can talk like the players

    3. “ Starvin, is that a pickle in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Hey, I thought you get rid of your pickle? “

      - Non-racist almost ethnic Pickleball developer club Nazi Screamer

    4. 9:25- Mali didn't invite me so where does she live. If everyone is invited, I want to come!

    5. Call Tony, he is cooking up so e hot solar vegan dogs, today

    6.'s a gerkin sweet

    7. Tony looks like he's been eating hot dogs for decades = death soon

  15. Half mass? Not even close. What kind of bot are you?

    City Real Time News? Not even close. What kind of bot are you?

    Foreign or domestic?

    1. Correct, Vegan dogs on the solar barbieQ.

  16. I will be tuning into the Super Bowl to watch the performance of Lift Every Voice and Sing then I'll be turning it off coz the rest of the game is racist.
    - Mallee

    1. "what you talkin' bout' willis?"

  17. Bla bla bla same thing over and over again day after day by jobless keyboard warriors with nothing new and no game. They probably wank off reading their own repetitive drivel.

    1. 2:05 Freakshow showing their lack intelligence and pervertedness again… I am amazed you even try and post anything.

  18. Who hired the seamstress to make David Meyer's clown costume and who was the seamstress??

    1. I never said I knew who hired the seamstress. I said "contacted". You sound nervous. Maybe you know more than I?

  19. Trump has just issued an executive order renaming today’s game the Super Duper America Awesome #1White Guys Big Penis Bowl.

    And the shithole losers clapped like seals.

    1. Wow…. It true.

      Your Freakshow really doesn’t have any brains. Fascinating!

      Thanks for sharing. Please try humor again. It’s very entertaining.

    2. seal clap or jazz hands? The choice is yours

    3. OK- Go ahead with your Cardiff Gimp mittens pats on Starvin’s tushy if you’re feeling it.

    4. 👆 watch the open lesions , you don’t wanna get those mittens anymore blood soaked and gross than they currently are… They’re more like straight jacket handcuffs.

  20. Is it true that Bruce is considering a position of director of lean services like the city of San Marcos?

    It sure is needed. The recommendations would be the four step process.

    First step - bring in a contract interim city manager to clean out all the deadwood.

    Second step - focused on hiring a good long-term city manager.

    Third step - focus on needed infrastructure improvements and reasonable general plan implementation that improves the property values in our city to improve our financial conditions.

    Fourth step- Hire a good staff and rinse and repeat.

    1. Agreed.

      Weird, its Feb and no still discussion yet about plan to rebuild Encinitas from the ashes left by BIA/Kranz....

      A Phoenix or Mockingbird transformation is needed. I don't see any agenda item about discussing hiring a City Manager on the agenda. When will Bruce post the most important Job Wanted ad for the City?

      Lets get going with the four-step process. The longer we have this derelict City Hall team in place, the more damage to Encinitas.

      Good morning Encinitas! Lets Go!!


    2. The whiners will never say any staff are “good.”

      They will always whine, even though they have not the first clue what the job is.

      They get off on standing at a lectern for three minutes and yelling at people who can’t yell back.

      It’s a shitty life, but it’s all they have.

    3. Not true. The same "staff" names come up repeatedly. The rest no one complains about. No one "gets off" on giving up their Wednesday night dinner time to expose truly poor service and even corruption. In the real world though it's called accountability and the new council needs to move on correcting bad players. If the city manager can't get this job done then get a new city manager.

    4. 9:18 is one of the whiners I was talking about.

    5. 918 could very well be someone who understands how a city should run. The shitty staff allowed for shitty roads to be built like Santa Fe. Let that sink.

  21. Amalia L Woodsdrake aka “Mali”
    Age 43, Born December 1981
    Lives in Encinitas, CA
    (510) 502-4716

    1. Reported. Violation of Google ToS: Doxing.

      It’s a cult of violence and lies.

    2. 9:34 it’s not a violation of Google, and not considered Doxing, when your personal information is in fact all over Google’s own search engines.

      Sorry not sorry Amalia aka Mali.

    3. Read the policy.

      They will block your IP Address, and you are a POS who deserves it.

      Bye now.

    4. 9:34

      “In many cases, doxing is not illegal, particularly because the information that is being exposed is already publicly available online. This means that, at some point, the target granted an entity the legal right to publish it.”

      There’s lots more where this came from Mali.

    5. Amalia “Mali”, how are Christina and Christopher Woodsdrake doing?

    6. Someone doesn’t understand the difference between “illegal” and “violates terms of service.”

      Google owns blogger. They are a private company. They can make whatever rules they want.

    7. Mali, are you still having those panic attacks?

    8. 9:57 yes Google can make its own terms and conditions. Are you saying Google is violating its own terms and conditions by disclosing your personal information on their browser? Good luck with that one, Amalia Woodsdrake.

      “Doxing is not illegal particularly when that which is being exposed is already publicly available online. This means that, at some point, the target (Amalia Woodsdrake) granted an entity (Google) the legal right to publish it.”

    9. 9:57 yes yes, that person would be you.

    10. Looks like Mali has a history of Electioneering charges against her.

      “NLRB's Decision To Overturn Election Results at Seton Medical Center Due To Violations by SEIU-UHW.”

      Mali or Amalia Woods Drake is all over this report.

      On page 21 the report discloses Amalia’s electioneering interference at the hospital. Amalia was actually walking into rooms and hallways, interfering with employees hospital duties and handing out flyers according to employees.

      Read page 21.

    11. 1025 can one make a connection that Mali may be a political operative as well as a developer shill? Is she self-appointed or is she sponsored?

    12. What kind of an asshole publishes the PI of a private citizen?

      What a terrible human.

    13. 11:02 perfectly legal Mali (Amalia)! What kind of a POS call everyone a racist?

    14. 10:38 Mali was sponsored, taking salary for her actions regarding electioneering and election interference. Mali was working for SEIU when this took place. She’s also the person who created the anti- Bruce, Luke, Jim mailers.

      This is what Mali does for a living, she sows hate and divide and tells you it’s all in the name of Democracy.

      Read the document linked above, Mali broke the law and got spanked for it.

    15. Wow Rachel, that's pretty rude, even for one of the toxic mean girls. Now post your address. You know, the Carlsbad one.

    16. 1102 who came to town to scream racism while protecting the white ass elitist of cardiff? Let me quess?

    17. Let me guess, the George Floyd event at the Kook was a lie. It, may not be an accident that E4E was created. IMO

  22. What's up with anonymous account "Donald Smok" calling out equally anonymous account "saveencinitas" for lying about Joy then getting blocked? Who are these people?

    1. Saveencinitasnow are the usual obnoxious dingbats

    2. 1038 did you know about Malis history before you became friends 🧡.

    3. 924 The person behind Donald must be very interested in development. Hint, they love the financial perks that are associated with Low-Income development funds. They may be affiliated with a group of money hungry ass whites 😒 who have a connection to the ass whites of keys for homes or whatever the ass whites call themselves

  23. For vacation our family has rented a house on the Gulf of High Egg Prices.

    1. Starvin, trying to make space.

    2. Not Garvin. It is a freak who is really concerned about having a friend exposed? Right, Maliwoodshookit

    3. Not Garvin. It is a guilty freak

  24. Imagine what kind of flaccid penis loser wimp you’d have to be to publish a woman’s address and phone as an implied threat while yourself hiding behind anonymity.

    A POS of the lowest order.

    1. Don't discard it might be a woman posting the crap.

    2. 1108. Sweetcheeks, your friends are famous slander and doxing.

    3. 11:11 you took the words right out of my mouth.

    4. 11:08 doesn’t know what an implied threat even means.

      An implied threat is a threat that is suggested or hinted at, rather than directly stated.

      "You better watch your back"
      "I'll get you for this"
      "You're going to pay for what you did"
      "You'll /They’ll be sorry”.

      Nice try Marco!

    5. 11:08 I award you 4,321 victim points.

    6. 11:08 how do you know that Mali (Amalia) identifies as a woman?

    7. There is only one group of shitbags that posts personal information about their perceived enemies.

    8. 11:22 who would that be, Encinitas Now, Encinitas Progressive Unity. I’ve seen them do it often during election cycles.

      Finally, it’s not “private” when her info is all over Google.

      Learn the difference between public and private info, then come back to me.

      In the meantime I’ll award you 12 victim points.

    9. I didn't say private, I wrote "personal". Duh.

    10. 11:39 ok Personal Information! When it’s published on Google it’s no longer “Personal”, Mali.

      You have a long history of sponsored electioneering, election interference, lawsuits and pissing good people off. The sad thing is, you’re actually proud of it.

      What do you have to say about that?.

  25. I called the number and turns out it's a brothel in the Phillipines 🤣

  26. Mali’s so easy to trigger. It’s what comes with a guilty conscience.

    1. 1153. Sure, she is already writing letters and demanding special treatment from Bruce.

  27. Hey, what the fudge is that donald crying about on that stupid website. Did joy really really bid and or get hired to develop the landscape design for Pacific view and another large project?

    1. It sounds like that while saveencinitasnow is constantly posting iffy bs they have now graduated to flat out lies. Or this is the first time someone has called them out on it.

    2. 107. Joy gained financially by using her position to gain a heads-up on a major contact? Watch this space........?

    3. Joy started work on that project before being appointed to council, nimrods.

  28. Mali thinks it’s unfair that people are being mean to her. Maybe you shouldn’t call everyone who’s white a racist.

    You think you might’ve been wrong about a few people, Mali? Personally I don’t think people like her give a shit, all they care about are looking out for themselves. No regard for others. She’s a sociopath.

  29. All we can hope is that Amalia has another one of her panic attacks and drives herself off a cliff. This would be better for humanity and quality of life for people in the long run.

  30. Amelia got some explaining to do? Starting to look like they should have been reported the the Grand Jury, San Diego.

    1. Yeah, 12 times loser and mental defective Amy will lead you down the right path. 🤣🤣🤣

  31. Enraged Encinitas read "Lyndes helped pushed through this nightmare project" as "Lyndes voted to approve this nightmare project." Plenty of help can be available behind the scenes without a vote. SaveEncinitas leads the reader to think Lyndes voted to approve this project. Someone explain the difference between Enraged Encinitas and SaveEncinitas please. Not seeing it.

    1. Joy, used her position to help line her business pockets. Conflict of interest or worse?

  32. These are the usual tactics from the mean girls goin back to their Watchdork days. They're salty since MWD caught MAGA Marco in a very public lie.

    Oh and Jess we know what you've been up to.

    1. 148 malièeeee got caught doing a puff. The sky is falling !!!!!@@@@ NOT

    2. Yup. Classic watchdork moves.

    3. 208 joy needs to resign.

    4. Conflict of interest or worst? Done

    5. 2:21 Watchdorks need to stop lying

    6. No more of a conflict of interest than Hinze's unpermitted vacation rental. Or Dalager and his new kitchen or the ex mayor who also got a remodel while voting on related projects.

    7. Tiny Tony got some lawyer advice when they placed his home into his name. Not illegal, but see trend.

  33. There's only one councilmember who's a verified criminal. That would be Luke Shaffer and his multiple counts of election fraud.

    All the Trumpers behind Luke think he got away with it like Trump does. Sad news kids, this is California! The wheels of justice may move slowly but it'll get there. When it does, the tears are going to be delicious.

    1. Act like a bolshevik get treated like bolsheviks.

      That applies to Mali and Marge

    2. Lyndes is an opportunist. Like the others, profit is what makes her happy. Why the turds were screaming racism...this arizonia transplant saw 💰? Joy Lyndes lied to the people of Encinitas. She approved these projects and then bat dang, she bid on the landscape work. Arizonia Joy, go home now.

    3. Go pitch that silliness using your name. I'm guessing people are being quiet about this because its just another lame scheme cooked up by the same loudmouth losers as always.

    4. "Losers?" It was your lot that got rejected, soundly. What loser Kranz would call a "mandate." Plenty of disenchanted Dems voted for change. And before you start screaming NPP = MAGA explain about Blackwell being loud and proud NPP. Is she a closet MAGA? Never did get an answer on that.

    5. 3:03 Losers because of years of shit-person behavior. It doesn't have to do with political positions, it has to do with being crappy dishonest humans.

    6. A garbage human who wins an election is still a garbage human.

  34. Lyndes is an opportunist. She used her

  35. She used her position to gain access to developers who use her services? Conflict of interest 👌

    1. That's why people recuse themselves just like she did dummy.

  36. Keep it up and I’ll dox the owner of this blog and send a few choice samples of its content to his employer.

    I’m that petty.

    1. Joy lyndes used her power to influence her private business dealings. End of story. Dox who you want. Law her

    2. Lyndes is a public figure and nobody is posting her address and private phone.

      If we’re posting the info of private citizens, then EU is fair game, right?

      And sending some samples of the comments he’s left up over the years to his employer is also cool.

      I didn’t make the rules, but I like to win the game.

    3. Gofor it....?.....,,,,,,,

  37. This Joy claim is Donna Westbrook level stoopid. Which means it's guaranteed to be something Rachel and the gang of mental defectives cooked up. We'll know who's behind it based on who speaks about it on Wednesday.

    Try selling this non story to CN. Other than LukeJim and their imbecile posse, Jordan's the only one dumb enough to bite.

    1. Go fir it?........

    2. I once watched Donna Westbrook come to a council meeting and flap her arms and throw a tantrum past the allotted public speaker time because a traffic light was being serviced on her way to the meeting, and it was blinking red.

      I’m not kidding.

      She went full retard over something that mundane.

      And the funny part was, it revealed that she had nothing to talk about that day. But it’s her nature that she cannot refuse a microphone, so she had to find a subject on her way to the meeting.

      It was truly hilarious.

    3. Joy Lyndes used her post to gain connections and contracts. Joy Lyndes needs to go back to Arizona

    4. Maybe so. I’m open to that. Haven’t seen any evidence.

    5. Story is published on X. #se

    6. So it must be true.

  38. How ironic that Steven doesn't understand the connection between Trumpism and sad and lonely losers who spend all day sucking the propaganda teat. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. Private citizen is off limits #:Law her

  39. EM has entered the room

  40. I rEd iT uHn TwItXeR so Uh kNOW iTs TRue!

  41. Enraged Encinitas sure does live up to its name!

  42. Eli Sanchez, the ultimate keyboard warrior, complete with a man bun ponytail. This guy spends his entire day everyday arguing with people on Encinitas Uncensored, and he’s getting his ass kicked.

    He loves Blakespear, Kranz, Newsom and has special feelings for Hinze.

    Keep your children away from that guy.

  43. Jeremy Blakespear is a member of Engrage Encinitas.

    1. 5:40- Oh, you mean the whiter than white Cardiff Gimp. It’s so nice that Blakespear brought him back from Utah for breeding, and now it keeps her in her closet for the freak you use. 🤮

    2. * 5:40- Oh, you mean the whiter than white Cardiff Gimp. It’s nice that Blakespear brought him back from Utah for breeding, and now it keeps him in her closet for the Freakshow use. 🤮

    3. Yes.

      Jeremy Blakespear = qqqqqqquuuueeeen of the kkkaaarennnzzzzz!

  44. Sorry, I mean EnRAged

  45. Eli Sanchez is the ultimate freak! The guys only purpose of in life is to tell everyone that our country sucks. Go to Canada or Mexico Eli, like you said you would, no one cares about you and your sniffling.

  46. The important thing about Trump getting rid of the penny is that the price of gas and groceries are higher than ever.

    1. 6:34 actually gas and grocery prices have dropped across the nation and only after two weeks in office. The stock market is setting record highs and we’re getting rid of useless agencies and useless fiscal programs draining our tax dollars.

      But if you want to continue making Pennies that cost the US Mint 4.2 cents per penny to make then you must be a Democrat.

    2. If gas and grocery prices were falling, the fat orange turd-felon would be talking about that, rather than distractions like building a golf course in Gaza, renaming bodies of water, and a hostile takeover of Canada.

      The people are not fooled.

      He’s a failure.

  47. The only person sucking the propaganda tweet all day is Eli Sanchez aka “Dirty Sanchez”. He donates to Blakespear every year while rubbing his pecker over her pictures.

  48. 6:36 Eli was banned from playing volleyball at MLB because he liked the young girls a little too much. Ask around, it’s true.

  49. Gas is up, food is up. Do keep getting your news from truth social though. You’ll sound extra intelligent at parties.,to%20increase%201.3%25%20in%202025.

    1. 6:54 your charts are about as accurate as the polling during the Presidential elections.

    2. 6:54 two weeks in office and Eli expects prices to be back down at levels when Trump was in office. 😂

      This is how I know you’re a moron.

    3. 6:54 hey Eli your link is bogus, it says, “page not found”. Just another one of your lies Eli.

  50. Hey Eli, let’s keep producing each penny at 4.2 cents. Genius.

    1. We aren’t falling for the distractions.

      Gas and food are soaring.

      He’s a failure.

    2. 8:01 you’re in what’s called denial. You’re embarrassed at the level of Democrat corruption being exposed and can’t face the reality.

    3. 8:01 “After one week in office, gas prices are already lower under Trump.”

      The sad thing is, you’d love for gas and food prices to go way up and you’d love to see people suffer under the new administration. All so you could say, “told you so.”

  51. Encinitas Real News: People pist at Grover FoxPoint/parking. Will Grover survive the Encinitas Ranch moms?

    1. Survive? I'd say he's doing excellent. Most people don't give a shit about cars parking on a public street to go to a restaurant.

  52. Maybe we need some good white fragility training?

    1. 7:32 Eli is about as fragile and blind as they come.
