Maybe the new council can get back to basics like they promised and deal with camping code violations. And potholes. Just a thought. No need to get fancy.
Agreed - I know the council has just taken office, but homeless enforcement is a priority and how hard is it to get our deputies to get this area, behind Oggi's, and Cottonwood cleaned up? Seems the new boss is the same as the old boss?
Why are vagrants still living here!!!???? Why's the council have time to talk about fucking AI and other bullshit when scum is living in our bushes lighting fires?
Marco doesn't get all the credit, Luke and Jim also showed up after Marco put the fire out. There's video of Luke karate chopping the transients so the Sheriff could haul them off. Jim was busy breathing heavily into a microphone while the action went down but his guidance was critical. Encinitas is saved!
ANOTHER FIRE!!!!! Over in Olivenhain some vagrants trying to steal from a residents garage also lit it on fire. It would've been a total disaster but Bruce led the hose teams and put it out quickly.
Let's all hope the welcome mat to the homeless encouraged by the last council majority will see things differently and end legal camping in vehicles and clean up and clear out the homeless camps.
One can only hope. With the democrat one party rule within the entire state with their full incompetence, massive waste, grift and low IQ plans and ideas it is a very tall order. The change at Encinitas City Hall gives hope to be sure. There are still wholly incompetent and worthless bureaucrats like Blakespear, Todd Gloria, Remer et al who really have no desire to improve life for residents. Having these life losers as leaders is akin to having them as your pickleball partner in a wheeled chair. They have one desire only - that is to acquire and hold onto power along with grift while lining the pockets of their lazy low IQ loyalists at the same time doing nothing useful. We are fortunate to have the new group at City Hall. However the local life losers named above with their minions in Sickramento will do everything they possibly can to hamstring the new Hi -IQ city council members.
The new council was elected months ago. Let's see how it's going so far?
Getting rid of the vagrants? NOPE!
Stopped new developments? NOPE!
Fixing Leucadia flooding? NOPE!
Adding more Sheriff's deputies to solve out of control crime? NOPE!
Building an Olivenhain fire station? NOPE!
Fixing Leucadia Streetscape? NOPE!
Fixing Cardiff cycle trap? NOPE!
Reducing pension liability? NOPE!
Widened our roads? NOPE!
Prevented pedestrian deaths? NOPE!
Restored local control? NOPE!
Increased transparency? NOPE!
Instead they've approved THREE NEW DEVELOPMENTS, threatened Prop A, insulted seniors and had obvious backroom deals. Now wannabe tech clown O'hara wants to "impress" us by regurgitating talking points about AI that he'll never understand.
Encinitas was the only city in North County where appointed officials screaming for equity were busted red-handed sucking up to a senator, a gimp and developers. Do your black friends feel comfortable at foxpoint farms?
The new council has had three meetings so far, and the new District 4 council member was just sworn in on Friday. February will be their first time with a full council. What do you expect should have been achieved in one month with an incomplete council?
Not an attack on seniors, Prop A, or a proposal to fire city employees in favor of boys. Don’t remember them running on any of the above. Does anyone?”
1:41 I think your post should be revisited, say... in a year. Right now, you sound disgruntled.
I do hope this council learned from the old council and practices being proactive, rather than knee jerk reaction (like the stupid Leucadia bollards because the mayor's friend got run over on the 101) This encampment has been there for years and it's not just the locals smelling the piss. It's visitors too. It's not just dangerous, but an embarrassment.
Right now they have done none of what they promised and threatened Prop A and insulted their supporters. No need to wait a year they are already alarming.
California voters sent out a clear message. They don't want homelessness managed the way it was. How we move forward is still being worked out. The good news is that the two freaks who wasted over a year working on a call 211 flyer, quit? Shit, we still don't have our flyer 😕
Wait, are you saying California taxpayers are not supportive of paying cronies $25,000,000,000 ( including Newsoms Buy Large Mansion purchase) to increase the homeless population by 40%?
What a bunch of blithering idiots!! Maybe do a peer review study? 🤢
Current city council should tell Jazz Shoulders and Bonehead Bonta to f off
What is the condition of the bike lane near the scene of the fire? Do we need to deploy Luigi? We need fire retardant walls built around the bike lanes at once--this was just too close a call. - The Shyndler
I feel sorry for all those shithole losers in the moocher red states that just realized he turned off their meals on wheels, power subsidies, and access to healthcare.
Coast Flight Training out of Montgomery Field. Where they make money flying back and forth and in circles over your families in Encinitas and Solana Beach. Today 24 times tail number N2857P where they make money any you don't matter. Safety last or, were they looking at little girls in back yards. Maybe little boys. Coast Flight Training where you don't matter and they don't care if they ruin where you live.
Jamie Dockins 30 times back and forth over Encinitas and Solana beach. Tail number N734ZK, iflysandiego Putting us at risk and ruining where we live while she makes money. She is a jerk.
Forget about the germ theory of disease. I’ve never seen a virus with my own two eyes, have you?
This disease outbreak is probably the result of one or more of the following:
1.) Your sky daddy is angry that your women folk have been allowed into the world without male supervision to start businesses, get an education, and probably witchcraft meetings in the woods.
2.) The Jews have poisoned the drinking wells (again).
3.) Sky daddy is expressing His rage that you haven’t been torturing enough queers.
4.) Some other Bronze-age nonsense.
Better throw some virgins into a volcano or something.
Yes 8:27. Yes. We have so many useful idiots (much like the names above) uncritically and often spouting propaganda as fact because on some level, they want it to be true.
The truth is right now guys like Margo are getting their asses handed to them on a platter. re: once saying " We must follow the law" or else someone is going to get screwed or go to jail.
Well, well well.
The tide has turned and drastically.
The mentally retarded trans bullshit he/him propaganda, the NGOs frivolously lining the pockets of democrat party connected "non profits" housing illegals, hospitals mutilating children for profit, and school boards and administrators claiming they will fight the new laws are done. They are done. Now, the many school board members and superintendent will go to prison?
Just heard an interview with a Republican congressman on Sirius XM discussing issues in the news today.
First, he defended Trump’s freezing of federal spending, saying the President has the right to align spending to his policy agenda. The example he used was looking for spending on climate change research and programs.
Then the topic shifted to Greenland. The congressman defended Trump’s push to buy Greenland by noting the strategic location of Greenland “where sea lanes are opening up.”
Hol' up. This WHOLE time. For YEARS now. Susan's been claiming the city lied on a survey by creating fake responses. Turns out this WHOLE time her claim was a lie. A lie based off her being too f'n stupid to understand the standard practice of creating fictional personas in design, research and marketing? How are there so many stupid smart people in this city? Like seriously how?
506- You're describing 90% of the lies that come from Susan and her ilk. They think they're the smartest kids in class no matter the topic. When they read or hear something they don't understand, they assume the worst and just run with it. Obviously that's bad behavior but understandable given what's happened in the past. What makes them insufferable is after someone who actually knows the subject explains it to them, they dig in their heels and continue pushing the lie anyway.
Flex Air Holdings (registered out of state) out of Montgomery Field back and forth and in circles over Encinitas 15 times. Tail number N73601. They were looking a little boys in back yards. The FAA is useless as they do nothing to stop it. Flex Air Holdings Wilmington Del. JERKS looking a little kids
Flex Air Holdings again at 2:30 p.m 16 times back and forth over Encinitas. Looking at children. Ruining where we live and flying 18 miles up from Montgomery Field. Tail number N73601 Putting our lives at risk while they make money. Rat Bastards
All from Montgomery Field. They don't care if they place all of us in danger. On average 1000 private planes crash in the u.s yearly. The local FAA is a JOKE
But don’t even think about the statistics of FUR a pedestrian, a bike rider, or a drunk driver trying to survive in Encinitas.
Those statistics are horrible.
First, you have the former mayor, Phony Tranz, and his BIA building crew trying to get The downtown party going, promoting party time and over serving beer and Tequila shots during Sunday football games,
Then you have people out, trying to walk around and enjoy the local stores and Beach, and then you have bicyclist trying to exercise to keep alive.
Bad combo and people die
Thanks Tony for your failed leadership for 12 years.
Ask Emily Hernandez’s Family if they think the city was doing a good job.
RIP Emily. 🙏
-Thank God, we have a new city council with common sense
-actions have consequences, And the Tranz and BIA years proved deadly for Encintas. 😢
No mufflers, leaded fuel is used and the noise is terrible. In the mean time theses schools and clubs make money doing it. I guess it's my fault for pointing out these jerks fly 18 miles straight up from Montgomery Field to fly back and forth over where we live. SO THEY, CAN MAKE MONEY RUINING WHERE WE LIVE. Get another hobby
Fun fact: every 747 pilot started their career getting a private pilot cert by logging hours and practicing standard rate, coordinated turns in a single-engine prop plane.
That's right.......ignore the facts and call me names. No one cares how anyone got their cheezy license to fly these cheap pieces of junk. Coordinated turns, increase and decrease of rpm's ...........over 10's of thousands of people, schools, it over the ocean...........there fixed.
It’s like he’s yelling at cars on the freeway for making noise at his house. Those drivers aren’t doing anything wrong, and they didn’t choose where to put the freeway.
It’s the same with pilots. Pilots don’t choose where to do their required exercises. Airspace is divided up into chunks in what’s called a sectional chart. The chart has restricted areas around Lindbergh Field, Montgomery, Palomar, Miramar, Pendleton, approach corridors, etc. Pilots fly where the ATC controllers and the sectional chart dictate. Just like drivers drive where the roads are.
Screaming at pilots for doing what they are required to do by the rules explains why the FAA ignores this dumbass.
It's a deflection, folks. This poster always wants to take the attention away from either the title of the post or the direction the convo's going in. That's the thing to notice.
Notice folks.........these defenders of these pieces of junk private planes always compare the flying in circles and back and forth up the 30 driving on the freeway. Notice going on the freeway is a voluntary exercise for everyone that drives and being in your house where you expect to be safe is an exercise in NOT going somewhere. But, these mindless jerks think it just fine to fly over and over your homes. Why? It's becasue it's what they like and they couldn't care less about you or where you live. They simply don't care. Like all the times I catch them flying under 1000 feet. And recently as low as 200 feet. See..........they don't care. Why don't they fly in circles over the ocean and not hospitals, schools and your home?........hmmmm? They don't care..........THAT, IS WHY
Just like you keep bringing up ancient history to keep the focus off BruceLukeJim and their ability to deliver on the promises of ignoring state law without any consequences.
The problem with our education system is it’s too focused on DEI, who’s been disenfranchised and people’s skin color. While countries like China and India are worried about math and learning their adversaries language.
Most DEI initiatives have to do with where and how the organization is recruiting applicants for open positions, not changing standards.
If an airline recruits qualified pilot candidates at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) without changing standards, then good on them.
Same for teachers and administrators in the school system.
Kids do better when they have role models that look like them. Also teachers who grew up with the challenges and cultural connections of a specific community are more likely to spot early signs that a student is struggling with certain challenges. Having a diverse pool of teachers overseeing students is a good thing for everyone. Also, today’s kids are going to graduate into a business world that is more diverse. They are going to have bosses, clients, and subordinates with different cultural backgrounds. If we are training the workforce of the future, they need to get comfortable navigating in diverse environments.
I don’t support lowering standards.
But I do support schools and companies making an effort to recruit qualified talent from all communities to create an organization that benefits from a broad spectrum of experiences in their workforce.
Systemic racism in our society? 100%. MaliMarlon demanding illegal quotas at city hall? Also 100%. They are the tail of the bell curve and self-marginalized extremists who are never not the victims.
901 & 1035. WTF does Marlon have to do with this conversation? Why are you so obsessed with the guy? It’s almost as if you have some kind of weird obsession with him? Creepy.
6:41 It's a coincidence that the Encinitas I'm totally not racist how could you even say that you're the racist crowd is obsessed with harassing Marlon.
Best Day Ever-Special City Council Meeting 6:00 P.M TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2024 - 06:00 PM p.m. Bye, Bye, Adios, BIA buttholes, Woke/DEI BS, Our Hands are Tied lies, and coddling Illegals and criminals. Lest not forget the ugliest closet dyke, crazie-jazz-hands, an arrogant demon traitor that sold out Encinitas for a seat on the state senate.
Our Neighborhood Voices, Neighbors for a Better California, Livable California, United Sovereign Americans to name a few, will stick it so far up the greaseball, his girlfriend bonta, nerobass, the perv weiner, the fag-hag dyke's a$$, that they will never again think they can fool us with their false RHNA numbers again.
The Close the Door After I Arrived Caucus is going to turn on Bruce and his boys pretty quick when they realize he was just making empty populism noises.
So is the destruction of Encinitas downtown by all of the freaking Fenty junkies and over serving of the bars, turning it into PB north.
That coupled with Kranz’s approval of all of the high density housing, more than in the entire County of San Diego, has put a big big big scar on Encinitas
Then you have the wasteful spending and opening of a second senior center that’s completely unnecessary.
Then you have the fencing off of an illogical deadly polluting railroad on the beach, which cuts off and decimates historic pedestrian pathways. Bifurcation of historical indigenous pedestrian pathways and annihilating pathways for other animals.
Bkakeaspear and Kranz did catastrophic damage to Encinitas.
Hopefully our new city council can triage the damage and get Encinitas City Hall back on track.
1. Bring in a contract interim city manager to clean house and set a course for financial security. They won’t be popular by the staff, but it’s a necessary step.
2. hire a competent city manager, focused on implementing the mayor and the city council’s goals, and financial plan.
3. Hire good Dept heads, Especially focus on a good HR director for current times not the dinosaur municipal agencies bullshit:
4. Once that is done, the city will be on the right track to long-term success.
Without those steps, the city will continue to languish.
4:33 no one is turning on Bruce despite your hype. What he does need to do is distance himself if Luke and Jim turn out to be plants. Jim so far not as much as Luke
Have Encinitas Citizens been fooled in District 1 and 2 by Jim and Luke who want to amend Prop A and are now realizing they might have voted for shills for the BIA.
He wants to make it interest to protect local interests and better manager the state ridiculous laws.
We need to join the consortium to get common sense land use laws back in the state capital.
Get Blakespear the fuck out of the capital, And all of this other cooks that Marco loves to suck. Let’s not mention what his sister does like marry predators.
History will reveal low IQ DEI supporters should have been immediately rounded up and placed in internment camps for a minimum of 40-60 billion year sentences
DEI is a mental birth defect. There are only two sexes, male and female. It is the brain that is messed up. Example: why do homosexual men like other homosexual men? They have girl brains and this is why they are so girlish in the way the talk and are attracted to other males. I isn't difficult to simple need to
See 2:05, brain defect. That's me names because of a joke. This, is why leftists are so messed up. There are a 100 sexes........which one might you be
Those who placed pronouns in their bio will receive lighter compassionate sentences by receiving concurrent 3x 1 billion year sentences ( per infraction )
The City of Carlsbad in California just approved a $9M homeless budget for 112 confirmed homeless—$80K per person per year. That’s over $6K per month per homeless in non-shelter spending, with just 8% for shelter and 92% for staff, benefits, and "outreach."
Shaffer, the ethics professor who sold her home at the same time she was involved in taking public land for a low income complex. Ya, send them to her in her new gated community
Bkakeaspear and Kranz did catastrophic damage to Encinitas.
Hopefully our new city council can triage the damage and get Encinitas City Hall back on track.
1. Bring in a contract interim city manager to clean house and set a course for financial security. They won’t be popular by the staff, but it’s a necessary step.
2. hire a competent city manager, focused on implementing the mayor and the city council’s goals, and financial plan.
3. Hire good Dept heads, Especially focus on a good HR director for current times not the dinosaur municipal agencies bullshit:
4. Once that is done, the city will be on the right track to long-term success.
Without those steps, the city will continue to languish.
* Responsible Encinitas Voter🌎
What is the status of righting the ship called Encintas City Hall?
5:56, it’s funny because it’s a cult of violence and lies.
The party of racist cop beaters and shithole losers.
Why do red states always top the lists of states with the worst rate of gun deaths, obesity, diabetes, fentanyl deaths, teen pregnancy, personal income, business startups, welfare, college graduates, literacy, poverty, access to healthcare, alcoholism, racism, investment, innovation, economic growth, teeth and banjoes?
It’s funny because shithole losers will believe any lie from their fat orange turd-god.
Bkakeaspear and Kranz did catastrophic damage to Encinitas.
Hopefully our new city council can triage the damage and get Encinitas City Hall back on track.
1. Bring in a contract interim city manager to clean house and set a course for financial security. They won’t be popular by the staff, but it’s a necessary step.
2. hire a competent city manager, focused on implementing the mayor and the city council’s goals, and financial plan.
3. Hire good Dept heads, Especially focus on a good HR director for current times not the dinosaur municipal agencies bullshit:
4. Once that is done, the city will be on the right track to long-term success.
Without those steps, the city will continue to languish.
* Responsible Encinitas Voter🌎
What is the status of righting the ship called Encintas City Hall?
I am a 30 year bicyclist and car driver that agrees with Olympian bicyclists, the leader ship under Blakespear and Kranz, in Encinitas has put conditions on the road that kill bicyclists.
The new City Council has to take action on this soon because citizens lives are literally at Jeopardy.
Under Blakespear and Kranz, they listen to the Cardiff Gimp regarding bike design and he doesn’t know shit except for how to stay in a closet.
The worst part is m, besides the bike traps, he suggested putting sharrows in uphill directions on high speed highways.
This is deadly and needs to be addressed.
Two people have died from this grave error and another was smeared, cracking her head up and breaking her back and resulting in $11 million payment from the taxpayers pay.
We don’t even know what the death of Dr. Worley cost because they buried that one until after the elections and it still has not come out.
I guess the real question is is when will this existing city council direct the removal of the shares on the high-speed highways??
Please listen to your experienced Olympians, and answer the question. When will the shares be removed on these high-speed roadways?
Please give us simple bike lanes and it will be much better.
They’re not. They’re implementing the same shitty sharrow crap on Saxony. Soon the square mile of QGD, Enci Blvd, Leucadia Blvd and Saxony will be an even bigger clusterfuck. I’m completely disappointed in this new council and our new mayor. Not what I expected at all. I’ve seen zero efforts on homeless, better road improvements or anything that tells me the new bosses are different from the old bosses. 👎
You're delusional. That will never happen due to the reality of human biology .
Any person claiming they are trangender have serious mental problems and are so deeply mentally ill they're a danger to themselves and an extreme danger to those around them
If that were the case, then why would someone put them down a sharrow on the road to begin with?
What they do is they tell the bicyclist they’re supposed to take the center of the travel lane.
When they’re on a high-speed roadway, especially going uphill bicyclist are going very slow and the drivers of the car get pissed.
Then they tend to cut or clip the bicyclist which causes severe accidents when you have a 6000 pound vehicle hitting 100 pound bike at Max and spreading your body all over the pavement with your head cracking up your brain spreading on the pavement along with all of the other body parts spewed all over the top of the paroled.
The fire department does not enjoy picking up all those disgusting body parts
The families get extremely depressed because of the wasteful and thoughtless designs being placed on our roadways, maiming and killing their children and family members.
Ask Dr. Wiley’s family about how safe the bike traps are
Ask Walker about all of her injuries and how safe shares are on a high-speed roadway
Ask the four seas about how safe they feel the bike traps are working on our coast Highway down in Cardiff.
All involved in these horrible placements sharrows should be fired. The Sharrows are being placed NOT according to state or federal standards. And the City of Encinitas will lose her ass and all of these lawsuits coming. That’s why they lost the repair of Walker lawsuit and they’re paying out big for the Dr Worley lawsuit, And many more to come.
The Sharrows standard specifically tell you not to place shares on a high speed roadway.
Again fire everybody involved at City Hall regarding the placement of the sharrows.
It’s time for the city of Encinitas to start caring about the safety of its citizens.
Above is a nice description of vehicular homicide.
In reality, in most cases of cyclists getting killed, they were riding as close as they could to the side of the road, and the driver “never saw them,” because they didn’t register as a significant threat or obstacle to the driver.
Ironically, it’s the thing drivers complain about most that avoids this. Namely, two cyclists riding side-by-side in the middle of the lane.
The fact that they pissed you off is what saves lives— you noticed them.
Look up the state and federal standards for sharrows and you will see that it says do not put them on high-speed roads.
Coast Highway was designed as a highway for speeds over 60 mph.
That is completely bad placement and the city is liable. That’s why they paid $11 million for Roberta and they’re gonna pay a lot more in the future.
Look at the design speed for Santa Fe Dr. and I guarantee you it’s a high speed because it’s straight and it’s a major arterial coming off the freeway. it’s a truck route. It’s fast.
Encinitas lost tens of millions of dollars from their stupidity and they’re gonna lose a whole lot more in the future . Guaranteed.
You know what did not work for Roberta? Angling across the empty Post Office parking lot and riding onto the 101 before dawn with headphones on. Lights? Did she have any lights or reflective clothing?
Law enforcement never charged the unfortunate truck driver because the evidence at the scene showed he was not at fault. Who does that leave? One guess. The lucky thing for her was the mayor and she were good friends. Not so lucky for the tax paying residents to the tune of $11 million.
5:15 right on the money - $11 million. This is not about whether she is nice or not, this is about her cutting across the parking lot at the post office office in the dark and getting herself in trouble. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
Unless her supporters think she actually came to a full stop at the stop sign at the bottom of her road, decided to turn right in front of a truck that was coming down the road and got hit so she could make bank from the city. Her version of what happened never did make sense.
The removing bike lines caused great detriment do not only nice human being, but to the cities finances and ultimately the taxpayers because that’s who pays the city bills .
No broken skull and back and no $11,000,000 of pain and suffering and damages….
So when you’re thinking of dead people like Emily or Dr. Worley or Roberta or. Bodie, Or Stephanie, Or the four C’s dad, Ryan Currie - who would be alive today had the City not put curbs and object markers out in the street without proper reflective, paint and materials to be visible at night; Think of simply doing the right thing.
In Ryan’s case, It’s well documented , All of the reflective, tape and paint on the objects were worn off and not maintained and this is going to cost the city millions. You could not see those ridiculous curbs at night time.
In Brodies case, it's also well documented that phony/BIA/& company were responsible for his death. Due to their years of negligence to build the infrastructure needed to make the corner of ECR and SFD, and also reduce the speed limit on ECR going North from Manchester, to make it safe for our innocent, trusting young kids going to SDA on their bikes. Lots of Blood on that demonic BIA whore that does not give a flying F of how many people she cripples/murders, due to staying on all fours for her BIA masters.
“It shouldn't take an Olympic level of expertise to avoid crashing. We need bicycle facilities that are safe for all types of cyclists, and that's what we used to have and what we could have again, if the bollards and wheel stops are removed," Wallace said.
The bike path has become known as the "Cardiff Cycle Trap" because of how dangerous some say it is.
There's not a whole lot of space to maneuver, so if a cyclist has to swerve to avoid something, they’d crash into the curb on one side and potentially run into bollards or wheel stops on the other.
Wallace took his fight to get the bollards and wheel stops removed to the Encinitas City Council on Wednesday night.
Since 2020, Wallace says he and other cycling advocates on the Facebook page “Encinitas: PLEASE Restore Safety in Cardiff,” have counted more than 30 crashes along the bike path.
AGENDA Special City Council Meeting - Closed Session 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Not a surprise and many more to come.
Remove the sharrows on high speed roads and return bike lanes.
Its that simple. Please new City Council, provide direction to the staff who do not get it and are causing extreme public health and City financial problems.
Maybe the new council can get back to basics like they promised and deal with camping code violations. And potholes. Just a thought. No need to get fancy.
ReplyDeleteAgreed - I know the council has just taken office, but homeless enforcement is a priority and how hard is it to get our deputies to get this area, behind Oggi's, and Cottonwood cleaned up? Seems the new boss is the same as the old boss?
DeleteWhy are vagrants still living here!!!???? Why's the council have time to talk about fucking AI and other bullshit when scum is living in our bushes lighting fires?
DeleteI was so happy to hear this morning that Marco San Antonio was there and put out the fire by himself. WE HAVE THE BEST COUNCIL!!!! 🚒💪🏽✝️🙏
ReplyDelete9:58- Please tell us you are not serious!!!
DeleteMarco and Bruce Almighty. The dynamic duo that will save Encinitas.
DeleteI read on EV that DEI started both fires.
DeleteThis is the first act of Pickleballer rebellion. Hold onto your hats.
DeleteMarco doesn't get all the credit, Luke and Jim also showed up after Marco put the fire out. There's video of Luke karate chopping the transients so the Sheriff could haul them off. Jim was busy breathing heavily into a microphone while the action went down but his guidance was critical. Encinitas is saved!
ReplyDeleteLuke for Mayor 2026
DeleteANOTHER FIRE!!!!! Over in Olivenhain some vagrants trying to steal from a residents garage also lit it on fire. It would've been a total disaster but Bruce led the hose teams and put it out quickly.
Weedmaps incident
ReplyDeleteLet's all hope the welcome mat to the homeless encouraged by the last council majority will see things differently and end legal camping in vehicles and clean up and clear out the homeless camps.
ReplyDeleteOne can only hope. With the democrat one party rule within the entire state with their full incompetence, massive waste, grift and low IQ plans and ideas it is a very tall order. The change at Encinitas City Hall gives hope to be sure. There are still wholly incompetent and worthless bureaucrats like Blakespear, Todd Gloria, Remer et al who really have no desire to improve life for residents. Having these life losers as leaders is akin to having them as your pickleball partner in a wheeled chair. They have one desire only - that is to acquire and hold onto power along with grift while lining the pockets of their lazy low IQ loyalists at the same time doing nothing useful. We are fortunate to have the new group at City Hall.
ReplyDeleteHowever the local life losers named above with their minions in Sickramento will do everything they possibly can to hamstring the new Hi -IQ city council members.
ReplyDeleteI don’t care who’s in office, just clean this shit out because next time it might be worse.
ReplyDeleteNow that we’ve got the law behind clearing out encampments, there’s no excuse.
The new council was elected months ago. Let's see how it's going so far?
ReplyDeleteGetting rid of the vagrants? NOPE!
Stopped new developments? NOPE!
Fixing Leucadia flooding? NOPE!
Adding more Sheriff's deputies to solve out of control crime? NOPE!
Building an Olivenhain fire station? NOPE!
Fixing Leucadia Streetscape? NOPE!
Fixing Cardiff cycle trap? NOPE!
Reducing pension liability? NOPE!
Widened our roads? NOPE!
Prevented pedestrian deaths? NOPE!
Restored local control? NOPE!
Increased transparency? NOPE!
Instead they've approved THREE NEW DEVELOPMENTS, threatened Prop A, insulted seniors and had obvious backroom deals. Now wannabe tech clown O'hara wants to "impress" us by regurgitating talking points about AI that he'll never understand.
Encinitas was the only city in North County where appointed officials screaming for equity were busted red-handed sucking up to a senator, a gimp and developers. Do your black friends feel comfortable at foxpoint farms?
DeleteThe new council has had three meetings so far, and the new District 4 council member was just sworn in on Friday. February will be their first time with a full council. What do you expect should have been achieved in one month with an incomplete council?
DeleteNot an attack on seniors, Prop A, or a proposal to fire city employees in favor of boys. Don’t remember them running on any of the above. Does anyone?”
ReplyDelete1:41 I think your post should be revisited, say... in a year. Right now, you sound disgruntled.
ReplyDeleteI do hope this council learned from the old council and practices being proactive, rather than knee jerk reaction (like the stupid Leucadia bollards because the mayor's friend got run over on the 101) This encampment has been there for years and it's not just the locals smelling the piss. It's visitors too. It's not just dangerous, but an embarrassment.
Right now they have done none of what they promised and threatened Prop A and insulted their supporters. No need to wait a year they are already alarming.
Delete"The front row of applicants have no skin in the game." HUH, LUKE? HUH?
Delete242 HUH, HUM! HUH... I guess spitting out stupid juice does calm the nerves, after all.
DeleteNot an answer not a good start.
DeleteCalifornia voters sent out a clear message. They don't want homelessness managed the way it was. How we move forward is still being worked out. The good news is that the two freaks who wasted over a year working on a call 211
ReplyDeleteflyer, quit? Shit, we still don't have our flyer 😕
Wait, are you saying California taxpayers are not supportive of paying cronies $25,000,000,000 ( including Newsoms Buy Large Mansion purchase) to increase the homeless population by 40%?
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of blithering idiots!! Maybe do a peer review study? 🤢
Current city council should tell Jazz Shoulders and Bonehead Bonta to f off
Ha! Good one! He was Jazz shoulders in that interview
DeleteNice - Harvard case study.
DeleteAnd to F that retarded 🐎
DeleteGood thing that the fire did not start a couple of days ago during the wind storm
ReplyDeleteSend the to BIAspears or Kranz's neighborhoods.
ReplyDeletethey invited all the Fenty junkies.
What is the condition of the bike lane near the scene of the fire? Do we need to deploy Luigi? We need fire retardant walls built around the bike lanes at once--this was just too close a call.
ReplyDelete- The Shyndler
January 6 defendant killed by police days after Trump pardon
One less POS domestic terrorist.
Give the cop a medal.
One scumbag down, several thousand to go.
I feel sorry for all those shithole losers in the moocher red states that just realized he turned off their meals on wheels, power subsidies, and access to healthcare.
ReplyDeleteSo sad. But this is what you said you wanted.
I don't feel sorry for them they stuck it to the rest of us in the process. They got what they wanted.
DeleteNot sad at all. We want effective non profits who lead.a tight 🚢..We want results and accountability partners. We have compassion and empathy unlike?
DeleteCoast Flight Training out of Montgomery Field.
ReplyDeleteWhere they make money flying back and forth and in circles over your families in Encinitas and Solana Beach.
Today 24 times tail number N2857P where they make money any you don't matter. Safety last or, were they looking at little girls in back yards. Maybe little boys.
Coast Flight Training where you don't matter and they don't care if they ruin where you live.
Coast guard training flights flying newly designed woodchipper drones to dem reps homes in San diego
ReplyDeleteJamie Dockins 30 times back and forth over Encinitas and Solana beach. Tail number N734ZK, iflysandiego
ReplyDeletePutting us at risk and ruining where we live while she makes money.
She is a jerk.
Thanks Starvin.
DeleteThat's Iflysandiego.......their motto?
Delete"we don't care if we ruin where you live"
That’s Starvin- I don’t care what you stick up my rear end.
Delete- Phony
Congratulations to the shithole loser state of Kansas for achieving one of the largest outbreaks of Tuberculosis in US history.
ReplyDeleteY’all don’t need none er dat egghead science stuff. Just use yer dagum common sense and hold yer breath.
Forget about the germ theory of disease. I’ve never seen a virus with my own two eyes, have you?
DeleteThis disease outbreak is probably the result of one or more of the following:
1.) Your sky daddy is angry that your women folk have been allowed into the world without male supervision to start businesses, get an education, and probably witchcraft meetings in the woods.
2.) The Jews have poisoned the drinking wells (again).
3.) Sky daddy is expressing His rage that you haven’t been torturing enough queers.
4.) Some other Bronze-age nonsense.
Better throw some virgins into a volcano or something.
👆 What a waste of words. So boring do better.
DeleteAre you our planning commission? She is also talking about red states.
DeleteFind another way than "do better." Such a tired giveaway.
DeleteSorry you find it boring that we are living in a Kakistocracy—that we are repeating the destruction of the Great Library of Alexandria.
DeleteEnjoy the New Dark Ages.
Let’s hope there will be a second Renaissance.
The majority of posters here along with the Malis,Margos,Joys,Catherine's,JeremyKevins, et al are literal Corrine Jean Pierre clones.
ReplyDeleteFor those who don't know who CJP is she is the dumbest most ignorant low IQ human in modern history. She's got clones all over.
629 sounds like a planning commission.
DeleteYes 8:27.
We have so many useful idiots (much like the names above) uncritically and often spouting propaganda as fact because on some level, they want it to be true.
The truth is right now guys like Margo are getting their asses handed to them on a platter. re: once saying " We must follow the law" or else someone is going to get screwed or go to jail.
Well, well well.
The tide has turned and drastically.
The mentally retarded trans bullshit he/him propaganda, the NGOs frivolously lining the pockets of democrat party connected "non profits" housing illegals, hospitals mutilating children for profit, and school boards and administrators claiming they will fight the new laws are done. They are done. Now, the many school board members and superintendent will go to prison?
I say many and it couldn't come at a better time.
Buckle up buttercups
The pendulum always comes back to knock the midwittery population into the fully filled sewage treatment pool.
ReplyDeleteJust heard an interview with a Republican congressman on Sirius XM discussing issues in the news today.
ReplyDeleteFirst, he defended Trump’s freezing of federal spending, saying the President has the right to align spending to his policy agenda. The example he used was looking for spending on climate change research and programs.
Then the topic shifted to Greenland. The congressman defended Trump’s push to buy Greenland by noting the strategic location of Greenland “where sea lanes are opening up.”
Can you spot it?
Another day, another unhinged series of posts. You guys are fucking insane!
ReplyDelete10:22am can't handle the truth.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you'll be deported so you won't need to care?
“ but does not offer evidence to back up the claim”
DeleteIt’s a cult of violence and lies.
ReplyDeleteYou can't read
Maybe you should do a peer reviewed study on yourself on yourself for porn addiction
And you can't punctuate. Bwah hahahahaha.'re correct it was not $50m.
DeleteIt was $45m.
Punctuate this goober dick 🖕
Hol' up. This WHOLE time. For YEARS now. Susan's been claiming the city lied on a survey by creating fake responses. Turns out this WHOLE time her claim was a lie. A lie based off her being too f'n stupid to understand the standard practice of creating fictional personas in design, research and marketing? How are there so many stupid smart people in this city? Like seriously how?
ReplyDelete506- You're describing 90% of the lies that come from Susan and her ilk. They think they're the smartest kids in class no matter the topic. When they read or hear something they don't understand, they assume the worst and just run with it. Obviously that's bad behavior but understandable given what's happened in the past. What makes them insufferable is after someone who actually knows the subject explains it to them, they dig in their heels and continue pushing the lie anyway.
DeleteFlex Air Holdings (registered out of state) out of Montgomery Field back and forth and in circles over Encinitas 15 times.
ReplyDeleteTail number N73601. They were looking a little boys in back yards. The FAA is useless as they do nothing to stop it.
Flex Air Holdings Wilmington Del. JERKS looking a little kids
Flex Air Holdings again at 2:30 p.m 16 times back and forth over Encinitas. Looking at children. Ruining where we live and flying 18 miles up from Montgomery Field.
ReplyDeleteTail number N73601 Putting our lives at risk while they make money. Rat Bastards
All from Montgomery Field. They don't care if they place all of us in danger. On average 1000 private planes crash in the u.s yearly. The local FAA is a JOKE
ReplyDeleteProof that our lives are at risk?
ReplyDeleteIs that another 16 times back and forth at 2:30pm? They must be flying at the speed of light.
With your reporting the numbers to us for years now, why are there still so many flights?
ReplyDeleteNumber of deaths and injuries from aviation accidents in the entire history of Encinitas:
Historically, you literally have a higher chance of **being** Jesus Christ than being harmed by an aircraft in Encinitas.
👆 Well, you got that one right.
ReplyDeleteBut don’t even think about the statistics of FUR a pedestrian, a bike rider, or a drunk driver trying to survive in Encinitas.
Those statistics are horrible.
First, you have the former mayor, Phony Tranz, and his BIA building crew trying to get The downtown party going, promoting party time and over serving beer and Tequila shots during Sunday football games,
Then you have people out, trying to walk around and enjoy the local stores and Beach, and then you have bicyclist trying to exercise to keep alive.
Bad combo and people die
Thanks Tony for your failed leadership for 12 years.
Ask Emily Hernandez’s Family if they think the city was doing a good job.
RIP Emily. 🙏
-Thank God, we have a new city council with common sense
-actions have consequences, And the Tranz and BIA years proved deadly for Encintas. 😢
When is the next meeting of the Encinitas Temperance League?
DeleteRight after emily’s funeral
Delete6:19- we know y’all be the one pounding shots and then hopping in your high profile track and running down some folks.
DeleteNo worries, unless if you get caught on video, And the karma from the family catch up with you.
DeleteNo mufflers, leaded fuel is used and the noise is terrible.
ReplyDeleteIn the mean time theses schools and clubs make money doing it. I guess it's my fault for pointing out these jerks fly 18 miles straight up from Montgomery Field to fly back and forth over where we live. SO THEY, CAN MAKE MONEY RUINING WHERE WE LIVE. Get another hobby
5:16- I feel sorry for you. You clearly are experiencing dementia and hopefully get some help.
DeleteFollowing that last message, there’s no way that you can post your rant without showing you have no brain left.
RIP Emily
Peace be with you. 😢🙏
Fun fact: every 747 pilot started their career getting a private pilot cert by logging hours and practicing standard rate, coordinated turns in a single-engine prop plane.
DeleteThat's right.......ignore the facts and call me names.
DeleteNo one cares how anyone got their cheezy license to fly these cheap pieces of junk. Coordinated turns, increase and decrease of rpm's ...........over 10's of thousands of people, schools, it over the ocean...........there fixed.
DeleteTough shit.
Here’s what’s hilarious about the sky screamer.
ReplyDeleteIt’s like he’s yelling at cars on the freeway for making noise at his house. Those drivers aren’t doing anything wrong, and they didn’t choose where to put the freeway.
It’s the same with pilots. Pilots don’t choose where to do their required exercises. Airspace is divided up into chunks in what’s called a sectional chart. The chart has restricted areas around Lindbergh Field, Montgomery, Palomar, Miramar, Pendleton, approach corridors, etc. Pilots fly where the ATC controllers and the sectional chart dictate. Just like drivers drive where the roads are.
Screaming at pilots for doing what they are required to do by the rules explains why the FAA ignores this dumbass.
It's a deflection, folks. This poster always wants to take the attention away from either the title of the post or the direction the convo's going in. That's the thing to notice.
DeleteNotice folks.........these defenders of these pieces of junk private planes always compare the flying in circles and back and forth up the 30 driving on the freeway. Notice going on the freeway is a voluntary exercise for everyone that drives and being in your house where you expect to be safe is an exercise in NOT going somewhere.
DeleteBut, these mindless jerks think it just fine to fly over and over your homes. Why? It's becasue it's what they like and they couldn't care less about you or where you live. They simply don't care. Like all the times I catch them flying under 1000 feet. And recently as low as 200 feet. See..........they don't care.
Why don't they fly in circles over the ocean and not hospitals, schools and your home?........hmmmm?
They don't care..........THAT, IS WHY
It’s none of your fucking business where I drive or where I fly.
DeletePound sand, loser.
8:13- It’s all just Starvin chatter to keep the focus off of his girlfriend that failed Encinitas for 12 years
ReplyDeleteJust like you keep bringing up ancient history to keep the focus off BruceLukeJim and their ability to deliver on the promises of ignoring state law without any consequences.
Delete8:23 you know that's a "promise" they never made, but do keep banging on about that.
Delete8:18 who's the new boss? Baby needs new shoes ya know.
DeleteBruce never expected to be in a majority. It’s easy to make empty promises when you have no power.
DeleteHe’s fucked now.
The problem with our education system is it’s too focused on DEI, who’s been disenfranchised and people’s skin color. While countries like China and India are worried about math and learning their adversaries language.
ReplyDeleteGet rid of Marlon!
DeleteMost DEI initiatives have to do with where and how the organization is recruiting applicants for open positions, not changing standards.
If an airline recruits qualified pilot candidates at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) without changing standards, then good on them.
Same for teachers and administrators in the school system.
Kids do better when they have role models that look like them. Also teachers who grew up with the challenges and cultural connections of a specific community are more likely to spot early signs that a student is struggling with certain challenges. Having a diverse pool of teachers overseeing students is a good thing for everyone. Also, today’s kids are going to graduate into a business world that is more diverse. They are going to have bosses, clients, and subordinates with different cultural backgrounds. If we are training the workforce of the future, they need to get comfortable navigating in diverse environments.
I don’t support lowering standards.
But I do support schools and companies making an effort to recruit qualified talent from all communities to create an organization that benefits from a broad spectrum of experiences in their workforce.
Systemic racism in our society? 100%. MaliMarlon demanding illegal quotas at city hall? Also 100%. They are the tail of the bell curve and self-marginalized extremists who are never not the victims.
Delete901 & 1035. WTF does Marlon have to do with this conversation? Why are you so obsessed with the guy? It’s almost as if you have some kind of weird obsession with him? Creepy.
Delete6:41 It's a coincidence that the Encinitas I'm totally not racist how could you even say that you're the racist crowd is obsessed with harassing Marlon.
DeleteBest Day Ever-Special City Council Meeting 6:00 P.M
ReplyDeleteTUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 2024 - 06:00 PM p.m. Bye, Bye, Adios, BIA buttholes, Woke/DEI BS, Our Hands are Tied lies, and coddling Illegals and criminals. Lest not forget the ugliest closet dyke, crazie-jazz-hands, an arrogant demon traitor that sold out Encinitas for a seat on the state senate.
Yes! I love the new "our hands are tied, but not like their hands were tied" city council. Luke for Mayor 2026.
Delete950, but you’re not a racist, piece of shit homophone like the others. You just want to make sure that Encinitas maintains its community character.
Delete11:33am Your divide and conquer strategy is as thin as your mental acuity is thick as a brick.
ReplyDeleteLuke or Jim for Mayor
DeleteNope 3:07. Greenies who confuse crazy "thinking outside the box" with real leadership are getting old already. Fix the potholes.
DeleteCalling Pothole Pete IntheButtigieg
DeleteWishing you watchdogs would move to Florida with you know who
DeleteOur Neighborhood Voices, Neighbors for a Better California, Livable California, United Sovereign Americans to name a few, will stick it so far up the greaseball, his girlfriend bonta, nerobass, the perv weiner, the fag-hag dyke's a$$, that they will never again think they can fool us with their false RHNA numbers again.
ReplyDelete1:45 did you hack my computer?
ReplyDeleteLawdy could've written that truth missive myself
No F's left to give to those goobers 🤬
Glad to know that we are on the same page!❤️💯✅
DeleteThe Close the Door After I Arrived Caucus is going to turn on Bruce and his boys pretty quick when they realize he was just making empty populism noises.
ReplyDeleteAsk Emily Hernandez’s Family if they think the city was doing a good job.
Do more people die from DUI drivers from being overserved in establishments in the downtown area or from bikes hitting bike traps?
Inquiring minds want to know. if you’d like to be an expert witness, please contact me.
- 🚑 🏃🏾♂️
*! Asking for a friend
Her passing is really sad.
DeleteSo is the destruction of Encinitas downtown by all of the freaking Fenty junkies and over serving of the bars, turning it into PB north.
DeleteThat coupled with Kranz’s approval of all of the high density housing, more than in the entire County of San Diego, has put a big big big scar on Encinitas
Then you have the wasteful spending and opening of a second senior center that’s completely unnecessary.
Then you have the fencing off of an illogical deadly polluting railroad on the beach, which cuts off and decimates historic pedestrian pathways. Bifurcation of historical indigenous pedestrian pathways and annihilating pathways for other animals.
Bkakeaspear and Kranz did catastrophic damage to Encinitas.
Hopefully our new city council can triage the damage and get Encinitas City Hall back on track.
1. Bring in a contract interim city manager to clean house and set a course for financial security. They won’t be popular by the staff, but it’s a necessary step.
2. hire a competent city manager, focused on implementing the mayor and the city council’s goals, and financial plan.
3. Hire good Dept heads, Especially focus on a good HR director for current times not the dinosaur municipal agencies bullshit:
4. Once that is done, the city will be on the right track to long-term success.
Without those steps, the city will continue to languish.
* Responsible Encinitas Voter🌎
More people die from DEI than DUI
Delete4:33 no one is turning on Bruce despite your hype. What he does need to do is distance himself if Luke and Jim turn out to be plants. Jim so far not as much as Luke
ReplyDeleteAre there plants in the room with you right now?
Just you.
ReplyDeleteVery interested to find out which bar the driver came from.
ReplyDeletethank goodness the City has the license plate readers. The perp is going down and party's need to own their part in the tragic death.
RIP Emily.
Have Encinitas Citizens been fooled in District 1 and 2 by Jim and Luke who want to amend Prop A and are now realizing they might have voted for shills for the BIA.
DeleteNot at all. You know there is an old political strategy where a troll creates a false rumor in hopes the rumor will spread.
DeleteYou are a black and white thinker like Eleanor
DeleteAsk 🐽. She knows how well it works.
DeleteLook at the last two City Council meeting videos where Luke speaks about wanting to amend Prop A.
DeleteHe wants to make it interest to protect local interests and better manager the state ridiculous laws.
DeleteWe need to join the consortium to get common sense land use laws back in the state capital.
Get Blakespear the fuck out of the capital, And all of this other cooks that Marco loves to suck. Let’s not mention what his sister does like marry predators.
How would he do that, exactly? We'll wait for those 15 words.
DeleteVery interested to find out which bar the driver came from.
ReplyDeletethank goodness the City has the license plate readers. The perp is going down and party's need to own their part in the tragic death.
RIP Emily.
DeleteHistory will reveal low IQ DEI supporters should have been immediately rounded up and placed in internment camps for a minimum of 40-60 billion year sentences
ReplyDeleteDEI is a mental birth defect. There are only two sexes, male and female. It is the brain that is messed up.
DeleteExample: why do homosexual men like other homosexual men? They have girl brains and this is why they are so girlish in the way the talk and are attracted to other males. I isn't difficult to simple need to
I’m sure your shithole loser fourth grade education is better than the people who write the DSM.
DeleteSee 2:05, brain defect. That's me names because of a joke. This, is why leftists are so messed up. There are a 100 sexes........which one might you be
DeleteThose who placed pronouns in their bio will receive lighter compassionate sentences by receiving concurrent 3x 1 billion year sentences ( per infraction )
ReplyDeleteDEI deflection chatter is senseless.
ReplyDeleteThe city really needs to address the deadly conditions. The lawsuits will bankrupt Encinitas
Thank goodness the City has the license plate readers. The perp is going down and responsible party need to own their part in the tragic death.
RIP Emily.
Fuck your license plate readers.
ReplyDeleteTear them down now.
Sounds like you’re guilty as charged to kill a chugger.
DeleteDUI junkie going to the clincker
to kill a chugger= tequila chugger.
Delete* Siri gets it right.
Kranz and Blakespear lead to a lot of pain and suffering.
DUI junkie going to the clincker
Rip Emily yes but nobody really cares
ReplyDeleteThe City of Carlsbad in California just approved a $9M homeless budget for 112 confirmed homeless—$80K per person per year. That’s over $6K per month per homeless in non-shelter spending, with just 8% for shelter and 92% for staff, benefits, and "outreach."
ReplyDeleteHell..........I could live better in Carlsbad if I were homeless. Bleeding hearts........morons
DeleteThey can stay at Carlsbad Rachel's house.
DeleteYou mean Carlsbad Lisa “ I didn’t know those people were going to move in across the street from me“ Shaffer.
DeleteShaffer, the ethics professor who sold her home at the same time she was involved in taking public land for a low income complex. Ya, send them to her in her new gated community
DeleteWatch the big gates and security systems go up on Blakespear’s Whiter than white compound with all the brown servants.,
DeleteShe and The Cardiff Gimp can’t even take care of their property and they create fire hazards.
DOGI = Department of Government Inefficiency
ReplyDelete8% for shelter and 92% for staff
DOGI = Encinitas
DeleteThat fits Encinitas soooo well
DeleteDOGI = Encinitas ❤️
Kranz and Blakespear love their vibrant downtown.
ReplyDeleteKranz is gone. Now its time to kick Blakespear out of Sad Sac.
Did the grove of diseased and dying palm trees ever get disposed of in a responsible way to not spread the bug further afield?
DeleteBlakespear is the bug that needs to be eradicated from Sad Sac.
Bkakeaspear and Kranz did catastrophic damage to Encinitas.
ReplyDeleteHopefully our new city council can triage the damage and get Encinitas City Hall back on track.
1. Bring in a contract interim city manager to clean house and set a course for financial security. They won’t be popular by the staff, but it’s a necessary step.
2. hire a competent city manager, focused on implementing the mayor and the city council’s goals, and financial plan.
3. Hire good Dept heads, Especially focus on a good HR director for current times not the dinosaur municipal agencies bullshit:
4. Once that is done, the city will be on the right track to long-term success.
Without those steps, the city will continue to languish.
* Responsible Encinitas Voter🌎
What is the status of righting the ship called Encintas City Hall?
I think Trump is wrong.
ReplyDeleteDEI didn’t cause the mid-air collision over the Potomac.
I believe the pilots were suicidal because they had windmill cancer and their pets had just been eaten by Haitian immigrants.
OK... stupid Starvin chatter.
DeleteGo snuggle with your girl Tranz, Starvin.
5:56, it’s funny because it’s a cult of violence and lies.
DeleteThe party of racist cop beaters and shithole losers.
Why do red states always top the lists of states with the worst rate of gun deaths, obesity, diabetes, fentanyl deaths, teen pregnancy, personal income, business startups, welfare, college graduates, literacy, poverty, access to healthcare, alcoholism, racism, investment, innovation, economic growth, teeth and banjoes?
It’s funny because shithole losers will believe any lie from their fat orange turd-god.
👆🏾 OK loser......
Deleteback to local, Encinitas Real Time News......✅
Bkakeaspear and Kranz did catastrophic damage to Encinitas.
Hopefully our new city council can triage the damage and get Encinitas City Hall back on track.
1. Bring in a contract interim city manager to clean house and set a course for financial security. They won’t be popular by the staff, but it’s a necessary step.
2. hire a competent city manager, focused on implementing the mayor and the city council’s goals, and financial plan.
3. Hire good Dept heads, Especially focus on a good HR director for current times not the dinosaur municipal agencies bullshit:
4. Once that is done, the city will be on the right track to long-term success.
Without those steps, the city will continue to languish.
* Responsible Encinitas Voter🌎
What is the status of righting the ship called Encintas City Hall?
DeleteI’d want to change the subject too.
It’s difficult to defend.
Not sure? Are you planning commissioner gal
DeleteWhat if a transgender person turns out to be the best FPV drone operator or Patriot battery radar technician?
ReplyDeleteWhat if having women in combat roles allows women in the Middle East to share intelligence candidly without a male relative in the room?
Is it worth being a dick to people you don’t like if it degrades our military lethality?
👆 shut the hell up, Gimp.
ReplyDeleteSave it for your Saturday freak shows.
I’d want to change the subject too.
It’s difficult to defend.
I am a 30 year bicyclist and car driver that agrees with Olympian bicyclists, the leader ship under Blakespear and Kranz, in Encinitas has put conditions on the road that kill bicyclists.
ReplyDeleteThe new City Council has to take action on this soon because citizens lives are literally at Jeopardy.
Under Blakespear and Kranz, they listen to the Cardiff Gimp regarding bike design and he doesn’t know shit except for how to stay in a closet.
The worst part is m, besides the bike traps, he suggested putting sharrows in uphill directions on high speed highways.
This is deadly and needs to be addressed.
Two people have died from this grave error and another was smeared, cracking her head up and breaking her back and resulting in $11 million payment from the taxpayers pay.
We don’t even know what the death of Dr. Worley cost because they buried that one until after the elections and it still has not come out.
I guess the real question is is when will this existing city council direct the removal of the shares on the high-speed highways??
Please listen to your experienced Olympians, and answer the question. When will the shares be removed on these high-speed roadways?
Please give us simple bike lanes and it will be much better.
* I guess the real question is is when will this existing city council direct the removal of the sharrows on the high-speed city streets??
DeleteThey’re not. They’re implementing the same shitty sharrow crap on Saxony. Soon the square mile of QGD, Enci Blvd, Leucadia Blvd and Saxony will be an even bigger clusterfuck. I’m completely disappointed in this new council and our new mayor. Not what I expected at all. I’ve seen zero efforts on homeless, better road improvements or anything that tells me the new bosses are different from the old bosses. 👎
DeleteWell, that’s disappointing. Because the existing conditions are absolutely deadly.
DeleteI hope the existing city council acts quickly and starts cutting the positions that are really damaging to the city.
We need them to embrace the four step process. Cut those responsible for this deadly condition. All upper management.
822 the shirty scribbles to be placed on saxony is because of Kellie Hinze. She ordered scribbles
Delete822. You are one of the loser freaks. Dumb enough to not be able to cover yourself up. Super freaks... always trying to make life in Encinitas ugly
DeleteSharrows change nothing. They are like signs reminding drivers to wear seatbelts. With or without the paint, the law is the same.
Delete901. I was present when Kellie Hinze started ordering bike lanes and a lane diets on Saxony. That was a pretty stupid move. No, I am not a freak.
DeleteSave it for the freak show Gimp.
ReplyDeleteYou're delusional. That will never happen due to the reality of human biology .
Any person claiming they are trangender have serious mental problems and are so deeply mentally ill they're a danger to themselves and an extreme danger to those around them
The freak show is full of transgenders and they’re the ones that designed these deadly bike Bike pedestrian, and car conditions.
ReplyDeleteKeep your babble to your freak show freak.
ReplyDeleteWhat you say doesn’t comport with reality.
If it was impossible for a transgender person to be excellent at operating drones or radar systems, then there would be no need to ban them.
A directive to hire the most qualified individuals would suffice.
9:52- you’re absolutely wrong.
ReplyDeleteIf that were the case, then why would someone put them down a sharrow on the road to begin with?
What they do is they tell the bicyclist they’re supposed to take the center of the travel lane.
When they’re on a high-speed roadway, especially going uphill bicyclist are going very slow and the drivers of the car get pissed.
Then they tend to cut or clip the bicyclist which causes severe accidents when you have a 6000 pound vehicle hitting 100 pound bike at Max and spreading your body all over the pavement with your head cracking up your brain spreading on the pavement along with all of the other body parts spewed all over the top of the paroled.
The fire department does not enjoy picking up all those disgusting body parts
The families get extremely depressed because of the wasteful and thoughtless designs being placed on our roadways, maiming and killing their children and family members.
Ask Dr. Wiley’s family about how safe the bike traps are
Ask Walker about all of her injuries and how safe shares are on a high-speed roadway
Ask the four seas about how safe they feel the bike traps are working on our coast Highway down in Cardiff.
All involved in these horrible placements sharrows should be fired. The Sharrows are being placed NOT according to state or federal standards. And the City of Encinitas will lose her ass and all of these lawsuits coming. That’s why they lost the repair of Walker lawsuit and they’re paying out big for the Dr Worley lawsuit, And many more to come.
The Sharrows standard specifically tell you not to place shares on a high speed roadway.
Again fire everybody involved at City Hall regarding the placement of the sharrows.
It’s time for the city of Encinitas to start caring about the safety of its citizens.
"Ask Walker?" She advocated long and hard for sharrows, not sure why the morning of her accident they caused her confusion.
DeleteShe is not responsible for the design.
DeleteShe was just a person wanting to bike ride on safe bike lanes.
The city is responsible for the death traps.
Above is a nice description of vehicular homicide.
DeleteIn reality, in most cases of cyclists getting killed, they were riding as close as they could to the side of the road, and the driver “never saw them,” because they didn’t register as a significant threat or obstacle to the driver.
Ironically, it’s the thing drivers complain about most that avoids this. Namely, two cyclists riding side-by-side in the middle of the lane.
The fact that they pissed you off is what saves lives— you noticed them.
That didn’t work for Roberta.
DeleteAnd I see people getting clipped by the drivers all the time.
DeleteBe sure to hire a transgender for babysitting duties for your young children .
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they'll be just fine
your young children will certainly "comport" or better defined as "endure" the behavior of the sitter. It's the "right" thing to do, yo.
ReplyDeleteComport doesn’t mean endure, you uneducated, shithole loser.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry your mom tells people you're mentally retarded since birth.
ReplyDeleteMoms know best? 🤷♀️
Look up the state and federal standards for sharrows and you will see that it says do not put them on high-speed roads.
ReplyDeleteCoast Highway was designed as a highway for speeds over 60 mph.
That is completely bad placement and the city is liable. That’s why they paid $11 million for Roberta and they’re gonna pay a lot more in the future.
Look at the design speed for Santa Fe Dr. and I guarantee you it’s a high speed because it’s straight and it’s a major arterial coming off the freeway. it’s a truck route. It’s fast.
Encinitas lost tens of millions of dollars from their stupidity and they’re gonna lose a whole lot more in the future . Guaranteed.
You know what did not work for Roberta? Angling across the empty Post Office parking lot and riding onto the 101 before dawn with headphones on. Lights? Did she have any lights or reflective clothing?
ReplyDeleteLaw enforcement never charged the unfortunate truck driver because the evidence at the scene showed he was not at fault. Who does that leave? One guess. The lucky thing for her was the mayor and she were good friends. Not so lucky for the tax paying residents to the tune of $11 million.
No. It’s the sharrows.
DeleteHad there been a bike lane. No broken skull and back and no $11,000,000 of pain and suffering and damages….
You sure must not like Roberta.
I think she is nice and didn’t deserve to be run down. If only the city had bike lanes.
Just the facts 'mam'.
ReplyDeleteNo one deserves such a tragedy.
Personal responsibility is up to each. Woulda, shoulda, coulda.
Fast busy streets should have bike lanes.
ReplyDeleteCities putting Sharrows on fast busy streets are reliable for all of the death.
Shame on Kranz and Blakespear, and City Hall. Stop the madness.
5:15 right on the money - $11 million. This is not about whether she is nice or not, this is about her cutting across the parking lot at the post office office in the dark and getting herself in trouble. That is the only explanation that makes sense.
ReplyDeleteUnless her supporters think she actually came to a full stop at the stop sign at the bottom of her road, decided to turn right in front of a truck that was coming down the road and got hit so she could make bank from the city. Her version of what happened never did make sense.
ReplyDeleteIt’s the sharrows.
ReplyDeleteHad there been a bike lane.
The removing bike lines caused great detriment do not only nice human being, but to the cities finances and ultimately the taxpayers because that’s who pays the city bills .
No broken skull and back and no $11,000,000 of pain and suffering and damages….
So when you’re thinking of dead people like Emily or Dr. Worley or Roberta or. Bodie, Or Stephanie, Or the four C’s dad, Ryan Currie - who would be alive today had the City not put curbs and object markers out in the street without proper reflective, paint and materials to be visible at night; Think of simply doing the right thing.
In Ryan’s case, It’s well documented , All of the reflective, tape and paint on the objects were worn off and not maintained and this is going to cost the city millions. You could not see those ridiculous curbs at night time.
Let’s do much better-
In Brodies case, it's also well documented that phony/BIA/& company were responsible for his death. Due to their years of negligence to build the infrastructure needed to make the corner of ECR and SFD, and also reduce the speed limit on ECR going North from Manchester, to make it safe for our innocent, trusting young kids going to SDA on their bikes. Lots of Blood on that demonic BIA whore that does not give a flying F of how many people she cripples/murders, due to staying on all fours for her BIA masters.
DeleteWallace, hits the nail on the head!
ReplyDelete“It shouldn't take an Olympic level of expertise to avoid crashing. We need bicycle facilities that are safe for all types of cyclists, and that's what we used to have and what we could have again, if the bollards and wheel stops are removed," Wallace said.
The bike path has become known as the "Cardiff Cycle Trap" because of how dangerous some say it is.
There's not a whole lot of space to maneuver, so if a cyclist has to swerve to avoid something, they’d crash into the curb on one side and potentially run into bollards or wheel stops on the other.
Wallace took his fight to get the bollards and wheel stops removed to the Encinitas City Council on Wednesday night.
Since 2020, Wallace says he and other cycling advocates on the Facebook page “Encinitas: PLEASE Restore Safety in Cardiff,” have counted more than 30 crashes along the bike path.
ReplyDeleteSpecial City Council Meeting - Closed Session 1:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Not a surprise and many more to come.
Remove the sharrows on high speed roads and return bike lanes.
Its that simple. Please new City Council, provide direction to the staff who do not get it and are causing extreme public health and City financial problems.
- Logical Tax Payer
Please New Good City Council, do the right thing!
ReplyDeleteDo not continue to The Town Dunce's legacy. Please watch this and use your common sense. -
RIP to the all the recently departed and
Peace be with you,
Is funny how reports of crashes in bike lanes correlate with elections.
ReplyDeleteNot really.
DeleteBut it does correlate two shares and bike lanes. Which then correlates to roadway fatalities.
Do better.
Funny how its always skinny tire bikes and clipped into pedals
DeleteNo, but it does correlate with Town Dunces, Sharrows and bike lanes which then correlates to roadway fatalities.
ReplyDeleteDo better.🙏
Is that Marlon's "do better" or have others taken to imitating his goofy mantra?
ReplyDeleteThe latter….