Maybe the reason that MG is so defensive about the Blakespear property is that Tricia Smith blocked the water board from restoring Rossini Creek by arguing that the area in question is not a wetlands. We may be looking at a future housing development, and I wonder who they will hire as their lawyer??
Rachel, Fred and Teresa should all grab some of those palm fronds and shove them as far up each other's asses as they go. Next up is Lorrie, Pam & and Julie.
It 5:44 sounds like Marco when one of his planned development projects is under scrutiny. Remember that Tricia Smith tried to develop this property many years ago but was voted down back when we had a city council that followed the General Plan. Maybe rather than a coyote preserve this property will be cleared to bring back a development that was voted down many years ago.
I'm in the Biz. First off, who owns the property. If someone gets hurt is there insurance, are power tools invovled and are the people trained to use power equipment. Or..... the workers can sign a "no sue/damage" paper. This doesn't need to be tricky but it can be. Bottom line............"cover your butts" with NO if's
So, if this is private property, the owners get free labor? Next have them come over to my area. I have pleanty to do. Nothin' better than free labor. Better make sure the owner has insurance.
A wealthy California radical left democrat is having her neighbors participate in her years long lack of maintenance when she could pay cash money to the illegals she let into the state for their food and drinks.
No 7:41, you guys are a bunch of fucking idiots with too much free time on your hands that sit around making up "controversies" in Encinitas all day long.
Wetlands, or riparian properties are identified by the plants that grow there. Blakespear's mother refused to have the Rossini Creek wetlands restored after the city silted up the area during the construction of the Encinitas Community Park What a great way to destroy any possible wetland plants that might still be there by having a bunch of neighbors clear away evidence. Do you get it? It becomes the neighbor's fault if protected plants or trees are killed in the process.
Wetlands require vegetation, hydric soils, and water. The canyon might be an ephemeral stream that acts as flood control but it's not a wetland under Army Corps or Coastal Commission standards.
So this is what they are saying to make way for the housing development that was voted down 30 years ago. What happens to the future homeowners when it floods?
Leftover lawsuits from the past freak show at City Hall. These new lawsuits are very frequent, giving the horrible decisions over the past eight years brought to you by BIA and Kranz.
Hey, I’ll check out item 8D on tonight city Council agenda.
After the city added hundreds of tons of additional load on top of the landslide at Beacon’s access, They’re proposing to accept the improvements. Whose name is on that staff report?
How much will the city be on a hook when the additional load they put causes the collapse in the next heavy rain?
Is there an extra $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 to give to the property owner on the north side of the beach access in the proeject budget they can reserve for the future payout?
If not, City Council better at it to the project. It’s coming. Have you ever placed your foot on top of a sand pile at the beach?
Can you explain what happens when you place that heavy load on a sand pile?
Yeah. That’s what always happens.
Hopefully, our local heroes will pull the item tonight and transparently discuss the poor design, adding all of that additional load on the existing landslide.
Read the staff report under background- they write about removing some of the load from the parking vehicles yet they literally added hundreds of tons of load from the additional fill on the north side of the project which is exactly where the active slide is located.
Remember all of the names on the report. This one is going to cost this city big time . So who is going to pay for this current fuck up and complete future lawsuit?
- Remember this when it fails. Common sense and good management was ignored.
I can’t believe that the city added all of that additional weight right where that property is currently settling at the top of the bluff and its going to collapse.
Go up this morning and check out all of the cracks in that block wall on the property just to the north where they added the hundreds of tons of additional weight. Bad design.
Remember her idiotically grinning photos with Mali as they counted the homeless in early morning. Anything for a photo op! Those working alongside her said she all but held her nose the entire time. Fraud.
Imagine, if you will, a former Mayor. Now, a California State Senator. A far left radical California politician whom has no working knowledge of historical weather patterns. Yet, a large part of her platform to save Encinitas and California with its ignorant uneducated plebian population from some ethereal “climate change” crisis or “global warming” endless droughts and such.
Catherine, please tell us if climate change in the room with us right now? Let’s do a theoretical here ----okay? If, it fact you and your far left radical crazies actually believed this would you have begun clearing your land littered with massive fire ignitions many years ago. Also it would have behooved you to have continued yearly clearing and maintenance. After all we're moving towards that crisis acting 100 year drought, are we not?
You know, the one whereas your neighbors and your homes would not burn to the ground if you were a serious person? RIGHT? RIGHT?
So fast forward ( or backwards if you will) to January 2025.
After 12,000 homes burn down 2 hours north of us and your neighbors hounding you, you decide to take action.
Puzzlingly that action is asking all your neighbors to do the work that you should have done for the last decade because you know climate change 100 year drought is in the room with us.
115. She needs to be removed from her new environmental committee. Look at her policies such as high density, removal of coastal commission powers and owning unmanaged land near an urban interface. In addition, if she believed in Global Warming you don't create a safety commission who can't focus on safety. What's next, is she going to wear a yellow fire jacket and hat for her next phone opp. Gwaud
Her pal Simokat claims higher density is safer from fire danger. This is not science, this is insanity. And I do believe in climate change and this is still insanity. Question them and they'll unleash Mali shrieking "racist" at you to make you shut up and sit down.
Our own fire dept is no longer under stein. Give Josh a chance bet you’ll get a different answer than the two year old one by stein, likely dictated by Blakespear. Think she didn’t lean on him hard to issue that corrupt report? New sheriff in town.
Higher density neighborhoods made up of older construction do worse in a fire due to proximity and flammability. However, newer development, including multi-family structures and SFRs in high fire areas, utilize better construction materials to withstand fire impacts and spreading: concrete and masonry walls and floors, steel with fireproofing, non-combustible insulation, compartmentalization, smoke barriers, sprinkler systems. What's scary is this results in more recommended "shelter in place" situations, which are super risky without large vegetation buffers (which often require significant habitat destruction to achieve). Best option is to infill and not sprawl.
So Marco is actually happy 12,000 homes burned to the ground so he and jazz shoulders Newsom can build 15 story fire retarded buildings in place of the historical beautiful neighborhoods of of North Los Angeles.
Marco, material truths can be useful but from a point of really giving a shit about real life human suffering and history you're left wanting.
According to a Master Gardener publication regarding Blakespear's Canary Palms. Blakespear should remove all of her trees as they are now a serious HAZARD. Not just because of the fire hazard.
It also states that she needs to hire a professional arborist.
"Hire a professional arborist to remove infested, dead or dying palms on your property. This can stop the next generation of weevils from flying to another host on the block or in the canyon. The infested material removed (usually only the top 25% of the tree where the SAPW larvae have been eating away at the apical meristem) should be chipped, then tarped securely and transported to a certified landfill that will bury the material in 24 hours or less."
you want it cleaned up right? If someone wants to volunteer to help, how does that effect you (other than it takes care of the thing you are bitching about)
No one is forcing anyone to help. But if there is fire because the volunteers are using a wood chopper, which can create sparks, even an electric one, then it affects a lot of people. The Composer District of Cardiff, west of 5, is already packed in. Same with the walking district. So if a fire breaks out, that canyon will burn and many homes around it could be affected. We've seen what happened in Los Angeles. There is one way in and out of this part of Cardiff, which is Vulcan. Why in the world would the Blakespear's not have a professional company come out and clear their 6 acres? Yes, the Canyon belongs to them. It's easy to say let the fun begin, but it will be more difficult to say if homes are burned down. Some have said this is a coyote sanctuary. I have never heard of it being this, until this all started. If it is, maybe someone can prove that. Coyotes are all over Encinitas, so that reason seems rather odd. Our fire dept. says it is not a fire risk. Go and see for yourself. If this isn't a fire hazard, please tell me what they consider a fire hazard. I live close enough to this property, that I am concerned. Yet, the City, Coast News, the App the city provides don't see the least concerned. So maybe I am just one of many who wonder if we might want to get another opinion. 2 years ago some of us asked Ms. Smith to please do something about all of the dead fronds, etc. Nothing happened. It is now owned by the Blakespear's when it was deeded over before the new law went into effect. Many did, so I could care less that it happened. We have recently seen how devastating fires can be. Do we want to even chance it right now? It's the perfect condition for fires to start and to spread. I could say more, but I already know I will be shot down, so I'll stop. Be careful out there.
Let’s talk about what really motivates you. Blakespear correctly identified you as a Nutbird and ignored you. Your inflated narcissistic ego couldn’t take it because you think you’re important.
I don't live near this neighborhood, but I care about the safety of other Encinitas residents who do. This is outrageous that this issue has gone unattended for years now.
Two things: our Blakespear-controlled fire chief dept said no risk. Not the new one. Why aren't they taking care of their own business? CHEAP. No mystery there.
I had the same thought about sparks generated from clearing brush or from the wood chipper. Maybe they should have the Fire Marshall take a look at what they will be using.
Artisan brush and tree removal at the request of Lorrie Greene and Julie Thunder for this particular space, plus their Republican, *sorry* partially NPP followers. The prominent commentors/donors live in other costal north county San Diego coastal cities, not necessarily Encinitas, and a couple in Oregon.
434 they really should hire a contractor to do the job. People who understand weather typically would not move forward using electric or gas tools during high fire season.
And to come the people who hate me more than their own community. Sad it has come to this. Hell, I wouldn't mind one bit if I died. I'm way too old to be on this earth at this time. So if anyone wants to akee me out, please feel free. It would be welcome.
Sorry for all of the typos. Broke my foot on Friday and am really not wanting to stay around anymore. So please come and put me out of my misery. You know you want to.
449 You are hurting a real human today. You knew LG was ill... You have no heart. You are not even educated enough to understand why people are concerned. You don't get to be the only one in the room with a voice
5:13- It no longer matters to me. I'll even pay someone to put me out of the pain I am dealing with. But thanks for your concern. I knew the minute I posted it, I would get shit. But at least I put my name on it.
Wow wow wow 5:22. Why don't you just post your requirements of how the landowners should maintain their land RIGHT NOW or else they'll be responsible for your death.
5:27 At least Lorri had the balls to put her name on it. I live close to her and it's possible we all could die, if fire in that canyon got out of control. So fuck you.
There she goes again with suicide talk. Lorri did that on Facebook about 5 years ago and people were so concerned they sent police to do a well check, which angered Lorri. She posts like this because she wants attention but when people step up to help or check on her, she whines
Your critics have no soul. They, mostly he, does have a reserved seat in the Office every day from which to spew his booze driven vitriol. Classy as never is you js.
The city Council needs to establish a special community district around Rubenstein Drive and set up super high fees to pay for all of the bullshit, And expenses to the city,that's coming out of the wider than white compound.
According to the publication you posted regarding the canary palm weevil. Blakespear should remove all of her trees as they are now a serious HAZARD.
It also states that she needs to hire a professional arborist.
"Hire a professional arborist to remove infested, dead or dying palms on your property. This can stop the next generation of weevils from flying to another host on the block or in the canyon. The infested material removed (usually only the top 25% of the tree where the SAPW larvae have been eating away at the apical meristem) should be chipped, then tarped securely and transported to a certified landfill that will bury the material in 24 hours or less."
Catherine S. Blakespear September 7, 2014 at 9:08 pm I understand there’s concern about the future of the property around Rossini Creek that is owned solely by my mom, Tricia A. Smith. To set the record straight, she has no plans to develop her property. In the 1990s (more than 20 years ago now) my widowed grandma considered selling a portion of the property in order to keep her home and the rest of her yard in tact. During this time, my step-dad died suddenly in a car accident. The tragedy led to many changes in priorities and the plans were dropped. I can say unequivocally that Tricia is not planning to develop her land.
There are several things worth remembering here. First, we’re lucky to have people like my mom keep her property natural and undeveloped. My personal interest in urban agriculture comes from having grown up playing in Rossini Creek and in our yard – picking fruit and building tree houses. Because of this commitment on my part, I am actively involved in overhauling the agriculture ordinances so all homeowners can garden by right, and build community around creation of our local food source.
To come full circle, Tricia has no development plans. Please write to her directly at or to me at if you would like to discuss it further as we’re both happy to address any concerns.
So the take away from Blakespear's comments is that you Cardiff people are ungrateful to her mom and now her for keeping their property, " natural and undeveloped." An entire neighborhood is at risk of being burnt out, but what a small price to pay!
Amanda Z wants to “keep this in Cardiff where it belongs.” Too late, the story is making its way up and down the state. The quotes your hero gave the coast news are as weird as the story itself. She and her mom should’ve written those checks years ago, it would’ve been a lot cheaper than the bad press she will now have to pay to spin away. Then again, it’s not a problem because taxpayers are footing that bill.
The LA Fires have highlighted the extreme negligence of this entitled family just as Catherine was appointed Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, both making her home situation especially awkward. The very definition of bad optics we can all agree.
This is not only about the fact that she wants free labor. She is ignoring the warnings regarding spreading palm weevil disease if the job is done incorrectly, which it will be by unskilled workers..
Some environmentalist. Instead of shooting the messenger Amanda, why don’t you go ask your hero WTF? That should be what you’re really angry about but oddly, it isn’t.
The hypocrisy of all this is that Blakespear's Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, yet she has neglected a very serious environmental hazard. This environmental hazard is her failure to address her diseased Canary Palms over the last 5+ years.
Her diseased Canary Palms should only be dealt with by a professional Arborist according to numerous publications. If not, the disease can spread to other plant life and trees in the surrounding area. In short, she's been appointed to the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and has already proven herself a hypocrite and failure.
I encourage people to spread this information about Ms. Blakespear, so we can get rid of people like her who aren't qualified for the job.
8:04 So you don't care that Blakespear has allowed an environmental mess that could or has already spread to our local plant life and surrounding habitat.
That's a Blakespear voter for you, do as I say not as I do.
831 Don't get agitated with me. I couldn't understand what the hell you were writing, try to be a bit more clearer next time instead of just writing "Siri struck! "Not only," not "Natalie." Regardless, all is good. Enjoy the weekend.
This case of hypocrisy is eerily similar to the story that she has successfully spread that her bike lane designs have made it safer for those who use them. I am not sure of the number of bike accidents that happened prior to their installations, but despite the increase in traffic, one would expect the number of accidents to go down! Instead, we have had two bike lane fatalities and many serious injuries. Beyond the tremendous human toll, all taxpayers are on the hook financially for potential lawsuits. It takes a special type of sociopath to place the lives of others in jeopardy and spin these policies as a good news safety story to get elected. I am so ashamed that I once voted for this person.
Not all Blakespear supporters are this way, but the people who are suggesting that those who have shared this story out of a true fear for their neighborhood have been invited to shove "palm fronds up their asses." Most of those who still support her are not fully informed of danger and destruction she has ushered into our city, but news is spreading.
941, yes yes I agree, and that news of complete disregard and respect is spreading like wild fire. People need to hear this, not just in Encinitas but in her entire district and beyond.
I'll be sharing as much as I can regarding this matter in hopes people see who Blakespear really is. A selfish, entitled brat who manipulates the truth.
To think I voted and supported this person at one time. I'm embarrassed and ashamed at my stupidity.
11:06am. When the choice at that time was the clueless Paul Gaspar or Catherine, I still would not go back and change my vote, my only vote ever, for Catherine. That was then. This is now.
If I could go back and change my vote, I would definitely have voted for Paul Gaspar over Blakespear. She ran on slogans like, "Preserve Paradise." Her neighbors are up in arms because her neglect of her own property after years of pleas and warnings could subject them to a fiery Hell if something is not done immediately.
Yea, but Paul? Really? You must have missed the debate at Ada Harris.
We have had some lackluster, haha, candidates over the decades, but few if any, where ever so clueless as Paul Gaspar showed himself to be. One would think being the hubby he was, some political knowledge would have rubbed off onto him. It did not.
Good thing your vote did not go to him, even with what we all ended up with. We both voted for her one time. Paul Gaspar? Really?
Absolutely. Paul Gaspar is not a whore who was out to climb the ladder at the expense of ruining Encinitas since he already has a successful career and the ability to listen. I definitely would have changed my vote if I could go back.
Just to clarify, we have had many sellouts over the years from both parties. I posted at 10:50, and and while I stated that I wish I would have voted for Paul Gaspar, I did not mean to imply that Blakespear was the person I was speaking of who is a wh---. We have had a sad history of many elected officials and some staff members who debased themselves by selling out Encinitas citizens! This was not the original vision or the reason we became a city!
Freakshow BBQ.
ReplyDeleteCome and get your freak on.
Maybe the reason that MG is so defensive about the Blakespear property is that Tricia Smith blocked the water board from restoring Rossini Creek by arguing that the area in question is not a wetlands. We may be looking at a future housing development, and I wonder who they will hire as their lawyer??
ReplyDeleteIt’s not a wetlands.
DeleteThere is no natural water source.
It had water from wasteful greenhouse operation runoff.
How was the canyon formed?
DeleteNot a wetlands? Why has it always been called Rossini Creek?
DeleteRachel, Fred and Teresa should all grab some of those palm fronds and shove them as far up each other's asses as they go. Next up is Lorrie, Pam & and Julie.
ReplyDeleteIt 5:44 sounds like Marco when one of his planned development projects is under scrutiny. Remember that Tricia Smith tried to develop this property many years ago but was voted down back when we had a city council that followed the General Plan. Maybe rather than a coyote preserve this property will be cleared to bring back a development that was voted down many years ago.
DeleteNot Marco. Someone that thinks the city's worst residents need to get to work at shoving palm fronds up their ass.
ReplyDeleteTheir hubris is astounding and should be embarrassing if there was any sense of conscience.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the Biz. First off, who owns the property. If someone gets hurt is there insurance, are power tools invovled and are the people trained to use power equipment. Or.....
ReplyDeletethe workers can sign a "no sue/damage" paper.
This doesn't need to be tricky but it can be.
Bottom line............"cover your butts" with NO if's
I suppose these volunteers are going to Genie Blink the cuttings off and away.
DeleteThis does look to be city property? What the.......
Not city property
DeleteSo, if this is private property, the owners get free labor?
DeleteNext have them come over to my area. I have pleanty to do. Nothin' better than free labor.
Better make sure the owner has insurance.
Why is Teresa such a fucking obnoxious loser? Why does being a moderator mean, to her, never shutting the fuck up?
ReplyDeleteLast I head we stopped muzzling women.
DeleteSuper odd and weird.
ReplyDeleteA wealthy California radical left democrat is having her neighbors participate in her years long lack of maintenance when she could pay cash money to the illegals she let into the state for their food and drinks.
No surprise here.
Very weird
Delete702 I am not your wife
DeleteNo 7:41, you guys are a bunch of fucking idiots with too much free time on your hands that sit around making up "controversies" in Encinitas all day long.
DeleteFun fact: The Cardiff Gimp rented the Wood Chipper.
ReplyDeleteBet they both dress like a metro lumber jacks.
DeleteMaster BIA, I’m extremely nervous to ask you this, but can I finish my operations to fully transition to a gimpy?
ReplyDelete- Gimpy
I do not like my pee pee any more.
Delete- Gimpy
Marco can you please add a rain dance to the event.
DeleteYeah , I want to where my new pink and green one-piece that accents my smooth no bump crouch area.
Delete- Starven
ReplyDeleteGimpy wood near chipper...scary. certainly they have notified their insurance company about the chipper party.
ReplyDeleteWetlands, or riparian properties are identified by the plants that grow there. Blakespear's mother refused to have the Rossini Creek wetlands restored after the city silted up the area during the construction of the Encinitas Community Park What a great way to destroy any possible wetland plants that might still be there by having a bunch of neighbors clear away evidence. Do you get it? It becomes the neighbor's fault if protected plants or trees are killed in the process.
ReplyDeletePlants or habitat does not matter.
DeleteWhat matters is identity politics and ultimately BIA profit.
-Encinitas Truth
Wetlands require vegetation, hydric soils, and water. The canyon might be an ephemeral stream that acts as flood control but it's not a wetland under Army Corps or Coastal Commission standards.
DeleteSo this is what they are saying to make way for the housing development that was voted down 30 years ago. What happens to the future homeowners when it floods?
DeleteHey, so which one of us freak show are going to step up and run for the next election?
ReplyDeleteI’d like to walk to districts in my new uniform that Starvin and I have been working on….
Although now come to think of it, Starvin hasn’t really called me much since the election is over. Has anybody seen her?
- Phony
She is trying to kiss up to Luke and Jim, but they are not having her.
DeletePhony keep your BIA whore
away from City Hall.
NPP Voters
Leftover lawsuits from the past freak show at City Hall. These new lawsuits are very frequent, giving the horrible decisions over the past eight years brought to you by BIA and Kranz.
It’s time for Bruce to hire a axe-woman or man and clean City Hall. Let’s get going with a plan moving forward.
Hey, I’ll check out item 8D on tonight city Council agenda.
ReplyDeleteAfter the city added hundreds of tons of additional load on top of the landslide at Beacon’s access, They’re proposing to accept the improvements. Whose name is on that staff report?
How much will the city be on a hook when the additional load they put causes the collapse in the next heavy rain?
Is there an extra $5,000,000 to $10,000,000 to give to the property owner on the north side of the beach access in the proeject budget they can reserve for the future payout?
If not, City Council better at it to the project. It’s coming. Have you ever placed your foot on top of a sand pile at the beach?
Can you explain what happens when you place that heavy load on a sand pile?
Yeah. That’s what always happens.
Hopefully, our local heroes will pull the item tonight and transparently discuss the poor design, adding all of that additional load on the existing landslide.
Thank you local heroes! ❤️
- Remove the dumbass’s from City Hall
ReplyDeleteRead the staff report under background- they write about removing some of the load from the parking vehicles yet they literally added hundreds of tons of load from the additional fill on the north side of the project which is exactly where the active slide is located.
Remember all of the names on the report. This one is going to cost this city big time . So who is going to pay for this current fuck up and complete future lawsuit?
- Remember this when it fails. Common sense and good management was ignored.
I can’t believe that the city added all of that additional weight right where that property is currently settling at the top of the bluff and its going to collapse.
DeleteGo up this morning and check out all of the cracks in that block wall on the property just to the north where they added the hundreds of tons of additional weight. Bad design.
Failure is eminent. A lawsuit is eminent!
👎 Taxpayers are gonna pay for this one. 🤢
If you don’t know the difference between eminent and imminent, pretty sure you aren’t an expert in geotechnical engineering.
Delete8:05- tell it to Siri loser.
DeleteIf you post things that make you look like and ignorant shithole loser, then you gotta own it.
DeleteGo eat some more fast food. Drink a popcorn bucket of soda. Watch a NASCAR race, and play some banjo, you toothless ignorant barefoot dipshit.
I like the cactus plants in the new DMZ zone (not). Fark, one can't even see the shore now with the new design.
ReplyDeleteBad design that’s gonna cost the taxpayers millions and millions and millions…. Sad
DeleteThank you staff, I was So looking forward how I was going to pay for my Dreamy yacht. You are my dream.
Dear The Shyndler,
ReplyDeleteAre you available to tow the wood chipper with your bike for my big event? It would make for a great photo op. Please let me know.
- The Cardiff Gimp
If Rossini Creek is wetlands, then so are the golf course, meditation gardens, and sewage treatment plant.
ReplyDeleteRead above more closely. It was wet ones until the park construction sent tons of silt to clog it up. You have to stocks to thank for that one!
DeleteIt was wet because greenhouses where the park is now managed water poorly.
You lost that argument over a decade ago, and yet you still repeat your nonsense.
DeleteAll goes back to JS.
DeleteIs Catherine displacing homeless and the coyotes?
ReplyDeleteShe never cared. The unhoused were used as a prop to support the increase in housing. How many billions were spent?
ReplyDeleteRemember her idiotically grinning photos with Mali as they counted the homeless in early morning. Anything for a photo op! Those working alongside her said she all but held her nose the entire time. Fraud.
DeleteNope plenty of witnesses. Your emperor is a clothes.
DeleteAh yes "those working alongside her" aka lying losers with no balls.
DeleteHard for some to learn she's a fraud.
Delete1107 nope, saw the pics. Mali and Blakespear should never be near any unhoused. Good news, Mali will never be appointed in Encinitas again.
DeleteYou saw pics of what? Blakespear "all but" holding up her nose"? Get the fuck out.
DeleteSo Jeremy thinks a woodchipper and his wife's fan club are going to tackle this job. Remember he's the cycle trap architect....
ReplyDeleteThe undefeated future governor goat.
ReplyDeleteRename Moonlight the “Gargle my balls, MAGA —Jazz Hands Gov. Catherine GOAT Blakespear State Beach.”
Kevin is stretching hard….
DeleteMore than his normal stretch marks on his throat. 🤢
Newsom also speaks using Jazz Hands 👐
DeleteSame level of idiot.
DeleteImagine, if you will, a former Mayor.
ReplyDeleteNow, a California State Senator.
A far left radical California politician whom has no working knowledge of historical weather patterns. Yet, a large part of her platform to save Encinitas and California with its ignorant uneducated plebian population from some ethereal “climate change” crisis or “global warming” endless droughts and such.
Catherine, please tell us if climate change in the room with us right now?
Let’s do a theoretical here ----okay?
If, it fact you and your far left radical crazies actually believed this would you have begun clearing your land littered with massive fire ignitions many years ago. Also it would have behooved you to have continued yearly clearing and maintenance. After all we're moving towards that crisis acting 100 year drought, are we not?
You know, the one whereas your neighbors and your homes would not burn to the ground if you were a serious person? RIGHT? RIGHT?
So fast forward ( or backwards if you will) to January 2025.
After 12,000 homes burn down 2 hours north of us and your neighbors hounding you, you decide to take action.
Puzzlingly that action is asking all your neighbors to do the work that you should have done for the last decade because you know climate change 100 year drought is in the room with us.
Please advise Ms Catherine, we'll wait ....
115. She needs to be removed from her new environmental committee. Look at her policies such as high density, removal of coastal commission powers and owning unmanaged land near an urban interface. In addition, if she believed in Global Warming you don't create a safety commission who can't focus on safety. What's next, is she going to wear a yellow fire jacket and hat for her next phone opp. Gwaud
DeleteHer pal Simokat claims higher density is safer from fire danger. This is not science, this is insanity. And I do believe in climate change and this is still insanity. Question them and they'll unleash Mali shrieking "racist" at you to make you shut up and sit down.
DeleteShe is the kind of educator that is scary. She is pushing political policy.
Delete214 so she does not like plants or underatand that embers fly.
DeleteOur own fire dept. thinks the canyon is safe from fires. May I suggest we get a second opinion?
DeleteDo it. From a respected institution, not the biased peanut gallery.
DeleteOur own fire dept is no longer under stein. Give Josh a chance bet you’ll get a different answer than the two year old one by stein, likely dictated by Blakespear. Think she didn’t lean on him hard to issue that corrupt report? New sheriff in town.
DeleteHigher density neighborhoods made up of older construction do worse in a fire due to proximity and flammability. However, newer development, including multi-family structures and SFRs in high fire areas, utilize better construction materials to withstand fire impacts and spreading: concrete and masonry walls and floors, steel with fireproofing, non-combustible insulation, compartmentalization, smoke barriers, sprinkler systems. What's scary is this results in more recommended "shelter in place" situations, which are super risky without large vegetation buffers (which often require significant habitat destruction to achieve). Best option is to infill and not sprawl.
DeleteIsn't your property "underutilized?" Model the way, Marco. Model the way. You and Catherine. Isn't how that family lives considered racist?
DeleteSo Marco is actually happy 12,000 homes burned to the ground so he and jazz shoulders Newsom can build 15 story fire retarded buildings in place of the historical beautiful neighborhoods of of North Los Angeles.
DeleteMarco, material truths can be useful but from a point of really giving a shit about real life human suffering and history you're left wanting.
Yours is a sad journey thru life.
DeleteAccording to a Master Gardener publication regarding Blakespear's Canary Palms. Blakespear should remove all of her trees as they are now a serious HAZARD. Not just because of the fire hazard.
It also states that she needs to hire a professional arborist.
"Hire a professional arborist to remove infested, dead or dying palms on your property. This can stop the next generation of weevils from flying to another host on the block or in the canyon. The infested material removed (usually only the top 25% of the tree where the SAPW larvae have been eating away at the apical meristem) should be chipped, then tarped securely and transported to a certified landfill that will bury the material in 24 hours or less."
you want it cleaned up right? If someone wants to volunteer to help, how does that effect you (other than it takes care of the thing you are bitching about)
ReplyDeletewhine, whine, whine
no one is forcing anyone to help.
ReplyDeletego on, then. send catherine the hospital bill.
DeleteI heard today the Beacon’s bluff is moving on the north side.
ReplyDeleteMy freind call me saying the cracks in the wall on the north end at the Airbnb are cracking big-time today.
Get ready taxpayers. 💳💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
Thank you!
DeleteI’ve got someone going out taking video and pictures.
- 🚑🏃🏾♂️
No one is forcing anyone to help. But if there is fire because the volunteers are using a wood chopper, which can create sparks, even an electric one, then it affects a lot of people. The Composer District of Cardiff, west of 5, is already packed in. Same with the walking district. So if a fire breaks out, that canyon will burn and many homes around it could be affected. We've seen what happened in Los Angeles. There is one way in and out of this part of Cardiff, which is Vulcan. Why in the world would the Blakespear's not have a professional company come out and clear their 6 acres? Yes, the Canyon belongs to them. It's easy to say let the fun begin, but it will be more difficult to say if homes are burned down. Some have said this is a coyote sanctuary. I have never heard of it being this, until this all started. If it is, maybe someone can prove that. Coyotes are all over Encinitas, so that reason seems rather odd. Our fire dept. says it is not a fire risk. Go and see for yourself. If this isn't a fire hazard, please tell me what they consider a fire hazard. I live close enough to this property, that I am concerned. Yet, the City, Coast News, the App the city provides don't see the least concerned. So maybe I am just one of many who wonder if we might want to get another opinion. 2 years ago some of us asked Ms. Smith to please do something about all of the dead fronds, etc. Nothing happened. It is now owned by the Blakespear's when it was deeded over before the new law went into effect. Many did, so I could care less that it happened. We have recently seen how devastating fires can be. Do we want to even chance it right now? It's the perfect condition for fires to start and to spread. I could say more, but I already know I will be shot down, so I'll stop. Be careful out there.
ReplyDeleteYou may have some truths here but it would be best for the everyone if you just dove into the woodchipper
DeleteBitch because it’s not trimmed.
DeleteBitch because they didn’t do it the way you want.
Bitch, bitch, bitch.
Let’s talk about what really motivates you. Blakespear correctly identified you as a Nutbird and ignored you. Your inflated narcissistic ego couldn’t take it because you think you’re important.
End of story.
Oh shit no idea Lorri posted the 4:11 missive. No idea...was the name edited? For whatever it's worth it seemed Margo related.
DeleteHealing energy to Lorri...
I don't live near this neighborhood, but I care about the safety of other Encinitas residents who do. This is outrageous that this issue has gone unattended for years now.
DeleteTwo things: our Blakespear-controlled fire chief dept said no risk. Not the new one. Why aren't they taking care of their own business? CHEAP. No mystery there.
ReplyDeleteI had the same thought about sparks generated from clearing brush or from the wood chipper. Maybe they should have the Fire Marshall take a look at what they will be using.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they should pay someone.
DeleteArtisan brush and tree removal at the request of Lorrie Greene and Julie Thunder for this particular space, plus their Republican, *sorry* partially NPP followers. The prominent commentors/donors live in other costal north county San Diego coastal cities, not necessarily Encinitas, and a couple in Oregon.
Delete434 they really should hire a contractor to do the job. People who understand weather typically would not move forward using electric or gas tools during high fire season.
Delete438 you clearly are a flatliner
Delete4:38 explain Allison Blackwell‘s pride in having been an NPP for years and years. Is she MAGA?? We’ll wait.
DeleteLorrie if you want it done a certain way then go volunteer and do it your way.
ReplyDeleteOtherwise STFU.
449 need another reminder? We stopped dunking women many years, ago
DeleteAnd to come the people who hate me more than their own community. Sad it has come to this. Hell, I wouldn't mind one bit if I died. I'm way too old to be on this earth at this time. So if anyone wants to akee me out, please feel free. It would be welcome.
DeleteSorry for all of the typos. Broke my foot on Friday and am really not wanting to stay around anymore. So please come and put me out of my misery. You know you want to.
Delete449 You are hurting a real human today. You knew LG was ill... You have no heart. You are not even educated enough to understand why people are concerned. You don't get to be the only one in the room with a voice
Delete5:13- It no longer matters to me. I'll even pay someone to put me out of the pain I am dealing with. But thanks for your concern. I knew the minute I posted it, I would get shit. But at least I put my name on it.
DeleteWow wow wow 5:22. Why don't you just post your requirements of how the landowners should maintain their land RIGHT NOW or else they'll be responsible for your death.
Delete5:27 At least Lorri had the balls to put her name on it. I live close to her and it's possible we all could die, if fire in that canyon got out of control. So fuck you.
Delete6:05 Waaaah! I want no tax increase but I want perfect exits!!!
DeleteThere she goes again with suicide talk. Lorri did that on Facebook about 5 years ago and people were so concerned they sent police to do a well check, which angered Lorri. She posts like this because she wants attention but when people step up to help or check on her, she whines
DeleteMay blessings come your way Dr. Lorri.
ReplyDeleteYour critics have no soul. They, mostly he, does have a reserved seat in the Office every day from which to spew his booze driven vitriol. Classy as never is you js.
Cardiff deserves a tax for wasting so much time at city council.
ReplyDeleteThe city Council needs to establish a special community district around Rubenstein Drive and set up super high fees to pay for all of the bullshit, And expenses to the city,that's coming out of the wider than white compound.
DeleteObviously it's time for another 5150.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the publication you posted regarding the canary palm weevil. Blakespear should remove all of her trees as they are now a serious HAZARD.
It also states that she needs to hire a professional arborist.
"Hire a professional arborist to remove infested, dead or dying palms on your property. This can stop the next generation of weevils from flying to another host on the block or in the canyon. The infested material removed (usually only the top 25% of the tree where the SAPW larvae have been eating away at the apical meristem) should be chipped, then tarped securely and transported to a certified landfill that will bury the material in 24 hours or less."
ReplyDeleteCatherine S. Blakespear
September 7, 2014 at 9:08 pm
I understand there’s concern about the future of the property around Rossini Creek that is owned solely by my mom, Tricia A. Smith. To set the record straight, she has no plans to develop her property. In the 1990s (more than 20 years ago now) my widowed grandma considered selling a portion of the property in order to keep her home and the rest of her yard in tact. During this time, my step-dad died suddenly in a car accident. The tragedy led to many changes in priorities and the plans were dropped. I can say unequivocally that Tricia is not planning to develop her land.
There are several things worth remembering here. First, we’re lucky to have people like my mom keep her property natural and undeveloped. My personal interest in urban agriculture comes from having grown up playing in Rossini Creek and in our yard – picking fruit and building tree houses. Because of this commitment on my part, I am actively involved in overhauling the agriculture ordinances so all homeowners can garden by right, and build community around creation of our local food source.
To come full circle, Tricia has no development plans. Please write to her directly at or to me at if you would like to discuss it further as we’re both happy to address any concerns.
Blakespear is such a liar, she’ll say whatever she has to in order to get elected, kinda like Newsom.
DeleteSo the take away from Blakespear's comments is that you Cardiff people are ungrateful to her mom and now her for keeping their property, " natural and undeveloped." An entire neighborhood is at risk of being burnt out, but what a small price to pay!
DeleteFakespear built tree houses?? Did she have a permit?. Were her building plans reviewed for safety??
DeleteAmanda Z wants to “keep this in Cardiff where it belongs.” Too late, the story is making its way up and down the state. The quotes your hero gave the coast news are as weird as the story itself. She and her mom should’ve written those checks years ago, it would’ve been a lot cheaper than the bad press she will now have to pay to spin away. Then again, it’s not a problem because taxpayers are footing that bill.
ReplyDeleteThe LA Fires have highlighted the extreme negligence of this entitled family just as Catherine was appointed Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, both making her home situation especially awkward. The very definition of bad optics we can all agree.
This is not only about the fact that she wants free labor. She is ignoring the warnings regarding spreading palm weevil disease if the job is done incorrectly, which it will be by unskilled workers..
Some environmentalist. Instead of shooting the messenger Amanda, why don’t you go ask your hero WTF? That should be what you’re really angry about but oddly, it isn’t.
6:34 spot on, you nailed it.
DeleteThe hypocrisy of all this is that Blakespear's Chair of the Senate Environmental Quality Committee, yet she has neglected a very serious environmental hazard. This environmental hazard is her failure to address her diseased Canary Palms over the last 5+ years.
Her diseased Canary Palms should only be dealt with by a professional Arborist according to numerous publications. If not, the disease can spread to other plant life and trees in the surrounding area. In short, she's been appointed to the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and has already proven herself a hypocrite and failure.
I encourage people to spread this information about Ms. Blakespear, so we can get rid of people like her who aren't qualified for the job.
Natalie not qualified, a purposeful hypocrit.
DeleteSiri struck! “Not only,” not “Natalie.”
Delete8:04 So you don't care that Blakespear has allowed an environmental mess that could or has already spread to our local plant life and surrounding habitat.
DeleteThat's a Blakespear voter for you, do as I say not as I do.
8:04 instead of randomly attacking other people, why not just address the problem, Blakespear.
DeleteAck I"m 8:04 can you not read I said Siri had struck and corrected what I meant to write. Geez. Not a Catherine fan, don't hate Natalie. OK?
Delete831 Don't get agitated with me. I couldn't understand what the hell you were writing, try to be a bit more clearer next time instead of just writing "Siri struck! "Not only," not "Natalie." Regardless, all is good. Enjoy the weekend.
DeleteThis case of hypocrisy is eerily similar to the story that she has successfully spread that her bike lane designs have made it safer for those who use them. I am not sure of the number of bike accidents that happened prior to their installations, but despite the increase in traffic, one would expect the number of accidents to go down! Instead, we have had two bike lane fatalities and many serious injuries. Beyond the tremendous human toll, all taxpayers are on the hook financially for potential lawsuits. It takes a special type of sociopath to place the lives of others in jeopardy and spin these policies as a good news safety story to get elected. I am so ashamed that I once voted for this person.
DeleteGaslighter is her middle name. Fewer and fewer people are buying it, proof's in the council flip. Can't wait to see her next Senate run.
DeleteNot all Blakespear supporters are this way, but the people who are suggesting that those who have shared this story out of a true fear for their neighborhood have been invited to shove "palm fronds up their asses." Most of those who still support her are not fully informed of danger
ReplyDeleteand destruction she has ushered into our city, but news is spreading.
941, yes yes I agree, and that news of complete disregard and respect is spreading like wild fire. People need to hear this, not just in Encinitas but in her entire district and beyond.
DeleteI'll be sharing as much as I can regarding this matter in hopes people see who Blakespear really is. A selfish, entitled brat who manipulates the truth.
To think I voted and supported this person at one time. I'm embarrassed and ashamed at my stupidity.
11:06am. When the choice at that time was the clueless Paul Gaspar or Catherine, I still would not go back and change my vote, my only vote ever, for Catherine. That was then. This is now.
ReplyDeleteIf I could go back and change my vote, I would definitely have voted for Paul Gaspar over Blakespear. She ran on slogans like, "Preserve Paradise." Her neighbors are up in arms because her neglect of her own property after years of pleas and warnings could subject them to a fiery Hell if something is not done immediately.
DeleteYea, but Paul? Really? You must have missed the debate at Ada Harris.
ReplyDeleteWe have had some lackluster, haha, candidates over the decades, but few if any, where ever so clueless as Paul Gaspar showed himself to be. One would think being the hubby he was, some political knowledge would have rubbed off onto him. It did not.
Good thing your vote did not go to him, even with what we all ended up with. We both voted for her one time. Paul Gaspar? Really?
Absolutely. Paul Gaspar is not a whore who was out to climb the ladder at the expense of ruining Encinitas since he already has a successful career and the ability to listen. I definitely would have changed my vote if I could go back.
ReplyDeleteJust to clarify, we have had many sellouts over the years from both parties. I posted at 10:50, and and while I stated that I wish I would have voted for Paul Gaspar, I did not mean to imply that Blakespear was the person I was speaking of who is a wh---. We have had a sad history of many elected officials and some staff members who debased themselves by selling out Encinitas citizens! This was not the original vision or the reason we became a city!