Monday, January 20, 2025

Fatal hit-and-run in Leucadia

NBC 7:
A 66-year-old woman died after she was struck by an SUV whose driver left the scene, authorities said Monday.

The crash occurred at 6:52 p.m. Sunday in the 900 block of North Coast Highway 101, according to officials at the North Coastal San Diego County Sheriff's Station.

Preliminary information indicated the possibly light-colored SUV struck the woman in the roadway and the driver immediately left the scene, investigators said.
That's the block just north of Leucadia Boulevard, where Solterra and Nectarine Grove are.


  1. Full commutations for violent assault on police officers.

    From today on you are the violet POS criminal party. Congratulations. Own it.

    1. It's an infinitely glorious day for real justice in America .

      Morning in America Renaissance has come.

      It may be on par with 1776 and no coincidence it coincidence with MLK day.

      R.I.P. to that lady who lost her life. May they perpetrator be imprisoned for the rest of their nature lives along with Fauci and Adam Schiff.


  2. “President Biden pardons family members in final minutes of presidency.”

    I’m sorry what were you saying…

  3. 714, I’m sorry what were you saying?

    “Biden announced early on Monday that he was issuing preemptive pardons for Dr. Anthony Fauci, retired Gen. Mark Milley, and members and staff of the now-defunct House select committee on the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.“

    1. POS cop beater party.

      Own it.

    2. 7:40 one minute the Progressive Liberals want to defund the police, burning down entire cities over George Floyd and the next their calling Republicans “cop beaters”.

      Yep the Dem party is bat shit crazy. 🤪

    3. Progressive Liberals you can’t fix them. They’re a broke dick party!

    4. Last one to do this was Gerald Ford for Richard Nixon in 1974. That alone tells you something. IF you didn't do anything wrong, don't accept the pardon. Accepting the pardon is admission of guilt and is an avoidance of prosecution and sentencing. Absolutely shameful.

  4. “In Biden’s final hours, the most CORRUPT Administration in American history is covering up Democrats’ trail of criminal activity."

  5. Nancy Pelosi Executes 9 New Stock Trades Leading Into Trumps Inauguration Day.

    Probably the best trader on Wall Street is former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

    Her ability to perfectly time trades is so renowned that websites are dedicated to tracking her every stock sale and purchase. In 2024, she trounced the S&P 500, generating returns of 71% versus 24.9% for the benchmark index. Not surprisingly, she is opposed to imposing limits on Congress’s ability to trade.

    I’m shocked Biden didn’t pardon her as well. Then again she stabbed old drooling pants in the back according to Jill. Gotta love watching the Progressive Liberals eat their own.

  6. “Senate confirms Marco Rubio in unprecedented 99-0 vote as secretary of state, giving Trump the first member of his Cabinet.”

    Drill baby drill!

    1. Do you know what Secretary of State does? It has nothing to do with domestic oil policy.

  7. Biden pardons former Ky. Democratic Party leader moments before inaguration.

    “In July 2020, Gerald Lundergan of Lexington, also known as Jerry, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for his role in “orchestrating a multiyear scheme to funnel more than $200,000 in secret, unlawful corporate contributions into a campaign for United States Senate,”

    1. Last one to do this was Gerald Ford for Richard Nixon in 1974. That alone tells you something. IF you didn't do anything wrong, don't accept the pardon. Accepting the pardon is admission of guilt and is an avoidance of prosecution and sentencing. Absolutely shameful.

  8. In Burdick v. United States, SCOTUS wrote that a pardon is "an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it[.]"
    In other words, every single person Biden just pardoned has effectively confessed that they are guilty of any and every crime with which they might have been charged.
    Additionally, since there is no longer a credible fear of prosecution, none of these people can plead the fifth to avoid testifying. Which means that they can be compelled to testify, and then if they lie, they have committed perjury -- a new crime for which they have not been pardoned.

    1. I’m shocked Biden didn’t pardon himself, but then again his handlers were doing all the pardoning for old Joe. Gotta love those Progressive Dems. Just a bunch of crooks!

  9. Hit and run on the 101. It may the victim RIP.

    1. RIP to the woman that lost her life. Sounds like she was an Encinitas resident.

    2. There are just too many accidents with pedestrians and bike riders in Encinitas. Very sad news!

  10. The fatal hit and run is this blog.

    1. What a Hateful inconsiderate fucked up thing to say, you loser.

      Stay on Facebook, loser.

    2. ooh you're such a flirt!

  11. RIP to the woman, and I feel horrible for her family. 🙏

    Another pedestrian is killed in Leucadia.

    That Leucadia Blvd intersection area is Horrendous and dangerous in Leucadia.

    One thing for certain is pedestrians are not welcome in the downtown area. Pedestrians beware cars fly through that intersection and turn into you when you’re trying to cross the street. it’s very, very dangerous.

    I Can’t wait to see a report on the hazard from City Hall and review all the accidents and collisions that occur.

  12. In Leucadia, the Engineers favor cars over pedestrians, hence, the kill rate is very high.

    Abe seems to favor cut through traffic coming from I 5 to haul ass throughHwy 101/ Leucadia Blvd. Intersection at the peril of pedestrians and local is trying to get to the stores and beaches.

    pedestrians are left to scramble for their lives.

    It’s past time for some serious cleanup at City Hall. Death death death is synonymous with Encinitas and pedestrians.

    1. Gotta love the effectiveness of their Zero Vision.

  13. I see people crossing the street at that spot all the time. Many are bleepin crazy. Most are willing to cross wherever, drivers have to deal with people using bushes for cover. I guess the pedestrian activated stop walk is insufficient, sucks.

  14. Y’all mean streetscape isn’t working?

    1. In the areas where the city implemented Streetscape, it’s working great. In the Leucadia Boulevard area streetscape was never designed in the streetscape.

      At that intersection, it’s a vehicle and cut through traffic hell hole. Very, very unsafe. Very bad design.

    2. This accident did not occur at the intersection of Leucadia Blvd.

  15. What do I observe more often is pedestrians are playing Frogger while drivers are hauling ass to cut through Acadia as fast as possible, and are pasted with their faces against their phones.

    The city needs to make this intersection area, much slower, and better for pedestrians and Cut throughdrivers need to wake the fuck up and quit staring at their phones when they’re driving.

    The sheriff needs to start issuing tons of tickets to drivers who are on their cell phones, And DUI.

    With Tony’s proliferation and promoting bars all over the place, the DUIs have spiked and Encinitas.

    To the point where drivers are inebriated and can’t even see and run into roundabouts for God sake’s.

    What fricking losers. Please sheriffs starting enforcing driving laws, including staying off your freaking cell phones, and not driving when you’re polluted, drunk or higher than shit from our cannabis huts.

    This town needs an enema. Thank God, we have good new leadership. Kranz and BIA sucked!

    1. *What I observe more often is pedestrians are playing Frogger while drivers are hauling ass to cut through Keucadia as fast as possible, and are pasted with their faces against their phones.

    2. Sorry, having phone troubles this morning.

      * What I observe more often is pedestrians are playing Frogger while drivers are hauling ass to cut through Leucadia as fast as possible, and are pasted with their faces staring at their phones.

    3. On Bruce's watch. Bruce Almighty needs to fix this!

  16. People are dumb..........period. Here is a tip, don't walk with cars and you might not get killed. simple.
    In fact, let em' get killed. There are are far too many dumb people anyway. Pass the stupid......."it's on the menu"

    1. 7:48 coming straight from a Progressive Democrat, no wonder your party lost across the board. You folks assholes!

    2. Wrong.........I'm a realist, conservative and don't care if people get killed walking in traffic. You see, conservatives don't live in a pretend world. We live with facts.

    3. 9:35- You’re just an asshole and you’ll get your karma. In fact, you’re living your karma now asshole. 👎

      And I’m a fiscal conservative.

  17. Zero Vision ain't working. Take a look at Streetscape and Santa Fe as well as the now ruined 101 and you'll know why.

    1. 8:25- it is working great where they implemented it like at the roundabout.

      You should try pulling your head out of your ass before you drive Ma’am….

    2. 10:51 really? We've had more deaths on the 101 and Leucadia Blvd and on ECR in the last couple of years than in years past. Don't be a dick, sir.

    3. Numb nutt, that section just north of the intersection is considered "done" also.

  18. Lots of folks do try to cut in the middle of traffic. Then again, jaywalking is now legal so no tickets to write. Then again, Streetscape should have prevented this - right?

  19. lists the POS domestic terrorist pardons.

    They are not listed chronologically or alphabetically.

    The first name on the list is Stewart Rhodes, founder of the racist organization the Oath Keepers.

    The message is clear. The GOP is the party of racist POS domestic terrorists.

    And it’s not just Trump. It’s some of you.

    Human garbage. Scum of the earth.

    1. STFU folks who want to discuss national politics. Someone died here, locally. Trying to have a discussion about what happened and how it might not happen again.

    2. Excuse me while I go put on some black face and talk with marbles in my mouth.

    3. It seems everyone is a terrorist to delusional regressives afraid of their own shadows.

  20. Tickets are not possible because jaywalking as noted is now legal. Lots of people darting out into traffic not sure how Streetscape can address? This was not at the Leucadia Blvd. intersection as claimed above.

    1. Tickets are possible and should be given to those drivers who are on their cell phones before driving an inebriated.

    2. Absolutely cell phone tix can be given out; however, that's only if the phone is not hands free. In that case the driver is still distracted but legal.

  21. How many here have witnessed more than once an individual (all ages) walk across a busy road, intersection, etc looking down at their device the entire time?

    1. That is a huge problem, agreed. Will be interesting to see the results of the police investigation. Nothing against the woman who died as we don't yet know what happened, but in general how can human behavior be modified in our own best interest? Streetscape comes with its own issues including mixing bikes, cars, and peds at intersections.

    2. Electric bikes and kids, people on those GD cell phones.
      Get hit, get killed...........ya' did it to yourself.
      I'll save a animal in the road before an idiot human.
      I'm done....................

  22. We need to focus on bad driver behavior. Cell phone usage while driving is out of control. People are staring at their phones and not the road or pedestrians.

    We need enforcement, not police heckling people for smoking a cigarette .

    1. There is not enough law enforcement and fewer and fewer are drawn to the job. A thankless position

    2. Probably because people who pepper spray, taser, and beat cops get pardons.

    3. You are correct 1:52

  23. I think that the increase in the number of bars in Encinitas has not been helpful in preventing accidents. It was safer before.

  24. That’s for sure. All the freaking bars are over serving resulting in people crashing into roundabouts and people because they’re twisted drunk. And they’re twisted drunk at all times of the day.

  25. Prosecute the driver.

  26. Smart phones? I beg to differ. I plead to differ.

  27. 3:18 - MARCO - would you please wade in and update us? Are you still involved or was that all just a dog and pony show to quell the downtown resident outcries??

    1. 3:48- He's to busy scolding everyone on EV.

  28. The Encinitas Temperance League!

    Lips that touch alcohol will never touch mine!

    1. Good Safe and for your Phony’s Balloon 🪢

      My God, Marco, you get old

  29. Every 5 years, we have to crack down on bars. It's time

  30. Marco? You’re the poster child for making promises you can’t keep.

    1. We have shitheads on all sides. Im excited to see how Ehlers and the 2 to 3 stooges make Encinitas great again.

    2. Good point, after Stocks, BIA and Kranz put Encintas in the shitter.

  31. Blah, blah, blah. Once again, mindless ramblings that have nothing to do with the topic at hand from psycho circus.

    1. Starvin’s looking for a new Manz now that Phony don’t have the goods.

  32. Not to change the subject but does Mali realize that Bobby Riggs was a raging misogynist? She’s promoting his academy, seriously misguided yet again.

    This one’s for you Mali, learn something:

    1. Maui is irrelevant.

    2. Don't be surprised. Mali appears to focus on what is best for her. Good news is that the ," book of Maleeeeees ", online quotes can always be used against her . She irrelevant and powerless. Let the fool ramble...

    3. It’s such a pleasure to know that MWD has been neutered and rendered irrelevant.

    4. 820 she never had power. She was used as a developer shill.

  33. Any new information on the death of this woman?

    Did anybody else die last night? It seems like there’s somebody dying every night in Encinitas now. TONY and Blakespear left a gigantic mess and Encinitas for the taxpayers to clean up.

    Thank goodness we have Bruce , Luke, and Jim to serve us. NPP And good Democrats like those of us that supported Maggie Houlihan.

    So happy the freak show is punted out of City Hall.

  34. Gotta love this market, thank you Trump.

    Since the election $187K profit.

    Yesterday $19K profit
    Today up $22K profit on NVDA and MSFT

    My portfolio dragged along slowly under Biden/Harris.

    All the teachers, fire fighters, anyone on a pension, 401K, IRA or just your small investor should be thanking Trump.

    God Bless Trump!

    1. The tech billionaires.are going to run this country. Yes, the market is going to ring all tech... New millionaire and billionaires created. The past low level freaks will either become part of the next goldrush or become pickled.

    2. I'm glad your stocks are up and I hope you have great opportunities to help the earth with your latest wealth.

      Trump is a scum bag, like Biden and the other commies, but he is picking a good cabinet.

      thank you RFK and Elon for being straight up smart people serving Americans.


    3. Thank you Mr. Trump and my buddy J.D
      I would love to see biden and harris hang for treason to our country. 13 million illegals....lock and load.
      Everything the left does.........they destroy

    4. Yep, I love what Trump has done with the economy so far. Markets love him.

      My recommendations would be to buy mega cap tech such as MSFT, NVDA, GOOG (not sure about AAPL too much competition).

      I'd also diversify into a little bit of the oil and banking sector sector equities. Oil and banking have always done well under Trump. My recommendations would be BP when it pulls back a little bit more and BAC. Both a pay dividend and both will see a nice run in the next 4 years.

      With that said, I'd go 75% mega cap tech and 25% mega cap oil and banks.

      GO TRUMP and Fuck Biden/Harris/Newsom and Blakespear.

    5. 657 the Billionaires have always run this country with their political contributions. So, when you can't beat em, join em.

      Invest in their companies and be part of the gravy train $$$

    6. 721. You got this

  35. "Trump orders all federal diversity, equity and inclusion employees placed on paid leave starting Wednesday."

    I love Trump....

  36. President Donald Trump signed an executive order Monday ending “radical and wasteful” diversity, equity and inclusion programs in federal agencies, with DEI offices and programs being ordered to shut down.

    Promises made, promises kept....

    Gone are the days of Blakespear, Horvath, Marlon, Mali, Newsom.

    Grab you're popcorn folks welcome back to common sense.

    1. And Starvin

    2. Trump is an old retarded racist asshole always and forever. If you want to cheer him on because you like the way the stock market looks right now and you're a racist too, go for it.

    3. 829 says the Progressive Liberal loser.

      It warms my heart every time I hear you use the word "racist" on anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with you.

      Because of the Progressive Liberals overuse of the words "racist", "racism" , "homophobia" "transphobia" etc for anyone who doesn't agree with their ideology. Those words will never have the same meaning and have lost all credibility. 🤣😂🤣😂

    4. Yup, you aren't racist anymore. You've destroyed the word racism, so you can be the hateful racist pieces of shit you always have been with total freedom. Old White Men FTW.

      The only reason all of it became an issue in the first place was Trump ya goddam fucking retards.

    5. Go rape some women in celebration, if that's still a word.

    6. 912 "Old White Men" that's my favorite word the Progressive Liberals use. So much for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

      The Progressive love the word "retards". It's Amanda's favorite word. Real classy!

      The term "retard" is considered an insult and a put-down that causes pain to people with intellectual disabilities. Show some respect for people with disabilities.

      The term "intellectual disability" was made official in US federal law by "Rosa's Law", signed by President Barack Obama in 2010.

      Using words like "retard" and phrases like "old white men" is exactly why your party lost. People see through your hypocrisy.

    7. Your serial rapist leader approves.

    8. 943 obviously you're not mentally stable, I feel bad for your daughter. To have a mother (Amanda) call people "retarded" in front of her child is just sad. Obviously you have no respect for persons with disabilities, you see them as a both waste to society and trash. Much like the Nazi's saw the jews. Very sad!

      I hope your daughter doesn't carry on her mother's tradition.

      Get some help, Amanda Zenick.

    9. 1005, sure you’re not Amanda!

      I’ve seen Amanda use the word “retard” way too often on Facebook.

      Get help Amanda.

    10. Get help yourself, 10:24.

    11. 1033 take a look in the mirror and ask yourself why you refer to those you disagree with as "retarded".

      It's no different than someone refer to others as "niggers". Same thing.

      Yet you'll shout from the hilltops that you support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. This is your Progressive Liberal party in a nutshell, hypocrisy.

      Get help Amanda.

    12. LOL 10:52. This is why we now have a group of retards running the country with you cheering them on.

    13. 11:15 the only one laughing is you, Amanda. Frankly, you look like a total jackass right now.

      You have all the traits of a Personality Disorder, probably on the level of bipolar. I'm being very serious.

      1. Constantly needs attention, spends entire day looking for it.

      2. Lacks boundaries

      3. Liking and loving your own Facebook posts, if no one does.

      4. Referring to people who disagree with you as "retards", because you yourself personally feel this way about yourself.

      5. Being married and divorced multiple times.

      6. Distorted self views and views of others, especially when they don't agree with you.

      7. Projecting

      8. Constant mood swings, very volatile.

      Good luck Amanda....

    14. Not Amanda, not ever gonna use that word ever 10:52. You're fucked up.

    15. Amanda is a troll. Never feed a 🧌

  37. We've been getting $100 parking tickets next to empty fire hydrants. Time to get rid of Newscum.

  38. Being color blind is your problem.
