When Bruce Ehlers narrowly defeated incumbent Tony Kranz in the Encinitas mayoral race last fall, it was seen as a rejection of how the city was run.
One of the biggest issues he wants to tackle is infrastructure, especially storm drains to prevent flooding in places like Leucadia. That area is prone to flooding, which has been an issue since before Encinitas was incorporated as a city in 1986.
Ehlers said the previous council has been prioritizing unneeded projects such as streetscaping and buying Surfer’s Point.
“What had happened is we'd spent $100 million over the last 10 years on nonessential vanity beautification projects where we should have been spending it on basic infrastructure, pavement flooding and storm drain refurbishment,” he said.
And more errors from KPBS:
This past November, voters rejected a half-cent sales tax increase that would have paid for road repairs and other infrastructure.
It was a one percent sales tax increase, not a "half-cent".
They need a good pr agent . It is pretty clear that minions are back to work for BIA.
ReplyDeleteThey may want to get a city manager from another area. Need better talent ....
ReplyDeleteBe prepared, Freaks will blame new council for Tony's bloopers. New council has alot of work to do. Freak fighters be prepared to be publicly spit on for pointing out the obvious deceptions. Encinitas can't be a place of love until all special interest is removed from City Hall.
Ehlers equals hero! ❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeleteThe freak show equals victim mentality losers, who embrace predators.
Freaks who attempt to win public opinion by attempting to shut down a local blog may just be BIA lobbist in disguise 🥸.
ReplyDeleteLots of words rolling into the new year. Let's see if Bruce can walk the walk. Me thinks he's in for a rude awakening.
ReplyDeleteActually, you're in for a rude awakening. Hope you can handle it!
DeleteEncinitas has already been fixed. The constant whining about bike accidents, homelessness, crime, development, etc stopped after Bruce and LukeJim were elected.
DeleteAwakening? Not sure about that, but I can promise he will encounter some pretty rude BIA lobbist.
Delete10:26 you mean "walk the talk." Anyway some effort will be better than Kranz's no effort. Notice Tony is continuing his lie of "millions of dollars in lawsuits fighting state housing law." Never happened and he's been exposed on it publicly but that doesn't stop him repeating the lines he's been fed, it helps pay the bills or what else are we supposed to think, Tony??
DeleteTony is making a fool out of himself.
DeleteSome things never change.
DeleteIs EV abandoning its local focus requirement?
ReplyDelete"No. Just not a lot of local news right now. If you have some, post it." -Lorri
Oops! Another accidental peek behind the curtain.
John Gjata posted that on EV. He is constantly trying to agitate, while offering nothing. I think Lorri just should dump him. If you look now, there is a lot of local news. But haters are going to hate.
DeleteWho cares. Is that the website that an appointed insider attempted to shut down while stumping for Blakespear and BIA? This is a great story about the war between the community and the predators. Community won but the injured bottom feeders are lurking
Delete1118 John has entered the room.
DeleteOnly agitators who align with your agenda allowed. Right Lorri?
DeleteNot Lorri by the way. You have entered an adult room chat. You sound like a teen.
DeleteEV has two new moderators: Shawn Wallace and Theresa Olvera
DeleteThat's great news they added more totally unbiased moderators. 🤣🤣🤣 EV Watchdorks 2025!
DeleteTeresa Olvera is dumb as all get out and has lived in Encinitas a grand total of 4 years.
Delete1215 they will do a great job of freak management.
Delete1247 do you beat up on older women?
ReplyDeleteEhlers - 52%
Kranz- 47%
Shaffer- 57%
Blackwell- 43%
Ohara - 56%
Preston 42%
NPR is a US government/state affiliated democrat donor.
No surprises here
They were slaughtered. They could have won. They had the advantage. It was sad to watch them turn on the residents vs the political target. Blakespear has sued her own residents twice but he way.
DeleteVictim mentality never wins.
DeleteWhy do you Zuck cucks give all your data away on FB? Zuck should be paying you for content but you just give it to him and seem to enjoy doing it.
ReplyDeleteAre you stable
DeleteFrom KPBS article:
ReplyDelete"This past November, voters rejected a half-cent sales tax increase that would have paid for road repairs and other infrastructure." NOT TRUE. The tax "might have paid" is the correct answer. No guarantees with General Fund spending.
Ehlers "agrees with other residents that it [L7] should be turned into a park and said there are a number of new homes being built around that area." "A number" = more than 1,000.
My regular radio station but not above calling them out for their pro-BIA, anti-affordable housing bias.
Watch bia lobbist person attempt to infer that laws are going to be broken. Next Watch BIA lobbist scream: Bruce is a hypocrite because he approved a project. Watch BIA lobbist get corrected everytime it makes false claims.
Delete12:13 already been threatened endlessly throughout 2024. Didn't work. The majority saw through the BIA rhetoric coming from KranzBlackwellPreston. Challengers made a point of saying they would not break the law, yet to this day Preston in particular is the new mouthpiece for this lie on behalf of the other losers. Yes, I said it: losers.
DeleteWonder if Blasksphere is going to appoint DP to some high-ranking environmental post or if she will dump DP. DP's recent posts suggest that she still feels comfortable participating in political deception tactics. Will she be appointed this year to another post? Will Blasksphere dump DP moving into 2025 or keep her back with the bottom feeders like Tony K?
DeleteMaybe change her "name" to Infinity Preston?
DeleteWhy aren't you asking on EV using one of your dozen fake accounts Ms. Miller?
DeleteI don't understand why everyone here isn't using their real names to make Encinitas the better place they've been waiting to make it for so many years. Supposedly you've been fighting against big ol bad Blakespear that was so mean to you.
DeleteNow you have your chance and all you do is talk shit anonymously.
why aren't you?
Delete128 Welcome to the room what is your name
DeleteGood Grief. Kranz is having a meltdown on EN. Whatever happened to you lost, get over it. Maybe he has nothing else to do now. How much time did he spend at the CC saying how hard he worked? Finally we broke the Blakespear/Kranz cabal and they really don't like it. The worst is Musiak, followed by Zenick, Preston, Taylor, Woods-Drake, and a few more. I honestly hope Kranz doesn't have a heart attack over this. He has gotten so fat, eating the food from the BIA table. THEY are the ones who dumped him. They saw no use in keeping him around, like they did Blakespear. He doesn't have the brains of the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. So yes, let's blame Lorri for everything Eleanor. She makes such a good target for you doesn't she. She's in her 70's, runs a FB group you don't like, and to top it off she is very ill. But hell has no fury like a nasty woman who wants to fuck over her neighbor. I have no use for any of them. And I hope Lorri gets better so she can come on this site and tell all. She's been around before incorporation and has been active in our city all that time. Exactly what have Amanda, Mali, Eleanor done, except try to get the elementary school to not get new classes?
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck is talking about Lorri except Encinitas Uncovered? Shut the fuck up about her and no one will ever know who the obnoxious liar is. She isn't a topic of conversation anywhere.
DeleteIs this the same tell all you've been promising for 10 years Lorri? Anyone that knows you knows you're incapable of keeping anything a secret. We've all heard every lie and bullshit rumor you have to offer.
DeleteThe more EM talks 👄 the stronger the microscope gets. Time to again investigate e4e?
DeleteHe is a private citizen now and if he wants to discuss any local issue on social media, he can. He has the same first amendment right as those who love to hate him
DeleteLorri would be better off focusing on her physical and mental health, she has done nothing for local politics
DeleteEN is 90% bots and the rest cucks and karens.
DeleteThe behavior of Tony Kranz is quite predictable. He believes he actually created useful change but the deep reality is he fucked everything up so bad it's going to take a decade to unwind it all and much of it irredeemable.
History books will forever show that his and Blakespears social, moral and forced personal health degradation of others and is a tale of modern day Bolshevekian rule.
May they forever be relegated to picking iceberg lettuce Blythe every summer
2:44- He is a private citizen, but it doesn't give him license to lie about what he did. I guess the only way to find out is a PRA and ask the city exactly how much we spent to fight for our city. According to Tony it was a lot.
DeleteCatherine and Tony saved Encinitas by getting us a compliant housing element. They did it knowing it would cost them votes and more. Yet they did it anyway because it needed to be done.
Delete450 they lost votes because they ran a horrible campaign
Delete450 pm is mentally retarded
DeleteEncinitas Now is 96% bluesky bots and the remainder are severely retarded 8 year olds
DeleteThere are so many annoying lying pieces of shit on this blog. I'm glad we don't see much leak of your dumb as shit ideas to other social media and the majority of city council meeting content.
ReplyDeleteOne of you idiots say "keep it on facebook". Please lord keep you dumb motherfuckers on EU.
1244 I know these committed residents are just annoying 😑. Nothing worst than trying to spin crap to only find out you ain't got nothing to spin. Hey, how is our 90 percent market rate housing moving along?
DeleteSharing your pov doesn't make someone a "committed resident" dumbfuck.
DeleteHey, what did those mean committed residents say about about Tony? Are you ok? Please ask for a timeout if needed
Delete108 similar to claiming to be a low-income housing advocate, but in reality, the wolves 🐺 are responsible for creating expensive market-rate housing. You are done and 2025 is going to be a rocky one for you.
DeleteIt's a lie but you need to a PRA to prove it? That's a funny way of saying you have no evidence to support your claim.
ReplyDeleteFormer and wannabe elected should just shut up and move on. Unless they're Pam, Sheila, Susan, Julie, Kristin, Phil, Jerome, other Julie, Alex, Steve, Aimee, Matt, Cindy, etc. Right?
Tell me you're an EV idiot without telling me.
448 everyone is welcome to speak in Encinitas. We love everyone and want to be a welcoming city. Let's be real, Tony and the team don't want to play in the sandbox, and they appear to believe that they rank higher on the human moral scale than most of us. Just yesterday, a possible Mali spitted out her famous word and asked someone to F a Retarded 🐎. Like I said, we are good people.
DeleteGood people? Read this blog, then read your statement again. This and EV is shitbag central.
DeleteTypical how none of you pussies have the balls to debate with Tony on EN or elsewhere. You hide here throwing anonymous comments because you know you'll get schooled. You're a buncha snowflakes hiding in your safe spaces like EV. Anyone who'd show what morons you are has been banned.
ReplyDeleteThat Gary gentleman just ate Tony for lunch. Tony comes across as an uneducated inflexible self-absorbed idiot. It would have taken far too much effort and time to train Tony to rise to the level of Mayor. Happy Bruce has replaced this dude.
DeleteDuring the last debate with Bruce, Tony stated that Bruce is smarter than Tony is. I am not sure of the strategy that Tony was using, but I do agree with that particular statement.
DeleteThat was funny. Tony may want to humble himself for a while and reflect on why he lost.
Delete5:25 I can see why you're a fan. Dude's the perfect representative of you clowns. An angry, selfish, clueless, transplant who thinks his opinions make him an expert on everything.
DeleteEM banned all the smart people.
DeleteAre you drinking?
DeleteMoving into 2025, I would like the Mayor to recommend a city ethics policy, revamp the Health and Safety Commission, and improve transparency and education around housing via community virtual town hall meetings. The last group of clowns did nothing in regards to moving the needle to meet the need for affordable housing. What they did was chum up a bit too closely with the big boys, and in doing so we now will have 90 percent market-rate housing. A while back, a freak publicly thanked Mali for the L7 Surplus deal. Why was Mali thanked? Was Mali in the early insider group with Kellie who spent six months with a lawyer strategizing the public land theft?
ReplyDelete6:02 That would be a yes.
DeleteI am sure some one will look into this event and report back.
Delete4:59 debates are over maybe you missed them with Tony repeatedly screwing his own chances trying to go up against Bruce.
ReplyDeleteWhy are the folks who lost abusing everyone here. You should be able to handle conflict by your 40sm 50s and 60s. Something is off
DeleteSomeone please provide a link to where Tony is being annihilated…. I love to watch him flounder.
ReplyDeleteTiny Kranz is mentally Retarded
ReplyDeleteWe have seen the proof.
DeleteLooks like Bruce wants to focus on flooding. Great environmental move and Inlook forward to being more involved in the city's backbone.
ReplyDeleteCan someone share light on
ReplyDelete“Good Grief. Kranz is having a meltdown on EN. Whatever happened to you lost, get over it.“ ?
“On EN.”
DeleteWhat is EN and if it’s Encinitas Now FB, what post?
DeleteI don’t see it.
Thread is under topic Density Bonus/ Encinitas Now.Tony's. Baby freaks can be heard close by.
DeleteMorning Focus Time: I appreciate Bruce and team making infrastructure a top priority. A healthy City has healthy bones and pipes . We are a sustainable City nor are we prepared for a catastrophic fire or other serious emergency.
ReplyDeleteCorrection. Encinitas is not a sustainable City. Freaks please understand the people of Encinitas really don't care about adding a private female bathroom in a firehouse where no women work. It may be law and a nice to have but many of us believe the city has more critical issues tend too.
ReplyDeleteGod shut up!!!! Are your new electeds FOR anything, or are they all about bitching about any and everything that came before? Move on you psychos and accomplish something to call your own.
DeleteNot that tired “are they for anything?” line if you have to ask either your ears are sealed or you’re pot stirring from your short pick list of lies that lost you the election. The majority heard what you say you didn’t. Loser.
Delete741 Thank you for the suggestion and I appreciate your support. I do plan to be vocal in the area of health and safety. A nearby coastal city is burning 🔥 and I suspect a female bathroom being constructed in a firehouse without a female employee is not ranking high on their priority list at this time. Your thought?
DeleteTalk about that then. Getting into the details is a million times more interesting than reading a few people insulting a few other people as much as the can.
DeleteYou should be able to produce results with a council majority, and I'm sincerely curious to see what happens.
I want to talk about it now. Is the firefighter still on the Commission?
Delete741. Telling a person like me to shut up is like trying to get a two year old to run a mile.
DeleteThe mentally retarded climate retards will surface today.
ReplyDeleteMake no mistake it's the dems mentally retarded policies/ thinking that is causing the state to burn to the ground.
Maybe sea level rise will help fill the fire hydrants today?
Or maybe they will get a female bathroom constructed while the Citybis burning
DeleteWhere can I get climate denier fire insurance?
DeleteI want insurance for my house that is priced based only on historical risk.
With all the climate change deniers, surely some of them put their money where their mouth is and offer such insurance.
Are the sea level lice in the room with you?
DeleteCan you maybe guide them to the fire hydrants in Los Angeles please because THEY ARE NOT WORKING and the DEI fire chief is too busy repairing windmills off shore.
Thanks for your help!
7:41 I’m checking out of national politics for the next four years to block the orange creeper’s regime sounds like you can’t handle the fact that you lost locally. You might for the sake of your sanity want to do the same with Encinitas and ignore all the common sense, fiscal responsible, resident respect, refusal to kiss the BIA ring representation that the newly elected have in store for us. Doesn’t sound like your cup of tea. Weird.
ReplyDeletePlease see what I wrote @8:07. I don't have a problem with Ehlers, O'Hara and Shaffer necessarily. I've heard their supporters say some things I disagree with, so I'm interested in the details of how they'll accomplish their campaign promises. It all depends on their actions.
Delete813. Happy to have you involved in local government. As a City, we need to do better in regards to health and safety and environmental leadership. We truly need an urban natural disaster focus....I was pretty disappointed.when 3 members of the group were appointed. They walked out of the job.
Delete813 apparently they have at least 30K plus supporters. Thanks for the observation. What are your thoughts about Encinitas spending more time on issues like fire safety and emergency rescue?
DeleteThis is Bruce trying to pivot and redirect people from the housing issue.
ReplyDeleteBruce said a lot of things and made a lot of promises that are easy when you are in the minority. The fact that LukeJim won is a disaster for Bruce.
Now he has to deliver.
He has to stop complying with state law without any consequences.
851 Bruce has not entered the room. Let's talk housing and 🔥 and sustainability? How is a City considered sustainable when many of the current homeowners have been denied fire insurance?
DeleteWell at least we know Ehlers won't be in Ghana when the 7 day atmospheric river torrential rains hit in early april
ReplyDelete8:51 Ehlers never said he'd break the law and bring lawsuits to Encinitas, much as Marco prays daily for that action. You folks need a new pick list. "Bruce made a lot of promises" did not include breaking the law and embroiling us in legal battles and you know it. Yawn. The voters disagreed with this lie, too. Try again.
ReplyDeleteWhat is it Marlon says? "Do better."
I can see it now: M and M vs the City of Encinitas.
Delete9:17, nope.
DeleteWe hold him accountable.
Unless he stops R30 development, he gone.
917 you sound like one of those BIA lobbist . Now, that your team failed to shut down a FB blog, lost an election and managed piss off the residents you believe Bruce is going to gone, WHY?
DeleteBruce is in deep shit because he made claims about what was possible with housing that are blatantly false, and now he has no excuse for not implementing what he said we should do.
DeleteAnyone without mental retardation knows the Republicans are not going to be the solution to CA problems but they know that the B
ReplyDeleteDems are 100% the cause of CA problems.
At least Newsom and Weiner aren't retarded🥴
Neither party can really help. That is why the voters choose independents. The opposition apparently is more concerned about losing power than about the people of Encinitas.. Housing will be important as will be the health and safety of our residents. I am not Bruce
DeleteIs Mexico going to pay for Greenland?
ReplyDeleteNo clue. I don't follow national politics. Hey, do you believe a town or city should be proactive in fire and natural disaster leadership?
DeleteThe only reason Trump wants to takeover Canada is that they currently do not allow entry to convicted felons.
ReplyDeleteSounds reasonable. How do you feel about the current fire raging in sp cal? Could that happen in Encinitas?
DeleteNIMBY fighting infill housing closer to transportation infrastructure and jobs has driven low density sprawl and an expanding and indefensible interface between fire prone wild lands and developed areas.
This is why insurance companies are withdrawing coverage.
But NIMBYs haven’t won a fight and encinitas has no transportation infrastructure and no jobs, zero. Nothing in short term or long terms plans either. Urbanizing Encinitas is all gentrification that is only supported by people who profit from gentrification and the bootlickers who support them. If you call enough people racist while supporting modern redlining, a developer just may gift you the opportunity to rent a place though.
Delete958 not buying it. Small infil developments have been approved in Encinitas for many years. The private taxpayers are not the enemy. Infill projects become an issue when the size and scope of the developments become so massive that the surrounding area can not support a safe and healthy community. Apparently, Allison Blackwell failed to represent her district.
DeleteYou couldn’t be more wrong if you tried.
DeleteEncinitas is far behind where we should be in housing construction due to the NIMBY delay tactics.
Encinitas has extensive bus and rail service access.
Encinitas has major employers like Home Depot, Walmart, Target, Scripps hospital, and all the shops and restaurants on 101. It’s also closer to major job hubs like Sorrento Valley than outlying sprawl areas that have produced most new home construction in the last several decades.
We have created a system where teachers, nurses and firefighters serving your needs are commuting from Temecula. And you choose to defend that, even as your fire insurance is being canceled.
You are the problem.
The "NIMBY" label is dead. Everyone knows "YIMBY" really means WIMBY (Wall street in My Back Yard) and YIYBY (Yes in Your Back Yard). Cat's out of the bag, developers and defeated council shills!
Delete10:35 so, if we build enough affordable housing no one will EVER commute to Encinitas again? All employees will live locally and live happily ever after? Have I got that right? Please, come up with less stupid remarks.
Delete11:01, perfection fallacy.
DeleteIf it’s not perfect, then we shouldn’t do it.
Reducing average commute times is a good thing, even if we don’t eliminate commutes altogether.
Affordable housing laws say "near job hubs" and "transportation hubs" a couple empty buses to San Marcos that take 2 hours each way and empty trains that go no where aint it, not even close. We are more rural than urban and should be protected back county. Just because some developers were able to get their people in office so farms can be converted to mcmansions shouldn’t all of a sudden makes us urban.
DeleteLets hope the new council is able to preserve as much open space as possible before the next batch of gentrifiers buy another election.
Did everyone notice how Democrats didn’t throw a victim temper tantrum and attack the capitol police this week?
ReplyDeleteNo, do not care. I am surprised that your friends did not crawl into an underground bunker on Jan 6rh. I believe a couple of 65 plus EV commenter were spotted dancing 💃 at the Elks club. I hope your fake drama actors made it to safety.
DeleteNo one has any clue what you tried to say.
Dems still cheated their retarded asses off in CA and got away with it.
ReplyDeleteLos Angeles mayor is on vacation in Africa.
Los Angeles Fire Department chief is a DEI advocate.
Biden administration stopped doing controlled burns.
The fire hydrants don't have water.
This is Democrat supermajority rule.
Is it bad enough yet?
10:20, it’s a conspiracy.
DeleteYou win 7 victim points.
Keep posting, thinking and doing and supporting the things you the way you do.
DeleteThe light at the end of the dem tunnel is a freight train traveling 90mph with a DEI conductor that does not know how to use the brakes.
Love to see it.
Google YIMBY and the first hits are Scott Weiner and "real estate strategy."
ReplyDelete1038. He is a fraud
Delete1026. Modern day redlining is a great term. Let's get back to E4E. I am confused?. They are teaching about redlining without demanding an action to make those affected, whole?
ReplyDeleteCalling sincerely on Mali and Marlon to respond here.
DeleteBruce trying to change the subject from housing is like promising lower grocery prices and then starting a war with Panama.
ReplyDeleteWe are calling on Mali and Marlon? You can be annoying all day long buy you can't run from you
Delete1044. I am not Bruce and not a deflection. Here is the question: Why is e4e selling and hosting redlining education seminars? What population is benefiting in current present time? Thanks
ReplyDeleteZero votes hinged on that.
DeleteIt’s all about state housing laws, and Bruce’s unrealistic promises.
And now he has to execute all of the stuff he promised. He should start by repealing the current housing element, which he opposed.
From your perspective everything is about laws. I see a human and socal component and current housing laws that are not really helping much for the middle and lower classes. I would not be happy if Bruce and team ignore laws. What we do need to do is to begin to lobby to the state, develop partnership, and become a leader in educating the public about housing. The City should do this without the help or assistance of non profits and or special interest groups who have monetary or proffesional motives.
Delete11:15 you mean Bruce opposed the current housing element as did the majority of Encinitas voters? Da noive!
DeleteHe never promised to repeal it and you know it. Wherever you are we'll be calling you out as the liar you are. Do better. Right, Marlon?
Why are you opposed to repeal?
DeleteAre you defending the Blakespear housing element? Are you now admitting she’s the GOAT?
Opposed to "repeal" because the developers are legally entitled by the plan to build baby, build and they'll be lining up to sue us. You know this and Marco will be first in line to say I told you so. In the idiotic but accurate words of Geo. Bush, "nah gonna happen."
Delete"Why is e4e selling redlining education seminars?"
DeleteBecause they're mentally retarded douche canoes??
Can you provide the link where this is being sold? Not obvious on the E4E site.
DeleteBack at 1115. The leader of E4E is closely allied with the Union and a few development lawyers. The leader has a documented history of attempting to shut down community dialog? Would you agree?
ReplyDeleteHistory of attempting to shut down community dialogue how? Please be specific, especially given the failure of the last attempt here. Supposedly calling mysterious people racist is not enough, scammers.
Delete1140. I am not here to defend my statement. A posted asked what does teaching redlining have to do with the building of 90 percent market rate housing?..
Delete“I am not here to defend my statement.”
DeleteIs the same as. . .
“I’m full of shit and am unable to defend my statements.”
1211. I am everything you say about me...So U gots mee While you waste the readers time playing an annoying writing game 🎮 I see you have nothing of value to offer to the people in the room. To the readers, I hope I have shown you why to never respond to a troll. Not all trolls are cute. Some have been found to have freak traits. Freaks are not trained to do what is best for the community. Smash freaks with a bit of truth and then stay calm and ⌚️ them melt
DeleteOr you could just stick to the facts.
Delete11:40 you want to start with how many times Mali shrieked "racist" at anyone who dared ask a question? Search the Coast News for articles on her and you'll see it all laid out including her own admissions. And no, not providing links for you. Don't be lazy. You know the skinny on that shrew.
ReplyDeleteI don't need links, I know you got nothing except some anonymous people that say "Mali said something mean to me 4 years ago while I was stalking her" and other anonymous, vague statements. In other words, you are incorrect in saying that she is attempting to shut down community dialogue.
DeleteActually I think you do need links since you refuse to believe reality.
DeleteThat reality is in your head only. I am sorry that anyone even mentioning the topic of race send you into an offended tailspin.
DeleteMentioning the topic is cool. Screaming "racist" at anyone who didn't support Blakespear is not. Get it now?
DeleteI disagree and I've been reading this silliness for years now. The fake indignation is laughable, especially coming from some of the meanest junkyard dogs in Encinitas.
DeleteBruce, Jim and Luke were elected months ago. In that time they've unanimously approved multiple new developments increasing traffic and density. Bruce just did an interview with KPBS outlining his priorities for the coming years. Olivenhain fire safety wasn't mentioned.
ReplyDeleteBruce was supposed to represent Olivenhain for the last 2 years. In those 2 years he didn't once bring a council member initiated item for Olivenhain fire safety. He failed his constituents.
As Mayor Bruce now has a rubber stamp coalition. If fire safety is so important why wasn't it addressed in their first meetings after he became Mayor? Doing so now would be hollow pandering.
Is Bruce ignoring this problem because his house has easy egress? What about the rest of us?
Who's paying Bruce to ignore the residents in danger that have been complaining about this for years? Time to start an investigation.
Bruce, Luke and Jim were elected for their supposedly ingenious ways to stop over development. Why aren't they working to stop the Goodson monstrosity that threatens all our lives.
Why's Bruce trying to murder Olivenhain residents?
When does the recall petition start?
I suppose you can start your recall anytime you want? Your point is
DeleteWho is gonna have a difficult time other than people on Lone Jack and possibly El Camino del Norte?
DeleteGee I dunno the entirety of RSF as it's their evacuation route, too?
DeleteHmmm....I didn't realize Encinitas was responsible for RSF and that they had no other escape routes through Solana Beach, Del Mar, San Marcos, San Diego, etc.
DeleteWhat is it that you want Bruce to do for our extremely wealthy neighbors?
We are their official evacuation route, the road signs even direct RSF through Encinitas. What else don't you know but pretend to be an expert on?
DeleteI'm not pretending to be an expert. I'm asking questions because I don't know what you think Encinitas should do for Eastern Olivenhain and RSF.
DeleteTheir evacuation route is El Camino del Norte? If it's Encinitas Blvd I don't see the issue.
Mayor Ehlers and his family live right off Rancho Santa Fe road so he's not concerned. Those he cares about won't have a problem evacuating like the rest of us.
Delete1:33 Figures he knows he's safe.
Delete1228 Excellent questions but the clownfolk will just blame everything on Blakespear. It's all they know.
Delete12:28 how many "months" do you think Bruce, Luke, and Jim have been on council making decisions? You're either astoundingly ignorant or a liar. Pick one, we'll wait.
ReplyDeleteI turned on my streets fire hydrant to save my home today and all that came out were dead smelt fish
Bruce, LukeJim and their supporters opposed the sales tax that would've created an Olivenhain fire station. The blood will be on their hands.
ReplyDeleteIt would not have created the Olivenhain fire station. Kranz promised that money would be spent 20 different ways but no guarantees and never a focus on Olivenhain. Nope, he had more trophy projects in mind for that cash. Look up the definition of a "General Fund." No guarantees in life especially not with a proven liar.
Delete138 I look forward to you trying to spin that story after our neighbors are burned alive.
DeleteI think i see a very poor argument. I must admit at least the freak is trying.
Delete"Sure we could've saved lives and property but it was worth sticking it to BIAspear, her minions and their woke agenda."
ReplyDeleteSafety for me, not for thee 🔥
208 not sure that I read that memo.
Delete"Burned Alive" That's some strong rhetoric there.
ReplyDeleteLOL, we can't even pave a road correctly. No chance we could build a fire station.
ReplyDeleteBro there are no evacuate routes for anything due to climate change.
ReplyDeleteMy old hag liberal friend uses her gas stove so much sea level gonna rise 10000 feet overnight .
She's funny though we drink wine together and argue about shit and she's an excellent cook.
You are friends with Joy and Allson?
Delete138. Let's give a big shout out to the people of Encinitas. Encinitas is the only City in SD county to reject the tax Bill. The bill had no requirements to ensure the funds went to infrastructure. Great win for the people of Encinitas
ReplyDeleteAnd an interesting challenge for Ehlers.
Delete429 it is a challenge. He did not support the tax bill and that makes me happy. For the sake of our City, we must evaluate and upgrade infrastructure, reduce train sound pollution, improve communty participation by opening up dialog via virtual community meetings, and fire. Let's do better. Mali, discrimination and racism is wrong. Need I remind you that people have been lynched, beaten and destroyed because by being targets of true racism. Yet, you.spit that word around everytime you fail to win an argument. My mind just can't understand why you treat your neighbors this way? I can't fix you but you can. Clean it up.
DeleteI'm not Mali, but you clean it up 5:03. Many people don't want to hear your BS that has been going on. Let's see how the "I'm a white person that is a victim of racism in Encinitas" pile of shit plays out when Luke, Jim and Ehlers support it.
DeleteOh Ehlers and his support team won't repeat your stupid shit publicly because it's dumb as all fuck? Then shut up.
Don't recall claiming you were or are Mali. Something is off with this gal. Her actions, do not allign with her mission. Out of respect for the many people who have been victims of racism, I would prefer that she find another word to weaponize. I find her overuse of the word to be reckless, immature and very disrespectful to those who have and continue to suffer from racism
DeleteRace is compicated and that's probably the least complicated place to leave it.
Delete533 How do you know what race I am? Regardless, my race has nothing to do with my statements. Your low-income housing pitch is a scam. Marlon calls residents PO shits and women stupid. Mali is misusing the R-word as a means to remain avoidant and avoid critical discussions. I don't know who stocked Mali and I don't care. It was not me. Just because my family member was murdered, does not give me the right to harm Mali. It is very abusive to try to deflect, shift blame and not take accountability. Fortunately, she appears to have lost most political power. She should never hold power, again
656 Mali s actions are not complicated. Her actions are immature, disrespectful and hurtful to others.
Delete533 you have lost your mind.
Delete533. You are not anonymous on this blog.
Delete7:14 I wasn't making any comment on your race. I was repeating what is often said around here when race and racism is brought up. To 8:33, I'm not trying to remain anonymous.
DeleteLG has reminded us that a horrible fire is occurring to.the.north. In 2025, we have no choice but to ask our new CC and Mayor to consider public education regarding landscape trees and plant selection and space. I suspect the Health and Safety commissioner will be refocused away from housing and back to safety.
Delete202 you are a worthless idiot..
ReplyDeleteDemocrats give drug addled hobos more drugs so they can start more fires while stoned out of their heads, underfund police and fire protection, refuse to use intelligent engineering for long term opportunities to collect water in wet winters, then blame climate change.
Delete429 go ask that lady of e4e. She knows everything
Delete"My Threads there have 5-10,000 views with over 200 comments, mostly agreeing with my point of view."
ReplyDeletePutz admits he's a pathetic keyboard warrior who's only self worth comes from strangers on social media. He legit thinks he's flexing. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
So cringe. Who said that?
DeleteThat's got to be Golden.
Delete3:56 That isn't funny. It's quite sad.
ReplyDeleteRemoving reservoir dams should be punished by public shaming and then placed on " the rack."
Beacons Beach additional weight And collapse of Northern Bluff project is complete completed and their asking the city to accept it on January 15
ReplyDeleteBy completing this project, they added many hundreds of tons of new weight to the failing bluff area on the north side of the slope next to the Airbnb house.
The lawful collapse and the city will get sued for the additional load that placed in that area.
The city will lose millions. What that means is the taxpayers lose millions.
You, the taxpayers, will lose millions again because of Tony’s ridiculous lack of leadership.
BIA and TONY or failures, failures failures.
Acceptance of the Beacon’s Beach Parking Lot Reconstruction (CP22A) Project. Contact Person: Senior Engineer Stryker Environmental Considerations: The action being considered by the City Council is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it is not a “project” under Section 15378(b)(5) of CEQA Guidelines. The action involves an organizational or administrative activity of government that will not result in the direct or indirect physical change in the environment.
Don’t look back. That’s the sound of your wallet being drained due to poor leadership from the past.
Tony was punted out of City Hall by the NPP voters.
It’s time for the NPP. smart Democrats, and all voters to kick BIA out of California politics forever.
☝🏾 Donna level stupid.
DeleteGo Donna. You’re 100 times smarter than TONY could ever dream.
You are right and Tony is gone! 💪👊👌
Donna is so super smart. How do you know when you are smart? A freak will appear
DeleteSpeaking of Mali, where’s the ten grand she got from Grover for busing at Fox Point Farms?
Deletewhat was the terms? was it just a pure donation? Lets ask spitting dragon, Mali. Rumor has it the creature may have been spotted on this site and EN.
DeleteBelieve it was paid to her for her "marketing efforts" for a local transit service promised by Grover in an attempt to tamp down neighborhood opposition to the project. Did that ever happen - either marketing efforts or the transit system? Not sure of timing. You can bet her marketing included name calling and "racist" shaming anyone who didn't like what Grover was selling.