"Prop A, as great as it is, I’m not going to say outgrown itself, but at some level, there are some adjustments that might be needed,” Shaffer said during the meeting. “Are you willing to open it up and see if there are ways to adjust it to the advantage of our city?”I don't think Shaffer even understood that as a citizens' initiative, Prop A would require another ballot initiative to "adjust".
What parts of Prop A does he see as a problem?
He's pointing out the fact that Prop A has not done anything to reduce density.
ReplyDeleteIt does help with blanket up zoning and only focuses on at least trying to meet the current fucked up state housing density requirements.
DeleteYeah right 7:07! The EV regulars aren't even sure he's read prop A, and they're his supporters.
DeleteProp A doesn’t do anything but inject cost and time into the process of complying with state law.
ReplyDeleteNo local proposition can override state law, so there’s no “fix” as some people imagine it. Our state Constitution has a supremacy clause, which says state laws cannot be altered or contravened by local ones.
Prop A will be set aside every time we need to update the housing element. There is no act that a judge can take that a future judge cannot or will not take in the future given similar circumstances.
I’m sorry to be the one to tell some of you, but Santa Clause is not real.
Which means it’s incumbent of any sitting council members to create opportunities to meet state housing demands without triggering Prop A, including upping the percentage of affordable units so growth becomes more reasonable. The last housing elements outcome is not acceptable as a path forward.
DeleteSo meet state requirements to upzone land to R30 without triggering a Prop A vote?
Derp derp.
Please consider a vasectomy for the good of society.
No. Just when there is a site that is up zoned to R30 only developments with a higher percentage of affordable housing get approved. Got it?
Delete2:50, like what city?
DeleteI’m all for pushing the percentage as high as we legally can, but at some point it becomes a poison pill intended to block projects by making them unprofitable.
If you have cover from other cities successfully building projects at a higher percentage, then great—let’s do it. Otherwise, it’s a red herring.
ReplyDeleteLuke’s focus in changing prop A is to make it stronger to support more local control, considering all of the recent state law changes.
ReplyDeleteLuke is a very smart individual.
The smart council member Marco is very smart.
The predator supporter gonzo is a very dumb individual.
Do not listen to very dumb individuals.
Do not listen to Marco Gonzalez and do not listen to Tony Kranz. They are a town dunces.
7:24. When did he say that? He asked about it a lot at the meeting but didn’t elaborate. In his Coast interview he didn’t go into specifics either. I think Luke either doesn’t know the process required to change a law. Or he has plans of growing support to vote for a change. But no one is clear on what exactly those changes are.
DeleteI asked him about it. You should learn more before you start posting a bunch of bullshit like Gonzo
DeleteYou may have asked him about it but he only cooked up his “strengthen it” story after the backlash. Not buying it he didn’t once use that word Wednesday. This is his poor attempt at damage control.
DeleteAgree 8:54.
DeleteTotal horseshit. His words during the meeting were clear and it wasn't about making Prop A stronger.
DeleteFlyboy for mayor 2026
DeleteIndependent Encinitas voters like the Maggie Houlihan Democratic supporters, absolutely love Luke. Bruce is smart to listen to Luke and follow his lead on many items on how we strengthen local control.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Luke. You’re a true local hero!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💪❤️❤️❤️👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯✅
Clearly, he was articulating his ability to remain open to creative ways to solve problems. He has no plans to amend Prop A at this time. Marco, you still need to walk in through the front door...bro
ReplyDeleteThat’s The bad Marco. We call him gonzo.
DeleteHe’s the one that continually shelters, his sister’s predator husband
Delete848. My bad. Correct, Marco Gonzo is the mean Marco
DeleteSo we have a "mean" Marco and a MAGA Marco now.
DeleteIt's fun to watch people twist their arguments in all sorts of directions to justify voting for a couple of inexperienced dum dums. They'll even through Bruce under the bus to do it.
ReplyDeleteThen next time put up someone less absurd than Destiny and less rubber stamping than Allison.
DeleteSo far the results of this new council have been less than stellar. With MAGA Marco now onboard, it’s hard to see how this gets better.
ReplyDeleteSomething happened to Shaffer between November’s election and Wednesday night. Shaffer proposing to change city law enacted by the residents, with no preparation as to what he would change, signals he’s serving a new master. Marco is loving this if that’s not a red flag nothing is.
ReplyDeleteBears copying and pasting from the poster above - a lot.
ReplyDelete“Which means it’s incumbent of any sitting council members to create opportunities to meet state housing demands without triggering Prop A, including upping the percentage of affordable units so growth becomes more reasonable. The last housing elements outcome is not acceptable as a path forward.”
The last two plans were nothing short of giveaways to developers. Measure U is the proof of this. Of course the voters said no. Create plans that don’t involve developers as “stakeholders.”
Don’t believe Marco Gonzales’s disgusting claims that we say no because we don’t want brown people living here. The people will approve plans to keep the state off our backs but not the developer driven jokes we’ve seen from Blakespear.
Rich. White. Aging. Make Encinitas Del Mar, 2026
DeleteHe never does say who is going to write his “enhancements.” If Prop A supporters think it is fine the way it is that means that the people who want it gone will be writing his “adjustment.” This is no brainstorm he had suddenly. This was put into motion before the election.
ReplyDeleteEncinitas owes Lorri Greene a huge apology and thank you. Without Lorri, none of this would've been possible.
DeleteI am not sure what 10:08 means, but I'm sure it wasn't meant to be kind. However, let me, for the record, say I honestly think something, or someone, happened to Luke on the way to the forum (some of you may not be familiar with that phrase but you can look it up). All through his campaign he said he was in total support of Prop. A, and now that he is on the Council, it appears he has changed his mind. Why? I am not in his district, so I couldn't vote for him, but I would have given what he said on the campaign trail. Since he seems to have changed some of his platform, I guess we will have to wait and see. Same for Marco, who would not have been my choice and I don't believe it was Bruce or Joy's choice either. However, this is the new Council. No, I am not particularly happy with either one, but the citizens voted for Luke, and the Council voted for Marco. All we can do now is wait and watch. Ironically the first meeting of Prop. A was at Tony Kranz's home. But the reality is this. Prop. A has protected us from the high rise buildings you see in some cities close to us. And so far, the State has left us along on that. If you want high rises, then OK, mess with Prop. A, but before happens, I urge you to read it, at least the first 5 pages. Luke has been backtracking since he came out with his statements, but he said what he said in a public meeting, and it's hard to backtrack. However, to change Prop A the public still has to vote on it. Not sure what Luke wants to change, as he is rather vague on it, but I know I will be watching very closely.
DeleteThis too bears repeating: if Prop A supporters are fine with it as is, who is left to change the language? Answer: its opposers. So this business about wanting to "open it up" is BS unless you're someone who got to him on the way to the forum (yes got the apt reference) and got his support to kill it.
DeleteHe won't say where he got this idea from. The longer we wait, the worse it looks.
High OC stack and pack boxes are on Leucadia Blvd, Vulcan, and soon to be Quail Garders and ECR.
DeleteProp A had zero effect.
DeleteIt was suspended and was not in effect when the city council implemented our housing element.
They implemented exactly the same thing they would have if Prop A didn’t exist—because for all intents and purposes it didn’t exist when they passed the housing element.
3 or 4 stories is not tall.
DeleteProp A was suspended because Blakespear & Co’s 2 crappy measures failed at the ballot box. This was not a Prop A fail. It was a leadership fail. Blakespear’s.
Delete"He's pointing out the fact that Prop A has not done anything to reduce density." Where does his "fact" come from? How many developers decided to build within general plan restrictions who might otherwise have done much worse? How many said no to a Prop A vote on their project?
ReplyDeleteHe's pulling his "facts" out fast and furiously from ?? Between this and his performance at the meeting prior where he would have gotten Encinitas into legal hot water he's not showing leadership he's showing recklessness.
He showed alot of leadership. He called put Joy Lyndes. Please watch the clip. It is great 👍
DeleteBig deal meanwhile, he wants to kill your vote. But do concentrate on the small stuff.
Delete11:57- you are clearly not intelligent by this ridiculous comments.
DeleteFor those ignorant enough to think prop is not working you need to realize it killed Kranz’s recent specific plan for El Camino Real. He knew it would have to go to a vote and he abandoned it. If he thought it would not survive the vote, just imagine what he had planned for it.
ReplyDeleteLuke is my favorite council member and he has by far the strongest leadership qualities.
ReplyDeleteBruce, Jim and Marco are also good.
Joy needs to quit or be recalled and go back to Arizona.
That’s right. Local no political parties and smart Democrats that supported Maggie Houlihan.
DeleteThere’s no room for and the freak show have been punted out of City Hall. ❤️
Maggie would have hated MAGA Marco
DeleteLuke and Jim are relatable.Marco may outshine them all.I want to like Joy, but she whines too much.I look forward to Bruce leading the guys to great things.
DeleteRachel Hill is an amazing local hero!
ReplyDeleteHer and Natalie Suttoon are absolutely wonderful and smart locals who put their heart and soul into Encinitas.
God bless these strong, intelligent women and put Elena Thompson in that match as well.
Xoxo 💪👏👏👏👊✅❤️
Raunchy sHill and Nasty Spitoon.
DeleteIMO Rachel is beyond trashy and isn't an Encinitas resident. Natalie has been trying to clean up her image for at least a year and seems to be advancing nicely.
DeleteNatalie's been telling people she was promised the D3 seat for a while. Julie still hasn't agreed to step aside though and wants another shot.
DeleteLuke is following Kranz’s path. He’s responding to how he thinks the wind blows. No moral or ethical compass.
ReplyDeleteSorry, we don’t listen to fentanyl junkies on this website.
DeleteRight. No junkies and no grifters. We know who who the grifters are
DeleteYup... BIA, Kranz, and Gonzo
DeleteSame planners, same sell out.
ReplyDeleteWeird how the EV harpies who'd scream BROWN ACT VIOLATION! for sideways glances got so quiet. They don't believe that MSA was decided well ahead of his appointment? Well ahead of the election even? Y'all REALLY don't recognize this appointment sets a new low in cronyism and back room dealing? How about all the unegendized discussions from Luke like pausing all permitting and Prop A during a completely unrelated appeal? Where's the Brown Act accusations now?
ReplyDeleteEV harpies? I’m not happy with his appointment. Bruce voted for him just to avoid having to go to election and have just a four person council between now and November. Jim and Luke obviously spoke between themselves, but that is not a brown act violation. Look before you leap.
Delete1:00- you’re a freak show loser. You make no sense.
DeleteSeveral instances of Luke's off topic rants should've been shutdown by either Bruce or the city attorney. The spineless city attorney I kinda understand. Yet Bruce making these mistakes really surprised me. He definitely knows better. It's clear he's unwilling or unable to properly control his own meetings in multiple regards. As Mayor that's one of his primary responsibilities as compared to a Councilmember.
Delete125. You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
DeleteLuke sounded awesome and Bruce knows what he’s doing.
on the other hand, You’re a kook.
You can always tell when Carlsbad Rachel posts here because it sounds like an eighth grader wrote it.
DeleteLuke didn't sound awesome. He sounded like he didn't know what the fuck he was talking about. He sounds like people have been whispering in his ear and have either explained the details and Luke didn't have a full grasp or he just doesn't get it for some other reason, such as investing zero time in learning about his brand new job.
DeleteI live how people are so emotionally attached to Prop A even though it failed completely, and a judge set the precedent ensuring that it will be set aside every time council needs to pass a housing element update.
ReplyDeleteLukeJim's finally being exposed for the frauds they are. Now go back and look at the lies LukeJim told during the election. Start with easy ones like Luke's lies about being an independent and his voter fraud. Think back to who was telling lies to cover for LukeJim during the election. Pay attention to who's trying to hand wave away the latest lies. Look at who's making excuses for going against all of Bruce's criteria resulting in the appointment of a full fledged MAGA in Encinitas. Starting to make sense now? I know you're beginning to see it. You just don't wanna admit it, even to yourself.
ReplyDeleteThat was Luke and Jim is a different person. What is his offense other than it takes him a long time to get to his vote?
DeleteI know for a fact Jim's been in on all of it since the start. He's even dumber and more inept than Luke.
DeleteWOW! Lori just posted her thoughts about the election on EV. Can't wait to see them take her head off. Basically she's saying they shouldn't have appointed Marco and watch out for Luke. Has she turned over a new leaf?
ReplyDeleteThis is one of the few times I agree with Lorri's behavior and I salute her. City council is a mess and is about to get messier.
Delete2:21- her comments look pretty benign. You’re just stirring up shit.
Delete2:34, I think that is exactly what she was saying. Here's the post for others to decide for themselves.
Delete"I'll say this and then I will shut up about the CC elections. I have always believed that when a person is running for an office and claims one thing, and then when elected says, or does something different, they should be watched very closely for further violations of what they said.
Secondly if someone lies, or even exaggerates, on their qualifications for an appointment, they should not be given that appointment. If they do it on their application, then what else will they lie of exaggerate about?
That is all"
Exactly why Susan, Lorri, and the rest were kept outside. They're too old to understand. We don't need them anymore anyway. 🤣
DeleteExactly right 4:03, same with Bruce too, right? They got played, just like the majority of Encinitas voters in Jim & Luke's districts.
DeleteLorri trying to please Marco Gonzalez and she loves Mali.
Delete8:17- I doubt if she is trying to please Mali and Marco. She and Mali are like oil and water. And why in the hell would she want to please Marco. She doesn't like Blakespear and Marco will bow down to her.
DeleteAll it took was threatening Prop A for them to start to wake up. This is some funny $hit in light of all else that's gone on that they ignored. Don't worry, LukeJim will tell more lies and all will be forgiven.
ReplyDeleteSeparate Luke from Jim, who does not support Luke’s position on proposition a. You can keep lying about that but the facts do not support you. This is not going away anytime soon. In fact it may never go away for Luke. There’s no getting over this.
Delete2:57- keep trying kook. You can say it 100 times and it’s not gonna make it accurate.
DeleteWe all know LukeJim share a brain. Quit trying to separate them.
DeleteBruce, Luke, and Jim will be measured and held accountable for their promises to stop all density development.
ReplyDeleteI wish them luck.
Luke seems to be failing.
DeleteNo, your logic seems to be failing
DeleteYou get what you pay for. There should have been an election for Bruce's seat.
ReplyDeleteThat’s for sure
DeleteBIA Bought and paid for Blakespear and Kranz
Following that logic 3:38 we can say our current city council is or will be in some way.
Delete*will be similarly compromised in some way.
DeleteI hope not, but we shall see.
DeleteTwo of our most respected longtime citizens who were all up for that fifth council seat stated clearly in response to Luke's weak kneed bs. that yes, Prop A should be altered and made tougher.
ReplyDeleteLuke never made that clear and left the impression that he wanted Prop A to be weakened. wtf? Luke please try to be a member of the team that got you elected.
I don't think you had a team that got Luke elected. You had the usual political manipulators ("local heroes") and attention seekers at work with Jim & Luke, the Blakespear haters from a decade ago that are constantly filled with hate, and the relatively uninformed voters that actually believed Luke & Jim's bullshit about Encinitas being a funky beachtown forever (which most know is long gone).
DeleteMade tougher how?
DeleteBy declaring that the supremacy clause doesn’t apply in Encinitas?
It’s ineffective because it cannot legally be effective.
Be a little more ignorant 4:14. It has stopped several projects that made the news at the time. It’s working just fine.
Delete4:14pm Trolling much? Ask them yourself. You know who they are and what they stated if you were there in person or watching the broadcast from home like many of us. I am sure Deniece and Julie Graboi would be more than happy to tell you what they meant by wanting Prop A to be tougher.
ReplyDeleteGuaranteed they were not open to what Luke was suggesting. Talk to them now and they are appalled.
DeleteKevin S should refrain from being a lying sack of shit idiot and flee the country.
ReplyDeleteChris Hansen is coming for you.
MAGA Orangina forever 🤟
Hey Luke, Semper Fi?
ReplyDeleteWhere has that gone?
Always faithful? Where did that go?
It took a team effort to finally have a new council majority. Please remember that at the next council meeting.
There is a time and a place to express certain concerns. You are not being a team player that we all voted for.
Please restore our faith in the choice we made to vote for you.
Yes, baseball to the NPP- The citizens of Encinitas
DeleteNot the scumbag whore at Support maximum profits for the BIA- Like Blakespear Kranz, gonzo and Mali.
Play experience more focused on getting the maximum profit for developers and keeping her ex expensive very low density properties in Encinitas. When she could be putting up 100% affordable or parking lot for the homeless.
Gonzo is just a typical BIA tick…. Anything he’s involved in he just sucks the blood out of.
Yes, faithful to the NPP- The citizens of Encinitas
Delete* Yes, baseball to the NPP- The citizens of Encinitas
Delete* Yes, faithful to the NPP- The citizens of Encinitas.
DeleteSorry, I haven’t quite woken up yet.
Luke for mayor 2026
ReplyDeleteGood thing she isn't a MAGA liar that was set up for a city council position by her high school buddy while she
ReplyDelete& her collaborators fucked over her trusting voters.
@6:52 Perhaps if one were smack you upside the head with a noise canceling pickle ball racket you'd be cured from your serious case of TDS.
ReplyDeleteLOL 7:05. I'm sorry pickle ball isn't going the way you want either.
ReplyDeleteLove that Luke is open minded to making our City a better place!
ReplyDeleteKeep working it Rachel.
DeleteMe too. Luke has a good mind.
Delete"Michael Hassan" 🤣🤣🤣
DeleteI would like to think Luke is open minded but I was only at the meeting for 5 minutes and then split. I have been reaching out for my participation trophy ever since but haven't heard back from anyone on the city council.
Delete- Marlene
I encourage select members of the CC to listen rather than talk yet I have an inability to heed my own advice.
ReplyDelete- The Shyndler
ReplyDelete6:44- sooooo good!
This is a great weekend for Encinitas, our coastline, and for animals around the world.
ReplyDeleteThe empty slow death trains are not polluting or killing people in Encinitas this weekend.
We get to enjoy peace.
It’s so good when the Coaster and Amtrak death and pollution trains are not running.
Not just deadly but a huge waste of taxpayers dollars.,
NCTD and SANDAG do better!
Thank you,
- 🌎
It’s obvious to anyone with eyeballs and a brain that Prop A is a failure. We have R30 projects, and there was no public vote to approve the rezoning.
ReplyDeletePeople who think that Prop A can be “fixed” or “tightened” to close loopholes are kidding themselves.
A judge determining that Prop A can be ignored isn’t a loophole, it’s a fatal flaw that cannot be repaired. You can write whatever you want into the law, but what good is it if that law can be set aside by a judge?
Prop A is a waste of time.
OK MarcoGarvinMali.
DeleteDistraction intended.
ReplyDeletePeople dying is not a distraction. It’s a significant problem..
DeleteLife sucks when you’re dead. Emily’s family.
DeleteHopefully it was not too painful of an experience in her last hours. RIP Emily.
Take out the crosswalk up by the weed shop along with the stoplight and put all the cross walk gear in front of Coffee Coffee or just to the south by Soltera so peds won't be doing a mad dash at night in and out of traffic. Been a problem there ever since all the new eating biz went in...
DeleteStreetscape "improvements" as planned are viewed with the same horror by the informed cycling community as the cycle trap was. But BlakespearKranz and Mr. Blakespear knew best, right? A revisit and retooling as needed for "improvements" planned under BlakespearKranzMrBlakespear should be step #1. NOT hurry up and get 'er done.
ReplyDelete9:27- sorry, joker. You’re 100% wrong.
DeleteThe streetscape includes separated, bike lanes and improvements to slow the vehicle traffic.
The bike traps designed by Blakespear and her gap are horrific. Putting crap in the street.
Streetscape is the best thing in the city council could do for Encinitas.
Ask the experts, not Catherine and her hubby. Streetscape came from the very same two yet you hate one and trust the other?
DeleteLuke, please consider why you were elected. It was due to a team effort forwarded by Bruce. He is the only reason why you made it to our council. How about some of that Semper Fi at the next council meeting? Always faithful means the world to this Marine family offspring, and you damn know it. Live up to Semper Fi that you gave so much for in a past life. Please apply that same Semper Fi to your council chair. Please.
ReplyDeleteLuke is doing perfect. Quit your whining, bitch.
DeleteA team forwarded by Bruce gifted Luke a 5% lead and he ended with a 14% lead. Makes sense, not!
Delete"Luke is doing perfect" many in the city do not agree thus the Coast News article. Be honest.
Delete*Life sucks when you’re dead. Ask Emily’s family.
ReplyDeleteAsk Roberta Walker, is it better to be alive after being run down by a vehicle And having your head cracked wide open, neck and back broken, or is it more preferable to be dead being run over by a car crossing near the Leucadia Boulevard?
ReplyDeleteI,for one, wished they would fix that fricking deadly road, Especially around Leucadia Boulevard.
9:53am. Quit your own whining. Are you another troll? Are you another soulless bot on this forum? Is your first language of Russian origin?
ReplyDeleteLuke was part of a team effort to give us a new majority. His loyalty to that effort appears to not mean much.
Semper Fi Luke. Your pledge of loyalty that you took as a Marine has now come back full circle to your duties on our city council seat. I hopeful for the same commitment now.
You obviously were a team player while in the Marine Corps.
Please do the same for your new partners on the city council.
Delete10:35- WTH?
Boo hoo…. I wish it was 2024 again where my DEI was still listening to….
I’m such a victim.
Bro got caught red handed lying over and over about being an independent. Bro got caught red handed committing election fraud. Bro never owned up to either. Instead he enlisted other liars to use his military background to try and cover for him. Now we find out bro's campaign promises were also lies. Here you are trying to appeal to bros sense of honor? If bro ever had any honor it ended with his DD214.
ReplyDelete👆 What a fool.
DeleteBesides sounding like a kook, If you had any real info, you would post it, And would’ve posted it during the elections.
You’re wasting everybody’s time.
Time is Precious. Ask Emily‘s family.
RIP Emily. 😢
"Bro" language aside the poster is right Luke got caught again only this "gate" is significant. The more he tries to justify the worse it gets.
DeleteHe doesn’t need to justify anything. He got elected and he’s doing an awesome job.
DeleteWe see you, freak show.
12:40 may have Luke's attitude nailed. He's already elected, he never explained any of his earlier deceptions, so why start now? He can do whatever he likes, voters are suckers, and his supporters don't care anyway.
Deleteresponding to kooks like 12:54 and the freakshow, is like banging your head against the wall.
DeleteI chose not to do it.
Enjoy your wonderful peaceful Sunday, stay safe (meaning- stay away from the bike traps and Leucadia Blvd and Hwy101 intersection), and God bless you and your family.
- Peace on 🌎
How'd the LukeJim emergency damage control meetings go? You tools decide how you're gonna spin yet?
ReplyDeleteNotice the left doesn't know what to do now that Mr.Trump
ReplyDeleteis fixing things. Ahhhh the left.........dumber than a box o' rocks.
You see........the left will ruin everything they do and point fingers as though someone else did it. Like a criminal.
And notice........the leftists never leave the u.s............
They just ruin it...............
12:54 hate to break it to you but Shaffer's voters are wondering wtf. Damage control who is doing it for him?
ReplyDeleteNot this one.
DeleteAppears Amanda spends 24 hours a day on Encinitas Undercover.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else catch Luke trying to trip up Julie Graboi asking how many commissions there were? Sheila had to correct him that the word was committee, not commission. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteIf he was going to ask the question, it would have been helpful if he knew the correct answer himself.
DeleteLuke and his masters knew that Julie was the best and obvious choice. They also knew Julie was preferred by most people. Since Luke and his lapdog Jim had already agreed on MAGA Marco, they had to ding Julie. The way he did it, by implying that an older woman wouldn't have the stamina to keep up with the responsibilities was both misogynistic and ageist.
DeleteJulie was the better choice for multiple reasons.
DeleteNo more DEI hires! We need strong men and patriots on our council. Unless it's Natalie. We like her.
Delete12:54 not all his supporters. Don’t confuse the majority of voters with a couple of watch dog posters on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteAgreed I don’t question him. I think he’s awesome.
DeleteLuke is a leader. In time, he will be Mayor if he wants that role.
DeleteLuke for Mayor 2026
DeleteJeremyKevin are the new QQQQQQQueeeeen of the kaaaarens.
ReplyDeleteGive it a rest queens nobody has any fucks left to give on your antics
Where have all the men gone? Those boys are about as wimpy as they get?
Delete7:20pm Divide and conquer? Hmmmmmm?
ReplyDelete744. It is the truth. He stood up against Dep Mayor Joy Lyndes. The gal who got sandwiched by her co-workers for trying to throw a fireman under the bus for being a fireman. This crap only happens in encintas. Luke is a leader
DeleteThat’s 💯right. AZ Joy jumped on the Racists screamer drug addicts freakshow band wagon and started spouting off about Volunteering as a firefighter was not good.
What a pycho bitch.
Newbie AZ Joy needs to resign and go back to her hometown of Tucson. What a kook!
Right, what kind of human follows the instructions of a gimp, a picked flaker and a law yer man child Gnarly 👨
DeleteAh yes. Our very own repitition Bot guy is up early and at it again, and again, and again, ad nauseam.
ReplyDeleteMan child law yur
DeleteWhat does a man-child law yur, pickleball faker, and a ball less gimp have in common?
DeleteMy new job......I'm a Fed. I will be taking pictures of license plates of vehicles picking up illegals for day labor.
ReplyDeletePays the bills and I protect my country...unlike the left who hates their country. Smile..................click
DeleteYou sound like the airplane nut—a limp dick loser who can’t understand why no one listens to his impotent rage.
Delete750, and you sound like a freak show hung over loser. It’s time for your Fenty, and time to get your freak on. 😢🤮
DeleteIndeed it is airplane guy. Now "Fed guy"
DeleteCLICK ................
Only 12 million to go...............bye bye
Oh hey.
ReplyDeleteIs the Ukraine war over?
Are groceries any cheaper?
Is gas any cheaper?
Has the woman who took yer job been fired?
Are all people being forced into binary 1950’s gender stereotypes?
Or are you still a victim in a cult of violence and lies?
👆 idiot, dork alert.
DeleteI have one I’m stuck. We have a president. That’s not in late stages of Alzheimer’s,
And the current president cabinet is very strong. Go JFK jr…. Looking out for families health over Pharma profit. ❤️💪
Families enjoying their wonderful outdoor activities in Encinitas will benefit from this holistic public health approach .
* I, for one, am stoked we have a president that’s not in late stages of Alzheimer’s,
Deletebiden was like an episode of Star Trek without the Enterprise. he simply hurdled thru space.
DeleteHe and that dimwitted harris. Gawd what a cluster ----
of idiots
hey 8:01.......they have only been in the White House a week. Keep your panties on....................
Delete9:59 It'd RFK jr. , genius
DeleteStill waiting and wondering about the "adjustments" Shaffer wants for Prop A. Has anyone heard?
ReplyDelete10:32- Supposedly he has 15 words he wants to change. What they are is anyone on the insides guess.
DeleteNot happy to hear this. Maybe Shaffer should start by reading Prop A before suggesting edits.
DeleteLuke for Mayor 2026
DeleteHard no and I voted for him. Change my mind.
DeleteAbsolutely Luke for Mayor or Bruce. Both are excellent!
DeleteLuke was a team player in a past life serving our nation honorably. I would like to see some of that team spirit show itself from now on at every council meeting.
ReplyDeleteAgree, deliver what was advertised.
DeleteNot likely. "Campaign Luke" bears little resemblance to ego-MAGA Luke we're seeing in real life.
DeleteFriends of Luke which is the real Luke? Campaign Luke or Prop A challenger for developers Luke? Asking for a bunch of confused and concerned voters!
DeleteAsk out of town Rachel. She'll do the talking for Luke, he gets himself in too much trouble when he opens his big dumb mouth.
DeleteLuke is a smart stud. You freashow members are, and always will be, losers..
DeleteCarlsbad Rachel wants to be Cardiff Setoon so bad, but can't because alas... she doesn't live in the district at all. At least Natalie is pretty. Rachel is just petty.
ReplyDeleteLuke doesn't have to justify anything? Guess again.
Delete12:51- I think they’re both wonderful people and they speak beautiful common sense. Thank you, Rachel and Natalie. 👏👏🙏❤️
DeleteAmanda - put the Chardonnay down and get a grip!
DeleteIf someone has an issue with a couple of residents speaking their minds at city council meetings, I have to surmise they feel threatened by the truth coming out.
ReplyDeleteOur caring residents have always been an inspiration to this observer.
An "observer" is exactly what Rachel is, not a resident. She's a complete fraud. Yet at so many council and commissioner's meetings, there she is crowing and complaining. There's a mental deficiency.
DeleteOn what crazy planet does “businessman” Marco San Antonio, live? He puts the idea out on social media “why can’t we can just move Bobby Riggs to the empty Kohl’s store?.” Um because the city doesn’t own it?
ReplyDeleteHarbinger of things to come.
DeleteThe city owns their current location?
DeleteNope. So much for great “business acumen.”