Obviously the City doesn't know how parking standards work! Luke spoke about about and voted to pause the Santa Fe cluster. He was not the one who spent millions of dollars to put in that horrible project that will now have to be largely taken out!
Did City Council put aside $15 million for the failing of the Beacon‘s Bluff that the city caused by all that additional load and then north side of the project next to the wall of the Airbnb?
That’s so called Geotech engineer that spoke is not going to provide any of the funds for his bad recommendations. The guys old is dirt and not as smart as a box of rocks. And that’s who the city staff is listening to. Jesus, the taxpayers are fucked.
Let’s see what happens when it starts raining. Bye-bye Bluff and bye-bye Airbnb and bye-bye $15 million of tax
Marco salivating at the idea of Luke doing the right thing. And never mind the corruption that brought us these projects, Marco you’re good with that part right? What a radical departure from the BIA seat fillers Hinze and Kranz
5:48 Really? They are dads? Catherine is a mom, so is Julie Thunder, Tony Kranz is a dad...maybe whoever is constantly posting this porn kind of stuff on this blog should respect everyone and stop, The moderator should not allow this
As long as I've known John Gjata he's always been a little worm.
John loves to suck up to those in power, his claim to fame is being on the Parks and Recs Commission for which he's done an awful job.
He doesn't have a job, nor does his alcoholic wife, they simply live off his parents inheritance. He likes to think of himself as a volleyball player, yet never plays because he's always bitching about his back pain. His real pain that we all feel is in his ass.
John, do us all a favor and stay away from our volleyball courts, you already fucked us when you voted to take away one of the courts.
Do us all a favor and take a bunch of pain killers.
God, shut the fuck up 8:58. If she can't take it she shouldn't dish it out. The woman dishes it out day and night; she was supposed to shut down EV and that was the right choice.
She hasn't dished anything out, 9:23. All she's done is create an open platform where EVERYONE can post what their thoughts are in the community.
If you think that's dishing it out then you have a problem with Democracy. Don't blame the moderator because you don't like what people are saying about the Blakespear's, Marco, Fletcher, etc.
923, all you've done is proven that your party is full of assholes that gang up on elderly women. You are the definition of LOSER. You're parent would be so proud of you.
That's an interesting take on the situation and one that I disagree with. EV is about 75% negative and most observers (not commentors) would agree with that.
9:54 you can disagree all you want, but the fact remains, Blakespear sued her residents over Prop A. Funny how Blakespear supporters always seem to lie.
"Judge sides with residents, upholds voter-approved Proposition A."
Would you like other sources, there are plenty of them.
“This is another failed attempt by the mayor and council to circumvent our citizens’ right to approve increases in density and height,” said Susan Turney, a longtime Encinitas resident and member of Preserve Proposition A.
“Judge Maas was the latest judge to affirm this California Constitutional right. Prop A has never been the ‘constraint’ to passing a compliant Housing Element Update. Rather, the constraint has been the council’s housing plans that gifted developers with extras, while providing minimal affordable housing.” - Susan Turney.
After Catherine Blakespear tried to sue her own residents, here's what the presiding Judge Maas had to say.....
Blakespear needs to be voted out. She's part of the problem.
“But nothing in these enumerated powers of enforcement allows [the] state to require a jurisdiction to seek to invalidate a voter initiative, nor is there any provision for a jurisdiction to sue either private citizens or to invalidate a voter initiative,” Maas wrote. “Invalidating the citizens’ right to vote should only be a last resort."
It was good to see the city council do the right thing…sorta… again last night. But seriously, someone needs to explain to Luke how this whole land use thing works (you know, making findings and all).
There’s a time and place for the message he was trying to send, but that hearing wasn’t it. Props to Bruce for doing his best to reign in his less experienced buddies up there.
Sounds like you're sucking up to Bruce, Marco. Now that Tony's gone, I guess you have to.
Are you still gonna harass Jim and Luke, accusing them of illegally operating businesses and non profits. My guess is NO. Too much sucking up to do and trying to weasel your way back into council's good graces.
I've got news for you, it's not gonna happen, you're a worm.
9:23 was me, posting from a different device. I have no need to suck up to anyone on council. I just call it like I see it. And yes, I do still plan to hold elected officials accountable to things like voting and business laws.
The prior councilmembers may not have been land use experts, but they sure as hell had a better grasp on how elected officials need to make decisions in a legal manner than what we saw out of Luke last night.
When faced with an appeal of a Planning Commission approval, the council's role is to consider the specific deficiencies outlined by the appellant and the evidence upon which the Planning Commission made its decision. It is not a de novo hearing. Rather than focus on the two very narrow issues raised on appeal, Luke went off on a rant about fire safety that had nothing to do with this project, was not based on any evidence in the record, and for all intents and purposes was entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. And then he abstained from voting on the motion to deny the appeal (which didn't pass). Yet, he offered no substitute motion. The whole bizarre exchange reeked of inexperience and recklessness. Just watch it. Cringe-worthy, to say the least.
So much for pilots remaining cool under pressure. That was an epic meltdown! All the fears voters had of Luke and Jim being totally in over their heads were realized.
Anyone attacking an elderly woman (LG) simply because she allows EVERYONE to speak freely on an open platform, should take a look in the mirror and ask themselves if they really appreciate Democracy.
Democracy is allowing people to express themselves and speak freely. That's what Lorri is doing.
It's unfortunate and frankly disgusting that some of you don't appreciate that we as Americans have that right. However, you're the first ones to yell, scream and virtue signal about our right to Democracy and free speech when you wanna hold a Gay Pride parade or BLM rally.
Free speech is only good when people agree with you right?
AND the conversations that Marlon and Marco participate in are perfect examples of the negativity I was referring to. They basically show up to get attacked, insulted, called names and sent on their way. I assume that's why they aren't blocked - it's much more fun the way it is.
10:05 So what if it's an "echo chamber". If you don't like what people are saying, simply pull up your big girl/boy pants and leave. Just because people are speaking freely and you don't like what they have to say doesn't mean that you have to attack and abuse Lorri Greene.
I can't even comment or post in opposition on Encinitas Progressive Unity or Encinitas Now without having comment deleted or being blocked. Yet, I can have opposing views to EV's without being kicked off the page. I see it happen daily with Marco and quite a few others. That's true democracy.
You know it, I know it and everyone knows it. Marco shares his opposing views on EV daily, he hasn't been blocked or deleted. Eleanor Musick, Karen Abrahams, John Gjata and many others consistently chime in as well. They haven't been kicked off.
However, if you break the rules and start harassing, cursing at people or make damaging claims against certain individuals without any evidence or a source, your post will surely be taken down and that is fair.
In short, you must be mentally ill to think its ok to harass and abuse and elderly woman because you don't like the fact that she's letting people speak freely.
10:19 people aren't personally attacking Marco and Marlon on EV, that's absolutely false. Lorri deletes those posts and will block those people if they've been warned multiple times before.
What people do is attack Marlon and Marco's logic, most usually make great points and many back up their arguments with sources. Nothing wrong with that.
Show me some examples where Marco or Marlon have been personally attacked on EV. Post some links to Facebook.
10:24 Where is Lorri being harassed, attacked and abused? Here? She apparently has haters from decades ago; don't put that on your choice of people. She's had negative comments about her posted here for years and none of it has to do with present day issues.
10:48 Bullshit, I've been on this blog since its inception and I've never seen Lorri attacked up until when you didn't like her Facebook page.
You're a loser for abusing and harassing and elderly woman who's in her 80's. WTF is wrong with you? And all because you don't like what your hearing on her page.
FTR, I had to create a second FB account to participate on EV. My main account remains blocked from years ago when Lorri became upset that I couldn't get her unblocked from Encinitas Now. Petty bullshit.
1148 Marco, did Lorri let you (Marco Gonzalez) back on the page under your same name? YES
Does Lorri let you post and comment freely on the EV page? YES
Did Lorri let you post all of your anti Jim, Luke and Bruce stuff on Encinitas Votes prior to the election and still to this very day? YES
So what are you crying about? You were an asshole that was blocked because you couldn't follow the community standard of the page.
Both Republicans and Democrats who have abused the community standards have been blocked from EV. You don't get to break the rules because you Marco Gonzalez, fuck you really are a narcissist.
11:42 you're either a liar or simply incorrect. There was at least one person that was posting about her years ago...something about her behavior professionally.
1224 my proof is this, if you've been on this blog for the last year you've read several horrible and very false things written about Lorri Green. You can't deny that.
Like I said, no one would ever write those things on Facebook because their identity would be attached.
Bottom line, don't harass and abuse children or the elderly, especially when they have physical health conditions.
Specifically what has been said about her? That she blocks people on EV? That she hates certain people? That she stirs the pot? I've read some very very bad things about certain people here, including myself. I do recall the "nutbird" guy going off on her, but I wouldn't put her on the list of people EU is really after.
For her position (admin of a controversial, political FB page that makes it a point to attack anything they don't like) I'd say she's doing pretty well.
12:36 you've either just joined this blog or you're full of shit. Anyone on here has read many horrible things written about Dr. Lorri Greene.
She's doing her job as on of three moderators, she follows the rules.
She allows people like Marco, Marlon, Karen Abraham's, Joan Dodge, John Gjata and several others post and comment in opposition. Does Encinitas Progressive Unity or Encinitas Now do that? NO.
For example if I posted why I'm voting for Luke, Bruce or Jim on Encinitas Progressive Unity it would quickly be removed. However on Encinitas Votes some people were posting their reasons for voting for Preston and Blackwell and those were never deleted.
It's called Encinitas PROGRESSIVE Unity. What part of that is confusing? The other is called Encinitas Votes, implying there is some sort of choice out there, even though we know there isn't.
You know as well as I do that anything posted in favor of Blackwell or Preston was ripped to shreds on EV, including Blackwell's own posts. The commentors were extremely disrespectful (I'd even say abusive) and it was all left up. Good job admin. Can't imagine why there'd be any hard feelings over that.
Marco, Amanda, Mali and Marlon just don't like what the residents have to say on EV, so they harass Lorri Greene in hopes she will grow tired and take down EV. That is their ultimate goal.
Anything that speaks in opposition they will try to destroy, and these same people will scream and shout that democracy is vital to our country.
She's the one that says she's taking down EV over and over. She swears up and down she's doing it, and the reasons have nothing to do with imagined "harassment"
Please provide proof, because I've never seen anything close to this. I've seen her come on here and get feedback from anonymous commentors, and that's it.
1055 I never said people on Facebook were harassing and abusing Lorri. Why would they, they'd give up their identity. No one in their right mind would want to be associated with the abuse and harassment of an elderly person. It would destroy you socially, no one wants to associate with people that abuse children or elderly. So they/he/she do it anonymously on Encinitas Undercover.
Whoever is abusing Lorri is obviously mentally ill.
I don't like all the people on EV who can't help but lie all the time, and the ones who are either too dumb or too lazy to understand how government works, and the ones who constantly make up inane names for elected officials and activists (like many of you here do). EV is like a 6th grade playground most of the time.
1150 Marco, then why are you always posting and commenting on EV, more than any other page?
Because the people on EV are the ones that can ruin your developer business, or have council members removed who don't represent the residents. The people on EV can freely speak out against those in power without being deleted or blocked, and that pissed you off.
11:49 Where is anyone harassing & abusing her, even here? I'm the one that wrote that she shouldn't dish it out if she can't take it, and I don't consider that abuse. My opinion, based on observation for multiple years, is that she has a mean heart. That's my opinion and I'd sit down with her and explain why.
Marco thinks everyone is just "too stupid or too lazy" to understand how government works. I guess what he's saying is STFU.
It's not that we're too lazy or too stupid to understand how government works, we just don't like how some of it works and so we let others know. What's wrong with that?
12:05 The number of times people (who should know better) on EV make factual representations or express wonder at things they could easily research and understand with a little effort is astounding. Too dumb or too lazy. Lots of them. Probably the same ones who are on here too chicken shit to use their own names.
1005 can you let us know who are the peeps that can't post on EV. I suspect one may be Amanda and if this is the case, I support her voice being mutted. Nothing of value ever comes out
1137 Amanda was telling people to "Shut the Fuck Up" a little too often among a few other nasty things. That's not allowed on any pages including Encinitas Progressive Unity, Encinitas Now or 99% of pages.
You can argue all you want but you can't just keep telling people to "shut the fuck up".
Time to come on from recess kids. Coast News posted an article about the Blacksmiths land fire 🔥 improvement canyon project. This is what you need to watch: make sure they are not expecting of we are still under high fire conditions. They must wait for optimal weather. Next, make sure they are paying market rate wages to immigrant workers and that the workers receive proper safety training and equipment. Get your cameras and rones and offer to film the party. MS Smith, hire a professional crew
Give me some examples of Lorri being critical of other people? Do share. Please provide a link to a post, etc. Because I don't believe you and neither does anyone else.
12:16 there's a big difference between being critical of someone and calling them Dr. Nutbird or anyone of the other names or stories you've made up about her.
Critical is one thing, harassment and abuse is another.
There's a perfect example. The person calling her Dr. Nutbird has been doing it for a long time and I highly doubt it has anything to do with EV's political positions. That seems more like a personal issue from some time ago.
1:12 Marco, did you do anything to stop it Lorri Greene from being abused on here? NO.
Did you defend the idea that elderly people with physical health issues should not be subject to abuse and harassment through any of this conversation today or at anytime? NO.
Instead you spoke out against Lorri in today's threads stating..... "Actually, Lorri has on multiple occasions stricken my comments and posts on EV for spurious reasons."
"My main account remains blocked from years ago when Lorri became upset that I couldn't get her unblocked from Encinitas Now. Petty bullshit."
So, you blocked Lorri from Encinitas Now and she blocked you, seems fair. What doesn't seem fair is that she unblocked you yet you haven't unblocked her.
1:29 I can read, can you comprehend? It's not that difficult.
Lorri allowed Marco Gonzalez on Encinitas Votes as of about 1 or so ago. He continues to posts under Marco Gonzalez. What does it matter if it's under "Marco Gonzalez's" old or new account, it's still Marco Gonzalez. It's a moot point!
And you're asking ME if I can read? Use some fucking logic.
1:24 Marco did not block Lorrie from EN (it's not Marco's group. EN belongs to the FB user formerly known as Lou Caldia) but when Lorrie was blocked, she was desperate to get back in and for some weird reason, reached out to Marco and begged him for help. He did not help and she childishly retaliated by blocking him from EV
All one needs to do is take a look at Lorena Gonzalez and her horrible human behavior history. It's one for the ages. Blood is thick and rhymes with Chud
Maybe someone should start posting this article around her district, given the recent fires we've been having.
ENCINITAS — "Dozens of dead palm trees on a state lawmaker’s private land, viewed by neighbors as a dangerous fire hazard, have sparked urgent calls for action and a community effort to clear the piles of tinder-dry fronds in light of the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles."
"the trees are roman candles high in oil" is how neighbors described it.
Catherine's response, "It's a community effort to clean this up."
Note: If Catherine cares about parks and our environment so much, then why are all of her palm trees dead? Answer...Because she didn't care to water them.
According to the publication you posted regarding the canary palm weevil. Blakespear should remove all of her trees as they are now a serious HAZARD.
It also states that she needs to hire a professional arborist.
"Hire a professional arborist to remove infested, dead or dying palms on your property. This can stop the next generation of weevils from flying to another host on the block or in the canyon. The infested material removed (usually only the top 25% of the tree where the SAPW larvae have been eating away at the apical meristem) should be chipped, then tarped securely and transported to a certified landfill that will bury the material in 24 hours or less."
I spent 70K to change my landscape from old school tropical to modern day. I have upgraded roof and siding., also. Guess what, I am on my second insurance cancelation. They now want a 60 year old trip palm, out. I will need to spend about 3K to get this tree out. Why are we paying the price for our neighbors who don't give a hoot. Marco, don't defend her this time. You understand the science and know better
1:50 and how do you know she’s not watering her palms? Have you seen her or anyone for that matter ever take care of those palms? The answer is NO you haven’t. So to make up an assumption that it’s not her fault and the palms are diseased is just sad.
But in fact if the palms are diseased, then, according to the article, only an arborist should handle those trees as that disease. The weevil can spread to other palms in the surrounding area and create a lot of damage.
Blakespear is completely disregarding what she is supposed to do.
She supposed to hire an arborist to completely remove all of the diseased palms so there in preventing the spread of the disease to other palms and plant life in the surrounding area. This is a very serious matter.
A bill like this would typically be in the tens of thousands of dollars. By gathering together community members to remove palm fronds and not the trees themselves, you are endangering our local habitat.
Do the right thing, Blakespear and hire an arborist.
3:13 it is my business when I live near Blakespear and it's jeopardizing the safety of my family and I. Blakespear has...
A. Created a severe fire hazard that's been neglected for years because she doesn't want to spend money on getting it fixed.
B. She's enlisted the help of neighbors who are eager to clean the debris up, without spending a $ on professionals.
C. Blakespear is supposed to hire an arborist to do this job as the Palms are diseased with weevils which we all know can spread and destroy surrounding habitat. Only an arborist is qualified to remove Canary Palms that are diseased.
D. Hiring an arborist to remove these trees typically costs in the tens of thousands of dollars. If she doesn't hire an arborist then this will be another story all together.
4:24 did Blakespear hire an arborist? NO. She’s done the exact opposite of what arborist deem crucial when handling diseased Canary Palms by enlisting a bunch of volunteers who know nothing about containing the weevil disease in those palms.
So, no I don’t wanna wait a couple more days. I want her to do the job correctly and I want it done now before it gets worse.
well, I am a different person and this was my first comment today, so I did not see your request.
Here is the example: When an item is on appeal, you can only weigh the elements of the appeal. To start talking about the LA fires is unrelated. To start talking about delaying is unrelated. Only the ACTUAL elements of appeal are related
It took a few meetings but last night LukeJim were exposed as the unqualified clowns they were assumed to be. The entire meeting was like a reality show where everyone but Bruce was an actor.
Another example: while discussing the appeal, Luke stated all development in Encinitas should be put on hold because of the fires. This is a comment not related to this particular appeal, but an emotional reaction to devastation elsewhere. Rookie move. He'll learn over time, you have to keep your comments SPECIFIC TO THE ITEM BEFORE YOU
Another example: Bruce saw what Luke was doing, that is why Bruce said that Luke was trying to tie events in LA to the appeal and that there was no legal underpinning that would allow them to do that.
No one is trying to gaslight. Whoever you are, just look at Bruce's responses to Luke. Bruce was gently trying to steer him in the right direction because Luke was bringing all sort of stuff into deliberation that was not before them as a council.
I didn't see any of that. Please tell us at what point in the video any of this actually happened. You are grossly exaggerating regarding Luke and Jim.
It's all good. Bruce and Jim abided by the law and Luke played the rule of the sane person. Better than the "Another unanimous decision!" boast we saw from BlakesKranz.
Another day, another post that devolves into talking about people that have absolutely nothing to do with the cities work. You guys are like a broken record. When you can’t defend the actions of your favorites, you go and attack folks that are not sitting council members while simultaneously playing the role of victim.
That's incredibly telling KevinJeremy. You are shitlibs figuratively and spiritually.
If you really want to improve yourself and excel in life Kevin you need to go to the gym and get jacked and/or learn Brazilian Jujitsu. You're way too soft physically and mentally. Do some traveling outside of the united steaks. Your shitposting gets zero traction and is a waste of time. Maybe go swimming in the ocean without a wetsuit before you carry a few dead fronds on Saturday. It will toughen you up if not only for a few hours before your shitposting begins again in earnest
Another quick FYI. Only mental defectives could believe Jeremy is behind EN. Matter of fact only mental defectives could believe any of what comes from Lorri and EV.
It's incredibly refreshing that Luke & Jim are entirely outside the Encinitas political fishbowl of " We must align with Sacramento" and the jazz shoulders within that destruction of all things logic and reason.
Lets do quick case study:
Sacramento and jazz shoulders puppet man removed key dams and reservoirs to save the upstream salmon population ( which one fact didn't save shit) but did happen to allow 15,000 homes burned to the ground due to dead smelt and dead smelly salmon coming out of the fire hydrant rather than the liquid called water that would have saved around 14, 998 homes.
Sabellico needs to shut the f up and understand he'll never ever win an election unless he moves to Venezuela.
Thank you 2:42. Luke was on Fire last night. 🔥He is fearless, and would not bend over like Bruce did. The only one with any ball of steel, brave enough to speak the F up! Yes, Bruce and his Politically correct attitude, after 24 years, has gotten him to the Mayor position, but it is disgusting that he puts his political career over what is the right thing to do. He should have approved the appeal and denied all the 15 illegal BS -BIAnbprojects. A big F U to the fear mongers and all of your lawsuits. An Emergency Declaration should have been done, and that Fed up ECR project by the corrupt grover should have been stopped. STOP the BS and for God's sake, lets get this thang started.
I mean, she lost her professional license to practice because she gave an illegal drug to a patient, and Facebook friended her patient’s boyfriend.
And she constantly threatens to take down EV as a pathetic demand for compliments.
She also has published publicly accusations of sexual assault and then deleted them.
She also tells highly improbable tales that interestingly no one can verify, like she was offered a council seat in exchange for becoming part of a conspiracy theory. There are never any details like who told her this.
Then there’s the MLK story, which probably isn’t true and wouldn’t be impressive if it was true, because the guy led marches with hundreds of thousands of people.
Then there’s was the admission that she was getting heavy duty pain pills from Dr. Feelgood for a long time. And that when the medical community cracked down on such practices, she had an epic freakout where the cops were called.
It’s not controversial or bullying to label these (and tons more examples) as nutty behavior.
We know why they are behaving this way. LG helped the community by warning them about the unmanaged canyon owned by Blakespear. Today she posted the CN article. The unmanaged canyon is a tinder box waiting to ignite. Looking from the bottom up, please notice the flammable vegetation at the top of the slope on the East side. Imagine what structure damage could occur? How many animals and lives are at risk? Everyone is scared and natural is warning us. ⚠️ ONLY a fool leader would allow her surrogates to behave so badly over something that affects the community.
You're only allowed to have positive opinions of Lorri no matter how many people she publicly attacks, denigrates and smears because she is in her 70s. Try someone that EU doesn't like, you'll be labelled a hero around here.
Lorri is a convicted shoplifter who list her license to practice psychology due to an inappropriate relationship with a client. Both the conviction and the loss of her license are a matter of public record.
All I see is a troll name-calling a wonderful and courageous lady. I applaud her for caring enough about the neighborhood to bring attention to this issue at risk to herself by the people who abuse her online. This would include Marco and other Blakespear minions. Blakespear does not deserve to advise others on environmental issues when she is so criminally negligent on her own property. This issue has been on the books for several years now, and I feel for the people who live near this dangerous situation.
"On the books" means that Thunder and Green were bitching about the same thing two years ago on EV. Wow. Did their pals at Coast News get paid off to write about it then too?
Let's get cat to the City Council meeting. Luke was on Fire last night. 🔥He is fearless, and would not bend over like Bruce did. The only one with balls of steel, brave enough to speak the F up! Yes, Bruce and his Politically Correct agenda, after 24 years, has gotten him to the Mayor position, but it is disgusting that he puts his political career over what is the right thing to do. He should have approved the appeal and denied all the 15 illegal BS -BIA projects. A big F U to the fear mongers and all of your lawsuits. An Emergency Declaration should have been done, and that F'ed up ECR project by the corrupt grover should have been stopped. STOP the BS and for God's sake, let's get this thang started.
You're dumb as all fuck 5:52. I wish this "thang" would have gotten started so we could have gotten rid of Luke's dumb ass sooner rather than later. Keep on talking Luke.
Disappointed that Bruce didn't ask Geotech Engineer Knowlton if adding hundreds of tons on top of an active landslide could have an impact or excellerate the downward movement west of the slip plane?
That old geezer would say anything staff wants becasue that is who is feeding him. Bruce should know by just looking at the 6 feet of fill and the adjacent major cracking of the wall showing the slope movement. Bak call Bruce. This one will come back to bite you and Kranz.
Yup- this one is going to cost the tax payers. Bruce, by not asking about it you now own Kranz's left over mistake. You should know better and didn't even say anything.
Video here - @ min 52:26 https://encinitas.granicus.com/player/clip/3403
A good number of cliffside monitoring devices were installed by Scripps Institute on that same bluff last year or so. Any of the slightest movement will be closely detected and the public notified if there are safety concerns.
I suppose for your benefit I should say when there are movements which there will be as it is mother nature after all.
Monitoring a slide area is wise. We agree. Rain? Even the best prognosticators are of little help. Of course we do have you telling us what is going to happen? Credentials please?
I gimp, therefore I am
ReplyDeleteAnd I love to design bike traps.
Delete- The Gimp
A Moody Blues fan?
ReplyDeleteAm I wrong that we're 9 min in and nothing available?
ReplyDeleteCity of Encinitas is behind on everything. It’s there MO.
DeleteProbably figuring out where they can pull 10 million out of the budget for reserves for addressing the Beacons collapse.
You are correct sir. Must be dealing with some leftovers from the previous bunch of ..............
ReplyDeleteA gift that will keep on giving, at least for tonight.
ReplyDeleteOh joy, no Joy tonight.
Conkey the vandal and Spitoon bitching about Blakespear sound like a couple of petty Karens.
ReplyDeleteThey think they're something special but surprise.
Delete639. You mean a couple of hot gal who care about the health and safety of the City?
DeleteWhere is ChooseJoy? We have no representation?
ReplyDelete- Margo
Does Sheila know she's not mayor anymore?
ReplyDeleteDo you know that the Mayor works for the taxpayers. Even x mayor taxpayers
DeleteDo you?
ReplyDeleteLuke sounds like someone just woke him up and he missed everything that was already discussed.
ReplyDeleteLuke doesn't know how parking standards work.
ReplyDeleteObviously the City doesn't know how parking standards work! Luke spoke about about and voted to pause the Santa Fe cluster. He was not the one who spent millions of dollars to put in that horrible project that will now have to be largely taken out!
DeleteDid Luke just propose a building moratorium citywide? Bring on the lawsuits!
ReplyDelete816. Go file the empty lawsuit.
DeleteGood God Marco we can see the drool from across town.
ReplyDeleteLoving that Luke called out Grover as a liar for his claims no parking overflow from his latest travesty.
LOL. The anonymous keyboard warriors were busy last night. That was quite the performance, Councilmember Shaffer!
Delete👆 Marco, the liar says what?
DeleteDid City Council put aside $15 million for the failing of the Beacon‘s Bluff that the city caused by all that additional load and then north side of the project next to the wall of the Airbnb?
ReplyDeleteThat’s so called Geotech engineer that spoke is not going to provide any of the funds for his bad recommendations. The guys old is dirt and not as smart as a box of rocks. And that’s who the city staff is listening to. Jesus, the taxpayers are fucked.
Let’s see what happens when it starts raining. Bye-bye Bluff and bye-bye Airbnb and bye-bye $15 million of tax
Marco salivating at the idea of Luke doing the right thing. And never mind the corruption that brought us these projects, Marco you’re good with that part right? What a radical departure from the BIA seat fillers Hinze and Kranz
ReplyDelete?? Your fascination with me all fine and good, but I’ll keep using my name on here while the rest of you cowards hide
DeleteMarco, you’re a proven liar so we know you post under your name and anonymously.
DeleteOne fact is you’re a liar and you support a predator. Fucking jerk.
Love to see Luke's grandstanding. This guy is smart as a sonofabitch!
ReplyDeleteThat he is.
Deletenot smart.
DeleteAgree he is one handsome buck
Delete1006 that sonofabitch was wise enough to beat the pants off of Allison Blackwell. Let that sink for a bit. Next time, do better
DeleteFlyboy Feisty!
ReplyDeleteOh to be a fly on the wall just now! Sheila walked up to Luke and shared something short.
ReplyDeleteDo tell? Staff definitely heard the exchange.
You go girl!
It was completely inappropriate for Sheila to do that.
DeleteThere is no way a city council meeting is as interesting as this sounds. Go fuck each other.
ReplyDeleteIt could be at times. It’s almost always important though. Not enough pay attention.
Delete947. Go F each other. Na, not into Joy Lyndes
Delete25 comments and I made 5 of them. Do better!
ReplyDeleteOk, I will step it up. Marlon wants everyone to do better.
DeleteThanks for the tip. The voters agree with you. We are on a better road
Deletenew council can suck it. I hear lukejim can do it real good.
ReplyDeleteKinky are u. Not really into that porn clip. They are dad's. Do better
Delete5:48 Really? They are dads? Catherine is a mom, so is Julie Thunder, Tony Kranz is a dad...maybe whoever is constantly posting this porn kind of stuff on this blog should respect everyone and stop, The moderator should not allow this
DeleteJealousy oozing from your pores
ReplyDeleteLike herding cats?
ReplyDeleteLet's hope so. Last thing I want is the freaks catching these cats
DeleteAs he should be. Apparently, some peeps in cardiff are planning a chipping and chainsaw party during high fire 🔥 ⚠️
ReplyDeleteNPP s will rule Encinitas. We ain't never going back
ReplyDeleteJohn Gapta may have entered the room? Dude don't be such an ignorant ass.
ReplyDeleteJohn, you are starting to act like a little worm, do better
ReplyDeleteStarting? 🤣🤮
DeleteGAPTA, the human worm.
DeleteAs long as I've known John Gjata he's always been a little worm.
DeleteJohn loves to suck up to those in power, his claim to fame is being on the Parks and Recs Commission for which he's done an awful job.
He doesn't have a job, nor does his alcoholic wife, they simply live off his parents inheritance. He likes to think of himself as a volleyball player, yet never plays because he's always bitching about his back pain. His real pain that we all feel is in his ass.
John, do us all a favor and stay away from our volleyball courts, you already fucked us when you voted to take away one of the courts.
Do us all a favor and take a bunch of pain killers.
John practically held hands with Tony Kranz at his fundraisers. He idolizes Tony and Catherine.
DeleteI remember when John had aspirations of running for city council, he actually thought he could win, that's how narcissistic John is.
John, nobody gives a fuck about you or your weirdo wife. Do us all a favor and move.
So Lorri can criticize anyone and get in their business, but if anyone criticizes Lorri she threatens suicide?
ReplyDeleteThat sounds totally sane and not at all whackadoodle.
God, shut the fuck up 8:58. If she can't take it she shouldn't dish it out. The woman dishes it out day and night; she was supposed to shut down EV and that was the right choice.
DeleteShe hasn't dished anything out, 9:23. All she's done is create an open platform where EVERYONE can post what their thoughts are in the community.
DeleteIf you think that's dishing it out then you have a problem with Democracy. Don't blame the moderator because you don't like what people are saying about the Blakespear's, Marco, Fletcher, etc.
923, all you've done is proven that your party is full of assholes that gang up on elderly women. You are the definition of LOSER. You're parent would be so proud of you.
At least Lorri hasn't threatened to sue the citizens of Encinitas like Queen Catherine did.
DeleteThat's an interesting take on the situation and one that I disagree with. EV is about 75% negative and most observers (not commentors) would agree with that.
Delete9:54 you can disagree all you want, but the fact remains, Blakespear sued her residents over Prop A. Funny how Blakespear supporters always seem to lie.
Delete"Judge sides with residents, upholds voter-approved Proposition A."
Would you like other sources, there are plenty of them.
“This is another failed attempt by the mayor and council to circumvent our citizens’ right to approve increases in density and height,” said Susan Turney, a longtime Encinitas resident and member of Preserve Proposition A.
Delete“Judge Maas was the latest judge to affirm this California Constitutional right. Prop A has never been the ‘constraint’ to passing a compliant Housing Element Update. Rather, the constraint has been the council’s housing plans that gifted developers with extras, while providing minimal affordable housing.” - Susan Turney.
I was replying to 9:45. No way in hell I want to discuss your "my Mayor sued me" bs.
DeleteOf course you can be critical as long as you don't become a human worm.
DeleteAfter Catherine Blakespear tried to sue her own residents, here's what the presiding Judge Maas had to say.....
DeleteBlakespear needs to be voted out. She's part of the problem.
“But nothing in these enumerated powers of enforcement allows [the] state to require a jurisdiction to seek to invalidate a voter initiative, nor is there any provision for a jurisdiction to sue either private citizens or to invalidate a voter initiative,” Maas wrote. “Invalidating the citizens’ right to vote should only be a last resort."
Most people don't give a shit 12:36.
DeleteIt was good to see the city council do the right thing…sorta… again last night. But seriously, someone needs to explain to Luke how this whole land use thing works (you know, making findings and all).
ReplyDeleteThere’s a time and place for the message he was trying to send, but that hearing wasn’t it. Props to Bruce for doing his best to reign in his less experienced buddies up there.
Sounds like you're sucking up to Bruce, Marco. Now that Tony's gone, I guess you have to.
DeleteAre you still gonna harass Jim and Luke, accusing them of illegally operating businesses and non profits. My guess is NO. Too much sucking up to do and trying to weasel your way back into council's good graces.
I've got news for you, it's not gonna happen, you're a worm.
that's not marco
Delete923 is not Marco. Joy, HR Allison and Tony were also not land use expert. So, email him and let him know your concerns. Be a hero instead of a freak
Delete9:23 was me, posting from a different device. I have no need to suck up to anyone on council. I just call it like I see it. And yes, I do still plan to hold elected officials accountable to things like voting and business laws.
DeleteThe prior councilmembers may not have been land use experts, but they sure as hell had a better grasp on how elected officials need to make decisions in a legal manner than what we saw out of Luke last night.
11:45 why don't you give us an example of what Luke did wrong last night? Because you sure are insinuating he did.
DeleteWhen faced with an appeal of a Planning Commission approval, the council's role is to consider the specific deficiencies outlined by the appellant and the evidence upon which the Planning Commission made its decision. It is not a de novo hearing. Rather than focus on the two very narrow issues raised on appeal, Luke went off on a rant about fire safety that had nothing to do with this project, was not based on any evidence in the record, and for all intents and purposes was entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand. And then he abstained from voting on the motion to deny the appeal (which didn't pass). Yet, he offered no substitute motion. The whole bizarre exchange reeked of inexperience and recklessness. Just watch it. Cringe-worthy, to say the least.
DeleteOnly their 3rd meeting and LukeJim has already cracked. What an insane display at the meeting last night.
ReplyDelete9:56 give us specific examples?
DeleteYou can't can you, all you can do is name call and gas light.
So much for pilots remaining cool under pressure. That was an epic meltdown! All the fears voters had of Luke and Jim being totally in over their heads were realized.
DeleteNo fears. Open dialogue, *gasp*. Nobody died. No one can sue. Magic 8 Ball sez try again tomorrow.
Delete1014 is being dishonest, just goes to show you how sleazy both you and your candidate was.
DeleteProvide a source to Luke's meltdown?
We'll never see one from you will we!
12:33 Did you watch the hearing? It wasn't hard to see.
DeleteAnyone attacking an elderly woman (LG) simply because she allows EVERYONE to speak freely on an open platform, should take a look in the mirror and ask themselves if they really appreciate Democracy.
ReplyDeleteDemocracy is allowing people to express themselves and speak freely. That's what Lorri is doing.
It's unfortunate and frankly disgusting that some of you don't appreciate that we as Americans have that right. However, you're the first ones to yell, scream and virtue signal about our right to Democracy and free speech when you wanna hold a Gay Pride parade or BLM rally.
Free speech is only good when people agree with you right?
You're parents would be so proud of you.
She doesn't let EVERYONE speak. Stop saying that. You know it, she knows it, I know it. EV is an echo chamber.
DeleteMarlon and Marco are on there. Kinda takes away from your echo chamber propaganda.
Delete10:01 If you REALLY believe what you're writing there's something seriously wrong with you.
DeleteEveryone means everyone. Multiple people are blocked and you know it. Give the lies a rest and work with reality if you're going to defend her.
DeleteAND the conversations that Marlon and Marco participate in are perfect examples of the negativity I was referring to. They basically show up to get attacked, insulted, called names and sent on their way. I assume that's why they aren't blocked - it's much more fun the way it is.
Delete10:05 So what if it's an "echo chamber". If you don't like what people are saying, simply pull up your big girl/boy pants and leave. Just because people are speaking freely and you don't like what they have to say doesn't mean that you have to attack and abuse Lorri Greene.
DeleteI can't even comment or post in opposition on Encinitas Progressive Unity or Encinitas Now without having comment deleted or being blocked. Yet, I can have opposing views to EV's without being kicked off the page. I see it happen daily with Marco and quite a few others. That's true democracy.
You know it, I know it and everyone knows it. Marco shares his opposing views on EV daily, he hasn't been blocked or deleted. Eleanor Musick, Karen Abrahams, John Gjata and many others consistently chime in as well. They haven't been kicked off.
However, if you break the rules and start harassing, cursing at people or make damaging claims against certain individuals without any evidence or a source, your post will surely be taken down and that is fair.
In short, you must be mentally ill to think its ok to harass and abuse and elderly woman because you don't like the fact that she's letting people speak freely.
10:19 people aren't personally attacking Marco and Marlon on EV, that's absolutely false. Lorri deletes those posts and will block those people if they've been warned multiple times before.
DeleteWhat people do is attack Marlon and Marco's logic, most usually make great points and many back up their arguments with sources. Nothing wrong with that.
Show me some examples where Marco or Marlon have been personally attacked on EV. Post some links to Facebook.
10:24 Where is Lorri being harassed, attacked and abused? Here? She apparently has haters from decades ago; don't put that on your choice of people. She's had negative comments about her posted here for years and none of it has to do with present day issues.
Delete10:48 Bullshit, I've been on this blog since its inception and I've never seen Lorri attacked up until when you didn't like her Facebook page.
DeleteYou're a loser for abusing and harassing and elderly woman who's in her 80's. WTF is wrong with you? And all because you don't like what your hearing on her page.
FTR, I had to create a second FB account to participate on EV. My main account remains blocked from years ago when Lorri became upset that I couldn't get her unblocked from Encinitas Now. Petty bullshit.
Delete1148 Marco, did Lorri let you (Marco Gonzalez) back on the page under your same name? YES
DeleteDoes Lorri let you post and comment freely on the EV page? YES
Did Lorri let you post all of your anti Jim, Luke and Bruce stuff on Encinitas Votes prior to the election and still to this very day? YES
So what are you crying about? You were an asshole that was blocked because you couldn't follow the community standard of the page.
Both Republicans and Democrats who have abused the community standards have been blocked from EV. You don't get to break the rules because you Marco Gonzalez, fuck you really are a narcissist.
11:42 you're either a liar or simply incorrect. There was at least one person that was posting about her years ago...something about her behavior professionally.
Delete1209 more gaslighting from you.
DeleteBottom line, don't abuse elderly people who have health issues. It's a cowardly thing to do.
Is it really that difficult for you understand this?
Don't make up stupid shit 12:13, or provide proof of what you're referring to. You're throwing around extreme accusations with nothing to back it up.
DeleteDo you know what gaslighting means?
1224 my proof is this, if you've been on this blog for the last year you've read several horrible and very false things written about Lorri Green. You can't deny that.
DeleteLike I said, no one would ever write those things on Facebook because their identity would be attached.
Bottom line, don't harass and abuse children or the elderly, especially when they have physical health conditions.
Specifically what has been said about her? That she blocks people on EV? That she hates certain people? That she stirs the pot? I've read some very very bad things about certain people here, including myself. I do recall the "nutbird" guy going off on her, but I wouldn't put her on the list of people EU is really after.
DeleteFor her position (admin of a controversial, political FB page that makes it a point to attack anything they don't like) I'd say she's doing pretty well.
12:36 you've either just joined this blog or you're full of shit. Anyone on here has read many horrible things written about Dr. Lorri Greene.
DeleteShe's doing her job as on of three moderators, she follows the rules.
She allows people like Marco, Marlon, Karen Abraham's, Joan Dodge, John Gjata and several others post and comment in opposition. Does Encinitas Progressive Unity or Encinitas Now do that? NO.
For example if I posted why I'm voting for Luke, Bruce or Jim on Encinitas Progressive Unity it would quickly be removed. However on Encinitas Votes some people were posting their reasons for voting for Preston and Blackwell and those were never deleted.
Actually, Lorri has on multiple occasions stricken my comments and posts on EV for spurious reasons.
DeleteIt's called Encinitas PROGRESSIVE Unity. What part of that is confusing? The other is called Encinitas Votes, implying there is some sort of choice out there, even though we know there isn't.
DeleteYou know as well as I do that anything posted in favor of Blackwell or Preston was ripped to shreds on EV, including Blackwell's own posts. The commentors were extremely disrespectful (I'd even say abusive) and it was all left up. Good job admin. Can't imagine why there'd be any hard feelings over that.
Absolutely delusional 12:58, bad job.
Marco, Amanda, Mali and Marlon just don't like what the residents have to say on EV, so they harass Lorri Greene in hopes she will grow tired and take down EV. That is their ultimate goal.
ReplyDeleteAnything that speaks in opposition they will try to destroy, and these same people will scream and shout that democracy is vital to our country.
She's the one that says she's taking down EV over and over. She swears up and down she's doing it, and the reasons have nothing to do with imagined "harassment"
DeletePlease provide proof, because I've never seen anything close to this. I've seen her come on here and get feedback from anonymous commentors, and that's it.
1055 I never said people on Facebook were harassing and abusing Lorri. Why would they, they'd give up their identity. No one in their right mind would want to be associated with the abuse and harassment of an elderly person. It would destroy you socially, no one wants to associate with people that abuse children or elderly. So they/he/she do it anonymously on Encinitas Undercover.
DeleteWhoever is abusing Lorri is obviously mentally ill.
I don't like all the people on EV who can't help but lie all the time, and the ones who are either too dumb or too lazy to understand how government works, and the ones who constantly make up inane names for elected officials and activists (like many of you here do). EV is like a 6th grade playground most of the time.
Delete1150 Marco, then why are you always posting and commenting on EV, more than any other page?
DeleteBecause the people on EV are the ones that can ruin your developer business, or have council members removed who don't represent the residents. The people on EV can freely speak out against those in power without being deleted or blocked, and that pissed you off.
11:49 Where is anyone harassing & abusing her, even here? I'm the one that wrote that she shouldn't dish it out if she can't take it, and I don't consider that abuse. My opinion, based on observation for multiple years, is that she has a mean heart. That's my opinion and I'd sit down with her and explain why.
DeleteMarco thinks everyone is just "too stupid or too lazy" to understand how government works. I guess what he's saying is STFU.
DeleteIt's not that we're too lazy or too stupid to understand how government works, we just don't like how some of it works and so we let others know. What's wrong with that?
Then why do you spend a good part of everyday on EV, Marco?
Delete12:05 The number of times people (who should know better) on EV make factual representations or express wonder at things they could easily research and understand with a little effort is astounding. Too dumb or too lazy. Lots of them. Probably the same ones who are on here too chicken shit to use their own names.
DeleteLorri defenders are even more delusional than she is. Encinitas has a serious mental health crisis.
ReplyDeleteKeep the Facebook drama on Facebook
ReplyDelete1113 may I remind you that this is encinitas real time news. Zee speaks when thee 🪱 s invade. Worm thrive underground 🚇
Delete1005 can you let us know who are the peeps that can't post on EV. I suspect one may be Amanda and if this is the case, I support her voice being mutted. Nothing of value ever comes out
ReplyDelete1137 Amanda was telling people to "Shut the Fuck Up" a little too often among a few other nasty things. That's not allowed on any pages including Encinitas Progressive Unity, Encinitas Now or 99% of pages.
DeleteYou can argue all you want but you can't just keep telling people to "shut the fuck up".
Time to come on from recess kids. Coast News posted an article about the Blacksmiths land fire 🔥 improvement canyon project. This is what you need to watch: make sure they are not expecting of we are still under high fire conditions. They must wait for optimal weather. Next, make sure they are paying market rate wages to immigrant workers and that the workers receive proper safety training and equipment. Get your cameras and rones and offer to film the party. MS Smith, hire a professional crew
ReplyDeleteNo chippers or chainsaws during high fire weather. 🔥
ReplyDeleteMutted? Typical. Nothing of value ever comes out especially from the likes of you.
ReplyDeleteWhen Lorri is critical of people, that’s a noble and courageous concerned citizen fighting for all that is good and holy.
ReplyDeleteWhen anyone is critical of Lorri, that’s shameful elder abuse and bullying.
Got it.
Give me some examples of Lorri being critical of other people? Do share. Please provide a link to a post, etc. Because I don't believe you and neither does anyone else.
Delete12:16 there's a big difference between being critical of someone and calling them Dr. Nutbird or anyone of the other names or stories you've made up about her.
DeleteCritical is one thing, harassment and abuse is another.
There's a perfect example. The person calling her Dr. Nutbird has been doing it for a long time and I highly doubt it has anything to do with EV's political positions. That seems more like a personal issue from some time ago.
Delete1230. LG may want to blow off Margo, malieee, marin ... they are children. LG just posted a great article on EV.
DeleteWhat makes it great?
DeleteMarco Gonzalez is actually defending the abuse and harassment of Lorri Green by.
ReplyDeleteWhat does that tell you about his character, morals, etc? Sick.
1221. Marco is a pussy. Pussy has created a group of pussetes. Let the kitty's roar. Rejoice ...they have shown their real colors
DeleteIf only she was being abused and harassed.
Delete1250 the coast news article about the Blacksmiths last blooper is about to tend.
Delete1250. Your new name...pussy freaking mean of you, slime bag
DeleteWhere did I defend abusing anyone? You assholes just love to make stuff up, don't you?
Delete1:12 Marco, did you do anything to stop it Lorri Greene from being abused on here? NO.
DeleteDid you defend the idea that elderly people with physical health issues should not be subject to abuse and harassment through any of this conversation today or at anytime? NO.
Instead you spoke out against Lorri in today's threads stating.....
"Actually, Lorri has on multiple occasions stricken my comments and posts on EV for spurious reasons."
"My main account remains blocked from years ago when Lorri became upset that I couldn't get her unblocked from Encinitas Now. Petty bullshit."
So, you blocked Lorri from Encinitas Now and she blocked you, seems fair. What doesn't seem fair is that she unblocked you yet you haven't unblocked her.
Can you read? She didn't unblock him, he has to use a different account to access EV.
Delete1:29 I can read, can you comprehend? It's not that difficult.
DeleteLorri allowed Marco Gonzalez on Encinitas Votes as of about 1 or so ago. He continues to posts under Marco Gonzalez. What does it matter if it's under "Marco Gonzalez's" old or new account, it's still Marco Gonzalez. It's a moot point!
And you're asking ME if I can read? Use some fucking logic.
Did Marco unblock Lorri from Encinitas Now?
1:24 Marco did not block Lorrie from EN (it's not Marco's group. EN belongs to the FB user formerly known as Lou Caldia) but when Lorrie was blocked, she was desperate to get back in and for some weird reason, reached out to Marco and begged him for help. He did not help and she childishly retaliated by blocking him from EV
Delete1:40 Prove it to us that EN belongs Lou Caldia.
DeleteYou do know that Lou Caldia is another way of saying Leucadia, right? It's not a real persons name.
I remember Lou Calida. EU is responsible for exposing, harassing and running him off. This is a great place.
DeleteAll one needs to do is take a look at Lorena Gonzalez and her horrible human behavior history. It's one for the ages. Blood is thick and rhymes with Chud
Breaking News! New article about Blakespear.
ReplyDeleteMaybe someone should start posting this article around her district, given the recent fires we've been having.
ENCINITAS — "Dozens of dead palm trees on a state lawmaker’s private land, viewed by neighbors as a dangerous fire hazard, have sparked urgent calls for action and a community effort to clear the piles of tinder-dry fronds in light of the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles."
This is the key phrase "viewed by neighbors as a dangerous fire hazard".
Delete"the trees are roman candles high in oil" is how neighbors described it.
DeleteCatherine's response, "It's a community effort to clean this up."
Note: If Catherine cares about parks and our environment so much, then why are all of her palm trees dead? Answer...Because she didn't care to water them.
Delete1:32 sure it's never Blakespear's fault.
DeleteThe fact that it got this far and took this long, shows just how much Blakespear cares for her neighbors property.
Blakespear cares about Blakespear and that's it.
DeleteAccording to the publication you posted regarding the canary palm weevil. Blakespear should remove all of her trees as they are now a serious HAZARD.
It also states that she needs to hire a professional arborist.
"Hire a professional arborist to remove infested, dead or dying palms on your property. This can stop the next generation of weevils from flying to another host on the block or in the canyon. The infested material removed (usually only the top 25% of the tree where the SAPW larvae have been eating away at the apical meristem) should be chipped, then tarped securely and transported to a certified landfill that will bury the material in 24 hours or less."
That link was for the dummy that accused her of not watering them enough.
DeleteI spent 70K to change my landscape from old school tropical to modern day. I have upgraded roof and siding., also. Guess what, I am on my second insurance cancelation. They now want a 60 year old trip palm, out. I will need to spend about 3K to get this tree out. Why are we paying the price for our neighbors who don't give a hoot. Marco, don't defend her this time. You understand the science and know better
Delete1:50 and how do you know she’s not watering her palms? Have you seen her or anyone for that matter ever take care of those palms? The answer is NO you haven’t. So to make up an assumption that it’s not her fault and the palms are diseased is just sad.
DeleteBut in fact if the palms are diseased, then, according to the article, only an arborist should handle those trees as that disease. The weevil can spread to other palms in the surrounding area and create a lot of damage.
Blakespear is completely disregarding what she is supposed to do.
DeleteShe supposed to hire an arborist to completely remove all of the diseased palms so there in preventing the spread of the disease to other palms and plant life in the surrounding area. This is a very serious matter.
A bill like this would typically be in the tens of thousands of dollars. By gathering together community members to remove palm fronds and not the trees themselves, you are endangering our local habitat.
Do the right thing, Blakespear and hire an arborist.
Mind your goddamn business.
Delete3:13 it is my business when I live near Blakespear and it's jeopardizing the safety of my family and I. Blakespear has...
DeleteA. Created a severe fire hazard that's been neglected for years because she doesn't want to spend money on getting it fixed.
B. She's enlisted the help of neighbors who are eager to clean the debris up, without spending a $ on professionals.
C. Blakespear is supposed to hire an arborist to do this job as the Palms are diseased with weevils which we all know can spread and destroy surrounding habitat. Only an arborist is qualified to remove Canary Palms that are diseased.
D. Hiring an arborist to remove these trees typically costs in the tens of thousands of dollars. If she doesn't hire an arborist then this will be another story all together.
Why don't we wait a whole 2 days and see what happens? Oh, because you wouldn't be able to get all the bad press out? Of course.
Delete4:24 did Blakespear hire an arborist? NO. She’s done the exact opposite of what arborist deem crucial when handling diseased Canary Palms by enlisting a bunch of volunteers who know nothing about containing the weevil disease in those palms.
DeleteSo, no I don’t wanna wait a couple more days. I want her to do the job correctly and I want it done now before it gets worse.
Hire an Arborist Blakespear, you cheap skate!
I know Luke is a new member but last night was cringe worthy. A city council member can not treat an appeal as a soap box for current events
ReplyDelete1:25 more gaslighting. I keep asking you to provide an example and you've given us none. I watched the council last night and saw no such thing.
DeletePlease tell us where on the time frame for the video of last night CC meeting did Luke make it a "soap box for current events."
I've asked you several times now and its always crickets.
See, this is how team Preston, Blackwell work. So glad we they got their assed handed to them in the election.
well, I am a different person and this was my first comment today, so I did not see your request.
DeleteHere is the example: When an item is on appeal, you can only weigh the elements of the appeal. To start talking about the LA fires is unrelated. To start talking about delaying is unrelated. Only the ACTUAL elements of appeal are related
It took a few meetings but last night LukeJim were exposed as the unqualified clowns they were assumed to be. The entire meeting was like a reality show where everyone but Bruce was an actor.
DeleteAnother example: while discussing the appeal, Luke stated all development in Encinitas should be put on hold because of the fires. This is a comment not related to this particular appeal, but an emotional reaction to devastation elsewhere. Rookie move. He'll learn over time, you have to keep your comments SPECIFIC TO THE ITEM BEFORE YOU
DeleteAnother example: Bruce saw what Luke was doing, that is why Bruce said that Luke was trying to tie events in LA to the appeal and that there was no legal underpinning that would allow them to do that.
DeletePoor Bruce. Between Luke and Jim, it's like Bruce was herding cats
DeleteIt's absolutely what he signed up for.
DeleteSomeone's nervous that Luke and Jim are out of pocket. It's also obvious who's trying to gaslight the shitshow meeting.
ReplyDeleteNo one is trying to gaslight. Whoever you are, just look at Bruce's responses to Luke. Bruce was gently trying to steer him in the right direction because Luke was bringing all sort of stuff into deliberation that was not before them as a council.
Delete137. Like Mali and Marlon have preached... let they younger ones time to learn
Delete3:08 usually that learning doesn't come as a paid position at the taxpayers expense, but hey, here we are. They needed someone malleable.
DeleteI didn't see any of that. Please tell us at what point in the video any of this actually happened. You are grossly exaggerating regarding Luke and Jim.
ReplyDeleteBruce said himself that Luke was trying to tie events in LA to the appeal and that there was no legal underpinning that would allow him to do that.
DeleteIt's all good. Bruce and Jim abided by the law and Luke played the rule of the sane person. Better than the "Another unanimous decision!" boast we saw from BlakesKranz.
Delete"better" would be an opinion, likely based on how you feel about LukeJim.
DeleteAnother day, another post that devolves into talking about people that have absolutely nothing to do with the cities work. You guys are like a broken record. When you can’t defend the actions of your favorites, you go and attack folks that are not sitting council members while simultaneously playing the role of victim.
ReplyDeleteA quick FYI. The administrator of Encinitas Now is Jeremy Blakespear.
ReplyDeleteLol the place has 10,000 pedo bots that infiltrated bluesky social.
DeleteWorthless douche canoe
244. You must be watching too porn. Apparently watching too much porn can result in a person s frontal lobe breaking.
DeleteThat's incredibly telling KevinJeremy. You are shitlibs figuratively and spiritually.
DeleteIf you really want to improve yourself and excel in life Kevin you need to go to the gym and get jacked and/or learn Brazilian Jujitsu. You're way too soft physically and mentally. Do some traveling outside of the united steaks. Your shitposting gets zero traction and is a waste of time. Maybe go swimming in the ocean without a wetsuit before you carry a few dead fronds on Saturday. It will toughen you up if not only for a few hours before your shitposting begins again in earnest
Another quick FYI. Only mental defectives could believe Jeremy is behind EN. Matter of fact only mental defectives could believe any of what comes from Lorri and EV.
DeleteWell, that’s good, the Cardiff Gimp needs something to do besides taking things in his rear end all day.
DeleteHe sure sucks at designing bike traps. Or is he a she now after chopping off his wee wee?
It's incredibly refreshing that Luke & Jim are entirely outside the Encinitas political fishbowl of " We must align with Sacramento" and the jazz shoulders within that destruction of all things logic and reason.
ReplyDeleteLets do quick case study:
Sacramento and jazz shoulders puppet man removed key dams and reservoirs to save the upstream salmon population ( which one fact didn't save shit) but did happen to allow 15,000 homes burned to the ground due to dead smelt and dead smelly salmon coming out of the fire hydrant rather than the liquid called water that would have saved around 14, 998 homes.
Sabellico needs to shut the f up and understand he'll never ever win an election unless he moves to Venezuela.
Thank you 2:42. Luke was on Fire last night. 🔥He is fearless, and would not bend over like Bruce did. The only one with any ball of steel, brave enough to speak the F up! Yes, Bruce and his Politically correct attitude, after 24 years, has gotten him to the Mayor position, but it is disgusting that he puts his political career over what is the right thing to do. He should have approved the appeal and denied all the 15 illegal BS -BIAnbprojects. A big F U to the fear mongers and all of your lawsuits. An Emergency Declaration should have been done, and that Fed up ECR project by the corrupt grover should have been stopped. STOP the BS and for God's sake, lets get this thang started.
DeleteUh oh, EU deleting comments again. It's hard to be "neutral", right?
DeleteThe Dr. Nutbird moniker is accurate and earned.
ReplyDeleteBird is British slang for a woman. Plus, come on—this is totally a picture of her:
And is there anyone who would deny she’s a nut?
I mean, she lost her professional license to practice because she gave an illegal drug to a patient, and Facebook friended her patient’s boyfriend.
And she constantly threatens to take down EV as a pathetic demand for compliments.
She also has published publicly accusations of sexual assault and then deleted them.
She also tells highly improbable tales that interestingly no one can verify, like she was offered a council seat in exchange for becoming part of a conspiracy theory. There are never any details like who told her this.
Then there’s the MLK story, which probably isn’t true and wouldn’t be impressive if it was true, because the guy led marches with hundreds of thousands of people.
Then there’s was the admission that she was getting heavy duty pain pills from Dr. Feelgood for a long time. And that when the medical community cracked down on such practices, she had an epic freakout where the cops were called.
It’s not controversial or bullying to label these (and tons more examples) as nutty behavior.
We know why they are behaving this way. LG helped the community by warning them about the unmanaged canyon owned by Blakespear. Today she posted the CN article. The unmanaged canyon is a tinder box waiting to ignite. Looking from the bottom up, please notice the flammable vegetation at the top of the slope on the East side. Imagine what structure damage could occur? How many animals and lives are at risk? Everyone is scared and natural is warning us. ⚠️ ONLY a fool leader would allow her surrogates to behave so badly over something that affects the community.
DeleteYou're only allowed to have positive opinions of Lorri no matter how many people she publicly attacks, denigrates and smears because she is in her 70s. Try someone that EU doesn't like, you'll be labelled a hero around here.
DeleteLorri is a convicted shoplifter who list her license to practice psychology due to an inappropriate relationship with a client. Both the conviction and the loss of her license are a matter of public record.
Delete335. What does this have to do with the unmanaged land and obvious retaliation
DeleteThe CN also famously partnered with an alleged wife beater to harass homeless people. Not very credible.
Lorri only cares because she was snubbed for being a Nutbird.
CN isn't a reliable source of unbiased reporting and I don't believe they're attempting to be. Hi Jordan.
Delete334 let's say that is true. What does that have to do with the unmanaged land and surrogates behavior 👌 I think you get the 👉 .
ReplyDeleteHave another round why don't you? It can't hurt with the pickling process you have been working on for decades.
ReplyDeleteYou seem upset, but you don’t dispute that Lorri is in fact a Nutbird.
DeleteAll I see is a troll name-calling a wonderful and courageous lady. I applaud her for caring enough about the neighborhood to bring attention to this issue at risk to herself by the people who abuse her online. This would include Marco and other Blakespear minions. Blakespear does not deserve to advise others on environmental issues when she is so criminally negligent on her own property. This issue has been on the books for several years now, and I feel for the people who live near this dangerous situation.
Delete"On the books" means that Thunder and Green were bitching about the same thing two years ago on EV. Wow. Did their pals at Coast News get paid off to write about it then too?
DeleteHow do you defend your gal, pal Blakespear?
DeleteHey Facebook fags, keep your junior high shit on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteThis site is for her Encinitas real time news.
Hint: Encinitas "real time" news happens on facebook, whether you like it or not.
DeleteLet's get cat to the City Council meeting. Luke was on Fire last night. 🔥He is fearless, and would not bend over like Bruce did. The only one with balls of steel, brave enough to speak the F up! Yes, Bruce and his Politically Correct agenda, after 24 years, has gotten him to the Mayor position, but it is disgusting that he puts his political career over what is the right thing to do. He should have approved the appeal and denied all the 15 illegal BS -BIA projects. A big F U to the fear mongers and all of your lawsuits. An Emergency Declaration should have been done, and that F'ed up ECR project by the corrupt grover should have been stopped. STOP the BS and for God's sake, let's get this thang started.
ReplyDeleteThank you for bringing it back to real time news
DeleteYou're dumb as all fuck 5:52. I wish this "thang" would have gotten started so we could have gotten rid of Luke's dumb ass sooner rather than later. Keep on talking Luke.
Delete5:52 wot so Marco could threaten to sue??
DeleteSue em Marco, please!
DeleteAnd sorry, but if you want to talk malleable think Hinze, Blackwell, Mosca, Lyndes. Doubt anyone of them ever cracked a report to read for themselves.
DeleteIs this the ‘workforce housing’ project? The very words have one thinking of communes and uniforms. Grover takes woke to the bank!
DeleteDisappointed that Bruce didn't ask Geotech Engineer Knowlton if adding hundreds of tons on top of an active landslide could have an impact or excellerate the downward movement west of the slip plane?
ReplyDeleteThat old geezer would say anything staff wants becasue that is who is feeding him. Bruce should know by just looking at the 6 feet of fill and the adjacent major cracking of the wall showing the slope movement. Bak call Bruce. This one will come back to bite you and Kranz.
Yup- this one is going to cost the tax payers. Bruce, by not asking about it you now own Kranz's left over mistake. You should know better and didn't even say anything.
DeleteVideo here - @ min 52:26 https://encinitas.granicus.com/player/clip/3403
A good number of cliffside monitoring devices were installed by Scripps Institute on that same bluff last year or so. Any of the slightest movement will be closely detected and the public notified if there are safety concerns.
ReplyDeleteI suppose for your benefit I should say when there are movements which there will be as it is mother nature after all.
Monitoring a slide area is wise. We agree. Rain? Even the best prognosticators are of little help. Of course we do have you telling us what is going to happen? Credentials please?