Tuesday, December 24, 2013

For unto us a child is born...


  1. who has to pay to clean this clever display up?

  2. What a great display! The reason for the season! Happy birthday Jesus! Thank you.

  3. Finally - a display with class.

  4. I think it's beautiful. And, I am not saying I am a Christian, but I can appreciate the sentiment. It won't be there for long anyway. So how about we enjoy it?

  5. Happy Holidays to all of you. I so enjoy this blog, warts and all. To each of you who post, I hope you have a most amazing Holiday Season. Let's put away our sometimes petty grievances and give thanks to the beautiful community that we do live in together. After all, how many communities have an ocean like we do? And, for most of us, we have a roof over our head, food in our stomachs, and a community that is awesome. I appreciate it and I think most of you do too.

  6. Amen WC. And all that post even Lword today!

  7. An awesome display! Faith in Christ is more fun than anything else!

  8. I would like permission to use your images of Kook Nativity Scene and Kook Grinch in a book about Christmas in San Diego. Thank you for your consideration. wgswank@san.rr.com
