Sunday, September 9, 2018

Blakespear seeks SANDAG Vice Chair

Voice of San Diego:
Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear said she’s pursuing the vice chair position, after [Poway Mayor Steve] Vaus urged her to do so.

“The Poway mayor and I have a positive collaborative working relationship on SANDAG and I look forward to being considered by the whole board to serve with him,” she said.


  1. Ladder climbing - vote for anyone else but her for mayor.

  2. So she gets the chair. Then what? It warms up?

  3. The higher up the food chain, the less "collaborative" and the more authoritarian she becomes - witness her behavior on the Encinitas Council.

    Can't wait to see her try out her jazz hands number on the SANDAG crowd.

  4. "Collaboration" as mayor has meant that she protects planners and anyone else at the city who in return has helped her change the environmental impact of Rossini Creek and its area and other family property. This will allow her to build her land to maximum density. She is a developer, plain and simple.

  5. You continue to ignore the majority's actions. The mayor is in the minority on most decisions since spineless joe flipped.

    How about holding Mark, Tony, and Joe responsible for HCD denying the latest housing element debacle being denied by HCD?

    HCD plainly stated these three are responsible for the denial.

    Plain and simple. Yes it is. These three should be recalled or voted out. Anything else is partisanship on your behalf.

    Stop the madness and vote or recall these three sellouts.

    1. They are not the topic of an upward climb to more power. She is.

      They're no better, but they're not at this point looking to exert influence outside the city. And if you think they've escaped criticism, you haven't been reading the blog.

    2. You mean exert MORE influence. Her/Horvath and Shaffer/Barth before them.

  6. She sold out Encinitas to San Diego and Chula Vista with her AB805 vote!

  7. I don't know who's running against Blakespear??? But, I'll vote for anyone with a pulse other than her!!!

  8. Catherine is a good mayor. She’s going to win easily. Make peace with that outcome.

    1. There are a growing number of people who instead of saying, "anyone but Jerome," have substituted her name.

    2. Correction: Catherine is a terrible mayor. She's going to win easily because her only challenger is a disorganized pro-Leucadia unknown who can't type a grammatically correct sentence. He needs to step up his game if he's going to have a chance.

  9. Oh mikey, mikey, such a tool. Nothing new there.

    1. These are not mikey posts, these are former supporters who have woken up posts, 8:07. And that is new.

  10. SANDAG board voted for maximum RHNA numbers recently. She is on the board already.

    This means we will have to rezone again in a couple of years. Vote them all out.

    1. She's definitely drunk the "high-density, sustainable, affordable" housing Kool-Aid crap that in reality leaves communities with high density housing that pushes overflow parking into adjacent neighborhoods and sells mostly at market rate. We get the high density part, but what about it is sustainable and affordable??

      Why she can't think about this intelligently is bizarre. That she is taking her weird inability to grasp reality to a higher office at SANDAG is frightening.

  11. The spin and psuedo-benign labeling of the "affordable/sustainable" mess that the developers want to impose on the community is just typical special interest dominance. Buy out the elected officials. then sway the voters to buy into it (given that they even have to by ordinance). If desperate, try to declare null and void the voter initiatives that give citizens any say in the way their community develops. Greed has no bounds...

    1. but....but....but....isn't this part OUR responsibility?!?!?

      "...then sway the voters to buy into it..."

      If we fail in our duty to vote, then we have to pay the price - elections have consequences.

    2. Read the text of the Arguments in Favor of Measure U on the city website.

      Blakespear and Kranz were the subcommittee that wrote the first draft. It's now "ATTAINABLE" housing instead of "affordable" housing. Blakespear knows most of the new housing under Measure U will be market rate million dollar condos. Pure deception. And Tasha Boerner-Horvath voted NO to putting the measure on the Ballot and refused to sign the ballot argument and rebuttal.

    3. Blakespear had her regular schtick memorized and she only deviated from it when she stopped short of exclaiming "we live in paradise" as she usually does.

      She's strongly for streetscape, strongly for measure U, but did not get any applause throughout the 1.5 hours, unlike Elliott, who did for his anti-streetscape, anti-U stance.

      He was ballsy enough to state that affordable housing law is a sham, pushed by developers paying off Sacramento. Say what you will about him, he's at least willing to admit the emperor has no clothes on, unlike Blakespear who touts the developer party line.

    4. Blakespear only sees the naked emperor dressed in his elegant and expensive finery.

  12. Who cares. Measure FU won't pass and Blakespear will be re-elected but lose total support so nothing will get done.

    1. I'm good on the first, bad on the second, but agree she'll get reelected. She'll feel good about her win, but shouldn't. She has lost many, many of her former supporters and will get votes only from those who have no idea how poorly she's performed.

      She's good at cutting ribbons, though, like Barth before her.

      We need someone more viable to challenge her in two years, as she claimed the other night "I'd like to be your mayor for a long time." Gross!

      I'm voting for Elliott.

  13. I'll vote for Elliott too, not because he's qualified but because I would never vote for Blakespear. Representing residents is an alien concept for her.

  14. Joe Elliot and his magic wand for mayor! I assume he has one considering his promises.

    1. I'll take his promises unfulfilled over Blakespear's sneakiness any day.
