Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Phil Graham accuser faces criminal charges for false report

Coast News:
A North County woman who falsely accused former State Assembly candidate Phil Graham of groping and forcibly kissing her now faces criminal charges stemming from her claims.

According to Superior Court records obtained by The Coast News, the District Attorney’s office has charged Nichole Burgan with misdemeanor filing of a false police report stemming from the claims made during the lead up to the June 5 primary election.
Graham was the top Republican in the race, but didn't make the November ballot because the top two vote getters were Democrats.

As inconvenient as the election season false accusation was, it probably didn't make a difference, as the huge field of hopeless Republicans split the GOP vote.


  1. Who do you think put her up to it?

  2. The level of hatred and deception from the left doesn't surprise anyone these days. Get ready for Civil War 2.0

    1. The result will be the same as 1.0.

  3. One could say the same thing about "the right", but it's usually "the right" that throws the rocks first. Exhibit A, right here. And maybe no one put her up to it. Lots of screwed up people out there.

  4. People on the right are called "low information voters."

    That's code for ignorant and stupid.

  5. Fine. I want to know what the F this bitch was trying to do.

  6. Three options:

    1) The Democrats put her up to it to knock the only serious Republican off the November ballot.

    2) She was trying to help her friend/acquaintance Jerome Stocks do better in the election.

    3) She's just a crazy woman.

    I'm leaning toward 3) but perhaps I'm too naive about gutter politics.

  7. 4) Phil should have known better to be out boozing and working it at 1am on Sunday night/Monday morning. Nothing good happens past 10pm especially at a booze joint.

  8. Phils a player and got caught in a web. Sorry Phil go cry to step daddy and get a real job.

  9. Phil sounds like a Duncan Hunter type. No wonder American politics are so screwed up.

  10. totally! Ride on Step daddy and trust fund all the way. No self integrity or grit.
