Thursday, September 24, 2020

High school kids and parents protest lack of re-opening plans

Happening now at the San Dieguito district office:


  1. F- school board. Think of the kids! You are here to serve not take advantage of them! Open now!

  2. Yeah, our piss ass jobs are worth much more than our children's health. And though we now realize how important our teachers are, we will continue to underpay them

    1. 7:19 has either a very sharp wit or is witless. Take a look at actual teacher salaries (its public information) and reconsider your whine about underpay. Many of our teachers have been in the system for years, make six figures, teach the same curriculum year after year (so spare me the "many hours of work they put in after school hours" yarn -- they're at the point of repetition in their work where its plug and play), work 3/4 days and get 2.5 months off for summer. You do the math, professor.

  3. 7:19 - Fuck Off Union Slacker. It’s horrible that you call yourself a teacher. Union teachers (lemons) suck!!!

    This is complete bullshit. Elementary schools are open, stores are open, 99.995% of the population are not dying from COVID, and the statistics show that COVID 19 has a 0.0005 death rate with underlying conditions including a 90 year old smoker with stage IV lung cancer.

    Sweden with no shutdowns has a lower morality rate than most countries including the USA. For those union teachers and board members that do not understand statistics maybe some of the math teachers can help them understand. Lets try.

    In Sweden (with no shutdown since day one), out of 100,000 sampling of the population the morality rate (death rate) of COVID 19 is 58

    In USA (with shutdowns that are leading to the collapse of the USA currency system in a few years), out of 100,000 sampling of the population the morality rate (death rate) of COVID 19 is 62.

    For those real poor teacher lemons, I will spell it out. Higher death rates are bad. Sweden's approach is working better than the USA's approach.

    Newsom and this school board has completely mismanaged this issue and heads must role.

    Anyone supporting keeping the schools closed is supporting attacking mental health by unnecessary stresses. Every increased suicide and OD is blood on your hands!!!


    1. Sweden’s COVID-19 strategy can’t work in the U.S.

      Over half of Swedes live in single-person households, which makes it easier to do physical distancing.

      Compare this with the United States, where just 28 percent of adults live alone. And many Americans live in multigenerational households, where the new coronavirus can easily spread from young people to older adults.

      The United States also has higher rates of chronic diseases that increase the risk of severe COVID-19.

      In Sweden, 13 percent of adults have obesity and 6.9 percentTrusted Source have diabetes, while 40 percent of American adults have obesity and 9.1 percentTrusted Source have diabetes.

      And Sweden has very different healthcare than in the United States.

      When people are calling for the United States to “be more like Sweden” in its COVID-19 response, they may be ignoring the major differences in healthcare access and cost.

      For one thing, Swedes have government-funded universal healthcare.

      Contrast this with the 29 percent of American adults who are underinsured and 13 percentTrusted Source who are uninsured. Many of these people have untreated chronic health conditions that put them at greater risk from COVID-19.

      The Swedish government even provides paid sick leave, which encourages people to stay home when they’re sick — a key step in slowing the spread of the new coronavirus. Parents are also paid to stay home to care for a sick child.

      In the United States, there’s no national paid sick leave requirement. And only 12 states and Washington, D.C., require companies and businesses to offer paid sick leave.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. 8:51pm - your facts are way off. Shows you do not live in the real world. If the USA health issue is about fat unhealthy Americans, then address that issue. Do not punish the kids for the fatness problems. Additionally your demographics are way off.

      7:19 you prove idiocracy is real.

    4. Amen and f off Union slackers!

  4. The pandemic is still raging - it is unsafe to open schools. Just review the opening of colleges around the country - a disaster. It's not your "right" - it is about public safety.

    1. The pandemic is "raging"? Hardly. Why is it unsafe to open schools? Children are not the super spreaders they were originally made out to be. If you think the cases aren't going to increase than you are ignorant. Of course cases will increase... its a virus. The mortality rate is the only number that matters. Children aren't sick in hospitals and they certainly aren't dying. Schools are open, day care centers and preschools are open. AGAIN, if people can go to the grocery store and to Target, children can go to school. More children are literally dying from suicide than of this virus. WAY more children are hospitalized from the flu every year than of this virus. Stop playing into the fear and use some common sense and critical thinking.

    2. My God - your stupidity is astounding! No one is exempt from catching or spreading this virus. You are one of the ignorant class of idiots that has bought in the Trump derangement syndrome. Go lick some handrails....

    3. OK- I am really afraid of dieing from a disease that has a death rate well below people that are fat and unhealthy.

      If the USA was really concerned about saving peoples lives they would address the obesity issue.

      According to the National Institutes of Health, obesity and overweight together are the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States, close behind tobacco use (3). An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (57).

      Focus on the real problem and do not sacrafice our children!!!!!

      Open the schools now. Our children do not deserve this torture.

    4. America has entered the stupidity age, where social media spreads the variety of propaganda that divides the consensus, so that the facts get blurred in the clutter. People cling to whatever is convenient for their secular view of the world, real or imagined. No wonder the USA leads the world in deaths and spread incidence. America's exceptionalism is apparently now in gullibility.

    5. 7:50am Well said. No one talks about the real killer!,the%20obesity%20epidemic%20(57).

      It seems like the US government really does not want people to not be sick because it would have too big of an impact on reducing the jobs in the health care industry.

      Fat sick people are big business for huge pharmaceutical companies who have all the politicians and friends on their boards. It's all part of the game.

    6. LOL imagine walking into any conversation with completely unrelated trash and thinking you have a point.

  5. 8:00am - such horse shite you lemon. Show me the numbers.

    You know whats spiking? Suicides, ODs, stress related domestic violence, and depression!

    Quit watching CNN propadana and show me where college COVID case rates have led to the overload of ICUs and increased deaths.

    Try and keep your eye on the ball and OPEN THE SCHOOLS.


    1. There are at least two suicides and zero Covid deaths in the district.

    2. 8:42 Lies like his fat orange turd god.

    3. 8:51 - you're delusional. I can not stand Trump. That doesn't matter you have that song in your head on constant repeat.

    4. From the Miami Herald

      People are staying home more and going out less, which helps explain why crime rates have mostly declined across the U.S. during the coronavirus pandemic, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania.

      The cities that saw the biggest drop in crime rates were Baltimore, Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington D.C., the report says.

      Drug crimes declined the most — over 63% compared to previous years, according to Abrams’ report.

      Overall, property crimes declined by 19%

      The violent crime rate overall fell 15%

      Aggravated assault dropped by an average of 13% and robbery fell by about 15% in most cities

  6. I thought Sweden was a socialist hellhole, but now we want to be more like Sweden? I was told the very socialist programs that helped Sweden during the pandemic, like universal healthcare, would ruin our country.

    1. Wow. Your ADD is out of control. Focus. the discussion is about the facts that Newsom and the school boards policies are bad for public health. Especially the kids mental health. Sad but true.

      I am seriously starting to not like a-lot of crazy COVID fearing people and their prejudice. I am about over it.

    2. 8:54 sounds like that hopeless cuck, Marco Gonzalez, who subscribes to his deranged brother-in-law Nathan Fletcher's close-the-economy-print-more-money prescription for national destruction.

  7. Lots of states opened schools, almost no covid.

  8. HAHA. Universal Healthcare is Marxist! Sweden is Communist!

    Wait guys, let's forget that talking point for now.

    Open up the USA like Sweden! Sweden is more FREE than the USA! IKEA for everyone!


    1. Jesus - the trolls have taken over this site... such much stupidity and disinformation. Like this SWE discussion - have you dipshits ever been to Sweden or presently work with businesses / people in SWE? They do not have the anti-vaxxer freaks that we have in SoCal. Every child is vaccinated. Health care works and people are not bankrupted trying to care for loved ones. Trumpy will make the US system cash only and except for 1%ers, prepared to be boned when you need health care. You'll quickly see how far your puny 401K takes you.

    2. ...and if you do not have a 401k, enjoy your emergency room primary care... hope they don't send you or yours down the road.

    3. jesus titty fucking christ 5:26, if you only had the basic reading comprehension of an average 8th grader you'd realize that the 10:49 "troll" most likely agrees with everything you wrote.

  9. Wow. We really do have alot of people, Adults and children, with ADD. We can all talk about how well traveled we are, but the issue is the fact that Newsom and the school district's practices are bad for the public's health.

    Remember - the death rate at most is 60/100,000 including 95 year smokers with kidney failure. But when they die, it was COVID that killed them.

    Quit sacrificing our kids lives for this BS. NEWSOM sucks and should be recalled. This school board sucks and needs to be recalled. I will be contributing heavily to both issues. I hope you will all join me in the same.

    The School Board is harming our children's health and must be stopped.

    1. Nice victim blaming 10:16

      Republicans who refuse to provide a living wage for working class folks and preventive healthcare now excuse mass murder because most COVID-19 victims are poor. Those pre-existing conditions most closely linked to the poverty and institutional racism that form the basis of GOP policies. But hey, we live in a post-ironic world where hypocrisy is no longer considered shameful and selfishness is considered a virtue.

      P.S., Organ failure and starvation kill most cancer patients. Pneumonia and ruptured vasculature kill most Alzheimer's patients.

      Car accident victims who can't get treatment and die because all the ICU beds are taken by CV-19 patients? Those are COVID-19 deaths.

    2. 11:27 OMG - People can not follow a topic. The topic is opening the schools moron.

      I could care less about debating you on political issues. You are not worth debating. You can not even address the harm the school board is doing to our children.

      These children have every right to grow up disliking the school board members. I hope charges are brought by the District Attorney's office.

  10. 10:16 - yes, your inability to listen or learn is why you impress people as being dumb. Cause of death is covid, not the pre-existing, treatable, under control other health issues.
    Does moron mommy need more "me" time?

    1. I listen well and love to learn. I also know how to decipher good information from illogical crap.

      You would do well in the world of idiocracy. You might want to watch the movie and you will feel right at home. If I ever meet you, I will buy you a Gatorade because you seem to need some electrolytes.

      You make it hard to love humans. Peace to you.

    2. 11:55 - Is Mommy always so angry? It probably would be good to get your brood away from you for some hours every day... keep telling yourself that you're a gentle soul. Crybaby.

    3. 1:12pm - My god I hope you are not a teacher. Poor kids. I'm pushing for more charter schools.

    4. 10:23 - "pushing"? - that's hilarious. Your whining is ineffectual and hardly constitutes an effort. Is Mommy too busy with her Mommy time?

    5. 12:52 what is it with your mommy obsession? Are you wearing diapers as you type your weak attempts at insults?

    6. 1:21 - now we're getting somewhere - Mommy loves the change! The cleansing routine is engaging and another reason for you to have more children. The only problem is finding someone to watch your litter while your doing your "me" time, most important things. Open schools now!

  11. Fricken Newsom should be recalled. As well as our school board and charged by the DA for harming our children. This is so much BS with no logical backing. There is no science or statistics behind this only fear mongering from CNN and their likes. Our society should not be so willing to sacrifice our children. It's disturbing. I fear this may spiral downhill for the country quickly.

  12. Sacrificing children for near death 95-year olds with cancer makes no sense in the name of Covid19 is so weird. All the family and friends I know do not understand this weirdest. What is behind this craziness?

    Newsom and the school board need to be recalled. Both are really bad for health in Encinitas!

    1. 12:07 - ok drama Queen - your little angels are being sacrificed? You are stupid and need to be labeled as such.
      Based on the genetics, the aged or compromised that will be killed by your free range offspring are far more valuable to society than your low IQ children.

    2. "Based on the genetics, the aged or compromised that will be killed by your free range offspring are far more valuable to society than your low IQ children."

      Thats called gibberish. I hope you did not OD tonight.

    3. 12:11 - sorry - I forgot about your lousy genes... please allow me to rephrase - the immuno-comprised people that your shitty little brats infect because of your ignorance are more valuable to society than you and your cretin folk. Comprende?

  13. CDC recently updated estimated infection fatality rates for COVID. Here are the updated survival rates by age group:

    0-19: 99.997%
    20-49: 99.98%
    50-69: 99.5%
    70+: 94.6%

  14. Those are the survival rates for those that have tested positive which is a small sampling of the population. I'm sure I've been exposed to virus yet I have not been tested so I'm not in the sampling.

    For a great picture of the morality rates in the world look here - https:t//

    It shows Brazil at 67/100,000 ; UK at 63.21, US at 62.28 and Sweden at 57. Most countries range between 50 to 70 with or without government intervention. All show that over 99.866% of the population will survive even with all their other life threating narlly conditions like stage four brain cancer.

    This is such a minor virus yet the Newsom and the school board are willing to sacrifice our children's live for no reason.

    I hate union school districts. It all about providing cushy jobs for the teachers and they are willing to sacrifice our kids for the union leaders. All of the board should resign or be recalled.


    1. Now do COVID-19 morbidity, 9:20

      This pandemic has a 9% hospitalization rate. Most of those hospitalized face a lifetime of complications, most notably due to heart and pulmonary damage. This includes asymptomatic people who turn up later with irreversible cardiomyopathies and loss of pulmonary function.

      Are you volunteering to pay for their care for the rest of their lives, or do you want to throw them in the incinerator, too?

    2. What are you talking about? Your facts are off.

      Hospitalization rate is 0.175%.

      So what about the morbidity? I didn't make the virus nor do like the virus. Its too bad for the people

      Why would you write crazy stuff about paying for other peoples care and you want to throw them in the incinerator too?

      You sure loose track of the topic.

      The topic is the school board is harming our children's health both mental and physical.

      Open the schools!!!

    3. Hi 2:34

      Did you mean "lose?" If so you're the one loosing the thread. I'll type slowly.

      1. Let's start with you not being a dumbass. The hospitalization rate for a disease is the number of infected people who get hospitalized. In San Diego County that number is currently 8%. Of those about a quarter end up on respirators in the ICU and most of those die in hospital.

      2. You're quoting a CDC that's been posting watered down stesting/reopening recommendations written by White House political hacks

      For the sake of argument, let's take your made up numbers as truth.

      350,000,000 Americans x 0.00175 = 612,500 people hospitalized. Exactly what fraction of that undoubtedly low estimate are you willing to condemn to a life of heart and lung problems? How many deaths are acceptable to you?

      3. So to bring this full circle, children get infected quite easily, then shed virus in copious amounts. Most show no symptoms, but are perfectly capable of infecting their teachers, school workers, friends, and family members.

      Guess what? Many of those people have pre-existing conditions or risk factors that raise their chance of hospitalization and long term degradation of their health.

      4. From your comments I suspect you're fine with this Eugenicist solution to society's ills, and this widespread suffering means nothing to you when the right kind of people are filling graves. You're probably also stoked that ACA will soon be slaughtered so taxpayers won't have to fit the bill for years of respiratory therapy and other supportive care that will bring many to early deaths.

      Plausibly deniable genocide is still genocide, and that's what you're advocating.

    4. 8:36 - thanks for trying to explain the thoughts of a dumbass victim. Your lack of logic is obvious. You're wacked.

      If you and the board really want to help the public start addressing the real killer. By your logic, be not addressing this issue, you care the promoting 300,000 plus deaths a year.

      Get on it victim. -

      Open the schools now!! The damaged caused by keeping the schools closed is worse the potential spread issues.

    5. Define damage, then explain how it's not going to be damaging when a child realizes they brought home a virus that killed Grandma. You think saying "Gramps should've lost a little weight, so they chose to die" will assuage that guilt?

      Explain to me how kids with asthma or (GASP) obesity are going to do better spending 200+ days in a virus incubator than they would social distancing.

      How many teens will commit suicide when they realize their very presence killed relatives and family friends?

      These are unknowable, as are your bullshit assertions that psychosocial issues are more significant than a novel virus that's ripping through the population of the world like nothing we've seen for 100 years.

      You're advocating genocide.

    6. Be careful the words you use 11:43. Or don't -- you already lack credibility with the hyperbole. Genocide ... seriously? You know, or should know, that the statistics look different when you drill down and assign the proper numbers within statistically relevant categories. The hospitalization rates among the infected are minor and mimic seasonal flu for those aged up to 50. Co-morbidity goes up with age, and the statistics incrementally worsen among those 50 and older, particularly those older than 70. Nobody wants to see the elderly take the brunt of this, so identify and mitigate that risk without putting the burden on school age children.

      Your point is well taken (at least I think it was your point) that children themselves are asymptomatic but may spread it to older, more vulnerable family members. But for you to say that there are lifelong effects from C19 that risk vast increases in healthcare costs is, at best, inane hyperbole given that C19 has been around less than a year, and the long- and short-term narrative has changed depending on which politician or scientist is dropping the bomb. You don't know, nor can you predict, the long term ramifications of this, and your sky-is-falling tripe sounds like embellished fear mongering.

      Grow up and become part of the solution. The California alarmists in Sacramento and San Diego who claim to follow the science, but only the weaponized version of it, serve none of us, and you're a nothing but a useful idiot if you blindly parrot their fear-based line.

    7. 1:52 - Well written post. Agreed.

    8. Genocide:

      Co-morbidity "inane hyperbole":

      "Even if COVID-19 rarely causes serious myocarditis, one hypothesis is that mild cases could heighten the risk of heart disease years later. Scar tissue can form as myocarditis heals, and earlier work has shown residual cardiac inflammation portends worse heart health. As cardiologists, “We’re in the business of identifying asymptomatic risk factors,” such as hypertension, Mohiddin says. “It’s not difficult to imagine that in the future, clinical practitioners will ask a new patient, ‘Did you have COVID?’”

      Your reliance on statistics: Please show evidence you indeed own a functioning crystal ball. Provide historical performance data if available.

      My maturity: Bite me

    9. P.S. 1:52

      I have 35 years immunology experience including studies of viral entry into cells, maintenance of viral latency, vaccinology and anti-viral drug development. What are your qualifications?

  15. If the govener and the school board really cared about our kids they would support this organization and put practices in place to address the real killer in our society. There is some helpful information here-


  16. I feel sorry for the old and fat people. These idiotic actions from the Governor and the School board are going to lead to a generation of citizens that dislike the obese and elderly.

    Who would have thought that society is so willing to sacrifice the children in order to keep a small segment of old obese sick people alive for a few more weeks.

    What a crazy world we like in. Humans never cease to amaze me. We seem to be really good at self destruction.


    1. 9:20, 2:34, 9:38, 9:54 - ok already, you've posted the same thing over and over
      Can you please - SHUT-UP NOW!!!

    2. 9:07 Did you finally learn something or should I repeat myself?

      So when are schools opening? Monday?

    3. 12:06 - schools open when the science says that it is safe - not in response to stupid, whining, lazy parents demanding on-site schooling. Encinitas is loaded with dumb Mommies demanding school "service". You're assholes - school your kids at home. Oh, that's right, you're dumb...

  17. Speaking of school boards a radical black Cultural Marxist named Marlon Taylor is running for Encinitas School Board. He's a hardcore support of racist terrorist group Black Lives Matter. This St Louis carpet bagger recently called to cancel or remove a dad from his Ecke YMCA Adventure Princess camping group for sharing inconvenient facts about felon George Floyd and black crime statistics. This is the type of bigotry and intolerance to expect from these Cultural Marxists who want nothing more than CONTROL and for you sheeple to OBEY. I've got some advice for you Marlon since you're unemployed and have been for years, why don't you go home to St Louis and do some real work for your people. Perhaps your bigotry and racism would be better served back hom in St Louis where the latest FBI crime statistics show your city had the most homicides per 100,000 people and ranked second for number of violent crimes. They need you and your radical left-wing anti-police anti-gun bigotry. Go boss your people around, not ours. More inconvenient facts that I hear you LOVE:

    All but one of the city’s 205 murder victims in 2017 were black and all the people caught and accused of those crimes were also BLACK. St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department statistics for 2017 show:
    -192 murder victims were black
    -1 murder victim was Hispanic
    -12 were white
    All but one of the 138 listed suspects are BLACK
    -137 suspects are identified as male and three as female — totaling 140.

    Bigoted- having an obstinate belief in the superiority of one's own opinions and a prejudiced intolerance of the opinions of others.

  18. 1:25 - Wrong topic. This topic is about the School board torturing our children! Society Crimes. I want charges brought against the board.

    Blood on their hands.

  19. If you don't think teachers make enough money, look at Transparent California. They make well over 100K and up to 320K a year. All I ask is that they go back to work, just like the servers at Jack in the Box! Don't vote for the School Teachers Union Candidates for School Board. They're puppets!

  20. Hello 4:20 - I am an associate at Jack in the Box and I am confused by your post. What are you saying? I've been working - for minimum wage - through the pandemic. We have a give-away but it is not puppets.. Hopefully, that is not disappointing to you. You seem very demanding and perhaps unemployed (?). Maybe things will get better for you. We are hiring here at the store. Are you able to mop?

    1. 8:40 it's obvious to me that the blogger was complimenting your service dedication in contrast to the highly paid teachers union employees who don't want to go back to work. #teachersneedtogoback!

    2. Hi 8:40 - you may have misunderstood me. Condiments are not extra at Jack in the Box. Also, if teaching is needed, I can teach your kids. I can park my classroom anywhere that it convenient for you (but not within 500 feet of a school). #kidsfirst!


    1. 11:08 - I am having trouble following your shout. Are you saying that there is money in the classroom that teachers are picking up and putting into their wallets? Do they all have wallets into which they are putting the found money? Do you think that putting the children into the classroom will help catch them before they put the money into their wallets? Your yelling makes it hard to understand what you are screaming about..

    2. 4:53 You're either a teacher or intellectual challenged!

  22. The greatest generation got coupons that limited how much meat and cheese they were allowed to buy when the country was asked to sacrifice together for the good of the nation.

    The Trump generation screams at minimum wage workers who ask them to obey the law. Sacrifice is for suckers and losers.

    1. America has entered the Age of Stupidity. Trump fiddles while America burns.....

    2. 2:32pm - You must be in the shit generation, because your comments make us think your brain is shit. You can not even write. Get some education loser.

      Try and have a nice day and appreciate something today. Life is short.

  23. Vote OUT all current council members. The new crop can't be worse..

  24. Thunder = Thunder

    Blakespear is more like Trump. A shitty incumbent.

    Blakespear has openly supported inviting all the worlds homeless and their problems to Encinitas.

    Under Blakespears watch, over double the allowable houses and 5 story apartments will be built.

    Blakespear is the worst Mayor since Jerome Stocks. Both our top two! Homeless crimes and increased traffic is directly related to Blakespears actions. More to come!!

    Vote for Thunder to help get rid of Blakespear and preserve some of Encinitas.

    1. Yes - high time for a change. Dump Krantz too.

  25. I had to jump on here say what a fat disgusting feminist pig Tasha Horbarf is. After literally 20 professional photo shoots, they still can't find a way to out a shine on this teed. I remember when she first ran she claimed that she was a small business owner. Some research revealed that she sewed some items at home and sold them on ETSY. What a fraud for claiming this constituted being a small business owner (payroll, rent, hiring and firing, etc). Like Blakespear she has a cuckhold for a husband. All of these unattractive ball-busting power hungry feminists....good riddance!

    1. I want the incumbents out too, but holy fuckballs, disgusting sub humans like this make it tough, because who wants to vote the same as shithead mcgee here?

  26. I see that Matt Wheeler is running for the EUSD school board.

    Be aware he is a forever trunper among his other and much better qualities which are undeniable.

    If he is now claiming otherwise, it would be a good and better thing for all of us and him. I would not take that, however.

    Until I her differently, I would never vote for him.

    What say you Matt?

    1. Gosh it felt good to vote against Matt and Julie today!

  27. Using the latter method, research suggests the virus kills about 0.6% of people it infects, but estimates vary widely and the rate varies significantly by age. This is far less than the death rate from other serious but less-widespread coronavirus infections—SARS and MERS, also known as Middle East respiratory syndrome—but about six times as deadly as the seasonal flu.

    There we have it. Newsom destroyed California from a virus about six times as deadly as the seasonal flu.. Serious bad decision.

    And if your not old or obese, you have much much lower risks.

    Treat the real problem obesity in America.

    OPEN THE SCHOOLS, vote for Matt AND ABC

  28. 10am. Do continue your rantings. You are doing many of us a favor, although not in the way you intend.

    As the proud boy you are, not saying you are a Proud Boy member, there is a distinction even you should be able to recognize, you and your kind are happily destroying our fragile democracy, our middle class, and for what? Pay lower taxes than most hardworking people pay.

    Do go out and not wear a mask. Don't wash your hands.

    Congregate publicly whenever and wherever you want.

    You will be doing this community a great favor, eventually.
