Good question 3>24. It was on pst nights CC agenda: Here is the link: 4A. Divorce with Respect Week Proclamation to be Presented to Rebecca M. Medina, Esq.
2023-02-15 Item 04A Divorce with Respect Week Proclamation
Virtue signaling 101. Continuation of Kranz weeping over Sandy Hook a few weeks ago because he has a grandson who is...wait for it...alive and not a victim of gun violence. Nothing too opportunistic for the Kranz/Shaffer/Blakespear/Hinze cabal to pass up.
Watch out folks. Jeff Morris is back on Watchdog spewing his ugly B.S. about certain people. I guess that reprieve he got from the courts, made him feel really powerful.
6:14- Sorry I should have added that. Since he is going gangbusters on Watchdog, I had thought his attorney might tell him to take it down a notch until after the trial. Guess I was wrong, or her didn't listen to his attorney's advice.
Three days ago a 1200 Squawk private plane flew (again) out of Montgomery Field, back and forth and in circles, 48 times over Del Mar, Solana Beach and our home in Encinitas. That's right...48 times. It's now in the hands of Homeland Security. Want those guys showing up at your door? All the schools at Montgomery Field are on notice.
Two days ago a Blackhawk Helo went down and all crew died. If you think one of the cheezy private planes won't go down...oh never mind. Only 1000 went down last year across the country.
11:48..let me do it for you, dumb ass. It's my grand fathers name. He was a war hero in the Pacific U.S Army. Known to have killed 24 Japs. Michael Baskette Command Sergeant Major Bravo 2.
It does look like 11:48 is a dumb ass. Somehow the dumbass has your grand fathers name. Now everyone, how did the dumbass obtain the name? This site is NOT secure. RUN !!!!!!
Michael Baskette is the senile dipshit who keeps making threats against legal civil aviation.
Tell us, when you said you were done being nice, and that you were part of a group that are ex military, and that we wouldn’t want a visit from them, what exactly did you mean Mr. Baskette? Do clarify, unless you are an impotent old puss.
Michael Baskette has been dead for 22 years. Here is where you are senile. I wrote it was Homeland Security you wouldn't want to get a visit from, you can't even get that right. I've made zero threats I simply post the facts, the flights and companies. But thank you for recognizing the grand father, he was tough. It is quite interesting to me/us, why you are so paranoid of the truth and facts. It's very odd. I guess it's the world of the bizarre we live in today.
Typical. You’re all big talk making threats when it’s anon, and then run and hide when your name is exposed.
You can say it. “My name is Michael Baskette, and I make threats against civil aviation and hurt good people’s livelihoods who are operating legally and doing nothing wrong.”
Something tells us you are involved in the flying schools. Making money flying back and forth over 10's of thousands, schools, homes and law enforcement. Flying up the coast, 17 miles away and not near Montgomery Field. Why is that? Tic Toc
They kind of do … they are called air taxis and the best part is they don’t pollute and they don’t give children cancer like our old -technology trains burning diesel. 👍
I've taken many air taxis' in Greece...THEY AREN'T ELECTRIC. Earth to planet who ever you are, wake up People are dumbing down at an alarming rate, what the hell is going on?
More importantly, move proclamations and awards either before the regular meeting. Shorten the meetings. The proclamation was to encourage mediation in divorce proceedings...
The proclamation was an advertisement for a non profit that has a CEO making bookoo bucks at the "non-profit". They do not care about wasting everyones time.
Did you notice Kelly was a home bonding with her newborn as she should instead of listening to 5 hrs of BS.
Da' Dunce better hope his wife does not use the service or he will be homeless like he was before she came to save him.
When did the City get into the divorce arena? I have never seen a "good" divorce unless it is a young couple with no c children, no property and no money. This is bullshit! Taking away from the real issues they don't want to deal with.
In your world of the bizarre, biden who has Alzheimer's got 15 million more votes than ho'bamas last run? That makes a whole lot of perfect sense. Why is it that everything the left does, they destroy. Just look at our country the last 2 years and 5 million illegals
What you fail to understand is the election was a referendum on Trump and his brand of anti-democracy lies and authoritarianism. Biden was always going to win as long he was the alternative to that.
2024 is setting up the same way.
Also, your theory lost in court 62 times. At some point if you were personally funding the lawsuits, I would hope you’d have an epiphany that maybe this theory is BS, and you shouldn’t pay lawyers to file cases 63, 64, and 65.
Trump is a lying loser who lost, and will lose again.
Da'Dunce and Newsom homeless building industry is a complete success! Way to go Dunce!!
I'm sure you feel great about destroying peoples lives and robbing them of their liberty and dignity.
More people appear to be living in a growing number of homeless encampments throughout San Diego County, and the latest monthly report on the disturbing trend confirms the situation isn’t getting better.
How did Christie Dean contact the DA and pretend she was at Jeff’s house on Christmas, when his wife and daughters got into an argument? Christie has never met Jeff. She has never spoke to him. Why did she get her son to get a group of kids to jump Jeff’s son?
The DA likely saw the comment you were stupid enough to make admitting to attacking your own Christmas Tree and presents on Christmas. You know, the night you were ARRESTED for:
236 - False Imprisonment By Violence 273.5(A) - Inflict Corporal Injury On Spouse/Cohabitant 237(A) - False Imprisonment With Violence
Christie, attacking Christmas trees and presents? You are the biggest retard in Encinitas. You are a walking train wreck with your nasty tattoos and pathological lying. Your rap sheet in Watsonville speaks for itself. You burned your bridges there, you burned your bridges here.
You need to learn to fuck off and quit making up bullshit. Jeff this, Jeff that? How many things have you accused Jeff of? How’s that going to work in Jeff’s defamation suit against you? Once he’s done with Natalie, you are 100% going to be served next. That is a GUARANTEE
3:21- We ALL know that. But to say Christine did what someone says she did is just a lie. Why do we need to demonize our own citizens, unless they deserve it? And who are they that deserve it? You decide. But I don't believe Christine is one of them, except of course, to Jeff who has completely lost his mind over all of this.
Christie has a problem with injecting herself into Jeff’s shit. When Jeff caught Cindy cheating on Nextdoor, Christie Dean, someone who has never met Jeff, went on a rampage. You, Natalie, and Rachel, began a quest to destroy Jeff and his family. You 3 caused Jeff’s wife to have a mental breakdown on Christmas.
After the election you 3 continued. Christie, you injected yourself again into the Morrises personal issues that you caused. You caused trouble for Jeff’s son at school. You slandered him all over town. Posted signs about Jeff aligning with Blakespear, Kim is a misogynist, everything.
You even sent the DA a letter injecting yourself again into the Christmas disaster that you caused. You have never met Jeff, know nothing about him, but went on a rampagd of lies to harm him. That’s why you’re going to see him in court next. ,
Watsonville produces nothing but trash. Christie Dean is the trashiest skank in Encinitas. Coincidence? I think not. Christie Dean needs to be treated the same way she treats others, until she vanishes back to Watsonville.
Take your trailer and go post your encampment somewhere else where trash like you is welcome.
Someone needs a team of psychiatrists STAT! His poor family. Does the school counselor know what this dad does all day? Can you imagine being a client or coworker of Kim's? Scary doesn't even describe it. If she blinks, do you call the sheriff? If she says how wonderful weekend was, is that code word for she needs help? Do you notify the authorities if you see a scratch or bruise? What a majorly stressful position to be in.
I don't understand. am I following the story correctly? Kim had a mental breakdown on Christmas, so Jeff beat her? And neither the sheriff deputies nor her two adult daughters got her help for her mental crisis OR her wounds? What the heck is going on?
If this isn’t secure, then Christie Dean will be in jail. She sits in her trailer every day, just like trailer trash, and talks shit about the Morrises like a psycho bitch. You will be served by the Morrises, since all you do is keep shooting your trailer trash mouth off 4 months after an election.
You have nobody to blame but yourself, just like Natalie. Stupid fucking trailer trash cunt.
Christie living in a trailer in Encinitas for what? How embarrassing. Christie Dean, always pretending she’s something she’s not, successful and skinny. 😂. Oink 🐷 Oink 🐷 Fugly!
Christie the White Trash maggot flicks her bean 🫘 everyday obsessing over Jeff. She cannot let a day go by without talking about Jeff. What we are going to do is every day she mentions Jeff’s name, we will do the same thing to her, but tenfold. There will not be a day that she talks shit, that it won’t come back tenfold.
Maybe she can shut the fuck up, mind her business, and fuck off. Every time Christie brings up the Morrises, Christie is throwing dirt on her own grave.
Christie Dean Undercover will go live and public next week. Jeff helped this town tremendously, and Christie jocked his work. The game is on and Christie controls her destiny.
Remember, there are lots of us and none of you. Jeff did more for Encinitas than anybody else. You keep fucking with him CD, you’re fucking with all of us. STFU and maybe we can stop him from suing you right after he sues Natalie. He’s working with a $1,000:per hour attorney.
Maybe just shut the fuck up Christie Dean. We will no longer stand idle as you continue the hatred. We can’t have your shitty attitude impacting our next election.
Huntington Beach is taking the State of Communist Government to court over ghetto housing. To stop it!!!! Will our city council do that to protect Encinitas. Remember A.G Bonta sent a letter to the city of Encinitas threating a lawsuit if ghetto housing wasn't allowed to be built. The communists that run the state are out of control Also, stop randy the rat goodson from building ghetto housing
Kim has a NO NEGATIVE CONTACT ORDER against Jeff. He can't say anything negative about her....but he obviously isn't happy with her. He's using Christie's name to replace Kim. He's using Christie's name to replace Natalie's as well. The things Jeff is accusing Christie of were done by Kim (present during fight) and Natalie (court.)
Unlike Jeff, I unfortunately have met X porn star Christie Dean, OR, so she claims. Now that she’s washed up w/the porn industry, it appears she’s being paid to be a political operative. The question now, is who is paying her? Is it Tony? Kranz? Or a combination there of? And who is paying her bestie Natalie, who is purported to be fucking Lopez?
Christie Dean is the biggest skank in Encinitas. The trailer trash whore lives by the tracks, like the ones in her arms. Her som is a fat pile of shit, like his mom. Bastard son. Keep talking shit. Where’s his daddy? Is is Dustin Lopez? No, Christie the whore swallowed all of his brothers and sisters, Let’s keep going you white trash pile of shit
It’s going to get teal ugly. You tried to get the Morrises kid jumped at a football game. Shut your mouth you skank. Keep going you fucking dirty whore
Does Christie know who her son’s father is? How many dicks have penetrated that nasty 🤮 hole? This is forever. STFU Christie, you cunt. Fat pile of retarded shit Finkleatein shit kid? Wanna keep playing skank? You control your destiny. STFU, and your fat fucking kid and you are forgotten about. Keep going and this goes to the moon. Shit up you skank.,
10:29 Now that’s just plain nasty, b/c anyone who knows Kim knows that’s a vicious lie. Kim is about the most wholesome girl next door anyone could hope for. In contrast, have you ever seen Christie or Natalie in person, like many of us have??? They look just like the sleazy Ho’s they are! They even brag about the amount of men they’ve been with! There are some desperate dudes out there to want to even entertain the thought of sleeping w/these two skanky Tramp Train Wrecks! Just sayin!!! Warning to all Men about the many diseases you could catch! Not only that, but they’ve shown themselves to be man haters w/their various false stalking charges! They love to take men to court, even though they keep losing! Send the bitches back to where they came from!
Christie is the biggest white trash trailer whore of Encinitas and her job will be contacted Monday for her behavior. Her fat fuck kid won’t dare approach the Morrises son. Dane is well trained. Keep going slut.
Christie Bowers is her alias. That’s the name of the jail birx who stuck his dick in that hole. Don’t blame him for leaving the slit queen and that fat pule of shit kid. STFU Christie, this will never stop. This will NEVSR stop so long as Christie continues. Shut the fuck up you cunt. You’re toast
Not surprising that Natalie and Christie are both single after all these years! I mean who would want to be w/Nasty Natalie, or Creepy Christie? Those two are a couple of dried up nasty vicious old hags!
What Christie’s fat pile of shit son’s name? The BASTARD OF ENCINITAS. Fuck that fat piece of shit. Shoot your mouth off again fat ass pile of shit. Do it on Monday. You did it before, do it again, We’ll make you. Famous fat ass. You’re in a surf town about to go down. Keep going Cuntstinky Christie.
It sucks when your own medicine impacts your fat fuxking retarded kid. Keep it up trailer trash
Christie Dean is Encinitas enemy #1. We don’t need lying porno cunts destroying our town, fuck this bitch. She is going to be sued for defamation, then her and her bastard son can go find Nother trailer park to live in. Keep going bitch. You talk a lot of shit Christie. Don’t cry when your employers are contacted on Monday. The sMe treatment you dish out you fat cunt, will be bestowed on you.
Wait and see. You will be treated the same way you treat others, like a dirty whore. Fat fuckin retarded son. Tell that fat fuck to keep talking shit at school. Tell him to repeat his previous words. There will be no mercu by the Morris kids. Gomstart another fight fat fuck
Christie is the whore of Watsonville. That’s when she was 12. She’s too fucking ugly to hit in Encinitas, and no respectable person hits homeless hoes who live in trailers.
Christie the Homeless Hoe with a bastard son. Fuck off back to Watzonville skank.
Take Nasty Natalie who’s going down on March 9th with you! Fucking skanks! Fuck that HOE Natalie! Your boyfriend Lopez cheated on his wife and now is getting transferred, demoted, and divorced because of you SKANK! I hope Jeff drops a lawsuit so fat on your sorry ass, you’re sleeping in Tony’s meth tents in Cottonwood Creek you dirty whore!
Whoever owns this blog is certainly not caring about the slander and liable going on. Granted it is anonymous, but I imagine the owners of the comments could be found out, and should be. I have never read such a piece of shit targeting 2 lovely women for no apparent reason. Of course Jeff is an equal opportunity hater of older women so I imagine he will get to all of us soon. What I really don't understand is his hatred, pure and unadulterated hatred, of older women. I don't think I have ever seen him trash a man in quite the same way he does woman. The only conclusion I can draw is he has issues with his mother. Maybe you might want to work on that Jeff, rather than tormenting 2 women who have done nothing to you. Your lies don't make it anymore. I am actually a bit concerned about your own welfare, as well as the women you have attempted to call out.. Hasn't your attorney told you too keep quiet? I am truly saddened for all involved.
Trial date delayed in case against former Encinitas mayoral candidate
This publication nailed it. Every word of this is exactly the summary of Jeff’s life that will follow him forever.
“Jeff Morris, an also-ran candidate for mayor of Encinitas last November, spent part of Christmas Day in jail.
According to the San Diego County District Attorney’s office, Morris, 56, was arrested by San Diego Sheriff‘s deputies on probable cause for acts of violence and illegal restraint.”
“ The District Attorney’s Office charging document lays out what that office believes Morris did to his wife, Kimberly Morris. It lists three misdemeanor counts, each showing a possible year in jail per count, alleging he used force, inflicted corporal injury and committed an act of false imprisonment against his wife.”
Chrusty Dean is a tough old bird to put it kindly. So it’s no surprise that she’s taught her son to be a bully just like her. What’s even more atrocious is her putting her kid up to attempting to beat up Jeff’s kid. Jeff’s kid is 16. Christy’s kid is 16 or 17. Using her kid as a pawn to do her dirty work is way worse than us being alerted on social media as to his behavior. It’s hard to feel sorry for a kid like that who is such a bully. And yet I do have some compassion for kids that have Moms like that. With no male role model around for him, it seems like Christie has put her son in the roll of a surrogate husband, being her protecter, etc. This is sick on so many levels! He’ll probably end up w/girlfriends, spouses, etc, that are toxic and use him and abuse him like his Mom does. The kid is already set up for failure and probably doesn’t have much of a chance in life with his Moms thumb on him, having him do her dirty work for her by telling him who to beat up for her. So sad and Pathetic.
Hey Blakespear, would you take away the benefits of those park rangers who refused to take a COVID vaccine, like you did in Encinitas? My Democratic Party ought to be apologizing to all members for supporting such double faced, woke snake politicians.
Long before COVID, I had a job that required me to be available to travel on short notice to help customers around the world. Some vaccinations are required for entry to certain countries, and sometimes the vaccine takes several doses with a month in between. So it was a condition of my employment that I get and maintain documented vaccine immunity for about 18 different diseases. I could be fired for refusing.
It's absolutely legal for your employer to demand vaccination as a condition of employment. CA is a right to work state. As in, if you don't like it, you have a right to work somewhere else.
I’m against getting any further Covid vaccines. Just like I’m against the flu vaccine.
I don’t believe either work whatever they try and vaccinate against it always seems to be the wrong strain….
I have much more faith in the human body’s immune system being able to fight future Covid viruses. CDC did immense damage to public trust on the Covid response. Absolutely pathetic.
Christopher Sluka flying school. Today 9:10 a.m 10 times back and forth over Encinitas. Over and over and over. Not only unsafe by spewing leaded exhaust particulates over your families, the Sheriffs Department, Business', schools etc. That's Christopher Sluka flying school. They, are not your friend.
Like the 1000 planes per year that crash all over the United States. Ya' they aren't dangerous. Not at all. The flying schools making money flying over and over populated areas of Encinitas that are 17 miles away from Montgomery Field in San Diego City. Completely bizarre world.
Nasty Natalie has some deep seated serious issues. Since Christie Dean and Natalie Setoon are tied at the hip, maybe Nutbird would give them a special twofer deal? If Lorri’s therapy could get these two psycho chicks to leave Jeff alone, peace at the Morris family could be restored to pre-election times before Natalie, Christie, and their ilk started harassing Jeff and his family.
Jeff gets arrested on Christmas Day for beating his wife, and instead of accepting responsibility and holding himself accountable, he blames—wait for it—two other women.
Darwin Award's here for the few willing take the risk. The MRNA vaccines were never a guarantee. What was guaranteed was that if you did not take them, you would suffer much more and risk your life. Can these fools understand this fact? Do this community a favor and stop all future vaccinations as you stated. The term 'novel' has always applied to the covid epidemic. Novel. To me, that means nothing is for certain, but does mean you can lessen the impact if and when you contract the virus. Risk takers are a strange bunch getting their medical advice from some online opinion loudmouth who shows how little they can comprehend of the term 'novel' when it comes to covid. The irresponsibility of these blogger deniers is appalling. Everyone has the freedom to choose. Thank the stars most sane people had some understanding the the term novel.
The American people were duped. Studies are now showing more people getting CO vid and dying who got the jab than those who didn’t get it. All the sheisters should go to prison!
You’re probably right. I can tell you that ever since I got the damn vaccines my shoulders have hurt like no time before. I think the vaccines cause inflammation of the joints.
Poor Jeffy is about to learn another life lesson. You were warned to stay quiet but you can't help yourself. Nothing here is really anonymous and every visit, every click, every comment is evidence will be used against you. Ironically the laughable precautions you think you took just make it worse.
"Even a mild case of the corona virus leads to a 58% increase in the likelihood of developing diabetes". You takes your chances, you get to pay and pay. Debate that fact. Go ahead. Don't offer medical advice when you obviously are compromised by a small, very small mind.
6:27 “Supposedly” is the operative word. So overall, the jab was basically useless. And it weakened everyone’s immune system, put people out of work, messed up kids lives, etc.
All the negative health issues tied to the jabs have not yet surfaced or been studied yet. My guess is there is more harm from the jobs and was good.
We shall see….
All I can say, is the countries that did not have the overreaching ridiculous mandates like the US in California specifically did much much better and lowering fatality rates .
We spent the most, and had one of the higher levels of fatality rates
USA one of the highest countries in fatalities per 100,000 people population . We spent by far the most and failed, failed failed..
15th from the highest fatality rating 339/100,000 or 0.34% of the population. Thats about what the common flu kills off every year.
As an example, Sweden was way down the list with only 234 fatalities per 100,000 or 0,234% of their population. Sweden did like 50% better than the US and they didn’t shut down their economy.
Absolutely such a small issue and the US of a CDC cried wolf and destroyed the economy, ruined millions of lives, killed many many children and completely made themselves 100% untrustworthy to the public. So sad.😥
this is the future for mobility. Electric, efficient, very few to no deaths. No need to buy a car in a few years. Mobility will be very similar to your phone carrier. Mobility as a Service including subsidies for those that qualify.
Like the Jetsons....right? And maybe reparations for people that drove cars to go to work and earn a living. Yes...ELECTRIC FOR EVVVVERYONE. But is tricity generated? Why, it couldn't be 40 percent natural gas from the earth...could it?
True that both Newsom and Trump are arrogant. But at least Trump did everything he promised he’d do. We were much better off then than we are now w/Dementia Joe destroying our country w/his laughing Hyenna and his crack head money laundering son, threatening our Nat’l security while he hobnobs w/Communist countries leaders.
12:38 You are spot on. In fact Mr. Trump drives me nuts to listen him but, he does what he states and you can't ask for more than that. The country was running great...then starting two years ago it wasn't. And now it is a mess and will be for many years. People need to stop party affiliation and start thinking. biden has Alzheimers, he had when the confused voted for him. He has always been a fool, he's just much more so now.
Biden clearly has Alzheimer’s and The country wasn’t running great when Trump was in office….. remember it was trump that check on the country in response to covet and gave everybody free money.. Trump was killing the country. Biden just made it that much worse.
I'm down 65K from when biden took over and gas along with everything was much cheaper when the Trumpster was in. I certainly did not get any free money from anyone. Least we not ignore the 5 million illegals.
Jeff yet again on his WD page blaming and threatening everyone, but himself for his problems- just one of Encinitas Votes members waiting for my subpoena.
So what’s the story on the Divorce Proclamation that Kranz and Company put together? Anyone know?
ReplyDeleteGood question 3>24. It was on pst nights CC agenda: Here is the link:
ReplyDelete4A. Divorce with Respect Week Proclamation to be Presented to Rebecca M. Medina, Esq.
2023-02-15 Item 04A Divorce with Respect Week Proclamation
Virtue signaling 101. Continuation of Kranz weeping over Sandy Hook a few weeks ago because he has a grandson who is...wait for it...alive and not a victim of gun violence. Nothing too opportunistic for the Kranz/Shaffer/Blakespear/Hinze cabal to pass up.
ReplyDelete3:56 I'll give you that, but why a proclamation about divorce? It makes absolutely no sense.
DeleteIt's a signal to their people. "We are here and we are still woke."
DeleteMaybe it's related to the domestic violence epidemic here. All these supposedly chill surfers have a habit of beating on their spouses.
DeleteNo sense. And you are surprised? You must be new around here. Teehee.
ReplyDeleteWatch out folks. Jeff Morris is back on Watchdog spewing his ugly B.S. about certain people. I guess that reprieve he got from the courts, made him feel really powerful.
ReplyDeleteBoys been stuck on the blame game since 2020
DeleteNo doubt before.
DeleteGo away Jeff
DeleteWhat an a-hole.
Deleteis it true that Captain Lopez was fucking Natalie?
Deleteno, totally false.
DeleteIf you mean a reprieve as in his attorney got a continuation for trial readiness till March 8.
ReplyDelete6:14- Sorry I should have added that. Since he is going gangbusters on Watchdog, I had thought his attorney might tell him to take it down a notch until after the trial. Guess I was wrong, or her didn't listen to his attorney's advice.
ReplyDelete"Nothing to see here"
ReplyDelete- United States Transportation Secy
Also known as Alfred E. Neuman
What, me worry?
DeleteButtajudge is in the correct position. Trans something or other. Gawd what a buffoon....
DeleteThree days ago a 1200 Squawk private plane flew (again) out of Montgomery Field, back and forth and in circles, 48 times over Del Mar, Solana Beach and our home in Encinitas. That's right...48 times. It's now in the hands of Homeland Security. Want those guys showing up at your door?
ReplyDeleteAll the schools at Montgomery Field are on notice.
Mi***** ***** ********
DeleteOMG- on notice.
DeleteI’m so glad you call the FBI. 🤣
Two days ago a Blackhawk Helo went down and all crew died. If you think one of the cheezy private planes won't go down...oh never mind. Only 1000 went down last year across the country.
Delete7:17...darn the truth raising it's ugly head. How dare anyone write what's going on and informing others.
DeleteI suspect 7:17 doesn't live in Encinitas.
Time for family to have an intervention before crazy old grandpa goes to prison for calling
Deletein threats to law abiding flight schools.
Maybe it’s time to let family know about this little hobby.
Sorbi aviation this morning TEN times over Encinitas. Two of those times over Parkdale Elementary.
DeleteMic**** ***** ********
Delete11:48..let me do it for you, dumb ass. It's my grand fathers name. He was a war hero in the Pacific
DeleteU.S Army. Known to have killed 24 Japs.
Michael Baskette Command Sergeant Major
Bravo 2.
It does look like 11:48 is a dumb ass. Somehow the dumbass has your grand fathers name.
DeleteNow everyone, how did the dumbass obtain the name?
This site is NOT secure. RUN !!!!!!
Michael Baskette is the senile dipshit who keeps making threats against legal civil aviation.
DeleteTell us, when you said you were done being nice, and that you were part of a group that are ex military, and that we wouldn’t want a visit from them, what exactly did you mean Mr. Baskette? Do clarify, unless you are an impotent old puss.
Michael Baskette has been dead for 22 years. Here is where you are senile. I wrote it was Homeland Security you wouldn't want to get a visit from, you can't even get that right. I've made zero threats I simply post the facts, the flights and companies.
DeleteBut thank you for recognizing the grand father, he was tough. It is quite interesting to me/us, why you are so paranoid of the truth and facts. It's very odd.
I guess it's the world of the bizarre we live in today.
Michael James Baskette is 72 years old, and lives at an address in Encinitas.
DeleteGoogle is a thing, you senile old dipshit.
Wrong Michael Baskette.
DeleteYeah, nah.
DeleteTypical. You’re all big talk making threats when it’s anon, and then run and hide when your name is exposed.
You can say it. “My name is Michael Baskette, and I make threats against civil aviation and hurt good people’s livelihoods who are operating legally and doing nothing wrong.”
Say it, coward.
Something tells us you are involved in the flying schools. Making money flying back and forth over 10's of thousands, schools, homes and law enforcement.
DeleteFlying up the coast, 17 miles away and not near Montgomery Field. Why is that?
Tic Toc
If only trains could fly...
ReplyDeleteThey kind of do … they are called air taxis and the best part is they don’t pollute and they don’t give children cancer like our old -technology trains burning diesel. 👍
Air Taxis don't pollute? Are you and I living on the same planet?
DeleteThey are electric …. Watch the provided link and learn.
DeleteAnd where does electricity come from????
DeleteI've taken many air taxis' in Greece...THEY AREN'T ELECTRIC. Earth to planet who ever you are, wake up
DeletePeople are dumbing down at an alarming rate, what the hell is going on?
3:23- watch the link if you can figure it out your old coot.
Delete9:50- how the hell did you survive? You might want to research solar.
DeleteEncinitas, the family friendly town, where all are welcome, officially embraces abortion and divorce. So sad...
ReplyDeleteDo these council views reflect the personal views of the citizens? This one says no.
Riddle me this. Would it help the housing crisis if all the split homes were under one roof instead of two?
Can someone here explain the No Net Loss agenda item?
That’s what Google is for.
DeleteMore importantly, move proclamations and awards either before the regular meeting. Shorten the meetings. The proclamation was to encourage mediation in divorce proceedings...
DeleteThe proclamation was an advertisement for a non profit that has a CEO making bookoo bucks at the "non-profit". They do not care about wasting everyones time.
DeleteDid you notice Kelly was a home bonding with her newborn as she should instead of listening to 5 hrs of BS.
Da' Dunce better hope his wife does not use the service or he will be homeless like he was before she came to save him.
7:34 nails it.
DeleteI’m pretty sure the CEO of that organization is friends with one of our council members.
When did the City get into the divorce arena? I have never seen a "good" divorce unless it is a young couple with no c children, no property and no money. This is bullshit! Taking away from the real issues they don't want to deal with.
DeleteDear election deniers,
ReplyDeleteFox News execs and show hosts think you are a bunch of dumb asses, but they’ll feed you the garbage you want to make a buck.
In your world of the bizarre, biden who has Alzheimer's got 15 million more votes than ho'bamas last run?
DeleteThat makes a whole lot of perfect sense.
Why is it that everything the left does, they destroy.
Just look at our country the last 2 years and 5 million illegals
What you fail to understand is the election was a referendum on Trump and his brand of anti-democracy lies and authoritarianism. Biden was always going to win as long he was the alternative to that.
Delete2024 is setting up the same way.
Also, your theory lost in court 62 times. At some point if you were personally funding the lawsuits, I would hope you’d have an epiphany that maybe this theory is BS, and you shouldn’t pay lawyers to file cases 63, 64, and 65.
Trump is a lying loser who lost, and will lose again.
--- and on to -
ReplyDeleteDa'Dunce and Newsom homeless building industry is a complete success! Way to go Dunce!!
I'm sure you feel great about destroying peoples lives and robbing them of their liberty and dignity.
More people appear to be living in a growing number of homeless encampments throughout San Diego County, and the latest monthly report on the disturbing trend confirms the situation isn’t getting better.
Shame, Shame, Shame. Da'Dunce and Newsom are pathetic.
Da'Dunce welcomes you all to Encinitas.
Kellie was home out of fear of Covid for her kid. Kranz was holding it the day before he tested positive.
ReplyDeleteHow did Christie Dean contact the DA and pretend she was at Jeff’s house on Christmas, when his wife and daughters got into an argument? Christie has never met Jeff. She has never spoke to him. Why did she get her son to get a group of kids to jump Jeff’s son?
ReplyDeleteThis is what Encinitas has become.
Does she have all of her teeth?
DeleteDid Christie fuck Lopez too?
DeleteThe DA likely saw the comment you were stupid enough to make admitting to attacking your own Christmas Tree and presents on Christmas.
DeleteYou know, the night you were ARRESTED for:
236 - False Imprisonment By Violence
273.5(A) - Inflict Corporal Injury On Spouse/Cohabitant
237(A) - False Imprisonment With Violence
Christie, attacking Christmas trees and presents? You are the biggest retard in Encinitas. You are a walking train wreck with your nasty tattoos and pathological lying. Your rap sheet in Watsonville speaks for itself. You burned your bridges there, you burned your bridges here.
DeleteYou need to learn to fuck off and quit making up bullshit. Jeff this, Jeff that? How many things have you accused Jeff of? How’s that going to work in Jeff’s defamation suit against you? Once he’s done with Natalie, you are 100% going to be served next. That is a GUARANTEE
3:21- We ALL know that. But to say Christine did what someone says she did is just a lie. Why do we need to demonize our own citizens, unless they deserve it? And who are they that deserve it? You decide. But I don't believe Christine is one of them, except of course, to Jeff who has completely lost his mind over all of this.
DeleteChristie has a problem with injecting herself into Jeff’s shit. When Jeff caught Cindy cheating on Nextdoor, Christie Dean, someone who has never met Jeff, went on a rampage. You, Natalie, and Rachel, began a quest to destroy Jeff and his family. You 3 caused Jeff’s wife to have a mental breakdown on Christmas.
DeleteAfter the election you 3 continued. Christie, you injected yourself again into the Morrises personal issues that you caused. You caused trouble for Jeff’s son at school. You slandered him all over town. Posted signs about Jeff aligning with Blakespear, Kim is a misogynist, everything.
You even sent the DA a letter injecting yourself again into the Christmas disaster that you caused. You have never met Jeff, know nothing about him, but went on a rampagd of lies to harm him. That’s why you’re going to see him in court next. ,
The person posting all of this shit needs to get their head checked. Leave the poor woman alone Jeff. Watsonville is pretty awesome too.
DeleteWatsonville produces nothing but trash. Christie Dean is the trashiest skank in Encinitas. Coincidence? I think not. Christie Dean needs to be treated the same way she treats others, until she vanishes back to Watsonville.
DeleteTake your trailer and go post your encampment somewhere else where trash like you is welcome.
DeleteWatsonville doesn’t seem that bad to me… it’s not like it’s IE or anything. I can think of any worse places. Someone sounds pretty judge mental.
DeleteSomeone needs a team of psychiatrists STAT! His poor family. Does the school counselor know what this dad does all day? Can you imagine being a client or coworker of Kim's? Scary doesn't even describe it. If she blinks, do you call the sheriff? If she says how wonderful weekend was, is that code word for she needs help? Do you notify the authorities if you see a scratch or bruise? What a majorly stressful position to be in.
DeleteI feel so sorry for his son and for the penguin if she’s stuck? Poor thing.
DeleteLet’s start a go fund me to save the penguin.
I don't understand. am I following the story correctly? Kim had a mental breakdown on Christmas, so Jeff beat her? And neither the sheriff deputies nor her two adult daughters got her help for her mental crisis OR her wounds? What the heck is going on?
DeleteEncinitas Undercover is NOT Secure. They have your name and will try and use it against you. You've been warned.
ReplyDeleteThese are crooked people
Fuck Encinitas Undercover.
DeleteOK 👍🏽 Christie Dean. Heard you left a hell trail from your real hometown, Watsonville. Trailer 😝. Just saying
DeleteApparently some people need to come here to talk shit because they're cowards or can't be linked to the shitty comments they make.
DeleteDid anyone ever tell you that your comments are secure here? That sounds like a mistake.
DeleteSo I guess a hug is out of the question right?
If this isn’t secure, then Christie Dean will be in jail. She sits in her trailer every day, just like trailer trash, and talks shit about the Morrises like a psycho bitch. You will be served by the Morrises, since all you do is keep shooting your trailer trash mouth off 4 months after an election.
DeleteYou have nobody to blame but yourself, just like Natalie. Stupid fucking trailer trash cunt.
Oh look. Jeff has chosen a woman to insult and threaten.
DeleteChecks out.
Nothing like Stan on a binger.
DeleteHis ew thing is he loves Tony. Take from that whatever you want. Hi Jeff, you asshole.
DeleteHopefully Jeff didn't get Tony's COVID when he was having fun with him. Time will tell.
DeleteHi Jeff
DeleteChristie living in a trailer in Encinitas for what? How embarrassing. Christie Dean, always pretending she’s something she’s not, successful and skinny. 😂. Oink 🐷 Oink 🐷 Fugly!
DeleteEven the “unhoused” wouldn’t live in CD’s parking lot, I mean trailer park
Deletewhat a classist asshole we have here.
DeleteThere is a clown act associated with EU that will put your name in print on here if they don't like what you write.
DeleteIs that better?
Question is , how does or why does Stan know or care where Christy lives?
DeleteWe all know we’re Stan left for a few nights, Jail.
Cops be on alert, it sounds like Stan is on a binger, and we all know what happens then… felony or a 5150?
Christie the White Trash maggot flicks her bean 🫘 everyday obsessing over Jeff. She cannot let a day go by without talking about Jeff. What we are going to do is every day she mentions Jeff’s name, we will do the same thing to her, but tenfold. There will not be a day that she talks shit, that it won’t come back tenfold.
DeleteMaybe she can shut the fuck up, mind her business, and fuck off. Every time Christie brings up the Morrises, Christie is throwing dirt on her own grave.
Christie Dean Undercover will go live and public next week. Jeff helped this town tremendously, and Christie jocked his work. The game is on and Christie controls her destiny.
Remember, there are lots of us and none of you. Jeff did more for Encinitas than anybody else. You keep fucking with him CD, you’re fucking with all of us. STFU and maybe we can stop him from suing you right after he sues Natalie. He’s working with a $1,000:per hour attorney.
Maybe just shut the fuck up Christie Dean. We will no longer stand idle as you continue the hatred. We can’t have your shitty attitude impacting our next election.
Hopefully Christine is ignoring this POS.
Deleteand also taking this psycho at face value for what he is.
DeleteYes, 6:41: potentially soon armed and dangerous. And she’s not alone.
DeleteWho’s Jeff? Do you mean Stan?
Hey penguin, has the real estate business been??
6:07, you outed your own name, Michael Baskette.
DeleteAll I did was See Something Say Something. Turns out the people I contacted already knew who you were. I’d get a lawyer and shut up if I were you.
Huntington Beach is taking the State of Communist Government to court over ghetto housing. To stop it!!!!
ReplyDeleteWill our city council do that to protect Encinitas.
Remember A.G Bonta sent a letter to the city of Encinitas threating a lawsuit if ghetto housing wasn't allowed to be built.
The communists that run the state are out of control
Also, stop randy the rat goodson from building ghetto housing
We're in uncharted territory here with this wonderful observation:
ReplyDelete"Does she have all her teeth?"
You win the culture wars tonight my dude :)
Wrong. The person making these comments is an asshole, and you probably are too.
Delete6:57- Ditto.
DeletePlease show your source because I can’t find anything she said
ReplyDeleteWho’s Jeff? Do you mean Stan?
Kim has a NO NEGATIVE CONTACT ORDER against Jeff. He can't say anything negative about her....but he obviously isn't happy with her. He's using Christie's name to replace Kim. He's using Christie's name to replace Natalie's as well. The things Jeff is accusing Christie of were done by Kim (present during fight) and Natalie (court.)
ReplyDeleteWhat type of fish does a penguin like best?
Stan is definitely on a binger.
ReplyDeleteCops alert for 5150.
Attorney benefits if his client misbehaves. He's gotten a lot of money from Jeff these past few months.
ReplyDeleteFunniest thing I’ve heard all week….
ReplyDeleteWe need Stan in the next election…. 🤣🤣
That’s as funny as saying, that we support Da’ Dunce
I hope Kim and the kids are gone.
Unlike Jeff, I unfortunately have met X porn star Christie Dean, OR, so she claims. Now that she’s washed up w/the porn industry, it appears she’s being paid to be a political operative. The question now, is who is paying her? Is it Tony? Kranz? Or a combination there of? And who is paying her bestie Natalie, who is purported to be fucking Lopez?
ReplyDeleteI thought last week someone said Kim was with Lopez???
ReplyDeleteChristie Dean is the biggest skank in Encinitas. The trailer trash whore lives by the tracks, like the ones in her arms. Her som is a fat pile of shit, like his mom. Bastard son. Keep talking shit. Where’s his daddy? Is is Dustin Lopez? No, Christie the whore swallowed all of his brothers and sisters, Let’s keep going you white trash pile of shit
ReplyDeleteChristie’s son is a fat pile of pot smoking shit, like his C grade porn mom. Wait until her videos are released.
ReplyDeleteKeep going. We will never stop. It’s going to escalate to the moon 🌚!
ReplyDelete⛺️ too good for Christie and her fat ass pile of shit son. Keep it going cunts. What’s the fat fucks name? Christie’s job is next.!
ReplyDeleteIt’s going to get teal ugly. You tried to get the Morrises kid jumped at a football game. Shut your mouth you skank. Keep going you fucking dirty whore
ReplyDeleteOne Adam-12…
DeleteWe’ve got a delusional 5150 off of Saxony… please respond.
Does Christie know who her son’s father is? How many dicks have penetrated that nasty 🤮 hole? This is forever. STFU Christie, you cunt. Fat pile of retarded shit Finkleatein shit kid? Wanna keep playing skank? You control your destiny. STFU, and your fat fucking kid and you are forgotten about. Keep going and this goes to the moon. Shit up you skank.,
ReplyDelete10:29 Now that’s just plain nasty, b/c anyone who knows Kim knows that’s a vicious lie. Kim is about the most wholesome girl next door anyone could hope for. In contrast, have you ever seen Christie or Natalie in person, like many of us have??? They look just like the sleazy Ho’s they are! They even brag about the amount of men they’ve been with! There are some desperate dudes out there to want to even entertain the thought of sleeping w/these two skanky Tramp Train Wrecks! Just sayin!!! Warning to all Men about the many diseases you could catch! Not only that, but they’ve shown themselves to be man haters w/their various false stalking charges! They love to take men to court, even though they keep losing!
ReplyDeleteSend the bitches back to where they came from!
Ok Stan… it’s pretty obvious who you dream about at night or in the bathroom spinning one off other than Kranz.
DeleteChristie is the biggest white trash trailer whore of Encinitas and her job will be contacted Monday for her behavior. Her fat fuck kid won’t dare approach the Morrises son. Dane is well trained. Keep going slut.
DeleteHey, maybe sign Dane up for some of those free jujitsu classes that are offered in Encinitas. Sounds like he needs it.
DeleteOne Adam-12 , what’s your 20?
DeleteChristie Bowers is her alias. That’s the name of the jail birx who stuck his dick in that hole. Don’t blame him for leaving the slit queen and that fat pule of shit kid. STFU Christie, this will never stop. This will NEVSR stop so long as Christie continues. Shut the fuck up you cunt. You’re toast
ReplyDeleteNot surprising that Natalie and Christie are both single after all these years! I mean who would want to be w/Nasty Natalie, or Creepy Christie? Those two are a couple of dried up nasty vicious old hags!
ReplyDeleteWhat Christie’s fat pile of shit son’s name? The BASTARD OF ENCINITAS. Fuck that fat piece of shit. Shoot your mouth off again fat ass pile of shit. Do it on Monday. You did it before, do it again, We’ll make you. Famous fat ass. You’re in a surf town about to go down. Keep going Cuntstinky Christie.
ReplyDeleteIt sucks when your own medicine impacts your fat fuxking retarded kid. Keep it up trailer trash
Go Stan!!!
ReplyDeleteThis binger is deep….
I’m going to call this one gets the white jacket.
Christie Dean is Encinitas enemy #1. We don’t need lying porno cunts destroying our town, fuck this bitch. She is going to be sued for defamation, then her and her bastard son can go find Nother trailer park to live in. Keep going bitch. You talk a lot of shit Christie. Don’t cry when your employers are contacted on Monday. The sMe treatment you dish out you fat cunt, will be bestowed on you.
ReplyDeleteWait and see. You will be treated the same way you treat others, like a dirty whore. Fat fuckin retarded son. Tell that fat fuck to keep talking shit at school. Tell him to repeat his previous words. There will be no mercu by the Morris kids. Gomstart another fight fat fuck
Stan it’s time for bed.
DeleteChristie is the whore of Watsonville. That’s when she was 12. She’s too fucking ugly to hit in Encinitas, and no respectable person hits homeless hoes who live in trailers.
ReplyDeleteChristie the Homeless Hoe with a bastard son. Fuck off back to Watzonville skank.
Move Christie!
ReplyDeleteActually, Jeff can’t tell a lie, and he said he would move to Hawaii if he lost, and he got completely smoked, so I’m sure he’s moving soon.
DeleteHe may even be moving up the river, if you know what I mean.
Take Nasty Natalie who’s going down on March 9th with you! Fucking skanks! Fuck that HOE Natalie! Your boyfriend Lopez cheated on his wife and now is getting transferred, demoted, and divorced because of you SKANK! I hope Jeff drops a lawsuit so fat on your sorry ass, you’re sleeping in Tony’s meth tents in Cottonwood Creek you dirty whore!
ReplyDeleteEncinitas doesn’t need more whores!
ReplyDeleteAnd Stan finally blacks out….
DeleteI’d hate to smell inside that house last night …. Super high alcohol content.
I wonder if he ended up back in the clinker?
Whoever owns this blog is certainly not caring about the slander and liable going on. Granted it is anonymous, but I imagine the owners of the comments could be found out, and should be. I have never read such a piece of shit targeting 2 lovely women for no apparent reason. Of course Jeff is an equal opportunity hater of older women so I imagine he will get to all of us soon. What I really don't understand is his hatred, pure and unadulterated hatred, of older women. I don't think I have ever seen him trash a man in quite the same way he does woman. The only conclusion I can draw is he has issues with his mother. Maybe you might want to work on that Jeff, rather than tormenting 2 women who have done nothing to you. Your lies don't make it anymore. I am actually a bit concerned about your own welfare, as well as the women you have attempted to call out.. Hasn't your attorney told you too keep quiet? I am truly saddened for all involved.
ReplyDelete4:07- Wrong… if you don’t recall, you is an anonymous blog site.
DeleteThe blame for these rants lie solely on STAN. No one else.
* this
DeleteJeff doesn’t seem to be taking this election loss very well.
ReplyDeleteYeah, I’d say that’s an understatement.
DeleteIt’s not use fault. Everybody’s already done the screen grabs, so there’s no sense in removing the toxic Ramble from Stan.
ReplyDeleteI think it’s good to show the community. What a whack job is amongst us. It’s like pointing out people are Megans list. People should be aware.
Thank you Stan for highlighting your mental status. And unfortunately for you and unlock Facebook, these comments can’t be deleted by you. 🤣
-humble pie
DeletePersonally, I think the worst part is he’s attacking a kid on social media….
ReplyDeleteI can’t think of a lower form of action. Stan needs to be removed from society.
He takes zero responsibility. But the conflict he describes among the kids is likely a logical consequence of his own words and actions.
DeleteIt’s not okay that his kid may end up taking a beat down because of the father’s insults of someone’s mother.
What kind of horrible father instigates and encourages violence among kids that may result in his own kid taking a beating from a bigger kid?
It’s disgusting.
He is disgusting.
I hope this family escapes the monster.
7:53- 💯
DeleteTrial date delayed in case against former Encinitas mayoral candidate
That publication is a's's all lies. Jeff TIED Cindy.
DeleteThis publication nailed it. Every word of this is exactly the summary of Jeff’s life that will follow him forever.
Delete“Jeff Morris, an also-ran candidate for mayor of Encinitas last November, spent part of Christmas Day in jail.
According to the San Diego County District Attorney’s office, Morris, 56, was arrested by San Diego Sheriff‘s deputies on probable cause for acts of violence and illegal restraint.”
Chef kiss to JW August for that perfect synopsis.
“ The District Attorney’s Office charging document lays out what that office believes Morris did to his wife, Kimberly Morris. It lists three misdemeanor counts, each showing a possible year in jail per count, alleging he used force, inflicted corporal injury and committed an act of false imprisonment against his wife.”
Delete9:16, I believe one of the two counts of false imprisonment was inflicted upon his daughter.
DeleteChrusty Dean is a tough old bird to put it kindly. So it’s no surprise that she’s taught her son to be a bully just like her. What’s even more atrocious is her putting her kid up to attempting to beat up Jeff’s kid. Jeff’s kid is 16. Christy’s kid is 16 or 17. Using her kid as a pawn to do her dirty work is way worse than us being alerted on social media as to his behavior. It’s hard to feel sorry for a kid like that who is such a bully. And yet I do have some compassion for kids that have Moms like that. With no male role model around for him, it seems like Christie has put her son in the roll of a surrogate husband, being her protecter, etc. This is sick on so many levels! He’ll probably end up w/girlfriends, spouses, etc, that are toxic and use him and abuse him like his Mom does. The kid is already set up for failure and probably doesn’t have much of a chance in life with his Moms thumb on him, having him do her dirty work for her by telling him who to beat up for her. So sad and Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteJesus.... keep the kids out your hate work Stan and Penguin. WTF is wrong with you? 👎🏾
DeleteThat last question is completely rhetorical.
Hey Blakespear, would you take away the benefits of those park rangers who refused to take a COVID vaccine, like you did in Encinitas? My Democratic Party ought to be apologizing to all members for supporting such double faced, woke snake politicians.
ReplyDeleteLong before COVID, I had a job that required me to be available to travel on short notice to help customers around the world. Some vaccinations are required for entry to certain countries, and sometimes the vaccine takes several doses with a month in between. So it was a condition of my employment that I get and maintain documented vaccine immunity for about 18 different diseases. I could be fired for refusing.
DeleteIt's absolutely legal for your employer to demand vaccination as a condition of employment. CA is a right to work state. As in, if you don't like it, you have a right to work somewhere else.
To say nothing of protecting yourself from the diseases and preventing you from passing them on to others.
DeleteAre you referring to Covid?
DeleteThat’s funny because I was vaccinated and boosted three times and I still got a pretty darn good bout of it…
COVID Vaccination effective? I doubt it really did match.
Smallpox vaccine effective… most definitely.
Sweden in Florida is response to Covid? Way more appropriate.
Newsom’s response to Covid. Absolutely pathetic.
BIA and Da Dunce response? Just as pathetic as Newsom. They close the freaking beaches.
I’m against getting any further Covid vaccines. Just like I’m against the flu vaccine.
DeleteI don’t believe either work whatever they try and vaccinate against it always seems to be the wrong strain….
I have much more faith in the human body’s immune system being able to fight future Covid viruses. CDC did immense damage to public trust on the Covid response. Absolutely pathetic.
Okay. What conclusions do you draw from this data?
Interesting. I would have to see more about the data related to the graph to make any conclusive statements.
DeleteChristopher Sluka flying school. Today 9:10 a.m
ReplyDelete10 times back and forth over Encinitas. Over and over and over. Not only unsafe by spewing leaded exhaust particulates over your families, the Sheriffs Department, Business', schools etc. That's Christopher Sluka flying school. They, are not your friend.
💤…. You are not my friend posting all his boring low priority shit.
DeleteFocus on the real polluter 1,400,000 gallons of diesel per year…. That’s right that’s NCTD coaster. Small private planes are nothing compared to this.
DeleteLike the 1000 planes per year that crash all over the United States. Ya' they aren't dangerous. Not at all.
DeleteThe flying schools making money flying over and over populated areas of Encinitas that are 17 miles away from Montgomery Field in San Diego City.
Completely bizarre world.
Somebody tell Alicia Baskette that her addled old husband is screaming at the sky again.
DeleteNasty Natalie has some deep seated serious issues. Since Christie Dean and Natalie Setoon are tied at the hip, maybe Nutbird would give them a special twofer deal? If Lorri’s therapy could get these two psycho chicks to leave Jeff alone, peace at the Morris family could be restored to pre-election times before Natalie, Christie, and their ilk started harassing Jeff and his family.
ReplyDeleteNice… Stan awakes from his drunken stupor…. Then Starts drinking…..
Delete…. And round two….. 😵💫
Personally, I’d rather see Stan’s liver fail than see him inflict any more damage to his poor family.
DeleteOne can’t have hope.
Jeff gets arrested on Christmas Day for beating his wife, and instead of accepting responsibility and holding himself accountable, he blames—wait for it—two other women.
DeleteWhat a total piece of shit.
Run, Kim.
Darwin Award's here for the few willing take the risk. The MRNA vaccines were never a guarantee. What was guaranteed was that if you did not take them, you would suffer much more and risk your life. Can these fools understand this fact? Do this community a favor and stop all future vaccinations as you stated. The term 'novel' has always applied to the covid epidemic. Novel. To me, that means nothing is for certain, but does mean you can lessen the impact if and when you contract the virus. Risk takers are a strange bunch getting their medical advice from some online opinion loudmouth who shows how little they can comprehend of the term 'novel' when it comes to covid. The irresponsibility of these blogger deniers is appalling. Everyone has the freedom to choose. Thank the stars most sane people had some understanding the the term novel.
ReplyDeleteI trust the Swedish government, a whole lot more than the CDC of America. Figures don’t lie but liars figure.
DeleteLooks like the “mean girls” are back to spinning their shit to what they ‘Wish’ it to be.
ReplyDeleteOh, and ‘Wishing’ Jeff to “Die of Liver Fail?” Now that’s beyond “mean.” That’s just pure Evil!! And “Sick!”
No its a real wish... I'm a guy last time I pee' d but whatever call me a mean girl or bitch. Stan is one twisted dude.
DeleteThe best thing that was said regarding this whole sickness, is..... Kim run!
There are organizations out there to help.
How does someone type everything this person has, and still feel they're the victim of "mean girls".
Delete9:58- because stand called me a mean girl.
DeleteI was the one that posted the message that he referred to me as a mean girl.
Stan is wacked. 😵💫
The American people were duped. Studies are now showing more people getting CO vid and dying who got the jab than those who didn’t get it. All the sheisters should go to prison!
ReplyDeleteYou’re probably right. I can tell you that ever since I got the damn vaccines my shoulders have hurt like no time before. I think the vaccines cause inflammation of the joints.
DeletePoor Jeffy is about to learn another life lesson. You were warned to stay quiet but you can't help yourself. Nothing here is really anonymous and every visit, every click, every comment is evidence will be used against you. Ironically the laughable precautions you think you took just make it worse.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure it's Stan? The poster sounds more like the penguin to me.
Delete"Even a mild case of the corona virus leads to a 58% increase in the likelihood of developing diabetes". You takes your chances, you get to pay and pay. Debate that fact. Go ahead. Don't offer medical advice when you obviously are compromised by a small, very small mind.
ReplyDeleteVaccines did not prevent people from getting the virus only supposedly lessened the symptoms, so no bearing on developing diabetes.
Delete6:27 “Supposedly” is the operative word. So overall, the jab was basically useless. And it weakened everyone’s immune system, put people out of work, messed up kids lives, etc.
ReplyDeleteMade the pharmaceuticals rich though.
All the negative health issues tied to the jabs have not yet surfaced or been studied yet. My guess is there is more harm from the jobs and was good.
ReplyDeleteWe shall see….
All I can say, is the countries that did not have the overreaching ridiculous mandates like the US in California specifically did much much better and lowering fatality rates .
We spent the most, and had one of the higher levels of fatality rates
Yep! Same with N.Y. I hope people remember these crimes on humanity next time they vote. The over reach of Govt has gotten out of control.
ReplyDeleteUSA one of the highest countries in fatalities per 100,000 people population . We spent by far the most and failed, failed failed..
ReplyDelete15th from the highest fatality rating 339/100,000 or 0.34% of the population. Thats about what the common flu kills off every year.
As an example, Sweden was way down the list with only 234 fatalities per 100,000 or 0,234% of their population. Sweden did like 50% better than the US and they didn’t shut down their economy.
Absolutely such a small issue and the US of a CDC cried wolf and destroyed the economy, ruined millions of lives, killed many many children and completely made themselves 100% untrustworthy to the public. So sad.😥
Here’s the link, check it out yourself
Kranz is a complete idiot and he has contributed to ruining many children’s lives.
ReplyDeleteMajor blood on the city councils hands for shutting down the whole city, and shutting down the schools and beaches.
this is the future for mobility. Electric, efficient, very few to no deaths. No need to buy a car in a few years. Mobility will be very similar to your phone carrier. Mobility as a Service including subsidies for those that qualify.
Like the Jetsons....right? And maybe reparations for people that drove cars to go to work and earn a living.
But is tricity generated? Why, it couldn't be 40 percent natural gas from the earth...could it?
Again, I fully support your right to sharpen up the gene pool and reduce the domestic terrorist population.
ReplyDeleteTwo thumbs up.
True that both Newsom and Trump are arrogant. But at least Trump did everything he promised he’d do. We were much better off then than we are now w/Dementia Joe destroying our country w/his laughing Hyenna and his crack head money laundering son, threatening our Nat’l security while he hobnobs w/Communist countries leaders.
Delete12:38 You are spot on. In fact Mr. Trump drives me nuts to listen him but, he does what he states and you can't ask for more than that. The country was running great...then starting two years ago it wasn't. And now it is a mess and will be for many years. People need to stop party affiliation and start thinking.
Deletebiden has Alzheimers, he had when the confused voted for him. He has always been a fool, he's just much more so now.
Biden clearly has Alzheimer’s and The country wasn’t running great when Trump was in office….. remember it was trump that check on the country in response to covet and gave everybody free money.. Trump was killing the country. Biden just made it that much worse.
DeleteI'm down 65K from when biden took over and gas along with everything was much cheaper when the Trumpster was in. I certainly did not get any free money from anyone. Least we not ignore the 5 million illegals.
DeleteBiden has a button under his desk that increases or decreases global commodity and equity prices.
Delete-Dumb MAGA.
I'm pressing charges!
ReplyDelete-Stan's Christmas Tree and Presents
DeleteJeff yet again on his WD page blaming and threatening everyone, but himself for his problems- just one of Encinitas Votes members waiting for my subpoena.
ReplyDeleteBlah, blah, blah…. Tell it to the judge jailbird.