Sunday, October 22, 2023

Captain Keno’s redevelopment

Captain Keno’s Restaurant, an aging local landmark on North Coast Highway 101 in Encinitas, can be transformed into a “mixed use” development of condominiums and commercial spaces, the Planning Commission decided Thursday.

The commission voted 4-0, with Commissioner Steve Dalton absent, to approve design review and coastal development permits, as well as a project map. A City Council hearing is not required.

This is one of those “bittersweet” moments in Leucadia history, Commission Chairman Kevin Doyle said as he recalled how he felt when he first heard about the development plans several years ago.


  1. Kenos might be a cultural landmark, but it and the druggie infested Portofino are dumps.

    1. Total shit hole. Eating there was a San Dieguito drug high school right of passage. The 2 blocks north of that place suck dog balls. It’s funn to sell, make millions and see you idiots rage about a dying town and communist state sticking that hot poker up your assssss why you bicker about dumb shit like cap n kenos. Place was gross. Enjoy the decline posers. Keep luecadia funky ( on a Range Rover) Vote. Suck. Swallow. Repeat.

  2. The guy who ran it was very generous and engaged in the community.

    But I agree, the restaurant was a dump, and the building wasn’t anything special worth saving.

    Side note: didn’t this place over serve some old dude, who then stumbled out into traffic on the 101?

    I always thought it was BS that everyone raged at bars downtown and yet gave this one a pass.

    1. It’s because captain Kinas has character. The downtown bars are just full of people doing selfies.

    2. Grease stains and decades old cigarette smoke smell isn’t character.

    3. You're too used to Encinitas as it is now. Every establishment doesn't need to be sparkling new.

  3. Does anyone rage at bars and drinking DT? It’s turned into a drinkers paradise for college kids and young people. Not the same laid back vibe at all. We’re more like the PB of north county.

    1. “Does anyone rage at bars”

      [proceeds to rage at bars]


  4. It is a rat infested dump. Make it leave with a Cat 9

  5. I remember many years ago when EU wasn't just articles copied from EV which were copied from EN which were copied from the newspapers anyone can read.

    1. Let’s bring it back.,

    2. Happy to post more; please send submissions to encinitasundercover at

  6. That last post was pretty good. Some great information.

    I love the post about the two documentaries that every American should watch. 👌🏾

  7. Interesting development.

    I thought Marco was working on building a 40 story affordable housing tower with communal bathrooms and showers?


    1. Sounds about right.

    2. Doesn’t mind selling any community as long as there’s a lot of profit for the developers and him.

    3. 2:14, everyone has to live like you, right?

      Maybe you can tell us what car to drive and what clothes to wear.

  8. Soul used to have value to many long term residents. The relative newbies have no clue why the Capt. is still treasured.

    Jerry being a saint is one reason. Keep that in mind as we approach the last holiday season with the Capt. doing what he does for the less fortunate every year.

    The coming development is a style disaster in the making. Talk about ticky tacky designs, this is it. Gawd save us from this travesty in the making. No one else will. Ah, the power of money can get ugly and usually does around here.

    1. Hideous design - no originality.

  9. Ughhhhh, this is bittersweet. That's where Starvin and I went on our first date and I got my first blowie in the bathroom stall. If you look carefully on the bathroom wall you'll see where we wrote "Encinitas will die because of us, but our love for each other will be eternal" on that magical evening. This really hits home.
    - Phony

    1. Awww…. That is so sweet.

      So crazy, you girls have the wildest relationship.

      I’m glad something came out of Encinitas being destroyed. Seems like the residents are going along with the plan rather well..

  10. Keno’s aside the log cabins in Leucadia and La Paloma are what need to be saved to keep some soul in Encinitas. Hopefully Pannikin building isn’t ever in jeopardy. Developers have only built sub par projects of late.

    1. Vertical boxes for profit. That’s Marco’s theory. The taller, the better the cheaper, the better it’s all for affordable housing. And the funny thing is is the stupid politicians don’t have enough common sense to know about free enterprise and market forces - supply and demand..

      Sell out the environment, character, and mother Earth,

      #metoo was good for Filner, but not for Fletcher and family. You women better look out around the Fletchers. Lorena subjects her kids to that type of predatory environment. What is that saying?

    2. Affordable for the wealthy.

    3. What?

      Nothing says irrelevant mudslinging like bringing Filner into a story about redeveloping an old run down dump of a restaurant.

      You are weird.

    4. I didn’t bring Filner into it, the Gonzalezs’’ did. Gross and weird is right.

      When is the Gonzalez go after Filner for his predatory action, and yet they’re harboring a family member with a Fletcher, who targeted an innocent woman started her career.

      The loser completely abused his power as Board of Director not only for the county but also for MTS.

      Complete example of a predator and bad bad element. And Hillary, oh, I mean Lorena, embraces him.

      Bad element. Bad family.

    5. What does Filner have to do with an old dump of a restaurant?

    6. It had to do with a local attorney who is always pushing for vertical boxes. Tearing down the old box, putting up high density, new vertical boxes.

      The attorney Comes from a tilted family. Character counts.

    7. The attorney represents the buyer or seller of Keno’s?

      And what does he have to do with Filner?

    8. 9:14- you have a ways to go to understand local issues and Encinitas. Read the last few months applied comments and you should catch up.

      Thanks for caring about more than just profits.

    9. When you can’t answer, distract.

    10. FTR, I don't represent anyone in the proposed redevelopment in the story (though I may have been approached about it).

  11. I don’t give a shit about the aesthetics of what someone else does with their property. It’s none of my business.

    If you have a passion for what should happen on a property, then buy it and do what you want. Otherwise, your “style” and “soul” opinions are worthless.

    1. Till their aesthetics collide with yours. You may not give a shit now, but you will then and you'll be glad for code enforcement when the time comes. Guarantee you'll change your live and let live tune.

    2. I trust the free market.

      If they build something bad, then tenants and customers won’t want to live/work/shop there, and they will suffer economically.

      The wisdom of crowds is smarter than any of us.

    3. That includes you, 8:56. Enjoy packing up and moving.

    4. Why would I move?

      Yes, the wisdom of crowds is smarter than me.

      I trust people with a financial stake in the success of a project to spend more time than you or me thinking about who their commercial and residential target market is, and what is desirable to that target market.

      This is how decisions get made in a market economy, and I’m good with it.

    5. Yes, the wisdom of the crowds. The crowds are saying no to all the other new developments on 101 in Leucadia. They sit empty. The market for Tarot reading is apparently good though.

      The developers sell "The Beach", but there's very little access. And no beach once you do get there. The crowd is saying meh.

    6. The crowd speaks with its wallet. And judging by the vacancy rates, it would seem you are somewhat arrogant and out of touch in speaking for them.

  12. 7:07- affordable for people who learn how to save their money, better themselves and earn the right to buy a home.

    It’s called the American way.

    Lately the victims think everything should be free handouts, and communism. It’s disgusting. No wonder they’re all gloomy looking and unhappy.

    1. What if they don’t want to buy a house?

      What if they’d rather rent an apartment and use their nest egg to start a business?

      Sometimes people make decisions that are different from yours. Do you find that offensive or threatening?

    2. They don’t wanna buy a house and they want to live here, they can pay the market rent. No big deal.

      It’s clearly affordable at its existing conditions without more “affordable housing”.It serves well with market forces. There is no demand problem. currently there’s a perfect supply and demand curve at equilibrium. The vacancy rate is very low.

    3. Maybe you should let property owners decide what to do with the land they own within the laws.

      Maybe you aren’t the best judge of rental supply and demand investment potential of someone else’s property.

  13. Considering what people have seen and shared with one another, BFF is the least mg should be worried about where Katherine is concerned

  14. Anyone else hear he started serf after getting the boot from surfrider? So the board sez.

    1. LOL. Going back 15 years, are we? We formed CERF (not serf) in 2008 because Surfrider leadership at the time was shying away from litigation and issues many of us considered important at the time (Desal, TJ sewage, and fireworks over water). But you're free to believe whatever makes you feel better about yourself!

    2. Not what SR folks will say? Ask around.

  15. Gonzalez loves to lord it all over the peons in his quest for equity and housing for all, except he benefits personally from many of the projects being approved. Most have a small percentage of affordable units and since we don’t know what those units will go for, we have to question their affordability. Marco is perfectly comfy with the state’s scam. If Republicans were in charge, he’d switch parties just to be in on the killing.

    On another note, of course Julie would vote for the Republican mayor of Coronado, who was also a Morris and Watchdog member.

    The two of them are reprehensible and FOS.

    1. Affordable rental rates are set each year by HUD based on area median income. It's on the City's website. We know exactly how much the affordable units will go for. And FTR, the Republican party is and always will be trash. GFY!

    2. Is that so Fuck Face? Why is it every developer refuses to state what the affordable units will go for?

    3. Wait wot Marco you were once the worst kind of Republican, a young one. AmIright?

    4. Republicans: Whew, we really took a hit back there with Nixon. Thank goodness that’s all behind us.

      MAGA: Hold my beer.

    5. HUD affordable rental rates and incomes are here:

  16. Dude is a fraud plain and simple he can boast all he likes everyone knows

  17. Oh no!

    Not super Christian traffic court elite strike force lawyer Jenna Ellis!


    “I only hire the best people”

    Fani Willis: 3
    POS domestic terrorists: 0

    This is me doing the cabbage patch with smug face.

    1. Fun fact: Neither a US President nor the Governor has pardon power for Georgia state crimes.

    2. That shit-eating grin she wore in her mug shot didn’t age very well. She was sobbing like a toddler.

    3. “Go easy on me because I’m a Christian criminal.”

      No Jenna, you are a CONVICTED criminal.

    4. 5 years probation for trying to end democracy. That’s some white Christian girl justice right there.

  18. “I was very honored, there’s a man, Viktor Orbán. He’s the leader of Turkey,” Trump said.

    Wait, Wut?

  19. Marco also posts under "Unknown," FTR. Is he also Omed Demiri?

    1. that would be his bff's husband, jeremy.

    2. I post as myself, unlike the rest of you.

    3. Except when you post under “Unlnown?” Liar.

    4. Ok typo Unknown that’s u right?

    5. Marco is a sleazy liar through and through... you can see the green slime aura he gives off when he is near.....

      And that smell! 💩

    6. 6:21 is probably the Barstow Thunderhole.

      She’s a sore loser.

    7. Not even close… someone who knows and I seen Marco operate over the years.

    8. Really, you seen it, have you? Fucking illiterate troll.

  20. Omed is Catherine's other, not better, not worse, half.

  21. Omed isn't Jeremy. He's Brad Termini.

    1. Makes sense. Marco knows only the best people.

    2. Really 12:59? Why do you say that?

    3. Because people love to make random guesses about stuff like this.

    4. Yet it fits hahaha

  22. Good Gawd Marco is like the lead BLM DEI CEO that keeps saying the same things over and over and over after it's been proven that the resources they were given due to lies, obfuscation and deceit were used to Buy Large Mansions and now he's planning another BLM rally at the city hall parking lot ...

    Geezus man take the "L" already

    1. So many "L"s, I should just close down CLG at this point, right? LOL. Fucking idiots.

  23. fOr pOsTeRiTy

  24. Fact:

    Trump lawyers are more likely to get indicted than they are to be paid.

  25. Agitation, memory loss, suspicion and paranoia, inappropriate behavior, poor coordination, confusion, problems with reasoning. These are symptoms of dementia.

  26. Uh oh. Mark Meadows flipped.

    Who’s next? Don Jr? Melania?

    There’s a line to get in to meet with prosecutors.

  27. So yeah Marco back at you haven’t you posted as “Unknown” on this blog? Careful.

  28. How do you know when Marco and his house of horror family members are lying?

    Their lips are moving.

    1. Brilliant. Funny. Original. You should do stand up.

  29. “Mass Departure: California Loses Over 343,000 Residents While Corporations Shift HQs Out of State”

    1. 3rd consecutive year CA loses residents and Corporations.

      CA will be needing more tax revenue and soon. Gotta fund those CA six figure pensions.

    2. From the gold rush, to Hollywood, to the dot com bubble, to real estate—California has always had a cyclical boom-bust economy. Over the ups and downs, our state has invented the computer, smartphone, digital music, streaming entertainment, breakthrough medical advances, self-landing rockets, and self-driving cars. California’s economy and productivity outpace the national average.

      Part of the virtuous cycle is purging mature and declining businesses to free up capital and talent to fuel the next wave of innovation and growth.

      Sand Hill Road is still Sand Hill Road.

    3. 8:59 CA also leads the nation in debt, nearly 1 trillion.

    4. 9:27,

      No, it doesn’t.

      As has been explained to you before, debt load is relative to population or the size of the economy. California has the largest population and the largest economy of any state, so it can easily support a larger nominal debt.

      The state of Wyoming has a population roughly equivalent to that of the city of Fresno. So do you think Fresno can bear a debt load equal to the rest of California combined? Of course not.

      California’s debt is 17.2% of GDP, which puts us at #11, with less debt than states like Texas, Alaska, West Virginia, and Kentucky.


    5. 8:59, except entrepreneurs and their companies are fleeing the state. Over regulation, excessive taxation, cost of living, crime, homelessness, illegal immigration, are all impacting the state. It's leadership is squeezing out the middle class, making it harder and harder for them and their progeny to buy homes and maintain a quality of life. It's even expensive for early stage tech companies to hire, insure and afford employees, unless they are remote. If California does't reign in it's regulations, government spending and social programs it will go the way of Rome.


    7. Those states these business are moving to use tax payer money to recruit businesses. Then, they give that biz a bunch tax breaks and freebies. That is why those states are poor, because biz sucks up all their money and residents are stuck with unfunded schools and infrastructure. California doesn’t recruit wealth, we create it. Red states leech off the success of CA. I’m glad they do, we could stand to lose a few more million people.

    8. Sadly, you are an uninformed partisan.

  30. Marco have you ever posted as “Unknown” on this blog?

  31. Have you ever posted with your real name?

    1. Answering a question with a question, classic. You posited that you post only under your own name. I am asking whether you have ever posted under “Unknown?“ That is a yes or no question.

    2. Pleading the 5th?

    3. 11:35 & 1:02, why don't you just post whatever the "Unknown" content in question is? This is annoying. Shit or get off the pot.

    4. Hahaha are you Marco posting as himself, 2:33?

    5. Everyone knows Marco has posted as an anonymous.

      He’s slipped up a few times, then backtracked, accusing the anonymous poster as trying to mimic his use of words and sentence structure.

      We’ve also seen Marco delete many of his own posts. Screen shots have been shared on EV.

      Marco’s a fraud, just like his 🐷 of sister LG and douche bag brother in law NFG.

      The whole family stinks to high heaven of fraud. Their a bunch of grifters!

    6. 8:50, I haven’t seen any of that.

      “ Screen shots have been shared on EV.”


      Share the links, or you are full of shit.

  32. The Republicans have elected a House Speaker who is an election denier, at a time when most of the Turd’s lawyers and his chief of staff are testifying under oath that they knew the Big Lie was the Big Lie.

    Say bye to control of the House.

    Love it!

    1. It's unfortunate. The country, without bipartisan leadership, will become like California, a one party state. Ruling parties, whether left or right, can never reign in their ideologies or greed. The founders understood the necessity for a balance of power.

    2. I agree.

      I’m a Dem, but rooting for the GOP to return to being a responsible alternative.

  33. Yet another shitty day on the market.

    Biden’s got to be the worst President ever for our stock market. Our economy just don’t have faith in him, and the worlds economy doesn’t either as he continues to make life difficult for business in general.

    Just take a look at graph of the NASDAQ and DOW from when Trump was in office to Biden.

    Trump’s economy straight up, Biden’s straight down.

    1. Fact check: false.

    2. 2:53 The stock market has been shit since Biden’s took office.

      You’re either an idiot or flat out lying to protect your party.


      Trump’s DOW had 56% gain
      Trumps NASDAQ had 143% return

      Biden Enters office - 13,197
      Today Oct 25, 2023 - 12,821

      Biden Enters office - 31,186
      Today Oct 25, 2023 - 33,035

      The numbers don’t lie! Biden has been shut for the stock market!

      NASDAQ Historical Chart:

      DOW Historical Chart:

    3. Are you comparing a two year period to a four year period?

      Because dumb.

    4. 2:53 you’re link is correct and only supports my point moron!

      Biden’s stock market has been a disaster. Trumps stock market did extremely well.

      You don’t even have to read the numerous articles that support this, just look at NASDAQ, DOW and S&P 500 charts.

      Please don’t attempt to invest your own money if you don’t know these basic facts!

    5. What I see in the chart is half of Biden’s term so far the market has been above Trump, and half below, but both periods are within a similar range of a noisy dataset.

      And Obama smoked them both, which you failed to mention.

    6. 6:45 as a former Investment banker, your comment says at least three things about you.

      1. You’re a moron

      2. You don’t know how to read a graph.

      3. You don’t know shit about the market.

    7. 6:45 learn to read a graph dipshit!


      On the NASDAQ, Trump is at 48.79% compared to Biden at -2.85% a difference of 51.64%.

      Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Trump is at 33.52% compared to Biden at 10.21% a difference of 23.31%.

      Finally, on the DOW Jones, Trump is at 36.62% compared to Biden at 6.81% a difference of 29.81%.

    8. S&P is the only one that matters.

      NASDAQ is mostly mid and small cap tech—a small subset of the market.

      DOW is an arbitrary index of 30 old school manufacturing companies. Again, an arbitrary and small corner of the total market.

      S&P 500 is most of the market.

    9. 9:24 you continue to prove you are a moron, and know nothing about the market or the indexes.

      What do you think makes up most of the S&P 500 and Dow 30? Answer: The NASDAQ companies!

      The NASDAQ is the most important gauge of health for Industrial, Technology, Retail, Telecommunication, Biotechnology, Health Care, Transportation, Media and Service companies, banking companies, insurance firms, brokerage firms, and Mortgage loan companies.

      Every 4 letter ticker symbol stock is on the NASDAQ.

      Most of the largest market capitalization companies in the world are NASDAQ.

      For example Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Tesla, Costco, Netflix, Nvidia, Amgen, Pepsi, Qualcomm, Starbucks, Moderna, Texas Instruments, T-Mobile, etc etc etc… All NASDAQ companies.

      The Dow Industrial Average is made up of many NASDAQ companies and about half of the S&P 500 are also NASDAQ companies.

      All 4 letter ticker symbol companies are on the NASDAQ.

      Quit embarrassing yourself and move on. This is what I do for living.

      Joe Biden has had a devastatingly negative impact on our markets. Under Trump our markets all set fresh records.

    10. 9:24
      Let’s do an even comparison between days in office and see how Biden and Trump compare with the S&P 500.

      Biden’s S&P 500 has gained a mere 8% since he’s been in office. That’s awful!

      When Joe Biden entered office the S&P 500 closed at 3,798.

      Today, October 26th the S&P 500 is 4,159. About an 8% gain.

      When Trump entered office the S&P 500 closed at 2,263.

      On October 26, 2019 the S&P 500 closed at 3,022.

      Trump’s S&P 500 had a 34% increase.

      Bottom line Joe Biden is behind Trump by a long shot on all three major market indexes. With the NASDAQ and DOW being by far the worst of them.

      High inflation, wars, more taxes and a shitty stock market, nice job Dems!

    11. And now Biden’s announced he’s willing to go to war with China over Taiwan!

      Biden has us involved in Ukraine, Israel and now possibly China.

      And yet you Democrats were screaming at Trump that he was gonna get us in a war.

      High inflation, cost of living, taxes and now multiple wars, nice job Dems. Way to run a country.

    12. *forgot to mention, one of the worst stock markets under any previous American President. Nice job Biden, way to go Dems.

    13. “Now multiple wars.”

      Fun fact: Biden removed us from Afghanistan, and we are in zero wars.

    14., as many don't know anything concerning the mess the dimwits in the whitehouse orchestrated concerning the exit of crapistan. Also we are in Iran and Syria. Just stick to leftist whining and leave things you know nothing about to men.

    15. 11:42,

      “ Also we are in Iran”


      Your ass.

    16. 3:03...U.S Military. That is the source.

    17. * I'm an idiot...I meant Iraq not Iran. I need to learn to spell. Or at least hit the correct key

  34. Maybe Marco can elaborate on ousting his partner Gary at CLG and how about that free money from the government?

    1. 3:39- When did Gary leave? And what was his crime? Maybe he told the truth!

  35. Gosh but you're overanxious 2:33. Why not get hysterical with Marco and ask him to answer the simple question?

  36. Please for the love of Nathan take the "L" brooooooooooooo~!

  37. What does take the 'L' mean. I would like to know so I can keep up with the latest.
