Wednesday, October 25, 2023

10/25/23 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. I finally watched the meeting from last week. Councilman "Everyone but Ehlers" continued his streak of 100% voting with the woke majority. Every vote was 5-0 as usual. In a previous meeting Ehlers spoke about his continued support for Blakespear's Streetscam and in this meeting he voiced his support for Blakespear's Vision Zero boondoggle. 5-0 is not democracy and the residents don't want these bullshit projects. 😡

    1. 6:01 you cherry picked the votes, Ehlers was not 100%. But do continue your weird pursuit of Ehlers. You smack of Garvin and his pal Thunder setting up Kranz for the win in 2024?

    2. Ehlers may be better than the rest, but he’s no hero, despite how much Susan Turney paints him as such.

    3. Ehlers saved the Half-Marathon, so he's got that going for him.

      Antil objects, no, she strenuously objects, to our citizens having a fun event because we all work for city staff (and not the other way around) don't you know.

    4. Ehlers needs a majority on council. He has an opportunity next year, if he decides to run for mayor. Will he stick his neck out? Help a like minded candidate or two to change the direction we’re headed in? He’s got two district seats to help and even one win that’s not an incumbent would be a big step in the right direction. Will he get smart and distance himself from Julie Thunder, who really has turned into the poison pill these last two years? She gave him bad advice last time and he’s been marginalized on all the major votes because of her interference in the last election. Her nasty campaign tactics ultimately lost her the election as well. Hopefully Bruce realizes Tony will do anything to keep his seat, unless he didn’t learn his lesson last year. So many opportunities to take advantage of in 2024. 🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞🤞

  2. Yee ha, Kranz was finally schooled by the city attorney NOT to respond to speakers. Some are slower learners than others and need the wag of the legal finger, sheesh.

    1. You want to pop off without a response.

      That makes you sad and dumb.

    2. Responses have never been allowed, even Stocks knew that. City attorney had to get involved.

      Now who’s sad and dumb? Learn the rules before popping off - aka freedom of speech.

    3. Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from hearing a response.


    4. Yet them’s the rules, take it up with the city attorney. Better yet study up and save yourself the embarrassment.

  3. Kranz will never put Ehlers on a flooding subcommittee. He hates Ehlers' superior knowledge and Gary Murphy even more than Ehlers.

  4. Who else loves watching old white women get red faced angry over the concept of equity? There was audible and visible laughter from the audience during her tantrum. 🤣

    1. I despise your ageism almost as much I despise Marlon and Amanda’s barely concealed anti Semitism. So sorry that white Jews don’t fit their self ascribed description of the oppressed. So what that they lob off a few kids heads and rape a few jewesses. In their minds this race of fighters who have dealt with centuries of bigotry and persecution aren’t suppressed enough to fit their ideal victimology and so deserve what they get. They’re not poor enough or black enough and they don’t wallow in sympathy hoping for hand outs.

      Amanda appears to be your typical brainwashed liberal, but Marlon is a bigot. Clear as day.

    2. Israel kills 600 Palestinians in Gaza every year. Year in. Year out.

      Every year.

      And they control and blockade Gaza such that it has 70% unemployment.

      You have that many people on your doorstep with that much time on their hands, and that much animosity, then you should expect attacks. It’s inevitable. Human nature.

      But no fight lasts forever. The Athenians and the Spartans don’t still go at it. The Moors and the Roman Catholics don’t still invade each other. China spent over two thousand years building the Great Wall but the Mongolian and Eastern Steppe nomads don’t invade any more.

      All rivalries end.

      It’s up to Israel to figure out how this one ends. Why Israel? Because that have more resources, more economic advantage, more civilization. They have more to lose.

      And what they have been doing for the last 80 years as failed.

    3. You can’t reason with animals.

    4. Re the Equity Survey. Take it, see if you like the questions.

      @7:07 - Where you there? The only visible crowd reaction was from the race promoter. And he was agreeing with the sentiments.

      There were other reactions. Ms. Hinze had a look of horror and disgust and maybe a few tears. As if she could not believe there are people with differing opinions. Ms. Lyndes held her emotions in better, but looked pretty angry. Stone face Tony showed no emotion as usual.

    5. 9:17...rag heads are stupid. It's up to them to stop attacking Israel. They can't. There is something in the makeup of a rag head that drives them to hate, murder and basically want the Jews dead.
      Let me make this very simple.
      If rag heads put down their arms there would be peace.
      If the Jews put down their arms, they will be murdered.
      You see, the rag head is like a baby cat and a sock, living for the moment and the attack. Not thinking beyond that. For thousands of years, rag heads have been a pain. Oddly, they don't seem to get any smarter.

    6. Why has Islam brought its people backwards in h the evolution of his constituents?

      Why aren’t the DEI folks all over Islam for its chauvinist mind closing ways.

    7. 7:03, the problem is religion generally.

      The belief that one can live their life according to a book written by Bronze Age shepherds is dumb.

    8. The Jews don’t act like victims. Doesn’t fit the woke definition.

    9. All religions are backward and strange. Judaism is no exception.

      18 miles of fishing line in New York City doesn’t expand your home, and if there is a god, she isn’t fooled by it.

      “ An 18-mile fishing line connects 1st to 126th street. It’s part of Jewish Sabbath traditions, and the line is called an Eruv roof, which is a symbolic fence and boundary. Jews that observe the laws of the Sabbath are not allowed to carry anything from their private residence out into the public domain on Saturdays. That includes any essentials like a wallet, cellphone, and keys, to name a few. Exodus 16:29 asks Jewish people to stay in to rest on Saturdays. An eruv symbolically extends your private residence into the public domain so you can perform ordinary activities like taking your dog for a walk or carrying your child.”

    10. Judaism isn’t built on jihad and a culture of death. Hamas and Hezbollah are. They’re not interested in peace. They’re interested in The Jewish state’s annihilation.

      BLM and Harvard have no problem with that.

    11. Go visit Alhambra and the Blue Mosque. The patterns in the tile work required algebra and modern mathematics, which was invented by Muslims. There’s a reason we call the numbers we use Arabic numerals. Also, read about the period of peace and harmony when Jerusalem was controlled by the Ottoman Empire and all religions were welcome and co-existed in peace.

      Muslims are humans, and like all humans are capable of the full spectrum of human achievement and cruelty.

      Terrorism is wrong. It’s wrong when motivated by Islam in the Middle East, and it’s wrong when motivated by Catholicism in Northern Ireland. Religion is a useful tool for those who want to motivate killing and destruction, but ultimately the root cause is pissed off people.

    12. Sad, a once educated people’s have chosen hate and violence, throwing away an semblance of reason and humanity. It’s not just Jews they mistreat. It’s their women and their livestock too. They are no better than animals.

    13. I agree with most of that, except the last part.

      Truth is, we are all capable of terrorism and cruelty.

      Put the US under a military occupation by China, and you’d see unimaginable terrorism and barbarity, and most of us would be supporting if not participating.

      We are all capable of that.

    14. And your point is? The Palestinians have chosen jihad and Jewish annihilation. Their sponsor states supply them with money and arms.

      Neither Hamas or their sponsors are interested in feeding the poor and cobbling a workable solution to get their people out of misery and poverty. Poverty suits their needs.

      They play on Western sympathies and exploit their own people while keeping them poor. They’ve watched and learned well from Western culture.

    15. You seem to be arguing for more of the same that hasn’t worked for 80 years.

      Dehumanizing violence begets dehumanizing violence.

    16. Sky daddy came to Abraham, who was chillin in modern day Iran, and told him to go take what is modern day Israel. Abraham was told by sky daddy to kill every native, not to help them or coexist but to kill them off. Sky daddy Ab was the 1st Jew. Now Jews elect Netywarcrimes over and over, killing and oppressing the Islam’s they stole land from and claim as their birth right now. So after centuries of inbreeding idiots on both sides we get this. Israel is an ass oppressor made up of inbred white people. Palestine is a bunch of inbreds who also worship their sky daddy and love killing innocents. I maybe anti-Jew, anti-Islam, anti-Catholics but really I am anti-religion which is the leading cause of death. Idiots, support Israel. The proof is looking and the ones cheering them on, the 2 biggest dummies in the area, Golden and PSP. Those 2 are never on the right side and are perpetual losers for a reason. In murica all sky daddy cucks must live together in peace and I don’t want my tax dollars supporting either side. They can all just f-off to wherever they got virgins waiting for them. Remember when the Jewish nom-profit(owned by a developer) was bribing our mayor and then called people who were against anti-Semites? Has a Palestinian ever bribed you government to screw over locals?

    17. I'm gonna guess 11:08 is one of the people that was called "antisemitic" over the non-profit thing, and still doesn't get what the big deal is.

  5. Antil is continuing to be a debby downer and needs to be shown the door. There a couple of others, Hinze for one, up there that should follow her out the door for the same debby downer behavior. It is becoming a regular thing for Hinze.

    At least Tony was persuaded to give the race organizer some latitude and consider the past races he has brought to town for years.

    This is sounding like the same bs the SMOP received for all their good work. WTF is wrong with our city?

    1. A Lot…

      all of council, except for Ehlers, and Ant-Hill definitely have to be showing the door.

      Worst city government in San Diego (and possibly Southern California) by far….

  6. The Biden Economy grew at 4.9% last quarter. Faster growth than any quarter of the POS domestic terrorist administration.

    People are saying it’s, like, unbelievable. It’s tremendous. They stop me on the street—big stong men with tears in their eyes. They’ve never cried before. They say “Sir, this is the greatest economy, probably ever. It’s so unfair that they aren’t giving Biden credit.”

    1. Someone should name a planet biden. Cuz he sure doesn't know what planet his on here.

    2. The biden good ecomomy is a lie. It's been ruined by the leftist nancyboys and the dikes. Everything they do, they ruin. Mr. Trump may be obnoxious, but he is smart.
      And that's all that counts when running a business or, a country. The left has ruined california and the united states. The left is, the enemy within.

    3. “he is smart”

    4. Trump is smart may be the dumbest thing ever written. Trump has more biz failures than anyone in the history of the world. Trump lost the prez, house, and senate in a record 4 years. Trump stares at the sun. All the other nepo babies from his era have actually grown their wealth. Trump is a loser through and through. His daddy made the money and trump spend it. That is why no bank will work with him, he is a loser. Only losers who want to make losing normal think trump is smart. The homeless lady infringe of vons has made more money than trump but neither can get a loan.

    5. Nobody cares about Trump. Best way back to the presidency for him is going to jail. It will set the lawfare fags on fire.

      As for your Hero oatmeal brained Joe the kid sniffer woman toucher, liar about every single piece of his life, impaired brained showerer with daughter, stair stumbler, word bumbler, ear licker, mucous and germ spreader, corruption king, war mongering terrorist sympathizer.

      But at least no mean tweets 🥴😵😵‍💫🥳🖕

  7. How about all the recent stripes on the roads throughout Leucadia? Brilliance. Not.

  8. Yous talkin about restriping or reglar old repainting? Them new road art smears made by Ting are special nice.

    The Vulcan landscaping/restriping has rewarded us with doggie doodie all over. Move over rover, Tony's taking over.

    1. 1:39- We don't need no stinking road repairs. We need a token for Kranz, which would be Pacific View. Has anyone noticed that under Bond and Stocks, we got a library and a 40 acre park. What did Catherine give us and what has Kranz given us?

    2. C'mon, be generous! We got:
      road diets
      15 brand new shiny developments
      Pacific View
      The Cycle Trap (enhanced again and again)
      A homeless parking lot
      lots of new pension backed jobs at city hall

  9. Note how EV is silent regarding the real reason that Ehlers was so gung ho to approve the Moonlight run. If this were any other council member there would be a dozen posts crying for resignations and another dozen with made up conspiracies.

    1. Huh? It was a 3-2 with Ehlers, Kranz, Blackwell no gung ho just the three refusing to jump on another of staff’s personal ax grinding against the promoter. Maybe he refused to make a mountain bike bribe?

    2. 2:19 - Why does this surprise you? Their hypocrisy is legendary. When the topic is someone or something they don't like, the whining is endless and the lies created from whole cloth. When the topic is someone or something they like, they need the person on camera confessing to their transgressions with all the documentation in triplicate and notarized. At which point they just pretend it didn't happen, divert and distract.

    3. 2:19 3:19 you gonna tell us “the real reason?” Cue the aforementioned conspiracy theory.

    4. Even if it's true, that's a drop in the bucket when compared to the corruption by Blakespear and her appointed minions. It's also a small price to pay for getting our city out of the hands of leftists.

  10. That the dynamic duo Garlie at 2:33 smearing Ehlers to again slide Kranz into office? Notice how 2:33 is silent regarding the Kranz vote.

  11. Never, ever question my dept.'s decisions says the debby downer of a city manager. Who f is running this town? Anthill or council?

    Pamela needs to go, or at least realize who her bosses are.

    Where else could a subordinate challenge their boss but here? Subordinate my rear end. We have had some doozy city managers in the past, but none acted out like this one. Hey Pam, you are a hire. You were not elected. You serve at the pleasure of your boss the mayor and at the great displeasure of the electorate. I wish she could hear the clock ticking. I wish our mayor would too.

    1. maybe Antil is just looking for another $100K separation package

    2. Anthill seems to be used to being shown the door. What’s in her contract for an exit clause…. Firing?

      What’s the town dunce is out, the next mayor can fire that incompetent manager.

    3. *Once the town dunce is out, the next mayor can fire that incompetent manager.

    4. City Manager does indeed run the town. The council is is Board of Directors. I think the staff was holding back on how messed up the race coordinators are. Captain Lawrence also.

      Sigh, it will now cost us 9 month salary to remove Ms. Antil. Who negotiated these employment terms? What happened to at-will employment?

  12. I was going to race home because my daughter's about to give birth but felt coming here to complain about the dirty trash can behind Baked Bear was more important.
    - Barbershop Dude

    1. At least he’s a straight up guy, unlike our stupid ass mayor….

      Are all tranny’s that dumb? … I guess starvin loves a girl that won’t talk back… plus Phony does have one of the nicest racks in Encinitas.

  13. Sorry, I still can’t get over how bad Siri is… she needs to adopt AI.

    *Are all trannies that dumb?

  14. Ant Hill's survey shows she is a commie and probably taking the Starvie and Phony morph plunger.

    She is pathetic and needs to go.

    Survey is leading and pathetic . Ant Hill is pathetic. check it out yourself. Elaina Thompson is 💯 spot on.

  15. AntHill get the support from The Town Dunce and clown council.

    A new real city Mayor will come and can that incompetent ant hill.

    Thanks to Phony, it will now cost the Tax Payers 9/12 of $300k to ride the Ant Hill.

    Every day of Phony is a disaster for Encinitas.

    Maybe are god Raid will rid our community of AntHill. Thoughts?

    1. * Thanks to Phony, it will now cost the Tax Payers 9/12 of $300k to rid the Ant Hill.

      Every day of Phony is a disaster for Encinitas.

      Maybe our god Raid will rid our community of AntHill. Thoughts?

  16. Thank you Tony!

    Now, when the citizens elect a competent mayor, it’s going to cost its citizens $225,000 to fire the incompetency manager. You just buffed out, Ant-Hill’s employment contract with a golden parachute.

    You and the rest of city Council, including Ehlers, are complete fucking sellouts!

    You are all the worst and I hope you all have a horrible day! You are ruining Encinitas!!

    For any interested Citizen, watch this last Tuesday’s city council video of employment contract for the worst city manager in the state. Last item on the agenda. Right after at home bitch slap staff for questioning her authoritarian rule over all in Encinitas even fun runs.

    -Ant Hills are painfull on community picnics.

  17. Who represented the citizens of Encinitas in the contract negotiation? The agenda document also shows that many other staffers are in the 200k range.

    Yep, those are crickets I hear also.

  18. EU dipshits don’t approve of any city manager, ever.

    Tough shit.

    1. That you Margo? Forgot, it’s your 🐐 who hired this overpriced, inexperienced City Manager. She didn’t even have the right credentials. BUTT! She did have a sordid past and happily worked for another homeless ridden progressive enclave. Also, she disdains the residents and that sends you over the 🌙

    2. All hail GOAT.

      You are correct.

      She established a permanent legacy.

      Her influence will be felt for decades to come.

    3. 9:23- you’re an embarrassment.

      First council members were the goats. BIA is a white racist. It’s totally embarrassing that in today’s day you’re supporting a white racist.

      Get your shit together

    4. 10:46,

      It bounces right off when it’s that dumb.

  19. Margo is too busy virtue signaling thinking he can single handedly (or with help of terrorist sympathizers BLM) solve the housing problem by building a few "affordable" unaffordable apartment boxes mixed in with even greater unaffordable boxes. Maybe his illegal alien landscaper family of 8 can live in one of the 1 bedrooms no? Or those 19yo kids who have never even made their own lunch being paid $18/hr making his $13 soggy burrito that taste like baby shit?

    What a fucking idiot.

    1. Does a 1BR apartment cost less than the median new single family detached home?

      Because if it does, then it is contributing to a lower housing cost.

    2. Lower, but not low ;) See what you did there?

    3. Lower is better than higher.

  20. Maybe he can use his lawfare clown frauds to garner up a pro Palestine rally in the city hall parking lot? That would be awesome bro!

    Talk about taking the L already geezus man you cannot fix stupid fucking idiots,

    1. I don’t know what lawfare means, but I have noticed it’s almost exclusively used by people who lose a lot in court.

    2. Maybe we should call it losefare? Loserfare? Lawloser?

    3. Or maybe just use criminal?

  21. Lawfare is the use of legal systems and institutions in a deceitful and unethical fashion to damage or delegitimize an opponent, or to deter individual's usage of their legal rights. The term may refer to the use of legal systems and principles against an enemy, such as by damaging or delegitimizing them, wasting their time and money.

    Whata fu king idiot

    1. “Alex Jones Launches Plan to Fight Back Against Leftist Lawfare Op to Destroy Infowars”

      Yup. A term used exclusively by losers.

  22. Serious question 1:
    Wait so 9:53 you are saying that people who use "lawfare" tactics will ultimately end up under the karma bus?

    Serious question 2: Will the bus in fact be a shortbus?

  23. Robert Card is the POS domestic terrorist who murdered 18 people in Maine. He’s also MAGA.

    Quelle surprise.

  24. Bro nobody cares and since your wife has affairs with gay men that means your gay, right?

  25. Wow the road “improvements” in Leucadia! On our street the traffic impediments are causing drivers to recklessly speed to make up lost time causing more danger. Whoever plans this needs reevaluating.

  26. Could the vision zero with zero vision be guiding these idiots?

  27. I have added $0 to the enterprise value of any social media company.

    I am way outperforming Elon Musk.

  28. Don’t worry Tony is working hard to make Encinitas a shit hole so rents are lower.

    welcoming all the fentanyl user, free needles, and wasteoids….

    Go girl!

    1. Mission accomplished! Except for the lowered rents.

    2. She’s not done yet…. ☠️

  29. I just took the survey and it was amazing. Absolutely no agenda involved whatsoever! We need more of these!
    - Phony

  30. Hi gang, Phony here, I wanted to start another unbiased survey on here. Who do you guys think looks best in spandex?
    b)Starvin flaccid
    c)Starvin on boner pills
    d)Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills

    1. 👆🏾💯👌🏽

      You are an Encinitas Genius.

      Bravo. Magnifico!

    2. e) 🐖👧 dressed as Starvin

  31. MAGA is a movement based on lies, crime, Victimhood, and willful ignorance.


  32. So what? Why are you so brain dead and talk about old stuff?

    Oh, I get it Starvin’. Changing the topic to get the heat off your girlfriend.

    -we’ll for the record my bet is :
    d)Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills

  33. Replies
    1. 7:31- thanks for that info Starvin.

      My answer is still :

      d)Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills

    2. e)Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills with a butt-plug

  34. This will do nothing, except for have the clown council blabber a bunch about it.

    Have you ever seen people speeding through the neighborhood that has a 25 mph speed limit?

    Yeah, that’s right. It will do nothing.

    They sure do you like the blabber though.

  35. There’s no money for cop enforcement. It’s all being spent on the second community center and other wasteful city programs.

    When’s the last time you saw a cop in your neighborhood in forcing speeds? Cars race all over the streets with no mufflers, motorcycles are out of control with no regulation of speed and noise and people are smoking all over the place with no enforcement.

    Nothing will change except for council talking about it for five hours, and a ton more ugly signs put up by the ridiculous city traffic engineer.

    1. * Enforcing the speed limit?

    2. And our helmet less mayor crushing his e-bike .

    3. I don't believe there's a helmet on planet earth that's large enough for that cromagnon head of his. Imagine the size of a potentially functioning brain that thing could hold...instead it's just filled with dog turds and endless fantasies about Starvin

    4. 👆🏿💯🤣

    5. It will change. You see a silencer on the end of carbine
      is very effective. 9mm is all you need to reduce fast drivers.

  36. Tap Solutions tail number N6190D. 5317 Jamestown Rd.
    San Diego ca. Today flew back and forth and in circles over 40 times. Over Encinitas Solana Beach and parts of Del Mar.
    Putting families at risk and poisoning the air with leaded fuel exhaust. Has been turned in to the FAA just know.
    This jerk couldn't care less about 10's of thousands of people on the ground. That is Tap Solutions. An enemy within.

    1. 2:20- Starvin get back to counting your Boner pills. I think you’re running low.

    2. 2:20 only needs one...for your mother

    3. Next step. Contact all small plane insurance companies in the San Diego area. Tell them all about the flying back and forth and in circles over populated areas such as Encinitas and Solana Beach. Schools, Hospitals, pre schools etc.
      Then let us see how it goes. Tic Toc

  37. 2:20pm Plane guy, would you please tell us the nature of any safety protocols you have come up for the army and two other businesses that employ you.

    1. 1)BIA and 2) the Tranny Lovers of America Who Love Big Tits Association.

    2. Oh, TLAWLBTA…. I’m glad I asked. I’m a member of that as well. 🏳️‍⚧️

    3. I think we should add some plus plus is to an acronym

      TLAWLBTA ++—-++:)

    4. 5:28 hey starvin, a better question would be why haven't you killed yourself. No one likes you anyway.

  38. When the Golden Child starts dating Amanda I'm pretty sure the result will be world peace. Let's just hope they don't reproduce. That would be one entitled child that would surely never leave the house.

  39. Julie, Julie, Julie. Still not getting your facts clear.

  40. f) Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills with a butt-plug holding (another) non-bias survey

  41. 👆🏿👌🏿

    Winner winner chicken dinner.

    ) f

  42. g) Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills with a butt-plug holding (another) non-bias survey while reading an email from Phony

  43. Holy crap! They keep getting better!!

    g) Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills with a butt-plug holding (another) non-bias survey while reading an email from Phony

    g) is money

    I hope I can change. I might’ve lost all my life funds with f)…

    Phony is wiggley…..

  44. I’m going to point people here during the next election to show the mentality and maturity of the crowd opposing Tony.

    Let people decide for themselves if they want to join that club.

    1. Sounds good Starvin, you go girl!

    2. Yes! Starvin!!

      Will you be running Tony’s reelection campaign again?

    3. Losers gonna keep losing.

      Who’s gonna run this time? Steve Golden? Willow? Sky screamer?

    4. You mean Starvin’ ?

      No, he’s too busy motorboating in Phony’s huge tits.

    5. Sorry… she.

      It’s so freaking hard to keep track these days with those two.

  45. The morons cannot help themselves from posting their inane and juvenile postings after a complete failure of a campaign last year. Give it a rest. Grow the f up. Who the f do you think you represent? The moron in chief who tanked their run? The few locals who sold their souls to one who was never fit to hold office? Enough of your bs.

    I agree garvin is a pompous pos. I agree our current mayor is a travesty to any resident who gives a sheet. That goes for most of the originally appointed council members.

    The juvenile projections from the losers should have an expiration date of relevancy. They do with this one caring and involved resident for decades voter.

    Grow the f up james or bhavani or leah or julie or whoever still carries on with their infantile projections of a sexual relationship between garvin and tony with a small g and a small t.

    No, I am not and never have voted for tony. Somehow the look of that small t for tony fits well with my support, make that non-support.

    The forces at play are numerous in our once fair city. $$$$$

    Money talks. Community values mean little when our elected reps sell us out and bow down to the planning dept. sell outs. Anthill notwithstanding.

    Chain of command should be relevant. It is not as along as anthill is allowed to ignore her imagined position of power over the council that she is supposed to represent.

    Council, this is on you to correct. Like that will ever happen with this council makeup. Changing the council majority next year is our only hope.

    1. We need runoff elections otherwise Starvin’ (BIA plug) and dumb ass 🐷👧… will do the same thing.

      Someone, like the prop A folks, please start a citizens initiative. You all kick ass, including you, Sheila. And of course, Bruce Ehlers.

    2. Except most of them are fucking annoying, 12:08.

      You'd think there would be someone that isn't 60-70 that might share their vision and not be off their rocker, but apparently not.

    3. 12:08 tell us where you'll be and we'll come sign your petition. The prop A people did the heavy lifting last time, your turn.

  46. Nothing is going to change Encinitas. Sources close to the former Mayor have confirmed that 48 of the 50 illegals allowed into the San Diego thru San Ysidro are Iranian Terror operatives.

    Go ahead and doubt it.

    Open carry is mandatory.

    Get trained. Your gated community is a target.

  47. h) Starvin dressed in drag on boner pills with a butt-plug holding (another) non-bias survey while reading an email from Phony shortly after inviting someone to coffee and skipping out on the bill.

    1. Immature yes, but funny as hell. Too funny to be a moron or one of his agitators. 10:51, I know you’re frustrated but the moron is on the East Coast and the rest of them are too stupid to be anything but followers.

      🐷👧on the other hand likes her revenge and meddling is her middle name. If she doesn’t run, bet on her and her influencer injecting themselves into the mix somewhere. What else do bored housewives do?

    2. 5:40 ☝🏾💯

  48. Illegals committing crime is happening all over the u.s due only to one thing...the left. They allowed 6.5 million illegals to enter the Southern border. Lock and load. CZ make a great semi auto. as for revolvers I like Smith and Wesson.
    And remember, when the illegals try and come into your homes, DO NOT hesitate to neutralize.
    He, who hesitates, is lost

    1. Only Rambo can save Encinitas.

    2. Be afraid. Stay in your basement. Invest only in bullets and beans. Have a heart attack.

    3. Another example of what the America hating left has done to this country. They let in 6.5 million enemies and want to take your guns. Come take em', or try.

    4. 10:51,

      Have you tried Nevada?

      It’s only a few hours drive, and many jurisdictions have legalized sex work. But I feel compelled to remind you that consent is still required.

    5. 12:35 we understand that men sex workers are also available. For you.

  49. You guys I'm really into this new cover band call ZZ Top-Time. They're incredible.
    - Phony

  50. He who hesitates, is dead on arrival




    1. 7:44 have you tried Viagra?

      The generic version is cheap and easy to get.

  51. So much fun watching Sourpuss Turney getting taken to the woodshed and exposed for the bitter liar she is. 😂 Guaranteed that Loonie had her finger on the ban button but thought better of it, for now.

    1. Didn’t she violate election laws?

      What did she do now?

    2. 12:36: They're probably referring to Susan Turney getting schooled by developer Brian Grover on EV over the weekend. Much like when Marco chimes in over there, the people who actually do these things for a living know their stuff. It's not even a fair fight when compared to the divisive complainers that rely on disinformation to push their agendas.

    3. 2:06- Grover would be nowhere without Blakespear. I am curious about something. Some of you on EU blog, continue to suggest that Lori has so many people blocked. Kind of hard to believe when both Marco, Jerome, and Grover are all on it. Mali was invited and turned down going on EV. Most likely because she knows where her bread is buttered and it ain't EV. Got to stay with the people she knows and who think she is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I would bet she is a member of EN. In fact, why does no one pick on anything EN says? Are they aways right, as one poster keeps mentioning. If so, then so be it. The developers win.

    4. Getting schooled? More like getting outed.

    5. Grover got outed. How annoying when you’re just getting started being a bigshot and the town’s already turning against you. Look at the dirty he pulled on the sunshine gardens folks.

    6. 4:24 is obviously Larri busted again pretending not to be Larri.

    7. Dr. Nutbird’s blocking people who make good points and then power tripping over making them reapply for her approval is why her group is 1/4 the size and influence of EN.

      True story.

    8. Weird how much you care. Stick with EN or better yet the WD refugee’s preferred Enc Uncensored.

    9. Weird how much you care that people tell the truth.

    10. Busted and butt hurt from getting banned we take it

    11. Was I banned for expressing opinions Dr. Nutbird disagreed with and couldn’t counter?


      Am I content watching her influence implode due to her erratic and self-serving behavior?


      No one with her history of lying should be in a position to influence elections. And we all know the stories. I’m really glad most sane people figured it out and EN’s numbers are booming.

      Maybe she’ll read this and call for EN to be hacked.

    12. Calm down and get a life.

    13. Don’t ask the question of you don’t want the answer.

    14. 🤣 Lorri never learns. She can't. Memory is essential for learning.

  52. Did you see the article about our city manager, Pam Antil, in the Coast News? She is a piece of work. And this article has nothing to do with the way she yelled at Bruce Ehlers at the City Council. Added to this she was just granted a raise.

  53. Natalie was up there to dial down on Pam Antill’s subpar city engagement when Pam’s knickers twisted and she gave Bruce the sharp tongued teeth business. Frothing! Then Tony double downed on Bruce and all gloves were off. Faces were blood red over legit money spent for a vote. The Mayor has one job, To run an orderly meeting and even that night required clown hats. You would think Tarquin would add some tidbit of caution but he gives the appearance of being zipping up the coast in a wifebeater
    tie flying in the wind and his hair on fire, far far away from Encinitas Hollywood Squares. Next time, Tony’s furious apres call to Natalie. Is he calling everyone who ruffles his feathers or is he trying to massage some grace with her? Any bets how that may work?

    1. If he called me I’d be hitting record.

    2. Not sure what all the fluff is about Fox Point Farms. Someone should remind Jim Brown, that the Planning Commission led by Bruce Ehlers, gave it a big thumbs up in 2020.

      Planning and the City thought this project was going to be a community defining project and the best thing since sliced bread.

      The rest of us knew it would be ugly and add to congestion. So what’s the big deal now?

    3. Some apparent after the fact changes. Like extra commercial buildings added after plans weee approved as final for starters?

    4. Now might be a good time to remind everyone that the owner of the greenhouses wanted to keep operating as a greenhouse, but the only way to stay alive financially was to switch a small portion of the operation to growing canabis.

      It was most of the same city obstructionist gadflies now complaining about traffic that killed the greenhouse operation.

      It could have remained a greenhouse with no impact on traffic, and in fact that was the owners wish. But thanks to the meddling and arm-flapping of the self-appointed experts on everything, we got more traffic.

      Thanks, idiots.

    5. 12:40 did anyone tell Starvin that the Dunce is planning to cheat with an attractive buxom blonde?

    6. Captain, my Captain, phone sex is not cheating.

      The Dunce

    7. 8:40- The Dunce was seen with a woman the other night and it wasn't Starvin. They looked might friendly. Has his wife left him again?

    8. 10:23 - Kranz landed another tranny! .

      His blue pilled swollen morphie must be thinking ahead.

    9. 8;46- does he/she have bigger boobs than Phony?

    10. 8:49- does he/she have bigger boobs than Phony?

  54. 8:44am It was the folks living in the adjoining neighborhood who tanked Bobs effort to remain a greenhouse. Bob tried and was outdone by his neighbors even though he researched and provided proven methods like carbon filters to control odors and security fencing to allay fears about security concerns.

    It is the neighbors who are responsible for the massive development we now are seeing. This corner of Leucadia could have been preserved as a greenhouse. This part of Leucadia could have been preserved from the traffic crap to come. Bob proposed to use only 5% of the greenhouses for cannabis until he had no other option than to sell the property and give Grover his dream of another massive development to despoil another corner of Leucadia.

    Fox Point residents, you did this out of the chosen ignorance you people showed very time you spoke at council meetings.

    Thanks for trying Bob.

    Fox Point residents, thanks for nothing but more traffic, hundreds more units that could have remained a greenhouse next door to you and close by for many more Leucadia residents. You brought this down on us all.

  55. stands to reason Marco G defends Pam Antil's lack of professionalism, it's the sea he swims in. Can't see the forest for the trees, something like that?

    1. He’d make a great councilmember. He never sides, or agrees with residents.

    2. Pam talked shit about a POS anti-vaxxer city manager in a private text. Whoop-dee-doo! So much pearl clutching from the self righteous dummies on this page...

  56. 8:44am. The resistance to Bob growing cannabis on 5%, yes 5%, of his greenhouse operation came from the neighbors.

    Bob did his homework and was ready for carbon filters to address any odors, along with security protocols. None of this efforts made a difference to the neighbors. Their uninformed madness riled them up to such a degree that no amount security concerns would appease them.

    I hope they enjoy having a new massive development next door with all it is implications for noise, lights, abominable traffic, etc.

    Imagine what could have been. A long time local grower staying in the growing business and preserving a greenhouse property that the vultures like Grover could not get their greedy hands on.

    Thanks to the neighbors for the new development when it could remained a low impact greenhouse property.

    Bob, thanks for trying.

    1. Actually, thank Blakespear, Kranz and former council members. It was the they who went to a judge, overturned our prop A, and got this property upzoned.

  57. Yeps, hops and grapes gonna be supah profitable like. Fark, hops are thirstier than weed.

  58. sorry, late to the party... are the knobs adjacent to Fox Farms now complaining about the development? Their non-stop, hostile whining about the hemp business that was there was barely tolerable. Don't they ever stop?

    1. I Support the neighbors and can’t stand that freaking three-story box piece of shit that the developers are pushing for profit. There’s nothing for affordability and just lines the pockets of the developers and Phony’s donations.

    2. 6:04,

      So you would have the city demand that the property owner continue to grow flowers, even though it’s not possible to compete profitably.

      The City of Encinitas demands that you lose money or leave the land empty and continue to pay taxes on the empty land.


      This grower wanted to continue growing, and found a crop he could make a living with. He proposed to keep the property as greenhouses with no change to the visual, noise, or traffic impacts.

      The dumbass obstructionists of Encinitas said no to that proposal.

      Enjoy the gridlock and exhaust fumes.

  59. I tried to convince Phony to dress up as Super-manz today but he refused. I was crushed at first (I mean he looks so good in tights #drool) but then he waltzed into the bedroom with a handful of boner pills and totally redeemed himself! This is proof that not all heroes wear capes.
    - Starvin

  60. Coast Flight Training 20 times back and forth over your families. They fly from Montgomery Field 18 miles away.
    Tail number N131CA. Encinitas and parts of RSF.
    They couldn't care less as they make money while they fly back and forth over your people and thousands of others.

    1. 5:06- sorry your girlfriend ran out of blue pills and you could not get stiffed by her Morphie last night.

      Better luck on Saturday. Oh yeah.💪🏿

    2. 6:01 everything is fine. Your mother and I are quite comfortable

    3. Thanks Damom…


    4. Thanks for the report on safe and legal flying activity.

      Can you also report on skateboarders not doing anything wrong?

    5. And a report on flying hard under the sheets with your lover girl Phony.

    6. may be legal to fly back and forth over and over.
      But let's just see how well that goes when we are done with plastering their business names all over the internet as being unsafe. That includes the flying clubs.
      Ohhh' there's more coming. Want to fly back and forth 20 to 40 times over my house....Tic Toc Get ready.

    7. 10:56, in the year you’ve been screaming at the sky, you’ve had zero impact.

      Stop wasting our time.

    8. 11:53 let me help you. The impact has been a 80 % reduction concerning circling planes/back and forth positions up to 40 times. Since you don't live here you wouldn't know. These schools and flying clubs don't want bad press.

  61. Unsafe? Still waiting for proof of that, like on the ground proof.

    What is your exact field of expertise? Safety analysis for two companies and the Army tells us nothing about your qualifications, if there are any.

    1. I tell you what. Learn to read then learn what investigative inclusion takes to find facts.
