Thursday, October 12, 2023

Moonlight Beach non-conforming

This house just sold.

Background here.


  1. OMG! A new thread. Will wonders never cease. Please keep up and save us from what has become all too common with hundreds of postings on the same thread.

    We rely upon you and need you in this community. I hope constructive criticism is taken with the genuine feelings that are behind this post. Thank you for all the years.

    1. The amount of upkeep on that shit stain will make your monthly nut ( taxes included) about $15k. No private beach. Shit loads of meth marketing on the road? Barfing from our fine upstanding fags on their electro bikes after a night down town. It just seems like paradise. As Encinitas become akin to Oceanside , Cardiff is rapidly becoming Del meh.. I’m happy to be selling, taking my 3-4 million and leaving you washed up jerk offs behind. As 50 yr old women compete with actual cute natural 20 somethings this entire scene is just boring. That house represents this place perfectly, slash 2 million, some Dong biter will move in, get all local bro bra, find some dumb bleach blonde who does yoga 47 times a week and he is set!!! He will stand in line for an hour for a better buzz coffee, scratch his nuts and then talk sternly on his cell phone. Because-well he is a “local” look at his Range Rover and seaweed and gravel shirt!!!

  2. ET sells homes.

    Some tech bro's weekend fun home?
    Boogie on the Beach?

    Property taxes ~7500/month? yikes.

    Will more apartments make the price(s) go down? Yeah? I gots a bridge I wants to sell youse.

    Super close to Pacific View. Let's get them to kick in an extra $1,000,000 and become a Founder.

    1. If the median price of a new condo is lower than the median price of a new single family detached home, then yes, it will be more affordable.

      Because math.

    2. A 3 story tough-shed is really affordable built on BIA’s and Phiny’s compounds.

      They have plenty of space on your compound, why are they housing homeless?

      - Oh that’s right…. They’re all about the talk and taking money from developers.

      They don’t really wanna do anything that helps people.

      - BIA - 2nd WOAT

  3. I say let the state mandate whatever they want here in town as long as I have local control over Phony's sweet butthole.

  4. Gjata always wears women’s lingerie when he’s does belly button jelly shooters with Starvin and Phony.

  5. Regardless of the topic, the same handful of morons chime in with the same incredibly stupid comments.

    1. Hi 8:11! FYI your post is the epitome of an incredibly stupid comment.

    2. 8:41 — You just identified yourself as one of the handful of morons.

    3. 8:11. Leave him alone, loser

    4. 8:11- as your spiritual advisor, I would suggest that you no longer review this blog.

      Stay in your dream world. Ignorance is bliss..

    5. 8:11 hit the nail on the head. The handful of morons repetitively post worthless comments. They are not clever, funny, creative or well-informed. They are annoying and boring. They are immature. They sully this blog.

    6. Yet here you are ? Is your bike charging? Are you picking out a t shirt to go to seaside market? Tell what a rad , interesting and oh so cool guy like you do

  6. Republicans are really showing their leadership abilities in the House.

    All voters take note of what you will be voting for next year.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ

      You have the wrong blog. This is a local blog for local Encinitas issues.

    2. yeah, it's not like we're already f-ed up the @ss from Tony and friends, right?

    3. 8:48- whatever… which POS are you referring to ?- Alzheimer’s Joe, Clinton, other swamp monsters, that are friends of Jeffrey Einstein’s, Trump… the list is long…

      Then we have our own local swamp monsters, including BIA and Tony. They regularly take support from BIA and implement horrible policy for Encinitas destruction. An example is welcoming all of the drug addicts and developers of highly profitable tall boxes, of the world to Encinitas.

      - Yep, asswipes like John Gjata, that Support Phony are a big part of the problem.

      -8:51 - you nailed it. πŸ’―

    4. They are the ones who told violent, armed white supremacists to “stand by.”

      The ones who either bludgeoned and maced cops, or excuse those who did.

      The ones convicted of seditious conspiracy for a violent insurrection against the United States, or those who call it “tourism.”

      The ones who refused to accept 62 different court decisions before violently rejecting democracy.

      The ones who did nothing as a crowd declared its intent to murder the Vice President of the United States.

      The ones who claim an election was stolen while they are being tried criminally for trying to steal an election.

      They are scum. Human refuse. Anti-America. And must be humiliated and have their noses rubbed in it for eternity.

    5. 10:28- start your own blog, focused on POS in Congress and the white house.

      you have an endless list over the last 20 years.

      Clinton and the current Alzheimer’s Joe iare at the top of the list, along with Trump.

    6. Life was a lot less expensive and easier when Trump was in office.

      There’s no doubt that Biden’s inflation and high interest rates have pushed many families into the streets.

  7. What a surprise that Dr.Nutbird and the golden pedo are both drug addicts.

    1. Golden may be an idiot but a pedo? Where did that come from? Weed? You are offended by weed? You have a weak mind.

    2. It's GW and you're right, 12:57.

    3. He's definitely not a pedo, and there's nothing at all to justify that. It's not the sort of thing that should be thrown around.

    4. Steven is like most of our city council, a pothead loser that lives with and off his elderly mother, has never had a real job and speaks with authority about things he doesn't remotely understand. The council losers believe in bullshit conspiracies like global warming while Steven believes he gets sick from radio waves. One major difference is most of the council losers have managed to find friends and start families while the only thing Steven has are likes from other losers on Facebook. Mostly he's a sad and lonely putz. Maybe a gay that won't admit it to himself too but probably not a pedo.

    5. "maybe a gay"? what decade are you from?

    6. πŸ‘†πŸΎ True.

      Now we just call it what it is... "(name) loves a big dick up their @ss"

      In Phony and Starvin's case it's: "Phony loves a pill hardened morphy up his @ass". As they sing Cher songs in duets.

    7. The only reason someone is slandering Steve Golden is because they’re threatened by him.

      Steve a super guy, and what does it say about the monster attacking him?

    8. I really hope this is really pissing off the people you want to @8:31.

    9. Sounds like someone is threatened by Mr. Golden’s comments and all they have is cheap elementary bullying. No substance.

    10. Golden should run for office. I hope he runs. Please run. It would be so delicious watching him crash and burn.

    11. He's a guy that comments online. Who cares.

    12. The person attacking Steve needs some serious help. It speaks volumes of the attacker. Just makes your Progressive Lib party sound like a bunch of whiny babies, who can’t have a civil discussion.

    13. Doubt thats someone progressive. They wouldn't use stupid accusations like that. Think older, more conservative and dumb as hell.

    14. 7:50 why would a conservative attack Stephen, that makes absolutely zero sense.

      The only people attacking Steve are a couple of people who are upset with how critical he is of their party.

      Boohoo 😭

    15. Attacking someone because they’re critical of your party makes you sound weak and whiny. You can’t argue on merit so you result to personal attacks, because it makes you feel better about yourself.

      You sure are a great representation of your party, the Progressive Lib party that is.

    16. Why is it Progressive Libs like Marco, Marlon, Mali, Amanda, fill in the blank always revert to personal attacks when they can’t make a counter argument.

      They attempt discredit you with personal attacks, no different than a bully.

    17. The people attacking Golden aren't progressive (since when do they care about weed?). It sounds more like 1-2 conservatives with a personal grudge, 10:35 & 10:39

  8. There is no 8:48 on this thread but that is ok considering the source is you. Actually expected from a source such as you show us every day. You fit right in with the republicans ability, make that the non-ability to govern their own house.

  9. Loved Tony getting mad on Wednesday when he got called out by the barber dude for riding his bike around without a helmet. "I always wear my helmet" all red in the face. He's like a big baby that lacks the ability to keep his anger in check.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―

      If someone said that to me, I would reply, "so whats the big deal? Was I breaking any laws?"

      Not Phony. She could not help but lie. Thats what liars do, lie.

  10. Anyone else notice the moron is back on EU? Seeing a lot of his signature name calling/accusations/attacks on others. Wonder what got the moron all fired up that he decided to return?

    1. Hopefully the moron has joined his wife and son in jersey. The air smells a lot cleaner around town without them.

    2. 9:00pm - You are way off. We could spot a Stan a mile away (or in about 5 words).

    3. Why would Stan want anything to do with Encinitas or EU, doesn’t make sense.

      However it makes more sense that you’d blame every anti-Dem comment on Stan. This way you can blame all the opposition comments on one deranged person with the goal of discrediting the commenters.

      Stan’s not making the comments, because many of the comments that you’ve accused Stan of making have come from me or others that I know.

  11. Nope not Jeff Morris, nice try on the spin.
    It’s me Marco, just trying to stir up shit.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ funny.

      Marco is still trying to figure out how to be relevant since he is known as a sell out for the profits of developers, and his family supports predatory actions within their family but no one else should do it like Filner and Epstein.

      # metooexceptmyfamily.

    2. sorry

      * some family member supports predatory actions....

      Lets keep it real....

  12. Marco’s been cheating on his wife for years. Just like he cheated the environment by switching from Surfrider Foundation to lawyer for the developers.

    1. Definitely does not surprise me. He thinks a lot of himself.

      Any notions of his lovers?



  13. He seemed to insert himself into BIA's "business" a lot if you know what I mean. 🀣

  14. The complete opposite of our natural environment, nature, is development. The BIA.

    So, when someone advocates for development or works for the BIA, Marco Gonzalez, Blakespear, Kranz, fill in the blank. You obviously have someone who opposes nature, our environment.

    You can’t have it both ways.

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―

    2. False dichotomy.

      Growth is a given and locked in for the next 20 years unless you plan on murdering a bunch of children.

      The valid question is whether suburban sprawl with long commutes and an indefensibly long fire interface with wildlands represents a better model than infill of already developed areas.

    3. 9:30 is that what you heard on a Blakespear Podcast, sponsored by the BIA. Sounds like a direct quote written by the BIA.

  15. That's one noticeable difference between the Progressives and Conservatives. Progressives recognize the retards and crazies in their ranks. They disavow or ignore them. Meanwhile Conservatives celebrate their retards and crazies and elevate them to hero status.

    1. 1105-, calling BS

      BIA and Phony are as stupid and crazy as they come.

      Yet retards, like Marco, Mali, Lees, Gjata, Starvin, andπŸ·πŸ‘§ support them not disavow them.

    2. 11:05 ask yourself what party the crazies you’re referring to are from. The answer would be the Dem party. Kranz, Blakespear, Hinze, Newsom, Fletcher, Remer, etc.

      So why do you keep voting Dem and expect different results. Because all Republicans are white male racist POS Domestic terrorist? All of them. Do you really believe that half the country (Republicans) are racist? If so, I hope you don’t have children.

      Try voting for different party, you may get the opposite results that you’re complaining about.

      It’s like continuing to go to restaurant where you hate the food, simply because your friends go there. Makes no sense!

    3. white male racist POS Domestic terrorist:

      You just described Kranz, Filner, Newson, Fletcher, Marco, and Alzheimer’s Joe.

      It’s always good to look within.

      Not saying, the Republicans don’t have a large bunch topped by Trump but they’re all corrupt and way too many predators.

      Let’s start over and let someone fresh from any party. I love the Ron Paul philosophy: Social liberal and fiscal conservative. Too bad he’s too old run.

      And social liberal does not mean chopping off five-year-old boys penises because they think they might like wearing a dress.

      Let’s get back to reality and start fall in the US Constitution. Our forefathers knew a god divine document when they saw it.


    4. * Let’s get back to reality and start following the US Constitution. Our forefathers knew a god divine document when they saw it.


    6. To make things easier for some of you to understand.
      Notice how well the U.S was running when Trump was in office. Now, compare that to today with communists in office. Done.

    7. Oh' there much more. It is now being found out that some of the left in our own government has conspired with other groups in the world to support the
      moose-slime to attack Israel in order to draw attention away from ruining the U.S and Azheimers biden.
      Our own leftist government is, the enemy within.
      They are, my enemy.

    8. 5:38, yes. Much better now.

      Number of cops bludgeoned in the Capitol: zero. Number of attempts to suspend the Constitution: zero. Number of attempts to “find me” votes: zero. Number of Sharpie altered maps: zero. Number of times bleach suggested as a covid cure: zero. NATO: strong and unified. Global respect: restored. Jobs: booming. Infrastructure: done. COVID: under control. GDP growth: good. POS domestic terrorists convicted and sentenced: over a thousand and counting.

    9. there's 10:19 a fantasy world of the bizarre.
      Where everything they wrote is opposite of reality.

  16. Comments being deleted again.

  17. Reply post at 12:05. Let’s see if it stays this time..,

  18. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―

  19. 12:26 the opposite party is Muir, Stocks, Gaspar. We already tried voting for them, results the same as we have now.

    1. Stocks was a disaster…..

      But nowhere close to the damage that BIA and Phony have inflicted ….

      Worst of all time record

      1. Phony
      2. BIA
      3. $tock$

    2. 2:26 Stocks and Muir were much more fiscally responsible then our current Dem council.

      They were both opposed to the purchase and purchase price of Pacific View. Muir was quoted as saying we paid way too much, and we did. Tony Kranz has us paying a $550K interest payment each year on PV because he went $4 million over the asking price.

      Gaspar was tough on crime and fiscally responsible. Both Muir and Kaspar also voted NO on several development projects that have now been approved under our current council.

      So yes, Muir and Gaspar were much better.

    3. 10:32,

      PV was being auctioned off by the school to the highest bidder. In an auction, there is no “asking price.”

      The auction contained two separate bid pools. One was for bids on the property “as is.” The second bid pool was for a bid price conditional on rezoning to residential. State law requires local rezoning of surplus school property to match the surrounding neighborhood on request. The purpose of the law is to assure that school districts can fetch a higher price when selling surplus land.

      The bids were never opened, as the city offer was accepted and the auction was aborted.

      But you are a complete dope if you don’t think a big property a block from the beach zoned residential wasn’t worth at least $10M at the time.

    4. Regardless, it was a bad deal for Encinitas, including the way it’s financed. Tony made it worse by pumping even more money into it without expecting a return. Fiscally irresponsible.

    5. 7:19,

      That’s a fair point.

      Personally, I think the City should build a dual use art center / city hall at PV. An auditorium can serve both council meetings and performing arts uses, and unlike the current setup would be large enough to avoid overflow rooms. Conference rooms by day can become gallery space for art shows in the evenings and on weekends. A rooftop garden would be open to the public with ocean views. Parking would be underneath.

      Construction would be funded by selling off the current city hall property on Vulcan. The city could hold a competition for the sale at Vulcan, setting requirements for bids. Requirements might include a certain amount of free parking for downtown and the train, an ocean view plaza open to the public, a few units of affordable housing, cannot block library views, etc. Pick a winner and put the whole shebang proposal for both properties to a Prop A vote.

    6. Regarding Pacific View:

      There was no auction! Kranz, Barth and Shaffer avoided that by over paying for the toxic asbestos mess, PV.

      “Most of the public speakers council members heard from Wednesday night urged them to reconsider the $10 million purchase price for Pacific View, saying it was going to be a very costly mistake.”

      “Mayor Kristin Gaspar and Councilman Mark Muir strongly disagreed, and voted in favor of renegotiating the purchase price. They mentioned the hazardous material asbestus found in the school buildings, that there are neighboring property access issues, and that the school property’s title remains cloudy at this point.”

      The Pacific View bond costs us $550,000 each year and expires in 30 years. The taxpayers are paying

      Gaspar and Muir wanted to negotiate the interest rate and purchase price and Barth, Shaffer and Kranz voted against that.

      Which makes my point, Tony Kranz is fiscally irresponsible, but this is so typical of the Dems overspending and simply relying on higher taxes to take care of poor fiscal management.

      PV could’ve been purchased for several million less and the interest rate could’ve been negotiated lower.

    7. @6:44 if you think 10 million and $550K per year in interest was a great price for that property in 2012, your mistaken.

      We could’ve paid 9 million, taken $55K per year off our annual interest payment and negotiated an ever lower interest rate, which would’ve saved about $100K per year in interest.

      It’s little mistakes like this that add up and cost us taxpayers.

      Kranz, Shaffer and Barth were a disaster on council. Muir and Gaspar were fiscally levelheaded.

    8. How much did your “fiscally responsible” crowd pay for a vanity project, high traffic, water-wasting, light and noise polluting regional sports complex?

    9. Answer:

      The “fiscally responsible” massive industrial regional sports complex vanity project cost 400% more than Pacific View—over $40M, not including interest payments.

      Fiscal responsibility my ass.,for%20soccer%2C%20baseball%20and%20rugby.

    10. 9:36 and 9:48 and it’s a being well used by dog lovers, kids, adults, sports teams. Barth voted for it as well, what’s your point.

      Much better than a 10 million dollar waste of money with high interest payments. PV will never be used.

    11. Shaffer, Barth and Kranz all supported the project, so what argument are you making?

    12. Oh, so if it’s a vanity project YOU like, then that’s your definition of fiscal responsibility?


    13. 10:58 you make weak argument filled with assumptions. You assume I like vanity projects.

      The only true statement in both these projects is that the Dems favored spending taxpayer money on both of them. However, the Republicans only supported one of the projects.

      The conclusion is Republican are more fiscally responsible.

      By the way love the “pfttt” at the end of your comment, I think that sums you up nicely.

    14. Typical dumb, arrogant, uneducated, uninformed, backward GOP toothless hick.

      The Hall Property was purchased in 2001 by Dennis Holz (R), Christy Guerin (R), James Bond (R), Maggie Houlihan (D), and Jerome Stocks (R).

      All the other names you mentioned were not on council.

    15. Funny when repubicants talk about fiscal responsibility when every red state but Texas is and always have been welfare states. Every republicant fed admin has added debt while every dem admin has reduced it. Also, on average dems earn more than republicans and most blue states create wealth. Trump, the person with the most failures in the history of mankind is your daddy. Y’all losers to the core and are not trying to make America great again, you are trying to make being a perpetual loser normal. As the last 3 elections have shown, people are onto the republicans losing mentality and are no longer interested in being dragged down to loser republican status.

    16. 11:58 nice try, that why 7 out of the top 10 in debt states are Dem states. California being #1.

      Gotta love $7.50 gas, $1,000+ utility bills and $90 per bag groceries. Don’t forget the highest income tax, sales tax, state taxes, healthcare, DMV registration fees, #42 in the nation in education system and highest paid government employees. I almost forgot we’re also the state with the highest number of pensions in default.

      Keep telling yourself that Dem states are doing a great job.

    17. 11:58 so then why are the highest percentage of homeless people in Dem states? Is it because taxes and the cost of living from Biden’s inflation in those states has driven people out into the streets.

      Take your blinders off moron.

    18. Why is it that people who achieve success in life move away from shithole red areas and to blue areas?

      Why does Trump live in Manhattan and Palm Beach, and NOT in Oklahoma or Arkansas?

      Because Republican policies create poverty, opioid addiction, fast food, diabetes, shithole education, toothlessness, lack of innovation, poor productivity, federal welfare mooching, poor healthcare, broken trucks, NASCAR, and banjos.

      Successful people move away from shithole loser red areas.

    19. Blue states suck if you are poor. CA is ranked around middle of the back 20-25iish but our higher education is one of the best in the world. Californians also earn more unless you are a broke, low skill republicans living in one of the republicans counties that drag down the rest of the state. Most crime and homelessness starts in red counties and other states and they come to the blue cities to beg for some of the liberals scraps. Republicans love libs sloppy seconds, actually depend on them to survive. There is a reason there are no major red cities. Wealth and high earners live in cites, low skill uneducated republicans live in rural low education areas where digging ditches 60hrs per week for liberals is considered a badge of honor. Republicans are what you hire when all the illegals are busy, yeah, you pay illegals more but they do much better work.

  20. I used to bang Margo til I found someone much better. Starvy is 10x the lover Margo will ever be.
    - Phony

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ

      Thank you for sharing Phony.

  21. Republicans are easily brainwashed by their media sources. When Trump was elected those sources claimed that all the problems that the democrats created magically dissapeared. The "gutted" military was now backed to full strength as if by magic. The best thing for me about Trump's election was that I didn't have to hear a peep about deficit spending from these clowns for four years.

    1. 10:16 Thank you for being one if the minion and wasting all our time.. It reminds me of how far gone the public is in free thinking.

      The 0.1% thanks you for playing their game exactly as they intended.

      Please take your future minion comments about Dem or Rep to one if the many minion blogs out there.

      This blog is for local Encinitas issues.

    2. Has Mexico paid for the wall yet?

    3. 10:34 NO, Biden’s been paying for it lately.

    4. 10:29 why don’t you not waste everyone’s time in responding with your drivel of a comment.

      If you don’t like what’s said, don’t respond, move on. Simple as that. But don’t try and tell me what I can and can’t write. Typical self righteous, arrogant, Progressive Lib mentality.

      Hey I got it, let’s just talk about Prop A all day! Boring!!’

    5. 11:49- face it. You are a time wasting minion with no mind of their own. 0.1% are your masters.

      Start your own blog.

    6. 12:10 you sound like an emotionally unbalanced and uninformed adult.

      You add no value to the conversation, all you add are personal attacks, “minion”.

      Lighten up, you’re not the admin, this isn’t your blog and you don’t make the rules.

      Grow up, don’t like what you hear move on. Join another blog.

      I hope you don’t act like this in the real world.

  22. As soon as Biden started building the wall it no longer became a racist wall.

  23. The Dems didn’t allow Trump to build a wall or we’d have one.

    But now all of sudden Biden’s building the wall. Hmmm πŸ€” and like that the wall was no longer racist.

    1. Boring minion…

    2. 12:11 boring because you don’t wanna hear it. Go cry me a river Karen. Sounds like you need to get laid.

    3. Republicans don’t really want border security. If they did, they could have it tomorrow with comprehensive immigration reform.

      Or as Sean Hannity put it:

      “ It’s simple to me to fix it,” Hannity said. “I think you control the border first. You create a pathway for those people that are here — you don’t say you’ve got to go home. And that is a position that I’ve evolved on. Because, you know what, it’s got to be resolved. The majority of people here, if some people have criminal records you can send them home, but if people are here, law-abiding, participating for years, their kids are born here, you know, first secure the border, pathway to citizenship, done.”

      “You can’t let the problem continue — it’s got to stop,” the conservative radio host added.

      Until Republicans start getting serious about a pathway to citizenship, reforming visa and guest worker programs, then they are not serious.

    4. You minion or not even American. What a waste of space in a country that used to love freedom.. you suck and you’re part of the problem. Go back to your red blue debate.

  24. All I hear are whiny bitchy Karen’s who have melt downs when things don’t go their way. Sounds like a few Progressive Dems that I know.

  25. Republicans in Encinitas are mad that Encinitas republicans built a community park instead of McMansions. Y’all are dumb as rocks, no wonder you lose at everything.

    1. You minion or not even American. What a waste of space in a country that used to love freedom.. you suck and you’re part of the problem. Go back to your red blue debate.

  26. 1:04 nice try on twisting the facts. I don’t see a single comment from a Republican or anyone for that matter who’s against the community park.

    I do however see and hear a lot of comments from Democrats on here and I front of council speaking out against the toxic asbestos disaster, Pacific View.

    The same Dems who voted for Tony, Shaffer and Barth. Yet continue to bash the same party they vote for.

    The Progressive Dem mentality never has been that pragmatic or even average when it comes to fiscal responsibility.

    They always overspend and rely on more taxes to fix the problem.

  27. Dems are like pigs, just lead em to the slaughterhouse one after the other.

    1. The problem with that is, Dems take everyone else down with their high taxes, inflation, and woke agenda’s that tax payers have to pick up the tab on.

      Just take one look at the condition our economy and country is compared to 4 years ago. The Biden administration has quite simply made life very expensive and difficult for most of America.

    2. I’m confused. What exactly does the agenda possess?

    3. You minion or not even American. What a waste of space in a country that used to love freedom.. you suck and you’re part of the problem. Go back to your red blue debate.

    4. 3:39 well the fact that you continue to support the Dem party, which is our current council, speaks volumes of how much of a minion you are for them and just how unAmerican you are.

    5. 3:23 I’d say the agenda would be to support the developers, the coffers.

  28. 1:04 the only people building McMansion and high rises are the Dem supported BIA, which are the biggest campaign contributors to Dems, like Blakespear.

    Just look at which party Blakespear, Grover and BIA attorney, Marco Gonzalez belong to.

    The only politicians supporting massive McMansion development along our coastline are the Dems.

    Dems are responsible for most development in North County. Heck Blakespear even tried to sue her residents over Prop A. And now you have Dems trying to overturn Prop 13.

    1. She didn’t try. She did sue. And lost.

      ⏰⏰⏰⏰ waiting for Margo to jump on here and defend his Queen.

    2. It’s funny how BIA is suing, starving on one hand.

      And yet Phony forwards, all of his emails to Starvin’ which is funny because Phony is as big of a supporter of BIA, and even stupider than BIA is.

      The voters in this town are crazy And Phony is the worst mayor in the history by far..

    3. If any resident was sued, they would have been served papers.

      Show us those service papers.

    4. Omg again with your lies. The prop a folks said bring it on serve us this will make great headlines. It was Blakespear who pulled back realizing too late the bad press that would ensue. Not too bright eh?

      Fact remains Marco she filed in court against her own residents. Even her mother stopped claiming she hadn’t after looking up the court records for herself. Surely you have access to those, too??

    5. If you have not been served, then you have not been sued.

      End of.

    6. Blakespear did in fact sue the residents and no you don’t have to be served to get sued.

      “Encinitas Is Suing the Residents Behind Controversial Housing Measure.”

    7. Yes, Blakespear sued the residents!

      “Morning Report: Encinitas Is Suing Prop. A Backers.”

    8. So every single lawsuit that references John/Jane Doe around the nation is actually suing me?

      So I’m being sued right now in thousands of cases?

      Probably not. Sounds dumb.

  29. You mindless fools.

    Starving loves it when you start your stupid red blue debate.

    Text to heat of the worst mayor in the history of Encinitas. Asswipes like Gjata, Marco, Mali, Lees, starvin and πŸ·πŸ‘§ are to blame.

    1. *Those to blame for the worse mayor in the history….

  30. Great posts on Encinitas votes. Shows what a complete asshole Kranz is and how horrible Kranz is for Encinitas.

    Thanks EV.

  31. What do Blakespear, Kranz, Hinze, Lyndes, Jody Hubbard, Barth and Shaffer all have in common?

    1. They’re all Progressive Dems

    2. They all sold Encinitas out to the highest developer bidders.

    Stop voting for Progressive Dem.

    1. There is a should always be more than just tea parties.

      Don’t vote for either Democrats or Republicans. They both suck. Look at all this shit the countries in it’s because of Democrats and Republicans.

      Vote for the best candidate that is not a democrat or republican. Otherwise you’re just supporting the 0.1% and wasting our time.

  32. Here’s two more corrupt Progressive Dems to add to the list. Former VP of Meta and Activision, Michael Verdu and his less than pleasant wife, Paul Verdu.

    They gave Blakespear more than $100,000 in her 2020 Mayoral election against Julie Thunder through their PAC.

    It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that something’s fishy when someone donates $100,000 to Blakespear in a small town election. Red Flag #1.

    Red Flag #2: Marco Gonzalez, developer attorney, starts his own PAC, taking over $30,000 from developers to support Blakespear’s 2020 mayoral election as well.

    What do all these big donors have in common? They’re all Progressive Dems.

    1. They’re all feeding at the BIA trough

    2. Stocks wasn’t anywhere even close to has corrupt as Blakespear, Kranz and the rest of the Progressive Dems. The worst he did was get a discount on kitchenware.

      I’d much rather have Stocks, Gaspar and Muir in office, then Kranz, Hinze, Lyndes.

    3. "kitchenware": I think you mean Dan Dalager and his "good score".

    4. You know it’s really bad, when formerly dissed council members look pretty good right about now.

    5. Stocks Gaspar dalager Muir were as sneaky, corrupt, and rapacious as the Blakespear/Kranz crew. We did not and would not do any better under them. Only difference is they don’t try to hide it.

    6. So what did Stocks do that was so bad that puts him on the same level as Kranz and Blakespear?

  33. There is and should always be more than just two parties.

    Don’t vote for either Democrats or Republicans. They both suck. Look at all this shit the countries in it’s because of Democrats and Republicans.

    Vote for the best candidate that is not a democrat or republican. Otherwise you’re just supporting the 0.1% and wasting our time.

    1. 6:35 problem is the Dem party just isn’t doing any good for us right now and it’s going not getting worse.

      If you keep getting food poisoning at the same restaurant, stop going there. It’s as simple as that.

    2. 6:44- you are pigheaded and I guess that’s why the 0.1% loves you.

    3. “You are pig headed and I guess that’s why the 0.1% loves you.”

      What a stupid comment. Doesn’t make any sense, contributes nothing, and just shows your love of Blakespear and Kranz.

      Must be Joan Dodge or her creepy husband typing away again.

    4. 9:43 “pigheaded” what weird comment. Might as well use poopoo head.

      Sounds like Joan Dodge or her creepy husband who profess their love for Blakespear, always labeling her the “GOAT.”

      Kinda creepy!

    5. 4:33- way off I can’t stand BIA or phony.

  34. I have a question for some of the big breasted women, does your back ever hurt because of them? Mine sure does. I was actually thinking about getting my tits reduced but I feel like Starvy might leave me if I follow through with the procedure (motor boating is kinda what's keeping us together right now). What should I do?
    - Phony

  35. So what exactly did Stocks, Gaspar, Muir, Bond do that would even remotely compare to Kranz, Blakespear, Hubbard, Shaffer and Barth?

    A list of items would be nice.

    Did they sue their residents over Prop A? Sign off on huge development deals in exchange for campaign contributions? Rip up all our Torrey Pines all in the name of Streetscape? Build a cycle trap that’s seriously injured nearly 50 cyclist and killed 3? Etc etc etc….

    Let’s hear it, what did Stocks, Gaspar, Muir and Bond do that even remotely compares to the Progressive Dems we have running our City.

    1. Well, let’s see.

      One of them was drunk half the time, and openly belligerent from the dais.

      One was convicted of taking kitchen appliances and not recusing.

      They bent over backwards for car dealers and other big money campaign donors. I understand some still get car discounts to this day.

      They voted to exclude me and many I know by declaring a Christian parade.

      They got us into a godawful expensive legal mess by violating state housing law—a mess that had to be cleaned up by Dems.

      They spent $40 M on an industrial light and noise polluting sports park where most of the fields sit empty when most expressed a wish for a cheaper, simpler, quieter, more peaceful passive use park.

      They refused to allow traffic calming in neighborhoods experiencing a high volume of speeding cut through commuters.

      One of them got exposed for dirty tricks in a shady lying robocall scam that resulted in millions in fines from the feds.

      One of them got dumped.

      One of them came out as a Trumper and voters rejected her.

      Then there was the time they ignored campaign sign ordinances.

      Then there was the time they got a buddy to secretly conduct a shady opinion survey.

      Shall we go on?

    2. And I personally don’t, but if you believe Dr. Nutbird, then one of them should probably be in the Megan’s Law database.

    3. 6:31 sounds like half of those are alleged items and the other half are personal.

      "drunk half the time"

      "kitchen appliances and car dealership donations" that's nothing in comparison to taking in huge political quid pro quo donations for developer favors in the amount of tens of thousands.

      "Christian parade" I call bullshit. Kranz and Blakespear wouldn't do a Christian parade either.

      "Housing mess" you mean Prop A that Blakespear attempted to sue residents over.

      "$40 million sport park" you mean the same park that all the Dem council members have supported and voted in favor of as well.

      "traffic calming measures" as I recall it was the Republican council members that started putting in traffic cameras to pick up speeders.

      "Dirty trick and robocalls" you mean when Tasha Boerner Horvath and the Dems were caught falsely accusing their opponent of sexual harassment where the accuser went to jail.

      "campaign sign ordinance" you mean like when Blakespear was caught deleting, blocking and hiding comments on her official page and had to issue a public apology. Or do you mean when Blakespear was caught violating campaign sign ordinance laws. Or do you mean limiting public speaking to two minutes or jazz hands so people viewing at home couldn't asses how the community felt about our Dem councils policies.

      "shady opinion survey" you mean the Verdu and Chatfield shady opinion survey newsletter that we often saw in 2020

      Shall we go on.....

  36. 7:05 I agree nothing in comparison to Kranz, Blakespear, Hinze, Lyndes, Hubbard, Barth and Shaffer over the years.

    Half of what 6:31 is chump change and the other is flat out BS.

    1. It’s all true, and voters understand it.

      That’s why you keep losing.

    2. Your ‘keep losing’ refrain sure sounds a lot like Seth Levine who says that a lot on EV. Things that make you go hmmmm.

    3. 7:18 you weren’t there so….

    4. 7:49 I was thinking the same thing.

      Seth Levine isn’t even an Encinitas resident, he lives in Carlsbad.

      Agreed Things that make you go hmmm.

    5. Add another to the pile of wrong guesses.

    6. Seth lives in Encinitas. Maybe you confused him with Pam and others that constantly complain about Encinitas yet don't live here.

  37. I guess for Seth it’s all about winning, not necessarily doing the right thing, but winning.

    He doesn’t care whether or not the team he’s on is honorable, just wins. Hmmm

    1. If it helps dry your losing tears, then by all means, keep telling yourself that supporting Jeff Morris was the “right thing.”

    2. Calling out Seth’s kneejerking for Kranz hardly makes one a supporter of the ex Swami’s surfer. We can all agree that one would have been a face planting fiasco.

    3. It sucks that Seth knows his arguments 10x better than you, huh? Head on over to EU and let off some anonymous steam.

  38. Hey, I have a suggestion.

    Since this has become the Stocks, Bond, Dallager, Muir, Gaspar apologist and revisionist history discussion, how bout this:

    Convince one or more of them to run again in 2024.

    Please do it.

    I’m begging you.

    I think it would be great.

    Please please pretty please.

    Make it happen.

    I double dog dare you.




  39. 7:56 you sound like a real douche bag.

    I’ll tell you same thing, just have Tony Kranz or Joe Biden run again.

    Please please please.

    1. I don’t understand.

      If you seriously think Sticks is better than the current council, then why wouldn’t you want him to run next year?

      Explain your answer to me like I’m a small child, or a golden retriever.

    2. 8:44 I would love it if Stocks ran.

      What would make you think otherwise.

      Problem is, he’s probably had enough years on council and will never run again. I’d vote for Gaspar and Muir if they ever decided to run again as well.

    3. Stocks, Muir, Gaspar - all friends and fans of the Moron and πŸ–πŸ‘§. NO THANK YOU!

    4. I would also love for them to run, because I support the incumbents.

    5. Nope not all were fans of the moron, Jeff.

      I’m a fan of Muir, Gaspar, Stock, Bond and voted for Cremona.

      The only reason people voted for Jeff was they didn’t want Kranz.

    6. So you like a belligerent drunk, a lying dirty tricks robocall walrus, a shady guy who trades appliances for votes, a Kentucky derby Trumper and/or fake medical doctor, and a guy so old he makes Feinstein look spry.

      Tell them to run again.

      I’m begging you.

    7. 1155, what are you talking about?

      We have a belligerent drunk, who happens to also be a tranny who rubs Starvin raw. Worst part is, she is as stupid sober as she is drunk.

      Our current mayor is pathetic. Nothing comes close to being as bad.

    8. 11:55 yea let’s support Blakespear who blocks and deletes all opposing views from her social media. Oh I forgot, she apologized for doing that over the last 8 years.

      Let’s support Blakespear because she refuses to debate her candidates.

      Let’s support Blakespear because she tries to sue her own residents over Prop A.

      Let’s support Blakespear who could give a shit less what public speakers have to say by eliminating their public comment down from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.

      Let’s support Blakespear who fires Bruce Ehlers against the Planning Commission’s and residents wishes, because she wants to support her developer coffers.

      Your team may be winning the elections but their scum.

    9. 11:55 yea I like those people better then Blakespear, because their not nearly as corrupt.

    10. 1155, what are you talking about?

      We have a belligerent drunk, who happens to also be a Princess who rubs Starvin raw. Worst part is, she is as stupid sober as she is drunk.

      Our current mayor is pathetic. Nothing comes close to being as bad.

    11. Then get them to run again.

      Stocks 2024.

      I’m literally begging.

      Make it so.

  40. 7:56 what do you think your pal walsh is up to

    1. Joe Walsh? Great guy. Great Encinititan.

    2. Is that what the J stands for? Fashions himself after the late, truly bizarre G Gordon Liddy?

  41. Goes to show just how smooth brain the republicants have become. They can’t even beat kranz. You republicans fools just keep bashing the winners while doing nothing to prove you are capable. Voting republican because dems suck in not a platform to run on but when you are too dumb to have a platform this is what we get. Got a better homeless plan? Nope. Got a better housing plan? Nope. Ever had a balanced budget, ever? Nope. Pedo convictions? Yup. Grifting? Yup bringing the church into politics? Yup. Child labor? Yup. Protecting rapist? Yup Taking away rights? Mass murdering gun humpers? Yup. Dems may suck but repubs are literally the ass end of society. There is the taliban then repubicants right behind them. That is why you lose elections and will keep losing. It is not the dems fault you suck.

    1. That was beautiful 12:52. Republicans suck. They can complain all day about Democrats, but they are truly bottom of the barrel, know it, and have zero interest in improving.

    2. Sounds like a typical Progressive Dem who’s projecting.

      You literally just named every issue that your party has.

      Biden has the lowest approval rating of any President in our nations history. Probably he’s incoherent half the time he speaks.

      Your top Dem is a bumbling, dementia ridden idiot. Even Trump has a higher approval rating than old Joe and he’s in court half the time.

      On a local level, Blakespear refuses to debate, sues her own residents and hides and blocks all opposing opinions. Yea great leadership.

      I can name a lot of third world leaders who have destroyed the people and their country and yet continue to win elections. I guess you’d be supporting them too, because they win elections and their winners.

      Would you support the local school bully who continues to beat up others, hey they’re winners too right? Because they win. Or what about the popular girl who shits on all the other less fortunate kids, she’s a winner too. Let’s just support these people because they always win. Great attitude!

    3. Uh oh, we lost 12:52. Hit too close too home, I guess.

      POST IT AGAIN 12:52! Yeah fucking right google is editing comments.

    4. Goggle didn’t delete that post, must have been a butt hurt republicant.

    5. Butt hurt sounds like Phony.

    6. Sort of hard to take you seriously claiming the moral high ground with the guy facing 91 felony charges, instigated a violent insurrection resulting in beaten cops, was nailing porno skanks while his third wife was pregnant, regularly stiffed contractors, proposed suspending the US Constitution, called wounded and captured vets losers, faked bone spurs to dodge the draft, was found liable by a jury for sexual assault, stole top secret documents, and says he has never had to ask his god for forgiveness for anything, ever.

    7. I thought 12:52 was very well written and accurate. No idea why it would be deleted.

    8. Yup, 12:52 was great. Should have saved it, but didn't realize it would be necessary here.

    9. I posted something two days ago that was mayyybe a little questionable and it was removed. So I cleaned it up and its still here.

      A month ago something similar happened. Its not "google didn't like it" it's "human reader didn't like it".

  42. 1155, what are you talking about?

    We have a belligerent drunk, who happens to also be a tranny who rubs Starvin raw. Worst part is, she is as stupid sober as she is drunk.

    Our current mayor is pathetic. Nothing comes close to being as bad as Phony.

  43. 11:55- we have a belligerent drunk and she rubs her girlfriend starvin raw all the time.

    The funniest part is, she is so stupid it doesn’t matter whether she’s drunk or sober. Whatever she does, She’s always bad for Encinitas.

    Starvin may love her, but I sure don’t. Dump Phony.

  44. I don’t think Google likes the word tranny?

  45. Blakespear is the GOAT, and if she ran for council again, she’d win overwhelmingly.

    That drives the MAGA nuts.

    1. Huh? She IS the MAGA.

    2. You are so confused. I hear they are doing wonders with pharmaceuticals these days.

    3. 3:27- you proved yourself stupid.

  46. Does Phony have a drinking problem?

    1. Nah. MAGA cult likes to pretend their lies are equivalent to actual things that happen in real life.

      They call it alternative facts.

    2. Thank you 4:37, by the way, are you aware you come across as someone that may have a drinking problem?

    3. 4:24- that like asking, “Does Starvin like Phony’s digits in his rear end?”
