Saturday, September 23, 2023

Surfing Madonna artist Mark Patterson has reportedly died

At Encinitas Votes.

Mark Patterson was a great Leucadian and a great Encinitan. His Surfing Madonna will live on forever.

The wonderful story of the Surfing Madonna can be found in the archives here.


  1. You got to love how even the death of his meal ticket can't get Bobby Nickels to stop talking about how great Bobby Nickels is. He keeps finding all new ways to show the world what a Narcissistic asshat he is.

    1. 6:31 - You show you are scum to start with such a post. What a disrespectful thing your mother raised.

    2. Have some respect 6:31. Mark was wonderful man and so was his best buddy Bob. Both of them gave all they had.

      The only visible asshat on this blog is you.

    3. Bob a narcissist? LOL! If you knew him you’d know you couldn’t be further from the truth.

      Blakespear & Gonzalez, now those are your typical narcissists.

      I knew Mark and Bob well, use to see them at the Ecke Y together often. Both donated a considerable amount of money to help teach handicap adults and children how to swim. They did this for years.

      There’s a plaque next to the drinking fountain recognizing their efforts.

      I don’t even think you know what a narcissist is. So settle down Speedy, and give some respect.

      No wants to hear about your Blakespear GOAT today.

    4. 6:58,

      I know of a staff report that paints a different picture. And by the way it was carefully written with exact quotes, it seems clear to me it was likely backed up by voicemail recordings and emails.

      IMO, it explains why he folded his hand, withdrew all permit applications and never sued as he threatened. All those voicemails and emails would have become public.

      I could be proved wrong. I don’t think the statute of limitations has expired yet. He could sue the city and we’d all get to see the evidence.

    5. This post should only draw comments about Mark IMHO…

      Thank tribute for the family and friends.

      There’s plenty of other posts that you can discuss Bobby.

    6. 7:38,

      Fair enough. For the record, I only respond after someone else makes it about Bob.

      I didn’t post and don’t condone the first post in this thread being critical of Bob. But if others are going to use this moment to praise him, then his atrocious past behavior is fair game.

    7. 7:33, 7:38 and 7:53, this is Bob Nichols. You are the same person who continues stalk me and you’re an anonymous coward.

      I’m asking you to stop, have some respect for Mark.

      You and I know that city politicians screwed up. Unfortunately 4 years later and you still have an axe to grind.

      Our entire SM board, supporters, volunteers and former race participants know how terribly you treated us. You were caught over billing us by tens of thousands of dollars since 2013, misappropriating our donations to the “General fund” and demanding that we give you more donations each year or we couldn’t have our races. That was extortion! I’ve posted links to MOU’s on here that show exactly what you did.

      You did the same thing to the California 10/20 race, the Encinitas Mile, the Moonlight Beach Triathlon, Ilpalpiti and so many more events.

      I think of all the shenanigans that you’ve been involved in, from railroading Bruce Ehlers, Prop A, Pacific View, the list goes on and on.

      We all know the city didn’t terminate with us, we as board wrote a letter to the city in 2019 and terminated with them. You know it, I know and everyone knows it. I posted a link to our 2019 termination letter with the city last night as well as the MOU and evidence of over billing us.

      I led that organization for 10 years and did one hell of job and I know that. I’m proud of what Surfing Madonna accomplished for others. Why don’t you try doing something for others, make a difference, instead of always trying to tear others down to make yourself feel better.

      The programs we created for special needs youth and persons with disabilities are still going strong today, they’ll last for years and I’m proud of that accomplishment.

    8. This is Bob Nichols and I’d like to say something about Mark.

      I met Mark in 1999. We began running every morning together. From there our friendship took off. We traveled, hung out, did everything together. We spent so much time together, people thought we were a couple, I’ll never forget when a barista told me, “you guys make a beautiful couple.” Eh! That’s how much we hung out.
      We traveled to Guatemala several times, Dominican Republic, Europe, Mexico, etc. He was a lot of fun and one solid dude.

      In 2009 I noticed Mark was having memory issues, he was forgetting things. Lots of items. I made a suggestion to him that he retire, and do the things he loved, art and travel.

      In 2009 he quit MSFT and went to Italy and studied mosaics. He came back with three mosaic faces. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and the Madonna.

      He chose the Madonna and went to work building the mosaic in his garage.

      In 2011 on Good Friday we dressed up as construction workers and installed the Surfing Madonna. Originally we were going to place it down at Beacons for the beach goers to see, but the salt air would’ve compromised the adhesive so we continued our search until we found the overpass.

      The city put up a big stink with the Madonna, it was taken down and placed in storage. It came out to sit at Cafe Ipe for awhile, but it wasn’t visible as it sat behind the Ipe tree.

      I noticed Leucadia Pizzeria had a wall and it was directly across the street from the original location. It was perfect, so we put it there.

      Shortly after the Surfing Madonna org was formed, in 2011. We did some great things for the community, elderly, youth and persons with disabilities. We donated over $600,000 and that doesn’t include the programming we did. Programs that still continue to this day.

      In 2015 Mark’s health really began to decline. I invited Mark to live with my wife and I. In 2018 Mark was diagnosed with dementia. We took care of Mark until 2021 when we just weren’t qualified anymore.

      We found a memory care facility less than a mile from us, where we could visit and keep an eye on Mark.

      I love Mark more than anything in the world. He was funny, smart, kind and always up for an adventure. He would often joke, “ I’m gonna haunt you when I die.” That was one aspect of Mark’s beautiful humor that I loved.

      Mark was loved by everyone, because he made everyone feel good. He was a bright light, he had a strong presence just like his Surfing Madonna. The universe needed Mark and he was ready to go. I’m happy that Mark has passed and is in a much better place. I will spread his ashes in the places he cherished.

      Like Billy Joel used to say, “only the good die young.”

      Love you Mark.

    9. 6:31 I've read through your comments and your fixation with Bob is disturbing, to put it mildly. Without hesitation, you used the announcement of the death of a revered Encinitas artist as an opportunity to castigate him. This is highly disrespectful to Mark Patterson, the Encinitas community and suggests you have severe unresolved anger issues, which should be your focus and top priority. It's time you move along and simply get over it.

    10. 6:31 This is Bob Nichols.

      Attached is a screenshot quote from Brad Hanson of the Parks and Recs Commission, and President and Chairman of the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association.

      I think this sums up what happened.

      Brad Hanson states: "Marco Gonzalez you know so little about the negativity surrounding these events and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your comment. I’ve worked first hand with the city as a board member of SMOP. I’ve been attending all planning meetings for at least 3 years and there was any negativity until this past October. The event in October was the first time there was any measurable activity due primarily to mistakes made by clerical staff and city employees not owning up to the mistakes. Things could have been handled differently by both our organization and the City. If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today." - Brad Hanson

      Yes the city was at fault as stated by Brad Hanson.

      Link to quote:

    11. This is Bob Nichols:

      Here's a wonderful tribute to Mark Patterson. Mark's legacy will continue to live on in the hearts of many.

      Huge thanks to Jordan Ingram of The Coast News, and Abby Sourwine for writing such a beautiful piece and recognizing Mark and his extraordinary life. Abby nailed it.

      Mark's Surfing Madonna Oceans Project will continue to make a difference for many years to come.

  2. RIP Mark. Your work and kindness left a positive impact on the world. Well done!

  3. I never met Mark. But he seemed like the kind of humble guy who would admit his mistakes and apologize if he got caught behaving atrociously.

    He will be missed.

    1. 5:57 you’re a troll! You must be miserable, hope you don’t have children. Obviously a Blakespear supporter.

    2. For saying something positive about Mark?

    3. 654 for using Mark to insinuate something that isn’t true. You’re attempting to ruin a celebration of Mark be being a disrespectful a**hole.

    4. 7:01,

      If a positive comment about a wonderful artist who will be missed caused you to think about someone or something else, then the problem is in your head.

      Maybe you should explain what it made you think of, and exactly why.

    5. Quiet down girls please. Out of respect for ‘Mark

    6. 7:26 you’re a troll, please leave if you’re gonna be disrespectful.

  4. Thank you Mark, we love you and your beautiful Surfing Madonna. You were a wonderful neighbor.

  5. God bless you Mark!

  6. Mark gave me a flower at the Pannikan one day. Such a sweet man. He will be missed.

  7. 716 funny you mention Mark at the Pannikin giving you a flower, I often saw Mark at the Pannikin , he even bought me a coffee once. Super guy. RIP Mark!

  8. This is Bob Nichols and I’d like to say something about Mark.

    I met Mark in 1999. We began running every morning together. From there our friendship took off. We traveled, hung out, did everything together. We spent so much time together, people thought we were a couple, I’ll never forget when a barista told me, “you guys make a beautiful couple.” Eh! That’s how much we hung out.
    We traveled to Guatemala several times, Dominican Republic, Europe, Mexico, etc. He was a lot of fun and one solid dude.

    In 2009 I noticed Mark was having memory issues, he was forgetting things. Lots of items. I made a suggestion to him that he retire, and do the things he loved, art and travel.

    In 2009 he quit MSFT and went to Italy and studied mosaics. He came back with three mosaic faces. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa and the Madonna.

    He chose the Madonna and went to work building the mosaic in his garage.

    In 2011 on Good Friday we dressed up as construction workers and installed the Surfing Madonna. Originally we were going to place it down at Beacons for the beach goers to see, but the salt air would’ve compromised the adhesive so we continued our search until we found the overpass.

    The city put up a big stink with the Madonna, it was taken down and placed in storage. It came out to sit at Cafe Ipe for awhile, but it wasn’t visible as it sat behind the Ipe tree.

    I noticed Leucadia Pizzeria had a wall and it was directly across the street from the original location. It was perfect, so we put it there.

    Shortly after the Surfing Madonna org was formed, in 2011. We did some great things for the community, elderly, youth and persons with disabilities. We donated over $600,000 and that doesn’t include the programming we did. Programs that still continue to this day.

    In 2015 Mark’s health really began to decline. I invited Mark to live with my wife and I. In 2018 Mark was diagnosed with dementia. We took care of Mark until 2021 when we just weren’t qualified anymore.

    We found a memory care facility less than a mile from us, where we could visit and keep an eye on Mark.

    I love Mark more than anything in the world. He was funny, smart, kind and always up for an adventure. He would often joke, “ I’m gonna haunt you when I die.” That was one aspect of Mark’s beautiful humor that I loved.

    Mark was loved by everyone, because he made everyone feel good. He was a bright light, he had a strong presence just like his Surfing Madonna. The universe needed Mark and he was ready to go. I’m happy that Mark has passed and is in a much better place. I will spread his ashes in the places he cherished.

    Like Billy Joel used to say, “only the good die young.”

    Love you Mark.

    1. No one could disagree with any of that.

      I’m sorry for his passing, and for your personal loss of a good friend, even as I disagree with some of your past behavior.

  9. Two things, one I sat on SMOP’s board for several years and had a spectacular time with everyone. Robert Nichols was organized and did a wonderful job, he remains a friend to this day. Two, Mark Patterson was one of the most thoughtful people I’d ever met. His love for people and those around him was constant,. I suggest the city do the right thing and create a plaque in Mark’s honor.

    It would be a good start in the right direction for City Council.

  10. “I’m asking you to stop, have some respect for Mark.”

    [proceeds with lengthy post making it all about himself]


    1.) Of the other events you mentioned, which ones had to enter a no direct contact agreement due to abusive behavior?

    2.) Which ones were ever the subject of an agenda item to end permits as the result of abusive behavior toward city employees?

    3.) Which ones received bad press for a CEO accepting lavish pay raises as revenues were in decline?

    4.) Which ones endured the resignation of a board member in protest of the behavior of the CEO?

    5.) Which ones suffered financial and reputational damage as a result of mismanagement of their relationship with the city?

    I will always agree that Mark, his art, and the SMOP org have made positive contributions. But it’s my opinion that you made decisions and behaved in negative ways that a person with integrity would own up to and apologize for. And I would respect that.

    The truth is, no other events team working with the city has ever had the problems enumerated above.

    It is my opinion that they were simply better managed.

    1. 9:40 I'm still trying to figure out what I should be apologizing for.

      I think the hundreds of letters from local businesses and community members supporting my character and the job I did would override what a couple of disgruntled former Parks employees and council members had to say.

    2. Why is it every time I mention bad behavior, the response is that there were good works?

      The two are not mutually exclusive. It’s possible to both deliver good works, and be abusive in the process.

      Good works neither excuse nor justify bad behavior.

      It is possible to deliver good works without being abusive. The current SMOP leadership is proving that point every day.

      In answer to your confusion, in the simplest terms, the apology would be for abusive behavior.

    3. 11:18 This is Bob, what abusive behavior are you referring to? Be specific. Are you 100% certain abusive behavior occurred. What proof do you have? I've shown you hundreds of letters of support documenting my good behavior including awards from the city. I would consider that proof of good character and behavior.

      Please be specific and show proof.

    4. We can also point to many people who Bill Cosby was very kind to. And I’m sure he has many awards and nice letters. That doesn’t exactly prove his innocence, wouldn’t you agree?

      Let’s not play pretend.

      We both know if the allegations in the staff report were lies, you would have sued at the drop of a hat. You already proved you’re willing to sue over much lower stakes.

      Let’s not pretend you don’t know why a board member resigned in protest.

      Let’s not pretend you have no idea why you were asked to agree to a no-contact arrangement—and why you in fact did agree.

    5. 11:51 This is Bob. I've asked you several times, give me some proof you haven't.

      Here's what I've proven so far and with documentation.

      1. The city was over billing us by tens of thousands of dollars since 2013. In 2019 the over billed us by $5,000+ and had no intention of fixing the issue.

      2. I've proven that I was never forced to quit SMOP, I resigned in 2021, 2 years after our city incident. I still consult and participate with SMOP.

      3. I've proven that Tony Kranz, Jennifer Campbell and Crystal Roff forced us into an illegal MOU whereby if we didn't donate a certain amount $40,000 to the Parks Dept. and Lifeguards we couldn't have our events. That was extortion. You've now seen the MOU.

      4. I've proven that Karen Brust apologized to us for the way we were treated. You heard the attached voicemail.

      5. I've proven that the City Parks Dept, Jennifer Campbell, put our donations into the General Fund each year instead of towards park trail head signage and other projects we had agreed for appropriations.

      6. I've proven that I had a great relationship with our board members as many stayed on for 5+ years and that I was unanimously elected as President and Chairman every two years. That doesn't sound like problems with the Board to me, or else I would've been voted off. I even gave you a link to quote from Brad Hanson, supporting how professional I was with city over the years.

      7. I've proven that salaries were always determined by the BOD and vetted through a CPA and compared with IRS compatible salaries for the job description.

      9. I've proven that ticket sales for events are not donations via an IRS link. Good and services are not donations.

      8. I've proven that the residents and business backed the programming, donations and events we put on. And that we had a great working relationship in the community. Take the time to read the nearly 200 letters of support regarding my character.

      9. I've proven that the City Parks Dept. and certain council members have a terrible history with community events, organizations and artist. Some of examples are Ilpalpiti, California 10/20, Mizel Foundation, Encinitas Mile, Moonlight Beach Triathlon, an artist who was personally treated poorly by Jennifer Campbell during an exhibit.

      "The call was from Assistant City Manager Jennifer Campbell, then serving as the director of the city’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts Department, who expressed concerns with the art.

      “She went ahead and listed all the different paintings they had issues with and the reasons why and asked me to take them down,” Karavodin said. “And I was pretty shocked.

      Ilpalpiti: "iPalpiti to leave Encinitas after ‘mistreatment"

      10. I've proven that the staff report was false, this isn't the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. For example, look at what they did to Bruce Ehlers.

      In conclusion, you continue to deny the evidence while blindly believing a staff report simply because you have an axe to grind about me exposing Blakespear's violations of her sworn oath of office to the people when she blocked dozens of community members and deleted hundreds of comments over the years.

      4 years later and I'm still living rent free inside your head.

    6. Okay Bob.

      Everyone else is lying. Only you tell the truth. You did everything perfect and have no regrets. The history of SMOP under your leadership was flawless. Anything bad that happened was someone else’s fault. You are the victim.

      This isn’t how respected leaders talk.

    7. 12:57 This is Bob, Nice try.

      Yes, I do tell the truth. No I didn't do everything perfectly, and I do have some regrets. But not many.

      I'll let SMOP's record of putting on world class running events and nationally recognized programming speak for itself. Actions speak louder then words.

      Was it flawless no, but it was pretty darn good. I made a lot of great friends, have ton of wonderful memories and couldn't possible regret any of it.

      The only bad thing. that happened was partnering with the City and getting involved in the "Pay to Play" game. But then we probably wouldn't have had the events as long as we did.

      Funny thing is, if we would have just kept writing the city checks and looked the other way, we'd still be putting on the Encinitas Half Marathon and Surfing Madonna Beach Run.

      Do I regret confronting the Parks and council with regard to the illegal MOU's and misappropriations of our donations? NO. But I would've regretted continuing to look the other way.

      My wife and I continue to put on events. We have very little stress now, no red tape or pay to play games with the city and we make about 3 times what we were making at SMOP. Life is good!

      We continue to donate. Last year we paid for a couple of SMOP's surf camps out of our own pocket. We donated $12,000 to an animal shelter that doing wonderful work and were trying to get a free special needs surf camp organized in Oregon. We just need to find some more surfers.

      I look forward to pouring some of Mark's ashes at our first surf camp. It's one of the place he wanted to be.

      I forgive you for all the negative things you have to say about me. I'm sure you're a good person, but just really upset with me for whatever reason. No worries. I wish you well.

    8. I’m not upset with you. I just have a different opinion, and don’t accept your assertions that run contrary to available information and common sense.

      For instance, you keep claiming the MOU was illegal. So why did you sign an illegal contract, and what actions did you take to have it invalidated in court. Unless you have a court ruling stating that it’s unenforceable, then your assertions are just your opinion.

      Government has wide latitude to do things in the context of a voluntary contract that they otherwise cannot impose.

      For instance, government cannot generally abridge free speech, as you are aware. But under a contract to work on computer security systems, the federal government can insert contract terms that include a non-disclosure agreement silencing anyone working under the contract. Ask me how I know.

      I don’t pretend to know if a court would find fault with the MOU as I’m not a lawyer. But it was voluntary, you signed it, and to my knowledge a court never looked at it. So any assertion that it was illegal is just that—an unproved assertion.

      Most of your claims are like this. “I have lots of nice letters” doesn’t mean you weren’t abusive to parks and rec staff. “We delivered great events doesn’t mean you weren’t abusive to parks and rec staff. “I got an award” doesn’t mean you weren’t abusive to parks and rec staff.

      The fact that you never accept any responsibility for anything that went wrong, and always divert to arguments not pertinent to the abuse allegations in my mind reinforces that it likely happened.

      That’s my opinion, and stating it doesn’t mean I’m angry or emotional. It just means I don’t find your explanations very credible, and I don’t hold your character in high regard.

      But I am sorry for the loss of your friend. That’s a human thing and it’s real. Never met Mark, but everything I’ve read seems to align with him being a good guy. His art inspired good works, and the celebration of that is something we can agree on.

    9. 3:01 This is Bob.

      I signed the first MOU where the city demanded large donation for the Parks Dept.

      I participated in the “pay to play game”.

      The next year I said, nope, you can’t force us to donate to the Parks Department and hold the future of our races over our heads. If we agree to donate then we get to determine what projects our donation will be allocated towards. After much argument Parks agreed. The next year we discover our money didn’t go towards Park Trailhead signage, it went in the City of Encinitas “General fund”.

      The following year #3. The city put another MOU in front of us. We said, no, and fought the Park Dept. It went on consent. Karen Brust pulled it off and we won, no more MOU’s. Karen Brust apologized for Parks Department.

      Problems really began after that. Parks meeting for our events were terrible, there was a ton of animosity and Parks wanted nothing to do with us. The final straw was being over billed by $5,000 from the Parks in 2019.

      So yes, I signed two MOU, but I put my foot down on the 3rd. If you look at my Google links that I’ve shared, there’s a recorded voicemail from Karen Brust where she apologizes for the MOU’s

      Have a nice evening and I hope you make it to Mark’s Celebration of Life on October 8th at Leucadia Pizzeria.

    10. Your bitterness at other events suggests not a denial, but a justification and motive for abhorrent behavior.

      It reinforces that you did it, but explains why you think it was okay.

      Bob, it’s not okay, and it fucked up your reputation. You should own that.

      If AT&T screws up my billing, it doesn’t give me permission to go abuse the kid working a summer job at the AT&T store.

    11. 3:01 This is Bob again. Where’s the proof of “abuse”? What abuse is the city referring to?

      You’d think with a Public Records Request someone could provide some sort of proof of abuse from me. You know the city would’ve leaked out proof, an email, a voicemail, something but they haven’t. Because it doesn’t exist.

      We made public records request and gathered every single email between the city and I, there was nothing. Quite the contrary, I even received an award from Blakespear in stage in 2019, 1 month before our fight with the city.

      I’ve shown and documented plenty of abuse on the city’s side and with proof (Google drive links to documents).

      The only thing I’m hearing is hearsay and hyperbole!

      Thank you for the kind words about Mark and have a nice evening.

    12. This is Bob Nichols.

      Attached is a screenshot quote from Brad Hanson of the Parks and Recs Commission, and President and Chairman of the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association.

      I think this sums up what happened and the city's abusive behavior towards us.

      Brad Hanson states: "Marco Gonzalez you know so little about the negativity surrounding these events and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your comment. I’ve worked first hand with the city as a board member of SMOP. I’ve been attending all planning meetings for at least 3 years and there was any negativity until this past October. The event in October was the first time there was any measurable activity due primarily to mistakes made by clerical staff and city employees not owning up to the mistakes. Things could have been handled differently by both our organization and the City. If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today." - Brad Hanson

      Yes the city was at fault and no I wasn't abusive, according to Brad Hanson.

      Link to quote:

  11. 7:33am. You claim to know of a staff report? Big surprise. Not!.

    It is your dept. along with the councils blessing that chose to screw over Bob's contributions to our community.

    You have no conscience among many other lacking character flaws that should, if only, relegate you and your kind to the trash heap you so deserve. History will not look kind upon your actions. You may for now feel secure with the current majority, but know this. Your time will come and eventually your actions will have to pay its due. That cannot come soon enough.

    1. 1.) I do not and have never worked for the city.

      2.) If the things in that staff report were not true, don’t you think Bob would have sued?

      I mean, he chose to sue over the right to be a jerk on Facebook, when he doesn’t even live here anymore, and the particulars of the case had no bearing on his job or income.

      The staff report affected the reputation of his nonprofit, his ability to do events, his job, his income, and his personal reputation. You really think he wouldn’t sue if it was all lies?

      C’mon. Get real. Don’t let your hatred of your city cloud your vision.

  12. Unbelievable ego scam to post such posts on what should be a trilogy to a great man.

    RIP Mark. ❤️

  13. Board salaries climb at Surfing Madonna Oceans Project as revenue, grants dip

    Chairman and his wife were paid more than 30 percent of Encinitas charity’s income one year

    JAN. 12, 2020 4:29 AM PT

    Annual revenue at the Surfing Madonna Oceans Project slumped by more than 10 percent last year, slicing tens of thousands of dollars from the Encinitas charity’s bottom line. The amount of grants it awarded dipped by a similar amount.

    But the down year in contributions and ticket sales to the nonprofit’s two signature events did not stop charity officials from boosting the chairman’s annual salary — or the money paid to his wife.

    According to the Surfing Madonna Oceans Project most recent federal tax filing, nearly one-third of the charity’s proceeds in 2018 were paid to board Chairman Robert Nichols and his wife, Megan McCarthy, who serves as the board secretary.

    The tax-exempt organization reported income of $676,986 in 2018 , a decline of more than $77,000 from what it collected in 2017.

    Meanwhile, Nichols’ salary climbed by more than $27,000, to a total of $112,249, a 31 percent raise. McCarthy, a friend and coworker who married Nichols in 2017, in 2018 received a 34 percent pay raise for a salary of $97,700.

    Combined, the husband-and-wife nonprofit leaders took home 31 percent of the charity’s revenue for the year.

    Nichols said the pay increases were deserved because of the work it takes to run the organization and to host the two main fundraisers: the Surfing Madonna Beach Run each fall and a half marathon every spring. He also said he had no role in setting his or his wife’s salary.

    He said 2018 was the only year in which executive compensation exceeded 30 percent of annual revenue.

    Nichols also cited several other local charities run by husband-and-wife teams who receive salaries from the organizations they manage and said his and his wife’s salaries are on the “bottom end” of what those event directors are paid.

    “The IRS says salaries should be fair and reasonable,” Nichols said in a telephone interview. “For anybody that brings in the amount of money that we have, that is absolutely reasonable. We let our board decide whether our salary should go up or down.”

    He followed up with an email saying, “Our entire board voted, with the exception of Megan and myself, voted unanimously to provide a fair and reasonable salary for the job we do. There’s no question that we earn every penny of our organization. We have built an organization from $0 to over $400,000 in the bank and have donated over $500,000 and all of this since 2013. That’s a lot of work and we’ve done a 5 star job for this organization.”

    While the executive pay was increasing by nearly one-third last year, the amount of money the Surfing Madonna Oceans Project distributed to charities and agencies declined significantly. In 2017, the charity awarded $128,819 to community groups; its grants last year totaled $94,892, a 26 percent dip.

    Brad Hanson, another Surfing Madonna Oceans Project board member who serves as the charity’s treasurer, said the salary-setting process he and other directors employ is objective and reasonable.

    He also said the organization had planned to distribute tens of thousands of dollars in additional grants.

    “We had $135,000 in donations that fell through,” Hanson said in a telephone interview.

  14. One thing for certain, there is no grace with EU posters. On a post to celebrate a wonderful man, there’s still is political razor-sharp, cutting comments. Even I think it’s inappropriate, but that’s just my humble opinion.

    Continue on it is what it is… above all else

    RIP Mark!

  15. I’m going by to look at the marvelous surfing Madonna today. I’ll be sending you some positive vibes Mark!

    Thank you for the awesome artwork and the amazing message to humans.

    Save the ocean!

    Mother Earth couldn’t have said it better.


  16. 11:32

    So, what's the big deal. I don't see anything wrong here.

    I also noticed where you left out the quote from the 501(c)(3) expert who stated, "there's nothing nefarious here, the organization didn't break any rules."

    in 2018 our ticket sales were down and we didn't donate as much from the previous year in 2017. Big deal! Do we have crystal ball and know that we're going to as well in 2018 as we did in 2017 when we start the new year?

    Technically we didn't have to donate anything in terms of cash as 501(c)(3), but we did each year. We could've just done programming like most all organizations do. We chose to do both.

    So the fact that we gave proceeds to other organizations each year is a big deal and in the 501(c)(3) world is rare.

    Do you understand 990 tax returns and programming, for example each year we spend over $20,000 on surf camps, that number never shows up on our donations, because it's considered programming. What about all the other programs that we put on, like the adult persons with disabilities swim clinics, that won't show as a donation either, because it's programming.

    Most organizations only do programming, some don't even do programming. They just survive. So again to donate any cash at all let alone $128,000 in 2017 and $95,000 in 2018 is a big deal.

    When the Mizel Foundation quit working with the city because of the way they were being treated, we offered $135,000 to the city in order to help restore the grant process. The city initially accepted our offer and then declined it. So, we would've donated a lot more then $95,000 that year.

    "Mizel Foundation stops funding Encinitas grant program"

    1. Can you name another non-profit that gives 30% of revenue to the CEO and his wife?

      Can you name another non-profit that gives its executive team 30% raises in years where revenue has declined?

      It may be legal, but most don’t do it, because it doesn’t look right and exposes the org to reputational harm and bad PR exactly like the article above.

      In reading about these compensation moves, I’d immediately have questions about the independence of this Board. Who recruited and nominated the Board members? Are they friends with the CEO? Did anyone on the Board or the CEO consider or discuss the “Front Page Test” of compensation decisions?

      If you think the numbers and decisions reflected in the article are fine, then you really shouldn’t be on a board or executive committee of a non-profit. This article is a PR disaster, and an avoidable one.

    2. 12:28 This is Bob Nichols. Yes, I can name a lot of organizations that payout more than 30% to their employees.

      I can also name a ton of organizations that don't handout cash donations like we do.

      Again we didn't take a payout from donations, we took our payout from ticket sales which were not donations. When in fact most organizations take salaries from donations, we did not.

      The board doesn't have a crystal ball when they determine salaries at the beginning of each year. We have no idea how well our year will go. We could've made 1,000,000 or $0. You just have no idea what will happen.

      Here's a list of organization that take more than 30% in salaries for their employees. Some significant more.
      1. Encinitas Chamber of Commerce
      2. Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association
      3. Leucadia Mainstreet Association
      4. Encinitas Sunland Home Foundation
      5. Rob Machado Foundation
      6. Leichtag
      7. Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito
      8.Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad.
      9. Ecke YMCA

      These are just a few in Encinitas that I looked up.

      There are a ton of 501(c)(3) that employees more than 30% of their earning, some paying 70,80,90%.

    3. 12:28 This is Bob Nichols. You've got remember that I was paid as an officer, not a board member. As per our Bylaws, Officers can be paid, while Directors can not. So my job as the President was encouraged to have a salary, per IRS guidelines, but my position as Chairman could not be salaried.

      Our organization for the most part had two employees. Myself and Megan. We could've hired more people, we probably should have as we working nearly 7 days a week, between marketing for the events, gathering sponsors, putting on programming, etc. It was a ton of work.

      When you consider my salary for 10 years, it averaged at $50,000 a year. I probably invested over $100,000 of my own money into the organization to get everything going at the beginning.

      Even in the article you published, the 501(c)(3) expert says, "Surfing Madonna did nothing nefarious."

    4. 1:18,

      Nice dodge.

      Not what I asked.

      I asked about non-profits that pay the CEO and his wife over 30% of revenues.

      And I also asked if you know of non profits handing out 30% percent YoY raises in a year when revenues are declining.

      Like I said, good dodge though.

    5. 1:45 This is Bob Nichols, not a dodge! I just don't know any 501(c)(3)'s that have a husband and wife team that act as President and Executive Director. I'm sure you don't either and that's why you asked the question. I'm sure there's a ton of them out there, but I'd really have to search the IRS 990 database.

      Make no mistake about it, Megan and I got married at the end of 2017. I was on the board from 2011-2021. So it wasn't like our working together and getting married was all planned from beginning.

      I loved the way Meg did things, I loved her personality and her zest for life. Next thing you know we're married. I'm sure it happens often. Just like two co-workers getting married. There's nothing nefarious there. It's not illegal to have a husband and wife team working together, so long as they don't vote on their salaries. Like I said, the board of directors, a CPA determined our salaries each year. They were vetted throng the IRS and there were never any complaints.

      I think we deserved every penny, considering the amount of work we did. The board felt the same.

      2011 - $0
      2012 - $0
      2013 - $0
      2014 - $9,000
      2015 - $29,000
      2016- $58,800
      2017 - $85,245
      2018 - $112,000
      2019 - $123,000
      2020- $96,000
      2021 - $0

  17. 12:28pm Another city tool being a tool for the disgraceful actions against an organization that gave and gave when they did it have to and even after the city royally screwed them.

    You apparently have no problems with how the city treated the SMOP. No need to ask why. It is clear enough without your biased point of view.

    1. This is Bob Nichols, Thank you 1:10PM, I appreciate your support. I'm not sure why this same guy has been trolling me for 4 years now, but they are really upset. I wish I knew who it was, I have an idea that it's probably someone very close to Blakespear.

      We worked hard and built an organization that will continue to fund free surf camps for those less fortunate for many years to come. We don't need the events to continue to do that, we were fiscally responsible and put a nice savings away just in case. So those camps will continue on.

      No one will be able to stop the special needs surf camps from happening.

    2. Again, good works isn’t a response to abusive behavior.

    3. 1:49 what abusive behavior are you referring to?

    4. Go back and find the very carefully crafted staff report, very obviously written with or by lawyers, and including specific quotes designed to send the message that the city has archived emails, text messages, and/or voicemails that will come out if there’s a lawsuit.

      That message was clearly received.

    5. 3:08 this Bob and that’s simply not true. There’s not a single bad abusive email or voicemail from me, nothing. It would been put out there through the Public Records Act if there was. Someone would’ve said see here it is.

      I however have shown emails and invoices from the city documenting.
      1. Over billing practices
      2. Misappropriation of donations.
      3. Illegal MOU contacts, pay to play.
      where we had to donate 40,000 to City Parks or we couldn’t have our events.
      4. An apology from Karen Brust.

      All of this has been shared on this page for you to look at. What have you shared with me except a bunch of hearsay and hyperbole?

      You’ve documented nothing.

    6. Hypothetically, let’s say there was. . .

      1. Over billing practices. How does that there wasn’t abuse of Parks and Rec staff?

      2. Misappropriation of donations. If this allegation was true, how does it prove no abuse of Parks and Rec staff?

      3. Illegal MOU contacts, pay to play. How does this demonstrate that no abuse took place?

      4. An apology from Karen Brust. Was it an apology for false accusations of abusive behavior on your part? If not, then see 1-3 above.

    7. 5:14 this is Bob Nichols, make Public Records Act request, you should have all the documentation from Ms. Hollywood with 14 days.

      Make it specific and ask for evidence that support that staff report. You’ll find nothing. There is no evidence of abusive, threatening behavior from me.

      Unless of course the City considered my abusive, threatening and harassing behavior coming from the fact that I demanded they fix all the over billing they did over the years. Or, no more MOU’s dictating where we have to donate our proceeds, Or, “it’s been 3 years Jennifer Campbell, please tell us where our money went so we can categorize it.” Or “ hey Scott (Lifeguard) you’re getting paid $75 dollars an hour and you’ve been sitting in the VIP section eating sandwiches and drinking sodas the entire time, you need to help us out over here.” That was somehow turned into “you work for us”. By the way that lifeguard was died the following year for stealing.

      If that’s considered abusive, threatening and harassing well, then I’m guilty.

    8. Right. Again, you did everything perfect, Bob. Everyone else is lying. You are the victim.

      They just randomly flipped a coin and decided to accuse you of abusive behavior, even though they’ve never made such an accusation against anyone else before or since.

      It’s so unfair!

    9. 8:28 This is Bob Nichols.

      Attached is a screenshot quote from Brad Hanson of the Parks and Recs Commission, and President and Chairman of the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association.

      I think this sums up what happened.

      Brad Hanson states: "Marco Gonzalez you know so little about the negativity surrounding these events and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your comment. I’ve worked first hand with the city as a board member of SMOP. I’ve been attending all planning meetings for at least 3 years and there was any negativity until this past October. The event in October was the first time there was any measurable activity due primarily to mistakes made by clerical staff and city employees not owning up to the mistakes. Things could have been handled differently by both our organization and the City. If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today." - Brad Hanson

      Yes the city was at fault as stated by Brad Hanson.

      Link to quote:

    10. 5:14 This is Bob Nichols.
      This is Bob Nichols.

      Attached is a screenshot quote from Brad Hanson of the Parks and Recs Commission, and President and Chairman of the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association.

      I think this sums up what happened. Doesn't sound like abusive behavior on my part.

      Brad Hanson wrote: "Marco Gonzalez you know so little about the negativity surrounding these events and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your comment. I’ve worked first hand with the city as a board member of SMOP. I’ve been attending all planning meetings for at least 3 years and there was any negativity until this past October. The event in October was the first time there was any measurable activity due primarily to mistakes made by clerical staff and city employees not owning up to the mistakes. Things could have been handled differently by both our organization and the City. If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today." - Brad Hanson

      Yes the city was at fault as stated by Brad Hanson.

      Link to quote:

  18. 'when they did not have to'. I wish there was an edit option here without having to post a subsequent correction.

  19. Save the ocean!

    Mother Earth couldn’t have said it better.


    RIP Mark!!

  20. We love you Mark, your Surfing Madonna and the Surfing Madonna organization.

  21. Bob please just ignore this tool! You don't have to continue to prove you were in the right, we know. The city screwed you, they've done it before and they'll do it again. It's nothing personal it's just the ugly side of politics. Go for run and forget this dirtbag.

    1. What do you mean the city screwed him?

      According to Bob, the city didn’t end his event permits. Bob and the Board made that decision.

      Are you calling him a liar?

      Can’t have it both ways.

  22. God bless you Mark, I'll be thinking of you each time I pass your beautiful mosaic. ❤️

  23. This is Lorri Greene. Mark Patterson was one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to know. I am NOT an artist, but he was the type of man who could just make you feel good by his presence. His twinkly eyes, his smile, his hugs, would always make me feel like I wanted to be a better person. He was a man of many talents, including his beautiful Surfing Madonna Mosaic. For those who never had the pleasure to have met him, I believe in infectious personality would make you smile. For those of us who knew him, he was an incredible person. And not once, that I ever heard, did he have a bad thing to say about anyone. This post is not about Bob Nichols, but about Mark Patterson. For those interested, there will be a memorial soon. Check EV or many other sites for the date and time. Catherine Blakespear has it on her site as well.

    1. Thank you Lorrie- Bob

    2. Well said about Mark. Thank you.

      Re: “This post is not about Bob Nichols”. There is one person on this thread who has written the most words about Bob Nichols, and his initials are BN.

    3. 4:40 This is Bob, I guess you thought I should have kept my mouth shut while you just sling insult after insult at me, challenging my integrity, and moral character.
      All while posting anonymously, that’s what people refer to as a coward.

      I can tell you right now, that Mark would’ve wanted me to defend myself today. He didn’t think highly of bullies and that’s exactly what you are. I’ve seen some of the people on this blog attack so many innocent people all while acting anonymously behind their keyboard because they wouldn’t dare stamp their name to their comment. Utter chickenshit and it’s embarrassing.

      With that said… There’s a Celebration of Life for Mark Patterson on October 8 from 2 - 5PM at Leucadia Pizzeria in Encinitas.

    4. That's exactly what you should've done Bob. It's both telling and pathetic that you can't even comprehend why that is.

    5. Look Bob.

      You posted about Mark’s death yesterday. I stayed silent out of respect for Mark. At 12:14 someone posted their praise of you. With the door opened by others, I very mildly and gently weighed in with an opposing view.

      You took it from there.

      Truth is, I don’t believe you, and I think your arguments regarding the accusations of abusive behavior are self-interested and weak. And everything I’ve seen of your online activity in the last few years has done nothing but reinforce that conclusion. That’s my opinion.

      You can try, but I think you are unlikely to change it.

    6. 6:16 this is Bob and I don’t care to change your opinion. But when someone opens up this morning with the first comment being…. “You got to love how even the death of his meal ticket can't get Bobby Nickels to stop talking about how great Bobby Nickels is. He keeps finding all new ways to show the world what a Narcissistic asshat he is.“

      Mark was my best friend, don’t you think what that person said to me this morning was pretty abusive and harassing? The fact that they kept going would be the true definition of “harassment.”

      You really think I’m gonna sit buy and read that anonymous crap without responding?

    7. I didn’t make, and do not condone that comment.

      Personally, I stay silent in respect for Mark. But if comments are open to praise someone of questionable moral character, then it’s open for an alternative view.

    8. Robert the person harassing you is obsessed! You most of done something to set them off. This person obviously knows you, or they wouldn’t be making it so personal. They’ve become unhinged with anger. My advice ignore them. Our residents, the ones who matter, know who you are and what you and Mark did for our community. We appreciate what you’ve done, and trust me when I say, we all know those city staffers were in the wrong. We’ve seen it before, it’s an all too familiar scene.

      Vote NO on the puts Kranz and Blakespear next time.

    9. 7:59 makes it clear:

      “Vote NO on the puts Kranz and Blakespear next time.”

      As long as someone is wearing the right color political jersey, some are willing to excuse or even applaud abusive behavior toward public employees just trying to do their job.

      Very sad.

      “Since 2014 through the present, staff has been routinely subjected to Mr. Nichols’ uncooperative, demanding, harassing and aggressive conduct during the permitting process, event planning meetings and during events,” the recommendation states.

      “The relationship with SMOP and multiple city departments including public safety has become unworkable,”

      I hope we can return to a time when this kind of behavior is universally unacceptable.

    10. 7:58 This is Bob Nichols, again if I was so abusive, threatening and harassing since 2014 as the Park Dept. pointed out, then why did the Park Dept.

      A. Continue to work with us on projects from 2013-2019.

      B. Send me appreciation letters and present awards at our events throughout the years 2014- 2019.

      C. Why did the Catherine Blakespear along with parks present me with certificates of appreciation all those years including at our last event in 2019.

      D. Why hasn’t the city released any documentation, emails, voicemails etc pointing to my alleged “abusive, threatening and harassing behavior”. All they have is hearsay, hyperbole and made up nonsense.

      Since when do you continue to partner and give appreciation awards to someone who’s abusive, threatening and harassing? Because the city did.

      Where’s the evidence? Surely there must be evidence. Make a PRA with the city and ask them to provide documentation. We did, they have none. If there was any, it would’ve come out in the staff report.

      Bottom line, there were some disgruntled executives within the Parks who were upset that they had to correct their poor accounting practices and credit us $16,000.
      We let the other $5,000 slide.

      If my demands for the Parks Dept. to fix their accounting with us we’re too harsh, and telling a disgruntled former Lifeguard that he needs to get back to work, instead of eating sandwiches and drinking beverages in our VIP section while paying him $75 per he makes me a “abusive, threatening and harassing”, then so be it.

      It’s been almost 4 years since this all took place, let it go.

    11. As 7:59 revealed, even people that show support for Bob don’t actually believe him.

      “Vote NO on the puts Kranz and Blakespear next time.”

      It’s just a reflexive show of political solidarity. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

      If you are in opposition to Blakespear, then I don’t care if you are abusive. You get a pass.

      What a morally bankrupt position, when right and wrong become conditional on the political binary.

    12. 10:45 This is Bob Nichols: attached is a screenshot quote from Brad Hanson of the Parks and Recs Commission, and President and Chairman of the Leucadia 101 Mainstreet Association. I think this sums up what happened.

      Brad Hanson states: "Marco Gonzalez you know so little about the negativity surrounding these events and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your comment. I’ve worked first hand with the city as a board member of SMOP. I’ve been attending all planning meetings for at least 3 years and there was any negativity until this past October. The event in October was the first time there was any measurable activity due primarily to mistakes made by clerical staff and city employees not owning up to the mistakes. Things could have been handled differently by both our organization and the City. If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today." - Brad Hanson

      Link to quote:

    13. “If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today.”

      I agree.

      He’s calling your behavior unprofessional.

      Reading between the lines, it seems likely that the City made accounting errors, and then you escalated, flew off the handle, and started dragging in old gripes like the MOU, which wasn’t relevant to the accounting and had already been solved by that point. You probably also insisted on a segregated account for SMOP money, which wasn’t negotiated in writing in whatever agreements you had, so the city said no, we can account for it in the general fund, and that really pissed you off and you escalated again.

      I’ve seen your online persona, and it’s not difficult to imagine you getting unprofessional.

      What I don’t understand is why the Board didn’t do anything I can see to protect the org from your behavior. When the city asked for no direct contact with you, that’s a massive red flag, and a board chairman should have stepped in and told you all comms must go through the chairman or you’ll be fired and the board will either hire new management, wrap up operations in an orderly way, or find another non-profit to merge with. What you needed was a serious short leash from the Board, but that didn’t happen for whatever reason.

    14. 12:52 Nice Try!

      Brad said it was the city employees who didn't own up to their mistakes and clerical errors, and that he never saw anything negativity from SMOP in all the years he attended the meetings.

      Quite a bit different than what you've assumed.

      But you just keep assuming while everyone else presents what really happened.

      All the these organizations and people that have had problems with the Parks Dept. over the years regarding mistreatment, they all can't be wrong can they?

      ilpalpiti, California 10/20, Encinitas Mile, Moonlight Beach Triathlon, Bruce Ehlers, employees such as Jordan Ingram, Lisa Rudloff, Jim Gilliam, etc, they all can't be wrong can they?

      I guess in your world the city park dept is perfect.

      Here's Brad Hanson quote again.... "Marco Gonzalez you know so little about the negativity surrounding these events and I’m thoroughly disgusted by your comment. I’ve worked first hand with the city as a board member of SMOP. I’ve been attending all planning meetings for at least 3 years and there was any negativity until this past October. The event in October was the first time there was any measurable activity due primarily to mistakes made by clerical staff and city employees not owning up to the mistakes. Things could have been handled differently by both our organization and the City. If handled better or more professionally by all parties we would never be where we are today."

    15. Yup.

      He’s saying you did everything perfect, Bob. 10 out of 10. You are a victim.

    16. 12:52 This is Bob, wow you’re just full of assumptions and you should get your facts straight before you launch into your tirade.

      I was the Chairman of SMOP.

      Speaking with is absolutely pointless, you don’t even know who was on the board or in charge of the organization, yet you profess to be an expert surround what happened.

      This is a waste of time. I’ve presented all the facts, statements from people who were there, letters, witnesses to what happened and how the city treated us and you just won’t hear it.

      But I forgive you and wish you well. Good luck in life and goodbye!

    17. Well, there’s the root cause.

      Not a truly independent board taking seriously their fiduciary responsibility to the org.

      And you probably nominated most of the board members, huh?

      I’m sure it looked great on their LinkedIn.

    18. Like Robert said you make lots of assumptions. That’s all I keep reading on your end. Probably this, maybe that, and sounds like. What it sounds like to me is you don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
      Hope the City’s paying you well to be an ass hat.

      Ignore the ignoramus robert!

      He has no respect for you, no respect for Mark and no respect for the headline title of this thread.

      RIP Mark!

  24. Roses posted in respect for ‘Mark.

    What an awesome man. What an awesome gift to Encinitas and the world.

    One of my favorite engraved bricks is from Encinitas undercover.

    Long live the free spirit of Encinitas

    -Amen to that… WC

    RIP Mark

    1. Thank you WC!

      Mark and I set your brick back in 2014 maybe it was 15’. Regardless, that brick will be there a very long time.

      Perfect engraving, very appropriate “Long live the free spirit of Encinitas”.

      Thank you WC

    2. EU ≠ WC confirmed, again. People will still deny it's true.

  25. This is Bob Nichols.

    There will be Celebration of Life for Mark Patterson on October 8 from 2 - 5PM at Leucadia Pizzeria in Encinitas.
    For more details.

    1. Bob, I’m glad that the invite came from you and not the City Of Encinitas.

      A lot of the people in Encinitas are free spirit, and believe in nature and mother Earth.

      Then there is the current mayor and city council. 👎🏾

      we all know the story about how screwed up the City Council in is and how they burned the surfing Madonna numerous times.

      Thank you for helping ‘Mark set this amazing piece into becoming a gift for the world.

      What a piece of art and what a story. 🙏🏾

      RIP Mark

    2. 5:36 This is Bob, I can’t even begin to tell you how nice that was of you to say. I wish I knew who it was coming from so I could thank you in person with hug or handshake. Please reach out to me if you want. I’d like to thank you either by phone or in person.

      Today has been a very difficult day, and you just made so much of that go away with you know kind words.

      Thank you 💕

    3. 👆🏾❤️🥰🙏🏾

  26. I'm looking forward to paying my respects to Mark at the memorial. I'm not looking forward to Bob attempting to make it all about himself.

    1. Let’s hope we don’t see you 5:56. Because Mark wouldn’t want you there.

    2. 6:16 agreed 👍🏾💯

    3. I’ll be at Mark Patterson’s ceremony, my former neighbor. I’m looking forward to hearing some good stories, connecting with friends and shaking your hand Bob, for taking care of him all these years. You guys will always have a place in my heart. -JF

    4. 5:56. Don't show up. You're not welcome and like others said, Mark wouldn't want you there.

  27. 556 you’re a tool.

  28. Wow Mark is a loss for Encinitas and Bob is a guy who was not only his friend but took care of him. Bob hosted a great event and the city of Encinitas messed that up, end of story. Thanks Bob, you and your wife have always been solid and good and ignore this unnecessary chatter from those that clearly don’t know you or Mark.

    1. Good works is not a justification for abusive behavior.

      The current SMOP leadership happens to deliver good works without drama.

    2. Thank you 6:58. I miss Mark a lot. He was so much fun, we drank a lot of wine, did karaoke, played board games, traveled and ran a lot. He was family. I miss him dearly.

      I’m also happy that Mark has passed, he was ready and wanted to go. He loved and missed his parents. It’s unfortunate that he went so early in life, but I guess it was his time.

      Thanks again for the kind words!

  29. It takes all kinds of rear ends and we have a huge one here dissing Bob and Megan. Motivation? Hmmmm. Choosing to remain ignorant is no excuse.

    I am sorry Bob has to deal with this piece of work. It takes all kinds to dump on one who gave this community so much and was screwed over by city operatives. Now we have this operative, whether he is a city hire or not, ignoring Bobs patience with every answer. Nothing will satisfy this piece of work.

    I am also looking forward to Marks memorial to celebrate a beautiful life cut much too short. He was always a gentle presence wherever he went. That is all too rare these days with the egos raging like the negative poster here makes quite clear. Is that all you got? I really don't want to know or hear another peep from you. Enough already. You are a waste of space and of our time. What an ugly example you set. Compassion? No sign of that. Try honoring Mark by not being who you come off as. A mirror could be helpful. Look deep for a change. You might see what most of us see and even you can become a decent human being if you give it a chance.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to write that 8:01. Your positive message has just wiped out all the other negative ones. What an eloquent way of describing what took place today and the type of person involved.

    2. 8:01- Perfectly said. I just cannot understand why we can't just honor Mark and the good things Bob did without some jerk(s), and I am being kind, having to go negative. And for no reason , unless he has a grudge against Bob. Because as far as I can tell, Mark Patterson was a beloved member of our Encinitas Community, especially the arts. Looking forward to celebrating his life. Lorri Greene

    3. The reason:

      Bob was harassing and belligerent to people just trying to do their job serving the community. Were they perfect and blameless? Of course not. But Bob has refused to take any responsibility for escalating into harassing and abusive behavior, even after he agreed to have no direct contact with city staff.

      He uses the good works of the SMOP org as a noble end that justifies the means of his behavior. And he tries to conflate the good will we all have for Mark and his art with Bob’s personal reputation rehabilitation efforts.

      I simply express the view that these things should be separate. It’s my opinion that the good works and good will for the art, the artist, and the SMOP org should not be lumped together with Bob’s behavior, or the latter will tarnish our positive vibes for the former.

    4. Thanks for looking out for the rest of us, 7:12am. We all really need your protection and thanks for your superior insight. Its not within our capacity to understand that imperfect people do wonderful things so thanks again for your reminder. Who among us common folk could realize that being an asshole on social media is actually your noble work. Thank you.

    5. 8:50,

      I’m very forgiving of people who take responsibility for their actions and actually seek forgiveness.

      Those too arrogant for that, not so much.

      It’s the way people used to be raised. Sorry if that offends you.

    6. 9:19 are you forgiving of city staff for their unwillingness to seek forgiveness when they've been wrong?

      We all know City Staff has been in the wrong many times while never seeking forgiveness.

      One example would be last week regarding City Manager Antil's treatment of Bruce Ehlers last week.

      Kinda speaks volumes of City Staff's abusive behavior.

    7. 7:12 Maybe Bob, Mark and SMOP were pissed at the way they were being treated. We all know that City Staff has a long history of mistreating organizations.

      Look at what they did to our beautiful IPalpiti.

      "iPalpiti to leave Encinitas after ‘mistreatment’ by city-staff"


    8. Did City Staff seek forgiveness, or was iPalpiti just another abusive organization?

      At some point, you have put on a different lense and look at how the City Staffers conduct business.

    9. I believe Bob said someone from the city did apologize for their part in the matter. But no mention of Bob reciprocating that gesture.

      And no, I don’t think any apology is owed for a leader trying to keep city staff out of the political fray. I think Bruce was doing his job had had not crossed any line, but I understand and respect the impulse to keep separate the workaday function of executive staff from the political tussle. In my opinion, she was drawing that line of distinction more conservatively than I would, but I don’t disagree with her that the line is important.

      If you had a beer with Bruce, I bet he would agree with me.

    10. I enjoyed iPalpiti's music. They are a internationally recognized music organization that conducts beautiful pieces of music.

      I was thoroughly disgusted when I found out they left because of how mistreated they were by City Staff.

      Sound familiar?

      Did City Staff seek forgiveness? No.

    11. I don’t know much about IPalpiti, but I agree that the behavior of staff should be looked at if that’s why they left. But I also respect the executive team’s decision to move on rather than retaliate with abusive and harassing behavior of their own.

      Sounds like they handled a difficult situation well, and probably gathered more favorable press and public good will because of the dignity and maturity of how they handled it.

      I don’t know, but I would imagine that none of their Board members had to resign in protest of their executive team’s behavior.

    12. 11:16 Bull*hit!

      I'm good friend with Bruce, we discussed it and he was upset.

    13. “Maybe Bob, Mark and SMOP were pissed at the way they were being treated.”

      This is the mentality of the person at the airport who thinks it’s okay to scream at the minimum wage single mom working as a gate agent.

    14. 11:22 iPalpiti did in fact leave because of the mistreatment they were receiving from City Staff. It says it right there in the article.

      They left our city because of the mistreatment, if you consider that a resolution to the problem, well then we're only going to keep having problems with the Parks and Cultural Arts Department.

    15. 11:23, I trust Bruce, and I’m sure given a little time he’ll see it differently.

    16. 11:27 I don't think Bob, Mark and SMOP were pissed or screaming at the minimum wage worker from the Parks Department.

      Bob, Mark and SMOP were pissed at the Parks executives.

    17. 11:29,

      So you think Bob handled it well, and he was happy with the results, the PR, the effect on his reputation?

      I disagree.

    18. 11:29 "I trust Bruce, and I'm sure given a little time he'll see it differently."

      There you go again giving another City Staffer a pass for their abusive behavior.

      It's all Bruce's fault right? Let's just blame Bruce Ehlers for City Manager Antil's behavior.

    19. 11:31,


      Reread 11:16.

    20. 11:31 I don't think Bob, Mark or SMOP care anymore.

      SMOP's doing well, Bob's still very much a part of SMOP, I see him at surf camps and he has a successful business.

      I think SMOP, Mark and Bob's reputation is stellar.

      Googling his name might yield a couple of hatchet job articles from Blakespear's former colleague, which weren't even that bad.

      But for those two articles, there's a hundred good articles that point out all the wonderful things he's done.

      You still haven't answered the question. Is city staff going to apologize to iPalpiti for their mistreatment. Will they be apologizing to the Mizel Family or how about more recently Bruce Ehlers?

    21. 11:36 you mentioned that you're sure Bruce Ehlers will in time see things differently. Are you saying Bruce was wrong and that in the future he'll see the wisdom in Antil's ways?

      Pamela Antil (city staffer) was wrong, the entire community that watched that council meeting is upset with how she treated him.

      Should Pamela Antil apologize, Yes or No?

      Does she get a pass?

    22. 11:29 so once again your take is City Staff shouldn't apologize to Bruce, iPalpiti, SMOP, Mizel Family, Los Angelitos and on and on and on....

    23. How about the fact that Blakespear tried to sue her own residents over Prop A. Does Blakespear get a pass too or does she need to apologize?

    24. One of the City Manager’s roles is to serve as a firewall between the political policy setting body, and the non-political executive functions that carry out policy.

      Bob was seeking to put junior staff on the spot asking for analysis that wasn’t prepped or part of the agenda.

      If Bruce had phrased it a little different, as a motion to direct staff to go analyze and report back an alternative to spend pipe money laying infrastructure under the roundabouts with the goal of avoiding expensive future rework, there would have been no issue.

      The complicating challenge is they were being asked to approve a GC. And if they are reworking the plan, then the GC decision would be premature. Tony tried to solve this by suggesting that they approve the GC, and then do the analysis as a change order. Bruce agreed to this. But it’s really a complete redesign, not a change order. But there would be a huge schedule slip if they don’t do it as a change order.

      Basically, where you see conspiracies and drama, I see a group of people all trying to play a constructive role to keep things moving and make good decisions.

    25. 11:50,

      You tried to beat that drum in the last election and lost. You really want to replay the L?


    26. Correction to 11:50:

      “BRUCE was seeking. . . “

    27. Nothing to see here, executive city staffers should all receive gold stars. No need for them to ever apologize for mistreatment.

      Los Angelitos
      Bruce Ehlers
      Bob Nichols, Mark Patterson, SMOP
      Mizel Family Foundation
      Encinitas Soccer League
      Ecke YMCA (city staffers mistreat execs over homeless parking lot).
      Swami's Surf Association
      Steve Lebhertz's Encinitas Turkey Trot
      La Paloma Theatre
      Mirabai Devi Foundation
      San Diego Film Foundation
      Rancho Coast Humane Society (Nick Winfrey resigns because of problem with staffers, $70 dollars grant from city staff a slap in the face)

      City Staffers can never do wrong.

    28. Oh so Bruce deserved to be the way he was treated by City Manager Antil, is that right?

    29. I'd to hear you say that City Staff deserves to apologize to iPalpiti, Mizel, Encinitas Soccer League, SMOP, Swami's Surf Association, Bruce, Bob, and the artist who was forced by former Parks Director Jennifer Campbell to remove her art, even after she was praised by residents and approved.

      Or any number of the organizations from 12:06.

      Do they get apologies?

    30. 11:50 disgusting comment, complete disregard for our community members and solely trying to protect City Staff.

      City Staff (Antil included) should be working for us, not the other way around.

      "Firewall" what a twisted load of BS.

      Antil treated Ehlers like pond scum! I've been hearing the same drumbeat from you for awhile now.

    31. 1.) There’s no excuse for bad behavior on anyone’s part. If staff are behaving badly, it should be investigated and they should be held accountable, up to and including termination.

      2.) No matter what your disagreement is, it doesn’t justify or excuse your own harassing and abusive behavior. Period. If you feel you aren’t getting the service you can get somewhere else, then exit the relationship with Grace and dignity, and feel free to tell the press about it.

      3.) If you do act in a way you aren’t proud of for any reason, you should take responsibility and apologize.

      Bob says he has a voicemail apology from the city for their part in the matter. Did he reciprocate?

      As to the city manager, I don’t think she owes an apology, although it might be gracious of her to have a 1:1 with Bruce where they can discuss it.

      I think she may have overreacted a bit, but it’s a judgement call. At some point, she does need to draw a line and keep staff insulated from politics—that’s her job. But IMO she drew that line a little harshly and prematurely.

      We should acknowledge Bruce was also in a difficult spot. He was being asked to approve a GC, and he had some real reasons to question the way the project was defined. He probably felt he had to have those issues addressed to feel good about approving the GC. He didn’t want to blow up the project and start over, so his only option was to push for answers at the meeting. So I don’t blame him for doing that.

    32. 12:23,

      Lighten up Francis.

      When you get pulled over, I bet you tell the sheriff he works for you, huh?

    33. 12:31 "If staff are behaving badly"

      Uh, how many articles and complaints from people and organizations do you need to see before you realize how bad its been?

      You still haven't answered my question, when should City Staff have to apologize to these organizations?

    34. 12:32 lets not try to squirm out this by making fun of the situation. It's no joking matter. Many people and organization and been treated extremely poorly by City Staff.

      City Staff should not be protected and held at an untouchable level. You do something wrong, you fix it, apologize and move on. City Staff doesn't understand that as per the organizations and people listed above, and that's a short list.

    35. Remember when Mali didn't have to get a permit from Parks for her 250 member BLM yoga event during COVID in 2020.

      City code specifically states that all gatherings over 20 people must apply for a permit. Blakespear let it slide when the community was outraged.

      Favoritism from Parks Executives and Council to those who were certain political jersey's? YES

      There seems to be a constant theme from City Staff executives. You don't have to play by the rules if it benefits us.

    36. Here's link to the city code:

      Does City Staff play favoritism? YES
      Does City Staff play judge and jury if you don't wear their political jersey? YES

      Just ask Nick Winfrey of the Rancho Coastal Human Society what they did to him. $70 dollar grant in front a room full of people in organizations.

      Winfrey's departing words, "thanks I guess we can buy 1 bag of dog food."

    37. Actually I did answer your question.

      And I actually think we agree more than you think.

      I’ll summarize:

      Don’t be a dick. It’s never okay to be a dick. If the other guy is a dick, still don’t be a dick. There should be no excuses for being a dick.

      And if you were a dick for any reason, own it. Take responsibility for being a dick, even if the other person was also a dick. You can’t control what they do—only what you do.

      If someone is being a dick, feel free to address it with their boss, but don’t be a dick to the boss. And if can’t resolve it, exit the relationship with dignity and grace. Go somewhere else, but don’t be a dick there either.

      And if you work for the city and you know someone who acts like a dick, do everything in your power to hold them accountable. That goes for your subordinates, your peers, and citizens you deal with. It’s not your job to dole out or receive dickish abuse.


    38. 1:38 I think the only person being a Dick on here is you right now. You’re being a Dick.

      So stop being a Dick!

      If Antil is a Dick she should apologize to Bruce Ehlers, who has a Dick, but isn’t a Dick.

      If the city was/is being a Dick, mistreating various people and organizations, they should apologize for being dicks instead of just continuing to be dicks.

      Not saying all city staffers are dicks by any means, but some of the biggest dicks are the pompous, egotistical executive staffer dicks who run the show for the bigger dicks, like Kranz, Blakespear, Antil.

      Time to replace some of the old executive dicks who placate to the bigger dicks.

      We already know who the Staff Dicks are, their names get brought constantly.

      If it acts like dicks and people say it’s a dick, it’s probably a dick.

      The articles and complaints about the dicks can’t all be wrong, can they?

    39. 2:05,

      I can’t be a dick, because I have many nice letters and awards.

    40. 2:09 Eh ??? Ok. Still didn't answer my question.

      The articles and complaints surrounding certain executive staff members behaviors can't all be wrong can they?

      Can the throngs of letters from residents regarding certain staff members behavior all be wrong?

      Have you ever heard an apology from a staff member regarding mistreatment? I'll answer that, NO.

      I guess only a dick would say, yes, all the residents, organizations and newspaper articles are all wrong.

      Obviously you're right and everyone else has been wrong all these years.

      Carry on.

    41. I still haven't heard an answer for this. Was staff wrong in the way they treated Ipalpiti?

      I'm sure you think Ipalpiti were just a bunch of dicks and so was the Mizel Foundation and all the other organization and people that were listed above.

      They must all just be dicks to you.

      "Ipalpiti to leave Encinitas after mistreatment by City Staff Administrators."

    42. Actually, Bob says he has an apology voicemail in a Google share link higher in the thread.

      So your answer is wrong, unless you are calling Bob a liar.

      Still no word on Bob’s reciprocal apology for his part in the matter.

    43. I forgot, Ipalpiti and the Mizel Foundation "have a lot of nice letters and awards".

      So they must be dick right?

    44. 2:59,

      “ Was staff wrong in the way they treated Ipalpiti?”

      Answered at 11:22.

    45. 3:02 you didn't answer the question. You haven't answered any of my questions regarding all the allegations from organizations and residents of mistreatment from certain city staff members.

      You dodged it, you said.

      "I don’t know much about IPalpiti, but I agree that the behavior of staff should be looked at if that’s why they left. But I also respect the executive team’s decision to move on.....

      Really "if that's why they left"

      The organization clearly stated in the newspaper article that they were being "mistreated by City Staff" and that why they left.

      Are you saying you don't believe Ipalpiti? It sure sounds like you're once again making excuses up for City Staff.

      No need for staff to apologize right?

    46. 3:04,

      I think you’ve lost the plot somewhere.

      The point is that having nice letters and awards doesn’t prove anything. Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein both had nice letters and awards.

      It’s not an inverse correlation (I.e. having them makes you a dick). It’s no correlation at all (i.e. the presence of letters and awards doesn’t say anything meaningful about whether you are belligerent and abusive behind closed doors).

      It’s an irrelevant dodge.

      When I said I can’t be a dick because of my letters and awards, I’m mocking that idea.

    47. 3:11,

      Do you understand the difference between not getting an answer, and disagreeing with that answer?

    48. 3:16 I'd still like you to answer my question, which you continue to dodge. Your 11:22 response was not an answer to my question.

      Should City Staff have to apologize to:
      Los Angelitos
      Bruce Ehlers
      Bob Nichols, Mark Patterson, SMOP
      Mizel Family Foundation
      Encinitas Soccer League
      Ecke YMCA (city staffers mistreat execs over homeless parking lot).
      Swami's Surf Association
      Steve Lebhertz's Encinitas Turkey Trot
      La Paloma Theatre
      Mirabai Devi Foundation
      San Diego Film Foundation
      Rancho Coast Humane Society (Nick Winfrey resigns because of problem with staffers, $70 dollars grant from city staff a slap in the face)

      Should City Staff apologize for their mistreatment to these organizations? YES or NO.

      Simple question.

      I'll even let you exclude all the awards and letters they've received while you make your decision.

    49. 3:17 yes, both are ways of dodging the answer to my question. Because you still haven't answered it.

      Should staff apologize for the history of mistreatment and bad behavior to local organizations and residents? YES or NO.

      Should Pamela Antil have to apologize for her insubordination and rude behavior to Bruce Ehlers? I think you already answered that question with a resounding, NO! Because Antil is a "firewall".

    50. I’m not informed enough on most of these to weigh in.

      For example: Your comment is the first moment I’ve heard that the city had any direct personal conflict with Mark Patterson.

      Can you describe what that’s about?

    51. 3:27 still not answering the question. Another dodge....

      "I'm not informed enough on most of these to weigh in."

      First intelligent thing I've heard you say all day.

    52. Can you give me a name or department that was rude or belligerent to Mark personally?

      You’re the one who said it happened.

      I would think you’d be happy to show your homework.

      I suspect some of these are on your list simply because you don’t agree with a code interpretation or ruling of some sort.

      If I go in and ask staff for a permit to throw a three day rock concert on the beach and they deny it and I’m upset and take my event elsewhere, that’s not evidence of staff being unprofessional.

      But if they call my wife ugly and tell me to go fuck myself, then it is.

      This isn’t Burger King, and you can’t always have it your way.

  30. I did many good works. Made many people laugh and gave them joy. I have many positive letters and awards. Also, some people overbilled me.

    All good, yeah?

    —Bill Cosby.

  31. Perfect time for sarcasm. Ever thankful.


    Bill Cosby?

    Pretty damn low on the human[ity] scale.

    1. About the same level of scum as the predatory family that Marco is a member of…. 👎🏾

  32. Vultures come in life forms other than bird species.

  33. This is Bob Nichols, I just put together a video of Mark.

    Mark Patterson wasn't afraid of death. He was ready to go and embraced it peacefully.

    Mark was a huge fan of Pink Floyd, you could see him often wearing his Pink Floyd "Dark Side of the Moon" shirt.

    One of his favorite songs was the "Great Gig in the Sky", I think that song is very appropriate right now.

    "I am not frightened of dying, you know
    Any time will do, I don't mind
    Why should I be frightened of dying?
    There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime
    I never said I was frightened of dying." - Pink Floyd

    I would have used the song in the video but YouTube wouldn't let me for copyright reasons.

    Here's a Celebration of Mark.


  34. Marks ashes will be spread in several places. Some around the Surfing Madonna, the special needs surf camp, Sunset Cliffs, in our back yard, hopefully Tikal in Guatemala and Cafe Condesa, along Beacons and couple of other places.

    If anyone has any special requests and I can make them happen I do my best, I'm all ears.

    He loved Encinitas and you all tremendously.

  35. 'You do your best'. Indeed Bob. Always faithful is you all over. Looking forward to celebrating Marks life at his memorial with you and Megan when it happens.

    1. Thank you 3:39, I'm going to try to make Mark's Celebration of Life in Encinitas. I know that he would be very excited and I'm certain he will be there among all of you.

      I hope to be there but I can't promise that I will. His family and I are taking care of arrangements in Northern California and Oregon. There's a lot going on in October.

      All the best to you and your loved ones and thank you for being there. It should be a lot of fun.

    2. 3:39 I promise to do my best to get down to Encinitas and celebrate with you. I know Mark must be excited to see you and all of his friends. Thank you for being such a big supporter of Mark and SMOP.

  36. Right on Bob, cool video.

  37. 3:39 this is Bob, I’ll be honest with you, I’d have a tough time at Mark’s Celebration of Life. I wouldn’t do well and I’d fear breaking down in front of people. It would be an absolute downer on the event and Mark’s celebration. I wouldn’t even know how to react or converse with people at the event. I’d be a mess. Could I make it, yes, do I want to, no.

    I’d rather celebrate Marks passing by myself. I know that sounds weird, but it would be awkward for me and then maybe others.

    Moving on….I’m very excited that Mike Redman, Cathey Carey and SMOP are organizing Mark’s Celebration of Life at Leucadia Pizzeria 2-5pm. They are wonderful people who care deeply about Mark and his legacy. It will be a great event. Mark is so lucky to have such wonderful friends, like you. I know in my heart that Mark will be there and he’ll have a great time with everyone.

    God bless you all and have a great time 😊

    1. 7:43 thank you for sharing that and I sincerely appreciate the encouragement. I know it’s the right thing to do and I know you’re right, but I just don’t know if I can at this point.

      Thank you for being such a wonderful friend to Mark. If I’m not there, have a wonderful time, I’m sure you’ll see a bunch of familiar faces and hear some great stories about Mark. All the best 😊

  38. Thank you Bob for the beautiful video, and being there for Mark doing both the wonderful period of his life, and the not so wonderful. You were a good friend to him. Taking him in, allowing him to be himself, and all that you and Mark did for Encinitas. I am proud to have known Mark, and proud to know you. I will have an extra beer for Mark at the memorial, plus going to put a wreath at the Surfing Madonna Mosaic. Lorri Greene

  39. ChatGPT:

    Encinitas is a coastal city located in San Diego County, Southern California, United States. It is known for its beautiful beaches, pleasant climate and vibrant community. Here are some key aspects of Encinitas:

    Geography: Encinitas stretches along several miles of the Pacific Ocean coastline and includes several distinct neighborhoods, each with its own unique character. These neighborhoods include Leucadia, Cardiff-by-the-Sea, Old Encinitas, New Encinitas and Olivenhain.

    Beaches: Encinitas is renowned for its stunning beaches, which are popular for swimming, surfing, sunbathing and other outdoor activities. Some well-known beaches in the area include Seaside, Cardiff Reef, Swami's, Moonlight, Stone Steps, Beacon and Grandview.

    Surfing Culture: The city has a rich surfing culture, and it is a popular destination for surfers from around the world. Swami's, in particular, is famous for its consistent waves and has a historic surf culture associated with it.

    Arts and Culture: Encinitas has a thriving arts and cultural scene, with numerous art galleries, theaters and cultural events throughout the year. The city also hosts events like the Encinitas Arts Festival and the Encinitas Street Fair.

    Sustainability: Encinitas has made efforts to promote sustainability and environmental consciousness. The city has implemented initiatives like the "Climate Action Plan" to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy.

    Local Government: The city of Encinitas operates under a council-manager form of government, with an elected City Council responsible for making policy decisions. The mayor of Encinitas is elected for a two-year term.

    Education: Encinitas is served by several public schools within the Encinitas Union School District and the San Dieguito Union High School District. There are also private schools and preschools in the area.

    Parks and Recreation: The city offers a variety of parks, recreational facilities and hiking trails for outdoor enthusiasts. The San Elijo Lagoon Ecological Reserve is a popular spot for nature lovers.

    Transportation: Encinitas is accessible by Interstate 5 and is served by the Coaster commuter train, which connects the city to other parts of San Diego County. The city also has a network of local streets and highways for transportation.

    1. You left out the illegals pouring into the area, sleeping in canyons, walking around with backpacks and handheld plastic bags. And, if anyone thinks you can call for help when bad things live in a dream world.
      The Sheriff's Department will try, but they are understaffed, very busy and that, is the truth.
      Climate fools. You climate clowns remind me the space cases biden and harris.
      Wake the hell up...

    2. Science is true whether you believe it or not.

      You’re in a cult predicated on formalized willful ignorance. No different from flat earth or sovereign citizen.

    3. The fact that you would use the phrase “over educated” is telling.

      As if it’s possible to have too much understanding of the world we live in.

      In Biblical allegory, it was partaking in the fruits of the tree of knowledge that got Adam and Eve kicked out of the garden of Eden. That symbolism holds today.

      The world can seem more comfortable and idyllic without knowledge. And gaining knowledge often leads us to conclusions that can make us uncomfortable. But we humans (most of us, anyway) are both blessed and cursed with a curiosity and intellect that compels us to bite that fruit—over and over.

      There is no un-biting that fruit, and any movement committed to unlearning what we know in order to return to the comforts of Eden is doomed to failure before it begins.

    4. Let me make simply for you. No sense...common or otherwise. Or, to put it another way, not enough sense to pour pee, out of a boot.
      Man made global warming is a lie. Make sense?

    5. 10:22, you are not alone in history.

      Your kind has always been with us. Whether clinging to the idea that thunder and disease were the result of angry gods who cared enough to pass these messages along, or that the Earth has a unique and special place standing still at the center of the heavens, or that we were designed rather than evolved like every other living thing through natural selection.

      There are always deniers, especially when we learn things that make some people less comfortable. But they all share the same fate: they fade into history and the scientific discovery remains.

    6. Mexico is still not a friend of the U.S

  40. Biggest issue is the debt clowns and the instant nonstop creation of capital by the Feds and treasury at the push of a button.

    This is the downfall of the USA as we know it.

    1. 🖕🏾💯

      Just like the collapse of Rome and Greece before that. Humans will never learn.

  41. Thank you and RIP Mark

  42. Here's a wonderful tribute to Mark Patterson. Mark's legacy will continue to live on in the hearts of many.

    Huge thanks to Jordan Ingram of The Coast News, and Abby Sourwine for writing such a beautiful piece and recognizing Mark and his extraordinary life. Abby nailed it.

    Mark's Surfing Madonna Oceans Project will continue to make a difference for many years to come.

  43. Yesterday Coast Flight Training 10 times back and forth over Encinitas. Their motto..."safety last". Tail number N639CT.
    They fly 18 miles from Montgomery Field to put the population of Encinitas in danger, flying back and forth. And leaded fuel exhaust.
    That's Coast Flight Training where "safety last leads us"

    1. Correction 16 times

    2. Starvin’ must be tired of rubbing phone his feet. Back to his antics.

    3. I saw your note and tried to call them. It sounds like a fake business. You can't leave message, no one picks up. In other words this flight school is a crash site.

    4. Starvin is definitely a classless person for posting this crap on a tribute posting. Phony teacher your gal some manners.

    5. Just now, Coast Flight Training 16 times back and forth over Encinitas. The FAA is now involved. N245CA
      Coast Flight Training where the moto is..."we don't care as in Safety LAST"

    6. 12:22 I see others have posted other items but if I post a dangerous situation, I'm a bad person?
      Makes perfect sense. I still after months have no clue what a starvin is.
