Wednesday, September 20, 2023

9/20/23 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. My name is Christopher Sluka. The same bozo that crash landed on a Carlsbad Beach at the beginning of the year.
    Today I flew over Encinitas and Solana Beach back and forth,
    23 times. You see, I don't care about your safety or flying back and forth over Scripps Hospital 4 times. All the while making money teaching other bozos to fly these cheesy crappy little planes. Not to worry, they go down across the nation everyday. You are safe...just kidding

    1. More like my name is starvin‘

      My heart flies over Phony 40 times a day. When I’m not flying above his whisper lips, I am motorboating his bottom end.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    3. Aw, man.

      You were sky screaming sober for weeks.

      One day at a time.

  2. Which developer did Krantz sell out to today?

  3. Banner moments for the disgraced:

    It goes on you get the picture, "piece of work" doesn't begin to describe him.

    1. Disgraced? LOL, as if....

      What's disgraceful is your chicken shit anonymous post, as usual.

    2. Chicken shit is you? Racist you are ...

  4. Looks like ex planning desk developer helper Kerry Kusiak has slipped back into city hall.

    1. Where did Roy go?

    2. “Deputy” city manager.

    3. GTFO . Really?!

      Ant hill needs to go!!!

      Unfreaking believable.

    4. You think the order to promote originated with Antil think again it was Kranz. Same for Kusiak.

  5. Our mayor gave no quarter to Sheila when he spoke to her after her three minutes was up and when she tried to respond to him, he shut her up, or tried to.

    Way to go Sheila for getting the last word in spite of the lack of respect he showed you. Geez, tony was that necessary?

    1. 8:05- Haven't watched the video yet, but Kranz seems to be becoming a little dictator, who has no respect for citizens. I find this unacceptable for any Mayor or City Council member. She should be put in the penalty box for the rest of his term.

    2. Phony is a vile mix between Dalager and stocks… and dumber then a box of rocks.

    3. Tony started arguing with the public speaker. Trying to correct "facts". Was not a good look.

  6. Sheila knocked Tony flat!

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―

      Every time Phony opens his mouth he proves what a fool he really is.

      So embarrassing.

    2. Let us please, once again, all thank gadflies πŸ·πŸ‘§ and Starvin for the growing disaster that is Kranz. πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

    3. You don’t have to be Starvin the cabin boy to know Kranz is a complete misogynist.

    4. Not the first time he’s gone for her throat. What do they call it? A “hostile work environment.”

    5. More like sibling rivalry.

    6. My money’s on Shiela…

      Phony can not even get off the pot in the morning after his morning dump of yesterday’s donuts and junk food without help from his girlfriend Starvin….

      Phony is both physically and mentally vile…. 🀒

  7. I will continue to disrespect residents until I get more top time (hint hint Starvin)
    - Phony

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―


  8. Three minutes.


    Trap door.


    Moonlight beach pillow.

    Make it happen.

    1. 6:02- To clarify, you are talking about the Mayor's drowning on and on babbling for every right? I full agree. He needs to shut the F'ck up... What a waste of time and a total embaracment for Encinitas.

      The rest of City Council needs to pass a resolution limiting Tony to 3 minutes of speaking time including his long babbling princess dancing presentations thats wastes hours of the public's time.

      - Improve Encinitas City Council meeting. Limit Tony's speaking to 3 minutes max. Make it happen.

    2. Phony is the one that should be limited to 3 minutes.

      Breaking News Phony: Nobody cares what you have to say (except for maybe Starvin).

  9. I so agree with Shiela Cameron. I absolutely love ❤️πŸ’•❤️πŸ’•❤️πŸ’•❤️❤️πŸ’•❤️❤️πŸ’•❤️πŸ’•❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️πŸ’•πŸ’•❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ the City Council meeting Public comments. Its pure community discussion at work.

    The commenters are public Heros. Unfortunately the Mayor is a babbling zero.

    After 8 minutes of Tony babbling... last night Tony didn't make the a smart ass comment about the meeting becoming more boring. 🀣

    and then the real meeting started with 11 public speakers. Pure gold.

    What this - from minute 7:45 on... for about 30 min.

    Shiela Cameron = Hero!

    Tony the Town Dunce = Zero

    1. Sheila comes to yell at the council about things that are County programs. As a former mayor, you'd think she would understand these things better. No respect from that woman.

    2. You don't think handing out needles and burning ore drug addicts to the gang will help a drug addict overdose?

  10. I may be wrong but didn't you people vote this guy in as mayor?
    It's like the ones that voted for biden then complaining about the Alzheimers riddled incoherent buffoon.
    Wake up.....GAWD !!!!!

    1. there are a few serious idiots in town... leading them is πŸ–πŸ‘§, Starvin', Marco, Mali, John Gjata, Kathleen Lees, June H, Marco's predator family members, BIA and he developer's clan... the ignorant minority that got bamboozled in the last election......

      Encinitas lost and is getting crushed.

    2. Biden win because he isn’t Trump.

      And guess what? In 2024, he’s still not Trump, and better than that POS domestic terrorist.

    3. 6:51...good point as to the ignorant. This is why I prefer the company of dogs over "them". Oddly there are ones that believe that biden/harris are doing a fine job.
      And, as Encinitas gets "sold out" to the builders of ghetto apartments, the bad is just the beginning.
      Everything the left does...they destroy.
      Low income...ohhh' ya'. Let's just see how that works.
      And now, these religious goons are feeding migrants
      here in North County. I would state "pass the stupid" but it appears it's already here.

    4. 7:05...biden won because of stupid people.
      And now look.

    5. The stupid ignorant people are mostly in the red states. They haven’t innovated anything of value ever. They are known for their proud ignorance and rejection of science, along with their rejection of modern dentistry and vaccines. They are also known for high crime rates, poor healthcare, fat ass disease (diabetes), rascal scooters, racism, poverty, opioid addiction, racism, banjos, and racism.

      They are backward hicks with broken economies, and they think everyone should listen to their ideas about running an economy.

      No thanks.

      Invent something of value first, then we’ll talk.

    6. 6:51 don’t forget the former moron who surfed Swami’s and is now MIA, promoted by the grand whisperer herself, πŸ€πŸ‘§

    7. 7:55 you mean like San Fransisco Ca., Chitcago Ill. and New York City N.Y. Those lovey areas of great living?
      You need to get out more...

    8. 9:29,

      A scientific study showed most areas that voted for Trump are full of fat, disgusting, unattractive slobs.

      Don’t blame the messenger. It’s science.

    9. Science ???? like the lie of man made gullible warming?
      That type of science? Trust me, stupid people walk among us nationwide. Or the made up science of the electric vehicle and how it will save the planet.
      Yaaa' that type of fake science? Sure thing....

    10. 11:29 the reference you posted is an opinion piece. Since when are opinion pieces “scientific studies”.

      You’re an uneducated tool if you believe what you wrote.

  11. * the ignorant minority that bamboozled the last election and Encinitas is getting crushed.

  12. Funniest thing you will ever see- guaranteed!

    Watch Phony's face during public comment.... it tightens up more than a open wound swollen Sphincter after salt infused lemon juice is poured on it. So Classic!

    -CA raisins

  13. 10:44 that was no sibling rivalry, that was Kranz reacting in his normal way to someone who did not agree with him. He did the same last week to a complete stranger.

  14. Small town politics - short of Ehlers, none of th3ese people are competent nor do they represent their supposed constituency. The council people are approached or put into office by the special interests and they subsequently do what they are told. Kranz is a prime example - a yokel with his hand out. The citizens are ambivalent and allow these sold out incompetents to decide the fate of their town, which is turning into another Huntington Beach. As you are stuck in traffic due to gross over-development, remember you either didn't vote or actually put these clowns into positions of authority.

    1. True that. Ehlers hopefully will step up and run for mayor.

    2. Let’s hope the majority of voters get informed and don’t listen to the losers like πŸ·πŸ‘§ and Starvin.

    3. Let’s hope the dunce and Starvin don’t talk πŸ·πŸ‘§ into running again. She could be Bruce’s spoiler this time, since the moron isn’t available.

    4. Ehlers votes with the majority 95% of the time.

  15. Oh Dawwwwd… that would be like having an old female stocks as mayor… almost as bad as the Dunce and BIA…. WOATs.

  16. Ehlers= Mayor

    Holtz- Council member


  17. Am again struck by how kranz uses an individual tragedy to virtue signal what a good guy he is. Sheila talked about widespread overdose issues and Kranz calls her back to tell her about "one mother whose son overdosed." Sticks it to 63,000 people while fake crying over one. Listen to him, he does that a lot. Tony, we see you.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―

      Tony is a victim mentality for life.

      He will always be a dependent. He will never enjoy the true freedom of liberty and self-sufficiency.

      It’s embarrassing that that The Town Dunce is leading Encinitas. And not only embarrassing, but very very damaging.

      - Maximize developers profits

    2. The old bait and switch. Wish I could count how many times I’ve heard Tony go down one path and decide on another.

    3. Sheila came to bitch about needle programs and ignore the benefits they have for chronic drug users. They're part of a broader solution to addressing addiction and minimizing overdosing. She was disrespectful and uneducated as ever.

    4. 11:33 The details don't matter. Her gross inaccuracies and inability to even understand what she was complaining about are typical. What really matters is that she yelled at Kranz! Yeah get him! Morons. πŸ™„

    5. Yes, 11:33, let's just help those poor souls who are drug afflicted into the void with nice clean needles. Very humane.

  18. RRRRRRRRaaaaaaayyyyysssssssis!
    Dude is not serious human being but keep your head on a swivel and be locked and loaded ...situational awareness is key

    Developer attorney Marco Gonzalez calls high-density development opponents racists
    ... because nothing builds community and fosters civil dialogue like calling people who disagree with you racists.

    Voice of San Diego:

    Neighborhoods that line up against dense development projects are motivated by selfishness and closet racism, [Marco Gonzalez] said, at a panel discussion [VOSD columnist Andrew Keatts] hosted last week on dense housing as part of the San Diego Housing Federation’s annual conference.

    “It’s an interesting backdrop to practice law after 17 years being the community activist guy,” he said, “when I have to turn to my former clients and activists and call bullshit. And yeah, we use those terms because, frankly, when you get out of the public sphere, and you listen to what these people are saying, what they’re saying is, ‘I got mine, I have no responsibility to provide for them.’ And when the lights are really low, and the groups are really small, it’s, ‘Don’t bring the brown people here, don’t let the poor people in, let’s build a big gate around our little castle, because it’s really nice and pretty and we don’t want them to mess it up.’ And that’s what I’m fighting.”

    Does Gonzalez actually go to meetings of really small groups with the lights really low where people actually say "Don't bring the brown people here?" Or is he just completely making the whole thing up? Neither alternative is flattering.

    More Marco:

    It is that, the “community character” argument is the most powerful sword being thrown up by communities who really don’t want brown people, who really don’t want poor people, who really don’t want to see a development come into their neighborhood because they’ve got theirs, and they don’t care if someone else can’t get the same thing. They don’t want old people to have a place to retire, they don’t want young people to have a place to live near the coast, and they simply say, ‘Wait, I can argue this nebulous concept of community character, and in certain circumstances our elected officials… become weathervanes and not compasses.

    Posted by Encinitas Undercover at 3:32 PM
    Labels: Coast Law Group, marco gonzalez

    1. Such a poser. It's hard to take Marco seriously anymore after he defected to his developer buddies. I wonder if the other attorneys at Coast Law enjoy his antics. Be interesting to see how many clients, besides developers, they still have.

    2. Lee Atwater very eloquently and succinctly described how to cloak racism in abstract language. He helped do it for the Reagan campaign, and it’s been continuing ever since.

      “You start out in 1954 by saying, ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger.’ By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’—that hurts you, backfires. So you say stuff like, uh, forced busing, states’ rights, and all that stuff, and you’re getting so abstract. Now, you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is, blacks get hurt worse than whites.… ‘We want to cut this,’ is much more abstract than even the busing thing, uh, and a hell of a lot more abstract than ‘Nigger, nigger.’”

      In a way, the anonymity of this blog strips away the need for such tact and subtlety. A 1950’s racist would find the language of some here very familiar.

    3. Marco living rent free in a lot of your heads, but it sure doesn't seem to be causing him any problems.

    4. Like the GOAT, Marco is wildly successful in all things. The clownfolk are seething with jealousy and that's part of what makes it so damn funny.

    5. 11:41- oh yeah just like your GOAT Fletcher.

      We got your number. Lechers.

      That’s a quite a crew you run with - BIA/Gonzalez/Fletcher/Phony/Starvin/πŸ·πŸ‘§… Fletcher Lecher Crew- FLC

    6. That's a laugh! Is that why he shit all over the hispanic community to get the Clark development approved? What a hypocrite.

    7. Tortilla flats hasn't been majority Hispanic since all you boujee ass white folks came in and gentrified things. I'm looking at you, Cremona. At least the owners of the Clark property and their Mexican families made out like bandits.

    8. People who romanticize Encinitas of yesteryear always forget about the gang bangers.

    9. 5:06 FYI, Requeza is the number one most Hispanic community percentage wise in Encinitas and Tortilla Flats is the second. Plenty of white families sprinkled into the community, but it’s not gentrified. Yet. Clark will see to that once and for all.

  19. The meeting last night was 100% unanimous again. Kranz, Lyndes, Ehlers and Blackwell voted 4-0 on all 12 items on the agenda. Hinze was absent.


    1. Et tu, Bruce? 😧

    2. Not all votes are wrong even if unanimous. Garvin's back at his undermining whispers. Uncensored admin should run himself if Ehlers upsets him that much.

  20. Hinze has been absent a lot lately. How many times can a council member be absent before they are removed?

    1. She’s completely embarrassed to be a part of that group. The FLC

      I would be too… the stink is foul.

    2. Embarrassed? She doesn't know how to feel embarrassed. Who was it who once said to her in a council meeting that she'd never seen anyone look so blank?? Hinze is there sometimes in body only, but just watch that stare and know she's somewhere else. But shame? Nah.

    3. This, commissions have attendance rules. Is she sick?
      Sure takes a lot of vacations? Life is good on 1800 a month salary from the city.

      I just figured it all out. As one, Hinze represents the ultra-low income resident.

    4. She don’t need no stinking money. She’s got grandma’s checkbook. And her property..

      It’s about something to do.

    5. That's not as fun without Blakespear telling her what to say. A slight bit too much work, clearly.

    6. 12:54, I remember the person that said that about Hinze. What an asshole. Not in Hinze's district, but I'll support her for a long time just because of that nasty woman and people like her (Hi Garvin).

    7. 1:49 let's hope she votes soon to approve something that adversely affects you. Then you can jump up and down and hope to get her attention.

    8. Hinze doesn't do a damn thing for her district. She's just a place holder. I expect she'll quit at the right time so they can fill her position with another appointment. Her district is too valuable to let someone who cares represent it.

    9. Name some D2 candidates?
      Turney? Cremona? Morris? Bhavani? Bill the surfer? (don't know him do you, ha ha)

      None of those named are going to enter.

      Homeless Paul that hangs at Better Buzz?

      What district is Marc Mavil(sp?) registered in?

      Sorry, I know more peeps in the other districts.

    10. You're right 4:33, older members of the community implying that the youngest female member of the council is a spaced out ditz accomplished a lot. Thanks for attending meetings, letting us know your thoughts, and letting us know what kind of people you are.

    11. No implication action, watch just one meeting. Seeing is believing!

  21. Motherhood wears moms out, didn't you know? A charmed life doesn't prepare one for momming and working, especially for one who never had to work to put food on her plate. Work was just to have something to do with her time living on the Neptune bluff. Life's a beach after all.

    1. Many times motherhood (and fatherhood) makes a person stronger. Some of this sad gossiping is wishful thinking, at best.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―

  22. Her absence on too many occasions is gossiping? It must be.

  23. I would not blame her for not running again. Look at the Mayor… she’s a freaking idiot.

    There’s not much money in it, and motherhood is much more rewarding then listen to a bunch of screaming residents about how ridiculous the mayor is….

    That’s got to be tiring and unfulfilling.

    1. That’s why no one decent wants to run. Between the clueless residents, the meddling activists and the incompetent council, this city is screwed.

    2. Hinze is here long term. Her family has lived in Encinitas forever. She's exactly where she should be.

  24. Kellie doesn't need to be there when Bruce will vote with the woke majority every time anyway. It doesn't really matter if all the votes are 4-0 or 5-0.

    1. It irks those that support him but his votes are what they are.

    2. I consider myself a Bruce supporter and it irks me, this isn't what he was voted in for. Worse still, after he approved another giant apartment complex he likely lost my future support. It's blatant hypocrisy that nobody is speaking out regarding his voting record. There's dozens of posts regarding Tony and his meaningless SANDAG vote and not one mention of Bruce and his recent vote to reject the appeal. Unfortunately it proves our critics right when we complained for years about 5-0 voting and approving gross projects but now we're silent. If he's just another developer yes man, what's the point?

    3. Well, he can't just be a "no man". He has proven to be able to have advance critical thinking skills vs being an empty suite.

  25. Whatever you say Dan.
