Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Ehlers announces for mayor

Coast News:

Councilmember Bruce Ehlers has thrown his hat into the ring to become the next mayor of Encinitas.

The council’s District 4 representative told The Coast News that he has filed the official paperwork needed to start the candidate process. Ehlers will challenge incumbent Mayor Tony Kranz.

“I am running to return to the priorities that guided us since incorporation, preserve community character, provide reliable public services, ensure public safety and protect the environment,” Ehlers said.

Ehlers is the principal author of Proposition A, a ballot initiative that gave Encinitas voters the final say on development proposals that fall outside parameters outlined in the city’s general plan.


  1. ❤️πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

    1. Finally. A bright day in Encinitas.

      It’s been years!!

  2. Thank you Bruce. You give us hope for some true representation that has been lacking for ages. If our reps do not defend this community, why are they even up there on the dais to begin with?

    Now what we need is a new majority. Who can we support to join you in creating the change that a new majority will finally bring forward?

    In your own District 4 Who ya got to come on board?

    In District 2 who ya got to replace mama hinze and join a much needed new council majority?

    In District 1, who ya got to join you in order to have an actual elected council member and not another seat filler with an incumbent advantage?

    With some united effort, we can get this done. At last.

    Hope does spring eternal with you as our mayor.

  3. From my perspective,, Ehlers already won. He represents the residents interests, quality of life in Encinitas, and focused on maintaining unique character of a family coastal quiet beachtown.

    Kranz, The exact opposite. A red and white faced loudmouth racist from Minnesota Who couldn’t make it on his own so he got lucky and married a decent woman who carried him his whole life.

    Kranz doesn’t have the brain to think for himself so he was perfect prey for the BIA with its Shifty eyed and sharp looking admiral uniform wearing Starvin. Admiral Starvin runs Encinitas for Kranz reading all Kranz’s emails and managing Her every vote.

    The good democrats and Encinitas were shenanigans by πŸ©ΈπŸ’©πŸ€. Bruce Ehlers ran back in the day when Maggie Houlihan was the Democratic council member who is looking out for residence interests against the big bad BIA who was supported by Jerome stocks. But then we had a shift and BIA basically indoctrinated Blakes spear and Kranz and did much much much worse damaged Encinitas than Stocks could ever dream.

    True history and Encinitas’s news. In fact, I’m pretty darn sure but back in the day when Bruce was campaigning for Maggie Houlihan, I bet Tony Kranz fully supported Bruce Ehlers and Citizens initiative to control growth.

    It was only after the BIA started throwing all of that πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’Ά at Encinitas that Kranz changed her tune and created the Freakshow with Starvin, Marco, Mali, John Gjata, Nate Letcher, Kathleen Lees, and Anthill.

    Man does BIA stink!

    Just check out the resumes-

    Ehlers An engineer who worked hard, saved to buy a home in rural Encinitas to sustain a family with a great head on his shoulders, and authored and excellent growth management initiative to protect the City of Encinitas from BIA.

    Kranz - Homeless until his wife started caring for him. And then he flips on everything and becomes the love of the BIA’s Starvin. Every vote supports higher profits for the BIA.,challenge%2520incumbent%2520Mayor%2520Tony%2520Kranz.

    You already won Bruce!! Thank you for stepping up!!

    Now it’s time for all of us to get out and spread the word to 40 of our best friends, neighbors, business owners, children who vote, and all voters. Let’s get behind this and get a force at shopping centers, 7-Elevens, all around town supporting keeping Encinitas a nice quiet Beachtown, Not the BIA big Profit ATM.

    Let’s kick BIA and Kranz out of Encinitas politics!!

  4. Mr. Elders, thank you. I think you will get lots of support. The Mali, MG, Blasksphere freakshow needs to end. They are freaks with profit in mind while they use our people of color and the poor to benefit their own wallet.

  5. Bruce cannot do it on his own, regarding the current council makeup. If ever there was a time to put forward a united front for a new council majority, this is it. We may not get the chance again that we have this year thanks to Bruce running for mayor.

    Only District three, Cardiff, is not open to new leadership this year.

    I would love to see Joy outnumbered up on the dais. Heck, who knows, it might even curb her endless rambling on and on and on. Wishful thinking, you bet. Outnumbered, if only..........

  6. Kick the Kranz

    “I was inspired by two things,” said Encinitas activist Ann Droid. “The first was a street game called Kick the Can that we played as kids. The second was Bob Aronin’s Dump Stocks campaign from about 10 years back.

    “Tony Kranz has been an absolute disaster for Encinitas since he was first elected in 2012,” said Droid. “He tells heartwarming stories about his childhood here, then he votes to destroy the very things he cherished. Unless voters want Encinitas to become the next Carmel Valley, we must kick Kranz out of office.

    “‘Deep Community Roots,’” said Droid, “that’s a Kranz crock. He lives in Leucadia. He knows the flooding problem there as well as anyone. Has he solved it? No! Has he put millions into two, now three, worthless roundabouts in a short stretch of Leucadia Boulevard? Yes!

    “Pacific View,” said Droid. “If there’s ever been a worse case of city mismanagement, I don’t know what it is. It’s been a Kranz pet project from the start. Not a bad idea to turn a public property into an arts center, but for tens of millions of taxpayers’ dollars? A good manager with a head for finance could have done it for a small fraction of what it’s cost so far — and the debt service continues.

    “Encinitas can’t afford another Kranz term as mayor or as a re-run on the council,” said Droid. And I don’t mean only financially. He would be the ruin of our small town. It’s time for voters to kick the Kranz.”

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

  7. Bruce has the wrong people cheering for him and right people against him. The can’t STFU crowd on both EV and EN will be posting all the cliche’s and gaslighting will go unbated. Voters will be like sPam and Golden like him, is Bruce an idiot too?" The next day voters will be all Mali is against him, that’s probably a good thing.

    Im voting for bruce but i also voted for the dude with a dog.

  8. EV and any of those social media sites are 1% of 1% of the voting population. 99% of the public don't know anything about Lorrie or any of them and Bruce knows it. He'll go out to the voting public and win them over instead of playing FB politics like past candidates who have lost.

  9. 4:50- πŸ’―

  10. Anyone notice Lorri deleted the demand for praise after less than 1% of EV responded?

    People are definitely over her shtick.

    1. Kinda like we’re over yours?

    2. Lorri made it clear. EV exists to sway public opinion in the direction of her preferred candidates. When nobody was running against the incumbents she was frustrated and purposeless. Now that Bruce and others are running she can resume shilling for them while lying about the true purpose of EV.

  11. When I vote, I vote with my heart....and that belongs to Phony
    - Starvin

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎso does a lot more than your heart Starvin. I noticed your gate has changed quite a bit of the last couple of years. Do you ride horses or something? Why do you walk so funny now?

  12. Great news, thank you Bruce! Folks, please keep in mind that there will be big money behind his opponent from many interest groups. For Bruce to win, we will all need to pitch in where we can. Since I am not good at door to door or manning a booth, I will help out financially. I do hope everyone on this blog will help as well.

  13. Bend over Bruce and touch your toes. Encinitas Uncensored wants to lick you butthole.

    Now they just need to get some legitimacy back.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎJust a matter of time until the Kranz disgusting Freakshow members showed up to spread their fifth.

      The above sounds just like Kranz.

    2. * πŸ‘†πŸΎJust a matter of time until the Kranz disgusting Freakshow members showed up to spread their filth.

    3. Kinda like when Tony bent over for BIA when they fired Bruce?

    4. Oh please 7:49, shut the fuck up. If voters want the man to be mayor and he manages to get elected, great. Let's skip all the dumb as shit posturing this time around.

  14. Starvin, I am NOT happy about this news one bit. Get on the phone right now and call Pigtails, I need you two to work on Operation Spoilers full time now.....oh, hey, while you're in here could you rub my feet?
    - Phony-the-Phat-Phuckwad

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

  15. Encinitas headline news:

    It’s official. Tony Kranz is as freaking brain death as Joe Biden.

    Both the Alzheimer’s ridden president and the pea-brain mayor think that inviting the world’s addicted Fentanyl Zombies and lowest intelligence level humans into Encinitas Is a great idea.

    It’s not working in Oakland, LA, Chicago Or New York. And it’s not gonna work and Encinitas.

    Tony Kranz is bad for Encinitas every day that he remains at the city.

  16. Encinitas headline news:

    This is a public service announcement-

    1) The City of Encinitas is keeping Beacons Beach closed again today for no reason.

    2)We will be closing the schools, City Hall and all the businesses again because deputy Mayer Arizona Joy caught a cold. We will be firing all employees that do not get their fifth vaccination booster today. Remember, get your booster today and save lives.

    3)And lastly, a reminder to go get your fifth booster shot today, Pfizer stock has dropped dramatically this year and we need to correct this wrong.

  17. Hey everybody.

    1.) Bruce Ehlers was the swing vote to kill reliable beach access. The closure was both predicted and predictable. He owes us his alternative plan now.

    2.) If Ehlers wins his mayor’s race, the council majority will select his district seat replacement. Pyrrhic victory.

    3.) The GOAT worked smart and hard at developing and mentoring a generation of strong leaders to continue her progressive legacy for many years to come. That’s why she’s the GOAT, and why you can suck it.

    1. ☝️I can smell the stink of your fear

    2. 7:48, check again.

      You probably need to clean your upper lip.

    3. No, you go suck it

  18. I love how the watchdicks have been reduced to rooting for a guy who votes with the majority 98% of the time.

    The GOAT is so dominant that that’s all you have left.

    1. Elena Thompson is the GOAT of the Encinitas city council meetings.

      We love Elena Thompson’s message to City Council. Bruce Ehlers understands and I’m sure agrees with what a lot of what Ms. Thomson is saying.

      Tony Kranz has no clue and is busy playing pocket pool with his ever shrinking raisins.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£…

      The freak show sucks and is very cruel.

      Free the Cardiff Gimp.

  19. Bruce Meh-lers is looking like a political climber at this point. Not even one term into his city council seat and his eyes are already looking up the ladder. Maybe he's planning to jump shit quickly like Tasha did?

    1. Hypocrisy example #3,296,720. Imagine if anyone else pulled this shit. I support Bruce but he lost a lot of respect by doing this. Based on conversations I've had, I'm not alone in feeling this way.

    2. He ran for council in the early 2000s and put in his time on the planning commission. He actually reads reports vs taking hand signals from staff to decide their votes.

      Not seat filler rubber stamp votes like the Blakespear Kranz appointees.

      He’s put in the work and continues do do so. You may not always agree with him but he’s honest and not bought and paid for.

      Who is threatened by him? Marco Gonzalez, the BIA, staff working just a tad too hard for developers, Kranz’s dynamic duo from 2022, btw don’t be fooled by false signals of support from half the duo…who’s missing? Basically all the wrong people.

    3. Translation: We know it's blatant hypocrisy but we're ok with it because we want him voted in. If it wasn't for double standards we'd have none at all.

    4. Hi, one of the above. So funny that this is all you’ve got.

    5. Margo and the dynamic Kranz duo (πŸ– & πŸ€), and the Dunce himself all terrified that someone who's popular with the regular people will get elected. No politician is perfect, but after bottom of the barrel Kranz, new mayoral blood will be a breath of fresh air. And the bonus is Kranz will be OUT and for good!

    6. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―πŸ‘ŒπŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ❤️

    7. So popular with the regular people he didn't win a majority of his district in the last election?

  20. 5/1 1:42 Has the silverback come out of retirement?

    1. Still can’t figure out that reply button.

  21. The biggest question I have is what is Ehlers hiding if all of the biggest assholes in Encinitas like him so much? Im gonna have to vote against him just based on that and I'm not kidding.

    1. 2:22- so you’re saying that Tony Kranz and Blakespear support Ehlers too?

      It’s about time they turned over a new leaf.

      Well, they finally started to learn some intelligence, and common sense.

    2. His support is probably peaking right now, low IQ club of perpetual losers will undoubtedly turn off potential voters. Question is can he convince more people than the watch dork crew will turn off. We have seen this before, the right wingers are delusional and once bruce gets connected with them, he’s done. Most people are fine with how the city is run and don’t get all triggered by things like sand on a bike lane and are not scared of homeless people or immigrants like the mental midgets who are first in line to support bruce.

    3. How's the city bike thing working out for ya? Happy with water and sewer rates hikes? Lovin all that deferred infrastructure that will magically now get built with yet another tax hike? Then keep on voting for the current crew.

    4. 12:04 Exactly. They have to be dumb as fucking rocks to believe the stupid shit they won't stop posting about. Most Encinitas voters would be completely turned off by Ehler's buddies if they took the time to read what the rightwing losers have to say on social media.

  22. Did you all see the Blakespear fiasco where she fired Ehlers from the Planning Commission. She tried to do it on the phone, but Bruce said NO, do it at the Council meeting. So she did. The entire chambers and outside were filled with people who were for Bruce. People from all sides of the fence. If Blakespear hated him that much, I'll vote for him for that reason alone. Pretty slimey way to do things.

    1. That was a pretty obvious lead in to him running for city council, nothing more. A social media manufactured crowd created by the people 2:22 mentioned.

    2. And after all that, he’s still got less than half the vote in his district.

      Sounds weak.

    3. Crowd manufactured by Blakespear herself.

    4. Blakepear is corrupt as they come. She has always been a shill for the BIA and is currently pushing hard for ADU's (additional dwelling units) to be added to every square inch of open space in exisiting neighborhoods. She and Gonzales have sold out the community for self gain and personal ambition. Dump Blakespear when she is up for reelection...And ask her about the SANDAG credit card scandal...

  23. Not a big surprise that the trolls are coming out of the dark spaces where their minds reside and are posting their drivel and lies.

    That is almost poetic in a way. We know what he is in for and so does he. You cretins are gonna do what you know how to do best. Disparage the best we have shows your true colors as well as anything else. Who loves and appreciates this community more? One guess. Bruce and his supporters.

    It for damn sure is not the profiteers that have held on for too long. Your money may have worked in the past and it may again, but we who treasure this community for its specialness will never stoop to your level of the almighty dollar to suck off what brought many of us long timers here to begin with and why we have stayed around to preserve that quality of life.

    1. Such high self regard. Give yourself a big pat on the back, and give your buddy Ehlers one too while you're at it. He seems rightfully destined for his throne.

    2. Sounds like crazy old L-word.

    3. πŸ‘†πŸΎtrue that… always long-winded and shitty writing.

    4. And PLEASE about "stooping to your level". Your level is below ground, bottom of the barrel, whatever words for absolute trash you want to use.

      Don't forget it.

  24. 3:37 is Jerome he can’t let go how much trouble Lynn gave him outing his horseshit.

    At this point the money’s on the dynamic duo and their flying monkeys going after Ehlers. They did it before they’re doing it again.

    1. What happened to Julie Thunder? Used to think she was the real deal.

    2. She supported kranz las t time draw your own conclusion.

    3. I don't think most people under 60 give a shit about Ehlers. They probably don't give a shit about Kranz either.

    4. Therein lies the problem

    5. Big problems…. You know who gives a shit πŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’΅πŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’ΆπŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ€‘πŸ’΄πŸ’΄πŸ’΄πŸ’΄πŸ’ΈπŸ’ΈπŸ’Έ BIA Profits!!

    6. 5:53 You can find Thunder bitching and moaning about "illegals" (and "legals"), homeless, poor people, imagined crime, etc. anywhere that will have her. She's difficult to miss, and right where she belongs- NOT seeking office.

  25. 3:37pm Not Lynn, you piece of work.

    You just can't help yourself from being the rear end you always have been, especially when its comes to dissing women.

    Whether it is jerome or his old partner in crime slimy mikey, the message is the same. It is tough to come up with pity for such despicable characters as they lubricate themselves to no end, except the obvious end for all such lowlifes.

    You didn't get that rosy splotchy complexion from the sun. It comes from the bottle you can't put down. Just another mean old drunk being mean to women. Classy, as always.

    1. You seem awfully upset about not being Lynn.


    2. Focus on the point, that final paragraph. :D

  26. Dear Anthill,

    It's come to my attention that another individual wants my seat on the council. Two things to consider: First of all I had my council chair customized to accommodate my fat ass. A lot of reinforcement beams and additional leather cushioning were invested in this endeavor (at the expense of the residents). If a normal sized human being were to sit in it they would need to decide which of the two massive butt cheek impressions will work best for them to sit in--that's a lot of pressure. Secondly, it's my understanding the candidate in question isn't a boner pill enthusiast, so your profits will plummet. I need your help.
    - Phony

    1. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£πŸ€£

  27. Dear Anthill,

    One more thing.

    My lover, Starvin, was reading to me my email and the local news as usual and came across an article stating something about a state law no 9.... I really couldn't follow her but can you tell me, is this going to affect my BIA trip to Isreal this year?

    I was scheduled to go with with my Jewish developer friend and make more progress on world peace since the last trip several years ago.

    OOooo, Starvin is just starting to rub my feet, let me get to the point, will this knew no 9 law affect the size of my BIA Christmas bonus?

    -Your Mayor, Phony Phat Phuckwad

    1. 🀣🀣🀣

  28. Antill -

    Contact Mali today and make her apply for this board. I'm great friends with my amigas, Nora, sweet cheeks, Varga, and soon to be reappointed, Nathan Letcher.... We needs a racist screamer on this board and we've seen Mali is perfect.

    This is urgent, Let me know by lunch that you've completed today's highest priority.

    -Your Mayor, Phony Phat Phuckwad

  29. 2:58 those are far from Ehlers buddies but he will have a hard time scraping them off his shoes. The Marco Mali Marlon team already making hay off the relationships that actually do not exist. But carry on, 3M.

    1. 3M and DD (dynamic duo) will pair up to try scuttling Bruce’s chances.

    2. Half that dynamic duo was in his ear last election, until his friend Tony screwed him over. Hope he’s learned what a scorpion that 2 time loser is.

    3. Nope right back at it. Propaganda pays. And when a cuppa coffee is beyond your means you need that payday.

    4. Fucking Garvin. And his little side peck Julie. πŸ˜–

  30. The thunder that roared is or should be toast to both sides after the crap she pulled two years ago.

    How is anything she has to say now is relevant?

    She had a voice for awhile that was of value before she conspired to leave us with what we now have.

  31. Dump Kranz - he has proven to be worthless.
