Thursday, May 30, 2024

Encinitas cancels SeeClickFix contract?

The City of Encinitas used to have an app called SeeClickFix, where residents could easily report road hazards, vandalism, debris, etc. from our new "neighbors experiencing homelessness" (thanks, Tony!).

Apparently, there were too many reports for the staff to keep up with, or so many reports it became politically inconvenient for the incumbent majority, so now the app has been disabled.


  1. The city changed to using the MyEncinitas App.

    1. The City didn’t like the previous one because it showed how many outstanding requests it had unaddressed. Go ahead and try and report one. They don’t do shit.

      It took years for them to fill a single pothole.

      They needed more control of the data because it didn’t show well.

      Ignore maintenance items and focus on pet projects like the second senior center./ Second homeless parking lot.

      Ms. Kranz wants her name on a building plaque of her Ridiculous unnecessary pet project.

  2. Do you even live here? My Encinitas has been serving this function for years and the city won't shut up about it. In other news there's no more hitching posts to secure your horses on the 101.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎStarvin- earned her key for the BIA. Guzzle guzzle guzzle.

  3. Or some horses rear end.

  4. Please cancel Phony, Malice-on, Kindergarten, Starvin, Fake wood shooker, Molestiny, Margo, Merlin, Piglet, Van Daughn and Amanduh next.
    - Every resident in town if they were paying attention.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―πŸ’ͺπŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

    2. 9:44- Perfect, but you forgot to freakshow members working hard for the BIA.




  5. 8:52 is Starvin

    Garvin Walsh just read one of Tony's emails on this subject and Starvin is trying to do damage control for the obvious the City is not maintaining its roads.

    Hey Garvin Walsh (AKA - Starvin) How are those North County Republican Central Committee meetings going?

    How do the other committee members feel about having a tranny commie that is boinking Phatty Mcphuckwadipants?

  6. 7:00 am is Starvin

    Garvin Walsh just read one of Tony's emails on this subject and Starvin is trying to do damage control for the obvious the City is not maintaining its roads.

    Hey Garvin Walsh (AKA - Starvin) How are those North County Republican Central Committee meetings going?

    How do the other committee members feel about having a tranny commie that is boinking Phatty Mcphuckwadipants?

  7. You want justice go to a whorehouse..

    You want to get f ucked go to court.

    1. And there it is.

      Once the party of “law and order.”

      Now the party of victimhood, violence, and lies.

    2. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

      Who can recite the constitution and be proud of it?

      Or the Song America? My country, Tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty.

      That’s right liberty. It’s what is worth fighting for. Crush the Commies like Kranz.

      Under God….. Yeah! I say F-off Commie Krantz, and Walsh!! No chopping little boys penises off just because you have weird fetishes. Sickos. The freak show will always be sicko.

      - Free The Cardiff Gimp!

  8. There are far too many so-called patriots flying the flag while working to end our democracy and install an authoritarian regime. Hypocrisy is rampant among these rubes who imagine they are not traitorous pos domestic terrorists. True reality escapes them and they carry on in their delusional state of mindlessness.

    1. Exactly. The number of losers that slap a flag on what they do and call it patriotism is too damn high. They are exactly the opposite.

    2. Fuck off Commie biatch!

  9. Trump is a felon. The greatest felon probably ever. The #1 legal scholar is saying so. Nobody’s ever seen anything like it. They are saying 34 convictions is a very very strong number. It’s very strong in terms of felonies, and everybody knows it—even the dishonest media. Many of you said it couldn’t be done, but we did it anyway. The jail time is going to also be, perhaps a record—they are saying, I don’t know. But it’s certainly going to be stronger than any jail sentence Crooked Hillary or Sleepy Joe ever did.

    1. Blah blah blah. No one buys it.

      If you want to talk about felons. Check out the history of the Clintons and Biden.

      I feel sorry for Biden. His family put him up to this crap and he has no clue what the hell he’s even doing.

      Holy crap. Talk about corrupt they’ve off people and worse. They’ve destroyed the America. They are the epitome of swamp monsters. And why no one likes a Congress person.

    2. Clinton(s): 0
      Biden(s): 0
      Trump: 34

      There have been 46 presidents, and 34 presidential convictions.

      The average US president has been convicted of .74 felonies.

    3. you have to look at the process and considerations. Was the process flawed?

      -We all know the answer to that question.

  10. If you’re not in full agreement with the documentary, the great awakening 2023. Then, You’re not a true American. And I have no sympathy for what happens to you.

    For liberty loving Americans watch this awesome movie if you have not already.

    Every high school graduate graduating needs to watch this loving documentary. If you believe in equity and being all inclusive, and you will love this movie

    1. The last kook onboard the cult ship Q-Anon.

    2. Somebody actually bought into that bullshit. You dumbasses crack me up. Y’all a bunch of losers trying to make losing normal. Take your participation ribbon and lose another election.

    3. ❤️❤️❤️❤️best documentary ever❤️❤️❤️❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

  11. Cope Harder still voting for the Orange King 🀴 🍊

  12. What’s happened to @saveencinitasnow and @encinitaskeepingitreal?

  13. Leucadia streetscape continues with a 60" storm drainpipe being installed. Looking forward to seeing if it will help improve our flooding.

    1. Should’ve been done 20 years ago.

      BIA and Kranz got in the way.

    2. Just in time for the summer traffic πŸ™„

    3. City shill @ 3:26 there's no covering up that mammoth of ineptitude and fiscal malfeasance. Good luck stumping for Kranz, becoming something very like shoveling shit against the tide. But Garvin & sidekick will still try.

    4. Cry when there’s no drainpipe.

      Cry when there is a drainpipe.

      Cry, cry, and cry some more, loser.

    5. No crying…. Planning out the incompetent managers at the city and slowwwww short-bus Mayor Phatty.

    6. * No crying…. Just pointing out the incompetent managers at the city and slowwwww short-bus Mayor Phatty.

  14. The plan is that pipe is temporary

    1. That sounds promising, NOT.

  15. It took ms. repetition 17 minutes earlier this morning to repeat herself. Not a record today for this mental midget, but hopefully someday she will get the help she needs.

    Even if she is a he, she deserves to be called out and asked why she has a compulsion to show us all how damaged her faculties have become every day.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎStarvin is a tranny …. They go by it.

  16. Biden should publicly offer to pardon Trump and all he has to do is own up to what he did and express remorse in a televised meeting at the White House.

    1. He couldn’t get through the Teleprompter. That Alzheimer’s victim is down to a one minute read.

      His family is extremely cruel. Kinda like the Blakespear family is super cruel, keeping a gimp in the closet.

  17. But, but, but, " I am completely innocent of everything".

    He has never been innocent his whole criminal life. He will never own up. It is not in his nature. Never has been.

    Remorse? He has never shown remorse for anything and he will never express such a sentiment. It is not in his nature to do so. Never has been.

    One thing everyone can count on, is his lies will never stop.

    Lock him up! Repeat. Lock him up. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎagreed… lock Kranz up!!

  18. NO TAX INCREASE!! Vote NO!! An I crease will go for higher wages and pensions. VOTE NO!!!

    1. Mali and Marco say Vote Yes. Wonder why?

  19. Everywhere around the world
    They're coming to America
    Every time that flag's unfurled
    They're coming to America
    Got a dream to take them there
    They're coming to America
    Got a dream they've come to share
    They're coming to America

    Remember when everyone would swell with pride and sing along?

    1. Some people love traffic jams…. And some people love being from cities…. It’s just no one wants to live in them….

  20. Backfired royally





  21. You guys I'm horny, but Starvin isn't in the mood. Anthill is my go to boner pill plug, but does anyone know if she sells Rhino horns or any other aphrodisiacs? I need my lovin'!
    - Phony

  22. Ms repetition, could you come off as any more of a df? The answer, obviously is, yes you can and you will.

    This is the normal moronic behavior we have been subjected to for what feels like soooo long, from a moron loser who can't get enough of herself on the first try because of his own low level mental acuity.

    Oh look. I switched her/his gender in the same sentence. Yes, it was intentional for the slow witted moron minds out there like the previous poster makes more than clear.

    1. Starvin - you really need to come up with another word other than "moron" in your responses. Dead giveaway. Question: Did you and Phony celebrate the Trump conviction? Oh that's right you can't talk about that coz it'll blow your cover. #turncoatphuckwadlover

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ’―… but Starvin is only focused on one thing today….

      Saturday Night Romp!

      Anthill better resupply the boner pills or there will be hell to pay from the Freakshow.

  23. The country is finally coming together in bipartisan agreement.

    Democrats believe the Republican Party has been hijacked by a violent criminal enterprise, characterized by lies, and led by a convicted felon.

    In the wake of Trump’s conviction, it’s clear that Republicans agree.

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎit time for a true logical leader and independent clear of the bullshit of bot the Dems and Reps….

      Both parties are high jacked by extremist losers and the parties leaders hung.

      Anyone associated with the Democratic or Republican Parties should be considered a traitor of the United States.

    2. 7:17am LOL

      Are you seriously paying attention or are you just trolling.

      The orange man is receiving $1,558,823.53 per fake lawfare conviction LOL.

      Keep at it, please. The public has awakened.

  24. Someone should let poor O’Hara know that if Thunder is advising him and schilling for him, he’s already lost.

  25. Morning moron idiocy. stfu

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎ good morning🐽
      Better start practicing your sphincter yoga. Tonight’s your big freak show.

  26. I absolutely love that WC Verones Is posting. ❤️❤️

    Next, we will get the Leucadia Blog back, and RSPB. (For you newbies that stands for Road Side Park Bum)

    Those were the good old days. ❤️❤️πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

    Way before BIA and Kranz Destroyed the city.

    1. Don't forget Blakespear's contribution to the city's decline.
      I wonder if she still has a government credit card to abuse again, like in the SANDAG scandal? She refused to be be interviewed by the San Diego Union Tribune on this issue. Unfit for office.

    2. GOAT.

      Great idea trying to rehash crap that voters already discounted.

      I love it.

    3. WC is the GOAT

  27. 9:19pm Not the oh so pompous one, but no worries, we are used to your failing to comprehend much if anything correctly.

    1. 8:46- starvin,

      you got the wit of a tapeworm.

  28. 8:46am. Where do you come up with this crap? Bigger question is why.

    One avenue, especially for you and your fellow morons, even you can grow and be a man or whatever you choose in no time and there is no time like right now to grow into being a caring human. That is a lot to ask, considering your current life choices.

  29. We salute you and all local heroes. ❤️❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

    This gentleman was awesome at the Encinitas City Council and speaks the complete truth!!

    Does anyone know if this is posted the YouTube yet?


  30. But the City had the money to send out a phony questionaire promoting the 1% sales tax increase proposal. Vote NO on this tax - make the City live within its already overbearing tax revenue squeezed out of the residents. Vote Kranz out too - he is a shill for the big money.

    1. Thanks... but its not a 1% increase, which is a lie from the City.

      Its a 13% increase (1%/7.75% increase). That plus the 7% increase supported by Kranz for the SANDAG plugged fiasco and you you have 20% increase. This is on top if the doubling of the utlity bills over the next few years and all the other inflation.

      Kranz is sticking it to us old minority people on fixed inccome.

      Hey Kranz- You try living within your means for once in your life and try paying some legal property tax you suckwad.

      I can see where they got the name - Phatty Mcphuckwadipants

      Fits you perfectly.


  31. **** Encinitas Real Time News*****

    This is the type of new neighbors Mayor Tony Kranz has invited to Encinitas that are finding their way to neighboring Cities and are being negatively impacted by Mayor Kranz's irresponsible actions.

    Voters of Encinitas can not be fooled by mouth pieces like Garvin Walsh who get forwarded sensitive emails from Mayor Kranz, and spin Kranz's public marketing responses to all the bad things happening in Encinitas since Kranz has joined the City Council 12 years ago.

    Its time for the Citizens of Encinitas demand that Tony Kranz resign for his position on City Council today. He is a hazard to public health in all of North County.

    Watch an invited new north county neighbor attempt murder of an innocent peace officer.

    - Citizens Demand Justice and Will Not Stand for Kranz's Irresponsible Invites For All the Loser Junkies in the World to North County.

    1. Man-from-San-Diego-attacks-cops-in-Carlsbad-and-somehow-it’s-Kranz’-fault-gate.

      Attacking cops. This guy has the makings of a MAGA candidate. Let’s hear his “I’m a victim” speech.

    2. πŸ‘†πŸΎSorry, asswipe

      This one is solely in the Kranz and Garvin Walsh camp.

      While Walsh claims to be a Republican, we know deep down he’s a commie supporter with Kranz.

      Strike two.

    3. 12:00 PM is Garvin Walsh

      Can’t wait to do a post about your Tony Kranz - #gate items.

      That jackass has been so bad for Encinitas, he’s fucked up so much, the list will probably exceed 200 separate items

      What a loser, And of course, losers attract losers like you. With you, we’ve seen your daughters even hate you and filed court cases against you.

      That says it all, when your own family disowned you. That coupled with all of the other losing things you’ve done in your life is a complete story. I’m honestly surprised the North County Republican Central Committee has not thrown you out yet.

      - Later loser!

  32. 🀣🀣🀣🀣

  33. I'll do anything for a free cup of coffee, especially if it involves destroying the city...who's in?
    - Starvin

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

      BIA stepped up along with Kranz.

    2. Starvy, I just filled my balloon knot up with coffee!
      - Phony

    3. Phony,

      If there’s no boner pills, I’m not even sure if I’ll go. Your coffee-filled balloon knot sounds yummy and I’ve topped you one by dusting a special mind blowing drugs on my VJ. Let me give you a hint- it starts with an F.

      You’re gonna be howling like it’s a full moon and acting like one of your new invited neighbors when I’m done with you. That is if you deliver on Anthill’s boner pills.

      - Admiral Starvin

  34. Of course all the Watchdorks are rolling out for Watchdork O'Hara. It's a who's who of Watchdorks including "Dean", Golden, Riley, Conkey, "Cavendish" and of course Thunder. Will Ehlers and Shaffer manage to avoid the Watchdork stink?

    1. 4:50- whatever Starvin. at least our daughters don’t hate us and sue us, and our families didn’t disown us like you.

      I can guarantee you there’s gonna be a whole lot more people supporting Jim O’Hara besides the watch dorks… Most of us could not vote for Stan. We all know why. 😡‍πŸ’«πŸ€ͺ

      Truth always hurts When you’re a full on loser like Garvin Walsh.

    2. Ehlers and Shaffer would be smart to endorse Jim O’Hara. We need 3 to make majority.

    3. The San Diego Republican Party, Carl D'Maio and the rest of the Trumpists will also endorse Ehlers, Shafer and O'Hara.

    4. Picking a candidate with the same last name as Lisa Shaffer is the Acme Rocket Rollerskates of local politics.

    5. 6:53- sorry 🐽 and Starvin are republicans and support Kranz and his financiers the BIA.

      Independents and common sense citizens of both Democrat and Republican Parties support the Ehlers majority.

    6. πŸ‘†hopefully those who do pay attention vote for the person not the party. Coz the old way didn’t work out so good.

    7. The funniest thing ever is seeing the WD Founders use the term “Watchdork”. So bitter over their loss they are willing to mock their own name!! They can’t stand that other campaigns are flourishing in 2024. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Nice try!!!

    8. Bobby Nickels chiming in from Oregon. After Julie he's the second most certain kiss of death for a campaign.

  35. 7:03pm I needed that respite from the morons endless infantile regurgitations.

    Thanks for the all too brief break from the moronic uttering's of the misguided Never Never Land morons who the choose to stay behind the times and never get over their past poor choices.

    Please keep more coming if you can. The name Shaffer is, or damn well should be, a death sentence in this town after all the ice queen left in her wake.

  36. Dearest residents: I shall increase the amount in which I tax
    Dearest Starvin: I shall increase the amount in which I wax (that azz).
    - Mashed Potato Brain aka Phattius McPhuckwadipants

    1. πŸ‘†πŸΎπŸ‘ŒπŸΎ

  37. This is an exciting election. We have two NPP Independents who have attended council meetings and stood up for our community.

    Ehlers, Shaffer, and O’Hara will have supporters from both sides—Biden and Trump—and that’s a beautiful thing! This election shouldn’t be about political parties.

    1. There are way more sides than crappy Biden and Trump. Those two are huge embarrassments.

    2. There are way more sides than crappy Phony and Starvin. Those two are huge embarrassments.

    3. They are not NPP independents. They are don't wanna say it out loud republicans.

    4. Yes- you are right.

      Tony Kranz’s top advisor Garvin Walsh is a Republican on the north county Central committee.

      Additionally, he has to have supporters like 🐽 And other Republicans, pushing for his reelection, that also support the raping actions of the BIA.

      The BIA pays of scum from both parties and Tony’s the pimple head.

  38. Keep voting for the american hating leftists. It's a good thing.
    Soon the country will be so far gone you will have done your jobs. And, as the 10 million illegals get more free phones, medical care and can continue voting for the left as you.......hate your own country. Fine job, keep it up.
    Is it illegal to shoot and kill illegals? Let us give it go.
    Lock and Load .223/.556

    1. Go tell the sheriff your plans and ask them if it's illegal.

    2. The america hating left in sacramento has ruined calfornia. Rubios just closed 13 outlets in San Diego.
      Why.....the CEO stated it is a huge problem doing business in the state of california. Keep voting for the left. Oh' I know ! Let the illegals open some fish taco eateries. That'll fix everything.
      Ohhhhhhh' wait........they can't.....THEY ARE ILLEGAL !!!

    3. 556 to late........already did. It's called free speech and, it was in question form, not statement form.
      "It was just a question." You probably don't live in Encinitas but, wherever you do live, I beg for the day the turd world ghetto illegals break into you living quarters. Let's see how that works out. "Maybe you can hit them with your purse."

    4. That is hilarious 6:12. Rubio's is from San Diego, stole their menu from baja/mexico, mostly immigrants work their kitchens, and they can't do business with the people that made them incredibly rich? Then get the fuck out!

      Their tacos suck compared to the non-corporate options anyway, which probably is the real reason for the closures- they can't compete flavor or price wise.

    5. 6:22.......LEGAL IMMIGANTS is what you meant to write.
      No one can be hired in any business legally without a SS number so they may pay taxes and file returns. You see, that's the problem with people "not" in the know. They are under the impression illegals work legally.
      Nope. It is illegal to hire illegals.
      But it doesn't matter. The america hating left has let in 10 million turd world ghetto rats. So breaking the law no longer matters. The u.s government is as crooked as any mafia or cartel................

    6. No, no immigrant that is here illegally can be hired to work here LEGALLY. Guess what? Sometimes people, even US citizens, do illegal things because they're greedy.

      We have companies here that hire children illegally to process meat and install roofing, for example and the people hiring them don't give a shit if the kids are injured or not. They care about how much more $$$ they're making by paying kids less than legal wages. You're lock and loading for the wrong group of people.

    7. πŸ‘†πŸΎ Good minion.... carry on... you are playing the game perfectly. Hee hee...
      - WEF

    8. 7:06...........please don't vote. And for krists sakes.......
      stop eating meat.

    9. Lol. I do vote.

    10. Rubios is way overpriced and serves the exact same food from the exact same supplier as the hundreds of mex places around. CEO can blame whoever wants but we all know the problem. Meanwhile, In n Out who already pays above min wage in opening more spots in san diego. 2 lessons 4 ya. A bad musician blames his instrument. Republicants are dumb as rocks

    11. 7:06.......please tell all of us what roofing company hires children and processers of dead flesh. Ohhh' that's right...the ghetto country of Mexico. The number one murdering country in the world. That includes all of the darkie countries combined.

  39. 5:54 when the NPPs you refer to have been so for 10 to 20 years they do not have the party affiliations you claim. Not even close to Thunder switching at the last minute not a point of comparison, but you can keep trying.

  40. The NPP folks could have some relevancy if there was a NPP registered political party. That is a big if and it is not going to happen.

    As it stands now, those who claim NPP status are trying to skate by their past affiliations without actually switching party's. I don't buy it. We all have two party's to choose from.

    10 to 20 years does not change a thing until there is viable third or fourth or fifth political party.

    1. You do know that if you're registered NPP you can vote for democrat presidential candidates, but not republican. You have to re-register as a republican before the primary and general election of you want to vote for a republican.

  41. 6:06 party has no relevance to Encinitas.

    1. LOL. Encinitas is currently run by one of the two parties

    2. 8:15 name one party law that originated here vs. gets handed to us. We'll wait. But Golden keep pushing your hate on dems/reps rule/let's unite bs.

    3. The man is obsessed with Dem hate.

    4. Lincoln was A Republican and lead the country to help end slavery.

  42. 7:20pm If true, that means the few registered NPP voters can only vote for the Dems? My oh my.

    If one can only vote for the Dems., what does the make them? Dems is the only answer besides not voting at all.

    Are there or have there been any right wing repugnicans who would or have declared themselves NPP?

    Most of the local NPP people I have heard of were former Dems. Guess what? They still are if they can only vote for the Dems.

    Brilliant, just a brilliant move that does not mean squat if one wants the privilege to vote. Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves.

  43. In California, NPP voters can vote for any candidate in the general election without any restrictions, as all voters can choose any candidate regardless of party affiliation. Not for the primary.

  44. 2:59pm Thank you for clearing up the false info a previous poster vomited up.
