Wednesday, March 21, 2018

City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Streetscape! "Generous" amount of trees to be planted!
    Not mentioned is the their size - 12" shrimps...enjoy the canopy in 2060.

    1. Shit.... they will all die just like the prior hundreds planted.

      The City has a long track record of not watering the trees around town that it planted and is responsible.

      I guess they figure the trees will figure out how to find water in the desert.

      Funny - the trees I plant require water and I water them or they die. the City can not figure out this simple fact. Just look at the sad carnage on Hwy101 and Leucadia Blvd. west of I5. All the trees are water starved and or dead.

      Sad but true.

    2. Over 700 hundred north highway 101 trees destroyed from 2010 to 2017.
      Highway 101 was declared a truck route in the municipal code. Big rigs are part of interstate commerce. Council wants to interfere with free flow by slowing traffic to 15 miles per hour with the roundabouts. No provisions for big rigs.

  2. Morgan Mallory, Cardiff resident, blaming Leucadia residents for getting in the way of his "financial benefit."

  3. With all the wealth and technology in North county, why does the streaming of these meetings not work?

    1. No accident there, 9:20. All by design.

    2. One big energy suck.

  4. My favorite part of the evening was when Tony challenged a speaker who said if traffic backs up now with two lanes, it's going to worsen with one. Tony got all aggressive like he does and asked "How can the traffic get worse if it's already bad? How does reducing lanes make traffic worse?"

    Then Tony made a personal guarantee that no southbound cars will ever back up north of La Costa. The speaker replied "They already do."

    My question to Tony: how do you get your pants on in the morning? Seriously, how? Someone must help him.

    1. The southbound morning backup will happen as you're entering the corridor since that will be the bottleneck. Once you're in the corridor it will be smooth sailing. Sorry Carlsbad. I'm for the project.

    2. Point being Tony could not figure out something doubles if you divide it in half. And gets angry about it, then can't explain why it won't be an issue. I don't care what side you're on, you have to admit it was entertaining.

      I watched from home and could hear the snickers in the audience.

    3. Entertainment for days.

  5. Kranz has had anger issues for years. This isn't the first time he has done this. He can also be quite a bully if he doesn't get his way. When we vote this November for City Council, remember Leucadia is Tony's district. This districting thing will make us a divided city. Each council member will do what he or she can to make sure they cater to their own district.

    1. Kranz needs someone to run against him. His abysmal "local boy" voting record will make him easy to unseat.

    2. Fiske for City Council!!

    3. Freaking Fiske. It’s BEACON beach!!!!!

      Not Bacon. Not Beacons!!!

      Not Leucadia Blvd. beach .

      Get it right!!!!!��

    4. Take a pill, 8:14. Mikey can advise there.

  6. Near the end of the meeting Tony tried bolstering City support of streetscape by naming off all past council members who supposedly supported it.

    Someone yelled from behind me "Jim Bond voted against it" and Tony responded "I stand corrected. I didn't really check the list." Tony pulls his facts out of his rear and doesn't mind admitting it. What a lying dolt.

  7. Leucadia's boundary south will become Leucadia Blvd. All those south of Leucadia Blvd will be in the Encinitas district.

    Doesn't Tony live south of Leucadia Blvd? If only.

    One thing that has been known for years is he doesn't take well to constructive criticism. Last night was rich with entertainment value at some particular moments.

    At others, it was a clusterfrack. When staff claimed the the bunching of five roundabouts in the north end of the corridor was not a consideration, I laughed out loud. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    It was great to hear from some of the residents west of the 101.


    Another point that staff addressed was that none of the property owners next to the roundabouts will be able to increase their zoning and profit off of this scam. Good to hear that rumor is now officially history. Small blessings. Very small.

    The CCC still has the say whether this disaster in the making can go forward.

    A once major arterial turning into single lanes north and south has so many consequences that continue to be ignored. The large majority of residents continue to be ignored, as they have all along. This goes for the majority of businesses as well.

    Eminent domain? Supposedly that was prohibited years ago. Now, not so much.

    The small diameter of the roundabouts will demand delivery trucks run over the curbs. Dumb, dumb, dumb.

    Emergency response times? No problem with the fire chief. Right. We will see about that, chief. More to come.

    The past workshops a decade ago, don't mean squat with all the changes that have come down since then. Try holding a workshop now and see how the residents feel. Never gonna be allowed to happen.

    Flood waters can be sent through cleaning before reaching the ocean art Moonlight Beach, but end up being pumped through the Beacon bluff at times and straight into the ocean! Dumb, dumb, dumb. That should demand some attention from the protectors of our coastline.

    4 to 1 majority ruled last night. Not ready for primetime once again passes muster. How secure they must feel in this election year. Where is Amy's list when we need it?

  8. Kranz is crowing about how great he is on his FB page. You can see it on his page or go to Encinitas Votes, as it is posted there as well.

    1. No doubt.

      Anyone notice how last night Tasha started to say "we didn't pass Measure T," then caught herself and said "the voters didn't pass Measure T?" She's a good one for trying to rewrite history, but maybe she realized last night lying in front of a roomful of voters just might not be the time or place.

  9. Good Job City Council. Muir can't understand because he goes from his car windshield to the TV and back again. Sad.

    When does construction start? Next week?

    1. Muir was the only one who saw past the "shove it through at all cost" BS.

      Notice the only ones supporting it were business owners or the L-101 Kool-Aid drinkers? Yep.

    2. Pure BS.

      U forget and a majority residence with half of a brain or more !

      Put down your 1960s bong and go get a job and wake up! Life is ticking !!

    3. 6:37, it's you who are clearly on the bong. At least that would help explain your toddler-level command of the English language.

  10. Can we overturn the council's vote by getting signatures and having a special election. Not only do the locals "residents" don't want it. Everyone else in the city will have to pay for their inconvience! Where do I sign!

  11. Bunch (6) of cry baby red shirts. Sorry losers.

    Put ur house on the market.

  12. Good decision.

    Sometimes you need to ignore the older folks who are afraid and confused by everything.

    1. Charlie Marvin. Tom Cousins. Rachelle Collier. I could go on but I think I made your point, 10:54.

    2. LOL, 10:54am. True.

  13. Don't forget Morgan....

    1. I was successful in forgetting him till you reminded me. True, though. Add him to the list. Gary Murphy, while we're at it.

  14. And "expecially" the young but deeply warped Coleman.

    1. Yeah, how about Coleman? Son of Scott Vurbeff, city environmental project manager who never met an EIR he couldn't finagle to conclude "no impacts." Many a happy developer walked away from a meeting with good ol' Scott.

      Not sure what Coleman does; he seems to make a career out of trolling on various Next Door communities and on EU threads where he sells city propaganda. Wouldn't be surprised to learn he had a quiet little side gig over at city hall.

    2. Appears that mommy and daddy support him. He has plenty of time to troll this blog with a city-insider attitude.

    3. Parents live in Carlsbad. Kid lives west of the 101. Someone is making a lot of dough to keep roofs over these heads. Vurbeff has never supported residents over developers and his EIR record is a joke. Hm.

  15. Re: Coleman Vurbeff - with his open mocking and hostility toward homeowners west of the 101 ("ivory towers") - he is unfit for any public-interfacing job with the city.

    1. Unfit for the job doesn't keep daddy Vurbeff from hanging on to his position,

      Baby Vurbeff is a taxpayer parasite in training.

  16. He needs continued therapy - not a job with the city. And for sure, he should have nothing to do with streetscape. His trolling, anger, and stunningly immature public postings make him one that this city surely should not employ.

  17. Karen -

    Get on this shit!

    Fire his ass. This is unacceptable!!!

    Its him or you. We are watching.

    1. Jeebus, the son doesn't work for the city, the father does. And yes, we are watching and he (the father) should be fired.

    2. Rabble, rabble, rabble. That's not his son.
