Friday, March 26, 2021

Sheriff hides accident report in $11 million payout to Roberta Walker

An $11 million payout of public funds to a friend of the mayor isn't a matter of public interest?

Coast News reporter Jordan Ingram on Facebook:

A rejection letter from Sheriff in response to my request of the Roberta Walker incident report.
Well, it's nice to finally have an investigative reporter in town again.


  1. Sheriff hides report at direction of mayor, is more like it?

    Step on up Verdu, Gonzalez. Spin it for us, would ya?

  2. Why? Always remember, when someone isn't transparent then you know there is a rat in the mix. Since the 11 mil is tax payer money, and, the Sheriff works for the tax payer, why can't the report be seen? Hmmm?
    Remember the not seen pictures of the clowns in the supermarkets here in Encinitas?
    Like the biden administration not letting reporters in to see the migrant invasion camps and denying there is a crisis.
    When you can't see...they are hiding the truth.

  3. I agree. Thanks Mr. Ingram.

    The letter does not even include the section of the state law that it is basing its "exemption" status. This is completely BS and the DA should be held accountable.

    This is flat out illegal and some attorney with some ethics (does one exist?) should challenge this illegal action. Is our DA that crooked?

    Slippy slope and this is something you would expect from China or Russia, not a small beach town that should be focused on serving its residents.

    BIAspear is the worse thing that ever happened to Encinitas ever. She even took the crown from Jerome Stocks and I thought that was impossible. She will do anything to stay in power. Scary.

    The next thing is they will start scanning the internet communication and people that post their comments will start to disappearing. Just like what happens in all communist/dictatorships regimes. Be careful of the "Capital". They are watching everything you do if you go against their orders. Now go get your shot in your arm as you are told. District 4 people over 50 is up next.

    Fight for liberty and the USA constitution.


    1. Oh, this is already happening, 7:57. Go to Blakespear's political FB page and see all the complaints about illegal removals of posts unfavorable to her.

  4. Correction to my 7:57 post. They did cite the code section, but this is complete BS. There is no valid reason why the report should not be available to the public. Full on illegal cover up. what are they hiding?

    I think the cops regularly blow their investigations and then the DA has to not release the documents because of the inept investigations. Did the cops to blood work to see what was in the driver? why wasn't the driver cited for running someone over?

    I heard Walker was hit from the rear. Its not like she ran into the car. WTF. a complete coverup.

  5. Why is this exempt from disclosure? The public should be allowed to see how their money is being spent in civic affairs. It's not like medical files - it is an accident report. And Blakespear wants to move to higher office???

  6. Queen Cat should use a slippery fish as her campaign icon.

  7. I thought this blog stood with the thing blue line? Nope, guess not.

  8. This blog is a blog where people share their opinions. The posts I agree with are right. All the others are wrong and the people who write them are idiots :)

  9. 5:40 - Jan 6 showed us what a crock O dooky the "we stand we the police" claim is when spouted by Trumpy traitors. How dare anyone fly a Trump flag together with a thin blue line flag - Trump soils everything and everyone he is near. The country need to flush him.

    1. This may come as a surprise to you but Mr. Trump is no longer in office.

    2. 5:39 - you are correct, Trump is no longer in office. But he is the figurehead and leader of one of America's two political parties.

  10. The mayor and sheriff's refusal to make public anything about Walker is so like Trump refusing to turn over his tax returns. Blakespear's methods and attitude are often similar to Trump. She'd be surprised to hear her friends and party affiliates remarking on this in private.

    1. President Trumps tax returns were not yours or anyone's business and you had NO RIGHT to view them. Get over it.
      Instead you should be concerned about all the illegal aliens the Alzheimers infected elderly man is allowing into the U.S
      Wake up stupid.

    2. You funny, 11:01.

    3. Since when do these buffoons think they have the right to look at peoples tax returns. Oh' wait, don't tell me.
      The America hating left. Now I get it.

    4. Trump said he would release them. He also said he would not golf.

    5. Like mushrooms, Trump and Blakespear both grow in the dark and stink.

    6. Once in office, politicians follow the agenda of those that keep them in office.

    7. Developer donors, a certain developer attorney, and a Facebook exec who put untold money and influence to an insane social media campaign. They are running the agenda and have found the perfect putty in Blakespear.

  11. Refusing to provide details only rouses further suspicion in the publics' mind that something isn't right here.

    1. Exactly. Like the mayor refusing to respond to the Coast News asking her to comment on the revelation that the entire council collaborated on the district maps.

      Like a mushroom, Blakespear lives in the dark and stinks.

  12. I stand with our men and woman in uniform, the thin blue line, the folks that keep our society from descending into violent chaos.

    The Sheriff is a Patriot. Shame on you for questioning his integrity of law enforcement. When you do that, you are aligning yourself with the evil Democrats. Shame.

    1. Law enforcement often go along with a city's request. In this case it's more than highly likely that Blakespear had the report quashed from the beginning. You can see the sheriff and fire captain struggling not to answer truthfully while the mayor stares them down.

      Last time fire captain spoke the truth, she was fired for her her honest. She's now suing our city. Good for her.

      Blakespear hangers-on: still think she's "stopping the bleeding from lawsuits" as she promised?

    2. 10:12 This has nothing to do with our awful mayor. You are actively working against the Patriots in Blue. I stand with law enforcement. It's too bad you don't.

    3. The mayor and hinze sent out an email last year to area city mayors asking for a discussion behind the sheriff's back regarding defunding police ideas. Ignore all these actions and it is you who stand against law enforcement, 10:54.

    4. 11:46 - it doesn't matter what the mayor did. We all think she's the worst mayor ever. What matters is that you are actively questioning the Sheriff and his choices. By doing that, you weaken his position, and you undermine our Patriots in Blue, defending us from violent chaos. At this point, you might at well stand with Hillary.

    5. I'm feeling terrible for the sheriff and fire personnel. Your spin on what has been a reality for them for years, not just under Blakespear, claiming anyone takes issue with the sheriff and fire folks is 100% misplaced. They know if they step outside the lines and don't deliver as demanded, they're out of there. Just ask Anita Pupping.

      Nothing at all against these agencies. With spin like yours though you should offer your services to the mayor. There's a reality here that you are ignoring. Go join her lala-land, you'll be richly rewarded.

    6. 9:47 - GOP / Trump stooges support law enforcement! Right! That is what everyone saw on Jan 6. Clubbing, punching, using mace on law enforcement - that is today's GOP. Traitors, dumb fucks.

  13. "Fired for her honesty." Fire Captain Anita Pupping dared to say that Streetscape will worsen already-substandard emergency vehicle response times.

    It's all "improvements" under this mayor. Voted for her? Enjoy and good luck to you if you need help and minutes count. You can look down from the heavens and thank her for her compassion.

  14. Blakespear is susceptible to anything that signals virtue so it's no surprise she jumped on the defund police bandwagon. From her email to area mayors:

    Dear Local Elected Official,

    I’m writing you today to inquire if you would be interested in starting a dialogue about the Sheriff’s Department policies. Your jurisdiction and mine are two of nine jurisdictions, as well as the County Board of Supervisors, that contract with the Sheriff’s Department for our law enforcement.

    As I’ve been reading about the reforms proposed for the San Diego Police Department, I've wondered if these reforms also are warranted for the Sheriff’s Department.

    It concerns me that the below police scorecard gives our local Sheriff’s Department an “F” and our agency scores the very lowest of all 58 county Sheriff’s Departments in the state on metrics that include police accountability, people killed or injured, minority vs. white deadly use of force incidents, civilian complaints and other things:

    No wonder she and Hinze lost the DSA endorsement. Word is she was somehow shocked. What a sneaky piece of work.

    1. If this is true and blackspear wants to change the way the Sheriffs Department does business, I wonder what blackspear would think about people carrying sidearms for protection? Lets' defund blackspear.
      Can't have it both ways. If any Deputy Sheriff is reading this, I and my other buddies have your back in more than just words.
      I find it interesting how these mindless politicians know so much about nothing. From roundabouts to armed protection of the public to the fraud of raising seas.
      "Fools, all of them". They just flap their gums and as the old saying goes, "they don't know shit from Shinola"

    2. Why doesn't the city council get worked up over private aircraft coming from Montgomery Field and flying in circles over and over above the population of Encinitas. Why don't they do something about that? Ohhh' nooo'. They are more worried about the Sheriffs Dept, fake racial issues and building ghetto apartments and ruining neighborhoods than the dangers of private planes. Thank goodness I don't live in Solana's worse. Encinitas is bad enough. Private planes go down quite a bit across the nation. You have no idea.

  15. 2:49 it is absolutely true. Do a records request to the city clerk for Blakespear's email dated June 8, 10:43 a.m. titled "Multi-city review of Sheriff's Policies?"

    Ask for the responses, and you'll see area mayors backing away from having anything to do with Blakespear's request.

    1. Thank you 4:39. I have had a gut full of these clowns.
      Everything is a clown act with them. If they would simply maintain Encinitas and NOT come up with useless ideas to ruin it.

    2. If there is an opportunity to signal virtue Blakespear is on it like flies on you know what.

      She and her mini-me Hinze and go-alongs Kranz and Mosca are the same. No reason to think Joy won't fall neatly in line, too.

    3. Blakespear is a disaster. She has run this city into the ground.

    4. 7:29 - I know, the city is such a disaster and shithole. No one wants to live here any more. It's clearly reflected in the real estate prices.

    5. Newcomers don't know how good we had it BC - Before Catherine. But you know that, 10:28.

      They get to find out the hard way.

    6. 10:28 you don't get it. It's not all about money. It's about on what "not to do". Don't mess with things as there is a reason Encinitas is popular. The morons haven't ruined it..."yet". Think it out. This leftist fool of a woman thinks that having Law Enforcement less engaged is a good thing? That is the thoughts of a leftist buffoon. This "buffoon" still thinks seas are rising...that says it all

    7. The seas are rising. If you did even a little research, you'd find that's an indisputable fact. Instead, you keep posting your uninformed opinion.

    8. Ya', 2:44, you keep thinkin' the seas are raising. I bet you don't think biden has Alzheimers either.
      "Indisputable fact" ya' sure. Didn't the huckster algore say that 25 years ago??? Well, what happened?
      Why aren't the east and west coasts underwater????
      Hmmmm???? For once in your life stop being played for a sap. It's all a lie.

    9. 5:30 - How do you not see this? Just draw a line!

    10. This is how you respond? Just draw a line?
      What kind of answer is that? I'll tell you what kind of answer it is...You have no clue about what you are writing about. NOTHING AS IN ZERO.
      If the seas are rising, why did obama purchase an estate on the east coast? Hmmm?

  16. 10:28 AM Politically, you moron. The pension deficits are off scale, the city assumes County responsibilities for homelessness, needless equity employees, outrageous lawsuits for bike lane accidents, etc. I guess you're too stupid to distinguish the differences, if you've even noticed them.

    1. I hope it keeps up this way, people realize how shitty it is, and I'll be able to buy their homes at a discount.

    2. Gosh Gonzalez and his clones never tire, do they?

  17. The mayor's issuance of a $11 MUSD check to a personal friend who - apparently rode her bike into traffic, in the dark without a light, appears to be some sort of give-away. The reluctance to release the Sheriff's report is unacceptable. Taxpayers pay these settlement dollars. What are the facts? This settlement will haunt the aspirational Blakespear unless she can explain it now. Full disclosure or forget about it. There are news organizations and funding that will get the truth. Your Encinitas shelter-bubble does not exist in the real world.

  18. So I read more of the Teachers Union wiggling their slimy way to not work a full work week through the end of the year, as more and more kids suffer and die. As all the other schools in the area have been fully open for months.

    Please contact your SDUHSD trustees and let know your displeasure with their actions.

    Teachers Union cares less about your kids health and only about less work for more pay. Pleas act now.

  19. I can not wait!

    Vote early and vote often! Out to Newsom and out to BIAspear!

    1. Republicans LOVE spending money on recall elections. In fact, Republicans just LOVE spending taxpayer money.

    2. The above comment (7:41) is proof the liberalism is a mental disorder. Hey genius...who is ruining the United States as I write? Come on genius, spell it out for us.

    3. 10:55 Mitch McConnell

    4. McConnell??? turtle head? He is in charge of NOTHING. I know you are ringer as "no one can be this dumb"
      You got me.

    5. 3:02 - oh my god you are stupid. Just draw the line.

    6. 4:43 It's a darn shame your parents didn't draw the line.

      For the rest of you, the world can't stop the chinese virus but they are convinced they can change the temperature of the earth. Gullible warming at it's best.

  20. In a study published in Frontiers in Psychology, researchers discovered that people who post hateful comments online have a strong correlation with the personality trait psychopathy. This explains their lack of empathy, immoral behavior, and egocentricity.

    1. I read a study that when many people read or hear the truth they interpret it as hateful comment. As they cannot decipher the truth from hate. So when they hear the truth...they can't figure it out.

    2. Case in point, 6:40: Encinitas Politics, Verdu's Facebook site. Folks on there can't handle the truth. The kneejerk reactions are immediate and extreme.

      Along with his other sites Encinitas Now and gawd knows what all else he gets up to as a Facebook exec he's a breeding ground for the Blakespear equivalent of Trump's statement "I could shoot someone dead on 5th Ave. and they'd still support me."

  21. 7:46 - To that point, lets recall BIAspear for all the damage and death done on our streets, promoting the destruction and over development of Encinitas, and growing the homeless population and problems.

    She almost lost the last election and barely lost by approx. 3000 or 5% of the voters in the last election. Since then many have woke to her destructive ways. With all the blood in the streets and her guzzling Newsom's bad spew, lets rid ourselves of that Biatch!

    I do not know anyone that likes her. Olivenhain, Cardiff and Leucadia all hate her. The bicycling community hates her for her endless lack of listening and poor judgement that leads to death on our roads. I guess maybe she has some uninformed supporters in New Encinitas but I doubt it.

    Lets Recall BIAspear!!!!

    -Recall BIAspear!

    1. Wrong! Catherine received 55% of the vote, to Julie's 45% of the vote. I believe you could categorize that as a landslide victory. Perhaps even a good ol' fashioned drubbing. A K.O.

    2. Oh shit! 6:39 just got spanked like the little baby he is. Why didn't he just draw a line!

    3. A "landslide?" Hardly, 8:09 especially when you factor in the libs who Blakespear counted on but instead saw through her virtue signaling. But thanks for posting like a council spouse. Can tell you people a mile away.

    4. 11:59 - who's in office bitch?

    5. LOL that didn't take long. Stay classy, council spouse! Barth, Shaffer, or Blakespear? So hard to tell them apart!

    6. 3:22 - how do you fall for this every time?

    7. Stay classy, 3:22!

    8. 8:09am - OMG, are you a total f’ing idiot or are you just bad at math. Let me walk you through this so you can get back to work and try not to get fired. That last cafe mocha was supposed to be with almond milk, not whole milk......

      So if BIAspear received 55% and Thunder received 45%, and 5% more voters voted for Thunder over BIA, then the results would have been 50%-50%. If over 5% more voted for Thunder, she would have received oner 50% and she would be our Mayor today.

      Additionally, we know that if the mailer Beach Town, Not Big Town was launched earlier in the race, Thunder would be Mayor today.

      BIAspear is toast and she knows it. Residents despise her, the only supporters are tards and LA transplants..

      Recall BIAspear

  22. Recall BIAspear

    Save Encinitas, support BOOPO!
