Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Keep Leucadia Ritzy!

Jim the Realtor:


  1. So very sad. The Mayor has sold us out, and we Leucadians will live with the results long after she's gone.

  2. BIAspear did more damage to Encinitas in 4 years than every other bad mayor before her including Stocks.

    Blakespear was and is a nightmare for Encinitas and will be just as big of a nightmare for CA if she ever gets elected to a higher office.


  3. Marcha Sutton is apot on.

    We have to keep the teachers union from killing our children. Vote accordingly in the next election lets recall Katrina Young who care more about building a money grabbing union boss hierarchy and nothing about children's education.


    Way to go Encinitas Advocate. Good reporting!!!

  4. Bakespear is a fool. The leftists "always" think they are smart but lack any sense of right as they ruin everything they do.
    Just look at what the left has done to California and now the United States.

  5. I'm going to take another approach. Name some goods things the left has done over the last five years? Anything...

  6. Under our current mayor, we've seen property vales double and triple. She has created more wealth for Encinitas property owners than any mayor in this history of this city. I own my home, and four rental homes. I'll likely sell two of the rentals this spring, have zero debt, and be set for life. Thank you Catherine.

    1. Edit. values, not vales

    2. But you'll be moving soon. The vibrancy will get to ya.

    3. I don't even live in Encinitas. I just make my money of the tourists that frequent your town.

    4. If you think a mayor has anything to do with property values, you need to have a brain scan. Something is going wrong in your gourd.

    5. What specifically has Blakespear done to raise property values in Encinitas? Property values have skyrocketed in every desirable area of California in the past several years. Should we credit Blakespear for that too?

    6. More like the dollar is worth a small fraction of yesteryear. Creating trillions overnight without any backing is sinking the US dollar. Prepare for the full collapse of the US dollar by 2025. It will not be pretty.

      BIAspear sold out Encinitas and is responsible for its overcrowded roads, beaches and everhing. Next time your sick of the crowds, thank your sickening BIAspear.

  7. what has she done exactly for any of that.

    1. oops meant to be replying to the above re: property values. they have gone on in spite of her.

  8. Biden is going to announce that ALL troops will be out of Afghanistan by September. Once again, a democrat cleans up the republicans mess. What a waste of $2 trillion dollars, and 50 American soldiers lives.

    1. Hey genius, that was President Trumps idea to pull out the troops. And by the way, democrats voted for war along with republicans. Read up.

    2. GWB (R) started the war. Biden (D) ends it. Case closed.

      Republicans love starting wars, spending trillions, and don't give two shits about the 50 dead soldiers.

    3. Hey genius, the US troop death toll in Afghanistan is closer to 2,300, not 50.

    4. Usually the advisors stay. How many will be advising?

    5. 12:21, nope, the death toll was only 50. It was revised down after a review of the dead revealed many had pre-existing conditions and smoked.

    6. 1:30 - so F'ing stupid, but I do agree the war was a total waste of money and lives all for naught.

      You sound like one of those crazy ass wipes that believes in the invisible COVID plaque that killed 500,000. Its amazing what a hospital will consider a COVID death when they are paid an extra $50,000 per COVID death.

      What ever happened to the conversion about population control? I think that needs to resume and it needs to be a whole lot more than a 0.0001 percent increase in fatalities. Put up the the population increase over the last year and you will see that humans are still overpopulating the world like a cockroach bloom and the increase in the human population in the height of COVID was still exploding.

      All this talk about sustainability and polluting our world. Humans are largest cause of pollution. If you want to really help the world, reduce the human population.

    7. More like 2400 dead. Probably double or triple for the wounded numbers. Total waste of lives and treasure - the graveyard of Empires strikes again.

  9. Some real single digit IQ folks around these parts.

    Mayor increased property values?

    Maybe all that money going into see level rice?

    Great vid btw!

  10. https://www.outkick.com/shop/faucism-t-shirt/

  11. I've been telling folks well before the scamdemic that CNN was straight up Pravda.

    Sucks to be 1000% factually correct?


    Not sorry.

    1. Derpy derp derp. Look at me. I hate CNN. Derpy derp derp.

    2. 3:33 - The language of a BIA supporter. What an ass wipe. I hate sell outs.

  12. Is it ironic that Jim the Realtor makes his living by selling the real estate development he's decrying in the video and that there's a Mercedes hood ornament in the foreground of the shot?

  13. Realtors are fucking morons. Everyone should be a Realtor. Simple test and its free money for the taking.

    1. You wish you made half the money that Jim the Realtor makes.

      I can taste your envy. It's delicious.

    2. I agree with 7:56 - I got my Realtor license last year and its awesome. I'm just doing it part time, but I cleared $280,000. I would say anyone who is not a realtor is the fucking moron.

      Its so fun and easy. All my friends are joining in too. There are plenty of homes to sell in Encinitas try 25,000! Thats a lot of commission to be made. Yeah!!!

  14. Thinking on money, real estate and the like. Be prepared, the curtain is close to coming down. Very close.
    Since NOTHING backs up the U.S currency and the market is out of control high along with real estate and CHEAP interest rates on mortgages. Get ready. It is about to hit the fan.
    Like writing checks on an empty bank account. Good luck
    Then, the America hating left will blame Trump

    1. Just another fringe dumbass complaining about fiat currency, and how we should go back to the gold standard. You guys are a dime a dozen.. or should I say, a fleck of gold a dozen.

    2. Seeee, 7:54 is a prime example of what not to think. I didn't mention gold. Let us review. The Alzheimers riddled biden and the behind the scenes people controlling him couldn't care less what is about to happen. Why? They, are the ones making it happen.
      Buckle up.

    3. If you really cared about government spending and debt, you'd vote democratic, but you won't, because you drank the Kool-Aid.

    4. It's the Dems who drank the Kool Aid in Encinitas. Watch what the mayor does, not what she virtue signals.

    5. No, you drank the Kool Aid.

    6. No, you buckle up.

    7. More proof the nut cases are out there (8:59).
      This buffoon isn't aware the democrats won and now, our country is being invaded by illegals, the debt is out of control ruining the dollar as the left keeps printing money and the cost of goods keeps going up every week. Like those democrats? Genius...

  15. Bolshevik

    I've always observed when people bash someone for their profession no matter what profession it is it is highly evident that the people bashing are both lazy and unsuccessful and also
    low IQ posters.

    But hey whatever floats your sinking boat girls (she/him/it)!

  16. 7:31- Well how about that you are wrong again.
