Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Anonymous mailer pits rest of Encinitas against those Olivenhain scoundrels


Mystery solved on mailer: MYSTERY SOLVED: The PO Box is traced back to Foley LLC. Here is his development team: https://timfoleycorporation.com/executiveteam.


  1. Have to wonder what part Gonzalez may have played? The thing screams "racists" from front to back, his standard go-to.

    1. As usual, more slander from the anonymous keyboard warriors. I guess if you're going to sling this kind of mud (oh wait, it's just an innocent question, right?), you probably are better off doing so without your name attached. Coward.

    2. Ummm you mean libel? You've played the race card far too many times to call it mudslinging. Don't even try.

    3. $peedy G going for the dollar$!

  2. Well that took all of no time at all: Goodson is behind the mailer.

    The PO Box on the hit piece is from Foley LLC which happens to own the SD Daily Transcript and uses the same PO address. Guess who's president of Foley Development? Randy Goodson: https://timfoleycorporation.com/executive team.

    The speaking points sound like what comes out of Blakespear's Gonzalez's and Woods-Drake's mouths all the time. Who can blame folks for jumping to conclusions and assigning blame to Mali n'Marco with the mayor egging them on?

  3. Mali got me kicked off Nextdoor b/c I revealed that shortly after she blasted into our town almost 2 urs ago, she started holding BLM rallies around Encinitas, and even Carlsbad. Her Lackey Boy yelled at me and said BLM is a great organization that’s building affordable houses around town. Huh??? I said, NO, they’re a Marxist organization, to which he said I had no proof. So I posted a UTube video as a proof of the founder herself saying these things. Right from the horses mouth. They didn’t like me exposing that a main part of their mission is to destroy the nuclear family. I revealed that when people caught onto BLM being a scam that helped no one, that Mali changed her website name to E4E, but it’s basically a cover for BLM and that Mali is the one behind trying to force CRT indoctrination on to our kids. So much for Facts and Freedom of Speech!

    1. MALIgnant tumor growing in Encinitas.

    2. 9:56 - please post your supposed youtube video link of Mali professing anything close to Marxist views here. You can't do it - you do not know the difference between Marxism and socialism

    3. oh yeah socialism is totally different than marxism and it would work out great it's just never been tried by the right people

  4. I was so proud of our Whitest of Whites Mayor yesterday! She sure blew the doors off the Newsom Laundry event. It was great. All white folks with of course a few tolken folks with some skin other than pitch white. I loved how she went on about how great it was that we went through a isolating pandemic but yet not one mask can be seen in the video. I love a great hypocrite and we have the best!

    wasn't it just last year that her leader Newsom and her were commanding the isolation lock down and everyone out of the ocean because the ocean spray will give you the COVID?

    Our privileged princess, raised in the whitest of Cardiff's neighborhoods who then went to the heart of Puritan whiteness, Salt Lake City Utah, to find her perfectly white husband who would take orders from not only her but her amazingly white mommy while living under their wing for the rest of his life, and she likes to put homeless parking lots far from her castle.

    Parking lots that are open call for all homeless in our nation and the complex that other north county Cities are informing their homeless to go to in their cars for a nice night sleep, and while they are there enjoy all the free food and beggars and squatters rights you can could imagine. Don't worry, we don't mind if you pillage our privileged neighborhoods much. Our police are non existent and told to stand down by our great whitest of whites princess.

    Our great white princess loves to pronounce commands from her secluded Cardiff compound, "Its my decree that we need more programs to promote low income and homeless program for those poor souls" (and to her whitest of white friends, "of course, far away from our Cardiff exclusive neighborhood. Shhhh- its our secret")

    If she really walked the talk, she would suggest the bum parking lot at much more fitting locations closer to the beach. After all, that why the world's homeless come to Encinitas. It is the free beach living.

    1. City Hall.
    2. Pacific View
    3. Cardiff Library
    4. Community Park
    5. Community Park in Cardiff.
    6. Our how about the free public parking along San Elijo Drive between Mozart Ave and Chesterfield Drive(man- I love those ultra white neighborhood street names!)

    All better locations and closer to the hospital and places the homeless chose to frequent.

    Our whitest of whites princess BIAspear has no problem ruining other peoples neighborhoods for her failed ideology that open calls for homeless handouts actually helps the homeless population and not increases the problem.

    I fear our great whitest of white princess, bears no cloths.


  5. When all these politicians are long gone and the ghetto apartments are built and it ruins the historic value of the area remember this. The ghetto apartment will be there forever.
    goodson is a filthy rat

    1. No the voters that voted for BIAspear are the fithy rats who approved all the upzone locations like this one that will destroy the surrounding neighborhoods.

      If you want to point to the evil in this communityd, point the fingure towards anyone that voted for our whitest BIAspear.

      You'll notice there are no upzoning properties anywhere close to her neighborhood right?

      -"I command you, do as I say and not as I do."

  6. If Goodson's intention was to further turn folks against him, bravo! This propaganda has come out of the mouths of the Gonzalez, Mali Woods-Drake, and "Equity" club members, and the council themselves so he probably believes he's in very good company from the most powerful.

    Watch for Mosca especially to be mock horrified while secretly agreeing with Goodson. Maybe not so secretly, tonight will tell.

  7. The Council needs to support its Planning Commission, staff and residents and deny this proposed project. When Goodson sues, they need to bring forward this mailer that he had sent out as a political manipulation. I don't think it is too late to recall the council!

  8. As lies, hypocrisy and manipulation go, that mailer is very well done.

    1. And as pointed out yesterday, nothing that the council haven't all at one time or another said themselves. No clean hands there.

    2. Our "professional staff" also say the same thing.

  9. Brought to you by the punk azzes tim foley and randy "the rat" not so goodson. These azz hats are only in it for money and screw everyone else. You read that foley and goodson? Punk azz jerks

    1. They are parasites on the community....

  10. LOL LOL Gonzalez rant and commenter after - true dat. Marco how is it you don't the diff between slander and libel? Absent for law 101? Pretty funny stuff. Remind me not to recommend an attorney who doesn't know the difference.

    1. Well, that was embarrassing for him.

  11. When the State Senate campaign heats up, watch the volume of fliers for Blakespear clog up your mailbox. She'll be pictured with fire fighters, cops and little kids, grinning up a storm. She'll probably be in her bicycle togs, acting the role of environmentalist too. Quietly disguised behind her will be the developers and bulldozers, ready to ravage the city with high density clap traps. Off she hopes to go, to a plush job in Washington; where the work is non-existent and she doesn't have to work another day in her life (not that she ever did anyway). Maybe she can make her poodle Gonzales an aide!

  12. State of Ca. senate in Sacramento. Geez.

    Little wonder that some cannot get such simple facts straight.

  13. Hopefully everyone in Encinitas knows about the USS Liberty and the deceptive scoundrels that tried to sink it and murder all of our men:

