Wednesday, December 15, 2021

12/15/21 City Council meeting open thread

 Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. Ha! Deputy Mayor Mosca. A guy that was removed from one city council is being promoted on ours.

  2. "I just have one question".

    If only Joe.

    In this particular instance, as in way too many others, that led to at least five more questions to enable his rambling on and on and on.

    It is still early tonight. More to come. Gawd spare us.

  3. It is quite amazing that on the first night of his Deputy Mayor designation, Mosca has been able to talk even more, while at the same time saying even less than he usually does.


  4. Main strategy: Focus on nothing that helps the tax paying public and make up stupid shit that you think helps people but does exactly opposite and believe you're a good person

    He's got the oMORONICron virus to be sure

    He likely tested positive for insufferableCRon as well

  5. Dang, reads as though we have our own pete buttigieg.
    Next up...natural gas is racist.

    1. I like Pete, can't stand the grasping, opportunistic, parasitic likes of Mali and the mayor. Add Mosca to the mix: 3M.

    2. And Marco! 4M. Maybe they can form a "cluster" like Barth's E3.

    3. Sadly buttigieg is over his head, but fear not. Two months off to man breast feed his new kid will make things go swimmingly. Everything is racist in his presentations, that way no one can argue "because it must be true".
      Anything with the race card is a winna'

    4. Right, so with that juvenile "breast feed" you just outed yourself as the Houbeck guy who posts that all over Facebook. Read that the first time and turned off to anything more you might have to say.

    5. And if that's not you, say so. Otherwise....

    6. buttigieg is over his head, so of course you like him. He was gone for two months, "no one noticed". He, like the other buffoons in or even near the walking corpse ruin everything they do. Just look at the country now vs. a year ago. By the way, anyone on facebook needs mental's poison.

    7. You believe things were better under Trump!? My God - you are brain dead!

    8. Leftist you'll try and convince everyone here that biden doesn't have Alzheimers.

    9. You have dementia and project it profusely.

    10. And here it is again folks. The leftist attacks the presenter, not the facts. Typical leftist.
      Everything they do, they destroy.

    11. Your hero Trump will go down as the biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold. His incompetence and corruption were on full display every day he spent in the Oval Office. Colluding with Russians, intimidating Ukraine for dirt on Biden, selling out every position in the government with incompetent operatives that had no experience, and trying to over turn a fair election by force. His criminal activities span his private life too, where he cheated on taxes and didn't pay contractors. Most of the sex allegations he bought his way out of. He is the most vile, ignorant and mentally deranged individual ever to get into the Presidency! And don't forget his cover up attempt of Covid - he is responsible for hundreds of thousands of the deaths. Trump should be behind bars - he is a cancer on democracy and truth. Supporters are brain dead ignoramuses - count yourself in!

  6. Kim Prather for Mayor!

    We need a complete washout to find a bottom!

    1. You've got a bottom, blakespear. Doesn't go any lower than her and her bff attorney.

  7. Agreed. Blakespear is close to flatlining. Can we get annexed by Solana Beach or Carlsbad?..... and lets give Olivenhain to San Marcos.

  8. they were stupid enough to vote in a carpetbagger newbie windpipe so they deserve to go to San Marcos since they have no intelligence or class.

    1. Hey genius' get rid of Olivenhain, you get rid of a major tax base. Unlike those ghetto beach bungalows.

    2. The Olivenhain election was very close--less than a 500 point spread. It was pretty heartbreaking for those of us who supported Tony Brandenburg. I think hat Mosca will run for mayor since those who voted for him now know he betrayed us with the Goodson project and other issues. A lot of leaders emerged from the Olivenhain Towers issue. I hope someone runs from that group.

  9. 11:37 your hero Blakespear is right down there with Trump. No difference between them. Both whip up a base with empty phrases and even emptier deeds.

    1. Me thinks you are a little confused about Trump. He took care of things: the border, gasoline prices, sticking a finger in the eye of the ragheads and slopes.
      Get your facts in line. Oh' he also knew the man made global warming is a lie. There...fixed

    2. 3:12, you forgot to mention that President Trump also donated his paychecks of four years to charities.

    3. 3:12 PM Your severely misguided homage to Trump indicates the erroneous and uninformed nature of your cult-like idolatry. Trump's border policy was a failure and a complete waste of money - it just resulted in kick-backs to his mega-dollar construction company supporters. Gasoline prices weren't impacted by his policies, other than Trump taking bribes from the Middle East tyrants. His foreign policy took a backward step on all fronts, as he pledged his unwavering allegiance to Putin. He set the peace process back in the Mideast, and used it as a funnel to collect massive bribes from the oil rich countries. Trump is a fascist that tried to over throw the election of 2020 - he is a traitor. The pinheads that admire this clown are the modern equivalent of the Nazi Brown shirts of the 1930's - most of whom probably died in the subsequent World War. Write your epitaph of stupidity, as your are walking in those same historical footsteps...

    4. 5:47 AM Trump fleeced the country and his idiotic supporters out of billions! Gave his salary to charity?! Cheap show boating!

  10. 2 million infected illegals pour across our Southern Border in eleven months. I know you are joking as no one could be that dumb. You got me !!!! I fell for it.

  11. No one could be that dumb?

    Have you ever looked into a mirror? It is there where you will find the dumbness that opinion espouses.

    Not that that would make a difference to one who is convinced that the daily disgracer in chief ever considered anyone but himself and what money could be made off of his position.

    "Greed is good". Your type of sell out to the most corrupt to ever to hold the office is telling.

    The rot inside will have its day. It may take history to show the truth to your kind, but ultimately you will be shown for who you are and what you have promoted.

    Chosen ignorance is all you show every time you post.

    You will persist. Your cult demands submission. What a good little soldier you are in destroying our democracy.

    Autocracy must be the way. Make that a kleptocracy for a better fit.

    The kleptocrats such as you have nothing else going for them.

    1. 2 MILLION ILLEGALS infected with anything to everything in just 11 months. Yaa' nice choice. Pure genius.
      Crime out of control, inflation out of control and gas prices out of control...on and on.
      Everything the left does...they destroy

  12. 11:48 AM SEIG HEIL!

  13. Ohhhh', the seas are raising...omnicorn will killll the chilllldreeen. No Cheesesus noooooo. Make it stop.... please. With every 10 boosters of an unproven liquid pumped into your five year olds arm, they, can get a free submarine samich'.
    Fear not, all will be fine when the parents of little Johnnies and Suzies travel to the morgue to see them splayed out on a stainless table after being hit by multiple cars while they rode in the center of El Camino Real on their electric bikes.
    Tic Toc Johnnie, Tic Toc

    1. 6:02 AM You might consider opening a GoFundMe site for your psychiatric therapy!

    2. The Enc Guerrilla is thick in the board today.



      It's 2 R's and two L's for the libs of tik tok!

    3. I don't understand your post 10:03. Please explain. Thank you.

    4. 6:02

      You think you're funny... You're not.

      You believe you're smarter than everyone... You're clearly not.

      You seem to spend way to much time on this blog crying, complaining and criticizing... How sad life must be for you.

      I sure hope that you're on Santa's naughty and not so nice list!

      Merry Kissmyass

    5. 8:40 PM When are you going to overdose? Speed it up!

  14. When you feel down and out that the WuFlu has you in its grips but confident a .25 cent mask will save you, have a can of Booster Juice to bolster your mental defense. No matter your situation, you'll be confident in your mind that "More Booster, More Better".
    And for gawds sakes, wear the mask while driving.

  15. Excellent points. Thanks 7:31am. I also just heard Dr. Falsie just suggested for adquate protection from s COVID mist through the winter months. Everyone is required to wear masks during sleeping hours and showering. There is really no reason for you not to wear a mask. Also, do not eat around other people. You must maintain a 50' distance from others when eating!

    Heed Dr. Falsie's advise or you will not see Christmas.

  16. Thank you so much 9:16am and 7:31. I just heard the county is requiring all Christmas lights to be removed by tomorrow because apparently COVID thrives in areas surrounding Christmas lights. Dr. Kim Prather came out with the findings yesterday and the County health official confirmed the mandate. This is serious!

  17. "The lie you participate in today,

    will become the future you live tomorrow".

    All of our futures' will to be either fully vaccinated or suffer the corona virus. There are and will be no other choices.

    If not for yourself, consider your family, friends, community, nation, planet.

    1. "my my my carona"...
      Remember, get shots...a bunch of em' but don't require the walking corpse to have a mental cognitive test.
      Oh' hell no, not that!
      On a fun fact, omicorn was found in the Los Angeles river. The experts think bum pee is the cause. You can't make this stuff up. Hey walking corpse, blame the ones without the stab, ya', thems the enemy...but for gawds sakes, don't blame Shanghai Louie

  18. Yeah. Everyone needs to get vaccinated at least 5 to 10 times and then you still get it, but do not do it for yourselves, you do it for someone's unborn grandma. Now quit being so selfish and get jabbed a few more times this week fool. And keep your masks on when you are sleeping and eating!!

  19. 12:06 - you forgot the Universe. You don't want COVID killing other beings do you?!

    You selfish racist pig.

  20. You anti-vax, anti-mask oddballs are going to get what you deserve. For your attack of Fauci, you'll be remembered for be stupid.
    How, in this beautiful world, did you blossom into such a provincial source of dum-dum? You are Encinitas' resident idiot. Unfortunely, the bus company appears to have extended the short bus... Enjoy you and yours' covid - you community asshole.

    1. You read like the nut case at San Diego State, monica casper that you?

  21. 8:50pm Mygawd- your writing sounds as retarded as that half dead Lword. Catch a clue from the other walking dead Brandon and STFU please. Hasn't COVID off'd you yet?

    If it can not get rid of you or Brandon there is zero threat for the rest of humanity.

  22. 6:19 AM This site has become a pitiful forum for your abject ignorance. Funny that you can even type out your overt stupidity with your hoofs!

    1. At least we don't type with our "flat feet"

  23. 6:57- Why you dissing on hoofed animals? You racist pig.

    Get a life.

  24. Omnicorn is old news. The latest variant is Kodachrome.
    It's horrible. Developed and leaked by Kodak labs in Rochester N.Y it makes whackos on the left take a serious look at themselves to realize they are...insane. There is no known booster but it has been suggested a .38 caliber to the head is helpful. It stops the spread of leftist insanity.
