Wednesday, November 15, 2023

11/15/23 City Council meeting open thread

Please use the comments to record your observations.


  1. EN - 6,961 members +51 in the last week
    EV - 1,988 members +6 in the last week

    1. Not sure of your point? Comparing apples to oranges? Again, your point?

    2. 5:16- Thanks for keeping track Jerome. Always good to know. Not sure why, but always good to know.

    3. Going rate is about $15 for 500 followers. EN came online with a few thousand from the get go. Not that a former Facebook exec would know anything about that.

    4. Ever notice how little attention and criticism get directed at the moderators of EN, WC, and even Glen?

      That’s because they do their job and don’t make it about themselves.

    5. 9:29- Actually it's because EN doesn't let anyone who doesn't agree with them, to keep a comment or post up. Look at it and see for yourself. What that tells me is EU must be pro whatever the city is doing. EV fights the city. And God forbid that is a no-no. Yes, you can buy ntames, and if you look at some of the names on EN it's hard to believe those people exist.A lot of the names sound like they are from Europe or Arab countries. Why they are concerned about Encinitas is anyones guess. Check to out for yourself. The owner of the group is very well situated to make sure that Blakespear won and Kranz stays in power. Ever wonder why? Anyway both groups are OK with me. And I personally don't care how many members each of them have. But obviously someone does. My guess is either Stocks or Walsh.

    6. 🤣 Lorri, of course you care. You care because you hate what you can't control. You built your little propaganda machine and you're petrified that after years EN is going to suddenly reveal some hidden agenda to an audience triple the size of yours. In your mind only EV is allowed to influence people in what they think and how to vote. Except EN doesn't appear to have an agenda and I've never seen them say or do anything to imply otherwise. Only your sycophants make claims that they delete opposing views.

      It's important to remember that EN is a Blakespear site paid for by dark money. You said so at least 50 times. You had an IT friend uncover it but you conveniently can't tell anyone who it is. Verdu is behind it. No wait he isn't. Actually you don't know who is behind it. No wait yes you do again. It's Marco. No wait it isn't. You were banned for paying someone to hack them. No wait you were banned for asking who the admins are. You can never keep your lies straight on any topic and the lack of honesty and integrity is the biggest reason why people give you grief. You can't even be honest on the goal of your own blog.

      I rarely read EN because their strict rules make it boring. I rarely read EV because it's the same whining bullshit and hypocrisy year after year. Your comments about EN being used to get Blakespear elected and keep Kranz in power perfectly exemplify what everyone knows are your true goals. None of us care who has the bigger site and whoever keeps posting these numbers is obviously doing so to trigger you. That it works every time is pure entertainment.

    7. This Willow is a dude.

  2. We should believe your numbers? Talk a long walk of a short pier and do this community some good.

  3. Wait, what about uncensored's numbers, the ones the watchdoggers would now have to use to prove they won the election?

    1. exactly - pointless post but just wants to get Lorri's goat. Must still be in high school, or a moron themselves. Or Garvin, who's a vengeful motherfucker

  4. The moron style by now is all too well known.

  5. How nice of the Kindergarten Council Member to be wear a face mask this evening. Nice gesture, but t's not enough coverage, still way too much pathetic visible. Can we please encourage her to wear a ski mask? Or perhaps a trash bag over her head would be more appropriate?

  6. Cough cough cough. How nice of her to share the wealth with not onlyher fellows on the dais, but with the whole chamber audience. Keeping it classy hinze.

  7. Finally, no more constant coughing. There is a thing called cough syrup or lozenges that could have been helpful for the last hour and a half if she had given a thought to others.

  8. Never forget: "Every child in Encinitas needs to get comfortable with stepping over homeless on the way to school"
    -Kindergarten Forever Student that's never worked a real job in her life

    1. When did kindergarten Kellie day that in the mtg?

      I want to look it up.

    2. I don't believe that to be the exact quote 7:54 but you're spot on. I remember her spewing that nonsense around the time of the homeless lot ribbon cutting. That was back when we had someone who dropped everything to save Encinitas. Now we're not so lucky....especially with Starvin vacationing in beautiful Barstow.

  9. Sounds like Susan Turney is projecting again. Her loss to Kellie Hinze was an embarrassment for the opposition. Hinze had nearly 3 times the votes Turney did. That will live with Turney forever. Sad!

    1. I heard Kindergarten Kellie is petitioning the the school board with her mommies to let her advance to the 1st grade.

      She still has significant listening and comprehension, deficits, and common sense challenges but they are hoping with time she will learn how she can use her victim mentality to work the system again….

  10. Private plane down in La Jolla last night.
    Ya...and I'm the crazy one.
    Sell the finger painting property.

    1. Where are the plane people? Hmmmm?
      Never mind.

    2. 10:52 once again trying to change direction. Cars and planes...nothing in common. It's been tried before and as usual, a pathetic attempt to change direction.
      Why not include heart attacks, strokes and cancer.
      Another clown act supporting these cheap pieces of junk.

    3. 11:04,

      Let’s agree that you aren’t bright enough to understand the connection.

    4. The upside is, the pilot died while he placed people on the ground at risk of death. You see, the pilot didn't care as he could have landed at Montgomery Field, but he didn't. Instead...put innocent people at risk.
      Rot in hell you bastard

    5. The kid on the motorcycle who hit the telephone pole in Encinitas is also dead. I guess his riding was also a danger to people on the ground in Encinitas. Maybe you should equally celebrate his death.

    6. stupid stupid prizes. And no, I don't care about the 17 year old that killed himself.
      It was a power pole and he did it to himself. And yes, he did place people are risk. No one cares except the parents...and that's a maybe.

    7. So you’re going to constantly call Caltrans, SD Sheriffs, and Kawasaki to report every motorcycle you see?

    8. 5:49 what are you writing about. This started with an irresponsible idiot in a plane. Now a dead idiot.
      Good ending.

  11. Susan trying to inflict injury on Hinze again.

    Says a lot when you lose an election by 70% to a kindergartener. Stick with your complaining on EV, Susan, it’s your safe space.

    1. 6:02- your delusional do you think it’s Susan…. It’s not. it’s easy to see.

      Kindergarten Kellie is growing up right along the side of her daughter right in front of our own eyes.

      I hope her daughter does spawn the same victim mentality. It will rob one of one’s happiness for life. 😢

    2. I wonder if Kellie will ever grow up enough to get a real job? Does she even want one? She has no problem playing the victim card.

      I guess time will tell. It’s pretty tough for victims to function in life. Whoa is me.

      “Thank the lord my grandma had property along the coast and I don’t really have to work my entire life.”

      “I sure hope my hubby can pick up steam little bit so he can at least appear to support the family. “

      - Heritage wealth is saving my white ass. -KK

  12. Phony likes it when the Admiral coughs up his backside. He says it makes him feel like that stay puff marshmallow boy!

    - Go Phony 🏳️‍⚧️

  13. Oh Susan you're so full of malarky, Kellie never said those things.

    You continue to discredit yourself each and everyday.

    Thank god 70% of the voters saw right through your BS. Stick with EV, outside of that you're an embarrassment.

    1. Turney's an embarrassment inside EV as well. She's been crying wolf for over 10 years now. Just like her best friend Cindy Cremona, both are irrelevant and an embarrassment.

    2. Susan’s problem is self-centered arrogance.

      Elections are about the voters and their wants and needs.

      Susan, do you hear your own voice when you write stuff like the link below? I, I, I. Me, me, me. My, my, my.

      We get it. It’s all about you. That’s why you run.

      And that’s why you lose.

    3. I like Susan. She speaks the truth. The truth will set you free.

      She’s not a victim like Kelly and Tony.

      - Seize the freedom and opportunity that being born in America has given you. Resist victim mentality that will bring eternal unhappiness.


    4. ^ Proud member of the 30% right there.

      MAGA is the biggest victim movement in history.

      Victims of journalism, the media, courts, fact checking, the deep state, big tech, liberal elites, conspiracies, judges, prosecutors, cops, the IRS, facts, science, “cheating,” elections, anti-white racism, anti-male sexism.

      Victim, victim, victim.

      It’s all so unfair.

    5. Also victims of George Soros (cough, cough, Jews, cough).

    6. Nothing like a putrid cup of antisemitism to start the day.

    7. 👆🏿👌🏿

    8. 8:51,

      Yup. MAGA should definitely cut that disgusting crap out.

    9. Now back to Encinitas, looser

    10. 11:59,

      You are right. Surely the rumblings of authoritarianism so far away will never affect us here in this idyllic coastal town of Guernica.

      —You, 1935.

  14. My name is KK… mommy says I’m pretty.

    Why don’t I feel pretty inside? Why does everybody pick on me?


    1. ☝🏾 Here’s a tip, KK

      Get a real job. Take control of your life. Take ownership of your actions. Enjoy America’s freedom. You will be happy.

      🚀 🇺🇸💪🏿

  15. You all are a bunch of lossers. Now, back on topic. That blonde gal kicked the poop out of Tony. This CC is incompetent and they will continue to win, if the opposition acts like children.

    1. 👆🏿 Did you say lick the crap out of or kick the crap out of?

      Lick the crap out of would be starvin.

      Kick the crap out of ?

    2. Who would have thought Robert's Rules was such a thick book. Again, the Mayor was triggered.

      The 10A project selection process wasn't much better. Real darn nice to see ol' fashion political horse trading in action.

  16. 9:32am Moron, try to get a life and move on. Growing up might help too.

  17. The mayor may have a copy of Roberts Rules, but he never learned a thing. Does anyone believe he read it?

    Polygraph time. As if....

    1. He's all about the "interpretation."

    2. coz he's too lazy to do the work himself. How the hell does one fat lazy MF like this guy get elected as mayor?

    3. 4;09- Same way Blakespear did. Developers and people who want to control the rest of us. Just take a look at some of the people who gave money to Scripps at a recent function. Scripps just kicked out 33,000 people because they didn't want to take a particular insurance. But they can afford, with the help of the rich folks here in town, and elsewhere, to built 2 very large and high buildings. It's not rocket science to find out who these people are.

  18. 4:09pm With the help of a couple of well known and mostly now despised characters, one of who was never fit to hold any public office, or a job for that matter, and the other who seems to always find a way to tank her campaign.

    1. Bet they won't be able to help themselves and will be back at it again this coming election. No wonder FFs like Tony get elected.

      She who tanks her campaigns is also a very bad judge of character.

    2. They’re already back at it. One worked its way into a regular coast news column. Watch the commentary turn slowly and against ehlers. Just watch. The other just today promoted said column on Facebook. Tag team for camp Kranz! 2022 redux in 2024!

    3. Ehlers’s better watch his back

    4. She’s such a hypocrite. Supported Morris to help Kranz but claims she’s pro Encinitas. WTF?

    5. 5:51 she’ll wield the knife with a smile on her face too.

    6. Whoo whoo whoo will Walsh employ next year to split the vote

    7. I wonder how much Starvin gets from the BIA in payments.

  19. 'one of whom' Where is the edit capability? I know. Edit before posting. Next time.

  20. Was it her and her buddy Garvin badmouthing former friends and candidates? Those two already doing Tony’s bidding and defaming possible D2 candidates? Anyone surprised?

    1. Yep their handiwork above trashing Susan and Cindy same old same old.

    2. 6:29 nearly 80% of the voters trashed Turney and Cremona.

      The residents spoke with an emphatic NO on Turney and Cremona.

    3. 95% of the voters think Starvin’s only value to Encinitas is being a sex doll for the tranny Dunce mayor.

    4. 5:59 Walsh and galpal now adding Ehlers to their hit list to reelect Kranz.

    5. BIA hates Ehlers. I wonder how much Starvin gets from the BIA in payments.

  21. Did anyone else report the terrorist threats from Lorri and Susan to the FBI? They're threatening to place hazardous, potentially explosive materials at City Hall. They also plan to put the council and residents in danger by encouraging as many people as they can to bring those explosives to the next Council meeting. Encinitas Votes should be shutdown by Facebook for inciting domestic terrorism. Lorri and Susan should be arrested immediately. Confiscate their electronics and see what other terrorist acts they're planning and uncover the rest of their terror network. See something, say something!

    1. Quit taking fentanyl it’s rotting your mind.

    2. Is the guy who used to surf swami's still posting here?

    3. Not the FBI but I did send screenshots to the Mayor and the Sheriff. Stupid and dangerous behavior that should be stopped before people get hurt.

    4. Where exactly did you see their threats against City Hall?

    5. Great maybe the city will restore battery recycling thanks for doing that!

    6. Are you fucking serious. My God, get a grip. But send your screen shots to the Council and maybe they will take our batteries again, instead of making us go to Vista to drop them off. And don't forget to send them to the FBI as well so we can get them arrested. Of all the things you have said Garvin, I think this is the most stupid.

    7. This so reinforces the Nutbird moniker.

    8. 11:42- Yea, I heard she is Jewish and so is Susan. Maybe we should put them in concentration camps. Sick of them both.

    9. Well you know what they say about Jews.

    10. We know about the Starvin, Phony, and Johnny love triangle….

    11. Starvin - You prove yourself to be a complete fucking idiot every time.

    12. 12:32. Better add Thunder to that make it a foursome.

    13. 12:35- I only think they’ll add her if she starts the transition process. So far no evidence of that…. Maybe you know something I don’t?

    14. 12:46. Have you seen her lately? She and Garvin are doing an amazing transition. They have to do something now Morris and Thunders BFF are gone.

    15. I have not. I saw Blakespear a couple of weeks ago, and her testosterone levels must be through the roof. She’s looking more manly every day.

      Haven’t seen 🐷👧 in a while, but I’ll take your word for it. 🏳️‍⚧️

  22. Today 11:15 a.m tail number N81KS. California Aeronautical University out of Montgomery Field 18 miles away flew back and forth 23 times over familes, schools and care facilities. They are unsafe they don't care and it's you that suffers. While they make money putting your family in danger. These people are so stupid they fly back and forth over the Sheriffs Department.

    1. Starvin- go work on your girlfriends rear end.

    2. 1:29 I beg you not to talk about your mother like that.
      She is human with needs. Recently she brought you up in a group conversation. She made mention of disappointment and angst concerning what little you have done with your life. How much of an embarrassment you are to the family, although adopted from a ghetto black family, they can no longer hide the fact, like the birth family, you can't be fixed.

    3. 5:44- OMG. We are going to give you one more chance.

      Otherwise, you are getting one ass workout tonight from your girlfriends.

      Come again?

  23. I can't wait to take Mayor Tony's surfboard art class. And what's the beef against Cornhole. Please, spare the Marvin jokes, LOL.

    Test your skills, match the quote to the speaker:
    Chicks in a basket
    Next Step
    Is quilting an art?
    We need sidewalks
    Proud of the numbers
    The data is suspect

    1. Care to write some English that we can comprehend? Maybe like a sentence about what your point?

      And yes, Starvin loves corn and John’s hole. Butt we know he love’s Phony’s hole even more.

    2. This board needs some fun, match up the quotes to the council member.

      Next weeks game, match the EU contributor:
      1) morons
      2) lowfile
      3) pos

  24. Morons and more morons. Probably much the same pos. lowlifes.

    Gawd you people are boringly repetitive. James, and the scarecrow and their fellow morons need to get a life after such a deserving loss last year.

    Imagine EU without them.

    1. 6:29- starvin- we’re all sorry the Tonyis with Johnny tonight. We know that Has to hurt.

      We are with you and your Morphie in spirit. 🤮

  25. Staaaaaaaarvy....I'm getting into the holiday spirit and just got a tattoo of mistletoe on my belly and I need my admiral to come over immediately for a kiss.
    - Phony

    1. Your Admiral is here to fill
      your spinnaker master.

      - the Admiral

  26. I so good to hear people protecting themselves.

    Taking other ships of one’s life is important to happiness and feeling self-worth.

    Plus one less scum in prison on taxpayers dime.

    Don’t listen to the commies like BIA and Kranz. They are victims for life. 👎🏿

    1. * Taking ownership of one’s life is important to happiness and feeling self-worth.

      Damn auto spell….

  27. * It is so good to hear people protecting themselves

  28. Winter is coming along with the Kranz zombie walkers.

    Lock and load! 💪🏿🇺🇸


  29. This is the best video news cast reporting that I’ve seen in a long time. It really speaks to the benefit to cost ratio of the public tax dollars.

    It also speaks to the point where Del Mar takes care of themselves, and they value and maintain clear coastal access.

    On the other hand, Tony Kranz slams in a fence in his own neighborhood, blocking coastal access and blocking people walking to go get fresh vegetables at Just Peachy and enjoying waking around. Tony’s actions made people have to drive and made them a lot more unhealthy like his fat ass.

    Tony Kranz is a complete asshole..

    I hope he gets run out of the city by people with pitchforks.

    Watch the truth here-

  30. Sorry to say, but that a**hole will get re-elected. His party and the antipathy of voters guarantee it. Ehlers, if he had the balls to run, is toast.

    1. sorry to say Starvin' the people are on to you and 🐖👧. Show your morphed body at a City Council meeting in support of your girlfriend and lets see how that gos.

      -Tony is on his way out along with Starvin

  31. Ehlers is the man... and other commies like KK will be replaced by logical candidates which are many.

    The majority of tax payers are tired. The commie City Council days are numbered along with BIA Starvin.


    1. Sounds familiar to the rants here about the GOAT. Kranz isn’t half the politician she is, but he’ll win. With the apathy of the majority and activists backstabbing one another, it’s guaranteed Kranz will win, especially if he gets dupes like Thunder and Walsh to find another useful idiot to muddy the waters again.

      Better catch up little activists, Kranz is already ahead of you and the plan is afoot.

    2. He might win. Seems like the Encinitas voters are pretty complacent, apathetic and kind of fucking stupid.

      Just look at Kathleen Lees and John Gjata. They voted and openly campaigned for this current nightmare that’s fucking their own neighborhood.

      They should be run out of Leucadia with pitchforks.

    3. 8:46, you sound sadz.

    4. I love people who talk about “the majority,” and haven’t won an election since 1984.

      The GOAT has the majority.

    5. I love this chick talking about BIA being a goat. The only thing BIA was ever the greatest in was selling at the City Of Encinitas to the developers and supporting anybody that will chop off a little boys balls and penis and start calling him a girl.

      Way to go BIA, you’ve come so far.

      Maggie Houlahan, and all of the people who really cared about Encinitas character are turning in their graves because of BIA’s disgustingness.

      If there ever was a goat of Encinitas, it was Dennis Holtz, or some of the founders.

    6. Who said anything about Blakespear?

      I love the fact that when I say GOAT, everyone knows and agrees exactly who is meant.

      Promoted to higher office by voters.
      On the winning side of every council vote.
      Recruited and mentored solid candidates who continue her legacy long after she’s moved on.
      Named more frequently than anyone on EV and EU.
      Years later, still inspires bed-wetting hissy fits from the losers.

      All hail future Governor GOAT!

    7. 1:05- you are disgusting to support such and ignorant racist and your comments are lame.

  32. Be clear backstabbers named above are not activists never were. they’re rebels without a clue.

    1. Activists, rebels, political operatives, political wannabes, whatever. They clearly impacted the last election.

      Everything that happens with this council and Kranz at the helm is planned. Look at L7. Kranz getting the outcome he planned and schemed for, but comes out looking like the hero. Kranz could be the poster child for Brown Act violations but like the GOAT, he’ll never get caught.

    2. 9:14- I'm sure you know who is behind all of this. It isn't people who run, but the wealthy people who bought the council. Take a look at who gave all the money to Scripps, at some recent function. Look at Ecke, Meyer, and I could go on. Those folks don't run, they let people like Kranz do their dir

    3. Sorry, didn't finish. The rich do the dirty work and offer trips to people like Kranz. If it was a level playing field, he would be out. But it's not and never has been.

    4. So. . .

      Kranz is an evil genius plotting and executing a master plan with precision and secrecy and will never be caught.

      But he’s also a dunce and a moron incapable of tying his own shoes.

      Got it.

    5. “Got it?” That T Fox making an appearance just in time for 2024?

    6. 10:31- No, Kranz and company are doing the bidding of the developers. Think about it. He's not evil, just easy to bribe. If you don't think the developers get who they want on the CC then you haven't been paying attention. You actually think that Verdu just vanished? You think Marco is on the side of the environment? Between those 2 they got both Blakespear and now Kranz elected. Jewish services made sure Kranz got and his wife, got a nice trip to Israel some years ago. AND, if you ask him, he has the answers to the how to fix the current situation over there. Most of the newer citizens living in the, not so low cost housing that is being built, have no idea what is going on. They are just happy to live at the beach. So they will vote for him. It would take a miracle for some of the CC members to lose, and David Meyers has outlawed miracles. Paul Ecke the first was an amazing man. Now 3rd generation sells off his land and moves his poinsettias to Guatemala. The deal he made has been broken but no one is going to call him out on it and survive the harsh slaying they will get from the rick folks. Learn to live with it. It ain't going to change.

    7. Obviously you don’t. Kranz may be krafty but he’s no genius. He’s lazy and will always take the EZ road. His benefactors and city staff know this and guide his decisions and the fate of our city. Weak sisters Joy and what’s her face are too uninformed and weak to differ and Hinze was born with the koolaid attached to her veins. Bruce is irrelevant.

      Developers, nonprofits like CRC, Leichtag and E4E, plus the Dem party ensure Tony’s mayorship and a council majority until there’s nothing left to suck out of this once laid back surf town.

    8. Explain the CRC connection of shut the fuck up 10:41.

    9. It’s obvious. Drawing in the homeless to exacerbate the crisis.

  33. Wish that investigational journalist who caught those south bay council members would investigate Encinitas. Sure would like to know how and where Tony hides his kickbacks.

    Why else would he sell out the town he professes to love? He’s certainly not an ideologue like Catherine.

    1. I’m not sure if he purposely is trying to sell out his hometown. He’s just so stupid that he is easily manipulated by the BIA moneymakers.

      Just talked to Kranz for five minutes and you’ll realize how stupid he is.

      He makes gallablabber look like a genius.

    2. Thats why he employs snakes to run his campaign.

    3. Tony Kranz took the lead in Fencing off his Hometown when it was so easy, as Delmar showed, to resist slightly and the coastal commission would’ve said no.

      There’s a lot of NCTD’s board members that were totally against the fencing, Tony was one of the main proponents to make the fencing happen in Leucadia.

      - Kranz is a fucking idiot.

    4. Comments being delete explaining snakes are good.

      Phony employs Lehman brother Starvin who own family disowned him. His daughter hates him.

      That scum would sell out anyone for a buck even his own mother.

      It’s why Tony and Garvin make such a good match.

  34. Oh yeah. With Sandag’s track record, I bet Del Mar is super excited about a huge tunnel being bored underneath their homes. 👏👏😂🤣🤣🤣🥲

  35. Maybe they’ll get the funding and never build it, like all of their other unfounded mandates.

    1. 👆🏾💯

      It’s a Literall pipe dream. It will never happen.

      At a recent board meeting , all the board members thought it was ridiculous project. The Coaster and Surfliner have Almost no transit riders. Only when use

      it has very low freight and military use

      This guy named Dan Quirk, and his brother had the best information about how ridiculous whole concept was considering the low use.

      Tony Kranz acknowledge of the only really use was for BNSF and suggested moving the rail off the coast and to the high speed rail alignment along the I 15 north of Miramar airbase.

      That tunnel project is complete waste of study money. SANDAG wasting $300,000,000.00 on a planning document that has no value- ZERO.

      Some good reporter should do a deep dive story on the whole financial fiasco.

      The estimated cost for a 2.5-mile tunnel to address the eroding bluff top tracks in Del Mar and a 10-mile segment in coastal San Clemente/Dana Point could run as much as $20 billion. Daily ridership for the three train services operating along the 65 miles from San Diego to San Clemente is tiny, currently only about 4,000 1-way trips per day. $5 million per 1-way trip ($20 billion/4,000) is a breathtaking boondoggle — even in California, a state known for its transit boondoggles.

      Last year, a group of Dana Point citizens halted the proposed $50 million Serra Siding double-track project along an eroding coastline by asking pragmatic questions that Orange County Transit Authority (OCTA) simply couldn’t answer. Now, citizens from Del Mar and South Orange County are joining forces to demand a complete, thorough, and transparent cost-benefit analysis before $20 billion in taxpayer dollars is spent to band- aid the coastal alignment – a route that transports well below 1% of regional freight and mostly empty passenger trains along a dangerously eroding coast. At the same time, Save Our Beaches San Clemente is raising public awareness of the train track’s beach- killing rip rap revetment which has proved to be an environmental disaster – halting lateral trail and direct beach access and exacerbating instead of mitigating erosion along the sliding Cypress Shore bluffs. Citizens are coalescing around two major demands:

      Stop destroying beaches- NOW

      Provide a cost-benefit analysis that justifies extremely low ridership and freight against an outrageous $20 billion cost

    2. Cost benefit analysis:

      If China starts moving materiel (spelled correctly) to the Formosa Straight, the LOSAN rail will become the busiest railway in the world by tonnage.

      End of analysis.

    3. 👆🏾 Stupidest comment award winner.

      That’s the equivalent of saying IF you sew a pair of toy balls on Starvin, he will start acting like a man again.

      If IFs and buts were candy and nuts, we would all have a Merry Christmas.

    4. Yeah. Let’s pretend China threatening Taiwan is a remote and unlikely contingency the USA should not plan for.

      Let’s also assume rail won’t be an important future transit mode as we wean off petrol.

    5. 4:05- dumb ass. That has nothing to do with surfliner or LOSSAN.

      What if Starvin quits smelling Phony’s farts?

    6. 4:05- ever hear of electric cars and buses?

      You’re only the hottest selling thing. The coaster and surfliner run on diesel Petro and average about 25 mph. Slower than shit and then you have to walk and wait for the damn thing.

      No one rides them because they’re completely slow and inconvenient.

    7. * They are only the hottest selling things.

  36. That sketchy beach rail alignment is useless in any “if” wartime event.

    a small fire cracker could nearly disable the entire alignment. you could save your M-80s for the lagoon Bridges. That rail is useless, and that’s why the military send 99.9% of its goods, equipment, ammo and top-secret stuff along the I-5 corridor and nowhere close to that sketchy rail.

  37. If we ever manage to get a new majority on council, having a forensic analysis of the decades of wasteful spending would be quite a blow to the powers that be. More Bruces' up there on the dais would help. He has rewritten numerous city statutes and policies that were intentionally written to benefit the developers and our planners to give them a way out to do whatever they want. grrrrr

    1. 👆🏾💯

      Bruce is a common sense supports sustainable management and is a logical councilmember.

      The rest are fucking idiots.,

    2. Hey, I have a solution 😉 Ask, the CC to create an ordinance that forbids the members from accepting political donations from developers and developer lawyer MG. All U people don't butch.

  38. Let me start by saying, I do love a good dong pic! Ever since I got back from Barstow, Phony has really been stepping up the romance. In fact, it's like when we were first dating again. He's been doing this new thing where he's sandwiching cute lil dick pics in there with all the emails he fwds me. While I do adore this nice touch of his, I do worry about him using his city email address to send me these wonderful gifts. I also wonder why he continues to cc Piglet on these risqué emails but whatever I guess it's all par for the course.
    - Starvin

    1. 👆🏾🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

      Lucky girl!

    2. So do you call a Morphie a dong, a dlit, click, or a dussie?

      …. Just trying to keep up with the politically correct terminology.

    3. How about deformed 🌮 or churro?

      Or Chinese Helmet?

      Look it up. The Technical name is Dlitoris

    4. I was at the Pannikan and overheard Starvin’ say Piglet now calls his/her little thingy - my little mole. 🤢

    5. Gross… that is almost as bad as when I was at City Hall and overheard Johnny whispering to Phony,

      “Do you want to come by later on and I’ll show you my progress on my little slug? “


  39. Gee thanks, no thanks, for your un-valuable input you freaking moron.

    1. Come on starvin…

      It’s funny ‘cause it’s true!


  40. Humor? Not even close unless you are living in a Neverland of your own making, where no one grows up to be an adult. Juvenile much? Yes, in your case, infantile.

    1. Starvin, I haven't seen you this triggered since your autographed Piglet butt plug went missing, are you okay?

    2. 👆🏾💯🤣

  41. Shows how old and stupid you are….

    It’s not the middle finger…..

    But the below is directly for you Starvie 🏳️‍⚧️:


    - Happy Sunday

  42. Thanks for some clarity, such as it is.

    Your use of an emoji is not the middle finger.Thanks.

    What the f is it supposed to represent?

    Your relying upon emoji's shows a lack of vocabulary at the least.

    Cheap shots is your way. We get it.

  43. 🙋 - Hey there, I like surfing and racing my sandrail in the desert. What do you do for fun?

    🙍‍♂️ - Well, I hang out on an anonymous blog writing graphic sexual fan fiction involving people I don't know that live near me.

    1. 👆🏾💯….while I’m not reading all the emails that my girlfriend the Mayor sends me or depositing my payment checks from the BIA for my part in over, developing Encinitas and helping to ruin a formally family friendly cool surf town.

    2. 12:04 is like the preacher obsessed with the “problem” of gay porn.

      “Let’s watch that scene again in slo-mo so you can see how depraved it is.”

  44. 👆🏾20%…. Nothing cheap about it.

    A picture is worth 1000 words. Some of the old ramblers don’t appreciate that fact.

  45. This blog used to be interesting until Scott Weiner created an insurrection and posing about 99% of the comments.

    Clwn world

  46. I'm not sure which is worse/better, Scott's weiner or Starvie's morphy. We would have to ask Phony. I bet he loves them both.

    Thank goodness this blog still posts all the relevant news about Encinitas in between the love affair journal postings of the Encinitas's sell-out Town Dunce. I am thankful to EU all the time for a real news avenue.

    Clwn world definitely describes the City Council minus Bruce.

    - The Cardiff Kook would do a better job than the Encinitas Town Dunce.

  47. Conversely 12:16 one word is worth 1,000 pictures. Guess who I mean?

  48. Emoji's are now considered pictures? Whatever you say.

    1. 5:53- good. Now you are following common sense.

  49. The show Yellowstone depicts Republicans how they think of themselves.

    The website People of Walmart depicts them how they really are.

    1. Oooo. Good one minion. Now talk about how gone uncle Joe is.🤣🤣🥲

      Red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue.

      You are a perfect minion. Keep up the great work. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭

  50. This is the Gonzalez manifesto.

    Unsustainable disaster.

    Encinitas will be much like San Fransicko >10 years.

    Congratulations 🥳

  51. Thanks for confirming my suspicions that many of the comments here were from you James. It's too bad you didn't follow the wife beater out of state. One infection at a time I suppose.

  52. I couldn’t believe Robertsons comment on EV about Morris and his ‘character’. James, are you still convinced that low life scum Morris, who abused his wife, threatened candidates and their volunteers and lied his way through a campaign, was electable?

    That loser and his buddies Walsh and Thunder helped Tony Kranz, who you hate, become mayor.

    By the way, wasn’t it Morris and his wife, who excoriated any non local candidates and told them to go back to where they came from? And where did Kim end up? Too bad the rest of his fan base didn’t leave town with them.

  53. Thanks Bruce for chiming in on the Swami’s bench whereabouts. Posters should have done their homework before posting. Then again, the homeless destruction of our iconic Swamis is still problematic and the WHY of those benches needing to be removed for service is still a viable question.

    Also, more of our tax payer dollars will be spent on guards for Swamis and Glen Park because our council doesn’t have the balls to crack down on illegal camping and bad behavior in OUR public spaces.

    We long timers can’t believe how devolved our city has become.

  54. James is only saying what most people believe but don't have the guts to say publicly. Jeff warned all of you the money grubbing maggots at Leichtag and JFS were going to destroy this town. They own this weak-kneed council except for Ehlers. The destruction of Encinitas is unfolding exactly as Jeff predicted.

    1. Jeff was just an attention seeking loudmouth. Plenty of other people saw/see what was happening. He tried to take credit for being the hero he wasn’t. He never did a damned thing for the homeless except exploit them. The other truths are that he hates women, especially those with power, including his wife. And that he’s a bully, relentlessly stalking, degrading and lying about anyone who disagreed with him.

      In the end, his dangerous and erratic behavior caught up with him and he scurried out of town like the bully coward he is.

    2. You, James are a kool aid drinker. The Dem machine didn’t do anything to Morris. Remember he was trying to suck up to them and Blakespear. The kook took himself out and the only one chasing him are lawyers and lawsuits.

    3. The alleged wife beater was a malignant narcissist. He wasn’t able to predict shit, because he was only capable of thinking about himself. At least one daughter got out.

    4. Now, if you said and abused Christmas trees, then that would be a dead giveaway.

  55. I find it tough to put up with the loser morons continuing to show their moronic selves. It appears their loser campaign has no ending. Shame apparently does not register with them. The cult that they are has no shame or conscience.

    1. Nice blabbering.

      Do you want to try and make a point?

    2. No blabbering to ears that are open and eyes that see. Made perfect sense to anyone not a diehard Robertson WD refugee.

    3. 👆🏾💯 Wrong. 👎🏿

  56. Not only do the morons never learn a thing from their abject failures, they have a problem understanding some plain talk about their ongoing intransigence. Whoops. Gotta use smaller words so the morons can understand simple English.

    1. 👆🏾Starvin👎🏿

    2. Babbler… waste of life.

    3. Mama always tol me, "What you say is what you are".

      Jus who these morons be? Anyone besides yo self?

  57. Coast Flight Training 18 times this morning over Encinitas.
    This company is a scam. Call them, no one answers ever.
    Their motto..."unsafe at any altitude". Or, "we fly with only danger in mind, over your families"
    Today it was N282HP. Cheap pieces junk overhead

    1. I wish we could block your number too.

    2. Starvin- your girl needs some love.

    3. Go on, call that business number of Coast Flight Training. No one ever answers. 2:38 I wish I could block your windpipe. 2:46 leave your mother out of this. Just stop

    4. Coast Flight Training, where death comes naturally..

  58. There is always a moron to keep showing his moron dis-ease to all.

    Why would these clueless losers subject themselves to ridicule every day with the infantile postings like they do?

  59. Wow just wow Julie Weak Kneed Thunder still supporting Morris. Watch your backs people.

    1. Well, his wife was/is her bff. They did conspire to put him in to beat Cremona and anyone else, so Kranz could win. Why wouldn't she do it again, with Walsh of course!

  60. A Del Mar resident and a Carlsbad resident bitching about Kranz and convincing each other to never vote for him "again" is so EV.

  61. 4:45 learning a lesson ain’t in the cards I guess. Who will the dynamic duo put up in 2024??
