Friday, November 3, 2023

City manager caught sending mean girl texts

Coast News:

City Manager Pamela Antil is under fire for engaging in an “inappropriate text exchange” about another city manager in her capacity as a board member of a professional association of local government managers.

The text messages were revealed as part of a defamation lawsuit by a Michigan city official against members of the International City/County Management Association executive board, including Antil, related to a censure vote.

“He just looks like a d—-ebag,” wrote William Fraser in a text message to Antil.

“He is,” Antil wrote in response.

“I already want to punch him in the face,” Fraser wrote.
The censure vote itself is childish, too. They censured the Michigan official under an "ethics" pretense for publicly opposing vaccine mandates.
She must be fun to work for...


  1. Impropriety.

    Resign of be fired immediately.

  2. What's taking marco so long to come on here and defend her, makes sense he recognize unprofessional behavior if it hit him on his bike while cycling the improved Cardiff cycle trap?

  3. Antil's repeatedly disrespecting the chain of command makes her deserving to be fired. Where else could a subordinate get away with the bs she has promoted on more than one occasion?

    Here in Encinitas don't expect that to happen. She just got a raise in salary. WTF council? Your business model needs some reevaluation. Keep it up. The negatives of your lack of leadership is growing by the week in so many ways.

  4. In addition to supporting StreetScam and Vision ZeroValue, Bruce voted to give Anthill her raise.

    1. Did he really?

      Even after she told him to shut the fuck up and pipe down. Sounds like he has no balls.

    2. I think Bruce already knew hey were giving her a raise so he decided to take his fight to something more interesting. Now we need a couple of Bruce's to change this Council.

  5. Do she do a good job? That is all I care about.
    Like Mr. Trump. He was very good at his job as President but I cannot stand to listen to him. Once again, does Antil do a good job?

    1. F_ck no. You clearly do not follow the Encinitas City Council meeting.

      She is a train wreck. Almost as bad as Karen Brust. and that is bottom of the barrel.

    2. 7:50,

      Who is the GOAT city manager of Encinitas?

    3. *Dose she. Sorry, long day watching airplanes

    4. Mountain bike much?

  6. She texted “He is.”

    That’s the controversy?

    How does this affect the lives of citizens of Encinitas?

  7. We're so lucky to have Justin Bieber as a city manager. Viva Justin!

    1. 100%. I love how Justin Ant-Hill tell's Bruce to STFU and then he is so afraid of he/she, Bruce votes to give her a raise.

      Justin has balls!

    2. The only logical explanation for this behavior is that Justin Anthill supplies the best boner pills in town.

  8. There might be other considerations than the moronic derived boner pills. Something stinks mightily about how Antil keeps her job and gets a raise at the same time she is calling out her bosses on the council. Grow a f'in spine tony and your fellow council members. Who is running our town? You or your city manager? Grow a spine and do the right thing.

    Enough of this idiocy from the morons. Grow the f up and try to move on from your disastrous campaign and stop the deflection from what truly matters.

    Council, fire that disastrous city manager. Like that will happen. Not. She just got a raise. Our council is in league with Antil.

    1. You sound angry. Did Anthill cut you off of your supply?

  9. The Encinitas City Mgr is a died in the wool Marxist.

    Make no mistake leading up to 2024 elections she will allow Hamas rallies in City Hall lot. BLM= HAMAS no difference.

    This is your City and THAT is who this piece of shit woman is

    1. You’re awful worked up about stuff that hasn’t happened.

      Maybe you just have an anger problem, and a perpetual need to be a victim.

    2. No. That would be Tony and we already know that Tony and Starvin get their boner pills from Ant-Hill.

    3. 7:20am you should come to my house and test if I am a victim. That's not a threat it is an invitation. My calloused mind is so far from being a pussy you will fuck around and you will find out. I have no patience for shitlibs of which you are one. The USA is wicked as fuck and fully occupied. USA is not a real country any longer. c'mon over and fuck around fat boy. You'll find out mark my word and I won't need any weapon other than my body that is in 1000% better shape than yours asswipe.

    4. 4:13- can I come over and you can leave the back door open… you have my Morphie standing straight up… and I’ll bring some of Anthill’s boner pills…

      But shhhh don’t tell Phony… the BIA needs all his emails to continue to flow to me. It will be our little secret. 😜


  10. Winter is coming! White walkers are coming up from San Diego.

    Fentanyl zombies are taking free Coaster rides up to Encinitas from Tony welcoming messages.

    Empty tall building in gloomy downtown SD/Gotham. Vacancies skyrocketing, defaults abound.

    much lower start up funding and investor funding as of now in San Diego, big time layoffs happening weekly in high wage jobs sector.

    And now Residential Market is cooling quick. Lowest sales in the last

    Its always a sign a big correction coming when for sale signs are a plenty on Neptune Ave. Take a bike ride today and Neptune and you should be alarmed.

    My prediction the big real estate pop will happen in Jan 2024 and will correct over 30% in the next 3 years. Many of the local businesses will fail. People with be hunkering down and only spending on essentials. Smart and Final, walmart, and Amazon will survive. All other businesses suspect.

    Keep this post and see you on the other-side in 2027. Don't let the white walkers get you!



    1. And all because of what? The America hating left.
      They have ruined the country.
      They are, "the enemy within"

    2. You had to ruin a good post with your minion, didn’t you?

      Go watch MSNBC or Fox but can you please quit the bantering?

      Maybe you should play pickle ball back-and-forth back-and-forth back-and-forth… you can wear a red shirt and your opponent can wear a blue shirt.

      It means about the same thing as your nonsense left - right comment

      More importantly, is your house in order and are you ready for the big, big, big, big, big recession/depression?

    3. Let me help you 2:31. The left is not what you think. The left has taken over a political party. The left is the enemy of the United States, a communist/socialist thought process to bring down a country, this country. The party of blue has turned into the party of red.
      Get it? I hate politics but I hate the left more as they are the enemy of America. Why do you think over 6 million illegals have been allowed into this country...
      To help bring it down. I am in hopes this helps you.
      Or, think of an enemy of sand niggers coming into your country and killing over 1400 of your citizens because they hate your population. Think of the left as an enemy to be delt with. Think.

    4. 7:29 because people are moving out of San Diego and California in general. It's becoming very difficult to do business there as the Democrats make everything so expensive. They tax the shit out of you on everything, it's become unmanageable.

  11. Tell me you're not claiming a pickleball player has elite self defense training without telling me you have zero self defense training while myb9 yr old daughter takes you the fuvk out.


    1. Well, I’m glad you got some skills. Your writings not one of them. I hope you made some money and saved it with your bad ass self-defense skills.

      Lastly, I hope you have some good financial skills and have your House in order. So you can take care of yourself in the coming cold cold financial winter.

  12. The choosing to remain ignorant dumb ass right winger poster continues to live in an upside down world of his own making.

    It is your party that is seeking to end our democracy.

    It is your party that is supporting traitors to our republic that is seeking to end our democracy and replace it with an authoritarian regime.

    Gawd, you get so tiresome in no time at all. Why anyone who thinks, well thinking is clearly not involved, would spout such idiocy day after day shows how far down the rabbit hole you have allowed yourself to be taken, and without a whimper or any realization of how you have been played.

    The repugnicans cheat, nothing new there, and their fools in tow like you continue to support these domestic terrorists pos that want to end our form of government that until lately had been a beacon of hope for the entire world.

    I have to hand to you and your fellow traitors, you have made ground when in the past you would have been castigated royally and maybe even locked up as your fearsome leader so righteously deserves for your open treason.

    The oath every elected member of congress takes to support our constitution apparently means nothing when the latest speaker of the House took his vows. He had already violated that oath before he ever took the office he was offered by a party that is a cult of personality.

    1. 5:37- it would’ve been more impactful if you just said - “blue”.

      But no. you love to ramble. 😴

    2. I’m pretty much convinced the west is done. The centralists now led by the world economic forum have won. Look at how they fell in the line with the Covid joke. It’s gonna be so funny once we have a real flu that kills off like 5% of the population. People are going to truly freak. they’ll probably eat their young.

      The minion are so focused on their game of red and blue. They have no idea they were slaves to the 0.01%.

      It does serve the purpose to keep the minion occupied. Carry-on minion.

      How about this one to throw you for a loop, Purple!

    3. 5:37....the king of generalizations. Meaningless babble.
      The Constitution and the right, the Constitution and traitors.
      Please take writing classes...please.
      You could bore the dead. When you think you are smarter than Trump, then you run for President.

    4. 5:37 our country was doing a hell of lot better under the Trump administration then Biden's.

      We have shitty stock market, record high inflation, gas, food, utility and cost of living is triple of what it was under the Biden Administration.

      Biden's throwing hundreds of billions towards useless wars in the Ukraine and Israel. Taxes are sky high, corporations are leaving dem states and for the last 3 years we've seen a record number of people and corporations continue to leave California.

      The Dem party doesn't care about democracy. All I see are a bunch of entitled brats who'd rather help other countries so they virtue signal their cause, rather than help the low and middle income earners.

    5. More lies from the cult of lies.

      Your stacked pile of bullshit won’t fly here. Take it to a shithole loser state.

      Trump is a convicted fraudster and rapist facing 91 felony charges. He tried and failed to steal an election and end democracy. His followers are violent, uneducated losers with a victim mentality.

    6. 6:12 Please be specific, what lies are you referring to?

      *Do we not have record inflation under the Biden Administration?

      *Do we not have record high energy, utility prices?

      *Do we not have shitty stock market, currently well under what we had when Trump left office?

      *Are we not contributing billions of dollars to support the Ukraine and Israel in their war efforts?

      *Has California not seen a mass exodus of residents and corporations leave for other states mainly, TX, Arizona and Florida according to the US CB in the last couple of years?

      The only victim mentality I see are all the people with Blue hair that identify as a unicorn. Or the Dems who think the taxpayers should pay blacks a ridiculous amount of money because the Dems enslaved them 200 years ago. Or affirmative action whereby a minority student with a 2.0 GPA takes the place of a white student trying to enroll with 4.0 GPA. Reverse discrimination.

    7. 6:12
      Stupid things Liberals say:

      "Open borders! No human being is illegal."

      The left-liberals harbour the belief that country borders should not exist and that anyone can enter any country any time anywhere.

      We are individuals with our own set of beliefs, thoughts, morals and values, but as a country, there are some common values that we all MUST believe in. For example, we believe in a liberated progressive society where women can work and have the freedom they deserve (despite what far-left feminists tell you) and this is not negotiable – for anyone living in this country and anyone wanting to come in.

      Unfortunately, our neighbours disagree. They believe a woman wearing anything less than a burqa deserves to be flogged in public or have acid thrown on her face. Sorry, but we have no place for such barbarity in our society – please stay on that side of the border. You want to come in, you follow our rules and you behave yourselves. Period.

    8. 6:12
      "I am defying social norms!"

      Why exactly are they ‘defying social norms’? What have they achieved by doing this? How has it made their life better? What have they gained from this?

      One truly gets sick of hearing this from ‘liberal’ millennials all the time. They simply aspire to be different just for the sake of being different:

      “I’m a man but I will wear women’s clothing!”“I will not shave my armpits!”

      “I will not wear a bra!”

      “I gender-identify as an autistic hippo!”

      “I will drink my soy-latte from my nostrils instead of my mouth…"

    9. 6:12

      And then they strut around as if they’ve cured cancer or found the solution to world hunger, while the rest of us are watching them, scratching our heads, wondering, “What are these buffoons even going on about?”

      Consider the case of this person – a hirsute man who insists that clothing should not be gender-specific, that is an oppressive rule set by the “evil patriarchy.” Therefore, as an “act of rebellion,” he wears women’s clothes that are… well, “tasteless” doesn’t even BEGIN to describe it. Add to this the fact that he makes ZERO effort to groom and take care of himself because again that would be “pandering to societal rules.” The result? He looks absolutely hideous, revoltingly ugly, and keeps constantly crying about – “I am so alone! Why does no one want to date me?”

      I don’t know, buddy, look in the mirror.

    10. 6:12
      "We are living in a Fascist state!"

      If you’re shouting your lungs out every day about how your government is Fascist and your head of state is “literally Hitler” and nothing happens to you… then you need to tone down the drama. You are NOT living in a Fascist state. If you were, you wouldn’t be so vocal about it.

      “But I get so much hate online!”

      Really? That’s it? In any free society, you can voice your dissent and disagreement. And some haters/trolls do cross some lines and get really abusive, but calling this Fascism is a bit of a stretch. This is not Fascism, this is just some chubby four-eyed chump using his Jio SIM to type a mean comment on his way back from work on the local from Dadar to Virar, ‘cause that’s the only timepass he has.

      If the violence goes offline, guess what – it is illegal! It is NOT government-approved standard operating procedure, unlike an actual Fascist country, where the KGB would come knocking on your door at midnight and cart you away to the nearest… no, the FARTHEST Gulag.

      These cries of “Fascism” are attention-seeking tactics employed by smooth-talking professional provocateurs. They know very well the government is not Fascist and won’t go to extreme lengths to silence them, so they deliberately provoke people to a point where some lose patience and react angrily and then BOOM! They run a PR campaign to highlight and exaggerate that one incident and play the victim card to gain public sympathy – “Look at all the hate I’m getting!”

      Ironically, these same crusaders of free speech will go out of their way to destroy anyone who doesn’t agree with their ideologies. So who really are the Fascists here?

    11. 6:12
      "Communism roxx"!

      Communism – as in “communal” as in “sharing by all members of a community.” An egalitarian, classless society where nobody is rich or poor, there is no private property, everybody owns everything, everybody shares everything, nobody is hungry, everybody’s happy, no capitalists exploiting workers to get rich, all sharing and caring and flowers and sunshine and rainbows… It doesn’t work. Karl Marx failed to take into account the simple truth that humans, like all Darwinian creatures, are competitive.

      Inequalities WILL exist in society because all humans are NOT equal. Most people are rich because they are smarter and/or work harder and won the game fair and square. But Marxist theory (fancy name for victim-card playing) disagrees. Marxists believe that the poor are poor not because of bad life choices or they are not intelligent/competent enough or simply because of bad luck, it’s because… “The rich stole from you! Capitalists are exploiting you!” – that is some Bernie Sanders level nonsense right there. Capitalists run the economy. Deal with it.

      Communism stems from a misguided sympathy for the poor. Instead of fixing flaws in capitalism, their solution is this massive wealth redistribution program. Basically, all the money is put into a large pool and everyone gets an equal share. At least in theory. There is a very obvious problem that with such a large pool of money, there will inevitably be rampant corruption, embezzlement and mismanagement. Besides, you cannot FORCE equality. If I’m going to be “equal” to everyone anyway, then why bother working hard at all? I’ll just sit back and chill, the government will pay me anyway. They’ll take money from the rich and put it in my pocket. Such a demotivated workforce will bring down the collective productivity of a nation. The country eventually spirals into poverty, famine and starvation. 100 million+ people died under communist regimes in the 20th century, just saying.

    12. 6:12
      "Down with Capitalism!"

      “Capitalist” for most millennials is a fat, overfed billionaire sitting at a lavish spread and whipping away at emaciated workers who break their backs to fund his gluttony. Why such a negative image?

      Capitalists are people who take risks by investing their capital – money, time, manpower, resources – to create a product or service that they hope to sell for a profit. They provide employment to people, provide a useful product/service to consumers, pay taxes and generate wealth. Someone has to do it. The capital doesn’t necessarily have to be billions, there is no lower limit to the money.

      The most beautiful part of capitalism is, companies compete to create the best product for the lowest price and therefore there exists an automatic quality control mechanism. It’s survival of the fittest. Ever wondered why government services are so terrible? Because of the monopoly. They are the ONLY service providers, no fear of losing out to competition, they can slack off and take it easy. What incentive do they have to act professionally? A guy at a government office can ask you for a bribe, be an absolute jerk, but you have no option but to put up with it. Where else will you go? In a competitive capitalist system, you could simply take your business elsewhere.

      Let capitalists provide you with goods and services instead, they will do a way better job. Not because they are better, very noble, human beings, it’s because they HAVE to behave themselves or lose customers to the competition. Unlike the smug-faced government employee who has job security no matter what he does.

      The best thing the government can do to help people create wealth is “NOT interfere.” Red tape and over-legislation hinder productivity. Just do some quick online research about how laughably bad Soviet Russian cars were, you’ll get my point.

    13. 6:12

      "Your presence is offending me", "Your presence is raping me".

      How many Republicans have you heard say this? Answer: Zero.

      The only people that cry about being offended all the time are the Democrats. The rest of the world is laughing at how entitled you feel.

    14. 6:12

      The Dems now celebrate pregnant men!

    15. 6:12

      I find the left to be just annoying, The western far left is habitually the most stupid, naive people you can imagine.

      You come up with these really goofy constructs and it’s all about feeling good about yourself.

      The Dems think if you feelings are hurt, that’s more important than free speech.

      The Progressive Democrats are a burden on this country. You have a bunch of overeducated, coastal white people, who got ahold of the word "woke" and [like] they do with everything else, they completely f—ked it up and pissed everybody in the country off.

      There's suddenly a certain coastal arrogance in Southern California, mainly places like Encinitas, Del Mar, etc and people feel it. You got all these preachy white entitled people telling you what you should do and take great offense while labeling you if you don't follow suit.

      The Democrats in California are embarrassing to Democrats across the country.

      All you've done is make yourself feel better while hurting others.

    16. 6:12

      You probably support Pam Antil's annual compensation of $387,746.

      If our city council was made up of Republicans would you object to her salary? I'm sure you would.

    17. 6:12

      White liberals dumb themselves down when they speak to black people and they don't even realize it, according to a study done by psychologist a Princeton.

      A new study suggests that the words you use may depend on whether the club secretary’s name is Emily (“a stereotypically White name,” as the study says) or Lakisha (“a stereotypically Black name”). If you’re a white liberal writing to Emily, you might use words like “melancholy” or “euphoric” to describe the mood of the book, whereas you might trade these terms out for the simpler “sad” or “happy” if you’re corresponding with Lakisha.

      But if you’re a white conservative, your diction won’t depend on the presumed race of your interlocutor.

    18. 6:12

      You're a selfish racist only trying to make yourself feel better and don't even realize it. You treat Blacks and other minorities differently than you would with white people, by being hyper sensitive. So you inherently, without even knowing internally label yourself as superior.

      This is the problem with Progressive Liberals. This sense of superiorness, I'm better than you and you should listen to me.

    19. 6:12

      By the way, in terms of socioeconomics, how many poverished Progressive Liberals do you know? Answer: Zero. You're all a bunch of "Coastal Elites".

      It's like Blakespear, Hinze and Kranz screaming "equal opportunity" when they've been and continue to be spoon fed throughout their life.

      It's like Blakespear screaming, "let them in", from behind her. gated multi acre compound.

      It's like Blakespear, Hinze, Kranz and Mali screaming "Black Lives Matter" when Encinitas something like two black residents.

      It's like Blakespear and Hinze screaming "white privilege" on their way to an all white yoga class.

    20. 6:12

      Bottom line, don't try to pretend you are something that you're not. You lose all credibility and don't know WTF you're talking about.

    21. 6:12

      What happened to liberal the ole hippie.

      You use to protest against war, now you love it.

      You use to question government now you happily abide by anything to tell you to do.

      You use to love freedom of speech, now you discourage it, especially if it hurts your feelings.

      You use to be against pesticides and GMO, you were proud of your all natural diet. Now you you support Monsanto and pesticides because Bill Gates and Barack Obama say they're good things.

      You use to hate corporations, now all I see Google, MSFT, AAPL, Facebook (META) the largest corporation in the world pouring all their campaign contributions towards the Dem party.

      I know that the Dems were the original slave owners in the 18th and 19th and voted against women suffrage. I know that Biden has a history of racism, his comments in the 70' and 80's, his friendship with Strom Thurmond. But I guess Biden changed as well. I doubt it.

    22. 7:01,


      “Do we not have record inflation under the Biden Administration?”

      Answer: No. The highest year-over-year inflation rate observed in the U.S. since its founding was 29.78% in 1778. Since the CPI was introduced, the highest inflation rate observed was 20.49% in 1917.

      It’s a lie.

      “Do we not have record high energy, utility prices?”

      Answer: Energy could be many things. Let’s talk gasoline. Fuel cost per mile is near all time lows. Government regulation of CAFE standards has caused cars to get lighter and more fuel efficient, and more and more cars use no gas at all. The cost of a gallon has increased globally with war in Ukraine, but the efficiency of the average car compared to previous decades more than offsets that nominal increase.

      It’s a lie.

      “Do we not have shitty stock market, currently well under what we had when Trump left office?”

      Trump’s stock market returns are among the worst in modern history. When he left office the market return was the same as Jimmy Carter.

      Joe Biden’s comparable return won’t be known until Jan 2025.

      It’s a lie.

      “Are we not contributing billions of dollars to support the Ukraine and Israel in their war efforts?”

      We are, and the American people support it. We are destroying the massive Soviet era stockpiles of tanks and artillery for 5% of our annual military budget without risking the lives of our troops. Great deal.

      Suck it, Russian shill.

      “Has California not seen a mass exodus of residents and corporations leave for other states mainly, TX, Arizona and Florida according to the US CB in the last couple of years?”


      California innovates and invents. We create value. Apple, SpaceX, Oracle, Amgen, Tesla, Facebook, Disney—the engine of growth in the US economy. But when businesses mature and decline, they need to chase cheap labor to take out cost. Cheap labor means a brief stay in a shithole loser state on their way to Mexico and Asia.

      These moves are unfortunate but necessary. They free up California talent to invent and grow the next wave of successful productive companies.

    23. 6:12
      New York Times

      Trump Now Leads Biden
      An analysis of a new set of New York Times / Siena College polls.

      “President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.”

      According to you this would mean that more than half the country are a bunch of racist.

    24. I’m not worried.

      Any election with the POS domestic terrorist will become a referendum on him.

      And he will lose bigly.

    25. 9:14 you’ve proven you’re an idiot. Anyone with half an IQ can see that.

      I don’t believe the Progressive Libs are evil people, their just goofy, not so sharp, no common sense.

    26. 9:14 you’re an idiot!

      Since the beginning of Biden's presidency, prices have gone up 18.3 percent, with, again, only Carter having a higher inflation rate at this point in his presidency. Five of the six other presidents had rates that were 10 percent lower than Biden's — or more

  13. Starvin, the kitchen is getting hot and I'm not happy! You better start another distracting plane post on here immediately or no more boner pills for you!
    -Justin Anthill

    1. 👆🏿💪🏿💯

    2. Please don't cut me off my queen! If you take my boner pills away Phony won't fwd me emails anymore. You and I both know how important it is for me to provide Phony with quality top time if we're going to destroy Encinitas. Please think about the repercussions of cutting off my supply, I'm begging you!

    3. 👆🏿💯+💯

  14. Does Pamela Anthil really deserve a $300,000+ salary?

    Have you seen how many of our Encinitas city employees have a 200K+ salary. That's not including the benefits.

    Instead of fixing our roads and adding benefits to residents like a walkable bridge over the train tracks in Leucadia, bathrooms at Grandview, Beacons, etc, Encinitas is focused on paying pensions high salaries and useless properties such as Pacific View.

    We need a fiscally responsible council, that isn't just thinking about who they can blow to climb the political ladder like Blakespear.

    1. Ask Bruce, he voted for it like he votes for everything else the woke majority pushes.

  15. Pamela Anthill 2022 total pay and benefits $387,746. Yikes!

  16. Add she directed the City Council to hire a ton on not needed staff like two FTEs for the second senior/community center, and another lifeguard LT…. All were a sad joke on tax payers.

  17. * Add she directed the City Council to hire a ton of not needed staff like…

  18. This flucking idiot just received a large retroactive pay raise.

    The taxpayers should revolt and picket city hall.

  19. For 6:12am

    Cry more

  20. @6:12
    New York Times

    Trump Now Leads Biden
    An analysis of a new set of New York Times / Siena College polls.

    “President Biden is trailing Donald J. Trump in five of the six most important battleground states one year before the 2024 election, suffering from enormous doubts about his age and deep dissatisfaction over his handling of the economy and a host of other issues, new polls by The New York Times and Siena College have found.”

    According to you this would mean that more than half the country are a bunch of racist.

    1. Did you say something? 🥱

    2. Your fat turd has caused the Republican Party to underperform in every election since 2016.

      Remember the Red Wave?

      He’s a loser.

      End of.

  21. We all know Phony is retarded, but how and the hell could Bruce support this?

    5:52- 💯. The roads are crumbling. The lack of maintenance of the roads is bad on cars suspension and very hazardous to bicycles. Super expensive mistake to let infrastructure go and build huge unnecessary staff costs.

    Look what the lack of maintenance of the storm drain on Lake Drive cost the taxpayers.

    All the result of electing The TOWN DUNCE the City Council.

    1. Yup and on top of the 1300 units already designated for Quail Garden, L7 will be sold and built. Not a lick of infrastructure to be built in Leucadia to support massive housing/people growth.

  22. Geez, the right wing troll saved up quite a number of posts to regurgitate on this beautiful Sunday morning. Look at the time stamps. Aren't we the lucky ones to have such a domestic terrorist pos of shit showing his ignorant compromised crap here on EU.

    His latest manifesto is nothing new. His ignorance is nothing new either.

    1. Yes, starvin! Good one

      Get this goddamn heat off of me.


    2. Oops.

      I broke his little brain.

  23. @9:14

    All you’ve shown us is that you’re an idiot. Anyone with half a brain knows inflation is at a 40 yr high, that the stock market NASDAQ, S&P and Dow did significantly better under the Trump Administration.

    Do I knees to pull out the numbers for you again and show you the percentage changes in the market compared to the same relative date Trump was in office.

    Of course you justify us supporting other countries war efforts, spending billions on other countries to fight Biden’s cause. You’re too much of a chickenshit, so you get other countries to do your dirty work. You’re a coward and so is the Biden Administration.

    Did I say inflation was at a record level? No idiot… I said it’s at record highs. Inflation is in fact at 40+ year highs because of Biden’s poor fiscal spending.

    California hold the most debt at about a trillion, next in line is New York. 8 of the top 10 debt ridden states are Democrat led. No wonder companies are leaving, remember when Lorena Gonzales told Elon Musk he could go “fuck himself”.

    California is turning into a shit hole and mass exodus is occurring, has for 3 years now. The Census numbers don’t lie.

    Why is it California is the only state in the country, make that world, where people roll their eyes when they here you live there. It’s because of idiots like you.

    1. Well which is it dummy? A “record” high, or a “40-year” high? You understand those two things are different, right?

      Your lie is coming undone. But one of the rules of the cult is never to admit the lie. Just take out your Sharpie and redraw the hurricane map.

      I showed you the data. Trump market returns are 6.1% annualized. Same as Jimmy Carter. Biden’s aren’t known yet.

    2. 2:52 you’re an idiot!

      The stock market has been shit since Biden’s took office.

      You’re either an idiot or flat out lying to protect your party.


      Trump’s DOW had 56% gain
      Trumps NASDAQ had 143% return

      Biden Enters office - 13,197
      Today Oct 25, 2023 - 12,821

      Biden Enters office - 31,186
      Today Oct 25, 2023 - 33,035

      The numbers don’t lie! Biden has been shut for the stock market!

      NASDAQ Historical Chart:

      DOW Historical Chart:

    3. 2:52 idiot!


      On the NASDAQ, Trump is at 48.79% compared to Biden at -2.85% a difference of 51.64%.

      Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Trump is at 33.52% compared to Biden at 10.21% a difference of 23.31%.

      Finally, on the DOW Jones, Trump is at 36.62% compared to Biden at 6.81% a difference of 29.81%.

    4. 2:52 you’re an idiot and continue to spew lies, typical idiot Dem.

      No wonder we have record high inflation, your party is always a mess when it comes to spending.

    5. 2:52 you’re an idiot.

      Biden’s stock market has been atrocious, one of the worst performances ever for a President!

      Here are the numbers:
      Index Annualized Performance

      Donald Trump
      NASDAQ 14.19%
      DOW 11.43%
      S&P 10.05%

      Joe Biden
      NASDAQ 1.01%
      DOW 3.24%
      S&P 5.17%

    6. 2:52 not my fault you don’t know how to read.

    7. 2:52 you’re a liar! Here are the numbers.


      NASDAQ - Trump 48.79% gain.
      NASDAQ - Biden - 2.85% loss Difference of 51.64%.

      S&P 500 - Trump’s gain 33.52% Biden at 10.21%
      Difference of 23.31%.

      DOW Jones
      Trump 36.62% gain
      Biden 6.81% gain
      Difference of 29.81%.

    8. 2:52 you’re a moron!

      Since the beginning of Biden's presidency, prices have gone up 24.2 percent, with, again, only Carter having a higher inflation rate at this point in his presidency. Five of the six other presidents had rates that were 15 percent lower than Biden's — or more

    9. 2:52 as you can see Biden’s stock market has been atrocious for investors.

      As a retired Wealth Fund Manager and Hedge Fund Manager, take my advice, don’t invest! You have no business investing if you don’t have a basic understanding of our markets and the volatility they’ve seen under Biden. Stick with your CD’s and Money Markets.


    10. 2:52 from CNN

      “Biden's stock market record so far is the second worst since Jimmy Carter.”

    11. “Record high inflation”

      As Ronald Regan would say “there you go again.”

      Just more lies from the cult of violence and lies.

    12. 5:18

      Here's a list of our last 7 Presidents. Included is the increase in inflation, energy prices, rent, food and an overall cumulative total.

      The only President to fair worse then Joe Biden was Jimmy Carter.


    13. 5:18 How many articles do you need you lying sack of shit?

      "Biden’s Inflation Crisis is Even Worse Than Jimmy Carter’s"

      "Reckless spending by President Biden and Washington Democrats ignited and then has thrown more fuel on the inflation fire, where now inflation has grown over twice as fast as it did under Carter. To put matters in perspective, inflation is now 500 percent higher than it was when Biden took office. Even at its peak, inflation under Carter had only grown by 200 percent compared to when he took office.”


    14. 5:18 Are you really trying to tell us that Biden's to date stock market is better than Trumps was?

      Do yourself a favor and look at a graph of the NASDAQ, DOW and S&P.

  24. 3:48 don’t mix Democrat and democracy up. Democrats aren’t for democracy. Democrats don’t give a shit about democracy.

  25. 4:48- oh yeah , red.

  26. 4:49- we’ll I’ll show you.

    BLUE!! 😡

  27. Numerous for sale signs along Neptune, hundred thousands of people with means moving out of California and San Diego, thousands of new immigrants with no assets moving into San Diego to get on the social security and welfare system, and big time layoffs and high-paying tech jobs throughout San Diego- the financial winter is coming.

    Fentanyl zombie walkers are welcome by the Mayor in Encinitas and boy are they here.

    Is your finance house in order?

    1. Or, maybe Viasat is suffering because they made a bad strategic bet on geosynchronous orbit for its satellite network. The satellites are so far out that the latency in waiting for the signal to travel to and from the satellite makes the system unusable for applications like financial market trading and gaming. Maybe they are getting their clock cleaned by competitors with low earth orbit (LEO) constellations and lower launch costs.

      You know, like capitalism.

      But that doesn’t fit your fear mongering lies, right liar?

    2. And Viasat’s acquisition of Inmarsat is a classic case of hoping to make a fruit salad by placing two turds in the same bowl.

    3. 5:36 you have bullshit fantasy spin for everything.

      Now you're saying all the people that are leaving Encinitas for other states are from Viasat. You need help.

    4. 5:44, you didn’t read the linked news story did you?

      In fact, you don’t read much at all, huh?

    5. 5:42 you honestly believe that only people from Viasat are moving out of San Diego and Encinitas? No wonder you believe Joe Biden has done a tremendous job with our economy, especially the stock market, that there is no high inflation and gas prices are the lowest they've been in years.

      You're a moron.

    6. 5:46 the article doesn't mention that all the houses for sale on Neptune are from Viasat employees.

      Typical Progressive Liberal loser, always twisting facts to fit their weird narrative.

      Learn how to read without creating your own story.

    7. 5:46 Based on your belief that Joe Biden's stock market is doing great and that our economy is the best it's ever been, I'd say that your reading and comprehension levels are well below par.

    8. I believe that the president of the United States doesn’t control real estate listings on a particular street in a particular small town north of San Diego.

      I also believe that the president doesn’t have buttons under the Resolute desk that control stock prices, gas prices, or the business cycle.

      I believe a spike in deficit spending and money printing like we experienced in 2020 under the POS in chief can overstimulate the economy and trigger a wave of inflation. I also believe that one of Europe’s largest energy producers starting an unprovoked expansionist ground war against a peaceful, sovereign, and democratic neighbor can exacerbate inflation in the energy sector. I believe the best response to this is to rally and strengthen our NATO alliance and assure that all nations with expansionist dreams like China witness the horrific price in blood and treasure that follows.

      I also believe that a POS domestic terrorist tried to “find” 11,280 votes, and that he sexually assaulted a woman in a dressing room, that he committed fraud in his university, in his charity, and in his business. I believe he obstructed justice in refusing to return top secret documents pursuant to a legal subpoena, that he attempted to destroy evidence, that he showed top secret war plans to people illegally, that he watched on tv and did nothing as cops were bludgeoned with the American flag on a pole.

      I believe such a person is morally and legally disqualified and incapable of leadership, and belongs in prison.

    9. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    10. 6:22
      I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    11. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    12. I notice you make no mention of the biden crime family.
      That's odd. And by the way...nato sucks and my hopes are that Israel kills every inbred sand nigger that is still breathing.

    13. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a hoot who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants.

      Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a terrible job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation.

      Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a crap about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    14. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    15. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    16. 6:22

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a terrible job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

  28. 11:20 is a POS domestic terrorist.

  29. 5:13 is the only POS domestic terrorist.

    He/she supports inflation, record high taxes, record high food and gas prices, record high utilities.

    He/she supports getting rid of Prop 13.

    He/she supports funding Ukraine and Israel in their war efforts instead of using that money to help the impoverished.

    Only a POS Domestic terrorist like you would rather help other countries with their problems then their own!

  30. You didn’t answer the question.

    What’s your price?

    What value does your 401k need to be at for you to support the end of democracy?

  31. 5:50

    The only end of democracy I see are from the likes for the Dems, especially the Progressives.

    1.Our Dem council appointed numerous council members while community members demanded that they have the right to vote. That's not democracy.

    2. Blakespear demanded that people use "jazz hands" instead of clapping, so residents watching couldn't gauge how our community felt about items on the agenda. A violation of the 1st Amendment. That's not democracy.

    3. Blakespear, Hinze, Lyndes and Kranz were all caught deleting and blocking people who made opposing comments on their official pages. They were forced to apologize and issue payments for 1st Amendment violations. That's not democracy.

    4. Council fired Bruce Ehlers even after the Planning Commission and the residents unanimously stated not to. That's not a democracy.

    5. Time and time again our Progressive Dem city council voted against the residents and overwhelming majority. That's not democracy.

    6. Blakespear sued her residents over the right to vote (Prop A). That's not democracy.

    7. Blakespear and the Democrat council shortened residents public communication speaking times from 3 minutes to 2 minutes, so residents didn't have enough time make a strong case. That's not democracy.

    8. Blakespear fired long time Encinitas Fire Marshal, Anita Pupping's against community and fire departments wishes. Simply because she stated that Santa Fe and Streetscape were areas of concern for egress and ingress during an emergency. The residents and fire department stood behind Anita Pupping's and voiced similar concerns. The city council fired her regardless of the residents wishes and settled with an undisclosed amount to Pupping's. That's not democracy.

    9. How many times have we seen the residents ask council to vote no on certain developments with our Democrat council voting with a resounding YES, against residents wishes. That's not a democracy.

    10. Blakespear refused to debate her opponent Matt Gunderson during the senate debate. That certainly doesn't sound transparent and democratic.

    So, if you think the Democrats and democracy are synonymous think again.

  32. Facts don't care about your feelings.

    There are only 2 genders.

    Donald 🍊 J Trump will be your next president.

    Cry more w/your orangina derangement syndrome


    1. And yet, you offer no facts.


    2. 6:50 I hope you're right.

      All Biden has done is make life much more expensive and difficult for low and middle income families across the nation. No wonder low and middle income earners are supporting Trump in the polls.

      Biden says nice things, but his policies hurt the American people.

    3. I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    4. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    5. 6:54

      I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    6. biden has Alzheimers and should be at the end of rope as a traitor to the u.s. 6.5 million illegals proves that.
      Everything the left does, they destroy

    7. 6:22

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a terrible job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    8. 6:54 you've been given nothing but facts, but you're too lazy to read the links, even from CNN.

      You're too emotional. You need to look at the numbers, Biden is doing a terrible job for our economy and low and middle income families.

      Every President comes with baggage, look at ole Bill Clinton, remember his fling with Jennifer Flowers and Monica Lewinsky in the Oval Office. He lied to the American people, then was caught red handed, what else did he lie to us about.

      You honestly believe Joe Biden is squeaky clean.

    9. 6:22

      You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

      Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a terrible job.

      His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

      Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

      30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

      Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

      Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

      Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

      We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
      NASDAQ 48.79% gain
      DOW 37% gain
      S&P 35% gain.

      Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

      We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

      So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    10. 6:54 numbers don’t lie!
      Look at our CPI, stock markets, inflation, numerous conflicts with other countries.

      Biden is doing a terrible job for this country’s economy. He’s hurting a lot of low and middle income families.

      I’d much rather have Trump in office and according to the polls, so would the majority of our country.

    11. Sounds like a “Red wave” to me.

    12. 7:42,

      Are you a fan of imperial revanchism?

      If so, do you support Spain and France retaking everything west of New Orleans? And England can have the rest?

      Do you have a “Make Russia Great Again” hat?

      Truth is, if Russia had come to us two years ago with a proposal to destroy their Soviet era stockpiles of tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, barrels, shells, mines, etc. In exchange the USA would be required to pallet up cash equaling 5% of our annual military budget and burn it—we would so take that deal.

    13. 8:38 do you think the fear is in Russian tanks, artillery, small weapons, etc? It’s not! Stock piles of weapons come and go, the equivalent of what we’re spending by helping Ukraine and Israel amounts to a significant amount of money and it’s not even our war.

      The fear is nuclear, not tanks, artillery etc.

      The battle is now fought on an economic scale, that’s how you shut down countries. You impose sanctions, embargo them, make the spend money fighting their enemies by supporting their enemies. That’s how battles are won in the 21st century.

      But keep believing your Progressive Liberal craziness. Keep telling yourself that Biden isn’t spending taxpayer money on useless wars and draining the taxpayers pockets.

      Biden should be subsidizing healthcare, increasing social security, etc instead of wasting money on these war efforts.

    14. So if you fear Russia will go nuclear if they don’t get their way, then we should let them have Moldova, Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, East Germany. . .

      Don’t want to make them mad.

    15. 12:37 Let Russia do its thing, if they want Ukraine, which was originally there's let them fight for it. We have no business policing every single country in the world. Ukraine is the hub of the criminal underworld and here we are defending it. Ukraine is the capital of sex slavery, counterfeit money, money laundering, opium networks, illegal arms dealers, etc etc etc. Is it a coincidence that Joe and Hunter Biden had business in the Ukraine before we began supporting them? Answer: No.

      Let's focus on our country. If we didn't spend hundreds of billions in taxpayer money on meddling in other countries affairs, we'd be much better off. We should be focusing our war efforts on home front, healthcare, medicare, social security, etc.

      We'd be a much more prosperous nation if we didn't get wrapped up in so much BS like the Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, China, Russia, etc.

      Whatever happened to the Democrats of the 60's and 70's that were against war? Whatever happened to the Democrats who always questioned government, now they happily comply. Whatever happened to the Democrats who didn't trust the pharmaceutical industry, were all natural, now they celebrate what they deem as "science" and don't question injecting themselves with pharmaceutical that the government tells them is good.

      Somewhere along the line Democrats changed their party structure. I guess if you look back Dems have changed their party structure several times. Dems were the original slave owners, voted against women's suffrage and much more.

      Then you changed.

      Is that what's happening now? Now you've become huge supporters of everything government does, you believe everything they tell you and bully anyone who doesn't.

      The Dems have sold out.

  33. Looks like EU is deleting comments again.

  34. Any particular reason why you're deleting comments EU?

  35. Not very democratic of EU. Sounds like feeling are being hurt.

    1. You’re a victim!

    2. 7:03 yes, I guess you could say I'm a victim. I'm a victim of censorship.

    3. Wow.

      You must be important, huh?

    4. 8:21 Nope, I’m not important.

      Just had my comment deleted multiple times!

      You can believe or not, I don’t care.

    5. “I’m a victim of censorship.”


      It happens to everyone once in a while. The algorithms that look for content that violate terms of service aren’t perfect.

      Some people don’t throw a victim tantrum like a little bitch.

  36. Yea I'm noticing EU is deleting comments as well. I just saw your comment regarding Biden and it keeps getting deleted. Censorship! I guess this is one of the many reason why people are leaving EU.

    1. It’s so unfair!


    2. 7:38 and what would you call it?

    3. A conspiracy!

      You are so important that Merk Zuckerberg personally monitors and censors your activity.

  37. Looks like Susan Turney is deleting comments again.

  38. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

    You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

    Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

    His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

    Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

    30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

    Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

    Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

    Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

    We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
    NASDAQ 48.79% gain
    DOW 37% gain
    S&P 35% gain.

    Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

    We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

    So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

  39. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

    You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

    Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

    His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

    Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

    30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

    Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

    Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

    Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

    We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
    NASDAQ 48.79% gain
    DOW 37% gain
    S&P 35% gain.

    Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

    We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

    So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

  40. 6:22 I agree with you that you "believe" a lot of things. That's about all I can agree with you on.

    You're too emotional, you need to look at the events and numbers that are in front of you. I don't give a shit who Trump has peed on. If the economy's great, we're not involved in multiple conflicts, energy prices and inflation are in check, etc, I'm happy. Trump can pee on as many people as he wants. Wasn't too long ago when Bill Clinton was getting blow jobs in the Oval Office.

    Bottom line, the buck stops with the President and Biden is doing a shitty job.

    His overspending on ridiculous feel good programs have had no return on investment for this county and have only hurt our dollar, causing sever inflation. Biden's spending our money on feel good programs trying to buy votes and it's been crippling our economy. Thank god we as taxpayers don't have to pay for student debt.

    Stop listening to you emotions and look at the numbers. Look at how much more prosperous our country was when Trump was in office.

    30 year mortgages were 2.75%, under Biden they're 8.5%.

    Gas was $3 a gallon, now it's $6-7 a gallon.

    Utility and energy prices were 57% lower under Trump according to a recent study.

    Food prices and consumer staples have nearly tripled since Trump left office. Why? Because of high energy prices (transportation) and inflation.

    We had one of the best stock markets ever under the Trump Administration.
    NASDAQ 48.79% gain
    DOW 37% gain
    S&P 35% gain.

    Biden's stock market to date been one of the worst (I provided many links to graphs and articles for you). Jesus, just look at the graphs.

    We've seen and supported a record amount of conflicts under the Biden Administration. Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan to only name a few, and now Biden's talking about going to war with China. Biden even withdrew out of Afghanistan leaving valuable military weapons and aircraft behind, killing thousands of Afghans who fell to the Taliban. He should have egressed out of Afghanistan slowly.

    So, I don't give a shit about Trump, his orange hair, who he sleeps with and pees on. All I care about are the economic numbers. Because it's the numbers that are going to help the low and middle income families, not all the feel good bull *hit.

    1. What’s your price?

      At what 401k balance do you support authoritarianism?

    2. 7:02

      The only authoritarianism I see are coming from the Democrats.

      *mandatory vaccines (technically not even a vaccine as you could still receive and transmit the virus).

      *Numerous 1st Amendment violations by the Dems including Blakespear.

      *the attempt to delete our 2nd Amendment by Dems.

      *Increases in taxes.

      *Attempting to get rid of Prop 13

      *Government suing residents, example Prop A.

      * Dem charging gov fees for rain water barrels that you have in your own backyard.

      * Dems trying to reduce solar power credits, so utility companies can have larger profits.

      * Mileage tax

      *Dems attempting to ban gas stoves and fireplaces.

      The only political party I see that’s an authoritarian party are the Democrats.

  41. Who will be denouncing this vile use of electronic communications on Wednesday? Just imagine what is said about people in this community? LOL

    If council really wants to play hardball, they could limit public speaking to the 30 minutes total stated on the speaker slips.

    1. 30 minutes with remainder to be heard at the end of the meeting. Remember like Jerome used to do.

  42. 6:25 Tell us more about how you have no clue how government works. 🤣 Read a book or take a class FFS.

    This is a great EV gripe list though. I could hear it in 🐷👧 voice. I guess 5-0 voting didn't make your list now that Bruce votes with them 100% of the time.

  43. Screw the 30 minute allotment to public speakers. If there are issues that bring citizens to the chambers on their own time, the freaking council should allow as much time as needed for all to say whatever they want in the 3 minutes they are given.

    Public speakers are of so much more valuable than anything the council members have to say, especially when our votes put them up there in the first place.

    The evenings agenda should take a back seat to the citizens who give of their private time to show up.

    1. Yes, especially since the majority of the items on the agenda SUCK!

    2. Write an email, attention seeker.

    3. 6:09 so it can be hidden from public view then deleted by “staff?”

    4. 6:58,

      Now you’re a victim of things that haven’t even happened yet.

    5. Nothing new but you know that. SOP at city hall.

    6. Just curious.

      When the milk goes bad, do you assume you are the victim of a conspiracy?

  44. Public comments are always the best part of Encinitas city council meetings.

    It always really highlights how freaking stupid the mayor really is…. And I thought damn Dalager was a dull tool. The Dunce can be outwitted by a rock.

  45. The steaming pile of 💩 6:25 dropped is what happens when imbeciles get a Facebook degree from University of EV.

  46. How to create a slum- Vote in racist Blakespear and her stupid pet The Town Dunce.

    1. The real way to make a slum is elect Republicans.

      Everywhere Republicans dominate is a shithole loser area with no innovation, no investment, no productivity, no education, no healthcare, no dentistry. Just lots of crime, opioid addiction, gun deaths, poverty, trash, broken glass, appliances and dead cars as yard art, and banjos.

      Elect Republicans and turn Encinitas into Alabama, Oklahoma, Nebraska, or Barstow.

      No thanks.

    2. California carries almost a Trillion in debt, followed by New York. 7 out of the top 10 in debt states are Democrat led. And that debt keeps exponentially getting higher each year.

      California also leads the country in taxes and they keep getting higher.

      California also has one of the worst school systems in the country, ranked #42.

      California also leads the country in percentage of residents leaving the state. Those residents are leaving for Republican states.

      California also leads the country in pollution according to the EPA.

      California also has the worst water quality according to the EPA.

      California has the most traffic and worst roads in the country.

      California has the highest utility, energy, food and consumer staples prices in the country.

      Let's not forget Encinitas was also ranked #7 out 10 top snobbiest cities in the country in 2018.

      California has the highest DMV fees in the country and now Dems are pushing for a mileage tax.

      The more people and corporation that leave California, the higher our taxes will be.

      Bottom line, Dem states are dragging this country down.

    3. Red blue red blue red blue red blue red blue

    4. Let’s talk about the ultimate Republican place.

      Very low taxes
      Very little regulation
      Easy access to firearms
      Very affordable cost of living.

      We are describing Mogadishu Somalia: The Republican Eden.

      Except for the black people.

      Now if only we could replicate Somalia with only white people—that would be heaven on Earth for my GOP friends.

      Good news. It exists. It’s called Oklahoma.

    5. 8:01 you sound like a racist POS Progressive Liberal Dem.

      You’re also an uneducated one!

      Just keep voting for Biden and Blakespear then. Let’s continue to turn this state into an even bigger shit hole then what it’s already become.

      Hopefully Sam Diego will become the next San Francisco. Yippee 🙌 jazz hands.

  47. I just gave you both back four hours of your time today. You can thank me later.

  48. On a Sadder note, rumor is Starvin’ ran out of boner pills and Anthill won’t give him any more until he gets the heat off her back….

    She says the heat is killing her Rod Stewart hairdo.

  49. There is no reasoning with the committed cult loving right wing democracy ending republicans. The weak-minded and spineless republicans fall dutifully in line, and without a whimper , and all for a lifetime criminal enterprise that may be finally paying the price for his and his crime family sons and daughters complete absence of a soul.

    It sounds like you would be happier in some red state where you and your fellow traitors can fly their flags while dishonoring the flag and all it used to stand for.

    1. 11:40

      Try making sense with some reasoning, that might help your cause.

      You just sound like a nutty whack job.

      You provide no data, no sources, no numbers, like your alleged “Joe Biden’s been great for the stock market” or “this is normal inflation” or “all Republicans are racist POS domestic terrorist.”

      Calling people cult members, conspiracists, POS domestic terrorists, racist, just makes you sound like you’re not playing with a full deck.

      Anyways, I can’t stop you from voting for Kranz, Hinze, Lynds, Blakespear, Biden/Harris, Newsome or any of the rest. You probably thought Pelosi and Feinstein were some of our best as well.

      Jazz hands 👐 for you!!

    2. If you don’t like being viewed as a POS racist domestic terrorist, then you could always reject POS racist domestic terrorists.

      “Fine people on both sides.”

    3. 11:40 you are a nut case. Please seek help, you need it.
      It's the same thing over and over again. Racist, terrorist, traitor. Get a job, try not being a useless mole.
      Wait, join the Army, if they would have you.
      8 weeks with a Drill Instructor should wake you
      the fuck up. Come to think of it, you are probably a leftist professor who has never done anything worth while in their lives. A hack at best.

  50. Coast Flight Training. Tail number N43983 where safety isn't their concern. Back and forth over Encinitas 10 times placing your family in danger while they make money.
    And lets not forget leaded fuel exhaust. Today 1:30 p.m
    Coast Flight Training where safety is last on their list.

    1. Cool. I’d love to take a flight lesson. Sounds like fun.

      I’ll ask for it as a Christmas present.

      Thanks for the reminder.

    2. Since you don't live in Encinitas of course you don't care.

    3. Call Coast Flight Training at 1-858-279-4359.
      NO ONE ever answers the phone. Never.

    4. Then I won't bother calling LOL

    5. Maybe they blocked your number.

  51. 5:54 either Marco Gonzalez or Grover. Both worthless to society, they just syphon off others adding no value to society.

  52. Gonzalez and Grover, both useless to society. All they do is syphon off of other people's wealth.

    They add zero value and have done nothing productive.

    One of Coast Law Group's attorney's has a license plate that says "LUV2SUE".

    Coast Law Group the leaches of society.

    1. *you mean the douche bags of society.
